Tuesday, August 11, 2009


New thread.


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hedgie said...

Thanks, Steve. I called the gang over.

hedgie said...

Will post link to the Chinese girl adoption story in the Washington Post again, in case anyone doesn't go back:

Adoption Story

Mits said...

thanks, Lynn and Steve

Mits said...

Tian is on the move:)

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Thanks Lynn and Steve. Watching Tian. He is definitely taking his sweet little time.

It is pouring down in Bedford.

Mits said...

he still has half of the yard to go....

Mits said...

good grief, has he fallen asleep on the log?

hedgie said...

Push some of that rain this way, Shar!!! Maybe it will cool us off AND water the earth.

Mits said...

we are supposed to be cooler tomorrow, maybe then I will venture outside.

hedgie said...

Looks like it, Mits....lazy ol' bear!! I think the heat has gotten to him!

Mits said...

I think so too, it has not been this hot all summer, Mei and Tai, have spent more time indoors than he has, they have the option to be in or out...think this spell has caught him off guard.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Heading to Roanoke. Will be back in a little while.

Mits said...

here's Tian...think he will make it this time

Mits said...

YES, he made it:)

Mema Jo said...

Hi Mits, Hedgie and Sharon! I found you on this nice fresh thread Steve just sent out !

I still like watching all the zoos on Daniels Multiple Panda Cam Feeds.

Almost time for dinner here. Company has arrived.

Mits said...


Mits said...

good, Tian Tian is eating some bamboo.

Mits said...

I feel better now that Tian is inside and eating...

hedgie said...

Nice tributes to Eunice Shriver on the news. She was a very special lady. Sad loss, even tho' not unexpected at her age. As someone mentioned earlier, Maria looks more and more like her as she gets older, doesn't she?

paula eagleholic said...

Jo needs to get us a pic of Meatball eating a meatball!! :)

Ms Bookworm said...

Oops! Missed the new thread, so will bring this over:

Hi, Everyone!

I got home from school SO late last night! Slept in this morning, and have been studying and sort of lurking on the blog to try to catch up. Tried to get the Finney nest, but no go. Probably my computer's fault, although Chrissy said that Koo had fledged! She came back, too!
She's truly amazing.
No sign of any herons today, although I heard some feeding young 'uns late last night. Gardeners have come and gone, and the yard looks good.

Deb, you'll love how much time having a gardener frees up for you! If you feel like trimming something you may, and if not, no problem.

Lynn, so glad Bill's mom is out of the hospital! Prayers for good news about her upcoming test on Friday.

NatureNut, we know who did the shooting--it wasn't juveniles, it was our adult neighbor, who I hope has come to his senses!

Sissy, glad Tom's pain has lessened, but still glad he has the appt. on Thurs. with the other doctor. Prayers for that situation!

Sorry to hear that Eunice Kennedy Shriver has passed on; she's certainly left a lasting legacy with the Special Olympics! She will be missed.

Wish I had time to take your online class, Judie! How much time is involved? I've got Anatomy/Physiology, Pharmacology, and one last Keyboarding class to deal with for fall. Think your class might be doable? I need to figure out my trigger-happy neighbor.

hedgie said...

Glad Tian wised up!

Ms Bookworm said...

I'll probably be certifiable by the weekend--have to take a quiz on 3 chapters of Med. Terminology tonight, 2 tomorrow, and 2 the next day. Test tonight for Human Diseases class, too! Never a dull moment, it seems. Guess I better go study some more...hope you guys are praying for my memory! Please do!I'll be needing all the help I can get right about now! Many thanks in advance. Will try to get back here tonight, if it's not too late. Have a great day! :o]

hedgie said...

Hi Andrea. Do you have class tonight? Liked the latest heron pic!

Wanda....looked for Butterfly video---didn't see it earlier....can't wait to watch!

hedgie said...

Oops, missed your post Andrea. Know you will do fine on the test! Your memory is working fine, gal!!!

hedgie said...

