Thursday, August 27, 2009


PM thread.


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Costume Lady said...

Thanks Steve. E veryone is probably having lunch...I'll holler at them!

Costume Lady said...


Costume Lady said...

I was so proud of my NEW bean patch and just discovered a groundhog was enjoying it more than he should have!!
I'M GETTING THE BIG GUN OUT, so, if you hear a HUGE BLAST coming from Shepherdstown Road, you will know that I got him!!!

floralgirl said...

Well once you get him come over here and get the one who is ravaging my garden. He's a sneaky bugger and I just can't seem to catch him when he's in the garden, I just see his handiwork on my plants.

Costume Lady said...

Capt. Gene had a PRIVATE accident with the Rototiller early in the Summer and hasn't been able to do very much in the garden. That is why I planted the beans (He always does the planting)and why I was so proud of myself.
BTW...Gene has REALLY enjoyed reading your cards and messages. He thinks you all like him!;)
He will thank you all in person, later.

Costume Lady said...

Yes, Megan, they can devistate a garden in a matter of minutes. Gene just told me that he set a trap and the groundhog set it off, but got away. WE'LL GET HIM!!

Costume Lady said...

No, Gene won't thank you all in person. Tee Hee He will come on here and thank you:)

Judie said...

Thank you, Steve and thank you, Wanda.

Wanda and Megan, so discouraging to have critters destroy our gardens. No ground hogs around here but the deer have really eaten just about everying -- including Salvia.

Lynn, hope you can get in touch with your sister to find out the facts. So worrisome to have to wait.

Now on to research findings related to juvenile delinquency. Oh, know I'm two days late but having pasghetti and MEATBALLS tonight.

Um, don't want to know too much about PRIVATE and rototiler.


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...


hedgie said...

Found you!!!

hedgie said...
Shuttle launch is now delayed until 11:59PM Friday night.

Thursday, August 27, 2009 1:19:00 PM

hedgie said...

Wanda, guess that means he strained himself??? Poor Gene.
Well, of ocurse we LIKE him!!!! We even LOVE him!!
Watch using the traps, Wanda and Megan.....the last thing you want in one is a skunk...and I know from experience that it happens!!!

hedgie said...

Can't make my Texas Sheet Cake today....don't have enough sour cream or butter...rats!

movin said...

Deb, I hope you get the 'hours' kink in your job straightened out before long.

Things like that can really eat you over time.

I've had a senior moment though, I remember asking you where you work, and I remember you were talking about 'fraud', but I do not remember where you said you worked.



Lolly said...

Oh, yes! We set a trap for an armadillo and got a skunk. You do not want to do that. LOL Wanda, if you get that critter then come to Texas and get our armadillo. He really has not been doing a whole lot of damage just recenty, but he has done a lot in the past month. Jack has been hunting a couple of times, but so far no luck.

hedgie said...

Jim, Deb's gone back to work, I think. She works in an AT&T Call Center.

Mits said...

wow sounds like some pretty smart critters out there....great escape artists:(

Judie said...

Good Grief -- sour cream, butter, and RATS in a Texas Sheet Cake? Gross. Bet Lolly won't like that recipe.

Hi Bob


Mits said...

yes, Lynn, they were talking about that at the news conference the other night, they had 2 windows of opportunity on Friday, less than 24 hours apart, think the next and almost final option is the to go out...later

movin said...

"AT&T Call Center"!!

That's right, Hedgie. Thanks much.



Lolly said...

A few pictures of Harper!

hedgie said...

Jim, Steffi had some great pics on the update, didn't she? Good opportunity for some educating! Have never seen the little stand thing she was using that was anchored into an attachment on her belt. That would surely make it much easier to support the bird on her arm. Deb.....when you catch up this evening, look at Catalina update and let us know if Janie ever uses something like that!

stronghunter said...

Okay. Looking over course offerings for this semester. (For me to take.) How about Introduction to Blogs? No kidding, it is on the list.

This is an on-line course. No classes to attend.

stronghunter said...

Questions my students ask:

Do we have to bring our books to class? (They are shocked when I say yes.)

Why do we have to be quiet if we are only doing classwork?

hedgie said...

Had a choco cake mix on the shelf, so just got it mixed and in the oven....and no, no RATS!! LOL!

paula eagleholic said...

Lynn- it sounded like you had something on your computer that forced you to scan it. Did you get a pop up saying you needed to scan for a virus? If you did, what was the name of it?

paula eagleholic said...

Steff uses that brace because the golden eagle is so large and heavy. She is really hard to hold up on your arm alone. Dr Sharpe uses it too.

hedgie said...

