Thursday, October 04, 2007


New thread.


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Costume Lady said...

Good morning and thank you STEVE.

Costume Lady said...

We do have a problem with our cam but we can still see our pair right now!!

Suzanne said...

Cool pic, Steve! Thanks for the new thread. What's with those lines? Belle sure is beautiful, isn't she? Lines and all, I guess.
Thanks for the heads up, Wanda!
Just so cool to see her just standing there! I'm like Norma, takes so little to make me happy...

Suzanne said...

Darn, there she goes! Thanks for the visit, guys!

NillaWafer said...

WOW i took pictures every 30 seconds they were there, let me check how long..Well i got 19 pictures so they musta been there for atleast 20 minutes if i missed any...

Costume Lady said...


NillaWafer said...

Geeez i cant tell time

Costume Lady said...

YUP, NILLA......You are a member of the PJClub but only if you keep you PJs on till NOON.

NillaWafer said...

Ok she came in at 6:50 and flew out at 7:07am

NillaWafer said...

HAHA Wanda dont tell this is our secret ok i am wearing them now but when i get in bed its Butt Naked Time!!!! cant sleep in PJ's they git all twisted around ya... Lord dont tell Sharon i sleep nude... she is coming to stay with me the weekend of Open Guess i wear jammies...

NillaWafer said...

I better git these pictures sent out to Jo before i fall asleep here at the desk... Have agreat day Ya'll

Costume Lady said...

NILLA, I didn't think Sharon was coming. That is wonderful news! Look forward to seeing her again. You are so gracious to offer your house to our visiting Momsters.

I won't say a word to anyone about your sleeping habits. OUR SECRET.LOL

NillaWafer said...

Okie Dokie Wanda its hush hush k... Well i sent out the pictures i took so Jo can add them on Momsters or Paula... Now i am going to bed yada yada since 5:30 Well hopefully Sharon is coming to Open House... Nothing is set in stone just yet... So keep fingers crossed... Enjoy your day..

glo said...

Good morning all. Yep I'm not saying a word either Nilla and being its here at the top of the thread and Sharon doesn't start working til like 6 am and never watches the nest, she probably won't know a thing. I am off for coffee and dog treats and can't remember a thing til after that anyway. Yep your secret is perfectly safe.

Suzanne said...


Suzanne said...

Don't leave everybody, eagle back, it's Belle!!!

Suzanne said...

Beautiful Belle is just standing in center of nest.

glo said...

OK so I am of course desperate to see these eagles and yet I am not ready to go see my neighbors and well ya know I got to get out of here to keep Nilla's secret safe so what am I goign to do?.

Hi Beautiful Belle...thanks for the heads up Suzanne I really was about to step away from the computer.

Suzanne said...

Morning, Glo. Ya might want to wait a few minutes. Wonder if Lib will join her?

movin said...

Good morning, early birds...

Suzanne, Wanda, Nilla, Belle and Glo.

I'm up early, maybe temporarily, and I wanted to say "Mornin."

How are you all?


Suzanne said...

Darn squiggly lines!!!!!

floralgirl said...

AAAwww... Nilla, I'm deep dark secrets being revealed here. Head count- who is going on the eagle train Oct. 21? Just wondering. Gotta run, I'm already late this am. SO, hello and have a great day everyone!

Suzanne said...

Morning, Jim! You are up early!
Just in time to see Belle in our nest!!

Suzanne said...

Morning, Megan. See Belle hanging out?

Suzanne said...

Poof, gone.

movin said...

Oh heck, Belle took off!

Interference lines are gone too.


glo said...

all gone but even short visits are great visits...and trust those who watch in the evening...the cam looks great comparatively. Its hard to know they are there and not be able to even make out an eagle. so yep I feel better at having see 1 on the nest in actual time. Now I will go enjoy the pictures fromt he earlier visit. Thanks folks.

Suzanne said...

Jo, sent this morning's pics of both visits to you, didn't send them anywhere else. You can post if you like, cam has squiggles...

glo said...

Nilla has me covered LOL...OK I am out of here for a while. Have a good day all.

Robyn said...

Good morning Suzanne,Jim, Wanda, Nilla, Belle and Glo

Warm weather is making an appearance the next few days, and I am so ready for fall.

