Friday, September 08, 2006

Friday 8 September

Friday afternoon thread.


MITS said...

Thank you STEVEN

Just Vicky said...

Hey new thread! Thanks!!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Thank you very much Steven. Didn't know how this one would last through the weekend. Hope things are going well with you.

Mema Jo said...

Thanks, Vicky for the announcement.

Steve, Thanks for remembering us. I know your weekend is fully scheduled.

Did you all check out Butterball at the DC zoo on cam 2. Such a life!

Just Vicky said...

Wave to Jo as she's walking!

Mema Jo said...

Eaglet still in NU nest. Looks so lonely.

After spending the day in the kitchen making picnic food - I am now hungry-Going to get something to eat.


Just Vicky said...

Huuummmmmm, she's walking and blogging, that's a multi-tasked woman that Jo!

glo said...

Panda Cam may be temporarily down over the next couple hours for upgrades (Sept 8th, 4:45 p.m.).
Panda cam images of mom and cub will now be available 24/7.
Latest info on the Panda Cam site.

The tiny cub is often in mom’s arms and thus difficult to see.
Images of mom and cub are being controlled by the panda team. They reserve the right to block images at their discretion.
To allow more people to view panda cam, sessions are limited.
If you are unable to connect, please try again later

glo said...

So what this means is if you are up on Freida watch or for those of you who do Have a life lol are up at 1 am or so, try to get in there. You might stand a pretty good chance, especially by tomorrow night LOL.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I have yet to get on the Panda Cam at Atlanta today and I have tried all day long!

paula eagleholic said...


glo said...

Well hopefully whatever they are upgrading and opening it for 24 hours a day instead of 10 til 5 or so, will gives us all a better chance. Especially those with High Speed connections. My neighbors will let me go over there to watch with them if my dsl doesn't let me in LOL. i'm gonna try.

paula eagleholic said...

Get your hit of eaglet while he's still in the nest:

glo said...

We seem to have that effect on Cameras LOL, but I think with the Panda cam we had a little help!!!

paula eagleholic said...

Freida sure looks pretty today, I think motherhood becomes her!

paula eagleholic said...

Look! It's a whole fish in the CT nest! Dad just brought in Friday night supper!

paula eagleholic said...

Baby Smurf is looking at that fish like "What? The head is still on!"

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Seems like that bamboo Mei is eating would be tickling Tai's butt and waking him up!

Capullito said...

Seems like that bamboo Mei is eating would be tickling Tai's butt and waking him up!p!

paula eagleholic said...

Eaglet Mantling and talking to someone...

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

So across the bottom of my screen right now I have a Peregrine Falcon, a most precious and most awesome baby boy Panda cub and a beautiful eaglet. It don't get no better than this! :)

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Outtahere for a little while. BBL!

paula eagleholic said...

Think he has finally figured out what to do with the fish...picked it up, and is starting on the head!

Nu eaglet looking out at 9 oclock

paula eagleholic said...

Looks like a leftover piece of fish also in the CT nest

paula eagleholic said...

See you all later, heading home. Have a good evening.

Just Vicky said...

OOHhhh, eaglet is mantling in the NU nest!

Just Vicky said...

Don't you just feel in your bones that our "kids" are still making drop ins at the ole sycamore tree????

Just Vicky said...

Ok, "Jo" just keep walking, maybe you'll find someone on your way across Illinois!

glo said...

LOL I'm here due west of Vicky...I'll be watching for ya.

Just Vicky said...

Hi there Glo Bug!

Just Vicky said...

Get all the WAX you can for us tonight Glo, I will be "out" of the house and heading to see my Grandbabies after work!

MITS said...

Frieda is up and can see some fuzz under the weeds

MITS said...

Its hard to tell, but I only see 2.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Parent and eaglet in the NU nest.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Friday, September 8
Mother and the cub continue to do well. Lun Lun is exhibiting great maternal instincts. Over the last 24 hours, she and the cub have settled into routine and appear more relaxed. Nursery staff actually observed the cub nursing several times overnight, with nursing bouts are occurring every 1 to 1 ½ hours.

