Monday, August 17, 2009


New thread.


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Judie said...

Thank you, Steve. Have a nice day.

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Thanks Judie! Thanks Steve!

Mema Jo said...

Thanks for the fresh thread, Steve.

Mits said...

thank, Judie, Jo and Steve:)

Bob Quinn said...

Haven't been by in awhile. Just checking in.

deb said...

Lunch time here.

Mema Jo said...

Well we have missed you on here! Thanks for touching base with us. Anything new in your world?
Things are pretty slow here as far as cam watching! We had the new panda cub and the ongoing saga of the Finney nest with the one osprey having a broken leg.
Is it as Hot down there as it is up here in the Valley? Like too hot to be out taking photos over the weekend?

Mema Jo said...

Boy Deb your morning went fast!
Any sighting of Gabby?

Bob Quinn said...

Jo - Not much to report. Haven't taken many photos since the Plein Air festival. They'll notify the winners by Saturday I think. I have entries in two other contest and working on entries for two more.

deb said...

I haven't called for an update Jo. They have people coming today for a visit, so I know they are busy. I will check in later today.

Costume Lady said...

Hi, Bob...have we seen your entries?

Costume Lady said...

Deb, has Gabby been banded? I guess no tracking device attached.

deb said...

Gabby is banded, A03. Janie was going to put a tracking device on, but with having to do all the feathers again, she thought that was enough stress. He could be there today, I hope!

Costume Lady said...

Gabby is a survivor...he'll do just fine!

Bob Quinn said...

Wanda - you've probably seen my contest entries scattered through my posted photos over the last year or so but I haven't posted a gallery with just the contest entries.

hedgie said...

Thanks for new thread Steve and Jo for the call over!
Deb....your lunch time seems to be getting earlier!!
Hope Gabby is doing well.
Nice to see you, Bob!!! It HAS been awhile.
Just went out to water flowers.....the wrens did complete their nest in the impatiens egg! Before I finished watering it, mom was nearby and scolding me loudly!!!!

Mits said...

Hello Bob, nice to see you:)

Mits said...

just got a Lobster-Gram certificate from the kids....yum-yum:)

deb said...

Weekday lunch is 10:30-11:30, too early for me. Saturday lunch is 12:30-1:30, much better.

Mits said...

big leftover fish at Finland nest....

Mits said...

the hoodies are claiming it now

deb said...

Time flies, about time to head back. BBL

Mits said...

well something just chased them away...they left the fish...

Mits said...

hoodies back at Finland nest

Mits said...

the o's are not going to be happy at Finland nest to see hoodies eating their fish

hedgie said...

One of the CA fires is around Santa Barbara---again---where Anne Marie's gentleman friend lives.

Mits said...

oh-oh.....3 hoodies now at Finland

hedgie said...

Yummy, Lobster!! Is Jay still there, Mits?? Hope so, so you can use that gift tonight!

Bob Quinn said...

Yummy. I'm going up to Main in about a month. Caan't wait to get my hands on a lobstah roll. Wicked good.

Bob Quinn said...

I meant Maine. ☺

Mits said...

no Lynn, I have to order it, he left yesterday, will be back next weekend depending on which way these storms go....I may be back home....

Mits said...

Bob, you lucky duck:)

Mits said...

looks like a big tree growing in the middle of the MAINE #1 eagle nest....

hedgie said...

Where in Maine are you going, Bob? Bah Hahbah??? Bet you can't wait!!! A lobstah roll would taste very good right now!

stronghunter said...

On my lunch break.

Spent the morning learning about the Content Literacy Continuum. Sound exciting?

This afternoon, we have a departmental meeting.

The coolest way to get your big, heavy teacher desk moved--Tell Annie, the head custodian. When iI arrived this morning, all student desks were in my room--and they all match--and my desk was moved so it is by the window. I do not have to put anything under it and slide it anywhere, and Annie knows I won't be scratching up her floors.

I told Will about your kind thoughts and prayers. He appreciates it.

Have a good afternoon, everybody!

stronghunter said...

I see that Bill is now a hurricane.

hedgie said...

NASA predicting that Bill will become a "major" category 3. WOnder how long before they decide to move Shuttle Discovery off the launch pad??

hedgie said...

Shirley, sounds like Annie is the go-to person at your school!!! Yippee!

stronghunter said...