It is nice to see the chick in Oz is looking healthy. Suz did you notice they removed the wreck cam?

Is anyone from Martinsburg going on the Eagle train ride?

Suzanne said...

Squiggles was just rolling around in her sleep. There are now 2 of those white spots. Well, she's laying on one now. Oh there it is, she's rolled over and now on her tummy! Wonder what they are???

movin said...

Squiggles is center stage and squiggling away..


Suzanne said...

Awwww, mom has arrived and is laying down with squiggles. They are adorable!

Suzanne said...

Bai just pulled Squiggles close to her, too cute!

movin said...

You see Bai? Guess she just left for a nature break.

The bright spots disappeared when she entered, so my guess something on the floor is reflecting more than usual.


movin said...

Lot of fog, no birds at BW.


Suzanne said...

Yeah, it's on the floor. There was one this morning when the nest was MT, then a few minutes ago I saw 2, but Squiggles rolled over onto 1, then she rolled again, and the 2nd one was visible. Now Bai is covering both of whatever they are. Must be little something, didn't seem to bother Squiggles when she was laying on it. The infrared is showing it white, like the birds eyes when they arrive in the nest and it's dark.

MITS said...


Robyn said...

Good morning Mits :)

Suzanne said...

Morning, Robyn. Didn't see you come in. Yes, saw they removed that cam this morning. Darn, it was too cool, but guess they're not gonna fix it. Downtown is still down, too.

Morning, Mits. Did you have zoo yesterday? How's the girls, Maggie and Molly? The M&M kids someone said. That's cute. Mom and Molly home now?

MITS said...

No zoo, yesterday, Suzanne. Everything is fine. Mom and Molly are home and Maggie is so happy they are.

paula eagleholic said...

A comment from someone who lives in Australia re the Brisbane chicks.

.....With regards to the babies in Brisbane, whilst the site doesnt say why the chick died, I will say that yesterday was one of the hottest days on record so it might have been the heat.

paula eagleholic said...

Sounds like that was a nice visit from L&B this morning!

paula eagleholic said...

The Osprey cam weblog has been updated at BW. Also the gallery has been updated!

Who is going to the BW open house?

Steve Chase said...

The final power system with the fuel cells is still not installed. We're still running on the power system from last year...


paula eagleholic said...

Thanks Steve for the update!

Suzanne said...

Glad they're home. Bet Maggie is having a ball with her new sister! And always nice to have mom home!

Morning, Paula. got this from their falcon expert on their site:

Responding to Frodocam viewers who had asked whether recent hot weather had caused the death, Mr Czechura said birds in Australia survived and adapted to such exposed conditions.

Peregrines nested at this time to avoid the "real summer heat" which was yet to come.

If it was 90 the day before when the chick died this early in the season, I'd hate to see what their real summer heat becomes!

Guess we'll never know, they aren't going to bring the chick in.

Suzanne said...

Thanks for the update, Steve!

paula eagleholic said...

Thanks, Suz. I see they updated that article. When you clicked on it last night, it was just the first paragraph.

movin said...

I'm sure the heat and the fact that the chicks did not seem to want to stay in the shade of their parents bodies ... when I was watching Frieda was having to chose which chick to shade (actually she was doing the smaller one, as I recall) and spend a lot of time "trying" to keep them together so she could shade them both.

Don't know what caused them to want to go in opposite directions at a time like that, but I think that was the deciding factor.

Usually, all the chicks head for Mom or Dad and at least shade their heads, but not this time.


Anne-Marie said...

Good morning family. Its still dark but I'm up and dressed. Eggs are cooking and I'm trying.

paula eagleholic said...

Good Morning, Hedi and Jim!

Suzanne said...

Wow, good morning, Annie! You're an early bird!

Anne-Marie said...

Not me just looked what time Jim blogged in.Wow Jim your the early one.

Anne-Marie said...

Well I'm ready for my trip east. My grand daughter is coming with me and boy is she excited. She is taking a few days off from work and school to join me. History will look much better in person than it does in a book.

Anne-Marie said...

thank you Paula for all of your help. I think I'm settled now.

MITS said...


paula eagleholic said...

Eagle at BW!

Anne-Marie said...

Hey Mits good morning. I'm sitting here dressed but still in hot rollers. I must look silly.

movin said...

