Thursday, October 25, 2007

Thursday PM

Eagles in the nest...


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Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

First on here !! Thanks Steven. I am watching them.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I voted for Wild, Wonderful!

MITS said...


MITS said...


MITS said...

LIB is keeping his eye on something

Steve Chase said...

I'm asking them about the lines. Pretty neat here on the video feed with sound. Everybody is watching them...

MITS said...

Hey, Hey, Steven, don't make me come up there and smack you:):):) Are they talking to each other or, squawking at nearby birds???

MITS said...


Steve Chase said...

No noise from the birds, only crunching of sticks. I suspect there will be more noise when there are eaglets, and the video and audio will be online for ya'll by then.

MITS said...

They do have big feeties as Suzanne says..

MITS said...


MITS said...

Belle, must have went fishing.

MITS said...

did she bring food?

MITS said...

Where is everyone???

MITS said...


MITS said...

Been there almost an hour, maybe they will be back

Jill said...

Eagle at BW

floralgirl said...

Dang- went out the door and missed them:(

MITS said...

Preety much there for almost an hour, Megan.

Mema Jo said...

Sharon & Mits - you all had a good eagle fix! Yes, I missed them.
Sound - can't wait!

MITS said...

Yeah, wish those little buggers would come down and help me put my kitchen cabinets back together, working on spices and canned goods......FYI, did you know soup has an expiration date???

Mema Jo said...

Dinner time here - cold out but put some chicken out on the grill.

I am going to test out the email follow-up comment. I think when the next comment is made - I will receive an email. I don't think I will use it on this type of blog - It is good on the forums when everything is under a specific topic..

Mema Jo said...

WOW that was fast!
The comment I just made was sent to me in my junk email (had to retrieve it) & it was pretty kewl! It repeated my entire last comment & there was a link for me to come right back here to post or there was a place to click to unsubscribe.

I have to think about when this could be used to an advantage

Mema Jo said...

It was easy to Unsubscribe
The message that I successfully unsubscribed is showing above these comments in the yellow area.

Mema Jo said...

So if you need to leave your pc and there is something exciting going on - the comments made in your absence could be quickly referenced in your email messages....

glo said...


MITS said...


MITS said...


NillaWafer said...


MITS said...


NillaWafer said...

I got afew good pictures and 1 good 1 of her on the launch pad leaving

MITS said...


MITS said...


NillaWafer said...

HEY Mits just think thsi time 2 months from now it will be Christmas I got 3 pictures of her in the nest thats pretty good

NillaWafer said...

Grrrrrrrr$^%@$^$%@&^ darn cam lines

NillaWafer said...

working on nest both are together

NillaWafer said...

not taking any pictures neither lines to bad right now

Jill said...

Panda Update at SD.

MITS-everything has an expiration date. I usually don't pay attention to canned goods tho. (Within reason) That can of soup that was in your grandmothers cabinet from when you were a kid probably isn't good. LOL (Been there, done that)

wvgal_dana said...

Thank you Steven for the "UPLIFT awwww audio of our eagles wow I'm so excited about it coming" Thank you Thank you Steven and everyone that has worked on the cam

Good evening all eagle alcoholics see you got an early fix. ( :

Yes I did vote on the name thank you Carol.

MITS said...

UNFORTUNELY, not everything does have an expiration date, but did find can of tomato sauce with a date sometime in 08, and it looked like it was getting ready to burst, know I didn't buy it that way.....

paula eagleholic said...

Man, Steve, you sure are a tease. Video with sound.

Can I come work there?

paula eagleholic said...

No noise from the birds, only crunching of sticks. I suspect there will be more noise when there are eaglets, and the video and audio will be online for ya'll by then.

Is that a promise??:):)

Jill said...

Not too much out there without an expiration date. Cans will do that if they have been dropped or exposed to big temperature changes.

movin said...

I don't know if you read it yet, but here is the short report on yesterday's exam of the Panda cub in SD. I still don't see any interview or video.

Teeth coming in (October 25, 2007)
Attending veterinarian Dr. Tracy Clippinger said she could feel the cub's teeth just starting to grow in, but it will still be a while before they emerge. Her front legs are getting stronger and have coordination but her back legs still don’t seem to have the strength to support her on all fours. Still, the cub was propping up on her front two legs and she was gripping Dr. Clippinger’s hands very well! Our little panda now weighs 9.7 pounds (4.4 kilograms).


movin said...