Rescuers spent 3 hrs. digging (with a backhoe) a baby elephant out of a manhole in Thailand! Fell in while out for a walk with its handler. He is fine, they say! Quite a sight---looked like he was stuck on his back in the hole!

Mema Jo said...

Andrea - you have really jumped in with both feet and you are doing great!
Still praying for you memory when I remember to do it... lol
You have my prayers!

hedgie said...

I moved the flower basket into the garden....don't know whether the wrens have found it or not....haven't seen them at all since early this morning.

floralgirl said...

Are you getting rain, Jo? looks like a thunderstorm is near you now.

Mema Jo said...

Not yet - it is getting dark.
Did you get any?

floralgirl said...

No, storms missed us, went towards Boonsboro, feel cool air though and it's cloudy here. More storms in PA headed towards us, hard to tell if they'll hit here yet.

Mema Jo said...

It didn't hit us - One loud clap of thunder and no rain.

Lolly said...

Hi all! Waiting for Laurel to get home. Have had a great day. We went swimming and Jacob did just great. Got him to go completely under water for the count of about 12. He was also attempting to dog paddle to me for a couple of feet.

Oh, and while swimming we had two neighbor boys with us. Came home and Aaron stayed to play. They built a tent with blankets and chairs. Now they are playing outside and Jacob has the cutest little neighbor girl here to play. Two precious 4 year olds!

Mema Jo said...

Time for little Meatball to go home.


Costume Lady said...

Don't forget to wipe her mouth off, Jo:)
I don't think I have been on here all day. Busy, busy.
No rain here either. We are sooo dry. Started watering 7am. Garden looks very sad:(

NatureNut said...

Hi all ☺ It's a little cloudy and gray, but don't know if we'll get any rain or not. After getting home, watered flower pots on deck w/can & got eaten by mosquitoes!Have to get the shaving cream and credit card!LOL
And while I remember,good vibes for Andrea's memory on tests tonight!
Sprayed Deep Woods Off--need to use hose for front yard foundation plants. I usually wear long jersey pants (like exercise) to prevent those bugbites, but in daylight they look like jammies! Gotta eat din din, too---the Meatballs reminded me!

deb said...

Hi, I am home and missing a dog. My new lawn boy left an escape route. Luckily, there is a message on my machine and a lady found him. I called but they aren't home right now. I am waiting for a call so I can go get him.

hedgie said...

Loretta, you are just so sweet that the skeeters couoldn't resist!!
Still waiting to hear how Dana and Ed enjoyed their trip to LaTrobe!!!!

hedgie said...

Oh, no, Deb! So glad someone got him!! Need to have a talk with the lawn guy, for sure. Have we ever seen any pics of your pups???:

deb said...

Yes, I have posted them before. I wil look for it.

Mits said...

oh Deb, thank heavens,,,,yes, just a reminder to the lawn guy to close what he opens:)

Mits said...

EAGLE ALERET OUR NEST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11

Mits said...

off she goes, was nice to see her:)

ceil said...

Deb glad your dog was found. When I first started to read I held my breath was afraid you were going to say it was gone.

Mits said...

starting to rain at nest...

ceil said...

Just saw panda cub

stronghunter said...

Raining at nest.

Mits said...

Jo might be getting some rain now, but heaviest part of storm is above her.

stronghunter said...

Good evening, everybody.

The camera has a lot of static.

What eagle was at the nest?

Mits said...


wvgal_dana said...

Evening Eagleland

Thank you all for thinking of Ed during the Steelers Training Camp. I found a nice place to put our chairs. Nice breeze and nephew brought a nice tall umbrella. Great time we had!! ( : We had a young man and his dad sitting in front of us. The son helped me spot the players I wanted to find.
Ed did walk with daughter to the tent store to buy himself a hat and me a visor. She called nephew to get my car keys to go get them and ride Ed back in car. He had trouble breathing and walking.

Everything was great....I gave nephew my new visor and he got me Ben Roethlisber's signature on it. Happy Happy me !!!