We had a minor scare yesterday afternoon when our visiting Chinese colleague was concerned that the cub sounded horse. We have been listening intently, but all indications are that the cub continues to be quite vigorous.

The cub has noticeably more hair than the day before. If all continues to go well, we should see the characteristic black markings begin to appear by early next week. Dr. Rebecca Snyder our curator of giant panda research and management has been busy watching and caring for Lun Lun and the cub, and will start doing updates again over the weekend.
Dr. Dwight Lawson
Vice President Animal Programs and Science

That is the latest report on Lun Lun and the cub. Now, me being the proofreader from hell, I have to ask, they said the cub sounded horse. Do Pandas sound horse or hoarse? I know, tell me to go away, that my antics are not appreciated! :)

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

And I sure do wish Tai was lying with his back to the ledge. Makes me so nervous!

MITS said...

NNNNEEEE!!! I did not catch the "horse" mistake. I think you should write to them, SHARON. Yes, TAI SHAN is makin me beyond nervous

Mema Jo said...

Sharon - eagle eye You mean that little thing actually went Neighhhhhhhh like a horse? LOL

A little empty in here this evening so far. No football game for you this evening?

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

No football game this week. It is our week off. It feels kind of good.

Mema Jo said...

Earlier today, Tai was leaning over the wall to the right of the ledge.
He had his paws dangling down as though he was trying to reach something. I held my breath big time until he stood up on his hind legs. It really looked as though if he gave a push-off with his legs he would have taken another Big Fall. Head first..

Funny that LunLun's cub is already growning hair. He will look better then that naked look he had! But he sure could wiggle around!

glo said...

Well I lived in the country for a long time, and I know a farmer who locked himself out of the house one night while doing chores, and he said when he woke up that morning, he was a little horse. So I guess it does happen, at least to humans

floralgirl said...

A horse is a horse, of course, of course, And no one can talk to a horse of course, That is, of course, unless the horse is the famous Mister Ed!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I have been watching Lun Lun for about 18 minutes. I have seen just a little bit of the cub. Right now she is curled up in a ball. You can see her keep her arm up there holding it! That is just so precious.

Mema Jo said...

Floralgirl Hi! That makes a lot of horse sense!

You have market on Sunday - Do you have much of a selection after the rain storms?

Mema Jo said...

Frieda is off her nest.......Can't see much.

Mema Jo said...

If Frieda's camera would just move back a little bit, maybe we could look for that 3rd egg & get a better view of the chicks.

I didn't know LunLun was up.....I'm going there now.

Mema Jo said...

Do you think LunLun is holding him. Looks like she has fresh straw in her nest bed.

Mema Jo said...

Would be great if the camera stays on and we can see her nurse the cub.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Me too!

Mema Jo said...

Oh Sharon. I am sure she is holding him up against her. She had just set up & this she is so motherly.

floralgirl said...

Hey Jo, Not a huge amount of flowers, but still enough to squeak through Sunday mkt. Did I read you have a family reunion this weekend?

Mema Jo said...

Frieda is back to nest - only half a pic so I don't know if it's feeding time or not.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Is this not the most precious!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Guess what I am doing -- FRAPPING Lun Lun!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Oh, by the way, I was #50!

Mema Jo said...

FloralGirl Yep! Family reunion time of year. This one is on hubby's side of the family. He has 3 brothers. That's why I had kitchen duty today!

FAMOUS FRAPPER Way to go, girl. Babies, babies, babies.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I guess curling up in a ball like is their way of keeping the cub safe, huh?

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I so love all these babies!!

Mema Jo said...

Looking at LunLun - I am thinking that in a few months time - her cub will be jumping all over her just like Tai does to his momma.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Yeah, Mema Jo, she had better rest while she can!

paula eagleholic said...

Evening, all. See Frieda is on the chicks. Glad ya'll got in to see the new cub, they must have finished their computer upgrade.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Paula, we actually haven't seen much of the new cub. She keeps it right up against her with her arm under it!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

NILLA, we miss you on here today!!

glo said...

OK Got my desktop all arranged with the Mamas and the Babies. KInd of neat way to spend some time on a Fri night.

Mema Jo said...

