Monday, August 03, 2009


New week, fresh thread.


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ceil said...

Thanks Steve Have a great week.

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Good morning! Thanks Ceil, thanks Steve!!!

ceil said...

Morning Sissy. We finally got summer weather. Cannot believe it is August already.

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

I know, summer is gone almost! I am gonna try to eke out every drop I can this month! Going to the lake this weekend. That has been a rare occasion for us this summer and I do not like it one bit!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Good morning again!!

ceil said...

Hey Sharon. Sissy we are trying to get back down the ocean hon but things keep popping up.

ceil said...

I better get moving. You girls have a good day.

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

You too Ceil!!

Mema Jo said...

Good Morning All! Thanks for the fresh thread, Steve. I'm not an early bird - just earlier then usual for me!
Looks like it is going to be a hot one today. Hope all is well with everyone - I am going to read comments on previous thread.

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Morning Mema Jo!! How are ya?

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Good morning my Mema Jo!

Mema Jo said...

Checking out the Finney nest with 2 chicks in it. The Nest News' last comments are now...
28.7.2009 First chick's maiden flight
2.8.2009 Second chick's maiden flight

Was hoping for a comment about our
third chick! :<(

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

How are you and Mr. Lennox, Jo?

Mema Jo said...

Hi there my Bluefied Buddies
I am doing well - hubby is also. We haven't done anything special this summer and it is getting away from us too quickly!
I am happy to see you both on here this morning! loL ♥

Mema Jo said...

Mits - glad you didn't miss the boats this morning! I wonder if the white marlins know their days are numbered?

floralgirl said...

Hello everybody-
Margy, here's your full moon info again-full moon this week, take your pick- corn moon, full sturgeon moon, moon When All Things Ripen, fruit moon.
Later- gotta get some work done

Judie said...

Good morning, everyone.

Sure wish I could get away for a few days. Just can't quite get ahead of the game.

Will be sending an email this morning regarding the D.C. eagles. Let's hope for a positive response.

I'll be back later.


Mema Jo said...

I didn't skip out on you all - I am paying my bills!


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

While you are paying bills, Jo, want me to see you mine? :)

Judie said...

Back for a minute.

Have drafted a letter to J. Moran. Want Frank to proofread before I send on. Glaring typos, etc. are not a good idea when asking for help. Will send along to everyone later.

Jo, I'm with Sharon. I'll send bills along, also.


Costume Lady said...

Thought I'd get on here and chat a bit, but Jo reminded me that I need to pay my bill also:( Glad I learned how to do that on line!

Hey, I have another idea for a Road Trip. The National Zoo is having a Beer Tasting party. We can go and enjoy the free beer and then go see the Orangutan climbing on his new net;)Then, we can go visit Helen and the Asian Trail!

Lolly said...

Good morning! Joseph is already playing with the little girl next door. They are here finding something to eat. ☺ I love having him around and the neighbor girl over. Takes me back......!

Laurel and Jacob will be here after lunch and we are going shopping. First we are shopping for Jacob's school uniforms and then bringing him home to leave with Grandaddy and then Laurel and I are going shopping for her. Wahoo!

I have already bought clothes for Joseph. Found some excellent sales before we went to the beach. Funny thing...he was thrilled with one pair of shorts just because it had a military style belt.

hedgie said...

Hello, eagle dudettes and dudes.
Quiet morning here, isn't it?
Just found out that my youngest ruptured her eardrum last night---bumped her arm on the wall while using a Qtip----pain took her to her knees and she thought she was going to be sick and pass out. Went to work this am and ER doc confirmed rupture...sees ENT this afternoon. Poor baby.

Wow, Wanda, that is sure a surprising kind of activity for the zoo, isn't it???

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Lesson to be learned with the Q-tip thing. Don't they say not to put anything smaller than your elbow in your ear? :) Bless her heart. I am sure that hurts really bad.

deb said...

Lunch is almost over, but I am all caught up. Wanda I looked for the picture of the Red-headed woodpecker, but couldn't find it.

Ms Bookworm said...

Good Morning, Everyone!

Just wanted to say hello and let you know that our poor gimpy heron is still around. He now has TWO other siblings hanging out with him!