It did get dark a few drops then passed right over us.

Wonderful time I spent with my Ed. ( :

floralgirl said...

Looks like it's about to rain here, won't believe it til I see it though.

wvgal_dana said...

Still need to catch up on all the comments.

Hedgie glad
they have been able
to help Bill's Mom
keeping her in prayer

Lynn bear and cub has been
sited within the month
back at Hedgesville.

Love the bunny picture Lorett
especially with the leaf.

Deb so glad you found a guy
to mow and trim. It was a
great blessing for us.
Neat I like it to that
he blows the grass off
driveway and walk.

Mits said...

you might get some, Megan

deb said...

I am home with Sam, he followed our walk route for the most part, but I am lucky these people found him. He was right at the last house before a corn field and then the river beyond that.

Mits said...

big racoon and little racoon at PA PIX

Mits said...

glad he is home Deb, now relax:)

stronghunter said...

Deb, so happy that your dog was found, and so quickly, too.

Good that Belle showed up for a moment. I missed her, though.

Spent the afternoon with Hunter. We went for ice cream and then explored the riverbanks until Grandma just couldn't stand the heat anymore.

Hunter went off to football practice with his mom. I do not think I could have stood anymore outdoor time. They have found a shady spot for practice, thank goodness.

They were giving them playbooks today. Interesting that they give playbooks to 8-year-olds. I usually glaze over when they start drawing all of those arrows and O's and X's or whatever it is that they draw.

Mits said...

all kinds of baby racoons now at PA

wvgal_dana said...

Shirley I hope also that you will be able to drop in after school starts. It is always nice reading your comments.

Judie said...

Back for a visit.

Checked SD panda a few minutes ago and got another glimpse of baby. Can't wait for a really good look.

I vote for a picture of meatball eating a meatball and Jacob learning to dog paddle.

Shirley, with the unexpected events, I forgot to say how happy I am you enjoyed the play and your visit to D.C. I thought you would like the play.

I think my hypothetical online class would be a huge success if I could pair all of the momsters and dadsters with the cops. Now that would be a hoot.

Andrea, I think you are amazing for taking on all the course work and doing so well with it all. Good luck tonight!

Also, did your neighbor shoot the heron on purpose? If so, I hope the heron god visits and pecks him a new brain! Stupid hateful person.

Deb, so happy your dog was found. We really don't need another animal sad story right now. I would have been frantic.

Went out before dinner and pulled some deadish spike leaves and other stuff together and put it where the wrens were looking for nest material last night. Hope thay appreciate my help. Going to start lookig around to see if I can find the nest -- maybe a hanging basket?

Off to read a bit more. Back later.


stronghunter said...

Judie, when my children were little, we used to put out colorful pieces of yarn and such for the birds to use for their nests. It was always fun to see those colorful pieces woven into the nests.

This spring, I saw the remains of what looked to be an old nest in the yard, and it had pieces of red yarn in it. I think the kids next door have been carrying on the custom. They are home-schooled, and I know they have been studying birds.

Maybe you could put out some colorful pieces of cloth or yarn.

ceil said...

Think I will call it a night.
Peaceful dreams to all

stronghunter said...

Good night, Ceil.

stronghunter said...

Yes, Judie, Susan and I both enjoyed the play.

stronghunter said...

We have often had bird nests in hanging baskets. Makes it a little hard to water the plant.

Judie said...

Hi Shirley, good idea. Just didn't realize the wrens would be having more babies this late in summer. Actually thought they were looking for repair material after the storm the night before. I'll look around to see what I have to put out for them.

Good night, Ceil.


wvgal_dana said...

Oh for heavens sake. I forgot to tell you all. Ed was driving I-81N and we just was coming up to exit for I-70W. When all of a sudden when I was looking up to the sky. The glass in the car was filled by a "huge" bird with fingertip like wings. The potomac river is nearby there and I was thinking I just seen our "Hidey". It was an immature eagle. It came lower and lower until it landed in the branch of a tree. By that time we were on the I-70W ramp. As we came around to go over I-81 I looked and looked into the trees but couldn't find it again. WOW took my breath away. ( :

stronghunter said...

