Tuesday, October 30, 2007


photo from Suzanne.

New thread.


NillaWafer said...

Goood Morning Eaglelandddddd!!!!!!!!!!11 Oh good gracious am i 1st??

NillaWafer said...

Thanks for the new thread Steven the eagles sure are busy bulding up the sides.. after what happened last year to bad they cant stick a roof on it to for protection out of the weather..lol Have agr8t dayyy off to check out cams

Suzanne said...

Thanks for the new thread, Steve! Not too much construction this morning, but they were there.
Thanks for the heads up, Nilla.

Brought over from previous thread:
Think all 3 Kent cams are sick. Cam 3 has been down for quite a while, but now cam 1 and 2 have joined cam 3. Maybe we should get the cams some soup! I'll share my cold pills!

paula eagleholic said...

Morning, Friends!

Great fall day. Enjoy!

normabyrd said...

THANKS FOR THE NEW THREAD STEVEN!!-----Nest is just glowing this a.m. in the SUNSHINE!!!---now just send the ROYAL FAMILY back!---GOOD A.M. NILLA!---Yep!---You are #1 today!!!---COOL!

NillaWafer said...

Morning Suz .. You have acold too? I woke up with a sore throat and nasal congestion.. now its running.. eyes watery.. Guess its this seasonal change ... Oh and bad cough... Not awhoel ot of meds i can take for it because of heart meds also.. so i suffer thru it mostly...

paula eagleholic said...

BW is still down too.

Morning, Nilla and Suz and anyone else I may have missed.

Suzanne said...

Morning, Paula. Yup, beautiful fall day out there.
Yeah, Nilla, we had a fire drill here last Fri at 5:30 in the cold wind and rain...something crashed and the fire alarm went off. We had to stand outside for 25 minutes, so a couple of us got horrible colds out of that! I got some Target brand cold medicine, seems to be helping. My sore throat started Friday going home, so I knew it was gonna be a sick weekend!
Hope you feel better quickly! Colds are no fun.

movin said...

I lost my browser again...was fine with Africam and Pete's plus some non-video sites (like this one) up, but I added SD Panda and it went down in short order!

Saw this new thread when I came back in. Hi, Nilla, how are you?


normabyrd said...

WOW!!---I think the "LITTLE PRINCE" has been down wading in the stream!!---Not too cold for TAI!!!---ho!---Love watching him STROLL!!!!

Suzanne said...

OH, big buffalo or something on faricam now.

Suzanne said...

Welcome backc, Jim! Wondered where you went.

Squiggles is alone and just wiggling all over that den.
Tai is strolling his estate, as Norma says, and big somethings on africam.

Suzanne said...

Uh oh, someone removing the bamboo from Squigs! Look, a girl hugging her! Oh keeper cleaning out Squigs den! LOOK QUICK

Suzanne said...

Oh, now she's putting Squiggles back so gently! Lucky girl! Squigs is looking around...where did the forest go???? Where's mommie!

wvgal_dana said...

Good Morning again eagle friends; Hi Nilla thanks for heads up on thread. I just knew Steven mean't to give us a new on Thank you Steven. ( :

Norma Iris's biposy is tomorrow morning I have been praying for her and wanted to mention on here to remind all to pray for her. Although I'm sure she has put it in God's Hands. One has to be alittle nervous the day before.

wvgal_dana said...

back later today

Suzanne said...

Squiggles has worked her way all the way over to the edge of the den. Probably wondering who that strange person was...

wvgal_dana said...

ooppps Suzanne if I don't get back in time. Have a safe one home.

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' PAULA!!---Another frosty morning!!!

normabyrd said...

SQUIGGLES has nudged her way up to the end of the pad----now she has numbers across her head!!!!---Do you suppose she is wanted?---ho!

movin said...

Now they have a herd of Wildebeest at the Africam.

And when I switch to Pete's, there is at least one Water Buck.


paula eagleholic said...

Sounds like chicken soup time for Suz and Nilla!

Norma - I think everyone wants Squigs!

Iris - Hoping all goes well with positive results!

normabyrd said...

JIM---SORRY you are having so much trouble with your computer!!---I wish I knew how to help you!!!----

movin said...

Morning, Paula.


movin said...