That was 90 deg. in the shade, probably way over a 100 in the sun, and that chick did not have as much sun-reflecting, white fuzz to protect it.

I wanted to report they also have some helpful videos on the site, if you can look at on the "tragedy" link.


Suzanne said...

Thanks for the heads up, Paula! Beautiful.

paula eagleholic said...

Your welcome, Anne. Looking forward to meeting you and your granddaughter!

wvgal_dana said...

Thanks Steven for the update "soon" I love the sound of that Steven ( :

Hi Mits, Paula, Jim, Anne, and all those that was in earlier Nilla, Wanda, Megan, Robyn and anyone I missed.

If it wouldn't be for the pics you all are taking. I always check out the album. I have yet to make it to the nest in the am for arrival of L & B. Nor do I seem this year to make it in the evening.. Boy remember before I was here all the time...crazy around here. Elderly doggie has changed our lives completely. Then there is Ed's cousin that is in for awhile. The card players !

normabyrd said...

GOOD MORNING EAGLE BUDDIES!!!----WHOA!!----I am so very, very late this a.m.----But another BEAUTIFUL ATUMUN day in WV---61°--bit warmer than yesterday!!----SO SORRY for FRIEDA!!---HEY!!---ENJOY this GLORIOUS DAY!!!---Need to catch up!!-

MITS said...


normabyrd said...

WOW!---An EAGLE at BW----How GREAT is that????

paula eagleholic said...

Morning Dana! How's the new knee coming along?

Anne-Marie said...

Well its off for me. 7:00 is when I leave. Have a beautiful day everyone.

wvgal_dana said...

Sorry I left you out of the names Paula.. Good morning Paula and Norma.
I think I am still riding the "short bus".
I commented that there was an eagle at BW. Then I realized I was still over on the other blog. Read it after reading this one. Hee Hee Now you all know you missed me lol lol
Paula knee doing fine.

paula eagleholic said...

Pretty eagle at BW

wvgal_dana said...

Going to try to go through emails. bbl

normabyrd said...

WOW!!!---I think the LITTLE PRINCE is up a tree this a.m.---I suggest they paint numbers on the PANADAS---ho!----HE IS SO COOL!!---

wvgal_dana said...

Oh Norma I'll have to check him out. Haven't seen him up a tree for awhile ty hugs

wvgal_dana said...

Cam I isn't showing any up a tree. Cam II is searching around so maybe they'll find him up a tree.
Well there is a panda walking around "on the ground".. hummmm

wvgal_dana said...

Panda now laying across the BIG fallen tree. I think that might be your "Prince" Norma. Well just moved.

wvgal_dana said...

After all the saddness. I have to tell you when I opened the picture of the "chick saying hello world". I just busted out laughing. He/she is so so cute what a captured moment. lol

normabyrd said...

ATLANTA ZOO shows "BUTA BUTA" asleep on the top rail above the Hammock---there is a BALL in the Hammock & LUN LUN is enjoying BAMBOO on the floor!!!---Just read that YANG YANG likes to smell of TABASCO----LUN LUN enjoys smelling MINT---"SLEEPING BEAUTY" didn't care for either TABASCO or MINT!!!---ho! ----bet she likes to smell MAGNOLIA flowers!!!

wvgal_dana said...

Suzanne I just realized I missed saying Good Morning to you..sorry
short bus

Good Morning Suzanne !!

MITS said...

Just looke and Mei is sleeping inside, Tai is raoming and Tian eas asleep in grotto....Norma, I like your idea of numbers on their back:).

paula eagleholic said...

I swear that eagle at BW is banded on the right leg

paula eagleholic said...

Pretty colors on our cam :)

Glad they held off this morning!

Mema Jo said...

The eagle at BW is not Mr Patience and really doesn't look like Prudence. Can't see leg but he could be migrating.

Good Late Morning all of you
I am very grateful for those pics Delphia (Birdgirl) sent. Really expected the worst

MITS said...

YIKES, our cam looks like an xray.

MITS said...

eagle at BW is hiding its feeties, and, I can't see.

Suzanne said...

