Wednesday, October 03, 2007


New thread.


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normabyrd said...


glo said...

Good morning all. Just back from coffee and dog treats. Wanted to stop and wish evryone a Great Day and hopefully some Great Eagle viewing as well.
Thanks for the new thread Steve

movin said...


Thanks for the new thread today, Steve.


movin said...

Morning, Glo, how are you?


Suzanne said...

Thanks for the new thread, Steven, and thanks for the heads up Miss Normabyrd and Jim.

Morning, Glo! Our kids have either slept in this morning, or had too much coffee, and they're out soaring all over the skies!

Jim, brought this over from the other thread in case you didn't see it...

Jim, think Donna is talking about the missing chick as being the second chick. They have a comment on their site about the middle one being the one missing. They haven't updated the site, and this has been discussed here. Also they now have a dead chick this morning. Frieda is only laying near or over the one chick, the one by the date and time has not moved at all today. In fact, if you look at the last pic you sent yesterday, the chick hasn't much moved from that pic. Frieda is down to one chick, and I hope that one grows up big and strong and beautiful!

movin said...

I think Squiggles is getting a bath.


movin said...

OH, OH, Suz!
Are you sure one is dead? I see the temp is 71 in Brisbane now, so I thought it was just off to one side sleeping on its own.

Also, during the day yesterday, the chicks would get separated, and Frieda would have to herd them back together ... even to feed them.


Suzanne said...

Am I sure? No, not 100%. All I can tell you is, that is the exact same position the chick was in this morning when I opened the cam at 0417. Through several pics taken from the site today, absolutely nothing has moved in or around that one chick, from 0417 to now, 0932. Both Frieda and the other chick have moved several times. She is also totally ignoring that chick.
I sent them an email, with pics, and will share whatever answer I get with the blog.

movin said...

Suz, Mauley, either the Chick is moving a little or the cam is... I just looked carefully at it in the 10 sec refresh mode, and it's relation to the time stamp changed.

Also, I think that is No. 1 chick by itself... it was the one wandering most yesterday.


normabyrd said...

WHOA!!!---I am up EARLY every a.m.-----I just can't type until COFFEE & NEWSPAPER!!----(too set in old habits to break them)---ho!---STUDY GROUP & LUNCH!!!--SUZANNE---Hope you see the DIVERS today!!--ho!----WISHING YOU ALL MANY VISITS FROM OUR FRIENDS--BELLE & LIBERTY!!

Suzanne said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
normabyrd said...

SORRY---But I think SUZ is correct!!-----

Suzanne said...

OK. I sent you some pics. One taken this morning at 0417, and one taken this morning at 0900, our times. If you can see a difference in the location, please let me know, cause I'm missing it. I wish with all my heart you are right!

Suzanne said...

Hi Norma, bye Norma. Enjoy study group! Blog at ya tomorrow!!

movin said...

Eagles have departed BW.

movin said...

I suppose it could have gotten too much sun yesterday...they were separating and Frieda had trouble shading them.

As I said there is a little difference from one 10 sec refresh to another, but that could be the wind or something.

We'll probably be sure by morning.


movin said...

I'll open AOL and look at the pics you sent, Suz ..........

after I make a cup of coffee.


Suzanne said...


Mema Jo said...

Good Morning everyone! I missed our #1 lady as she is already off to study group -
It is disturbing news Suzanne and Jim as to what you are trying to determine concerning the little eyass out there alone. Since it is midnight there, it will be some time before anyone notices.

movin said...

Squiggles is sleeping peacefully ... looks like Bai has left to eat breakfast.


Mema Jo said...

Thank you Suzanne for spotting the Kent Eagle

Suzanne said...

Dang, just flew to tree, cam 1.

Mema Jo said...

Loraine said they had heard them early morning hours. Beautiful!

Suzanne said...