Shirley, sounds like an easy course if it will truly count toward what you need!!!
My freshman gd has two classes that they told the kids to keep their books at home rather than lugging back and forth to class!

Judie said...

Shirley, take the blog course. If you don't use blogs now, it can be useful. I use a blog for students to submit critical thinking responses -- you can set it to work as a discussion or to only let students see their own responses (can't check others and go back to edit).

I don't require students to bring books to class but I think literature would be different -- reading/discussing passages, etc.

Lynn, save some ratless cake for me, please. Also, need to get by the hospital soon -- have not forgotten.

Back to delinquency risk factors.


hedgie said...

Paula it was a large window that popped up that had the Windows logo, and had stuff about Trojan Worm and a big warning placard in the middle, and it said at the bottom that I was infected with a virus that was stealing my passwords and credit card numbers and something else. But the Windows logo stuff looked really faded. I was on phone with my daughter....who said check my Internet Security in control panel and see if my virus protection was wasn't and said I didn't have any!! Never got an expiration notice or anything to remind me that it needed updating. So SIL told me to download AVG, which I did, and ran a scan and nothing aberrant was found.

Mema Jo said...

Hello! Back from the fantastic play date at Jenny's with the 4 Great grandkids. Now I am off to the Dr appointment and when I return I will
be back!

It is hot out there today!

Thanks for the new fresh thread Steve.

hedgie said...

Guess so, Jo! We'll wait for you to reutrn so we'll know you're back...LOL!!Glad play date was fun!

hedgie said...

Judie, no rush about getitng to the hospital...just whenever it is totally convenient for you!

hedgie said...

Oh, no....another sign of fall approaching...see a walking stick and a stupid shield/stink bug on the window.

paula eagleholic said...

You should be OK if AVG didn't find anything. Some of those pop up windows like that are designed to make you think you have one, then you go to their website, and they run a scan and show fake viruses on your computer to try to get you to buy their software!

PC Antispywhere 2009 is one I just had a problem with last week at another business of ours....finally got it removed.

hedgie said...

I had never seen the "prop stick" used before, Paula....really neat invention!
As many times as I've seen Jack Hanna or his people handling big birds, as well as Jarod Miller and the handlers he visits on his would think they would all use it!!

hedgie said...

Okay, Paula....I thought it was maybe something like that!

wvgal_dana said...

On for now just to tell everyone. Thank you for your prayers. Eye surgery went good. I look cool typing here with Hollywood Sunglasses lol bye for now

stronghunter said...


The blogging class looks interesting. It is focused on how to set up a blog, and how to use blogs with students.

stronghunter said...

Dana, so good to see you back. I am sure you do look cool with the sun glasses.

paula eagleholic said...

Dana - glad it went well. Ed should take a picture for us, LOL

paula eagleholic said...

Blog class sounds great Shirley...

hedgie said...

LOL!!! Candy just had her birthday all over again...she opened my e-card today! Poor girl is SO busy!!!

magpie said...

Good Eagle Afternoon...

Sounds like Gene and Wanda are working on the Captain's Birthday.

Happy Birthday again, Gene - our A#1 Chauffeur of the Eagle Express ! xo ☺ ♥

magpie said...

Kendra, is the daughter of a co-worker to Becky, who is Sharon's and Sissy's niece....

Thanks for the link to her site, and prayers for her healing...


magpie said...

Sounds like a great visit you have coming up Sharon
we'll forgive you in advance if you disappear from here for a few days...

Lynn Prayers for answers and healing for our aunt...
and Dana - yes - have Ed get a picture of you in those Hollywood Sunglasses ! Hope things continue to go well for you.

magpie said...

Going to bring this over from the previous thread, a message from NCTC's Steve from yesterday:

"We are looking at doing nest/cam maintenance early next week, some time M-W.

Steve "

magpie said...

Great new captures from Loretta from nest visit Aug 26 - and Megan - slideshow is fun on the Momsters album....

magpie said...

Anyone out there hearing Spring Peepers ? My friend in NY has them in his woods....

And lots of little green and leopard frogs..

Only wildlife I have seen lately is a mouse at the office :(

and a few little bunnies in the neighborhood

magpie said...

Woof on those new hours, Deb !

Hope there is a silver lining in there an opening at a Veterinarian's office or a Wildlife Assistant somewhere

Judie said...

Lynn, guys probably don't want to use a "prop stick."

Hey Shirley, blog class is fun and it is not difficult at all. I use it with Blackboard which you likely know about.

