Good morning from SC. My grandson, Talmadge and I have been catching up on all of your good comments and new sites. Loved the pictures of the poor little eagle with the broken bone. Will write more later. Oh yes, I got stung by a wasp at the river and ended up getting cellulitis on my arm, was so painful. Those things are mean buzzards. My husband had a patient who came in with several bites and was going into shock. Also ended up falling in the office and got a laceration on his head. He's fine now. bye for now, Gwen
Shirley, I didn't realize I hadn't told you all that the caterpillar who excaped from his house had been captured! I found him the next day, trying to get up onto the patio door. He hasn't been very well, he is eating some, but not much...should have turned into a chrysalis a long time ago. Don't think he is going to make it. I have two more babies and they are grown fast. My caterpillar that Gene videoed should be a butterfly Sunday or Monday. I hope we are here to video the event. We may be in church. Gonna keep a close eye on him and hope we can catch the action:)
Did you see my two new babies on Wild and Wonderful? They were on some milkweed that I had brought in to feed the ecapee. I also spotted an egg getting ready to hatch, this morning.
Norma, that was just my second visit to the Kennedy Center. I went with three of my children to see Phantom of the Opera a while back, but we did not have time to go to one of the restaurants then. Susan and I allowed lots of time for this visit.
It is very nice to get all gussied up and go out for a special evening like that.
Funny, we used a GPS to get us there; it kept telling us to turn right when we could SEE the Kennedy Center on the left. . . we reverted to our own instincts at that point. I am sure the things are useful, but we had to laugh about some of the things it did.
On the GPS--Susan says she always gets lost when she goes into DC, which is why she wanted it. The family joke is that I always end up over in Virginia at the Pentagon parking lot and Kathryn ends up at the Iwo Jima memorial.
We actually usually do a little better than that, but it is still a challenge.
SHIRLEY---The bus group is cool!---Drop you off in front----bus there to pick you up after play!----We usually ate lunch at the KENNEDY CENTER then!----Glad you all had such a marvelous time---
I am always happy to have someone else do the driving. We went to a play at the Folger Shakespeare theater once, and when it was over, we needed to catch a cab back to where we'd parked. The streets were dark and lonely, and it took awhile to catch a cab. That was a little bit scary. I was with Suzi and Kathryn that night.
When we used to go to OCEAN CITY---would go through DC---HUSBAND often got lost---We were lost--hot--before a/c ---one child said--'Dad--we have passed that bldg 3 times'----WHOA!
Good Morning All! What pleasant weather we have - good for hiking! I haven't read earlier thread - will do so in a little while. Enjoy your trip to Richmond, Steve! Those hail stones are BIG! When I checked last evening it was raining. It's a shame about all the damages. Going to check out some cams..
News article explains why we couldn't get connected for a while to the SD Zoo panda cam. It crashed for about 30 minutes due to the overload on Thursday. I think it is the tail of the cub that I can see now at Bai's arm.
Morning all. Wow...Sturgis hailstorm a real mess. Feel really sorry for those folks. Remember a storm about 12 yrs. ago that hit right after I got to work for 2nd shift--so much soft-ball sized hail damage to employees cars that insurance company agents came to the plant the next day! Luckily, I was privileged enough to park in the garage! Also went through a bad one on the road on I--81 at Christiansburg, Va once in Nov. I was driving and I was panicked! Deb, good to hear that the eagle survived another day. Shirley, thanks for neat Prez Pets list---check the irony of U.S. Grants' pets names! I never REALLY get lost in the city---just sometimes take the long way around!! Sometimes to avoid a certain area, sometimes because I forget one-ways or something and have to circumvent!!! Phantom was the first professional show we ever took the grandgirls to---they were 7 and 11 that year and both absolutely fell in love with theater!
The worst getting lost adventure I recall, though, was in Columbus, Ohio, on a hot summer night. We had taken our eldest child to the hospital and had to leave him there--possible Reye's syndrome.
My husband was so upset on the way to the hospital that he drove right over a traffic island. We stayed at the hospital for a long time and it was very late when we headed home without our son. (Had left daughter with a neighbor.)
We got lost and ended up in the red light district. We were riding around with the car window open when a woman came up to the car and propositioned my husband with me sitting right beside him. Not a pleasant night.
KOO--is alone in the FINLAND NEST!!--The other 2 OSPREY chicks have flown away----& she is trying--so hard to lift off---BUT SHE CAN'T----she can do a beautiful wing span----hurts to watch---SENDING AN EAGLE PRAYER----
Wanda, glad you had a nice evening and more yummy food! I must have missed that you had lost a caterpillar! Sure glad you found it. Hope that you do get to film the next stage of development!!!
If anyone is a fan of The Princess Bride---the writer and singer of Storybook Love from that movie passed away at age 59 yesterday. Willy DeVille--he was quite a unique talent. Google him if you want!
On getting lost . . . when the kids were small and they would ask me if we were lost, I would say, "No, I just don't know exactly where we are now, but I will figure it out." I did not want to get them too upset! Now, if we are around here, we always say that we know we will eventually find an I-95 sign, and that is all we need.
And Steve Tyler actually broke his shoulder in that fall off the stage in Sturgis---being treated now in Boston.
40 yrs. ago today was the infamous Abbey Road album release by the Beatles---their last album. Those were the best of the rock'n'roll days as I liked it!
When we were in school---a/c in cars was a big deal----(we would drive around with the windows up---so folks would think we had a/c--- THOSE WERE THE DAYS----
That was some hail storm they had in Sturgis. I've never been in one with the extra large stones, and I've always wondered how the animals, wild and domestic, do in those killer storms.
Deb (or somebody who knows), what is the story on the sick young Bald Eagle? I didn't get the original report, and I don't think I saw the latest either....
Last I read you were getting baby food to try and revive it....
Good Afternoon Eaglebuds. Been catching, checking cams. Shirley, I bet your yellow birds are goldfinches, also known as "Wild Canaries". Saw all 3 chicks at Finney nest awhile ago, sunset & a chunk of fish there. Now saw just Mom & Koo. Got stuff to do outside before it's too hot & baby wrens are still in the house squawking---won't be long--better take camera out. Best wishes for Tom & Deb's eagle☺
Thanks, Mema Jo, for the update on the sick eagle ... or was it starved?
Norma, I was thinking about the air conditioning in cars from your comment. And I don't think it was even offered in Ford and Chevy until maybe 1960. I drove a few from the early 60's that had it, but I think is was the mid-80's before I bought a car with A/C.
Looked A/C up in Wikipedia, and it says Packard was the first company to put it in cars....1939.
Boy, we NEVER drove with the windows closed in hot weather for any reason. But, growing up on the coast in Del Mar, except for a few days in summer, we really didn't need A/C in our cars. If you go a few miles inland though, as I am now, it's an entirely different story.