Wow, hello everyone, Norma, Dana, and Jo. Get busy doing something, and everybody comes in. Nice to see everyone. Dana, how's your knee?
Norma, haven't seen any divers all week, I think, but I've been busy. They must know you're not here!!
Jo, not too many pics this morning, cam was going nutso...
Love the eagle in BW, beautiful!

Suzanne said...

Wow, Paula, sure does look like a band. Good catch!

Suzanne said...

Check it out, cooling wings off!

Robyn said...

Phew I'm back 3 eggplant parm trays later.

Good morning Norma, Dana, Jo, Paula, Anne.

Brisbane sleeping, I see an eagle at BW

wvgal_dana said...

Suzanne knee doing good...I still don't do "alot of steps some though".

Mema Jo said...

I can see something now on the BW eagle's right foot

Robyn said...

Off to run errands


Mema Jo said...

Must be errand day..... BBL

Suzanne said...

Wow, our cam almost looks like looking at the nest through blinds sometime. Course now it's gone, since I wrote this!

Suzanne said...

Blinds are back. We certainly have varied views!

Mema Jo said...

Before I run.
Potomac Eagle Train phone number for Coach ticket reservations is


Rumsey Tavern dinner 5:00 Sat
Email Jo for headcount..........


paula eagleholic said...

Loved that wingshot at BW

normabyrd said...

COMPUTER--(need some cuss words HELEN)----All I do is sign in----& in, etc,-----Haven't settled down--since being LATE!!---(ho)

paula eagleholic said...

Here you go, Norma


Feel free to use them anytime!

normabyrd said...

THANKS PAULA---I shouldn't ask a new "GRANNY" to cuss----ho!---You are PRETTY GOOD TOO!----

normabyrd said...


MITS said...

WHY THAT %$^&%$ COMPUTER!!!!!!!!

Suzanne said...

Thanks, Norma. You enjoy the day. I'm going home and open windows.
Time for me to hit the road. All have a great eagle/panda day. Eyes to the sky, see the raptors fly!

MITS said...


normabyrd said...

HELEN---Tell me how the "little ones" are doing----I know there is a big adjustment for the older child to get used to this new sister----ho!----MARLEY (DAVIN'S 2 yr. old) has begun to accept "her SAM"---tries to "LOVE" him too hard!!!----I have 3 girls--so I am a bit prejudice!!---Love Girls---ho!---They are easy!!--Love & Kisses to both "little ones"!!!----

MITS said...

Norma, the girls are doing great...Maggie is much to young to really know what is still going on, think she thinks she is at daycare and this is just a new baby.

movin said...

Back again, IExplorer crashed for the umpteenth time, but this time it said it was an "add-on" which turned out to be Adobe flash player.

I did a little research on Microsoft's site with only a suggestion of a fix, so I went to Adobe's site, got their official "uninstaller," shut everything else down, and uninstalled the whole flash player thing.

Then I went back to Adobe and installed the newest version, restarted my computer, and here I am again.

I noticed right away I didn't get a "general error" notice when I opened S.D.'s Panda cam. It's too soon to tell about anything else.

Did you all read about and watch the videos on the Frodo site?

I just looked at Frieda, and she is standing...looks as though she is still warming both chicks. But it's still dark there, can't be sure.


MITS said...

can't believe that eagle is still at BW

movin said...

Mits, There's no eagle at BW on my computer... Are you sure yours is refreshing?


MITS said...

I'LL check, Jim probably didn't refresh it

MITS said...

I hadn't refresh it.

movin said...

The bats are really thick over Pete's Pond, but otherwise I don't see too much happening there.


wvgal_dana said...

Jim hope things go well with your computer now.

MITS said...

All pandas are inside eating bamboo at NZ, it is 90° here.

Robyn said...

Back home and it is getting warmer outside, good thing for AC :)

Mema Jo said...

The Otter Sisters of DC are putting on a show

Mema Jo said...

Tai seems to enjoy having a rock pillow for his head while sleeping!
I've noticed it the last few times.

Robyn said...

what link are you lookng at Jo.

Mema Jo said...

Oh My Robyn Here is your answer 20 min after the fact... FONZ DC Zoo Asia Trail...

Cams down at bottom of page

Robyn - did you get the tinyurl formula I emailed? Prove it!

Robyn said...

Yes, thank you. I also got Paula's which was helpful too, just no time to play with it yet.