Okay, I too will wait for Jo to return so I'll know she returned -- Hi Jo!

So very, very happy Dana that all went well. Bet you look just like Paris Hilton with those glasses.

Off to the kitchen and MEATBALLS!


stronghunter said...

Judie, I know about Blackboard, but I have never used it with my students. I have told them that I am going to be showing them how to use Blackboard so that they will have a head start when they go to college. I will have to go back and play around with it some.

I may have to take two courses. It looks like the weekend classes may not go. Not many students have signed up. Others offered include Daily Digital Images, which requires the use of a digital camera and Designing a Virtual Field Trip.

I have always enjoyed the computer classes I've taken, but sometimes I have just gotten lost in time because you can just keep going on some of those projects.

Going to shut down and go home. I am still at my desk at school.

stronghunter said...

I bought a bunch of prepared meals at Ukrops yesterday. Thank goodness.


magpie said...

Sounds like you will be getting those students well-prepared, Shirley

Time for me to say so long, work time looms...,my back is not nearly so sore today, BioFreeze, ice, heat and rest seems to have helped. I took me 10 minutes just to buckle my sandles yesterday...

Hope Jo's doctor's appointment went well.

Tomorrow is Frday... Wear Red ☺

Judie said...

Terrific view of Diego right now.

hedgie said...

Margy, my sis, not mom's!!!! Thanks for prayers.

Hey, Dana....sunglass lady! Glad you were able to spend a few moments with us.

Judie and lost me! Blackboard?? Anything like blackberry??? i don't know much about it, either!!
Never heard of that grocery, either, Shirley!

Judie said...

Shirley, could you learn to create a virtual field trip through some literary work -- trip through Canterbury Tales? Now that would be a truly fun way to explore literature -- at least for me. Blckboard is a dream come true! Hard to comprehend how much work was done by hand that is now almost instantaneous -- class rosters, grades recorded, etc.

Have a slow night Margy.


Judie said...

Lynn, Blackboard is software designed especially for education. It automatically creates class rosters, it can automatically create grade columns and post grades, it can be used to blog or have dicussion forums, it is used to send an email to the entire class or post an announcement. Great stuff!

Judie said...

Oh, I think Shirley has a "secret" grocery store -- I never heard of it either.

magpie said...

Just jumped back on for the updates..
Lynn - oh, dear, your sister...sorry I got confused
We will be waiting on the udpates...hope they will be encouraging reports.

TTFN Hope this is a Good Evening for all....


Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, eagle watchers,

I'm dragging back in, with iced coffee in hand. It's REALLY hot here again today, and I'm afraid I just wilted and took a long panda nap after breakfast and a few chores. The patio thermometer is rather scary--but the sun has started to hit it. The thing says it's 120 out there, which probably means it's about 105. I'll be able to tell for sure at about 4:00, when the sun's farther west and doesn't hit the thermometer any more. Does a real psych job on you! Really need some inspiration for dinner tonight--can GUARANTEE that I'm not cooking!
Need to get caught up on the blog; will be right back.

stronghunter said...

Ukrops is based in Richmond. It is a very nice store.

Yes, I use Blackboard for some things, but have not done too much because I could not use it for the whole class until this year. I have always had a combination dual enrollment/honors course. Not all students were enrolled in the college aspect of the class.

I posted a couple of pictures. I trust you all not to say mean things about me while I am gone. Neat freaks should not look!

Now I am really going.

Hope I can get a movie for tomorrow. Need to do that, at least for part of the block. Curriculum based, of course.

Mema Jo said...

Hello again! Back from the Dr's..
Reducing my prednisone which is a good sign. Down to just 10 mg.

Hot dogs going on the grill..
Family coming over.. & yes! Meatball is here again! Had a fantastic ride on the school bus - and a great school day!

BBL (After dinner)

hedgie said...

Anyone ever been to a Christian rock concert? Me, neither, but I'm going tomorrow night!!Wonder if I need earplugs??? Carolyn's highschool boyfriend has recently returned to this area from Fredericksburg, and he is performing at a local church. Shirley, ever heard of Doug Farris and Company? They recorded out of a place there called Wally Cleaver Studio!!

hedgie said...

Margy, guess you are on your way to work now, but wanted to say: wear slip-ons when your back hurts!!!

floralgirl said...

Ah, Shirley, I live amongst organized judgement here. I have two desks that resmeble yours right now.
Dana, glad to hear your procedure went well.

Ms Bookworm said...

So glad to hear that Dana's surgery went well! Thank God! Bet you look like Jackie O. with the sunglasses! Prayers for your speedy recovery!