Good morning! Got lost on YouTube. LOL Went to see a video and ended up watching a lot of videos. A friend, who has a daughter from China, recently posted about a family who is having to leave their new daughter behind. Today they put on YouTube a video of daddy saying goodbye and leaving her. I am sure Mommy was not in the picture as that would have been even worse. The little girl has TB and will not be admitted to the US. The present tests are negative, she is still on meds, but insist on another round of tests. It is very sad!!! This just happened this week.
Jim, no one knows for sure what happened to the Eagle. It has a slightly injured wind, Janie assumes it is a light break, but no x-rays have been done yet. When Janie got the Eagle it was in shock, dehydrated and close to starving. So far so good, but the next 36 hours are crucial.
Hi Jim! How's everything in SoCal? If I remember correctly, my '56 Buick Roadmaster had AC (I got it in '68)--it also had the starter in the accelerator, and once started you could take the key out of the ignition and get out and lock the door, leaving it run on cold mornings to go into a 7-11 for coffee or soda on the way to college classes! Way cool!
Yes, it is an American couple adopting the little 4 year old Chinese girl. They were not told of this when they went to get her. Now they can not afford to stay over there another 45 days. They both need to work.
Oh, Lolly, what a heartbreaker. I can't stop crying. How unfair. What an amazing bond they share, despite the language barrier....wonder how long they have been in the process of adopting her? It's as if this child were natural-born to him; she certainly has an uncanny understanding of his being her daddy, but not old enough to understand WHY he has to leave.
Interesing bird sounds just a few ago, maybe a duck or goose or what? Just getting on, have to read backwards, hope it is mostly good news that I will read.
Sad story about the adoptive parents, Lolly. Adoption is so important, but is so difficult at times, inside and outside the country. Dana had posted a prayer request several months ago about someone at the Wellness Center who was struggling to complete an adoption...don't know how that turned out.
Hedgie, I'm sure all the luxury cars had A/C by '56, although I had forgotten about the Buick.
A Navy friend had a pink and white 56 Buick Special ... lighter car with the biggest engine. A/C in that beauty for sure, but it was not even offered yet on the '56 Ford Fairlane that we bought ... or the '56 Chevy my friend's family had. I'm not sure what year it did show up in the Ford, Chevy, Plymouth models. Had to be by 1960, I think.
Auto transmissions were a little ahead of the A/C, but when I got my license, most vehicles still had manual transmissions, and I HAD TO drive a manual in CA to get my license. I don't think they changed that until the late 60's.
I've always liked sports cars and economy vehicles, so I usually buy the manual transmission. Both of the vehicles I own now have 5-speeds.
However, if you are going to do a lot of commuting during rush hour out here with all the stop 'n creep driving, autos are definitely recommended.
Back----so sorry Lolly about the adoptive family--prayers for them too. Out doing a couple p;ant transplants, watching the wren house. One little bugger is starting to creep out the door, look around & squawk. He]ll probably fledge in day of 2. Checked the bunny site--it rained the night I first saw the "lid" in the grass & I figured they drowned. But today, there's about a silver dollar size hole at back of the grass & hair lid. I got down & peeked & saw grey something--nose or head!!!!They're in there!!!Just checked the area & the lid wiggled!Hope they make it & we get to see them emerge!Bunnies aren't dumb---they know we have inside cats!
Have a good shift, Margy! A quiet one, I hope! Loretta, your yard is an absolute menagerie!!! Jim, is it normal for the adults to leave this early? What about the juvies? Are they able to make the trip their first year??? I don't know much about osprey!
Oh, man, it is hot!! Just stepped out for a few minutes. Wanted to water some, the water coming out of the hose would scald a person!
Yes, I do not know this family, but lifting them up in prayers. It will be a tough time before they can get back to get her. Poor little thing, she gets parents and then they are gone. Poof! I am not sure who they left her with, but apparently an American woman and not back in the orphanage. And, did you hear, they are going to talk on a cam to her everyday. That will be so important.
Yes, I thought she was American, Lolly...the interpreter didn't seem to be too skilled with English, tho'. Wonder where the mother was through this leaving ordeal? And did you see where AT&T cut off their phone service? Wonder who was doing the could hear she/he cryimg, too, as were the others.
I just came in from watering my flowers. I wondered why they looked so sad, then realized they were DRY! All that rain we had has dried up in front of the house, but not the back. Hope they recoup.
Lynn or you remember the really nice group photo that someone took last Open House? I have found one, but it is not the best. There is another floating around somewhere, but I don't remember who has it. I checked the Momsters Albums, but the nicest one is not there. I told our new ladies that I would post that photo with names on everyone so that they may put a face with a name. Help me if you can remember where this photo is.
We would love to have you come back and visit us, but that is a long way just for a one day venture. We will be happy to put you into a bottle of wine. We will need a new picture. One with you pond in the background. I love that pond!
A skinny picture in front of the pond. LOL Will work on that, Wanda.
Good, Lynn, you knew exactly what pic she wanted.
Oh, I will be back, don't you worry! Oct is a perfect time to travel east. This year, however, we are going to Albuquerque with Jacob for the Balloon Fiesta.
My poor little Jacob got stung on the foot today. His foot is swollen big time. Laurel said that before his foot started swelling his blood veins in his foot stood out like they were swelling first. She made an appointment with an allergist last month, but could not get in until Sept. In the mean time we watch him carefully.
Time to think about dinner. However, not much thinking to do. Tonight it is left overs. Fixed Italian sausage and peppers over Parmesan Cheese grits last night. Yummy! Plan to add some ears of corn to the menu. I am getting sleepy as well as hungry.
LYNN, YOU ARE A DEAR!! Thank you, that is the one. You have made it easy for me...I will just pick up the names from the caption and put on their faces:)
Wanda, my caption came through???? Can't believe it!!! When I transferred them to a disc, they didn't and not in my Windows pic file, either, so thought it was only visible while in Picasa!!
I am home and have not so good news on our Eagle patient. He is struggling this afternoon, I hope that everything turns around for the better for him. How sad. :(
I am waiting for a cool front to go through and then I need to get out and mow. It is 91 here, 81 in Yankton. I missed all the storm warnings while I was at work, nothing hit around here so that is good.
They released 12 Osprey today, so far all are accounted for. If anything exciting happens they are going to call me. The wind blew them the opposite direction from where we want them to go, so 4 Osprey are across the river. The good news is none went in the river!
I finished reading comments and you can ignore my picture finding comment. Let us know when it is on your blog, Wanda. Great of you to post it for all the new ladies.
Deb, sorry things aren't working out for the eagle, but hooray for the osprey!
Jo, I have posted the photo that Lynn sent me and put names on their faces (near their faces)...they are smaller than what I remembered, so they don't show up very well, but it's something for our new ladies to go by. Hopefully, Shirley and Judie will come and be with us in October for Open House, then they can see in person how beautiful and thin we are;)
Checked the picture. I do appreciate it. I am surely hoping to be at the open house on Oct. 17. I mentioned it to Judie when we were together. I know she would like to be there too, but don't know her plans at this point.