The little guy has moved to the other end of the backyard, and is sitting under our big ficus tree. I bet he was eating dead fish off the ground. This morning he's hunkered down, with his messed up leg sticking out straight behind him. He couldn't seem to get into that position at all yesterday, so I'm hoping that's an improvement. (Yesterday when he tried to sit like that, he had to spread both wings and prop himself up with them.) Have another call in to the rehab people--MTBR there. I'll keep you posted. Gotta try my best to study today. You guys, please keep on agreeing in prayer with me, because it got the little sweetie through the night! I gotta run and hit the books. Will be back later!

deb said...

Lynn, that would be very painful, hope it doesn't affect her hearing!

hedgie said...

Has anyone ever had or made Pizelles? I had some last Christmas and REALLY liked them....friend gave me the Cuisinart Pizelle Press last think I'm going to try to make them.....liked the anise flavored ones best, but have had no luck finding any anise will go with vanilla.

deb said...

Not me, Lynn.

Back to work, bbl

hedgie said...

I am having so much trouble with internet today.....slower than molasses....deleted temp files, etc. last night, but something sure is bogging it down. ARGH!

Ms Bookworm said...

Oooooh, Lynn! Your poor daughter! That must have hurt SO much! Hope all will come out OK for her. Prayers for a speedy healing!

Please pray for me, too, everyone--I need to remember a lot of medical terminology for a test tonight. I'm pretty badly distracted by the baby heron, so need all the help I can get! Thanks so much!

hedgie said...

Yep, Sharon, that's what they say. Learned her lesson the hard way. ER doc said it was a small tear, TG...if they are too big they have to do tympanoplasty.
Study good, Andrea....we want more A's!! Hope the rehab folks show up, but be assured you are doing all you can.

Lolly said...

Ouch! That sounds really painful! Bless her!

My daughter, Laurel, said she had her first ever migraine headache last night. She could not sleep it was so bad, then she threw up and was finally able to go to sleep. Michael had them while in college. Sure hope she does not start having them regularly. Michael had to give himself shots. Time will tell. Stress, I think, is getting to her. She thought it might have been the wine last night.

Lolly said...

Prayers for you, Andrea!

Lolly said...

Well, time for me to go get beautiful! Such a chore!

hedgie said...

Want me to quiz you, Andrea????? Don't think we could do spelling in writing, but could do definitions!!!

Costume Lady said...

Oh, Deb, I'm sorry...forgot to tell you that I put the woodpecker on my Wild and Wonderful blog. I guess you have gone back to work. I'll tell you again when you come home.

hedgie said...

Someone at SD is enjoying the ice cake!!!

Panda Birthday Ice

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Wanda, check your email!

hedgie said...

Lolly, red wine in particular has been implicated as a migraine trigger, along w/ cheeses and nuts. Wine always did it to my mom. My sis gets hers mostly from flashing lights. Same daughter gets them out of the blue with no particular cause. My eldest SIL gets them, too. NO FUN! I get the ocular migraines....just visual disturbance that lasts less than 30 mins.--disconcerting but no pain, etc., TG. There is definitely a hereditary component....often skips a generation. Poor Laurel. I think the injectable med is now available as a nasal spray and maybe even a pill---much easier! But it (Imitrex) can't be used in anybody with hypertension.

Judie said...

Here's the letter to J. Moran

Dear Congressman Moran,

I wish to thank you for being present for the release of the three eaglets at Mason Neck Wildlife Refuse on Saturday, July 25th. Your support of eagles and the protection of the environment are greatly valued.

Many of us who are eagle supporters and nature lovers are concerned about the Department of Homeland Security move to the grounds of the former St. Elizabeth's Hospital campus. For the past ten years, the grounds have been home to a pair of nesting eagles where they have successfully raised their hatchlings.

We understnad that the nesting tree is to be protected by the use of fencing. We are also aware that an environmental impact study was part of the decision to fence off the nesting tree.

However, construction of an access road may destroy up to twelve acres of habitat the eagles need to survive and raise their young and for the eaglets to learn to fly and hunt. The trees also provide protection which helps to ensure survival of both the adults and their eaglets.

We appreciate how busy your schedule is yet hope that you will be able to take the time to look into the possibility of a viable alternative which would help maintain the habitat of what is believed to be the only pair of nesting eagles within the District of Columbia.

We hope that the agency charged with protecting our national security will also want to ensure the continued survival of the symbol of our national security residing on the grounds of their new location.

Judie said...

Ooops! Refuse was refuge in the actual letter.


hedgie said...

EXCELLENT, Judie!!! Very nicely put!