Mema Jo said...

Anne emailed me from work and said she got her Potomac Eagle Train tickets!

paula eagleholic said...

I found this Eagle Cam a while back from the USFWS website, and I was wondering for the longest time if the cam was current...

And I happened to check on it today, and lo and behold, there is snow on the nest! I know it's current!

Oregon Eagle Cam

movin said...

Thanks, Dana, it's actually a software conflict, and it has been working well since I came back on.

You folks probably read the new weblog at BW, but I didn't see it in the comments. If not, take a look.


MITS said...



NillaWafer said...

Look at the Sidney nest cam its so clear you can see along ways out in the country side n houses... even better than last years... and the nest is green with plants growing in it...

MITS said...

That cam was really good when the eagles were in it, Nilla

Mema Jo said...

Paula - that is an amazing eagle's nest you found. Had to bookmark that one.

NillaWafer said...

I know and the picture looks even clear this year... Ahhhhh let pray ours will be that clear once all the work is completed and its up and running 24/7 right!!!!!! My first night having Brutus home was uneventful since i was up all he didnt whine but has a small teddy bear he sleeps with and drags around and rolls on...

Robyn said...

WOW Paula that is so cool and it is SNOWING there now

paula eagleholic said...

Kinda wild seeing snow on the nest, huh?

paula eagleholic said...

Look at those clouds moving.

paula eagleholic said...

I put the link for it on the momsters site, too

paula eagleholic said...

I see the snow there now.

paula eagleholic said...

Frieda in color

paula eagleholic said...

Appears our lonely chick is getting breakfast in OZ

NillaWafer said...

Yup its a beautiful nest and scenery.. As for snow after last years events i dont want snow in a nest so pray really hard we have agreat nesting season this year!!!!!

paula eagleholic said...

Eyass in view. He is right next to sibling.

NillaWafer said...

Paula i have cam up and i only see mom no chicks???

paula eagleholic said...

Chick is on other side of her, Nilla.

paula eagleholic said...

She was only gone for one refresh this morning...

NillaWafer said...

Paula did you get all the pictures i took from early thsi morning?? I especially loved the 1 of her taking off... I was trying to name them and not miss a 30 second change in Ok i am watching her on the 10 second cam

NillaWafer said...

She sure is watching something in the sky...

paula eagleholic said...

Yes, Nilla, they were great. Best pics we've had in awhile....things will look up on our cam once everything is installed!

paula eagleholic said...

Eyass in view, and Frieda right back again...albeit to the right a you can still see eyass

paula eagleholic said...

And she is blocking the view again...

paula eagleholic said...

I see the breakie she brought....grey and red...

MITS said...

maybe a pigeon???

NillaWafer said...

the baby was laying right beside the dead baby from what i could see?? Moms back yeah.. I been in the mail room cleaning once again.. I have stuff in there from way back when...

paula eagleholic said...

Eagle at BW

MITS said...

yappy dog up in MAINE, but, no eagles.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Okay, Nilla, I just read about your sleeping habits. Might have to rethink this! :)

MITS said...

eyas is standing up.

wvgal_dana said...

Well I rushed through dinner. Maybe I'll get to see L & B today..

Hi everyone ( :

Paula that was a neat find in Oregon thanks.

MITS said...

hope so, Dana.

Mema Jo said...

As long as Nilla has bedroom doors and doesn't get up in the middle of the night to go out and walk Brutus - I think you're safe, Sharon!

I need to go out for about 3 hours!
Snap those pics if the visitors come around. I have the morning pics from Suzanne and Nilla ready to go into the album......

wvgal_dana said...

Falcon just took off chick by itself.

paula eagleholic said...

Evening, all! Nest looks beautiful and clear. Great time for a visit.

MITS said...

would be nice if they came when cam was clear.

wvgal_dana said...

Oh I hope it will be clear.

MITS said...

Frieda finally came back.

wvgal_dana said...

Yep she did Mits

paula eagleholic said...

Feeding time in OZ - good pic!

NillaWafer said...

HAHAAHAHA Then i take thats a yes on coming for Open ???????? Dont worry i will wear jammies... Hey Dana glad you got on and i am so sorry i missed saying Happy Birthday to ED... Tell him he got a big sloppy smooch coming when i see him again.. laughingggggggggg

NillaWafer said...