Found an interesting website on chimney swifts. You all were trying to describe the towers, and I found all kinds of information on building one, etc.
They are flying all around here every evening just before sunset. All I have to do to see and hear them is step outside the door. I tried to get a video, but those little devils are really fast.
Shirley, you will love going! Last year was my first time and I so badly want to go again. I know these ladies better now. And, I still want to go!!! LOL
Jack and I took off for the east with our trailer and after the open house we headed to the big city. If I lived close I would definitely be there!
Every day was special. Friday was special, especially walking in on poor Wanda with her hair wrapped in a towel. Love you, Wanda! Dinner that night was interesting as we did not know a soul...but I recognized several from pics. Saturday was fun and Saturday night was the best! Really got to visit with Loretta and so thoroughly enjoyed it. Sunday we did the train ride and I finally got to meet our beloved NORMA. I knew her right away. Then Sunday night was just awesome!!!!! Along with Deb and Paula, I finally met Belle and Lib. We were at the nest until dark and it was an evening forever etched in my mind. Jack came along for the ride and he enjoyed it as well. He especially enjoyed Sunday evening at the nest.
Ceil, we went without power for a couple of days or so after Hurricane Isabel--you probably did, too. That was not easy. I felt so out of touch with the world. One of the neighbors had a noisy generator that was annoying with the windows open. Was so happy when they turned it off.
I think the really hot weather is supposed to come tomorrow, so good they got it when they did.
If you right-click on Wanda's pic and Save Pic to your computer...and then right-click on it and cloose open with Windows Pic Viewer, you can zoom in on and make it bigger!!!
Thanks, Lynn. I was wondering if that would work, and apparently it did. Usually can enlarge right there on the blog, but I guess because it came from an email, that made the difference.?
I have been seeing the same hairdresser for years, but sometimes if she is not there, I get someone else to do a cut or something. Didn't want anyone else for the perm, though.
She did not approve of the cut I had. Thought I should have waited for her to come back from vacation! I do enjoy her. She mumbled and fussed and fixed. I think I am ready now.
Sometimes she "threads" facial hairs. Have you ever had anyone do that?
Not much hair . . . I tried having my eyebrows darkened so that you can tell I have eyebrows, but the truth is there's not much to darken and I had a bad reaction to the dye, so I don't do that anymore. I just use a little brush.
Going over to facebook for a while. I have a message from, what I hope is a cousin in Italy. He says that my Grandfater was his Uncle...I would imagine he would have been his great uncle. I'm trying this ancestry thing, Lynn:)
The lady who does my hair is Iranian. It says here it is an eastern method. I tried to find a pictue of her doing it; it was featured in the paper once, but could not find it. It is a bit painful, but not too bad. Tweezing is painful, too.
Just had the cam on to check the FOREST & heard clunking in the mic. Somebody's perched there! Here's a bizarre TX story from my daughter....SIL left at 3AM w/boat to p/up some buds for the Gulf of Mexico to dive and fish.They put in south of Galveston where water is deeper. Sherry decided not to go. She just got in touch w/him---he was 25 miles out w/dying motor!He called boat tow co. he belongs to, Thank God! He will spend night on shore there where one of his friends lives.
Oh, that is a scary story, Loweeda. Aren't you glad your daughter did not go. I can not imagine being that far out. I want land in sight unless I am on BIG cruise ship!! My brother takes his boat far out and his son, my nephew, goes miles out on his jet ski. He goes out to scuba. NOT me!!!!
You are right, Lynn, frustration has set in. This is the message that was sent to me: "Hello Wanda, these days the town of andro Caulonia lighthouse and then you know" I have no idea what he is talking about.
Jack and I have been to Italy twice. The last time was through Anyway, there were a couple of groups, all women. They were having a ball. Let's go!
My last message to this fella was asking him if he knew my grandfather's father's name. The reply I got makes no sense. I told him that I didn't understand what he was talking about. Do you think he is pulling my leg?
Loretta, the first message he sent me was in Italian and I translated it. This message was sent in English. I'm thinking he lost something in the translation. Wish I had paid more attention to my Grandfather when he tried to teach me to speak Italian!
Was gonna work on some pictures to post--daughter sent some far away pics of painted bunting. I never put baby robins on, but don't know if anyone would be interested. Everyone's seen robins! Got ospreys from Park too.
BTW, since it's getting late & some may be hitting the hay, Pleasant Feather Dreams...and blessings for Tom, Deb's eagle and all those who need them ;>)
Will let you know if he sends me a message that makes more sense. If he doesn't, I don't know where to go next. I'll have to ask him about his father, maybe that will help.
My Mother's parents were from Poland & she and all the aunts & uncles had to learn English for school. But when I was a youngster,grandparents would speak in Polish & Mom said they could understand them but forgot how to speak back, except in English. I probably remember about 3 words!
Loretta, my grandson who has been a bird lover all his life once said he would like to see a painted bunting more than any other bird. He just graduated college this Spring after studying 4 years of Environmental Science. He's looking for a job working with wildlife. Those jobs are hard to find. There is a job opening at NCTC which pays 23,000 a year. He makes that much working at Beach Bum!
Hey, Wanda....why not get someone to write to the cuz in Italian??? Maybe someone at The Venice in Hedgesville or at Giovanni's would help!! Definitely think something got lost in the translati0on on that last note! A Momster cruise sounds like a fabulous idea!!! Let's go! Loretta, we'd all love to see more of your pics! Hope your SIL still enjoys his trip, but know that your daughter is really relieved that he's on dry land!
Looks like another Kennedy is on the way to heaven....Eunice Shriver doing very poorly in at bedside. She sure achieved a lasting legacy with Special Olympics!
Karla went down to her in-laws beach house for a sabbatical of sorts. I'm sure she would love to have lunch eith Candy if they could hook up:) Candy has been "Not herself" since her son went into the Army.
Lynn, I think I can go to the site that Helen told me about and have my message translated into Italian and then send it to him. Yah, that's what I'll do. I knew if I talked this over with you girls we would come up with something:)
Shirley, get you head out of the trees and tell me what you think of the situation. Do you think this guy is for real...? Let's see, Judie is the psychologist, maybe she can play with his head.
For sure, Wanda....she has taken it very hard and I think has some real bitterness---she could probably use a distraction! Do you have her address or phone number? Would Karla want to do that? If I was going down I would certainly grab her and take her to lunch or dinner and give her a drink and a hug!!! That would have to make her feel better!!! No mention on our news about bad weather down there!
Wanda, are you talking about the cuz??? Doubt that he's a nut or anything! I think I'd be alittle careful about the onliune translation tool.....maybe use it and then have it double-checked by someone who is fluent in both---because just one little glitch could be very insulting or completely misunderstood!!!
Wow, time flies when your having fun. 11:26! I'm outta here.