NatureNut said...

Afternoon Everyone!
Prayers for Andrea, her baby heron, Lynn's daughter's ear (OUCH), Laurel's migraine & anyone else who needs them.

hedgie said...

Thanks, Loretta! Are you working today?

Ms Bookworm said...

Thanks SO much for the prayers! And guess what--now there are THREE siblings hanging out with our little injured heron! Maybe they've got a prayer chain going, too. Their concern is really something. Each one kind of does its own thing for a while, looking for bugs & worms in the grass. Then they'll go over to the injured fellow and exchange a few words with him. It's really something to watch.

Mits said...

Brew at the Zoo

When Thursday, August 20, 2009, 6 – 9pm
Categories After Five, Culinary Arts
Venue Zoo
Event Location Entire Zoo
Cost General Admission: $35 FONZ members | $50 nonmembers
VIP Brew Club: $70 FONZ members | $85 nonmembers
Details Raise your glass to conservation and join FONZ Young Professionals at the fifth annual Brew at the Zoo. Sample beer from more than 20 microbreweries.

they have functions like this all year, to raise neccesary monies for conservation, etc..Boo at the zoo, Holiday lights, etc...

NatureNut said...

Your Welcome, Lynn. I'm home today.
Andrea, you've got a sanctuary there! Plz get some pics! ☺

Jo, you've got mail.
Judie, your letter is excellent to Moran.I wonder if they'll do anything simce it looks like they are aboding by rules and regulations which are NOT ENOUGH!!!!!

NatureNut said...

Helen, If people get drunk at the Zoo, do they just put them in cages for the night?? LOL

NatureNut said...

Gotta get lunch.....

Ms Bookworm said...

Great job, Judie! I did notice that in paragraph 3, 'understand' is a typo (probably not in the original). It's a great letter, and I can't wait for a reply!

Lynn, do you have your computer set to defragment your hard drive about once a week? If you have a bunch of files like I do, it will take several hours. Mine does the job every Wed. nite.

Mema Jo said...

Loretta - Got the mail.. Sent reply

Mema Jo said...

Does anyone have the site for
Translation from Finnish to English?

Ms Bookworm said...

Lynn, to set up a 'defrag' on my computer, you go to:
Control Panel
-System & Maintenance
-Administrative Tools
-Defragment your hard drive
It really does make my computer more efficient, and speeds it up.

Mema Jo said...

I found the site on Google
Thanks anyhow!

Judie said...

Yep, blog type not in the letter.

Oh no y'll don't! I am not going to the zoo and drink G&Ts or beer and get put into a cage. HOWEVER, a zoo get together would be fun.

Yep! Red wine can be a trigger. Stick with G&T.

Okay, enough fun for awhile. Need to get back to planning my attack/survival guide for the wannabe adults.

Thanks for the compliments! A group effort once again.


Mits said...

lol...Loretta, people behave themselves.

stronghunter said...

A quick hello . . . Hunter and I are back from errands.

Andrea--appreciate the report on the young herons. It is interesting that they show concern for sibling.

Judie--Great letter!

I probably need to defrag my computer. Don't do that much.

hedgie said...

Andrea, I HAVEN'T run a defrag on this netbook since I got it in Feb., and not sure if it's set for auto or not. THANKS!!! Duh! Will certainly do that!
LOL, Loretta and Judie....I don't want to be caged, either!
Speaking of DC---or not---anyone see the article about Chief Lanier in Parade yesterday? Knew she had several good-sounding efforts going, but quite an interesting approach to open-door policy with officers and citizens. I like that she is almost ALWAY on scene of anything major, day or night.

Ms Bookworm said...

Thanks for the offer of quizzing me!
Don't know quite how to explain why I'm perplexed with what I've got to learn, though. This book defines word elements, suggests audionyms, then visual images to remember, and finally the definition. Each chapter has a 30 min. videotape to watch that does the same. Trouble is, the visual images are pretty far-fetched most of the time. They quiz you on them, too. Here's an example:
hyper-...audionym: high purr... Visual image: see the cat high-purring above a more than normal number of cats on the church... Meaning: above, more than normal.
See what I mean? Way too much info!

Mits said...

Ya-Ya, the giant panda in Memphis is 9 today...also enjoying a frozen cake....ZZ has about finished hers off.....