Wow, Dana!

Every time I see a large bird, I look carefully to see if it looks like an eagle. Unfortunately, we have lots of turkey buzzards around here, and I'm still learning how to recognize young eagles.

stronghunter said...

How far from the nest, Dana?

hedgie said...

Two big rolls of thunder an hour ago and then NOTHING!

wvgal_dana said...

Shirley when I seen Liberty over near where I lived. Steve said that was 10 minutes flying for them. So this would be 3-6 minutes maybe flying time for Hidey.

stronghunter said...

So it could very easily have been Hidey. How exciting!

Mits said...

good night Ceil, Lynn the bulk of that storm went south of you.

Mits said...

watching The First 48...bbl.

hedgie said...

Glad Sam is home safe and sound, Deb.
Dana, sounds like a fun trip! Glad you and Ed had a good time.
The yarn sounds like a neat idea, Shirley. I threw all yarn away a few years ago---it was so old that it was rotten!! Juie, give it a try and let us know!!

stronghunter said...

Earlier this summer, I was sitting in the car in Kathry's driveway. Kathryn had brushed one of the dogs and left some tufts of dog hair in the yard. I watched a little bird pick up dog hair and fly off with it. That would make a nice soft lining.

floralgirl said...

Got about 2 minutes of rain....

wvgal_dana said...

Andrea keeping you in prayers for test.

Deb so HAPPY for you about
your doggie. I know that
was truly such a worry for you.

Neat Sharon Andrew is up and
already into the new school.
What instrument is he playing,
the drums?

It is great Koo fledged. Now we
need to see Koo back at the
nest, so we know everything is ok.

OH BOY!! Just read in comments
where Koo made it back to the
nest !!!!!!!!!!!! Happy Day!!

Still tiring to figure out about the neighbor shooting heron. Stupid ARREST HIM!

stronghunter said...

Yes, Dana, I agree. Plenty of reasons to arrest the guy in my book!

wvgal_dana said...

Looking for comment about the BB gun shooting on the poor heron?

stronghunter said...

Monday'S Thread, 5:02 PM Tuesday.

stronghunter said...

That is when she said it was an adult.

hedgie said...

Keep Chrissy in prayer, gang....another incident last night...no damage...Matt was home and saw someone and gave chase, but didn't catch him. Police responded and took another report. Frank is home tonight.

stronghunter said...

Dana, the original story about the shooting is on the Sunday threat--Monday, 12:22 AM

stronghunter said...

That is thread, not threat

Tell me about Chrissy, Lynn. Who is Chrissy.

Mema Jo said...

Alleluia Hawaii ! We did get a good downpour of rain between 8 - 9:00.
If you don't believe me, ask my cats!
Next time maybe they will come a running when I call! They are all in now. They don't like being dried with a towel - but I did it anyhow!

I remember seeing your 2 dogs Deb
They were laying on the bed I think.

Dana I am glad to hear of the good time you and Ed had at the training camp.

deb said...

Osprey update: All 12 Osprey that were released Saturday are alive and well. We did have one water rescue, so one bird is in the bird house until Janie is sure it is good to go again. It just needs a little rest and food. A26, now known as Lil Puff, was missing for about 36 hours, but otherwise seems fine. We also had a badger visit today!

stronghunter said...

Good news, Deb!

Mema Jo said...

Hedgie - what kind of incidents are we speaking about with Chrissy. It sounds like a Stalker?

Mema Jo said...

Deb - would a badger attack/eat an

Mits said...

good report, Deb.

deb said...

Yes, a badger would eat an Osprey, if it could get to it.

wvgal_dana said...

Wanda loved the video of the caterpillar
into Chrysalis. How long will it take
to become a butterfly? Hope you can
get that on video too. I would love
to see it.