PS My caterpillar is going to hatch tomorrow, probably while we are at church. Gene says we should take him with us. We can have him christened if he hatches there. LMBO Nite
Goodness, I sure can't type tonight! I am heading for the tub! Will check back before I turn in. For all hitting the hay, good night, sleep tight, don't let the bed bugs bite! Oh, and please keep prayers going for friend Ken--he remains critical in ICU, even tho' Drs. say he will improve.
ROFLMBO!! I just hope I don't think of you at church tomorrow while I am in church. Can't you just see me sitting there giggling. They will haul me off to the looney bin!!
I am sooooooo late! I got caught up on a Disney Movie! Love them!
I love lighthouses - when's the trip?
Wanda - I hope that butterfly waits until you get home from Church
I better close it down Megan Save me a bouquet I am going to market tomorrow Jenny, Aaron, Michael, Melissa with Sophia and Donavon will be there! Mellow Mood for lunch!
Sorry, Wanda--I wrote Lol. I know it's late but I put on weather channel & they said nothing about Outer Banks, so I guess there's nothing brewing. Nite!!
NEWS FLASH Copied this quote from Loodenskalender Forum by Renendeli.Sun. 8-9-09, Finland time. "The first flight happened 10:08-10:11. Koo returned on the nest in one minute (or two?)." Have a couple pics of almost empty nest.
1 – 200 of 243 Newer› Newest»Good morning from SC. My grandson, Talmadge and I have been catching up on all of your good comments and new sites. Loved the pictures of the poor little eagle with the broken bone. Will write more later. Oh yes, I got stung by a wasp at the river and ended up getting cellulitis on my arm, was so painful. Those things are mean buzzards. My husband had a patient who came in with several bites and was going into shock. Also ended up falling in the office and got a laceration on his head. He's fine now. bye for now, Gwen
Hi, Gwen and Talmadge...come back when you can stay longer:)
Good to hear from you!
Thanks for the new thread, Steve, and for the call over, Wanda.
How is the second little caterpillar?
We have been missing you, Gwen.
Shirley, I didn't realize I hadn't told you all that the caterpillar who excaped from his house had been captured! I found him the next day, trying to get up onto the patio door. He hasn't been very well, he is eating some, but not much...should have turned into a chrysalis a long time ago. Don't think he is going to make it. I have two more babies and they are grown fast. My caterpillar that Gene videoed should be a butterfly Sunday or Monday. I hope we are here to video the event. We may be in church. Gonna keep a close eye on him and hope we can catch the action:)
Did you see my two new babies on Wild and Wonderful? They were on some milkweed that I had brought in to feed the ecapee. I also spotted an egg getting ready to hatch, this morning.
MORNIN' GWEN---I have missed you --wondered why we haven't heard from you---wonderful that you have joined us this am!---cool---
THANKS STEVE for the new SUNNY thread!----ENJOY your weekend!!---Thanks for the call over WANDA!
Norma, golf ball to baseball sized hail pounded Sturgis area last night. Damage to houses, campers, bikes with just a few minor injuries.
Time for work, bbl.
SHIRLEY---I just sent you a message about my love of the KENNEDY CENTER & the WATERGATE RESTURANTS---on the old blog---ho!
DEB---Keep forgetting about working on Sat----Hope the day goes fast-----
WHOA!---DEB---That is terrible--can't imagine hail that LARGE!---Now that would sting a bit!!!
Norma, that was just my second visit to the Kennedy Center. I went with three of my children to see Phantom of the Opera a while back, but we did not have time to go to one of the restaurants then. Susan and I allowed lots of time for this visit.
It is very nice to get all gussied up and go out for a special evening like that.
Funny, we used a GPS to get us there; it kept telling us to turn right when we could SEE the Kennedy Center on the left. . . we reverted to our own instincts at that point. I am sure the things are useful, but we had to laugh about some of the things it did.
I have never seen baseball-sized hail and really do not want to, at least not the damage something like that can do. Goodness!
The yellow birds are back. BBl.
On the GPS--Susan says she always gets lost when she goes into DC, which is why she wanted it. The family joke is that I always end up over in Virginia at the Pentagon parking lot and Kathryn ends up at the Iwo Jima memorial.
We actually usually do a little better than that, but it is still a challenge.
Going on a bus with a group would be nice.
Going to check out the yellow birds, now.
SHIRLEY---The bus group is cool!---Drop you off in front----bus there to pick you up after play!----We usually ate lunch at the KENNEDY CENTER then!----Glad you all had such a marvelous time---
Sturgis Hailstorm
I am always happy to have someone else do the driving. We went to a play at the Folger Shakespeare theater once, and when it was over, we needed to catch a cab back to where we'd parked. The streets were dark and lonely, and it took awhile to catch a cab. That was a little bit scary. I was with Suzi and Kathryn that night.
Yes, think how awful it would be to go somewhere like that on a vacation and be caught in a camper, or worse, a tent when a hailstorm hits.
We sat out a hailstorm in an SUV once, and it was plenty noisy, but the hailstones were not nearly that big.
Guess the guy was glad that it was a rented car he was in, but I hope he had insurance of some kind . . . I guess that could still be a problem.
When we used to go to OCEAN CITY---would go through DC---HUSBAND often got lost---We were lost--hot--before a/c ---one child said--'Dad--we have passed that bldg 3 times'----WHOA!
NORFOLK---M/T Nest--
Good Morning All! What pleasant weather we have - good for hiking!
I haven't read earlier thread - will do so in a little while. Enjoy your trip to Richmond, Steve!
Those hail stones are BIG! When I checked last evening it was raining.
It's a shame about all the damages.
Going to check out some cams..
My husband always got lost up there, too. It is easy to get into a scary place in broad daylight up there.
News article explains why we couldn't get connected for a while to the SD Zoo panda cam. It crashed for about 30 minutes due to the overload on Thursday. I think it is the tail of the cub that I can see now at Bai's arm.
Morning all.
Wow...Sturgis hailstorm a real mess. Feel really sorry for those folks. Remember a storm about 12 yrs. ago that hit right after I got to work for 2nd shift--so much soft-ball sized hail damage to employees cars that insurance company agents came to the plant the next day! Luckily, I was privileged enough to park in the garage! Also went through a bad one on the road on I--81 at Christiansburg, Va once in Nov. I was driving and I was panicked!
Deb, good to hear that the eagle survived another day.
Shirley, thanks for neat Prez Pets list---check the irony of U.S. Grants' pets names!
I never REALLY get lost in the city---just sometimes take the long way around!! Sometimes to avoid a certain area, sometimes because I forget one-ways or something and have to circumvent!!!
Phantom was the first professional show we ever took the grandgirls to---they were 7 and 11 that year and both absolutely fell in love with theater!
The worst getting lost adventure I recall, though, was in Columbus, Ohio, on a hot summer night. We had taken our eldest child to the hospital and had to leave him there--possible Reye's syndrome.
My husband was so upset on the way to the hospital that he drove right over a traffic island. We stayed at the hospital for a long time and it was very late when we headed home without our son. (Had left daughter with a neighbor.)