Thanks, Norma. Microsoft gets an automatic report every time it happens. You would think they would have a fix by now.


normabyrd said...

ANNE--I think it's about time for you to grab your eggs & start off for your office----I hope you have finally gotten rested up!!---ENJOY THE DAY!!

movin said...

The problem seems to be some kind of conflict when I am running two or more video sites at the same time...usually involving the Panda cam at SD.


glo said...

Good morning all. Back from coffee and dog treats LOL...Looks like I haven't missed or maybe I did miss some eagle action this morning. Anyway time for breakfast here so I have the cam up and running. I hope I get to see them.

Suzanne Sorry you had to come in today with that miserable cold, I saw yesterday where you emntioned you were not feeling well at all. I do hope the meds clear that up for you quickly.

Nilla Hope you get to feeling better quickly too. Not much fun to force yourself to function when you really are under the weather.

Good day to all.

glo said...

Jim I have very frequently run into problems running SD site too. I have no clue why that is as it seems to be the only thing I have found in common wiht what I am doing on the computer when it will suddenly send the error and shut me down. :(

movin said...

Elephant herd at Pete's Pond.


normabyrd said...

Watch the beautiful FLAMIGOS enjoying the water at the NZOO!!!

movin said...

Too bad elephants don't enjoy drinking, splashing and bathing.... Hahahaha.

Morning, Glo. Kinda glad, kinda sad to learn you have the same problem. Well, if one of us figures it out, we'll have to tell the other. OK?


normabyrd said...

MORNING GLO!!---I have a problem gettin in & out of SD PANDAS!!---I thought it was just me!!---

movin said...

Wow, there must be 30 elephants of all sizes in that herd!


Suzanne said...

See you later, Dana. Need to send you an email!
Morning, Glo. Thanks, cold pills are working, I'm glad to say. Just took 2 more, but not sniffling or blowing my nose every second.
I sometimes have my IE die when I try to take a pic on SD. But I can bring it right back up, but it is very annoying! Doesn't happen often, just every once in a while.

Did you guys just see the Impala and Wildbeeste take off? Wildbeeste's stopped, but Impala ran in circles for a sec. Don't know what caused that, and seems to have settled down.

Mema Jo said...

Good Morning everyone. Crisp out there even with the sun shinning.My cats are going to wait until the sun has warmed things up before going out! Sorry to hear that a good many of you have the sniffles.

movin said...

Morning, Mema Jo.


movin said...

Now the elephants have moved off a ways and are doing the dust spray bath thing. It all helps keep the flies off I'm told.


normabyrd said...

ATLANTA PANDAS are outside---BUTA BUTA is now a "SLEEPING BEAUTY" on the top log!!----LUN LUN is "laid back" enjoying her BAMBOO!!---Hope the SLEEPING BEAUTY wakes up soon!!

normabyrd said...

MORNING JO!!---When I got up it was 27°---now it's up to 40°---quite a difference!!!---Hope you aren't sniffling!!!!

movin said...

It's still 14:35 yesterday at BW.


Suzanne said...

Morning, Jo. Did you ever decide to get your kitty shaved? You better get a sweater for him now to go outside, it's getting nippy. I've had to scrape my car 2 mornings in a row! Not ready for that yet!

Suzanne said...

Jim, it's that big party all those Ewwiieess had yesterday. There were about 5 on the platform when I left. Musta been a humdinger of a party!

MITS said...

foggy out at Kent...

Suzanne said...

Tai looks like he's really enjoying his fruitcicle, if that's what it is. He's sure enjoying something!

MITS said...

beautiful close-up of otters

normabyrd said...

The LITTLE PRINCE is enjoying his
FRUITSICLE with both hands!!---He's in HEAVEN!!!!!-----MOM & DAD are 'ROCKIN' & ROLLIN' again!----FUN FUN FUN!!!!

Suzanne said...

Crap, fire alarm yet again! BBL

normabyrd said...

SUZANNE----I noticed in the AFRICAN CAM----Several BW Pics!!!--One had a "FLOCK" of VULTURES!!!---Are they called FLOCK?? ho!

paula eagleholic said...

2 eagles at BW!!

normabyrd said...


NillaWafer said...