Wanda & Megan, sounds like you need a neighbor like mine (the trigger-happy one!). Maybe a nice terrier or wiener dog would do the trick!

Glad Capt. Gene is having a good Birthday!

Lynn, sorry to hear about your sister! Hope you hear about it soon. Praying for that situation!

Shirley & Judie, Blackboard sounds like it would save all kinds of time for you! Amazing.

Deb, I hope you can get your schedule arranged so it works better for you. Know how frustrating that can be! Prayers that it will work out OK.

Gosh, Hubby will be home soon. Gotta get busy figuring out dinner.
I'll be back later tonight...

deb said...

I am home and caught up. I will say my hours aren't as bad a Margie's. I shouldn't whine, I am just a morning person, so it will just goof me up for awhile. i am still looking though, I just took this job because they were the only ones hiring when I went back to work.

hedgie said...

Deb, if you stick with it long enough to adjust, you might find that you like it!! We'll hope so, anyway! How is Janie? Any update on Gabby?
Andy, sounds like a SALAD night for you!

floralgirl said...

No neighbor needed, Andrea, no problem eliminating the groundhog here, if we could just get a shot at him.

Capt. Eagle said...

Hope I'm not interupting your supper, ladies. I just wanted to take the time to thank you for all your wonderful Birthday cards and greetings...from coast to coast and across the pond. Looking forward to meeting the new Ladies at Open House in October.
You Momsters ROCK!
Capt. Eagle

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

We love you Gene!

Mits said...

your the best, Gene:)

floralgirl said...

Hey! It's the birthday boy! But I didn't send a card...sorry, I'm so forgetful when it comes to that sort of thing. Hope your birthday is going great!

hedgie said...

Birthday Guy, in person! Hey, Gene, we love ya'!! Thanks for all you do for us. You really have your hands full keeping us straight! You deserve all the kudos you get!!!

Anne-Marie said...

Just checking in and found out it was Gene's birthday. Sending Hugs and birthday wishes......

Anne-Marie said...

Saw my first groundhog last year on my trip to WV. I thought it was a beaver.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Big difference in a groundhog and a beaver Anne-Marie. A Beaver is what you get at Bluefield High School! GO BEAVERS!!!!!

Anne-Marie said...

Ah Sharon I'm one of those California Sissy's

hedgie said...

Hi, Anne Marie! How be ya'??

Anne-Marie said...

getting better Hedgie. At least I'm not falling asleep in the middle of the day any more. Still a little weak but every day get better.

Anne-Marie said...

Well its off with me. BBL

ceil said...

Hi Anne Marie good to hear from you. Hope you will be all better soon.
Captain Gene. Are you having any Eagle Talons tonight?

floralgirl said...

We just got 22 drops of rain here, I have collected it in a bucket and am trying to decide which lucky plant will receive it. Hope it doesn't evaporate before I decide.

stronghunter said...

Hi, I am now at home. Again today, as on several other evenings recently, I have seen deer grazing on the very edge of Route 3. Today it was a fawn with fading spots. It gives me a near heart attack. So close to the road.

Danny is going to come close to the Outer Banks.

Mema Jo said...

Good to hear from you Hollywood Dana !
Lynn, here's thinking of your sister.

Capt Gene thanks for taking the time to stop by on your Birthday

Armadillos & groundhogs are the top varmints of the day!

Beautiful little chipmunk in the PA woods.

Mema Jo said...

Anne Marie, I am sorry I missed chatting with you but I am really thankful to hear that your strength is returning and you are doing better. You can't rush the healing! Think of you often & prayers said for you daily.

Mits said...

wonder if it is Chip or Dale?

stronghunter said...

Yes, Anne Marie. Good to know that you are better, and Capt. Gene, it was great to hear from you on your birthday.

Mema Jo said...

The other 22 rain drops that you missed Megan made it over the mountain into the valley!

floralgirl said...

Send those drops back here immediately!!

stronghunter said...

I am going to zone out for awhile.

Judie said...

Jo, good Dr. report and good hot dogs -- what more can we ask for?

What a lovely gift from Capt. Gene. Happy birthday guy -- YOU ROCK!

Anne-Marie, so happy you are getting better everyday. Keep at it, girl.

Yes, I like "Hollywood Dana" so maybe that should be your new name.

To all my new friends, I will likely be out of here for tonight. 4:30am comes early as I must go with Frank to the VA hospital for his heart catherization tomorrow morning. Will be out all day. Just hope they can fix what is wrong during the cath and not have to go back for serious surgery. I'll check in if I can't sleep and to turn the night light on.


stronghunter said...