We got lost and ended up in the red light district. We were riding around with the car window open when a woman came up to the car and propositioned my husband with me sitting right beside him. Not a pleasant night.
Good to see you Gwen! How is summer in SC? We are supposed to possibly hit 100 on Monday, w/ an even higher heat index!
KOO--is alone in the FINLAND NEST!!--The other 2 OSPREY chicks have flown away----& she is trying--so hard to lift off---BUT SHE CAN'T----she can do a beautiful wing span----hurts to watch---SENDING AN EAGLE PRAYER----
Wanda, glad you had a nice evening and more yummy food! I must have missed that you had lost a caterpillar! Sure glad you found it. Hope that you do get to film the next stage of development!!!
If anyone is a fan of The Princess Bride---the writer and singer of Storybook Love from that movie passed away at age 59 yesterday. Willy DeVille--he was quite a unique talent. Google him if you want!
On getting lost . . . when the kids were small and they would ask me if we were lost, I would say, "No, I just don't know exactly where we are now, but I will figure it out." I did not want to get them too upset! Now, if we are around here, we always say that we know we will eventually find an I-95 sign, and that is all we need.
And Steve Tyler actually broke his shoulder in that fall off the stage in Sturgis---being treated now in Boston.
40 yrs. ago today was the infamous Abbey Road album release by the Beatles---their last album. Those were the best of the rock'n'roll days as I liked it!
Hate to drive on I-95, but it will take me home if I know whether to go north or south, and I can usually figure that part out.
heck kids--i get lost in romney!
I am partial to the Beatles, Elvis Presley, the Beach Boys . . . music from that era. It reminds me of younger days.
Getting a perm for the new school year today. Will have to get ready soon.
HEDGIE---WANDA always has GOOD FOOD!---Aren't we glad she likes to share----
Koo not alone now. Trying to see if she is getting fed.
Looks like not being fed right now.
Flock of birds back at Finney nest.
HEDGIE---I keep forgetting to thank you for the info--in re:--knee problems!----friend was very excited about the last one--
WOW!---HEDGIE----you neglected to tell me to turn down my vol--ho!
When we were in school---a/c in cars was a big deal----(we would drive around with the windows up---so folks would think we had a/c---
I LOVED THE BEATLES---STILL DO!---I shared a birthday with JOHN!---my favorite!!
** GOOD morning **
** everyBODY **
That was some hail storm they had in Sturgis. I've never been in one with the extra large stones, and I've always wondered how the animals, wild and domestic, do in those killer storms.
Deb (or somebody who knows), what is the story on the sick young Bald Eagle? I didn't get the original report, and I don't think I saw the latest either....
Last I read you were getting baby food to try and revive it....
Hi Jim - Deb's report late last evening was that the Eagle is still alive - feeding by tube with baby food.
Deb is at work now - hopefully a new update from Janie when she comes home.
Time for lunch.... BBL
Good Afternoon Eaglebuds.
Been catching, checking cams.
Shirley, I bet your yellow birds are goldfinches, also known as "Wild Canaries".
Saw all 3 chicks at Finney nest awhile ago, sunset & a chunk of fish there. Now saw just Mom & Koo.
Got stuff to do outside before it's too hot & baby wrens are still in the house squawking---won't be long--better take camera out.
Best wishes for Tom & Deb's eagle☺
Thanks, Mema Jo, for the update on the sick eagle ... or was it starved?
Norma, I was thinking about the air conditioning in cars from your comment. And I don't think it was even offered in Ford and Chevy until maybe 1960. I drove a few from the early 60's that had it, but I think is was the mid-80's before I bought a car with A/C.
Looked A/C up in Wikipedia, and it says Packard was the first company to put it in cars....1939.
Boy, we NEVER drove with the windows closed in hot weather for any reason. But, growing up on the coast in Del Mar, except for a few days in summer, we really didn't need A/C in our cars. If you go a few miles inland though, as I am now, it's an entirely different story.
Good morning! Got lost on YouTube. LOL Went to see a video and ended up watching a lot of videos. A friend, who has a daughter from China, recently posted about a family who is having to leave their new daughter behind. Today they put on YouTube a video of daddy saying goodbye and leaving her. I am sure Mommy was not in the picture as that would have been even worse. The little girl has TB and will not be admitted to the US. The present tests are negative, she is still on meds, but insist on another round of tests. It is very sad!!! This just happened this week.
That is sad, Lolly.
Jim, no one knows for sure what happened to the Eagle. It has a slightly injured wind, Janie assumes it is a light break, but no x-rays have been done yet. When Janie got the Eagle it was in shock, dehydrated and close to starving. So far so good, but the next 36 hours are crucial.
As soon as I can I will get a picture. I didn't bring my camera as I didn't want to stress the bird anymore.
Lolly, that would be so hard to have to leave the little girl in China.
Hi Jim! How's everything in SoCal?
If I remember correctly, my '56 Buick Roadmaster had AC (I got it in '68)--it also had the starter in the accelerator, and once started you could take the key out of the ignition and get out and lock the door, leaving it run on cold mornings to go into a 7-11 for coffee or soda on the way to college classes! Way cool!
How awful for those parents, Lolly. Are they American? Is the little girl American or an adopted Chinese child?
Lynn, any word on the coyotes today. We have lots of them in SD, but mostly out in the middle of nowhere and you hear them more than you see them.
I missed the big Sesquicentennial Parade this morning. I would have missed it anyway, if I weren't at work, I would have been with the birds.
Back to work for me, bbl.
No, Deb, no new news on the coyotes.
Are you going to check on the eagle after work?
Yes, it is an American couple adopting the little 4 year old Chinese girl. They were not told of this when they went to get her. Now they can not afford to stay over there another 45 days. They both need to work.
About the little Chinese girl.
Oh, Lolly, what a heartbreaker. I can't stop crying. How unfair. What an amazing bond they share, despite the language barrier....wonder how long they have been in the process of adopting her? It's as if this child were natural-born to him; she certainly has an uncanny understanding of his being her daddy, but not old enough to understand WHY he has to leave.
Interesing bird sounds just a few ago, maybe a duck or goose or what?
Just getting on, have to read backwards, hope it is mostly good news that I will read.
Good Eagle Afternoon, Friends
Thanks for filling me in on the eagle's progress, Deb. I sure hope it makes it and does well.
Sad story about the adoptive parents, Lolly. Adoption is so important, but is so difficult at times, inside and outside the country. Dana had posted a prayer request several months ago about someone at the Wellness Center who was struggling to complete an adoption...don't know how that turned out.
GOod afternoon - It's been a calm one. Getting ready to go to 5:00 Mass -
Lolly - I'll view the video upon my return but add them to my prayers now.
Hope Shirley will be satisfied with her new hairdo!
Thinking of Judie and Sharon who were/are on the road.
Talk with you later.....
Hedgie, I'm sure all the luxury cars had A/C by '56, although I had forgotten about the Buick.