The little cub - I saw his front feet trying to squirm away from LunLun.
She scooped him up in her arms & laid down with him.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I remember swearing to myself that I was not going to start watching anything else after the eaglets fledged. Now I don't have enough room on my desktop to see everything I want to see and work at the same time. I need a really large monitor to hold all of this stuff!

paula eagleholic said...

Sharon, I know how ya feel! Hooked on falcons now. Thank God I only have dialup at home, or else would spend all evening looking at all sorts of cams.

glo said...

LOL I said the samething lOL. Here I sit but the view is wonderful

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I just saw 3 hatchlings!!!!!!!

glo said...

There are 3 I see them all

glo said...

LOL are you sending them the picture or shall I LOL

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

That is so cool. I was so afraid that one might have been lost in the wind storm!!!!!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

You can send this one. I did the other one!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I am just so thrilled. I am a grandmother to 4 babies in just a couple of days! I didn't think I was ready to be a grandma yet but I think I am!!!

glo said...

Yeh I had that thought too. She worked so hard to get it back to the nest against the wind. Well she's gone for food LOL

paula eagleholic said...

I see there is 3 now! Yeeehawww!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

White is so much easier to see than pink against those pink rocks!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I thought we were going to get to see the cub for a minute and she turned her back right to us. That just a little rude, Lun Lun!

paula eagleholic said...

I put the pic on the site and sent out an email...

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

What an attentive little mommy Lun Lun is!

Mema Jo said...

Sharon & Glo Thanks so much for the 3 baby pics. I notice that there isn't any announcement yet from the Brisbane home page Still says TWINS.
I hope your pics soon get there & wake them up.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Got to get off the computer for a minute. The brat is home and wants on. Be back in a minute!

paula eagleholic said...

They must be taking their afternoon nap!

paula eagleholic said...

It's funny, we all got the same shot!

wvgal_dana said...

Wow checked in earlier "lurking" hee hee and now I'm back. Thought there would be more blog than this to read.
Not much going on.

wvgal_dana said...

Yep Daughter marries. I become Grandma to alot of creatures; 4 legged, two legged, no legged. So this is just the same>
I am use to be Grandma already to Tai, Lun Lun's baby cub, Frieda's three chicks, osprey's, EAGLETS, and who knows what

paula eagleholic said...

Yup, the Grandma thing is not so bad!

paula eagleholic said...

Sure would love to see those chicks again!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Lun Lun can't seem to find a comfortable spot. It surely isn't laying on those 2x4s for sure!

I would like to see the chicks again too.

paula eagleholic said...

Going to hit the hay for tonight, gotta work tomorrow. Talk to ya tomorrow!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Have a good night Paula!

Mema Jo said...

Goodnight, Paula.

Dana We have so many cams to keep up with that we talk less! LOL

wvgal_dana said...

AOYP Paula

Mema Jo said...

I am going to say Goodnight to whomever is reading what I have written. Early rise tomorrow to start the picnic at noon.

No more pink eggs to dream of cracking!! Sweet dreams. LOLove

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Good night Mema Jo. We have had a wonderful week around here.

I am going to bed myself. Watching Frieda feed the babies again. Watching Lun Lun curled up sleeping with her little baby. What a good night!

Good night and sweet eagle dreams, my friends of fine feathers (and Pandas too).

movin said...

Ah hah!! I might have missed Friday's blog altogether, but I'm going to be the first Saturday morning to say "have a great weekend, eagle lovers....


Chrissy Beahan said...

Hi All,

Hi Jim you might be the first fella to post but I'mm the First Lady !!!! sorry for that an English joke, I wont take your First Ladies name in vain pet!!!

Well what with nursery duty and bird duty and keeping up with Tai Shan, watching for the shuttle to launch, I think I'm in the middle of a breakdown here, cant keep up,,,,, oh god I'm getting to old for all this travelling, makes you dizzy doesn't it, and inbetween all that , doing the housewife duties and I think I now need a hospital bed,, just for the rest dont you know !!!!!

bad manners again,, ooooooooo these English women I hear you say, bad to the core and common as muck.