Good morning, Jo. I've been reading your comments about Kent, so brought it up this morning for the first time this season. How thrilling to see an eagle! Beautiful. But don't know if it was Star or Spirit, couldn't tell.
I hope I'm wrong about Brisbane, and I hope Jim is correct, but I kinda don't think so. I sent them an email with pics, but probably won't hear anything (if at all) till tomorrow. You guys may hear something later this afternoon, you'll have to watch the site for updates.

Mema Jo said...

Remember that cam 3 at Kent is not functioning.

Suzanne said...

Our sleepy time gal is all alone, and it's light. She's so adorable!

Suzanne said...

LOL, yeah, Jo. I took a pic of it this morning, thought it would be a great "before" picture of the destruction of the nest. We can take an "after" picture when they repair the nest. Those eaglets sure did a job on it, didn't they?

Suzanne said...

Probably all those "discussions" they used to have about food!!

Mema Jo said...

Do you notice on Kent Cam 2 the fresh greens at the nest!! lol
Star was always quite the decorator!

Jill said...

Hi everybody. I have been really sick for the last couple of days. Sinus infection. Head hurt so bad I didn't want to move. Feel a lot better now.

Suzanne said...

Yes, they arrived this morning! How cool is that! Sent you some pics, and the "before nestorations" pic!

Suzanne said...

Hope you feel better, Jill.

Suzanne said...

Squigs is squiggling in her sleep. Adorable!

Mema Jo said...

Jill So good to hear from you but sorry about the sinus infection. We've been concerned - like when we thought Norma flew the coop! You best get some anti-biotic to help get rid of it! Who is taking care of Martinsburg???

Suzanne said...

Kent eagle still in tree, cam1.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

What a year this has been!!!

Mema Jo said...

You can say that again!

Bob Quinn said...

Jill - Hope you are feeling better. I've been offline for a week and a half. Doctor thinks it was salmonella. Still waiting on test results. Good news is I've lost ten pounds! It will all probably come back on after I'm eating a normal diet again. LOL

Anyone coming to the BW Open House this weekend?

Mema Jo said...

Going to get some breakfast!

Jim Good idea to stay up and break that retirement habit that is
so easy to get use to! Took me quite a while!

MITS said...

GOOD MORNING EVERYONE computer was being very bad this a.m.....BAD COMPUTER!!!, had to do a system restore and uninstall and reinstall security system, which I'm going to do now.....just looked at eyass, and yes, belive he has gone to falcon heaven....eagle is still at KENT up in the tree on cam 1.

Suzanne said...

Morning, Mits! Bad Computer! Twenty lashes with a wet noodle!

Just looked and was gonna comment about the eagle still on cam 1, but you did it for me.

So, ok, I'll comment on our Squiggles. She's still asleep on her tummy, and alone. Cute little thing. Man, when she moves her rump, you sure can see it. She's getting to be quite chubby, cutie pie!

Suzanne said...

Ok, Mits, we made those comments, and the little toot is gone. Wonder if they can see through their cam....hum, noticed I'm still here, I'll just fool them and leave...

MITS said...

And she has a RUMP!!....figures it would leave....

Suzanne said...

Oh, hi Bob Quinn! Sorry I didn't see you. Not sure about the open house this weekend, was thinking about attending, but that's so far away for me. Kinda doubt that I'll be there.
Are you coming to the NCTC open house? Maybe you can bring some of your photos in your trunk, for us Momsters to peruse... HINT HINT.

Suzanne said...

Oh, sorry, my bad. Sorry to hear you were ill. Sure hope you start feeling better soon! It's good to lose weight, but not that much that fast! Take care of yourself!!

Suzanne said...

LOL, Mits, she sure does, doesn't she? Turning out to be a little porker! But that's a GOOD thing!

Bob Quinn said...

Suzanne - Yes, I'm hoping to make it to the NCTC Open House. If I do come it will be by myself. My wife, Sarah, won't be able to make it.

MITS said...

Yes....BOB AND JILL feel better real soon!!!!!

MITS said...

Eagle at CAPE CORAL.

Jill said...