Yes, and she just reminded me.

stronghunter said...

I need to bring some doughnuts or cookies for the custodians. Annie has said rather pointedly that she is just trying make sure I am happy. Didn't think I complained that much.

stronghunter said...

Off to dept. meeting. BBL.

Mits said...

o's are back at Finland....wondering where the fish went

Mema Jo said...

Enjoying a visit with Aaron.......


movin said...

**Good morning, Everyone **



hedgie said...

Make sure she's not diabetic before you bring donuts, Shirl!!!

movin said...

Remember the 'Grizzly cam'
we used to watch??

Well, from the little I got from a blog yesterday, it looks like it's been dropped by National Geographic because of a shortage of monies.

But I found a site by the Pratt Museum in the Katmai National Park. It was dark last evening when I found it, but when I just tuned in it looked like an empty river (falls). Then I noticed a few salmon jumping, then a few more, and then a big brown bear moseys out into the stream from the far bank.........

Link below, if you're interested.

Alaskan Brown Bear fishing

You have to scroll down a little to where it says something about watching the Pratt's Wild Cams, then click on the "Brown Bear" link.



NatureNut said...

Just got home.
If you can check out Saaksi-Finney. Absolutely gorgeous!!!!

Ms Bookworm said...

Good morning/afternoon, everyone!


Hi, Lynn, Jim, Jo, Helen, and Shirley! I'm dragging my sorry caboose in here rather late today. Got up with Hubby at 2:30am as usual, and when he'd left for work, fell back asleep. Felt really good, and although I've had breadfast, no coffee yet, so I'm kinda draggin'. Need to catch up on the blog. Guess I'll get the coffee going and get to work on that.

Ms Bookworm said...

Sorry for the typo--not quite awake yet--that's breaKfast! Boy, do I need some coffee! BBIALW...

Bob Quinn said...

Hey Lynn, just saw your question. I'm going to Southport Maine. On the water, north of Portland.

Ms Bookworm said...

I'm BAaaack, with a big mug of coffee. Ahhhhh. That's better!
Checked out Finney. Beautiful scene! Who's that on the nest?

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Good Monday afternoon to all my eagle budlets! How the heck are all of you?

Mits said...

probably Koo, don't think she can perch with the bad leg, so spends the night in are you....I'm going out for awile bbl.

movin said...

jUST checked the falcon sites down under.

Alcoa is showing signs of life, even though they moved the nest box to the other side of their water tower.

Last year, the falcons 'struck' several workers at the plant ... luckily they were wearing hardhats. So, this year, they decided to try moving the box to where the birds cannot see the activity below and won't feel threatened.

Frodocam has not been on or the blog updated since 2008. I think that one is history.



Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Keeps raining in Bluefield today but I am going to attempt to go walking about 4:30 and pray for the best.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I am doing good. Happy Anniversary to Mits and Jay. Let me guess, 10 years and you got married when you were 15?? :)

hedgie said...

Hi ya Sharon and Andrea! Be fine heah (teaching Bob more Maine-talk!).
Have a friend who has a home in Portland, up on a hill, that overlooks the bay. Nice view!
Jim, thanks for link to the grizzly! Saw 4 in just a few seconds! And apparently cam operator on duty, with zoom!! Cool.

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Sharon!
Thanks, Helen--duh! I really am not awake yet. I was thinking it was sunrise, not sunset in Finland.
Gosh, can a person get too MUCH sleep? I think I may have. Now I feel like I'm running in reverse.
No more sleeping in this week!
How are you, Sharon? I was thinking about you yesterday. My daughter called, and I was telling her about my Med. Terminology class. When I explained the crazy system they want you to use to remember definitions, her exact words were: "What, are they on crack?!" Just had to laugh.

hedgie said...

Well, daughter may have a new job! Bank customer came in today and asked where she was....when former co-workers told him, he said "tell her to call me" so she did. had a phone interview and goes in tomorrow for more. Sounds like clerical/computer work, for a real estate and bail bond owner. No benny's, but pays more than unemployment. So until she can find something with benny's, doesn't sound bad. Praying and fingers crossed!

NatureNut said...


NatureNut said...

Oh Lynn, good news! Crossing fingers, toes and eyes!