Judie, we will be thinking about you. God bless.

stronghunter said...

Girl kidnapped 18 years ago found alive . . . CNN.

floralgirl said...

Will keep you and your hubby in my thoughts, Judie. Hope everything goes well for him.

paula eagleholic said...

Evening, eagle friends!

Cleaning night here...good thing, nothing on the TV!

paula eagleholic said...

LOL, Shirley, my kitchen table has become my desk. It looked about like that (Actually worse!) until I cleaned it off last night and tonight. GF and Hubby and her parents from England are coming over tomorrow night for pizza and margaritas and wine. We had to have a place to's almost cleaned off now.

paula eagleholic said...

Judie - will be thinking of you and Frank tomorrow. Hope everything goes well.

Megan - not even a drop here!

floralgirl said...

Someone is not rain dancing properly....
I have fresh chocolate chip cookies, just out of the oven....yummy!!!

Mema Jo said...

JUDIE - my thought and prayers will be with you and for Frank's procedure to be successful.

paula eagleholic said...

I'd be right over Megan, if I didn't have to vacuum and all that other fun stuff. Maybe I'll have an ice cream treat when I'm done :)

floralgirl said...

My vaccuum is broken...I'm trying to repair it right now. Piece of junk...Wonder if there's a cash for clunkers for vaccuums?
I'd gladly share them with you Paula:)

paula eagleholic said...

Lucky you! My vacuum is all taped together, but it still works. I hate vacuuming.

paula eagleholic said...

Thanks for sharing :)

paula eagleholic said...

OK, really gotta go vacuum. Hope you can fix yours, Megan.

floralgirl said...

I hated this vaccuum soon after I bought it. Gonna need duct tape to fix it.

Mema Jo said...

You two vacuum away! I am starting to be invaded again with the STINK BUGS !
I hate the way they zoom you when they get in the house!

floralgirl said...

Oh no, I cannot vaccuum tonite- still baking cookies. And the vaccuum has betrayed me, it won't suck anything up, and yet it sucks.

floralgirl said...

And I keep spelling vacuum wrong, and I don't know why.

Mits said...

raccoon party and fight at PIX

hedgie said...

Judie, will be praying for good outcome for Frank tomorrow.

Remember, no jammie partee tonight! Shuttle launch set for 11:59 tomorrow night....maybe!!

Talked to Sis...she has Lyme disease, osteoporosis (no big surprise), and her mammo was abnormal so is scheduled for ultrasound next week. Also learned that her hubby's BIL has liver/spleen/lung cancer, and is not doing very well. So asking for your prayers, please, for sis Gail, & her BIL Glen.

Not a speck of rain here!!! Guess someone else got my 22 drops.

hedgie said...

Think I'm ready to cut into the chocolate cake! Anyone want a piece? Choco-PB icing!!

floralgirl said...

Scared the heck out of me earlier when the food dispensing machine at PIX PA came on- could not figure out what that noise was.

floralgirl said...

I hear thunder, looks like there's a storm near us, not sure it will hit here, though.

Mema Jo said...

PB icing ! Oh No! My favorite !

Please make another one for our get together for Open House - My b-day will have just passed but I will eat it even if it is a few days old!

paula eagleholic said...

OK, have to take a break. Handle broke off again where I glued and taped it on the vac...waiting for the glue gun to warm up...

floralgirl said...

Interesting repairs...I'm thinking of taking a chain saw to my vacuum.

hedgie said...

Okay, Jo, chocolate cake w/ chocolate/PB icing AND Pizelles for Open House!!

paula eagleholic said...

LOL, I would love to chuck mine to the curb...but it still sucks...that is when it isn't clogged. And I hate paying for another one, although I hate this one...know what I mean?

paula eagleholic said...

Maybe we should just chuck the vacuums, take your cookies Megan, and head to Lynn's for cake too.

paula eagleholic said...

I'll bring my ice cream :)

floralgirl said...

Oh, I know what you mean, I don't want to spend any $ on a vacuum. This one has an issue with the hose, it collapsed at the end, so when I turn it on it closes up and then won't pick up anything. And it is so loud the dog goes nuts and everyone in the house complains about it. What ya gonna do? heading to Lynn's sounds like a plan, although no offense, I would rather head to Mit's place at OC.

paula eagleholic said...

Maybe Lynn would like to bring the cake to the beach...

Mema Jo said...

Does anyone see a black cat in the PA woods?

ceil said...