Mei and Tain are having a knock down drag out wrestling match dont knows who is who right now... Tai is wondering around was eating a snack the school kids are all excited and yelling to see Tai... I look for this wrestling to be over soon as Mei will say enough is enough old man..lol

normabyrd said...

PAULA----BW never lets up down!!!

NillaWafer said...


normabyrd said...

TAI---hide your eyes!!!!!----Your parents are up in a tree---attempting to knock the other one out!!!----POOR LITTLE PRINCE!!!--They aren't setting a GOOD EXAMPLE for him!!!!!

movin said...

Excuse me, Norma. What did you write to Paula?


movin said...

Oh, by the way, I'm thinking of moving my e-mail communications for animal cams, etc., to another screen name I have, so don't be surprised.

I did the same thing a couple of years ago with my Marine Corps e-mails, when they became numerous, and I think I need to do it with these.

Anyway, I can have up to 7 screen names with AOL, so why not use them?

I'll e-mail you all with the new address.


movin said...

Another large herd of elephants at Pete's.

Did you know a herd of wart hogs (maybe any hog) is called a "sound"??


Jill said...

Two eagles at BW now. And time is almost right. Clocks reset to standard time instead of DLS.

Does anybody know if the Bahamas are in the same time zone as us? Little cousin is getting married there today but not sure if it is 10 am our time or different. HELP ME.

movin said...

Should have said "sounder." I'm reading about them on Wikipedia.


paula eagleholic said...

Yes, Jill - they are on EST too

movin said...

Jill, you can double click on your computer clock (Lower Rt.) and check the time zones on the window that comes up.


movin said...

By the way, Good Morning, Jill.


MITS said...

play time for elephants at NZ

MITS said...

Jill, just use goggle for the time in Bahamas

movin said...

Jill, I did a google for the Bahamas, and it is just after 11 A.M. now.


Suzanne said...

Back again. What a drag this is becomming!
Getting nice out now, though!
Mei Sheng is on SD, watch him before he leaves for China.
2 Impalas are butting horns on africam! 2 eagles on BW, nice to see!

normabyrd said...


movin said...

There's one adolescent elephant at Pete's with a left front leg he can't use...could have been broken and healed in a bent position.


normabyrd said...

HI JILL---I am pretty sure too--- that they are on EST!!!---You should have gone to the wedding!!

movin said...

Norma, I'm not trying to "pick" ... I just didn't understand what you were telling her about BW.


normabyrd said...

JIM---I have a deer---that comes to in my lawn often--& she has a leg like that----Been around about 3 yrs. & has had at least 3 fawns---But I admit---EASIER FOR A DEER to walk on 3 legs than an ELEPHANT!!

normabyrd said...


normabyrd said...

2 EAGLES at BW!!

Suzanne said...

Look at Mai and Tian, sitting back to back very peacefully eating their bamboo. They certainly do make a good married couple...killing each other one minute, enjoying lunch together the nest. Too funny.
Mai Sheng is enjoying his bamboo, and not sure where Tai is and what he's doing. Seems to be under a metal something or other.

Suzanne said...


MITS said...

Norma, I knew exactly what you were saying:):):), that BW never let's US down.:)

normabyrd said...

ATLANTA ZOO!!!---Kids going by & looking in at the SLEEPING DUO!

movin said...

Yes, it would be difficult for a wild animal to walk on three legs, and if they have serious predators around, they probably wouldn't make it.


normabyrd said...

DARN--DARN--SUZANNE---I keep checking on them---I have seen "BIG BOB" a few times---He seems to love the cam!!!

movin said...

Thanks, Mits, thanks, Norma. Sorry I didn't get it.

Old age??


movin said...

One of the eagles at BW has departed.


Suzanne said...

Yes, Norma, Big Bob does like to pose for the cam! Kinda funny, considering he's a fish! Must be curious!
One of the Atlanta gals is waking up. Which one is on top, Norma?

normabyrd said...

SUZANNE----ATLANTA BEAUTY'S "nap" is over!!----She is down with LUN LUN on the bottom level---waking her up!!!---Will be funny!!

normabyrd said...

BUTA BUTA is on top of LUN LUN---bet the play-fight has started!!

normabyrd said...


normabyrd said...

I think LUN LUN is too lazy to get up & BUTA is certainly chewing on her!!!

Suzanne said...