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Bob,
Wow, sounds like an awesome place to visit. Should be some good photo ops! (Some great seafood, too!) In your spare time (I say that jokingly!) you ought to post all of your contest pictures together in one place. Sure would be something to see!

Ms Bookworm said...

I'm SO happy for your daughter! Praying that she gets the job. May be no bennys, but if it pays better than unemployment, that's at least a big step up! It's very encouraging that the guy asked about her, and wanted her to call.
Hoping & praying!!!

Ms Bookworm said...

Well, gotta run for a bit. Need to water my patio plants, which look thirsty, and are trying to make me feel guilty. Be back shortly.

hedgie said...

Thanks all!

ceil said...

Lynn hope all goes well for your daughter. If she gets the job maybe they can work something out. Hi Bob Love lobster roll. Saw the rolls they use at Wegman's the other day.
No water yet. BBL

hedgie said...

Just got this email:

Ms. Riner,

Thank you for contacting the District Department of the Environment regarding the bald eagles nest on the grounds of St Elizabeth Hospital. I have informed our Director the Fish and Wildlife program, as well as forwarded your articles on to him.

Thank you,

Chiquita McCauley
Customer Service Coordinator,
Administrative Services
District Department of the Environment
51 N. Street, NE, 6th Floor
Washington, DC 20002
(202) 654-6016(desk)
(202) 535-2881(fax)

magpie said...

Good Afternoon Eagle Pals
Sounds like things are perking along okay here.

Ceil, I have water, plenty of it and I will be at work tonight, only about 80 miles away....if you want to make a West Virginia field trip, you are invited !

Two months until NCTC Open House Everyonw !!

magpie said...

..everyone...I was so excited about it I can't type right.

Wanda I really enjoyed your stories about GeeGee and the singing and reminiscing.

When my parents were young teenagers, my father's violin lessions followed my mother's - that's how they met...and got together. In Brooklyn NY.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Two months is right and also 2 months until I have a year of no smoking!! YEAH!

magpie said...

Happy Anniversary again, Mits and Jay...☺♥☺♥
And go for another 35 !!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Good story Magpie. My mommy and daddy met at a custard stand on Bluefield Avenue!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Wow, a really loud clap of thunder just now. Skeered all my birds off!

magpie said...

Nice avater...can you tell us about the bird?

Enjoy your freedom this week!

magpie said...

Custard stand...sounds like a great way to meet someone, Sharon

Good to see you...missed you gals over the week-end.

hedgie said...

Nice stories of parents meeting....mine met when my dad moved in with his brother after his mother passed away...bro lived next door to my g'parents house.

NatureNut said...

Good to see Bob on here. Last week a gentleman who lives around here came to Park to do photography. Said he always goes to Blackwater & wanted to stay closer to home. Said he knew of Bob! Small world--have to look up his website if I can find it.Think his name is Brent.
Put some fair & foul Finney weather pics on Blog.
Just saw part of SD baby panda laying in crook of Bai's elbow.

Bob Quinn said...

Small world indeed Loretta.

Judie said...

Back for a quick visit. Hi to everyone.

Lynn, I am so very excited about the possible job for your daughter. If she's hired and it involves bail bond, tell her to read books written by Janet Evanovich about a female bond enforcement officer (the Plum series). Also, thanks for passing along the response from District Dept. of Environment.

Sharon, sounds like a sweet beginning for your folks.

Andrea, hope you had a nice day away from the study grind.

Yum, lobster roll put me thinking about shrimp po boys - yum & yum again!

Okay, time to peer into the frig for inspiration.


magpie said...

Phooey - the time bandit has struck. Time to get ready for another 12 hours at work....

Hope some of you saw the beautiful waning crescent Moon with Stunning Venus "below" it this morning in the Northeast sky ...should be just as pretty Tuesday morning, with the relative positions changed a little...

ISS is out in the early morning hours also, saw it this morning at 5:11 - -

Best wishes for a Good Evening for all... Prayers for all good things...
xoxo ☺ ♥

Mits said...

good news, Lynn:)

hedgie said...

Thanks, Judie, I'll tell her----that name sounds familiar. Will have to check to see if I've read her.
Have a good shift, Margy!

hedgie said...

Yes,, it is, Mits! How's the beach today???

Mits said...

beach is great....sunny with a breeze, saw more osprey overhead with fish....I recognize their call.

Ms Bookworm said...