A Navy friend had a pink and white 56 Buick Special ... lighter car with the biggest engine. A/C in that beauty for sure, but it was not even offered yet on the '56 Ford Fairlane that we bought ... or the '56 Chevy my friend's family had. I'm not sure what year it did show up in the Ford, Chevy, Plymouth models. Had to be by 1960, I think.
Auto transmissions were a little ahead of the A/C, but when I got my license, most vehicles still had manual transmissions, and I HAD TO drive a manual in CA to get my license. I don't think they changed that until the late 60's.
I've always liked sports cars and economy vehicles, so I usually buy the manual transmission. Both of the vehicles I own now have 5-speeds.
However, if you are going to do a lot of commuting during rush hour out here with all the stop 'n creep driving, autos are definitely recommended.
I see Bai Yun still holds her baby in her paws and breathes warm breath on it to keep it warm...
Probably forms a better mother-baby bond too.
Back----so sorry Lolly about the adoptive family--prayers for them too.
Out doing a couple p;ant transplants, watching the wren house. One little bugger is starting to creep out the door, look around & squawk. He]ll probably fledge in day of 2.
Checked the bunny site--it rained the night I first saw the "lid" in the grass & I figured they drowned. But today, there's about a silver dollar size hole at back of the grass & hair lid. I got down & peeked & saw grey something--nose or head!!!!They're in there!!!Just checked the area & the lid wiggled!Hope they make it & we get to see them emerge!Bunnies aren't dumb---they know we have inside cats!
Haven't lucked in to seeing Bai's baby since the birth vidoe---must always hit it at the wrong time!!! How cute---kind of like mom-to-baby breathing!!
Jim, I can drive a stick, but sure wouldn't want to if I still lived in the city!!
Both adults on the nest at BWO. I think the female might be about to migrate to South America for the winter.
Whoops, the time bandit has struck.
I have to leave for work soon....
Good Nature News, Loretta.... sounds like a lot of fun at your place!
Best Wishes for a Good Evening, all.
God Bless Us, Every One
xoxo ☺ ♥
Have a good shift, Margy! A quiet one, I hope!
Loretta, your yard is an absolute menagerie!!!
Jim, is it normal for the adults to leave this early? What about the juvies? Are they able to make the trip their first year??? I don't know much about osprey!
Oh, man, it is hot!! Just stepped out for a few minutes. Wanted to water some, the water coming out of the hose would scald a person!
Yes, I do not know this family, but lifting them up in prayers. It will be a tough time before they can get back to get her. Poor little thing, she gets parents and then they are gone. Poof! I am not sure who they left her with, but apparently an American woman and not back in the orphanage. And, did you hear, they are going to talk on a cam to her everyday. That will be so important.
Yes, I thought she was American, Lolly...the interpreter didn't seem to be too skilled with English, tho'. Wonder where the mother was through this leaving ordeal? And did you see where AT&T cut off their phone service? Wonder who was doing the could hear she/he cryimg, too, as were the others.
I just came in from watering my flowers. I wondered why they looked so sad, then realized they were DRY! All that rain we had has dried up in front of the house, but not the back. Hope they recoup.
Lynn or you remember the really nice group photo that someone took last Open House? I have found one, but it is not the best. There is another floating around somewhere, but I don't remember who has it. I checked the Momsters Albums, but the nicest one is not there. I told our new ladies that I would post that photo with names on everyone so that they may put a face with a name. Help me if you can remember where this photo is.
I think her Mommy was not there. She was even more attached to her mother and they probably did not want to video that.
If you read back through older posts, you find out she was really attached to her mommy. The dad referred to himself as "Not the Mommy." LOL
Wanda, I do not know where it is, but I have some pics. Let me see if any of mine will do.
Guess you guys will have to stick me in a bottle once again! Story of my life.....always in a bottle. ☺
Now, Lolly, you know you have a wonderful life!
We would love to have you come back and visit us, but that is a long way just for a one day venture. We will be happy to put you into a bottle of wine. We will need a new picture. One with you pond in the background. I love that pond!
Wanda, did you check Paula's blog? Maybe it's there. If not, I have it in an album on Picasa that I can email to you!
A skinny picture in front of the pond. LOL Will work on that, Wanda.
Good, Lynn, you knew exactly what pic she wanted.
Oh, I will be back, don't you worry! Oct is a perfect time to travel east. This year, however, we are going to Albuquerque with Jacob for the Balloon Fiesta.
Is Anne Marie going to be up for travel in Oct?
Lynn, I checked Paula's blog...nothing there.
Look on my Juat for Fun blog and see the photo on there, then you will know which one I'm talking about.
I somehow doubt that Anne-Marie will come this year. She may be all traveled out. She went on a long trip with some of her grandchildren. MTBR
That should be: JUST FOR FUN BLOG
Little finger is still not working very well...still swollen double and purple:(
Looking at that photo just reminded me what took place. Our FANTASTIC waiter, Michael, used someone's camera and took the photo that I am looking for.
Anne Marie had said they were coming again...but that was before her surgery....MTBR!
Yep, Wanda, I'll look and see if I have the better pic!
My poor little Jacob got stung on the foot today. His foot is swollen big time. Laurel said that before his foot started swelling his blood veins in his foot stood out like they were swelling first. She made an appointment with an allergist last month, but could not get in until Sept. In the mean time we watch him carefully.
Doctor recommended Children's Benedryl for my grandson to reduce the swelling. What do you think, Lynn?
Laurel gave him Benadryl, but apparently he made need more.
Time to think about dinner. However, not much thinking to do. Tonight it is left overs. Fixed Italian sausage and peppers over Parmesan Cheese grits last night. Yummy! Plan to add some ears of corn to the menu. I am getting sleepy as well as hungry.
Found it, Wanda....mail on it's way!!!
Elevate, ice and up to 25 mg. Benadryl every 4-6 hrs.! If any hoarseness or difficulty swallowing or breathing, call 911 STAT!!!!
Also....make a paste of meat tenderizer and water and apply to site of sting!
Lolly, get your head out of fridge and read my message, please!!! Can I come for dinner???
LYNN, YOU ARE A DEAR!! Thank you, that is the one. You have made it easy for me...I will just pick up the names from the caption and put on their faces:)
Lolly's leftovers sounds lucious!
Wanda, my caption came through???? Can't believe it!!! When I transferred them to a disc, they didn't and not in my Windows pic file, either, so thought it was only visible while in Picasa!!
Wanda, Lynn....come on over!
I'll run to the store, get fresh ingredients, and cook it just for you. Think I will have time while you are on your way.
I am home and have not so good news on our Eagle patient. He is struggling this afternoon, I hope that everything turns around for the better for him. How sad. :(
Oh, Deb! So sorry! Must be very frustrating and so sad.
I have returned! Some big rain drops but they disappeared as fast as they came.
Wanda Are you looking for the After Dinner Group pic? Eaglet_Momsters photos for NCTC Open House 10/18/2008
I need to finish reading your 30+ comments since I was gone! BBILW
I am waiting for a cool front to go through and then I need to get out and mow. It is 91 here, 81 in Yankton. I missed all the storm warnings while I was at work, nothing hit around here so that is good.