Was just thinking i know Sharon loves dogs so before she leaves i need to do a shake down on her in case she has my Brutus hidden under aboob or in a pocket...laughinggggggg harderrrrrrrrrrrrr Hmmmm maybe thats a job for our resident magistrate Jill or former police officer Naaaa i love say "UP AGAINIST THE WALL AND SPREADUM"""

NillaWafer said...

i have nest up so glad i got those pictures this morning because you can tell if 1 flys in but those colors are back so no pictures tonight ...

NillaWafer said...

now cams cleared up ok eagles its show time.... lights camera action!!!!

wvgal_dana said...

Hey Nilla your getting a chuckle out of typing tonight. Your so funny I love it . hee hee

NillaWafer said...

Oh my i am laughing so hard Brutus has his teddy bear and shaking it all over the place playing and rolling around... Dana i have not had hardly any sleep and get goofy thats before the headachesets in and it time for my Prozac...lolllllll

MITS said...

eagles at FLA.

wvgal_dana said...

Nilla they will have to check you Oct 20th to make sure you didn't bring Brutus, lol

wvgal_dana said...

Well maybe I've spooked L & B...not here yet.....and the cam isn't that great either.

paula eagleholic said...

No, Dana, it wasn't you. I think it was too warm out and L&B were cooling off down by the river....

Mema Jo said...

I have returned home for the evening. I am going to place morning pics in album on Momsters.. Our cam's night light is on with lots of stars and SPIDEY'S WEB! It is rather humid out this evening.
BBILW Holler if you need me....

Mema Jo said...

Squiggles First vaccination

Just thought about it being Thurs and that it should have been an exam
day - and it was!

Anne-Marie said...

Hi Everybody, how it going?

Anne-Marie said...

Guess everyones busy. I'll be back later.

paula eagleholic said...

Good night, going to finish watching ER, then hit the hay...Sweet dreams everyone!

MITS said...


Costume Lady said...

I think we are all tuckered out this evening. We are dropping out like flies. I am next......

floralgirl said...

I bet Jo's still

movin said...

Frieda seems to be looking for something in the distance ... maybe she feels that an unseen enemy attacked when she wasn't watching and caused the demise of the chick.

I only see the live chick now ... don't know if the parents removed the other one or if they have just moved down the ledge away from it.

The remaining one looks in very good condition, thankfully.


movin said...

It's raining heavily with lightening at Pete's Pond.


Mema Jo said...

Oh Jim, I thought you were going to say that you were getting rain!!

OK Smarty pants, Megan
How did you know I was still awake??

I am ready to call it a day. Sorry I missed Anne again BUT I'll meet her on the 10th!

Bird Girl said...

hey everyone....they updated the Frodocam page a little while ago, and have a video of the "Last Rites" of the chick that didn't survive. I thought I might warn anyone who might want to see it that it is sad, and might be better left "unsaid" as it were... not that it was gross or anything, just gives heartache.

meanwhile, the strong little bugger seems to be doing fine...

I wish I could go to the open house with all of you, and the train ride and dinner! I feel like I miss out so much, being so far away from NCTC, but maybe next year I'll be able to. Who knows?

Hope all is well and everyone is good!

p.s. Regarding DAWN dish soap: Dawn is the ONLY brand of detergent used by animal welfare groups to clean oiled wildlife. I was lucky enough to see the Oiled Wildlife building at Sea World in San Diego a few years ago when we had to take a couple of pelicans there for pre-release workups. They have VATS of Dawn. VATS!!!! It's a long, laborious process involving toothbrushes, multiple washings and rinsings, and waiting for the bird's own oil glands to produce healthy oil which the bird then spreads on it's feathers with the beak/bill.

movin said...

It's like 79 deg. in the shade at about 1:30 p.m. down under, and Frieda's showing some effects of the heat.

Boy, she's really keeping an eye on the chick, but there is still some shade from the building, so she's not mantling yet.


Mema Jo said...

I meant the 20th...I will meet Anne My fingers are going to sleep on me first!!!

Good Night all my eagle buddies

Yepper! It's going to be Friday when Suzanne and the Early Birds read this.

movin said...



NillaWafer said...