Got the antibiotics, doing much better. And I am taking care of Martinsburg. But it hasnt been as bad as last week.

Bob-watch that Salmonella. Friend of mine got it and almost died, ruptured here intestine. She is in a rehab in Salisbury now. Hopes to get home soon. Thinks she got it from undercooked chicken.

MITS said...


Mema Jo said...

Bob - Sounds like you had a bad case of it - 10 lbs I could afford but not in the fashion! Glad you will make it up to NCTC open house.. Photographer Jim Clark has some presentations you will enjoy.

Need to take a break..... BBL

Robyn said...

Morning Jo, Mits, Jill, Bob, Norma

Glad to hear you are doing better Jill.

Guess the little one didn't make it, not sure I will get thru this coming season if it is anything like last year.

Guest room carpet up along with taking board, one room left...mine

Robyn said...

that's tacking board :)

Suzanne said...

Bob, you said your wife had a hard time getting away from the Eastern Shore! Can't say I blame her. Are you bringing some of your photos? Sure hope you do!! I'll bring my checkbook...

Geesh, Robyn, you've been busy. Take a break and watch some cams. Maybe Lib or Belle or both will show up for you!

Suzanne said...

Hey, Mits, forgot. How's Molly? How's mommy? How's daddy? When do Molly and your DIL get to come home? Or are they home now? Yes, this is your life, and this is your chapter!

Suzanne said...

LOL, see Robyn, ya need a break. So watch our nest for a while, maybe Lib and Belle will come to say hi to you!

Bob Quinn said...

Suzanne - Yes, I'll bring photos. I'm sure there will be lots left over from this weekend.

Suzanne said...

SUPER! I will bring my checkbook! But you may be surprised, you take wonderful photos, you may not have as many left over as you think! Hum, guess that means you'll just have to take more, huh???
When you feel better, of course!

MITS said...

Suzanne, waiting for the word that they are going home....Molly has a little jaundice and they are waiting for blood work results.

MITS said...

since I have been out of the blog loop......have we ever found out why the cam is acting up????

Suzanne said...

Good grief, look at the time! Last time I looked at the time, think it was about 5 after 8 or so. Geesh. Well, busy day makes the day go fast, that's for sure.
Time for me to hit the road. But I'm gonna wait a few minutes to see what Mits says about Molly and family.
All have a good eagle/panda day. Our chubby little Squiggles has been alone for several hours, and sleeping soundly. Probably the best sleep she's had for a while, mom's not there to pick her up and roll her, and give her one of the dreaded baths...
Blog at ya tomorrow.
Eyes to the sky, see the raptors fly!

Suzanne said...

????????????? Mits. Nope.

paula eagleholic said...

Last pic I saw of the eyasses, Mama was standing in front of them, and you could see one chick peeeking out over her...the other one, I cannot tell. That was at 12:09 yesterday. I commented last night that they were snoozing, but I thought I saw them move after that, but those pics are on the home sad.

paula eagleholic said...

Bob - it will be a pleasure to meet you and everyone else who is coming to the open house...Anne, Glo and Bob, all new faces!

paula eagleholic said...

Maybe they will just recommend some sunlight for Miss Molly...seems to be what they do nowadays.

movin said...

Well, we might as well wait till day break, but I'm not seeing much movement from the chick in Brisbane either.

They both were active yesterday, and perhaps this one got too much exposure to the sun.


movin said...

Have a good day, I'm going to do some necessary work in another area...



paula eagleholic said...

Eewwiieee at BW

paula eagleholic said...

Make that a two-fer!

MITS said...

than that must be a twofewwwwwie!

MITS said...

Paula, little sunshine might just be the best thing.

Bob Quinn said...

Funny story - My wife borrowed my Highlander SUV today. She calls me a few minutes ago and says the key won't turn in the ignition. I kidded that she broke my car. She says it's not funny she has to get back to work. She getting upset. Then I hear her say "EXCUSE ME!". Somebody opened the back tailgate. He says, "oh sorry". A few seconds later he's tapping on the window telling her she's in the wrong car. Mine was two parking spaces down. She was lucky he was nice about it. He might have thought someone was stealing his car.

paula eagleholic said...