They released 12 Osprey today, so far all are accounted for. If anything exciting happens they are going to call me. The wind blew them the opposite direction from where we want them to go, so 4 Osprey are across the river. The good news is none went in the river!
I finished reading comments and you can ignore my picture finding comment.
Let us know when it is on your blog, Wanda. Great of you to post it for all the new ladies.
Deb, sorry about the eagle...hope he takes a turn for the better. Interesting that the wind got the osprey turned...glad none took a swim!
Lolly, doesn't have to be fresh to suit us....leftovers work fine!
I'm sure you know we were all praying for better news concerning your adopted eagle, Deb. We won't give up on him yet!
Good evening everyone.
Sorry to hear that the injured eagle is not doing well.
Yes, thank you, Wanda. The newbies appreciate the picture. I will try to attach faces to names.
Deb, sorry things aren't working out for the eagle, but hooray for the osprey!
Jo, I have posted the photo that Lynn sent me and put names on their faces (near their faces)...they are smaller than what I remembered, so they don't show up very well, but it's something for our new ladies to go by. Hopefully, Shirley and Judie will come and be with us in October for Open House, then they can see in person how beautiful and thin we are;) is on Just For Fun blog.
Jo, I know we are all Eagle lovers and are hoping for the best.
It still hasn't cooled off here, so I may be mowing in the morning.
Evening all. Well the electric was out for 12 1/2 hours. Things went well. It was a nice day.
Deb sure hope that the eagle does recover.
Checked the picture. I do appreciate it. I am surely hoping to be at the open house on
Oct. 17. I mentioned it to Judie when we were together. I know she would like to be there too, but don't know her plans at this point.
Nice to see you back, Ceil!
Thanks Shirley. Good to have electricity. I would not make it as a pioneer.
Think I am going to say good night. Hope every one has a peaceful night.
Found an interesting website on chimney swifts. You all were trying to describe the towers, and I found all kinds of information on building one, etc.
They are flying all around here every evening just before sunset. All I have to do to see and hear them is step outside the door. I tried to get a video, but those little devils are really fast.
This is one of several websites:
Chinmey Swift Kissy Face
I don't think this is the one on building the tower, but it shows an amazing number of birds going into a tower or a chimney.
Shirley, you will love going! Last year was my first time and I so badly want to go again. I know these ladies better now. And, I still want to go!!! LOL
Jack and I took off for the east with our trailer and after the open house we headed to the big city. If I lived close I would definitely be there!
Every day was special. Friday was special, especially walking in on poor Wanda with her hair wrapped in a towel. Love you, Wanda! Dinner that night was interesting as we did not know a soul...but I recognized several from pics. Saturday was fun and Saturday night was the best! Really got to visit with Loretta and so thoroughly enjoyed it. Sunday we did the train ride and I finally got to meet our beloved NORMA. I knew her right away. Then Sunday night was just awesome!!!!! Along with Deb and Paula, I finally met Belle and Lib. We were at the nest until dark and it was an evening forever etched in my mind. Jack came along for the ride and he enjoyed it as well. He especially enjoyed Sunday evening at the nest.
So, be sure to go!!!!!
Ceil, we went without power for a couple of days or so after Hurricane Isabel--you probably did, too. That was not easy. I felt so out of touch with the world. One of the neighbors had a noisy generator that was annoying with the windows open. Was so happy when they turned it off.
I think the really hot weather is supposed to come tomorrow, so good they got it when they did.
I did not make reservations for Friday night. I do not know if that is still possible.
Forgot, after the train ride Sunday those of us on the train ride had a meal together. More fun! What a weekend!
If you right-click on Wanda's pic and Save Pic to your computer...and then right-click on it and cloose open with Windows Pic Viewer, you can zoom in on and make it bigger!!!
Don't know anything about a train ride.
I will try again. My computer did not want to open the picture when I saved it.
After I saved it, I could not open anything that would enlarge it.
Sunday we took a train ride on the Potomac Eagle. Saw several eagle and some pretty country side.
Got it!
Just kept messing with it until I was able to copy and enlarge it.
Train ride sounds like fun.
Thanks, Lynn. I was wondering if that would work, and apparently it did. Usually can enlarge right there on the blog, but I guess because it came from an email, that made the difference.?
Shirley - did you get your perm today?
Yep, got my perm.
I have been seeing the same hairdresser for years, but sometimes if she is not there, I get someone else to do a cut or something. Didn't want anyone else for the perm, though.
She did not approve of the cut I had. Thought I should have waited for her to come back from vacation! I do enjoy her. She mumbled and fussed and fixed. I think I am ready now.
Sometimes she "threads" facial hairs. Have you ever had anyone do that?
Let me know if you have curls!
I have heard of that, Shirley, but it sounds more time consuming than waxing.
I have curls.
Might be more time consuming, Wanda. I haven't had waxing done. I do not have much hair to wax.
Sometimes she decides I need to have a few hairs plucked and just does it. She is like that.
No, Shirley...what is threading????
The train is out of Romney, where Norma's a sightseeing excursion. Here's a link:
Potomac Eagle
I use to wax my eyebrows, but can't see well enough to do it anymore. Just do the best I can with tweezers and a magnifying glass.
Not much hair . . .
I tried having my eyebrows darkened so that you can tell I have eyebrows, but the truth is there's not much to darken and I had a bad reaction to the dye, so I don't do that anymore. I just use a little brush.
So . . . don't want to pluck or wax eyebrows.
Going over to facebook for a while. I have a message from, what I hope is a cousin in Italy. He says that my Grandfater was his Uncle...I would imagine he would have been his great uncle. I'm trying this ancestry thing, Lynn:)
Facial Hair Threading
The lady who does my hair is Iranian. It says here it is an eastern method. I tried to find a pictue of her doing it; it was featured in the paper once, but could not find it. It is a bit painful, but not too bad. Tweezing is painful, too.
Thanks for the Potomac Eagle link, Lynn. That looks great.
Have fun with the genealogy, Wanda.
Good for you, Wanda!!! You'll have fun, get frsutrated, get surprises, get discouraged, get excited, etc.!!!
Wow! A distant cousin in Italy. Fantastic! I would love that! I love Italy and to visit a relative there would be awesome!
Roat trip!! Make that air trip!! Let's go to Italy together! Wahoo!
Just had the cam on to check the FOREST & heard clunking in the mic. Somebody's perched there!
Here's a bizarre TX story from my daughter....SIL left at 3AM w/boat to p/up some buds for the Gulf of Mexico to dive and fish.They put in south of Galveston where water is deeper. Sherry decided not to go. She just got in touch w/him---he was 25 miles out w/dying motor!He called boat tow co. he belongs to, Thank God! He will spend night on shore there where one of his friends lives.
What? Are we talking Wanda into a trip to Italy???? I'll go---it's way different than Greece! LOL
Italy sounds like fun.