I don't know about canned goods going bad in reality. If they are damaged or rusted or leaking, do not eat them under any conditions.

But they used to say canned goods were good forever essentially. AND when I was in Nam back in 1967, we were still being issued C-Rats from WWII (with a few from the Korean War era), and nobody was harmed by the food (well, the original quality and taste on a few of those original Rats was "harmful" from the get-go.).

The food is boiled and the bacteria killed in the canning process, so if the can is intact, it should last a long, long time.

On the other hand, sometimes when you look at an old can, you can't decide if it's intact...why take the chance on a deadly meal!


MITS said...

Well, I opened the soup cans that had expired and I have one word to say...YUCK!. And almost none of my spices have expiration dates....ogg to watch Grey's

wvgal_dana said...

Anyone have HBO Happy Feet is on

normabyrd said...


paula eagleholic said...

So did I, hee hee :)

carolinabeachmom said...

MITS I always say, when in doubt throw it out!

Hi everyone, I just finished reading all my emails and todays blogs. Still have to get into the pics of your outing.

You all had a lucky day with all the eagle sightings. STEVE IS A TEASE JILL. He has sound and we don't. He should keep it quiet. :)

carolinabeachmom said...

Going to look at pics of your gathering. All have a good night.

floralgirl said...

ha, ha, so did I...

Anne-Marie said...

Hi gang, I'm down loading my pictures so I can talk to you at the same time. I got some good ones.

floralgirl said...

Hello Anne:)

paula eagleholic said...

Hi Anne and Megan and Candy...good to see everyone here!

Anne-Marie said...

Hi Megan, I got a good picture of you too. Has anyone heard from Jo?

floralgirl said...

Hey Paula!

Anne-Marie said...

I'm still uploading and its slow because I have so much on the computer right now. Paula I got one of you at the table too.

Anne-Marie said...

I am going to sign off for a while. The down loading is going too slow . I'll be back.

paula eagleholic said...

Feeling like you are getting rid of the jet lag, Anne?

paula eagleholic said...

Click below for some

Halloween fun!

Costume Lady said...

I voted for "Wild and Wonderful" also.

Jill said...

Did they have sound on the tv at NCTC last week? Nothing was going on so I wasn't listening. There were no lines on the picture tho. I think Steve has a completely different camera and sound system than we do. LOL

paula eagleholic said...

Good Night, all!

Jill said...

Thanks Paula, at least that one warned me of what was coming. The one my son sent me today was perfectly innocent. Optical Illusions, til you clicked the last one and that scary face jumped at you.

paula eagleholic said...

I don't know, Jill. I wasn't in any of the other buildings...

NillaWafer said...

I personally want to Thank Paula for that Halloween fun... Now i am off to take ashower and change my underwear.... Thanksssss

wvgal_dana said...

Ok Paula I was reading rest of comments that were made after I left. YOURS was one of them. SURE I clicked on the blue place you typed. Please everyone I have to be excused from the blog. I need to and have my HEART REPLACED!!!!!!! lol Thank you Paula lol

Mema Jo said...

Snowball & Huey Link

Jim just sent this video ... love it

MITS said...

Jill the cam was down when we were there because they were putting in the new meth cell.

MITS said...

GOOD NIGHT ALL.....tried your halloween thing twice Paula, nothing happened.

NillaWafer said...

Well its nearly 2 o clock here and i got caught up playing poker on pogo (Jacks Are Better) been awhile since i played... I added apicture to hope it worked... Raining really hard here in Martinsburg... Jill checked the pokey and did you put that husband and wife Happy Eagle dreams too all...

Suzanne said...

Good morning, world. So nice to see Lib and Belle made a visit yesterday, thanks for the pic, Steve!
We made it to Friday! Can't say I'm anything but glad! Drizzly rain all the way down, but not too chilly...52° at my house, 56° here. Have no clue what it's supposed to get up to today.
No cams open yet, and will have to go see what I missed.
All have a great eagle/panda day.
Eyes to the sky, see the raptors fly!

movin said...