How re you all, well I hope and fighting fit.

lots of love

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Good morning Jim and Chrissy. It has been a really exciting few days around here. 4 new babies in just a couple of days.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...


Chrissy Beahan said...

Hi all,

Just been watching our new baby at Atlanta and Lun Lun, couldnt get on at all yesterday, far to much traffic I think, everybody wants to look in and go AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH,
in times like these all we can do is wait and hope that the little darling will survive and be healthy, and have a wonderful future like gobbo [Tai], wonderdul to have a new clutch of peregrines to watch too WELL DONE FREIDA GIRL !!!!
do you all feel like me, all this nursery duty will put us all into the mental wards, ooooooooooooooooooo the worry and the sleepless nights of anticipation, hopeing and waiting for a sign that all is well, maybe I worry far to much, but I remember many many night and days of upset and worry over darling gobbo, listening out for every cough and sneeze, and heart in my mouth when he fell over as a tiny cub, and Mai getting so disstressed with all the building work, that she started to Honk all the time,[stress in Pandas isnt good ,they have dicky heart rates you see]
so all in all I'm a basket case ready for putting out to pasture.
Oh I do go on don't I, do tell me to shut up please, its a fault of mine, blather blather blather !!!!


Chrissy Beahan said...

Hi Sharon me duck,,
How yah doing pet,

I'll say, I feel as if i've been put through the ringer you know,, cant cope with all this baby sitting, panic panic panic !!!!
What it is to be on duty all the time and not be insitue to help if anything goes wrong !!! can my nerves manage I ask !!!

Oh get the Brandy out, I need a stifener to see me through all this trauma,,,, babies babies everywhere and not a helping paw, claw or hand to help !!!!!
God help us all over the next few months till all is well, I think I will need more than Brandy, GET ME THE VALIUM TOO

Love Chrissy

Chrissy Beahan said...

Hi me again

Just a thought !!!!!!
I wonder if Mai and Gobbo will be shut in again all day today, that will make it two days,,,, I believe the heat is quite hot for them again, pity the keepers dont think of filling there pool so they can sit in it ,, I know they love that,, so why dont the keppers ???????????


Chrissy Beahan said...

Hi me the irritant again !!!!

I think i've had Lun Lun and baby all to myself this morning,, I have the advantage you see cos I've been watching since 7am my time, and I hope you are all still in bed at 2am in the morning where you are, I call that crafty dont you,,,,, oggleing Lun Lun and baby in your middle of the night !!!!!!!!
Seen her feed every hour and I have even seen the baby for the first time, all pink and I bet squeeky, I wish there was sound on there cam ?????

Love Chrissy

Chrissy Beahan said...

Hi all

Lun Lun feeding at this very moment, AGAIN, that baby will BURST,,,
Gobbo [tai] has a new trick too ,,he hangs on to Mai with his teeth and she drags him around, now if I were Mai I would belt him one for that, the little monster that he is,,, ALL those sharp needle teeth he has, she has endless ammounts of mother love, but if that little horror draws blood I'll make it my mission to go and smack his bottie !!!!!
YOU have to love them dont you !!!


Chrissy Beahan said...

Hi all

It's 01.30pm here so I'll get off and do the rounds and nursery watch,,,
and the shuttle is going soon,, cant miss that either can I, boy I'm exhausted !!!!!

Love Chrissy

floralgirl said...

Good morning early birds- finally got to sleep in a little. Making breakfast, bacon and pancakes, mmm. Daughter spent the night at a friend's house, should have sent the westie with her as he woke me up at 6 am to go outside.Foggy morning here. Hi Chrissy, how are things in Merry old England?

glo said...

Good morning all. back from coffee and dog treats. On with my day now. Gonna put up that Panda and kid and watch as I can as I go by the computer LOL. I'm sure i'll be stopping in here to catch up on the goings on.

paula eagleholic said...

Good morning, Eagleland!

paula eagleholic said...

Eaglet in NU nest! Along w/ the pesky blackbird!

paula eagleholic said...

Or Two!

Mema Jo said...