Phew! Hi, everyone, I'm back, after watering every plant on my patio, and some out front, and sweeping up a bunch of carob tree seeds and pods off our front sidewalk. Yuck, what a mess that tree makes! Shouldn't complain, though, 'cuz it's good exercise.
Margy, don't know if I've caught you before you've left for work, but the bird in my avatar is, I think, a type of magpie. Took the picture at Stonehenge a year ago. It had been raining, and there were some puddles on a huge stone that was laying on the ground. This guy came for a drink and to say hello. I can't find my bird book that has pictures of birds from all over the world, so haven't been able to identify his species for sure yet. Maybe Chrissy would know what he is.

Ms Bookworm said...

Saw the baby panda at SD, and see that he/she is beginning to show the dark coloring that pandas have!
Cutest stick of butter I've seen in quite a while.

Ms Bookworm said...

Margy, hope your evening is a relatively uneventful one! Take care. :o]

Ms Bookworm said...

Yes, indeed, it feels SO good to be able to think about doing "whatever" this evening instead of going to school! Just need a break every so often.

Sharon, congratulations on a smoke-free year!!! That's fantastic! I'm really proud of you--they say nicotine is one of the hardest habits to break. Good job!

deb said...

I have the Bear cam open and see no bears, but I see people. It may have been a film crew, as one man looked like he was carrying a mike.

Lolly said...

Ohhhh!!!! I am tired and we have rest of today and four more days! LOL Joseph and I went shopping this morning for school clothes. Came home and played Trouble and then Go Fish. Then this afternoon the boys and I went to see Ice Age 3D. It was fun! Presently they are playing with Macey the girl from next door. Hurrah! I get a break. Having speghetti for supper, but the 4 year old keeps saying "I want steak." No dummy that boy.

Lynn, wahoo!!! Prayers that your daughter gets that job. That is fantastic!!!

Lobstah rolls!! I'll have one. Had them for the first time a year ago last fall on our trip to New England. Yummy!

Happy Anniversay to Helen and her jubby. Congratulations!

Oh, yes, you do want to be on good terms with the custodians. Your happiness at school depends on that relationsip.

wvgal_dana said...


Prayers for Tom's surgery tomorrow.

Lynn-Hedgie prayers your daughter gets the job. ( :

Hoping for a great school year for ALL teachers.

Bob Quinn said...

Andrea - Did you know I use to work for a Medical Transcription company?

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Did you really Bob? I am a medical transcriptionist too. Who did you work for?

Ms Bookworm said...

Bob, I had no idea! Gosh, I guess there are a FEW people on the blog who are into Medical Transcription!
Well, they say birds of a feather flock together! LOL :o]

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

We do indeed. Me and Sharon have been doing transcription for about 10 years now, that is hard to believe for sure!!

Ms Bookworm said...

See, Bob? Told ya! Actually, Eagle-Eyed Sharon is the one who got me really interested in it, but then I found out there are others, like Sissy, for instance! Pretty cool!

hedgie said...

Cute, Andrea!!!! Thank goodness we aren't birdbrained!!!

Lolly, hope shopping for Joseph was easier--and cheaper--than shopping for 11 and 15 yo girls!

hedgie said...

Lolly, watch out for snakes!!! Drought is a real problem.....40 snake bites in Austin alone so far this year.

Costume Lady said...

Oh, Lynn, shopping for two teen girls can wipe out your bank account and your patience!;)

Costume Lady said...

Lynn, did you ever see a patient with a snake bite? If so, tell us about it.

Costume Lady said...

I can remember, years ago, there was a big flood, I guess after a hurricane, in Texas. There were poisonouse snakes everywhere...even hanging from the trees!

Ms Bookworm said...

Golly, Lynn, actually I think it's pretty neat that we ARE! Well, gotta run--Hubby's home from work. Will BBL. :o]

Ms Bookworm said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Bob Quinn said...

When I worked for them it was HealthScribe. After I left they were bought by Spheris (which was a merger between Total eMed and Edix).

wvgal_dana said...

Anyone every heard of "Dorothy Dale Kloss"?

Bob Quinn said...

I'm outa here. DC traffic shouldn't be too bad by now.



Mema Jo said...

When I was out running errands I realized how HOT it is!
Lynn - Hoping your daughter finds this as an avenue back into the work force and also that her ego gets a lift in that she was Asked to apply/interview !