Sorry about the little Chinese girl.
But the Instructor at Winchester
Wellness Center is still trying to
get his adopted son since birth. Yes I did say
"adopted"-the boy it legally his son.
Still trying to get him out of Hitia.
His son is now 4 years old. What a shame
he has been to Hitia several times. Him
and wife leaves saddly and son is sad
each time. He will never give up
until he gets his son to America.
Right now he has the American side
working to get their adopted son.

Thanks for where the comment is
about the heron.

Prayers and safety for Chrissy, Frank and Matt.

stronghunter said...

I found a video of a badger eating a cobra . . . probably not the same kind of badger, but they are pretty tough critters. I suppose their cousins are tough, too.

Honey Badger

Mema Jo said...

Is anyone else NOT able to get our
cam up/running ?

Mema Jo said...

Oh Shirley - I don't want to watch -
Cobra turned me off! How big was it?

Mema Jo said...

2 osprey chicks in the Finney nest....

stronghunter said...

It ate a puff adder even after the snake bit it--passed out from the snake poison, then recovered and finished off the snake. I can understand if you don't want to watch.

That is an African badger, though.

stronghunter said...

Most of us would rather stick with the gentler creatures.

stronghunter said...

Dana, you must be doing much better now. That is great. Hope you found the story on the heron.

Mema Jo said...

I was away from the Finney nest -
which one is still there... OH YES!
It is Koo! Maybe she will also take off!

stronghunter said...

I think Koo looks stronger, as if flying has been really good for her.

Costume Lady said...

Way to go DANA! You and Ed, all the way to Pittsburgh (La Trobe). Getting the quarterback's autograph is really special!
Do you remember Franco Harris? My Dad had an autographed picture of him and treasured it for many years. He was a BIG Steelers fan!

Mits said...

Koo spent the night at the finney nest

Costume Lady said...

Hey, Shirley...did you get your bathroom finished? I want to redo mine. That will consist of removing old wallpaper and putting on textured paint. HATE removing wallpaper. That is the first thing that Gene and I did together at my house when we started dating...helped strip wallpaper off the walls. YUCK!

wvgal_dana said...

Mema Jo cam was up then got really static. Went down not back up.

Still can't find any comment from Andrea about shooting of heron???

magpie said...

I cannot get the cam up and running, Jo....

Just getting home, have to read backwards and catch up! Spent the afternoon at Berkeley Springs Park Pool with the grandson.

Late Hello Everyone ! ☺

Costume Lady said...

Helen, how did Maggie like her birthday party? Did she like opening her gifts and blowing out the candles? What did Molly think of all of the attention given to Maggie? I'm sure she got plent of attention too:)

Mema Jo said...

No one is at the Finland Water nest.

Mema Jo said...

Hi Margy! Did you get rained on at all?

Costume Lady said...

Dana, Andrea found a dead Heron on her patio or patio roof...it had been shot with a BB Gun. Her neighbor shot it because it kept him awake. Something like that.

Mema Jo said...

Thanks for letting me know the live cam is down.....
Wanda - Could you email Chris at the MyOutdoortv.com I don't have his full address. THANK YOU

I don't think NCTC is going to ever fix the Still Cam.. Steve said it was their responsibility on that one.

I wonder when they are going to do the CAM MAINTENANCE ?

Costume Lady said...

We had just a drizzle of rain here. How about you ladies in town?

Costume Lady said...


stronghunter said...

Have not done much in bathroom. Hunter was with me today, and we kind of just played this afternoon . . . ice cream and hanging around the riverbank. If Hunter'd had his way, we would have been IN the river. Actually, in one spot we could have walked across it--maybe knee deep--the Rappahannock. Might get bathroom done tomorrow.

I do not have any wallpaper in there, still the original paint the builder put on in 1994. Could use paint, but that will not happen for awhile.

magpie said...

I didn't get a speck of rain up in Morgan County but the roads were wet in Berkeley County so I figured something had fallen from the sky. Boo, clouds will block out the meteors, at least for awhile unless things clear up.