OMG Bob that is too funny! How embarrassing!!

Jill said...

Did he leave it unlocked or did your door key work? HUMMMM.

A few years ago an elderly man in Hagerstown came out of the grocery store and couldn't find his car. Looked all over the parking lot but couldn't find it. Found a few like it but his had a bumper sticker or something on it that he recognized. Called the police, reported it stolen. Later on the car was found at an elderly ladies home. Turned out they had the same car and the keys were identical. GM says every 100,000 keys are the same and most are shipped to different parts of the country so this wouldn't happen. The elderly lady had bought her car in TX I think it was. What are the chances that both cars would be in the Giant parking lot at the same time??????

Bird Girl said...

Hi folks...I think the littler chick has, indeed, passed away. In my years as a rehabber, I have seen many baby birds not survive, and somehow you just know.... I watched for almost an hour very early this morning (about 1230 my time), and the chick didn't move at all. The parent seemed confused. I sent an email to the Courier Mail asking about it, and included pictures. I looked at the cam this morning, and the little chick is in the same place. The other chick seemed to be okay, was moving and lifting it's head and all that, last night.

How unfortunate for the peregrines. Nature can be cruel; only 50% of all baby birds survive to adulthood.

I suspect that it's NOT Frieda, but a younger female, and this is her first clutch. She may not know that she has to keep the chicks together, or may not know how to get them back together when one scoots away.

I'll be forwarding my email to the Momsters group. Just not our year for nests, is it gang?

Bob Quinn said...

Jill - The remote unlocked the door. Thank goodness the key didn't work.

paula eagleholic said...

Eeewiieee spending a lot of time at BW

glo said...

OK Bob Now the chances of her coming to NCTC have either greatly increased if she loves a good story that well I think we can all identify with at least to some extent...or well hopefully she won't be hiding your keys when you think you are leaving for NCTC .... meaning your chances have decreased. Too cute...been awfully awfully close to doing that for sure.

MITS said...

I'm able to get the Tesoro site again.

paula eagleholic said...

MIts, eaglecam2 comes up for me in real player.


paula eagleholic said...

Duh, thought you said UN-able :)

paula eagleholic said...

So will they know something on little Molly later today, Mits?

paula eagleholic said...

Our nest has been looking pretty clear today

MITS said...

Paula, just got the call about 10 minutes ago...GOOD GOLLY MISS MOLLY, HAS SURE COME HOME!!! passed her hearing test, bilirubin was fine, and only went down from 7lbs 12 ozs. to 7lbs 6 ozs....EVERYONE IS VERY HAPPY TO BE UNDER ONE ROOF AGAIN.

paula eagleholic said...

Frieda is off last chick, and it is moving about

paula eagleholic said...

Yay, glad to hear it Mits.

Mema Jo said...

Great news, Mits.

Brisbane live chick does move around on its own. Turned in a complete circle. Not sure how long Frieda has been gone.

paula eagleholic said...

Yay, glad to hear it Mits.

Jill said...

YAY Mits. How is Maggie doing with all the excitement? And the little one?

Bob-I am guessing the remote shouldn't have worked either?

paula eagleholic said...

Looks like Frieda is feeding chick

paula eagleholic said...

Feeling better Jill?

MITS said...

Jill, Maggie is not aware really of what is going on, she is just her happy-go-lucky self and enjoying having Mom and Dad around so much

Jill said...

That's good Mits. At least she isn't doing the jealous sister act. They are so funny and all different in their reactions to new siblings.

Doing a lot better Paula. Thanks

Robyn said...

Bob hope your wife recovered fom her shopping experience today, I could just imagine, I hopped into a patrol car and waited and aited for my partner to come out of the station house (I beat him out or so I thought) few minutes later he is beside me in a DIFFERENT car lol

I was leaving to get Tori yesterday and no more then 20 ft overhead at end of my driveway was a HUGE redtailed hawk, I didn't realize how big they were that close.

wvgal_dana said...