Sissy - You know that all of us will be with you and Tom and his Drs tomorrow! ((hugs))

Dana - I googled her - Dancing her heart out!

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Well, gonna go veg a while, been at this darn computer all day! Love ya my eagle and panda buds! See you in the morning light!!

Mema Jo said...

Sorry I missed you Bob but I am hoping for you to be in the Winner's Circle again!

wvgal_dana said...

I emailed out a video of her dancing Mema Jo. Something for her age wow! ( :

Mema Jo said...

I bet Ceil used her lack of water to Eat Out tonight! I would have. OR
maybe she is going over to Margy's !

floralgirl said...

Hello all:)
Oh yes, a hot day... and boy do a want a lobster roll now. Road trip to Maine!!!

Mits said...

I'm having some of the M&M girls chicken nuggets for dinner....:)

Mema Jo said...

Hello Megan !
My flower pots even though watered every day are beginning to look like they have given all they can give .

Mema Jo said...

Bet you wish you had a lobster roll to go with those tasty chicken nuggets!

floralgirl said...

Yep, some of my pots look sad, give them some fertilizer or replace the plants.

ceil said...

We have water. 14 hours. It is yucky but can go to the loo and flush. We have plenty of bottled water. Ate corn chowder soup, and shared a crab cake left over from going out last night.
Sissy will be thinking of Tom tomorrow.

ceil said...

used the yucky water for my garden and plants If they die I will know not to drink it.

Mits said...

poor plants, but better them than you.....yeah could have gone up to crab cake factory, know they make a lobster roll....but nuggets and mashed potatoes and gravy will be fine:)

floralgirl said...

Oh man, the menu at the Crab Cake Factory looks great!!!

Mema Jo said...

Megan - do I put in Mums ?

Mema Jo said...

Oh Man - Did you see that Lump Crab Cake! FED EX DELIVERY PLEASE......

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Baby in full view at SD! He is looking like a real panda!!!

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

He needs a name, has anyone thought of anything for him?

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

OMG!! This is the first time I have really got a good look at him up close and personal! I ♥♥♥♥ him!!!

floralgirl said...

Probably a good choice, Jo.
I must not have eaten enough dinner, that menu is making me hungry.

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Oh Lord, how can I go to bed with this view on my ;puter!!

Judie said...

Sissy, prayers for Tom and you tomorrow.

Lolly,seems you had a busy but fun day at Camp Hawkwood.

Congratulations Sharon!

Andrea. keep chillin'and enjoy!

Bob, still got fingers crossed for the picture contest. Are you in D.C. or a commuter? Just being nosey.

Guess Shirley must be slam wore out unless she talked Will into treating her to dinner out -- or maybe she's having a cat nap with George. She's also smart to know that it is best not to annoy those who make your job easier.

Going to watch some mindless t.v. Back later.


ceil said...

Megan G& M restaurant in Glen Burnie MD Ships crab cakes all over the country. A friend of my son sends to him in Oregon and I send them to them also.
Dana looked up Dorothy Dale Kloss. Amazing. She looks great.

Judie said...

How about Diego? Not very original but ...


Mits said...

lol...we went there for dinner on saturday night....crab dip and sandwiches were good....mojito, not so much....but some know how to make them, some not....

Mema Jo said...

Everyone must have been trying to send a postcard - My message when I clicked on SEND was
Mail Send DIED...........
Hope you got it Sissy
It was too cute!

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Okay, momma's back, I can go to bed now!! What a treat that was! I will holler at ya'll tomorrow soon as I know something! Thanks for all the prayers and well wishes. We really appreciate it. We are a little more afraid than normal. Very good friend of ours died at this time last year from the same surgery. It was at Bluefield and they cut her liver and she died in 3 days after surgery. So, that is kind of in the back of our minds. But, God is in charge and prayers have really been going up. He will do fine, I have faith! Thanks so much ya'll!!

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Me and Sher said something about Diego or Sandi or something like that! So maybe Diego is good, huh?

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Ok, I am really going to bed now, 4 a.m. comes early! G'nite my wonderful friends!!

Mits said...

I like Diego:)

Mema Jo said...

Judie that is a good suggestion...
What do the rest of you say...... ??

At least it's not a gender name & we wouldn't need to to change it after the sex was known.......