Prayers for Lynn's sister and for Judie's Frank.
Lynn I will be there for some cake.
Jo glad your appt. turned out well.
Peaceful dreams to all and to all a good night.

paula eagleholic said...

Oh, found out something pretty cool...guy from our carpet company is putting carpet in a house for Extreme Makeover.

Mema Jo said...

Extreme Makeover fascinates me.

No cat in the PA woods... My Bad!

hedgie said...

You are all welcome to come, of course, but think I'd rather go to Mits' place, too!!!
I had to buy a new vacuum about 5 yrs. ago and I couldn't believe the prices!!! Sure hope the one I have lasts the rest of my life.
Paula, I heard that Extreme Makeover was doing a place in the DC area. Wonder how long before it will air?
The one in PA (Mont Alto area) last Nov. didn't air until maybe Feb. this year.

stronghunter said...

Lynn, prayers for your sister and family.

Prayers for Judie and Frank.

Folks, please do not attack vacuum cleaners with chain saws. That sounds downright dangerous.

I must sleep. See you tomorrow.

paula eagleholic said...

Now the stupid light came on cause the bag is full. Changed the bag...unclogged it...still needs to sit. I hate vacuuming.

stronghunter said...

When I lay down on the sofa to zone out, George jumped on my stomach and started to knead. Love George, but George is heavy.

floralgirl said...

It's extreme repairs, that's all. The chain saw will win every time. But ok, I'll put the chain saw away.
That's cool, Paula. Sometimes I watch that show, although no one else in the house likes it.
Wanted to go to bed early, but gotta wait for hubby, poor guy isn't home yet, he's worked about 60 hours the past 4 days, he is slam wore out! Guess I'll watch Project Runway.

paula eagleholic said...

Yup, he's going to the one in DC...not sure when it will air.

My son tended bar at the Mont Alto wrap up party!

paula eagleholic said...

Long days, Megan. But ya gotta take them when they come.

hedgie said...

Ted Sorensen is on Larry King. My dad knew him, and somewhere is a book that he autographed. Mom doesn't remember anything about it. I'm not sure what book it is, but I suspect maybe JFK's Profiles in Courage....possible that Sorensen was the ghostwriter; he also wrote JFK's inaugural speech. My book shelves of all daddy's books are double-rowed, and Lincoln and Civil War books are all in the front...don't want to go digging in the back in the night! But also suspect that mom may have Profiles in Courage....sis will look while she's at mom's tomorrow.

hedgie said...

Paula, my oldest daughter and a friend of hers signed up to volunteer at Mont Alto, but never got called.

hedgie said...

Did you hear about the girl kidnapped in '91 who walked into a police station yesterday w/ her kidnappers????

Lolly said...

Hi all! Hate to tell Megan where I have been. We were eating dinner when it started getting very dark. Jack said if it rains, lets open a bottle of wine and sit on the patio. Well, guess what, we had a terrific storm. We sat on the patio...way back so as not to get wet. Terrific wind, thunder and 1 1/2 inch of rain. Wahoo! Then I came in and read about Megan's 22 drops and the 22 drops that went over the mountain. I was sitting here giggling and snorting!! Yes, I snorted!!! Megan, if I could send you more...I would! problem with your desk here. You would not believe my desk when I was teaching. However, a kindergarten teacher is never at her desk.

Lynn, prayers for your sis and BIL and a few for you too, as well.

Okay, need to go for a while. We are going to prepare a meal for the freezer. We bought some special meat for a special meal and it needs to be prepared.

BBL Oh, it was great to hear from you Capt!!!!!! Hope Wanda has taken good care of you today.

floralgirl said...

Yep, he told the guy he's working for to get out there and sell more of that type of job, he's ready to work every week.

hedgie said...

She's been locked up for all these years, and had two children by the a--hole who grabbed her.....

floralgirl said...

Well the guy who grabbed her was a pedophile, yes? And should never have been let out of jail.

floralgirl said...

Weird story from VA tech, apparently two students found shot at a Jefferson National Forest campground that is a popular hangout for students.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Yes, Megan, that about VA Tech was on the Roanoke news tonight. Also, two people also found dead in Lynchburg.

hedgie said...

Lolly, are you teasing our palates or what?? What kind of meat and what kind of meal???? Can you tell??? Hope it.'s not rattlesnake or something wierd like that!

paula eagleholic said...

Ew, didn't hear about the 2 any of the situations. Didn't know the girl brought her kidnappers with her, either.

floralgirl said...

Maybe the mystery meat is groundhog! lol....

Mema Jo said...