Afternoon Mits, Paula, Jill, Jim, Norma, earlier Glo, Suzanne (at home), Birdgirl, Sharon, Robyn, Jo, and Bob (does great pictures) ( :

Happy 2nd Grandbaby for Mitssssssssss to hold and to love Contragulations to Mommie and Daddy and Maggie too. It's a Molly girl

MITS said...


paula eagleholic said...

Think the F&F cam is stuck, poor Frieda gonna get a sore back!

MITS said...

was wondering what was going on, thought maybe they stopped it so we could not see the dead eyass

paula eagleholic said...

I don't think they are gonna climb out and remove it...

Mema Jo said...

I just put a message out on the Momsters about the Potomac Eagle Train schedule for the 21st-Sun-day after Open House at NCTC.

Mema Jo said...

I agree Paula - you don't fool with Mother Nature.........

MITS said...

thought I remembered a story from there about going out on the ledge to repair something and FRODO came after them, so, they will not interfere I'm sure.

Mema Jo said...

Little sea otter is out and about.
Maybe it's the girls, Mits

MITS said...

think I only see 2, so that would be the girls

MITS said...

they seem a little nervous.

Mema Jo said...

Do you think it is Frodo at the eyass now? Can't be sure if that is the white dot or not

MITS said...

chick alone.

MITS said...

Jo, on sloth cam 2a, close up of Merlin, at least I think it is Merlin

MITS said...

oh-oh Frieda is over by dead eyass.

MITS said...

maybe she went to get FRODO, to take care of the remains.

wvgal_dana said...

Seems like everyday that I finally get in here. I comment; then go read comments. Next I go to go through email before I finished I either have someone calling saying " I coming over". Or I just finish the email and think oh boy I get to go look at cams and the blog again. And someone knocks on the door and say" I here to play cards".....crazy it just happened again. So I'll finish emails and talk hopefully tomorrow.

Take care hugs to all

MITS said...


MITS said...

JO, are you watching, Merlin...I love that sloth.

Mema Jo said...

I'll go find him now......

Mema Jo said...

HEE HEE! I found him in Yard 2A

Mits! That is the very first time I have seen him! He is lovable looking! Is he sleepy

MITS said...

He is just the most wonderful bear, with a great personality, so happy to see him so relaxed, he is the pacer.

Mema Jo said...

Can't get over how visitors can just walk by and not say one word to him..

Mema Jo said...

When they said about feeing the RIVER otters the confiscated crabs - Is there a cam for them? OR did they mean the sea otters.......??

Mema Jo said...

About time for an eagle or two to land in our nest!

MITS said...

that was the baltimore zoo that is doing that Jo. I thought the same thing, here is this handsome sloth and people walked right by him.

Robyn said...

When we went to the Baltimore aquarium we saw a sloth slowly making it's way up in the trees in the Rainforest part.

MITS said...

Different animal, Robyn, sloth and sloth bears are not related:).

Robyn said...

Yanno Mits I thought those guys in DC moved a bit too fast for sloths lol

Robyn said...

If you get a chance check out an aye aye, tori just showed me one. Weird animal, looks like a gremlin

Robyn said...

LOL well this is the best I can do, haven't figured out how to name it. This is a video of the aye aye, interesting animal

MITS said...

now that is an interesting looking animal:)

Mema Jo said...

Robyn All you need is the formula after you get the tiny url.....

Check your email-but give me a minute

Mema Jo said...

I canNOT get the cam to clear.....

MITS said...

I thought the 2nd eyass may have dies, but think its eyes are open, didn't look to good for awhile.

MITS said...

neither can I, Jo.

NillaWafer said...