Good Morning eagle falcon panda buddies! Looks like a beautiful day for a picnic. Going to be packing up my goodies in a few & going to the park to enjoy family.
Chrissy, it is good to hear from you and know you are loving all these new babies! JIM That was a pleasant sneaky good morning from you!
Sharon & Paula & FloralGirl & Glo Keep on bloggin' Enjoy your day! BBL

floralgirl said...

Hey Jo, if you see this- have a great time at your reunion!!

paula eagleholic said...

Still no announcement in Brisbane about the 3rd chick!

wvgal_dana said...

Hi Jim, Chrissy, Sharon, Paula ,Glo, Jo and lurkers and those coming in
Good Morning....

MITS said...

Morning all, watching Lun and space

MITS said...

The pics are soooo good at nasa, you can see one of the astonauts looking out the window, less than 6 mins to launch...

Chrissy Beahan said...

Hi all,



Chrissy Beahan said...

Hi all

Talk about holding your breath !!!!!



MITS said...

NORMA Tai has been climbing trees since last March. They say he takes after his Mom. When she first arrived in the US, she would climb trees and other things and they thought they had lost her one time, but she was acting like a bat, up by the building. Some pandas just love to climb.

MITS said...

That was a beautiful lanch of Atlantis. God Bless Them. Safe ride Atlantis!

Chrissy Beahan said...

Hi Mits,

you can say that again pet,, I hope all says well and they have a safe and easy return.

Have you looked in on Lun Lun yet today, I've been lucky today been watching her and baby since 7am my time,, beem wonderful to watch and I even got to see baby to.

Mai and gobbo [Tai] have been inside till 10.15am your time and not been out long,, I would like to know why both of them have been allowed into Tian Tian's den, terrible looking place all dark and dirty looking, plater falling off the walls and mould growing up the walls, now you would thihk that would be dangerious for them dont you, all those spores that they breath inm cant be good for them !!!!!!


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Okay, I am back. Went to the flea market. Missed the launch. Watching Lun Lun. She appears to be a very good mommy.

wvgal_dana said...

Chrissy I sent an email to Doreen, it is for you also I just didn't have your email address. I sure hope it opens .

I loved reading about you babysitting.. at first I thought you mean't your Granddaughters or Grandsons then I read on and cracked needing the brandy lmbo

Glad you came online nice to hear for you again, tell Doreen hi.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

If you all would like to know what a little bit of Bluefield looks like, go to:

The mountain in the background is East River Mountain. This cam is actually 2-3 miles from my house. I love it here!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Yeah, Chrissy, don't stay away so long next time.

wvgal_dana said...

Shuttle lift off and into space all went well....good

MITS said...

Hi ya, Chrissy, within the week, or so, they will be living in their new quarters, so there will be alot of shuffling around and preparations, very stressful time for pandas I remember last year after Tai was born, Mei pitched a fit every time she heard a drill. You would think with CNNs' sponser of the cam we would have sound. Been watching every space shuttle since the 1st and just still get goose bumps when I watch.

Chrissy Beahan said...

Hi Sharon,

Hope you didnt scratch to much pet,

My first ever live launch, and WOW its was something else, hope all will be well and they have a safe return!!!

Lun Lun does seem to be a very good mum for a first timer, been watching her since 7am my time,, and she is feeding every hour on the hour, and that baby will be red raw the amount of times Lun baths her/him, I rather favour a GIRL ????? are we takeing bets ???????
Gobbo had been his usual devil today biteing the hell out of darling Mai and getting away with it to, and boy I think we have a budding jockey on our hands you know,, all the piggy back rides he is getting,,,
do you know I think I have managed to do my profile properly but cant seem to add a picture, and for the life of me I dont know who to put a picture on here next to my name, must be dumb !!!!!


wvgal_dana said...

I have really been thinking alot about what Steven wrote on the start to this blog page. About NCTC working with kids from all over. Trying to teach them about nature in their lives.
I just can't help also thinking of the area we just downsized from. Building, building, building, that people from this area can't even afford.
Now we are at the other end of the county and land is being brought up now at lower price for future building building building. I see land just disappearing.
Where will eagles build nest, where will dear live and other creatures? Sorry just gets you thinking.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

After you do your profile, Chrissy, you have to create a blog. You can just use one of their templates to do, nothing fancy. Then you go to dashboard and that is where you add the picture. The instructions for doing that are on the eaglet_momsters site.

wvgal_dana said...