American Badgers ! My brother studying prairie dogs, in Colorado during this past winter and spring, had quite a lot of problems with them, they ate several of the Prairie dog babies :(

hedgie said...

Shirley, Chrissy is our English momster. Someone shot out her patio door w/ a BB gun over the weekend at night while she was home alone. Scared her badly. Her husband works night shift and her son was away. Also beat on or kicked the house or door. Came back last night and repeated the noise.

Judie said...

Dana, so very happy you and Ed had a great day together. You both deserved it.

Bet Sam is as happy to be home as Deb is to have him home! Happy ending.

Shirley, you are one good granny. Hunter would have been inside with me with our heads poked into the freezer. Maybe Xs & Os for 8 year olds means hugs and kisses not drop by and punt.

Dana, let's all believe you saw Hidey swooping by to say he misses us as much as we miss him.

Don't know enough about the Chrissy business but quick thought is it's personal. Anyone she or Matt have had trouble with?

Can't get the cam, either.

Shirley, I'm NOT watching! Send dog hair, instead.

I'm turning my light out now. Will leave the night light on for others.


hedgie said...

Good osprey report, Deb. Congrats to all involved.
Dana, Koo took off for first time over the weekend....Loretta has pic on her blog.

magpie said...

Geez, hate to hear this latest repeat of intruders at Chrissy's !

Deb all sounds good in your part of the country, especially with Sam's returning !!

Great report from Dana

Costume Lady said...


magpie said...

I am already paired up with a bunch of cops in my line of work - we do the dispatching for the county sheriff's department....sure I could use some good classes though to hone my skills !

stronghunter said...

That is really scary, Lynn. I was tinking Chrissy was in England, but was trying to put the pieces together. Thanks for filling me in.

stronghunter said...

That's scary about Chrissy. Doesn't sound random.

stronghunter said...

2 in nest at Finney . . . they are active.

magpie said...

Chrissy used to blog a lot, but about a year ago her Frank had some pretty serious health concerns and she did too...so she Eaglet Momster emails a lot but seldoms come to see us here :(

stronghunter said...

Judie, I could always use help in understanding the psychology of criminals. I have had two in fairly recent years who committed murder. Both were very troubled when I taught them, and I had thought they might very well kill someone. There are others I have worried about.

Koo just took off!

magpie said...

Koo is looking like she wants to GO again...

and Finland Water is very dreary looking.

stronghunter said...

Koo is back.

magpie said...

Have to tell you this: James and I did our usual shopping at Goodwill tonight, last thing which caught his eye was a stuffed animal. At first we thought it was a Quail..but it actually seems to be a Prairie Chicken! But he already had his mind set on Quail and has named it Tiger Quail. All for 25-cents.

PA Nana said...

Glory days! Just saw Koo take off and return to the nest!
Sorry, in my enthusism I forgot to say hello everyone!! Now I must catch up on all the posts.

magpie said...

Thanks Wanda for sending the email to Chris so we can keep up with any possible even momentary view of an Eagle! We are holding our own on the Beakspeak ratings, think we were first for Monday, and 3rd of 4th for the week ☺

magpie said...

I gotta go and pick up the pieces from the last thread which I missed. BBIALW

stronghunter said...

Very sweet, Margy. How old is James?

magpie said...

Poo! I missed Koo leaving and returning...that's what I get for being a chatterbox !

stronghunter said...

Koo looks like she might go again.

magpie said...

James is 9 Shirley. He loved seeing all the sparrows at the park today

stronghunter said...

Just a tad older than Hunter, then.

magpie said...

Cute story about Tigress and Meatball, Jo !

Lynn... - Best wishes for Carolyn on her job search....

stronghunter said...

Hunter had fun finding shells by the river.

stronghunter said...

The tidal part of the river comes up into Fredericksburg.

stronghunter said...

Koo is looking over the edge of the nest.

magpie said...

I enjoy hearing all your Hunter tales too ! And all the kid/grandkid stories from everyone !
It's great fun, keeps us young at heart, if not young in body ♥

stronghunter said...