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Andrea, I have never had to type anything in a medical document that pertains to a cat purring. I have, however, typed pathology reports on canine masses. :)

Ms Bookworm said...

They just make it way too complicated. If all I had to learn was the word element and the meaning, no problem. It's all the steps in-between that have me crazy.
I may go to school early enough today so that I can watch the video tapes again. They talk so fast on them that I get messed up there, too, though. If I could just use the book as a reference book when needed it would be fine. Any good ideas?

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I believe your class goes deeper than the one I took or the one I taught.

Ms Bookworm said...

Thanks, Sharon,
You get what I'm saying! The trouble with the visual images that are supposed to help connect the word with the meaning, are just plain crazy. Another example:
trip-... Audionym: trip... Visual image: See the man, preparing for a trip, rubbing the car to create friction!... Meaning: rub, friction.
Maybe my brain is just too logical, and that's why I can't remember so many of the visual images. I actually KNOW a bunch of the medical words already.

Mits said...

parent and 2 chicks at Finland nest

Mits said...

BWO update....

Technical Alert
Our partner is having technical issues, and it's affecting our image updating. We hear the fix could take a while, and we may not have images for about a day.

Our apologies for the downtime.

Ms Bookworm said...

They say that if you know the meaning of a lot of medical word fragments, you can figure out what a big long medical word means, even if it's out of context. Trouble is, there are still exceptions to the rule!

hedgie said...

For sure, Andrea. And if you know Latin you can figure out the meaning of most, too....but get real!!!! Those are the most inane visuals I ever heard.

hedgie said...

Pizelles are done....not nearly as yummy in vanilla...ended up with 3 dozen 4" flats.

NatureNut said...

Good grief--those mental images seem far fetched, at least to me. Are you allowed to make up your own?
As for med/science terms, our high school biology teacher gave an advanced biology class and we got list of Latin and Greek prefixes and suffixes. Invaluable and very useful---still remember most today.

NatureNut said...

Now, Lynn--you're not going to eat them all, are you????? Be right up! LOL

Ms Bookworm said...

Yeah, see, Lynn? You get it too! The visuals are SO wacky it makes them HARD to remember, not EASY!

Mits said...

Lynn, I always find the anise, right next to the vanilla extract at store

Ms Bookworm said...

NatureNut, you're on the same page with me too! Your idea of a list sounds much better.
Lynn, good thing I live so far away!
I'd happily eat the whole batch for you right now! I LOVE vanilla!
Say, here's another heron picture.

Ms Bookworm said...

Little gimpy guy seems to feel most comfortable sitting on the brick wall with his injured leg dangling behind him. All the others come over often to see how he's doing.

Ms Bookworm said...

Well, I'm about to give up and go hit the books again. Just for fun, here's one last definition:
-trophy...Audionym: trophy ...Visual Image: See the trophy that turns into a housing development! ...meaning: development. Case closed! LOL :oD

hedgie said...

Helen, I've looked at 4 stores already! Need to check Weis the next time I go in that direction. The vanilla is bland compared to the anise. Y'all come---I'll share! They keep well, so they'll be here awhile!

Is that his leg hanging down in front of the wall, Andrea? must have a very good memory!

Ms Bookworm said...

Yup. He tends to face away from me, with the bum leg hanging in front of the wall. Here's a picture of one of those cuties who came up to the patio window.

Ms Bookworm said...

Well, gotta get some lunch & study. Be back later. Have a great afternoon! :o]

hedgie said...

So atrophy must mean an undeveloped farm, huh? Right.......geesh!! To we medical folks, it means a wasting or deterioration of muscle or organ due to disease, injury or disuse. So a good visual would be a shriveled vegetable!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Atrophic cucumber! :)

hedgie said...

Sharon, ROFLMBO!!!! :):):)

magpie said...

Good Afternoon Eagle Pals

Thanks to Megan for Our Full Moon names for this month. !!


magpie said...

My IO Moth on my picture blogs for Feathers Furs and Misc is actually NOT an IO, but a Polyphemus...
my naturalist friend in New York knows a lot about all wildlife and had a look....
I'll get it corrected on that link one of these days...
I can ID Swallowtails and that's about IT !

magpie said...

Lynn - Tough news about your youngest...I have Q-tips but never use them except for when I mess up on fingernail polish...always afraid of poking something into a place I cannot see !

stronghunter said...

Andrea, the scary thing about those visuals you are writing about is the fact that it reminds me of a teaching method I'm supposed to use. We are supposed to teach people how to create those things.