Chrissy there is a place on the site to put in a name for a boy and to put in a name for a girl Atlanta zoo Panda site.

I tried looking on internet for things and names that are Chinese translate to English and English translates into Chinese. I am coming up zero.

WE can't find mean for Lun Lun. Dad's name is Yang Yang (might spelt wrong) but it means "little sea".

One place said Chinese tradiation is they don't name panda baby until 100 days old. Wonder if that is what they will do here?

MITS said...

DANA If Atlanta follows proper prodigal, China should send them at least, 5 names after finding out the sex, than people can vote and the name will be announced on the 100 day mark. Don't know why they are not waiting, don't they read about other pandas born in the states. What are they going to name them Billy-Bob or Cindy-Lou???????

Anonymous said...

I have read this blog since the eaglets were born, and now I find myself as a new mama.

I am the proud foster mama of five baby kittens born in a wall and abandoned by mama at a construction site.

I am doing the best I can as a kitty mama - any one have any advice? I can use all the help I can get.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Anonymous, it sounds like you really have your hands full. How old are the kittens?

Anonymous said...


They are less than a week old. I have had them checked by a vet and they are doing as well as can be expected.

Keeping them full, warm, clean and dry is a two hour process every three hours.

I am a sleep deprived new mom!

Chrissy Beahan said...

Hi all


I have sent you an E-Mail with the Chinese name site I haveor I could put it here

I hope that is good for you pet.


MITS said...

Hi, Anon, A few questions for you. What is your name? Where do you live, and where were the kittens found. How come the vet did not suggest you take them to a humane society, I hear kittens usually are highly adoptable. Just being curious!!

glo said...

Busy day. I think being semi retired is busier than working Full time lOL. No I guess not really. Ijust get to keep my own schedule much of the time, and time gets away from me. Well Its lunch and siesta time here. i am going out tonight.. TTYL have a funafternoon with all the new Mamas and wee ones.

MITS said...

NORMABYRD You are in for a big treat, and blessed, that you have this opportunity to see it right from the beginning. Just wish, CNN would let them have sound.

Chrissy Beahan said...

Hi all,

Been trying to add a picture to here, it said I had done everything correctly but then again I'm Chrissy and I always muck things technical up, so fingers crossed and if it hasn't worked I'm a monkeys auntie!!!!!!!

EEEKK EEEKK EEEKK, where's me banana


Chrissy Beahan said...


not a sight of a picture, typical !!!!!!


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Going back out for a little while. BBL!

glo said...

Aww well I have nevr watched a Panda Mother before, but was watching for a few while I ate lunch. This little cub appears to be Blessed with a wonderful Mama. She is totally devoted to her little one every second it seems.

Chrissy Beahan said...


you are in for such a treat watching Pandas, everyone is so different Mai Xiang is so sweet and gentle she is long suffering loves playing with Tai shan until he get far to ruff and tries to walk away but the little devil always follows, and her most favorite thing in the world is food, she is a walking tummy, she would kill for an icelolly, on the other hand Tai[gobbo] as we call him in the UK is as you know a live wire and devil to boot, he loves to play make trouble and just have fun, but he does sit sometimes and thinks of what trouble he can make next and then he does it, usually towards mummy, he loves to climb as high as he can get but is a little bit if a coward when it comes to water, if he is with mummy he is brave, but on his own and he walks around it and wont put a paw in, Tian [daddy] is so laid back he sleeps alot but he also is a gentle bear, he loves Mai alot and would like the chance again to play with her, and he seems to enjoy the company of his son too, contrary to the zoo's blurbs, you see that what you do when you watch pandas 24/7 night and day for a long time.

so beware you will get absorbed with Lun Lun's new baby, you just cant help it, you will watch for every new thing that happens and get to know them as if they were your own.



Chrissy Beahan said...