That tower is either very tall or it is on a high piece of land.

stronghunter said...

Me too. I like hearing about James and all the other children.

stronghunter said...

Hunter is so funny. He's a big, bad football player who wants to tackle someone--all 60 pounds of him--but he still has to get Mom to help him put on parts of his uniform.

hedgie said...

Hmmm, Shirley....is Rappahannock tidal, or are they the ancient shells from when it was all ocean???
Chrissy couldn't sleep well back in those days last year, so she blogged a lot, but now the time difference makes it a rare occurrence that we see her on here.

magpie said...

Hope that Deb catches the Prairie Chicken/Tiger Quail story! She went looking for and eventually Found some Prairie Chickens a few months ago. How about the Scissor-Tailed Flycatcher? I take it that trip was sidelined by your call from Janie, Deb...

paula eagleholic said...

Dana - be glad this didn't happen to you!

PORT CLINTON, Ohio — A woman driving near East Harbor State Park on Monday will have a whopper of a fish tale to tell when she returns home to South Euclid.

Leighann Niles was driving along the park’s main thoroughfare late Monday morning when her windshield was smashed — by a fish.

As the 35-year-old woman headed south on North Buck Road with her 5-year-old daughter, a bald eagle flying overhead dropped the fish on her Toyota Matrix.

Danbury Township Detective Sgt. Mark Meisler said the fish — a sheephead — weighed in at roughly 8 pounds.

The raptor also dropped the head of a second fish, Meisler said.

Niles was traveling roughly 40 mph at the time. Neither she nor her daughter were injured.

Mema Jo said...

Well after all of that concern - I was getting dressed for bed and you all are telling me that Koo took off ! How dare I miss that again!

stronghunter said...

The fall line is at the Falmouth Bridge, which is where Route 1 crosses over. It is my understanding that it is tidal up to there. I know that one July 4th, when they were having the annual raft races, the tide started coming in and took some of the rafts backwards.

Mema Jo said...

Paula lol What an event!
I never even thought of that happening!
One hungry eagle with slippery talons!

paula eagleholic said...

We got rain tonight, not sure how much. Was shopping in Frederick tonight...it did rain there.

stronghunter said...

Koo took off and returned again.

stronghunter said...

Koo took off again.

stronghunter said...

And back. She is having a ball.

hedgie said...

Or maybe a very squirmy, slippery fish! How lucky they were not to wreck!
Scary, for sure.
Hi, Diann!

Mema Jo said...

Thanks Wanda for sending that email for all of us! ((hugs))

Are we going to get a video of the butterfly ?

wvgal_dana said...

Yes Paula glad that didn't happen.

I don't know if Matt is still going
with same girl or not. Since this
person has done this twice. No it
does not sound random.

Is Koo landing in nest good?

hedgie said...

Chrissy sent instructions for how to save a capture from Finney.....and it worked!!!!!!!! Matt gave her a lesson, and she's been doing it....way cool!!! I am so happy.

deb said...

I did read the Prairie Chicken story, cute!

Today's picture are up, no labels yet, though.

Night everyone.

hedgie said...

Quite a few steps involved...will take me a while to do it w/o the instr. in front of me.

magpie said...

Goooooooooood Night, Deb !

stronghunter said...

Good night, Deb.

Costume Lady said...

Ah...yes, the butterfly videos turned out pretty well. I have 3 that I was trying to put together as one, but have given up on doing that...don't know how and can't find any info. I will just post them in the order which Gene took them.

magpie said...

Chick in Finland Water nest looks huge !

And Koo is being really rambunctious!

Good Night to anyone heading out soon, I have to water my Megan Flowers since we didn't get enough rainwater again.

Prayers for all Tough Things, and
Prayers of Gratitude for all Blessings and Happy things.

stronghunter said...

Can't wait to see them, Wanda. It brings back memories.

wvgal_dana said...