Mnemonic devices don't work very well when they are more difficult to remember than the thing they are supposed to help you remember.

magpie said...

Andrea Best wishes on your testing, I know you usually manage to do very well, even with Heron on the Brain

Sounds like some good kid fun going on with Lolly and Shirley

Great Letter Judie !!!

magpie said...

Migraines....had them for years, mine were actually cluster headaches, but after several treatment options, got prescribed Fioricet for when I feel them coming in, and Imitrex for when that does not work. No problems nowadays, but used to miss a few days of work a Month ! :(

stronghunter said...

Don’t usually have headaches, but have had a few ocular migraines. They were weird. It did not take me long to go to the eye doctor to find out what was going on. I think they were caused by using the computer too long.

hedgie said...

Race was certainly not what I was hoping it to turn out to be...drats.

magpie said...

Phenergan helped too...for the nausea, and helped me sleep! Which was always hard to do with the pain.

hedgie said...

Shirley, I've had one each day for the last three...they seem to run in spurts like that. I could go 6 weeks w/o one and then get several in a row. I, too, blame the computer!!

magpie said...

Nice to see the "Southern Delegation" on here bright and early, how about T-Bird and Buddy ?????

And Bibee, where oh where is Bibee ?

magpie said...

I think I like "Moon When All Things Ripen" Megan or Fruit Moon

Judie said...

Hi everyone,

Andrea, I think I have an atrophic cucumber in the frig. Maybe you could take one to class for show-and-tell. You certainly have even more admiration for being able to test so well now that I have an idea of what the material is about. Also, heard on the news about an earthquake in Mexico with effects felt up to north west. Hope you and your animal nursery critters are safe!

I don't like the moths around here. They eat up my stuff!! Death to the moths that eat my stuff.

Lynn, missed something but hope the ear thing gets better.

Okay, getting time to gaze into the frig -- I'll pretend I don't see the atrophic cucumber. Shrimp with angel hair pasta and garlic sauce tonight! YUM!


magpie said...

My brother, the Prairie Dog specialist, started out in High School as a Lepidopterist. He and my Dad would chase all over the countryside with their butterfly nets. His collection (moths, butterflies, and all kinds of insects) was donated to the Shepherd College (now Shepherd University) in Shepherdstown. Guess it is still there.

Mits said...

Flamingos growing nicely at NZ, now how to skim the water for food.

Mits said...

ra ro......just got a knock on the door, water problems on 1st floor, flooding....we can't use water...yikes, glad I got my shower and water to drink in fridge....

Mits said...

sitting here watching the boats come in to the weigh station from the 1st day of the White Marlin tournament.... their cam has improved greatly since they first staring using it

hedgie said...

Judie, my youngest ruptured her ear drum last night when she was using a Qtip and her arm hit the wall. She saw Dr. Antibiotic drops; they couldn't test to make sure no damage to the anvil, hammer and stapes because they said her canal was malformed! She goes back in 2 wks. Of course, we were always taught that you never put liquid of any kind in an ear w/ a ruptured drum......hmmmmm---what do I know?

ceil said...

Afternoon everyone. Lynn, we have a couple pizzelle makers. They were Jim's grandmothers. They would make dozens of them by hand. One at a time on the stove. A friend of MM would make them but last year she said she could not do it anymore.
Margy I like when all things ripen moon.
Lynn Jim uses q-tips everyday. Told him one of these days he will break an eardrum.
I used to get what I thought was migraines. Once they got my blood pressure under control stopped getting them. Get an occasional one.

Mits said...

OK water off for 2 to 3 hours....flooded condo 2 stories down from migraine headaches during perimenopausal stage lasted for 10 years....went thru menopause, and rarely get them now

ceil said...

Mits good thing it was under you. They are do to have our electricity off for 11 hours 12:30 saturday morning
They were suppose to do these repairs 2 years ago. They would come and look at the pole and say can't get our equipment in here. Well the pole did not grow there.

Mits said...

yes better below, than above.....

hedgie said...

Ceil and Mits, glad you don't get them often anymore. Did MM also have trouble with them?
Tell Jim I said to cease and desist qtip use, Ceil!
Sure glad the flood was BELOW you, Mits!!!
One of these days I'm going to try making those things that MM brought to open house!! Got a recipe...but now I can't remember what they're called.

magpie said...