No storm but did lose power for about 1/2 hour. Back on and lanterns being set on the table as a just maybe....

Hubby called Allegheny to report (of course they already knew) but them I just answered the automated call and was asked to confirm my power was back on by pressing 1. Oh my what technology!

paula eagleholic said...

MOre like armadillo...

Mema Jo said...

lol Jack finally shot one!

floralgirl said...

Ah yes, armadillo stew.

hedgie said...

Yep, Megan, he was. Apparently his parole officer is the one who realized that something funny was going on...guess he convinced him to turn themselves in.

Heard brief report about VT kids in the forest---were they dead? Didn't hear about Lynchburg.

deb said...

Lynn, prayers for your sister and her BIL.

Dana, glad everything went well with your eye!

Judie, I hope everything goes well tomorrow.

Megan, I hope there are more jobs waiting for your hubby!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Yes, Lynn, they were dead.

floralgirl said...

Yes, students were shot.
Thanks, Deb. Hope you can find something else if you can't stand your new schedule.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Also, there was a woman who didn't show up last week for the first day of her first degree murder trial, they issued a warrant and apparently they found her dead body in Arkansas.

hedgie said...

Sharon, so now we wonder why she wasn't in jail w/ a first-degree murder charge!
Just like we have a local mother who killed her baby by throwing him into the crib, and she's out awaiting trial. What's wrong with this picture???

deb said...

I am off to bed. I have been trying to get caught up with my pictures, I am way behind. Maybe tomorrow!

Night everyone!

Lolly said...

Not armadillo....veal, veal scallopini. We top each scallopini with prosciutto, some Italian parsley, mozzarella cheese and Parmesan, roll it up and tie it. We freeze it, then when ready to cook it cooks in olive oil and white wine. Yummy in the tummy!

floralgirl said... I'm hungry....
Hubby finally home, gotta make him some food.

Mits said...

Good night everyone, prayers for all.

hedgie said...

G'night, Deb!!!
Lolly, that sounds delicious!!! Love veal scallopini when it's cooked right (not like the Clarion cooked it during our March visit!).
Thanks all for adding folks on my list to your prayers.

Mits said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
hedgie said...

MT AM nest at Finney.

Mema Jo said...

Time to call it a day

Thinking of Judie & Frank - Dana -
Lynn's sister and her sister's bil.

Prayers for healing!
Good Night All
((hugs)) ♥

Mits said...

I must be tired.....your right Lynn, it is the FINNEY nest that is MT...FINLAND nest is not working still, because of the thunderstorm.

floralgirl said...

Wow- watching the news, this kidnapping story is unbelievable. Guy is a real sicko.

hedgie said...

Right,'s still stuck on the 26th, I think. You've been quiet today, gal...hope everything is okay with you!!
Good night one and all.....peaceful sleep with only good dreams is my hope for everyone. Prayers going up. See y'all tomorrow.

Lolly said...

Just visited Jay Scruggs blog on Harper. He has posted a precious picture of his two kids sacked out. Bless that family!

Judie said...

Back to say goodnight.

Many sincere thanks for thoughts and prayers for Frank and others in need. I've got the bestest friends ever!

Course, would rather be eating chocolate cake, brownies and veal parmesan. Oh, and a G&T on Lolly's patio. Maybe two G&Ts.

Gonna be a long day without the computer and my friends.

I'll be back tomorrow after all is done. Just hope Frank doesn't have to stay overnight. Turning out my light now but leaving the night light on for others.

Hugs to all,

floralgirl said...

Isn't that just one beautiful picture of them sleeping :)

Lolly said...

Glad you went and looked at the picture, Megan. It is just precious, and to think this family is just getting started. So wonderful!!

paula eagleholic said...

Danny is supposed to stay off the coast, but heavy surf is forecast...

paula eagleholic said...

Sounds delish, Lolly.

Finally done all the vacuuming, dusting, bathrooms, etc. It's good when company comes over, otherwise I'd never clean! Actually did it a couple of weeks ago...not so bad this time.

Oh, and got the margarita glasses all ready!

And with that, I'm heading to bed!

Hugs to all ♥

floralgirl said...

Darn, I was gonna ask you for a margarita...
Nite all:)

Costume Lady said...