Pet you will get overtaken with Pandas you know they are nothing like what you would expect a bear to be,, nothing fierce about Pandas, they are so laid back and love to be loved, and gobbo, yes he is a pawfull isnt he, I have watched Mai and Tian for a very long time now long before gobbo was a twinkle in there eyes, and I have to say Mai has always been in my heart, and always will be, she is one very special girl !!! I do seem to get to know all the Pandas personalities that I tend to feel like one of the family, and they don't even know I exist, mad arnt I,,,, Mai has just had the biggest pineapple you have ever seen, God knows who she doesnt get sick you know, but then you would'nt when your a walking tummy !!!
I hope you enjoy panda sitting with Lun Lun and her new cub at Atlanta, and I wish we could have sound there to, we have lost our sound at Washington for some unknown reason, and I miss all the noises from mai and gobbo so much, if you ever hear a female panda meeoww at her baby its just so wonderful, pure love.
Enjoy and watch out for every new day in this new rare little ones special future,


wvgal_dana said...

I must be wacked out from all that late night watching lol...I thought in Atlanta Zoo Panda's I had seen a site there that said name the Panda cub. It gave a place to send in a boy name and then a place to send in a girl name..........I MUST BE DREAMING cause I can't find it lol

MITS said...

NO, DANA. YOU WERE NOT DREAMING It was there, possibly, someone has informed them of the error of their ways, and how they are supposed to WAIT to find out about the SEX first, and then CHINA, I believe, I may be wrong, it has happened one ot twice, sends them suggestions of names and people vote. These are Chinas' pandas!!!!!

wvgal_dana said...

Ok I thought I hadn't lost my was on the CNN site. They are asking for names boy & girl.....
Well that is dumb the tradional way for China is the name is not told until the 100th day. I put this same thing about the 100th day back a bit on the blog.

wvgal_dana said...

Right Mits that is what I read before so I don't know what CNN thinks they are doing...... John Boy

Chrissy Beahan said...


dont worry about ir girl, the more you look at these sites you more you think you see, if you saw it pet then you saw it, the people who type out these thing ate notorious for moveing them all over the original site and I'm sure thet only do it to confuse and upset people,,,, so pet please dont worry about it, your not mad yet,, but if you continue talking to me for much long you just might end up so [English joke]


MITS said...

JMHO! Atlantas' cam is not positioned very well. When Tai was born, and I hate to compare, we saw and heard everything. It was very addicting, you could not tear yourself away day or night. JMHO!

Chrissy Beahan said...

Hi girls

Just to let you know both Mai and gobbo are playing in there pond and loveing it, Mai is right up to her middle and she looks so at ease go take a look


MITS said...

ok, DANA and CHRISSY Guess that is where I saw it. I too mentioned in a previous blog, what were they thinking....Billy-Bob or Ellie-May. In Tai's naming you had 5 names to select from...and the winning name was announced on his 100th day. I'm going to have to go back and check, thought that China had picked the 5 names????

wvgal_dana said...

Oh I missed them playing in the water...ty though for telling us.
My eyes are feeling like sand paper again. Think I'll nap..maybe I'll get to see baby fuzzy panda later and then some falcon babies that have fuzz.
Feeling my chin since everything is getting fuzz....hope no problem there lol

Chrissy Beahan said...


I see you have had my problem pet !!!!!!!!!

you have let your secrt out now girl,,,,,, watching pandas all the time,, sorry to say my friend your a lost cause, [laughing]
OH pet a kindred soul together with mw,,, I am just the same, watched Mai night and day and was so scared when gobbo was born and he was shot out of Mai like a bullit out of a gun, I was sure when he hit that wall that he had broken every bone in his tiny body.

but maybe that explains the way he is, mad, nuts and off his trolly hlaf the time, bless the little darling.


MITS said...

CHRISSY I still have a hard time watching when he shot out of her. He may be a little loopy, but, I just love him to pieces.

MITS said...

Mei and Tai are both enjoying their treats.

paula eagleholic said...

Frodo cam is up in full living color....

Mema Jo said...

Eaglet eating in NU nest.

MITS said...


2/20/25 PM bird

1203 PM NN Scout comes to the nest with a load of bedding again. He seemed to leave with something in his talons. He has a beak full of bedd...