Okay - Have to leave for work now..
Great, not your condo, Helen...
same with me about the timing of the headaches...they pretty much quit several years ago, just one every so often now.

Well nice to "see" everyone, will "see" you again sometime Tuesday.

Mits said...

hope it is a slow night Margy...

Costume Lady said...

Lynn, PLEASE...what is a Pizzelle? I think I want one:)

ceil said...

Margy have a good night.
Lynn she gets them but MM would keep on going. She is like the energizer bunny.

ceil said...

Wanda Pizzelles are an Italian waffle but they are thin and crispy. You can buy them in the grocery store now but homemade are better.

Costume Lady said...

Have a GOOD one, Margy:)

deb said...

I am home from work and all caught up. Good luck on the tests, I would have trouble with those memory clues. It seems like it would be easier to just learn what the word means.

Helen, glad you didn't get flooded!

Margy, hope your night goes well.

Costume Lady said...

Lynn, I get the Ocular headaches, also. Only, I don't actually get the headache, just the visual disturbances....really weird. Only 2 or 3 a year. One day, I got 3 in one day and that really unerved me. Thought it was a sign of something coming on.

Costume Lady said...

Thanks, Ceil. I guess you can freeze them? I'm wondering what Lynn is going to do with 30some:)

Costume Lady said...

I once took a memory course and the only thing that I can remember is that the instructor gave us an example: A man was named Mr. Apple...picture him having an apple on each cheek:) All I could picture was him eating it! I didn't do well in that course:(

ceil said...

Wanda, I am sure they can be frozen.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Good evening everyone. Mattie and I just got back from about an hour walk. It was really nice. Going to read some now and then go to a meeting. See yous guys later! :)

Mits said...

roflmbo, Wanda. all I can think of is the Fruit of the Loom apple man

Costume Lady said...

Helen, you would have been hysterical in that class:)

Mits said...

I see things as black and white I guess....I would have failed miserably

Mits said...

good for you Sharon and Mattie:)

floralgirl said...

This one's for you then, Mits:)

Mits said...

lol.....Megan...:) guys.

hedgie said...

Wanda, yep, they are like Belgian waffles or crepes I guess, but thin and crsip like a cookie! Freeze ok, but keep awhile in airtight container.
Mine are just visual, too--no pain or nausea, TG! I've had several in one day before, too.
Are you reading anything good, Shar???

Mema Jo said...

Oh Boy! What a refreshing opening up of the blog! lol

Fruit Guys say it all!

hedgie said...

That's cool, Megan! Where do you find this stuff????
Guess what?? We actually have a Magpie Lane in our county.....wonder if they named it after our Margy?? LOL. Surrounded by other aviary-type names.

Mema Jo said...

Thanks Mits -I was going to ask for that OC cam. Great crowd that the event pulls in!

stronghunter said...

Had shrimp and pasta tonight myself. Didn't have to cook anything. Leftovers from last night's visit to Red Lobster.

It is one of the nice things about eating out--usually get at least 2 meals out of it. Still have a leftover biscuit.

Mema Jo said...

I love Red Lobster Biscuits! Sometimes that is the real reason I go there!

stronghunter said...

I like all of it, Jo.

ceil said...

I love biscuits. Could make a meal off of them.

stronghunter said...

Hunter and I made our breakfast out of biscuits with strawberry jam this morning . . . I like those frozen ones you can take out of the bag and bake as many as you like.

ceil said...

Shirley I am with you. Yum

Costume Lady said...

Red Lobster Lobster...Yum!

Costume Lady said...

When Gene was still working and went out of town for meetings, his group always stopped at Red Lobster. All those who didn't want their cheese biscuits, would send them home to me! Once, someone set me home a whole lobster!!:)

Mits said...

I have never been to a Red Lobster, aren't any close to where I live, and none down here.

Costume Lady said...

I think the one who didn't eat his lobster must have filled up on G&Ts. Can't imagine ordering a lobster and not eating it????

Mits said...

water back on, said there was a big clog with what looked like baby wipes, between 301 and 201.....

Costume Lady said...

We don't eat there very often...seems we can never just go in and order just the entree. We have a drink, an appetizer, a salad and maybe a dessert. $100.00 I'm use to the China City Buffet $13.00:)

Mits said...

really that much?????

Costume Lady said...