Mits said...

prayers for Tom, things will be ok now.

Mema Jo said...

Thanks Sissy - glad you got the postcard!

stronghunter said...


Came in just as you said the baby panda was visible. Got one good screen grab.


stronghunter said...

Best wishes for Tom tomorrow.

stronghunter said...

I think Diego is a good name.

Mema Jo said...

I'll email Suz and tell her about the name DIEGO........

I am going to watch the Closer......


ceil said...

Good night all. Peaceful dreams.
I like the name Diego.

stronghunter said...

We have been having a problem with mosquitoes lately. I happened to think that I had a saucer under one of my pots that I have been watering regularly. Sure enough, there were mosquitoes breeding there, so I dumped it. I don’t need saucers under the plants outdoors.

Judie said...

Google Dorothy Dale Kloss to find an interview done by Riff Markowitz - interesting. We should all be so spry at 85!


stronghunter said...

Good night, Sissy and Ceil. Hello, Judie.

hedgie said...

Goodnight to all turning in. Sissy, prayers go with you and Tom--please DO keep us informed! We'll be waiting to know that it's over and all went well. Are you familiar with the companies Bob mentioned??
I like Diego, too----very appropriate and yep, gender non-specific!!!
Shirley, hope those skeeters are gone for good!

stronghunter said...

So do I. I had the saucer under the plant in the house, and I just took it out on the porch that way. It was pretty near my front door.

hedgie said...

Thanks, Judie, for encouragement for daughter. She and hubby were here for a little while--I had softener salt and deer corn in back of truck that needed to be deposited in their rightful spots. Didn't want that weight on garage wood floor for too lomg---too much wt. (I have steel plates under front wheels).

Mits said...

good night, Ceil, hope water situation is better tomorrow

Mits said...

dawn is breaking at Finney's nest and Koo is awake.

hedgie said...

I had seen a piece on TV about the Kloss lady---maybe Steve Hartman on CBS...very cool.

stronghunter said...

Good night all. Lynn, hope your daughter gets the job. Stay in touch, Sissy. Judie, enjoy your last days of summer break.

Mits said...

good night, Shirley

Mema Jo said...

Night Shirley
Just a note that whenever we wanted to know about anything going on in school or at work we would ask the Custodians!

Commercial on my TV show..

Mits said...

well so far it looks like Hurricane Bill is heading toward Bermuda,probably by Saturday, we will probably just be brushed with breeze and wave action..if it continues this projected path...but I will keep a close eye on it

Costume Lady said...

Good night Shirley. We learned something new's not WHAT you know at school, it's WHO you know:) Don't forget to hug your Janitor;)

Mits said...

Wanda, if the hurricanes go thru the list this season....your name is the last one:)

Costume Lady said...

Lolly, I think you will be checking in soon...just wanted to tell you that I will be mailing you your purple columbine seeds tomorrow...better late than never.
The ones that you sent me are doing great..very healthy. I feel certain they will bloom in the Spring. If you look on my Blog, "Just for Fun", you will see the columbine in different stages of growth. Each time I find a flower pot with soil and no flowers, I stick TEXAS GOLD seeds in them. I need to get them out of their temporary pots and put them into the flower beds. THANK YOU SOOO MUCH!

Costume Lady said...

HURRICANE WANDA...has a nice ring to it, doesn't it?
My nickname in High School was WINDY! Really!

paula eagleholic said...

Hey! How is everyone?

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, everybody,
Dorothy Dale Kloss is just amazing! Just goes to show what can be accomplished if you keep on keepin' on!
I need to get a walking program going. Since I started school I don't get out and do that any more. Too much sitting around, and I can tell a difference. Have started doing stairs instead of the elevator at school, but that alone isn't really enough.

Costume Lady said...

Helen, you better get outta Dodge as soon as it looks like Bill could be a threat. Can you imagine being stuck in traffic on the Bay Bridge during a Hurricane?

Mema Jo said...

Now we know! Windy Wanda !!!

Hi Paula......... Was looking for ya!

Costume Lady said...

Running late Paula?

Costume Lady said...

Where are you all finding this DANCING DOROTHY?

paula eagleholic said...

Later than late!

Had to mow tonight, then water, then feed dogs, then check on friends kitty...then I finally got to eat at 9:45...

hedgie said...

Looks like a rainy morning at Finland water. No hoodies OR osprey in nest.