I too opened Paula's link, clicked on what I could see until it played, clicked on various stones until......... Well, I was expecting something, so I sat back aways. Wasn't AS scary that way.... Thanks, Paula.

Dolly disappeared off the bottom of the frame for quite awhile, and then she reappeared, got fed about 4:20 and is on her way back to her corner area..."crawling" pretty fast, so she might have covered the whole length of the ledge???


Suzanne said...

Good morning, Jim. Didn't see Dolly get fed, she's been in that same position since I opened the cam.
Are you up, or going to bed for the first time?
Nice drizzly rain here, exceellent for sleeping, and here I am. Darn.
Have a great day, and I hope you can get some sleep.

movin said...

Hi, Suzanne,
I just posted a comment that I had composed most of earlier...didn't realize it was time for you to be at work yet.

I hope you have a good Friday, followed by a great weekend.


movin said...

There's a beautiful green heron with white front and underside sitting on a branch just above the water at Pete's Pond.

I just saw the croc in the shallows facing the bank, as though it is awaiting something sliding down the bank.


movin said...

I'm about to go to bed, Suz.

Good that I got greet you this morning.


Suzanne said...

Parent just arrived on ledge.

Suzanne said...

Yup, Jim, time flies when you're having fun. Just wish I was heading home about now, but it is kinda early for that.
Thanks, you have a great Friday and weekend too! Hopefully they'll get those fires out!

Suzanne said...

Awwww, look at little cutie pie Squiggles...sound asleep on her back. Bai has been out of the den since I logged on, and Squiggles is just sound asleep. She's so cute!
Unless they changed the yards, Tai is sound asleep on cam2 on the rocks. Looks like he's on his tummy or back, but he's laid out!

movin said...

Now that the winds have died down and shifted around to the SW, the humidity has risen and the fire fighters are able to get them under control.

I have some pics from the cousin of a Marine (in FL) who lives near the blaze which was arson set. But I'm going to wait until morning to send them to you.


movin said...

Good night, have a good one, Suz.


Suzanne said...

Ok, Jim. Sleep tight! I'm glad to hear they can get those fires under control. I can't believe someone set some of them deliberately! Just can't understand that.

Suzanne said...

Bai is back inn den with Squiggles. She picked Squiggles up and is now gonna nurse. Squigs was sleeping sooooo good!

Suzanne said...

Oh my, there goes Bai flipping Squiggles. Wonder why she does that after Squiggles eats? You'd think it would upset her tummy, but guess not. Now mom's just holding her, thinks Squiggles is still nursing, looks like it.

Suzanne said...

Midnight snack is over, Bai left, and Squiggles can go right back to sleep. Which it looks like that's exactly what she has done!

Suzanne said...

Oh Brrrrrrrrrrr! Just had a huge crash, then the fire alarm went off. Been standing outside in this brisk wind for almost a half hour. Now I'm freezing. Oh well, sure is a different start to the day!

Suzanne said...

OMG, Just opened my Africam, and you're not gonna believe this! They have a PIC OF THE DAY photo, and it's our 2 eagles on the BW Osprey cam!!! How cool is that! Lisa, you're famous!! Pic is of the eagles yesterday, 25 Oct, at 11:10 AM. Wow, how neat. If you double click to see other Pics of the Day, there is another BW eagle pic. Wow. Amazing! One pic was submitted by Frances and one by Mary. Mary got the pic of the day.

Suzanne said...

Here's the URL for the BW pics in Africa:

One line, of course.

Suzanne said...

Mom and Squiggles are playing, too cute!

Suzanne said...

Ok, take that back. Squiggles is trying to play, mom is trying to sleep. Mom just grabbed the baby and tried to hug her, but Squiggles got outta that hold real quick! Uh oh, mom's trying again to hold her close...she's not having any of it, she can squiggles all around now. Oh, mom has picked her up and put her on her neck (mom's neck), and there goes the little girl... off again. She's really kicking those hind feet all over the place! Don't think poor Bai is gonna get any sleep till the little one settles down. She's kicking and moving all over, she's got a lot of energy at this hour! Too funny, mom is trying agian. Picked her up, haas her on mom's tummy, and Bai is laying on her back. Didn't slow the little one down a bit, she's still squiggling!

Suzanne said...