Well, if there is only one person with a know who the culprit is. Oh, I guess, that's not necessarily so, I use baby wipes to wash my face when I'm too tired to do it the right way.

Costume Lady said...

That's right, Helen. 2 lobster dinners at $30.00 a piece, 2 appetizers at 9.00 ea. and 2 bloody marys. It was our anniversary, so it was worth it and was delish!

deb said...

Sometimes I worry about myself. I thought did they count the baby wipes to know there were that many. DUH!!!

Costume Lady said...

But, I don't put the wipes in the toilet.

Mits said...

well there are no babies in 301....but there are several cleaning products that look like wipes, none of which are flush-able, and my babies have not been here in a month

Mits said...

roflmbo, Deb.....I would not be surprised at some of these workers....301, does have an annoying little dog, maybe it was his pee-pads

Costume Lady said...

My woodpecker photo is on Wild and Wonderful..I mean Karla's photo.

deb said...

I saw it, Wanda, very cool picture. I haven't had one come to my yard before. I wish one would.

Costume Lady said...

What I was wondering, Deb, is that woodpecker that Karla saw in her yard the same as the one you had on your avatar. I didn't know that we had that kind here.

wvgal_dana said...

Hello Eagle Friends. Not sure with talking about doggie pee pads. I came in at the right or maybe wrong moment. lol

Beer at the zoo?

Happy Anniversary Wanda & Gene..yummy Red Lobster. Seems a lot of people are going there lately.

Good Luck on test....I don't understand it. Sure hope you do. You can do it ( :

Ouch sorry Lynn about daughters ear.

Slow on reading comments still not caught up.

deb said...

Yes, it is the same kind, Wanda, a Red-headed Woodpecker!

Costume Lady said...

Karla lives about 60 miles from here on top of a mountain. She sees all the wonderful birds we see once or twice a year, all the time. Tanagers, bluebirds, grossbeaks, buntings and all the others that we have. She also has BEARS!

paula eagleholic said...

Hello, Eagle friends!

How is everyone? Haven't read a thing, busy, busy day at work.

Mema Jo said...

That Red Lobster for Wanda & Gene was back in Dec - I thought I had forgotten someone! It just took me a while to get all the August b-day cards out to all our Momsters/Dadstes.

Hi Dana! So good to see you on the blog! Pray the eye is healing quickly!

paula eagleholic said...

Yummy Red Lobster!

Happy Anniversary Wanda & Gene!

paula eagleholic said...

How are you, Dana? Glad you could drop in.

paula eagleholic said...

Forgot to ask Dana how Ed is doin.

paula eagleholic said...

I have made the Red Lobster biscuits. Paula Dean has the recipe for them too, I'm sure you can just google it.

hedgie said...

Late to the conversation, but gotta tell ya---Red Lobster bisquits are my weakness for sure---when I go I always bring home a dozen. Can't remember how much they charge, but it's worth it!!

Hi, goes it?

hedgie said...

Yep, Paula...I've made them before, and recently fixed some from Tastefully Simple that were real close after I made a couple of small additions.

Is it really Gene and Wanda's anniversary??? did we miss that til so late?
Happy Anniversary to the Captain and his First Mate."

paula eagleholic said...

Brew at the zoo sounds good.

Too bad Metro doesn't run all the way to Emmitsburg, tho!

paula eagleholic said...

When I was trying to get my Mom to eat at the nursing home, I fixed her some shrimp cocktail and Red Lobster biscuits. She sure wolfed them down.

wvgal_dana said...

Hey there Paula and Lynn. Reading slowly here but trying without my glasses. A little blurry but lots better.

wvgal_dana said...

Lynn-Hedgie how is your friend's BF Ken?

wvgal_dana said...

Found out today report is back to dr. that referred Ed to Thoratic Surgeon. I want an appointment so they can start lowering his predisone. Try to call them tomorrow. Ed is in no pain, just still can't breath if he moves.

ceil said...

Good night all. Pleasant dreams.

Mema Jo said...

Dana - I am very very slowly getting lesser dosage of prednisone BUT I don't think my lung can live without it

Each time a cold comes on - UP goes the dosage! It really has side affects but I can live with them as long as I can breath.

Gen & Wanda's anniversary is DEC Wanda just mentioned going to the Red Lobster on their anniversary.

floralgirl said...

That red headed woodpecker pic is cool! I have never seen one of those here.

Costume Lady said...