Ms Bookworm said...

Wanda, you can just Google her name, and there's a video you can watch.

Mits said...

no worries here, Wanda....I'm would not test the waters so to speak if a tropical storm or hurricane is headed my way

Costume Lady said...

OK. Thanks, Andrea:)

hedgie said...

Dancing Dorothy was in momster mail from Dana.
Wanda, evacuation from the shore would be a horrible traffic jam! But bridge would be closed before hurricane hit. So Mits would have to leave early!!

Costume Lady said...

That's good to know, Helen:)

Ms Bookworm said...

Gosh, Paula, you must be worn out by now! That was a late dinner, too. Wears me out just hearing about it!

Mema Jo said...

We say you should get a Lawn Boy like
Deb found, Paula.

Ms Bookworm said...

Well, you guys, I'm about to head to the shower. Prayers being said for Tom, Sissy and Sharon, and Tom's doctors and nurses tomorrow.
Prayers for all needs, prayers of thanks for all blessings, and prayers for a good night's sleep for everyone. See you guys in the morning! God bless...

Judie said...

Sleep well, everyone.

Sissy, we'll be there with you in spirit and you know if your eagle buddies are there in spirit, all will be well.

Turning out my light now but leaving the night light on for others.


paula eagleholic said...

Wish I could have a lawn boy! Maybe one day!

paula eagleholic said...

Sissy - I'm sure everything will go just fine with Tom tomorrow. Will be thinking of you and your family!

paula eagleholic said...

Nice to see Bob on here!

Anyone heard from Red lately?

Costume Lady said...

I see Red on Facebook from time to time, but he doesn't comment, just plays those games. Miss him on here. He kept us informed of happenings in the South.

Costume Lady said...

Helen...are you still here?
How is Annie doing? Is she having a good pregnancy?

Mema Jo said...

I read Red's comments on BRS blog every once in a while.....

Mema Jo said...

Going to say Good Night All!
I have something to do tomorrow by golly! Lunch with friends from where I worked. Catch up on their personal lives!

Peace to you & yours
Prayers for everyone's needs being said
Praying for Tom's successful surgery and speedy healing!
(((hugs))) ♥

Costume Lady said...

I have a date tomorrow, too...with a Squash Patch. Need to get some new seeds going to enjoy a Fall crop.


paula eagleholic said...

Enjoy, Jo! Where are you eating this time?

And have fun Wanda. I love digging in the dirt.

Mema Jo said...

Right up at the Great Wall

We still need to go there one day!

paula eagleholic said...

Yes we do! Have a nice lunch.

Mits said...

Wanda she is doing great 31 weeks today, and as usual she just looks beautiful.

hedgie said...

Heading for tub and then bed. See you wonderful people tomorrow morning! Prayers for all, but especially for Tom and Sissy tomorrow.

Mits said...

hold that door, Lynn, I'm right behind you...good night everyone

paula eagleholic said...

I'll leave the nightlite on...later all.

Hugs to all ♥

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Here I am at 3 a.m. sitting here typing. That is another good thing about my job. I can knock out another couple of hours before I go to the hospital with Tom. Worry, worry, worry!

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

It looks like our little Diego is getting a bath from Bai this morning! Panda love first thing in the morning (or middle of the night) is precious!

movin said...

++Good Night++




normabyrd said...

GOOD MORNING EAGLE BUDDIES!---SISSY---I have had you & TOM in my thoughts & prayers all night!---So I was just getting a few reruns of 'DIEGO' this am---made me feel that I am there with you all!!!---Have you noticed how many times BAI flips around while sleeping!!--WOW!--A surprise that little DIEGO is surviving!!---WHOA!---you folks hang COOL!---PRAYERS ARE WITH YOU GAL!!

magpie said...

☺ ♥ Happy Birthday Candy ! ☺ ♥

Hope This is your Best Birthday Ever

magpie said...

Best Wishes for the Day, Sissy and Tom

Hope everything goes great...
Prayers for Skilled Doctors and Wellness

normabyrd said...

WONDERFUL NEWS HEDGIE!!---Daughter has a job offer---things are lookin' GOOD!---

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2/20/25 PM bird

1203 PM NN Scout comes to the nest with a load of bedding again. He seemed to leave with something in his talons. He has a beak full of bedd...