Thanks, Norma. I see mom just got back up on top, and the little Beauty is on the bottom, looking to get into something. Uh oh, mom has a bite! Oh look, LunLun hanging her paw down to play with the little one. And they're off...
Well, maybe not. the Atlanta Beauty got sidetracked from chasing mom by something hanging on the whatever it is.

Suzanne said...

Time for me to hit the road. All have a great eagle/panda day.
I'll try not to share my cold with the kitties, Norma!
Blog at ya tomorrow.
Eyes to the sky, see the raptors fly!

IrisF said...

Hello Everyone,
Dana, thanks for remembering my appointment tomorrow and for your prayers. They are certainly appreciated! Knowing that God is "in control" is very comforting and so are all your prayers.

Suzanne and Nilla, hope your colds are better soon - not many things can make you feel as miserable as the common cold!!! Suzanne, since the fire drill caused yours, can you file for workman's comp?

Thank you all for the photos of our beautiful eagles and thanks Mema Jo for putting them where we can all go to look at them.

Hugs to all of you!

Carol_in_WV said...

Hi, eagle lovers. Has anyone heard whether we a new WV Welcome Slogan yet? Also - did you all hear that there might be a male African lion loose in Greenbrier County? Tonight is the big night - "Nip/Tuck" is back! One of my all-time favorite shows!! Gotta get back to work now.

paula eagleholic said...

Oohhh, thanks for the heads up Carol - I didn't realize tonight was THE night for Nip/Tuck - Love it too!

normabyrd said...

HI CAROL!!----I take the CHARLESTON GAZETTE & listen to NPR every morning!!---Will let you know when I hear!!!---I have been reading about the lion!!----More than one person has seen the animal!!!---HEY--I have never watched "NIP/TUCK"!!!---

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' IRIS!----Will have you in my thoughts & prayers tomorrow!!---Take care!!!

normabyrd said...

The "ATLANA BEAUTY" is attempting to eat her BAMBOO like TAI did!!!---Lying on her back!!!---She is a LITTLE IMP too!!!! ho!---

IrisF said...

Thanks Norma I appreciate it! I hadn't tried the follow-up email comments before - that's a really cool feature. Maybe now I will be able to post more often???

glo said...

Eagle well two now as Blogger is giving me fits at the moment

MITS said...

all gone, Jo sent you some pics.

MITS said...

Mei has her popsicle now.

paula eagleholic said...

Missed 'em!

paula eagleholic said...

Really breezy up in Maine!

MITS said...

they were't there that long, Paula

movin said...

I was just reading in Wikipedia than the Peregrine chick fledges 35-42 days after hatching.

And that means we are into the final week for Dolly, I believe.

Guess we had better watch a little closer now, or we will miss it.


MITS said...

National Geograpic Polar Bear cam is back up.

Jill said...

Thanks for the answer to my question everybody. Norma-did you see where the young man from Moorefield passed away, probably from Staph??????? Went to school with his parents at PSC.

paula eagleholic said...

Nice to know there is always an "eagle eye" on our nest! :)

Mema Jo said...

Got them! Thanks

paula eagleholic said...

Jim, Dolly is only entering her 6th week. She was born on 9/25, so she is 5 weeks old today - 35-42 days old is 7-8 weeks old.

MITS said...

thanks for checking Paula, didn't think she looked ready, hasn't done that many wings flaps. and needs a whole lot more feathers.

paula eagleholic said...

That's exactly what I thought too, Mits. I checked the pics, and I also remember she hatched one day after John Grey's wife's birthday :)

paula eagleholic said...

Time sure does fly though, Doesn't it. Hard to believe we have been watching her for 5 weeks!

MITS said...

yes, and look at all the drama, that has unfolded over there.

glo said...

someone needs to check their Math a couple more times.

I am off to work We have a calculator LOL...OK never mind I have the wet noodle hidden, actually it might possibly be retired no pun intended.

MITS said...


movin said...

OK, thanks, Paula and Mits...
Guess you must be on a 5-day week ... nobody tells me anything around here!! Otherwise, I could have figured it same as you.


MITS said...

JIM, I'm married to an accountant, math is not my expertise.

glo said...

LOL Love it Jim...you did really well with that one. Yep best be a watching.

movin said...