Oh, that is a scary story, Loweeda. Aren't you glad your daughter did not go. I can not imagine being that far out. I want land in sight unless I am on BIG cruise ship!! My brother takes his boat far out and his son, my nephew, goes miles out on his jet ski. He goes out to scuba. NOT me!!!!
You are right, Lynn, frustration has set in. This is the message that was sent to me:
"Hello Wanda, these days the town of andro Caulonia lighthouse and then you know" I have no idea what he is talking about.
I heard clunkng, too. . .
Jack and I have been to Italy twice. The last time was through Anyway, there were a couple of groups, all women. They were having a ball. Let's go!
My last message to this fella was asking him if he knew my grandfather's father's name.
The reply I got makes no sense. I told him that I didn't understand what he was talking about. Do you think he is pulling my leg?
I would love to take my Mom to Italy. She and my Dad talked about going, but never made it:(
Wanda, somethin's definitely lost in that translation!
Hey, Lolly, can't you see all of we Momsters on a cruise? We would have a blast!!
Something does keep clunking at the nest. There is no wind.
Loretta, the first message he sent me was in Italian and I translated it. This message was sent in English. I'm thinking he lost something in the translation. Wish I had paid more attention to my Grandfather when he tried to teach me to speak Italian!
Was gonna work on some pictures to post--daughter sent some far away pics of painted bunting. I never put baby robins on, but don't know if anyone would be interested. Everyone's seen robins!
Got ospreys from Park too.
BTW, since it's getting late & some may be hitting the hay,
Pleasant Feather Dreams...and blessings for Tom, Deb's eagle and all those who need them ;>)
Will let you know if he sends me a message that makes more sense.
If he doesn't, I don't know where to go next. I'll have to ask him about his father, maybe that will help.
You know Wanda, I think we could all have the most fantastic time doing anything together.
I love it,Wanda! Be careful what you say. Capt may have to go after him!!
My Karla is in Nags Head all by herself and sends me a message that there has been a tornado warning! Anybody hear anything?
Oh, Lolly, do you think he means he wants me to meet him at that lighthouse in that town?;)
My Mother's parents were from Poland & she and all the aunts & uncles had to learn English for school. But when I was a youngster,grandparents would speak in Polish & Mom said they could understand them but forgot how to speak back, except in English. I probably remember about 3 words!
"And then you know"! LOL Gene, get your gun ready!
Lol, Haven't heard weather yet===news just starting.
Yes, Wanda, maybe we can all meet him at the lighthouse!!!!☺
Gonna see news
Loretta, my grandson who has been a bird lover all his life once said he would like to see a painted bunting more than any other bird. He just graduated college this Spring after studying 4 years of Environmental Science. He's looking for a job working with wildlife. Those jobs are hard to find. There is a job opening at NCTC which pays 23,000 a year. He makes that much working at Beach Bum!
From what I see, the worst weather is north of Nags Head.
I do think we have an eagle sitting above the nest.
Hey, Wanda....why not get someone to write to the cuz in Italian??? Maybe someone at The Venice in Hedgesville or at Giovanni's would help!! Definitely think something got lost in the translati0on on that last note!
A Momster cruise sounds like a fabulous idea!!! Let's go!
Loretta, we'd all love to see more of your pics! Hope your SIL still enjoys his trip, but know that your daughter is really relieved that he's on dry land!
No weather report yet to hear about a tornado. Poor Karla....and Candy!! If Karla is alone, Wanda, she ought to hook up with Candy!
Looks like another Kennedy is on the way to heaven....Eunice Shriver doing very poorly in at bedside. She sure achieved a lasting legacy with Special Olympics!
Karla went down to her in-laws beach house for a sabbatical of sorts. I'm sure she would love to have lunch eith Candy if they could hook up:) Candy has been "Not herself" since her son went into the Army.
Lynn, I think I can go to the site that Helen told me about and have my message translated into Italian and then send it to him. Yah, that's what I'll do. I knew if I talked this over with you girls we would come up with something:)
I think I will take my curls and go to bed. See you all tomorrow.
Shirley, get you head out of the trees and tell me what you think of the situation. Do you think this guy is for real...?
Let's see, Judie is the psychologist, maybe she can play with his head.
For sure, Wanda....she has taken it very hard and I think has some real bitterness---she could probably use a distraction! Do you have her address or phone number? Would Karla want to do that? If I was going down I would certainly grab her and take her to lunch or dinner and give her a drink and a hug!!! That would have to make her feel better!!!
No mention on our news about bad weather down there!
Glad you got your curly head out of the trees, Shirley. Rest well:)
Was today Maggie's birthday????
Think it is.....
MITS----tell Maggie HAPPY BIRTHDAY from the MOmsters!!!!
Wanda, are you talking about the cuz??? Doubt that he's a nut or anything! I think I'd be alittle careful about the onliune translation tool.....maybe use it and then have it double-checked by someone who is fluent in both---because just one little glitch could be very insulting or completely misunderstood!!!
Wow, time flies when your having fun. 11:26! I'm outta here.
My caterpillar is going to hatch tomorrow, probably while we are at church. Gene says we should take him with us. We can have him christened if he hatches there. LMBO
Personally, I think we should all show up at this guys light house. LOL Can you imagine!
Seriously, have no idea if he is legit or not. Tell him you did not understand, and, yes, send a message translated.
Goodness, I sure can't type tonight!
I am heading for the tub! Will check back before I turn in. For all hitting the hay, good night, sleep tight, don't let the bed bugs bite!
Oh, and please keep prayers going for friend Ken--he remains critical in ICU, even tho' Drs. say he will improve.
That is so very true, Lynn. I will need to take this a bit more carefully if I ever want to find out anlything for sure.
Nit, Nite
ROFLMBO!! I just hope I don't think of you at church tomorrow while I am in church. Can't you just see me sitting there giggling. They will haul me off to the looney bin!!
Nite all!!
Sweet dreams!!
I am sooooooo late! I got caught up on a Disney Movie! Love them!
I love lighthouses - when's the trip?
Wanda - I hope that butterfly waits until you get home from Church
I better close it down
Megan Save me a bouquet
I am going to market tomorrow
Jenny, Aaron, Michael, Melissa with Sophia and Donavon will be there!
Mellow Mood for lunch!
Sorry, Wanda--I wrote Lol. I know it's late but I put on weather channel & they said nothing about Outer Banks, so I guess there's nothing brewing.
It is now Sunday August 9th
Goodnight Momsters and Dadsters, coming or going! Pleasant dreams. Prayers for all.
** GooD NighT **
** Everyone **
Hoping that eaglet of Deb's gets through its crisis and recovers soon.
Have a wonderful Sunday.
Copied this quote from Loodenskalender Forum by Renendeli.Sun. 8-9-09, Finland time.
"The first flight happened 10:08-10:11. Koo returned on the nest in one minute (or two?)."
Have a couple pics of almost empty nest.
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