I read from the bottom up so went and looked up Aye Aye animals and found this.. even has the sound they make you cam listen to.. Hi Gang i am so glad no one missed me... sniff... well Good Golly Miss Mollys home and baby sister Maggie is prolley wondering where the heck did that noisy thing come Mits we need some pictures soon to... I have all of Maggies baby pictures... Well Brutus went to the vets today.. he weighs in at a whoppin 1 heck they didnt want to give him back to me... he is asleep in a towel nice and warm i bought puppy mats to train him and they also will use alitter box.. I hope so i just steam cleaned all my carpets... I bought Diana and Jasmin matching set of lil jeans n sweaters to have pictures taken soon.. I have the house all decorated and lit up with orange lights n purple lights and tombstones and pumpkins in the windows that light up and big ghost's on the dining room windows.. I can not get our cam to work its those reds greens blues not working huh??? BBL checking cams

NillaWafer said...

MITS said...

I used to decorate all the time for HALLOWEEN, but not anymore, not many kids come pics yet, Nilla

NillaWafer said...

1 baby chick is walking around on Frodo...

MITS said...

he looks better, the other one is deceased, Nilla

MITS said...


NillaWafer said...

I took Brutus into vets because i saw a flea on him ( son has 4 other dogs also and 2 cats) and since he is so small asked what i could do for them.. guess what after they weighed him and loved over him told me to bath him in DAWN DISH LIQUID... yup it kills flea's and eggs... But rinse thoughly because will cause dry skin... He starts his shots in 2 weeks..

NillaWafer said...

Plus he has to be flea free to see the Momsters on the 20th and for Jo especially since she will be holding him

NillaWafer said...

baby is under her Mits... now i wonder like other birds will they eat the dead?

MITS said...

lol, Capt.might bar him from the EAGLE EXPRESS.

Robyn said...

Nilla dawn regular stay away from the citrus scents they can be bad for the little ones. We used dawn on the kitten tori rescued last year, it doesn't kill all the fleas it stuns half of them just comb them off or pick them.

glo said...

Eagle alert

glo said...

all gone
I didn't get a clear picture so didn't save any picture.

NillaWafer said...

Hi Robyn yup i have regular Dawn and a small comb they said to use.. I dont want fleas carried in to my cat Sugaaah Boogahh neither... Mom looks like she is patiently waitng on Frodo to bring food ... Brutus is a predigree Chiwahwah (SP) is normally Marta sells the puppies for $450.00.. But since i am going to be her mother in law soon she gave me mine.. Yup in November son is getting married, at least thats the plans as of now...

NillaWafer said...

GloBug i dont know how in the world you could see an eagle on that horrible screen... When is the crusie of Annes?

MITS said...

both eagles at tesoro!!!!!!!!!!!!

glo said...

Eagle at Tesoro

MITS said...

they have pulled back the cam at OZ.

Mema Jo said...

Nilla - I know how you clean out your emails BUT read the ones from the Momsters about dinner and train
Did not yet hear about permission on baked good table - Paula will advise if it comes through..

This cam is driving me crazy!! I am sure that both our eagles are in there looking for us!!!

glo said...

Sorry Mits didn't see your post before I posted, was jsut so glad to see and eagle anywhere I came over and posted first.

Nilla thats why I didn't take any pictures. I think it was Belle but I honestly don't know. I find the cam very saddening right now. Or maybe with the eyeases and our cam I am jsut a "little' depressed.

The cruise with Anne's photos will be on the 13th. Still trying to decide on best time. Will probably be mid afternoon East Coast time.

Mema Jo said...

Cam is way back like you said Mits.
Now, is that the dead eyass that we see?

MITS said...

NO PROBLEMO, GLO...i eagle in nest and the other is in the tree to the right of nest at TESORO

MITS said...

@##$$%#@(*&^ CAM!!!!!!

Mema Jo said...

Glo - any chance of early evening
7 or 8:00 start time? I know you won't be able to suit I'll wait to see what time is announced.

NillaWafer said...

Okie Dokie Jo i will check the mail... Yup cam is moved back on OZ .. I understand GloBug its depressing huh a tad....

glo said...