I haven't seen Dolly doing a lot of flying on camera either, but she's lost most of the fluff, so she could be taking off before too long if ready otherwise.

Last year, as soon as the last fluff dropped, they were gone. Some were so eager they took off before first light, and we never got a look.

I wrote Greg a note today to ask if they had made provision to record the fledging this year, so we'll see.

Never mind about the math, ladies. That's exactly the kind of mistake I often make these days.


movin said...

I think this is the first time I have seen the little eyass up on the edge of ledge... Anybody else seen it before?


paula eagleholic said...

HA HA HA - just wanted to see if you were paying attention. Apparently you were....duh, my bad! See what happens when you have to use your head instead of a calculater :)

I must be thinking of osprey fledging at 7-8 weeks....

movin said...

Well, Paula, it is exactly the kind of conclusion I would come to these days, but this time I didn't.


glo said...

Well not only have calculators messed up some of us, BUT I now find myself running into many folks who can no longer tell time unless they have a digital clock. Man I sure hope my daughter is gonna teach Elia how to read a normal clock.

movin said...

Dolly looks so much smaller since the fluff fell out that I'm beginning to wonder if Dolly isn't really a Donald!

I want to see her next to Frieda .. maybe this morning (Aussie time).


MITS said...

The afternoon wrestling matches have begun at NZ

MITS said...

Mei is pretending she is not having fun.

MITS said...

the Cloudeds are in their favorite snuggling corner.

movin said...

Probably better get busy around here. Talk later.


paula eagleholic said...

Yo Jim, you da Man!

MITS said...

eagles sound really close in Maine

paula eagleholic said...

Heading home, take lots of pics....

MITS said...

I can't, will not be in the room:).

MITS said...

should be anytime now..

MITS said...

OK, leaving the room to fix dinner for myself.....for sure!!

paula eagleholic said...

Was no one watching tonight? Or were there just no visitors??

MITS said...

was watching for the most part, didn't see any, Paula.

paula eagleholic said...

Thanks, Mits

Mema Jo said...

RE: Puget Sound Cam from Loraine at Kent WA

We've been told the PS cam will not continue to be part of the Wildwatch series. Not to worry, the nest and family there are fine. Another nest has been located and a camera has been successfully placed to go online next season.

MITS said...

gonna miss that nest..

glo said...

OK I am sad, I want to see Eggbert's Mom and Dad again this year. Thanks for the info though MeMa Jo

Mema Jo said...

Going to be calling it a day...

Good night
Peace to you & yours

Prayers for Iris
and all other eagle buddies

Good Morning Early Birds

Costume Lady said...

Haven't heard about Iris needing our prayers or why, but if she is in need for ANYTHING, we Momsters are there for her. Certainly prayers from us all. We love you IRIS.

Costume Lady said...

It has been another loooooong day.

paula eagleholic said...

Got wrapped up in life and never made it back!

So, Good night all!

MITS said...

Been having fun with the Halloween house out in Colorado...you can turn lights on and off and inflate and deflate his balloon decorations, and his does this to raise money for Celiac disease, his 2 boys have it and the money goes to the U of Maryland for research. you can also talk to him, he is in his office now....Night

IrisF said...

Thank you all so much for your prayers, I will let you know sometime tomorrow how many biopsies they take and when they think I will get the results. Meanwhile, I really appreciate all my eagle buddies holding me up in prayer. Love you all, Iris

movin said...

Wow, if you can get Pete's Pond, look at all the white egrets and the herd of elephants.


movin said...

We'll all be praying for you, Iris. Don't worry about that.

We're hoping for the best outcome for you too.


movin said...



Robyn said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Robyn said...

Good morning everyone.

Iris I hope all goes well today for you. I guess Suzanne is ailing with the cold :(. Feel better Suz,
Wanda sure hope you are open this morning as I need to swing by for our party tonight. Jo hope you are doing well this Hallloween day you too Mits.

WOW what a busy week, pulled a 4.0 this last semester and just began a new one Monday. I have all three of my nephews over till nov 6 and that is taking up a lot of my free time but it has been fun since they are playing nicely with one another and getting older. I haven't spent this much time outdoors in a while, I am hardly home, startng to get home sick lol.