THANKS for the anniversary good wishes, but, our anniversary is January 2....50years! As was Jo & Eds a little earlier...remember?

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Good evening all!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Wanda, were you and Gene 10 when you got married?

Costume Lady said...

Yep, Sharon. I was 8 and Gene was 10;)

floralgirl said...

Ah, young love:)

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

That is what I was thinking! :)

stronghunter said...

Hi! Much quieter around here now.

Interesting conversations---Red Lobster biscuits, Pee-Pee pads, clogged pipes, beer at the zoo, red- headed woodpeckers, etc. When we lived in our old neighborhood, I saw a pileated woodpecker tearing the daylights out of a tree stump out in the backyard. It was huge and it was throwing pieces of wood around like it meant business. That is the only time I have ever seen one.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

And really young love! :)

floralgirl said...

We have lots of pileated woodpeckers, red bellied, downy and hairy, and also flickers and sapsuckers. But no redheaded woddpecker.

Mema Jo said...

Megan with all those pretty flowers why do you have the Scream pic?
Aren't your breaks fixed yet?
Aaron got a 72 VW bus -- lol
I got a ride in it today. Lime green and white. Craziest thing is the HORN
Nothing has changed with the VW horn sound! He is so happy! I hope he gets some years out of it! It does have a 78 engine in it! It's rust spots are showing!

Mema Jo said...

Megan - typo! BRAKE LINE

floralgirl said...

Aaron's WV bus sounds cool! Love the color.
No brakes fixed- brake line has leak, and we haven't even figured out if it's one or both lines and if we can fix it.

stronghunter said...

It's interesting the different kinds of birds you see in different areas. When we lived in the oak trees, we saw lots of red bellied woodpeckers, nuthatches, brown creepers, and flying squirrels.

stronghunter said...

We had decided to leave a big part of our backyard wild, so we had plenty of wildlife back there.

Mema Jo said...

Megan - if it had not rained Sunday I was coming to market & then you would have seen it! He needs some flowers painted on it and maybe some peace signs.

paula eagleholic said...

Nope Wanda. Can't remember. I have CRS.

paula eagleholic said...

That is Can't Remember Sh**

hedgie said...

LOL! Thought I was crazy---THOUGHT that W&G had already celebrated once this year!!!
Gee, Jo, think I've seen that bus around!!!

Costume Lady said...

Join the crowd, Paula:)

paula eagleholic said...

I have seen red headed woodpeckers. Who has a pic? I'm lost!

paula eagleholic said...

And it's worse when you are drinking wine! :-0

NatureNut said...

Wow, it's getting late and
Happy Anniversary to Wanda and the Capt!!! ☺

Saw earlier that Judie hated her moths! The adults, like butterfies, only sip nectar and other fluids. They have no jaws, just a proboscis(tube). Your munching culprits must be something else, unless you've seen caterpillars around.

If I get any return mail from Finland, I'll let you know.I never found a govt. division of wildlife, except for salmon, so sent a letter about Finney chick to a BirdLife Org. that has 30 agencies in Finland & is huge in Europe, I guess like Audubon.Asked them to fwd or send me the approproate contact.
Well, got stuff to do---shampoo, etc.--early work TU.

hedgie said...

G'night, Ceil!
Have seen a couple of red-headed woodpeckers here, but mostly just pileateds (MANY!) and flickers (MANY!).

Mema Jo said...

Shirley - did you like the Potter movie? Did you take your grandson with you all?

Wanda has pic of Karla's red headed wood pecker.......

NatureNut said...

Paula, Deb had redhead as her avatar & I think Wanda said she put a pic on her Wild & Wonderful.

Mema Jo said...

Lynn - Aaron lives in Shepherdstown
You just may have seen him - he can't stay out of it! lol

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I am going to bed now.

Good night and sweet eagle dreams, my friends of fine feathers and fur! Hadn't said that in a while, took me a minute to remember how to say it! :)

paula eagleholic said...

Tahnk You! I found the little red headed feller! Yup, that's him alright!

paula eagleholic said...

Uh, that's THANK YOU

Mema Jo said...

Many Many raccoons in the PA woods
Large ones and small ones........

hedgie said...

Loretta, guess Finland officials are back from their July vacation now!!! Hopefully, you'll get a good answer!

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2/20/25 PM bird

1203 PM NN Scout comes to the nest with a load of bedding again. He seemed to leave with something in his talons. He has a beak full of bedd...