Me Ma Jo I can certainly ask Anne ...I will be available all day, and want the best time for the most. You will be home from mass by then is my guess. I like that time better than afternoon but was afraid some will want their evening free to go do something etc etc.

For Anne even if we cruise an hour or so, she still could have plans for evening herself in her time zone.

NillaWafer said...

Jo i checked and i dont see anything about the NCTC visit or train so if you would please send again.. I had a happy trigger finger the other night and might have cleaned it God i have OCD really bad about mail... and ok heres another OCD of mine.. blinds n curtains MUST BE STRAIGHT.. not kind of crooked when put up or messed up prefectly straight.. and Even!!! No wonder doc has me on but if you think thats bad my daughter DAWN in her house ALL of the light switches must be the same direction either up or down.. Not 1 up and 1 down... HAHAHA i think its heriditary....LAUGHINGGGGGGGGGGGGGG

NillaWafer said...

To tell the truth i am not excited at all about that Greg guy who takes care of Frodo forum after last years experiance with him... He sure does not answer questions or update alot...

MITS said...

agree with you on that one, Nilla, the last update question I see is September 27th

Mema Jo said...

OK Nilla Will do! I think on Momsters' you checked to receive emails in a daily digest - I really don't know if you get them all for each day or not.

glo said...

Even if you are on Digest you can go to the Yahoo Eaglet Group on Yahoo and read the messages anytime. I am on digest so I will get that email later but I know who is responding And what they are saying to All Aboard!!!! Better go read it Nilla...or don't delete that next email MeMa Jo is watching you!!!!

Mema Jo said...

I sent you 3 emails, Nillawafer!!

My hotmail today was working just as badly as our cam is looking........
I am ready (almost) to call it quits!

NillaWafer said...

Oh my moms right by the dead baby.. No mail yet Jo...

paula eagleholic said...

Poor eyass. My last picture last night was 12:19 their time. Both chicks were facing the opposite direction.

Mema Jo said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mema Jo said...

NILLA OPEN THIS & Don't wait for my emails............

Messages for Open House

Mema Jo said...

Not very good viewing this evening.

Lisa, BW, has updated her osprey web page with some interesting photos.
Also the galleries are updated.

NillaWafer said...

Ok got it Jo.... Well as i see it the Friends Of NCTC is going to be there also... Jo i am planning on the train ride yes... wouldnt it be more sensible to drive to Martinsburg to my house and park and take 1 car? Just a suggestion also why go the whole way to Cumberland n down when its a beautiful ride down to Winchester and up 50? Oh my why are they showing that dead baby close up Good Lord!!! Anyways is a good way... just i think my way is

MITS said...

that's sadistic, showing the close-up of dead eyass

Mema Jo said...

NILLA You must call tomorrow to reserve coach seat for the train. They have 70 seats left.. so don't forget to get yours!
Travel wise - I know what you're saying about Rt50 but hubby is driving me and Jennifer up that morning & he likes the straight roads that don't have so many curves and bends that slow you down... lol

Mema Jo said...

Let's wait and see who all gets their train tickets and then you should have a car pool crowd!

Suggestion is to put the Frodocam down - but I'm not watching it so don't rely on me telling what is happening..

Jim sent me an email the other day
BULL... This crazy bull jumped up out of the arena into the crowd...
That nightmare woke me up with a jolt! I couldn't believe it!
The sub conscience is something else

glo said...

I turned that cam off quite a while ago too. Think I am done with it for the season...too sad. I don't want to know anymore, but will just try to believe it goes well for the last one :(

Yes MeMa Jo the subconcious can really be a very powerful thing.

MITS said...

that bull looked like it had too much caffeine

NillaWafer said...

Not to change the subject but here is a great web page and catalog store to order beautiful things from for Christmas... I have ordered from it and good quality if you like country decorations... Well i understand about the roads Jo just thinking the tree are turning and really beautiful ride up thru there... Mom is standing by the dead baby with live baby under her she looks confused and keeps watching the sky... I sure hope she doesnt abandon the little one...