Not sure if mom came on yet as I have not read the last 24 hrs on the blog,I have been slowly trying to keep up. Mom was watchng the mourning doves at her birdfeeder when a hawk swooped down and snatched a Dove, she is all upset over it as she would watch the cardinals and doves feeding daily. The doves are supposedly a family I believe thee were 3 of them.

Miss you all and will be back in chat soon.

Robyn said...

that would be three of them (doves)

Costume Lady said...

GOOD MORNING TO ALL YOU SLEEPYHEADS. SUZ--missing in action. I guess her cold got her down. Best for her to rest a few days. We will miss her, but want her back in Tip-Top shape.

This should be my last day in the shop, but have heard that there are going to be a couple of HUGH parties this weekend, so I may stay open. The extra money will be needed to put gas in the Eagle Express when we go to Las Vegas in March. At the rate gas prices are increasing, it could be $5 a gallon by then. Let me see: that's 7 miles a gallon divided into 6,000 miles.......oh, I don't want to think about that! We don't have to go, but it is where we see the new costumes on display and do get discounts for buying at the show.

SORRY...I am really rambling on. I'm going to make some coffee now and get ready for our visitors, hopefully around 7:00. BBL

Costume Lady said...

ROBYN... I have been thinking about you and your Mom. Haven't heard from either of you for a few days.

movin said...

Good morning, Robyn & Wanda...

I also was expecting Suzanne, although she was fighting the cold yesterday.

How's it going? I'm up on "illicit time" when I should be sleeping. I probably will try to get back to sleep soon, so I wanted to say "Hi, have a good day today."


Costume Lady said...

I could have missed you on here, because I don't read all comments, just skim through. Have been getting e-mails from Bobbi.

Costume Lady said...

GOOD MORNING JIM--You will have to tell us sometime what you do with all your spare time since you retired.

Costume Lady said...

Gone for COFFEE now. BBL

carolinabeachmom said...


GOOD MORNING ROBYN, WANDA AND JIM. Poor SUZANNE must have finally had her cold get the best of her. I hope she has a good rest today AND chicken soup.

carolinabeachmom said...


GOOD MORNING ROBYN, WANDA AND JIM. Poor SUZANNE must have finally had her cold get the best of her. I hope she has a good rest today AND chicken soup.

carolinabeachmom said...

WANDA I have to apologize to you for doubting your fish in the tree. I got on last night and saw the blow up of your fish that Bob Quinn did. I am so sorry to think you were out of it for playing so many Halloween games. :) Now I would like to know how it got up there.

carolinabeachmom said...

Robyn, congratulations on getting a 4.0 for this semester. I give you all the credit in the world for going and getting your education. I had two years and got married; never to go back for my teaching degree. You go girl.

carolinabeachmom said...

NO eagles yet this morning. I wonder if they will come dressed up as eagles for Halloween! ;)

JIM The children in the class had a wonderful time yesterday watching all the animals at Pete's Pond. We have a sub and she let them come over from time to time to take a look at each new animal that came on the screen.

Costume Lady said...

Apology accepted. I was begining to think I was seeing things too.
Working these long hours can get to you! I think it is something that just LOOKS like a FISH; but what. I wonder if BOB would go ba ck and check it out for us. LOL

carolinabeachmom said...

Well, as I said, I have a sub today and have to get the room ready for her.

Halloween party time for the class this afternoon with costumes, but no parading through the school this year. Spoil sports. (

Well you all have a super day. Watch out for flying witches on broomsticks!

Costume Lady said...

Take pictures of the little cuties, Candy.

carolinabeachmom said...

WANDA I think Bob should go back, cut it down and have it mounted for you for a prize for discovering it. :) Really have to go now. Hope you are hopping in your shop today!

wvgal_dana said...

Good Eagle Morning Wanda, Robyn, Candy and Jim.
Suzanne Get Well Soon lady!

Today is Iris's biposy day (((PRAYERS)))

Lib & Belle haven't been in yet I see.

Costume Lady said...

No visit yet...I'm going to have to leave soon, hope they come.

Costume Lady said...

Do we know what Iris is having biopsied? I didn't know she was having a problem. Prayed for her last night and this morning.

normabyrd said...


2/20/25 PM bird

1203 PM NN Scout comes to the nest with a load of bedding again. He seemed to leave with something in his talons. He has a beak full of bedd...