Nite Deb AOYP=Angels On Your Pillow

stronghunter said...

In the air, Koo is equal to the others.

wvgal_dana said...

Sorry Wanda just checked back. Brain break-sorry thought about you telling me about heron. Thought I had typed a thank you. Just went back and check I hadn't..
Thank you so much Wanda.

hedgie said...

Loose horses on road in Israel---group of 3 running in "wrong lane" into oncoming traffic---first two veered around a car, but 3rd one jumped on the hood and crashed into windshield and then went over roof. Apparently no injuries. Wild!

Mema Jo said...

Good that is something to look forward to seeing, Wanda. I so enjoyed the first one!

magpie said...

Deb's new photos are wonderful!

Look forward to the WandaGene Videos, Wanda !

wvgal_dana said...

Nite Margy....forgot to tell you Sunday a kitchen fire on Fancy Filly.

stronghunter said...

I must give up for the day and go to sleep. Tomorrow is the last day of summer vacation for me.

Good night. God bless.

Mema Jo said...

Great photos Deb - Sure let's all of us have an idea of what you are doing and seeing!

paula eagleholic said...

Wanda - you need a program like windows movie maker to be able to string the 3 videos together. Do you have XP?

Mema Jo said...

I saw that Video Lynn - Never said if horse was injured!

wvgal_dana said...

Nite Shirley will be glad to see your comments. Whenever you can get in. Will definitely miss you.

Mema Jo said...

Raccoons upon raccoons in the PA woods
There is a whole herd of them tonight!

Spidey is there with them!

wvgal_dana said...

Wanda I loved the catapeller video. Hoping to get to see it turn into a butterfly.

On dear loose horses in Israel. Geul to the rescue.

Mema Jo said...

I am calling it a Good day.......

Good night all
Prayers for everyone's needs

((hugs)) ♥

paula eagleholic said...

Nice pics, Deb. Osprey, Osprey everywhere.

Gnite , all!

Hugs to all ♥

Mits said...

Wanda, Maggie enjoyed her presents, and I got a little something for Molly too, but they are so close in age, they do a fairly good job of sharing, most of the time )

hedgie said...

Calling it a day, sweet eagle buds!
Sweet dreams. Peace and prayers!

wvgal_dana said...

Nite Mema Jo, Paula and Hedgie sleep well.

Mits said...

off to look for some meteors...good night

magpie said...

Raccoon City at Pix PA is right!

and you can really hear the Katydids!!

wvgal_dana said...

Nite Hedgie I heading out too. Keep your flashlights handy. Only incase of the night light burns out.

wvgal_dana said...

Koo just flew out of nest.

I'm like Margy say I go and haven't left yet. lol

wvgal_dana said...

Koo just landed very nicely back in nest. Neat ( :

Lolly said...

I am about to head to bed. Everyone at Laurel's has headed that way.

Tomorrow will be another day of swimming and playing. Guess I best email Chrissy. I hate to hear these stories about her.

Hedgie, please send me the directions for getting Finny's nest pics.

Sounds like several of us have grandson's about he same age. Joseph will be in 3rd grade this year. He turns 9 Oct. 18. Jacob turns 5 in just a few weeks. Wouldn't it be fun to get them together.

Okay, time to go shower.

Nite all1

Sweet dreams!

Costume Lady said...


magpie said...

Oh Wow skies are clearing, I might be on Meteor Watch in a little while...

magpie said...

Parent brought in fish and now Koo has a sibling in the nest and the parent with her

magpie said...

past tense, had a sibling with her

magpie said...

Two beautiful Hooded Crows at Finland Water, Koo just left her nest at Finney's, and I can't see squat outside due to heavy cloud cover.

Now Koo is back.

I'm going to go get some sleep.

Late Good Night

movin said...

Good night, everyone.

Jim [:~D]

Mits said...

good morning everyone..

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2/20/25 PM bird

1203 PM NN Scout comes to the nest with a load of bedding again. He seemed to leave with something in his talons. He has a beak full of bedd...