NillaWafer said...

I got that from Jim have not opened it yet... I went to bull fights in Mexico not much fun no one told me they killed the bulls and i cryed....

MITS said...


MITS said...

I'm not sure the othere eyass is doing so good.

NillaWafer said...

Mits i was thinking the same exact thing too... Ut Oh Brutus is waking up.. lil stinker has been sleeping and will want to play all

Robyn said...

ACcording to the update it says,

Tragedy strikes
One of the two chicks has died. Frieda or Frodo is mantling and feeding the other while staying close to the dead eyas.

Mema Jo said...


I know he is such a handful.........

I am following Mits' lead and going to watch Criminal Minds with hubby


NillaWafer said...

HAHAHA puppie dreams Jo he is having now... I bought him those puppy training pads.. they are like Chux pads in hospitol geezz i put him on it and he gets stuck.. his toe nails are stuck n the cotton... and he whines... all 1 lb of him...

Costume Lady said...

Hello Ladies. This hasn't been a very good day. We have a dead chick and a malfunctioning camera and no visitors,although, I think GLO thought she saw one through the psycho haze.

Costume Lady said...

NILLA--Brutus is welcome in the Eagle Express. The only thing we don't allow is cigarettes and drugs!

movin said...

I see the chick at Frodocam is definitely dead.... I had doubts at first this morning, because they both were so active yesterday. In fact Frieda was having troubles keeping them together and shading them from the hot sun.

I didn't check the the temp there during yesterday's daylight, but I checked it just now... It's nearly 90° in the shade just before noon. So probably the chick got overheated in the sun yesterday ....

Sorry to see it, but that's life in the natural world.


paula eagleholic said...

Did she and the live chick move to this side of the ledge?

MITS said...

eyasses in full view, and the second one looks weak, I don't think it is the sun as much as she never seems to be feeding like she was in the beginning.

movin said...

Well, Paula,
I think all three of them had moved to the corner area at the end of the ledge by night time last evening, and I think they are in approximately the same area now.

The camera angle seems to change fairly often lately. It seems capable of being moved and zoomed in many ways.

She's sure keeping an eye on the remaining one. I haven't seen it up and around much yet, so I don't know how well it is. As I say it's getting hot down under right now.


paula eagleholic said...

They pulled back the camera. It appears Frieda and the remaining chick are now out of the corner and on this side of the dead chick.

paula eagleholic said...

Mits, I was thinking the same thing. Food doesn't seem quite as plentiful.

paula eagleholic said...

Although, we have not been able to watch them all during "their" day, but I would suspect it's a food issue.

paula eagleholic said...

Although you can't be sure...maybe a virus of some sort.

paula eagleholic said...

Although you can't be sure...maybe a virus of some sort.

MITS said...

I'm wondering where Frodo has been and if she is the newer Frieda, and this is her 1st clutch, she is at a loss what to do, poor thing.

paula eagleholic said...

Maybe she wasn't feeding the other chick earlier, just standing by it.

floralgirl said...

Hello, good nite, sorry to hear about the little chick. Haven't had much free time lately, sounds like everyone is gearing up for the open house. Is there a lot of people going to ride the Eagle train the next day? How cool! I have been wanting to take a ride on that train, too. Mits, glad Molly got to go home:)Can't chat, too tired. later-much later...

paula eagleholic said...

They also need the moisture from the food

MITS said...

she totally ignored the dead eyass all day til just a few hours ago, my screen went down, maybe they mercifully took it off the air.

Costume Lady said...

I think they finally shut the cam down on F & F.

Costume Lady said...

MITS--Nilla is bringing Brutus to Open House. Why don't you bring Maggie and Molly?LOL

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2/20/25 PM bird

1203 PM NN Scout comes to the nest with a load of bedding again. He seemed to leave with something in his talons. He has a beak full of bedd...