Well i decided to stop by for a minute before going to bed... yes bed something i could not do last night the pain in my legs isnt as bad tonight so far... Sweet Eagle dreams to all and i hope our eagles show in the morning... Niters & Hugs, Nilla P.S. Sharon you need to e-mail on your plans please...

Robyn said...

Having almost losing Tori 2 years ago this time I find watching death is hard but I had to watch the video, it wasn't difficult to see maybe because it was timef or them to remove the poor thing, and nurture the life they have.

Robyn said...

Baboons at petes pond

why am I till awake

bobbi said...

Rob, surprised your still up. Can't sleep?

bobbi said...

Watching Freida. Chick wants to eat and mom looks like she is calling frodo to come home with dinner.

bobbi said...

Robyn and whoever is left goodnight. Way past my bedtime. Have a great day tomorrow and good morning suzanne when you come on.

Suzanne said...

Good morning, world. Had to show a new 4 o'clock person how to open. Gee, nobody wants to work these hours, can't understand it! Had a teenage possom eating the cat food when I fed the outdoor kitty this morning. Wasn't a baby like the last one I had, this one was about 7 or 8" long. Cute little thing. Had turned the light on first (ALWAYS), then opened the door, then he looked up and sauntered off. But the last week or so my cat food has all been on one side of the bowl, and didn't know why. Now I do. He's tilting the bowl to get to the food. Last year when whoever or whatever kept spilling the food, I bought bigger bowls. I know the cat knows how to eat out of them, but whoever was spilling it was gonna have to learn. Well, guess this little guy did. Too funny. He heard the door and just sorta sauntered off next to the house, to hide under a bush. Then coming in, in Tyson's Corner no less, a huge fat racoon ran across the road. Do they have litters at this time of year? Cause it sure was fat. Usual amount of deer, but no other critters. Well, one fox, but almost always see a fox now.
Nice out too, 65° at home, 71° here already. Gonna be a hot one. We're supposed to get a beautiful weekend too, but I'm thinking my AC is gonna be running this weekend!
We have a decent pic on the cam, but still have those squiggly lines at the top. Well, they sorta move, so say top and middle.
Bai and Squiggles are asleep in the birthing den, too cute. Bai is holding the little one.
I see where the website says one of the falcons has taken care of the body. They have a video and pics on the site of the funeral falcon style. Poor thing!
Gotta go see what I missed yesterday after I left. Gonna be a busy day here today, have things to get finished by Tuesday (all of a sudden this week!), and Monday is a holiday. So I have a choice... get it done today, or come in Monday. Well, that's not gonna happen, so I'll be busy today.
all have a great eagle/panda day.
Eyes to the sky, see the raptors fly!

Suzanne said...

Well, evidentally this is another restless night for Bai. She woke up, went outside for a sec, came back in the den and picked up Squiggles. Squiggles was sound asleep. Bai picked her up, cuddled her and then rolled on her side and has Squiggles in her arm and going back to sleep. Too cute. Thought she was gonna nurse for a sec, but she changed her mind and decided to take a panda nap instead.

Suzanne said...

Good grief, glancing back at the blogs, don't you guys ever sleep? Morning, Nilla, and Robyn, and Bobbi if you guys are still up. If not, hope you finally got to sleep, and sleep tight! Geesh, I'm so jealous!!

floralgirl said...


Suzanne said...

GRINS!!! Good morning, Megan! You're right there! And a 3-day weekend for me. Love them!! But you're probably working, aren't you? On the corn maze?

Costume Lady said...

It's almost time for a visit from our Beauties.

NillaWafer said...

Good Morning Suz and anyone else up at this early morning hour.. I was sleeping but not so soundly because legs hurt so bad and then Brutus decides its time to wake up and want to play and eat and go to the bathroom... So here i sit for afew while he runs around playing hopefully tiring hisself out to go back to bed... Here i am 60 yrs old and anew mother once Suz i dont like Possums.. they hissss and growl at ya... not a cute animal.... Checked our nest and its glowing as always about this time of morning.... You hold down the fort Suz if we gave awards for reporting early morning nest news and such you get a Be back later when the sun is up...

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2/20/25 PM bird

1203 PM NN Scout comes to the nest with a load of bedding again. He seemed to leave with something in his talons. He has a beak full of bedd...