I have been reading comments from this evening and like Lolly, have been giggling and snorting at you girls. Using a chainsaw on the vacuum, making Armidillo Scallopini, students wanting to know if they should bring their textbooks to class, etc....yep, sounds like the Momsters that we all know and love:) I'm wondering what plant Megan decided to put all of her 22 drops of water on;)
So many prayers needed tonight and thankfulness for HOLLYWOOD DANA having sucessful eye surgery (take care, Dana, a few more days and it will all be a thing of the past).
Heard on the news while driving GeeGee to doctor, that I-81 was closed southbound...can you enlighten us Margy or Lynn? We were Northbound Tuesday when it was closed due to the truck spill. We were alerted by radio and detoured at Inwood exit 5. Worked beautifully.
Well, I am really rambling on, need some sleep.


Ms Bookworm said...

Good evening, everyone,
I'm back for just a bit to say goodnight.
Lynn, prayers being said for you, for sister Gail, and her BIL Glen.
Jo, glad you had a good Dr. visit!
Prayer of thanksgiving!
Judie, prayers for you and for your husband, Frank--for his procedure tomorrow.
Anne-Marie, so glad you're feeling better with each day! Prayers for your continued improvement. Keep on keeping on!

It's still very hot here, about 88 outside at nearly 8:30. Got up to 102 today. We ended up having fast food again--not the best for our diet, but not enough stuff for a big salad until we go grocery shopping on Saturday. Barely saw any of my birds today; they're all hiding out in the trees, panting with droopy wings.
Our many lizards were really enjoying the heat, though. They're so tame that when I water flower pots, they follow me around waiting for the water to drain out so they can take a drink! The several baby ones from this year are catching on fast, too. They're growing quickly. No more herons now; they're all gone until next nesting season. Seems awfully quiet around here at night!
Well, think I'll say g'night. Prayers for a good night's sleep for all of us, and I'll talk to you in the morning. God bless!

Ms Bookworm said...

Oh--almost forgot to say "You're welcome" to Capt. Gene! Thank YOU for the nice on-the-blog greetings!
Hope your day was really special.
Now I really am saying goodnight!

Ms Bookworm said...

P.S.~~ Pulling a 'Margy' here to say Shirley, if you get tired of George and his kneading, you can send him out here for a SoCal vacation any time! My Mai Tai used to do that, and I still miss him! (He's been gone for 25 years!)

Lolly said...

Time for me to say good night. Has been a good day. I accomplished some major cleaning in the kitchen and then it rained. Not bad!!

Tomorrow is Friday! Wahoo for the teachers who have finished their first week back. I know how tired you are!!

Time to head to the shower. Talk at you manana.

Sweet dreams and God bless!

NatureNut said...

Sorry on so late, but Stopzilla was zapping bugs! Slows everything down while it's scanning. Maybe I'll send it to Jo's!
Prayers for all those with ailments and getting tests & all God's creatures.

Gotta mention that I have had to make corrections about the Koo w/fish pictures.Someone on another forum had a sequence of captures just 2 minutes before the one ww/the cleand salmon showing Dad bring it. Bummer.
Not absolutely positive about the small whole fish. The lady that posted it said she did not actually see her flying in, but it looked like it to me and it's not cleaned. The males always clean them before giving to family. So that's that, but it's a mute point.

Night Everyone, Pleasant Feather Dreams ;>)

floralgirl said...

Eagle in the nest! Now both! Lib just flew in with a stick

floralgirl said...

Lib just flew out

floralgirl said...

Belle just flew out

magpie said...

Nice going Megan...I got here too late to see them...

floralgirl said...

Just dumb luck...stupid crows woke me up, man I hate those buirds.
Eagle is BACK! with fluff

floralgirl said...


floralgirl said...

Both are busy moving sticks around.

floralgirl said...

MARGY- are you watching? both are back in the nest.

magpie said...

Yes I am watching now Megan. Thanks !

magpie said...

Funny how one decides to leave when it does, guess that was Belle that bailed.

floralgirl said...

Yeah, I think that's who it was. missed her leave, gotta make kid some breakfast. And she's back with a big stalk.

floralgirl said...

Jeez- fight breaking out over the latest stick placement- some pushing and shoving, and then a stare down.

magpie said...

I've never seen them that cantankerous with each other before!

deb said...

I see an eagle, what a nice way to wake up!

deb said...

And poof. Good morning everyone who is up this morning.

magpie said...

Hi Deb !
Wow, the two were really having a near-shoving match, over one rather large stick!

Glad you got a glimpse of the one at least, think it was Liberty.

magpie said...

Got four pics onto the Momsters Album...

Hope they come back for the next round of morning risers ☺

deb said...


deb said...


magpie said...

Yes they certainly are !

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2/20/25 PM bird

1203 PM NN Scout comes to the nest with a load of bedding again. He seemed to leave with something in his talons. He has a beak full of bedd...