Bai put Squiggles down on the ground, and mom is sorta on her back and side. Seems the little one is getting tired, she's slowed down a bit. Mom is trying to hold her with her paws, oh no, picked her up again. Bai is holding her with her front feet, and holding Squigs up a bit. Looks like Squiggles wants down. Ok, baby on tummy holding her, this is adorable!

Suzanne said...

Somebody needs to get up soon. Our kids are due, and a couple of us are going down the street for breakfast. We need pics for Jo. Anybody up?

carolinabeachmom said...


WANDA it should be time for your cup of coffee by now.

SUZANNE Glad you made it to work in one piece this morning. We are raining and drizzling here too, but we really needed it, so can't complain.

carolinabeachmom said...

I'm up here SUZANNE, but it is just after 7 and I need to get some papers run off and the children will soon be in.

WANDA where are you?

carolinabeachmom said...

You all have a GREAT Friday and SUZANNE, you have a safe trip home to Gypsy and your other kitties. Also, a very good weekend to you. Talk to you Monday if I can get on.

Costume Lady said...

I just got out of bed.

Costume Lady said...

With these long days in the shop, I sleep longer in the morning.

wvgal_dana said...


wvgal_dana said...

Both are in picture isn't good

wvgal_dana said...

Morning Suzanne, Wanda, Candy, and Jim.

Didn't have a chance at first. I came in and they arrived. I'm "not" taking pictures. The focus is terrible. Up around the 12 o'clock area.

wvgal_dana said...

One left now only one in our nest.

wvgal_dana said...

EAGLE ALERT OUR NEST 12 o'clock position focus in terrible.

Costume Lady said...

GOOD MORNING DAND--I'm wioth you.

wvgal_dana said...

Now in the middle of our nest with a fuzzy line passing through the middle and the out of focus at 12 o'clock.
You can see the head and beak.

wvgal_dana said...

Hi Wanda I thought everyone was on other cams.

Costume Lady said...

My typing is terrible this morning--sorrrryyy.

wvgal_dana said...

I will be so happy like everyone of course when we get a "clear picture".

wvgal_dana said...


Suzanne said...

Morning, Candy, Wanda, and Dana. Got back in time to see 1 in the nest, but those lines make for a terrible pic. I didn't take any pics either, Dana. Just too hard to see. Hope you all have a great day, and a better weekend.
Still spritzing out, but like Candy said, we still need the rain!

Suzanne said...

2 eagles in BW, one on the left just arrived.

Suzanne said...

One on the left is our black footed eagle! Wonder why his feet and part of legs are always black??

wvgal_dana said...

I did take 2 pics sent to Jo just to show they were here this am.

We are getting light rain here also again today. It is still needed.

Jill said...

Hey Everybody. I think I can go back to sleep now. GEEZ, like Grand Central Station around here this morning.

NILLA-I didn't have anything to do with husband and wife that are in jail. Wonder why? I will find out tonight when I go back to work. Probably couldn't keep their mouth shut.

Suzanne said...

Mai and Tian are out in the yard eating bamboo and exploring. Tai is trying to get out, sitting by the door trying to open it.

wvgal_dana said...

Suzanne there is a blackish fog around that one. I think its feet are normal.

wvgal_dana said...

Morning Jill

Suzanne said...

Morning, Jill. Dana, that blackish fog is a raindrop on the cam, just happened. It's raining there too.
Tai finally got out, he's a happy camper now. He's eating bamboo too.

Costume Lady said...

Yup, if you can't keep your mouth shut around police officers, YOU ARE OUTTA HERE!

Suzanne said...

Darn, eagles gone.

normabyrd said...

GOOD MORNING EAGLE BUDDIES!!!---I watched the ROYAL FAMILY--ho!---My pics weren't very clear---BUT WHAT FUN TO SEE THEM!!!-----MORNIN' JIM--SUZANNE--NILLA-- WANDA--CANDY--& DANA!!---TGIF SUZANNE!!---CLOUDY SKIES this a.m. in WV--51°--Maybe more RAIN!!!!---COFFEE & NEWSPAPER TIME!!!----MEGAN KEEP DANCIN'!!!!

floralgirl said...

Oh, Norma, I'm too tired to dance..your turn:) So far we've gotten 3 inches of rain since last week. Beautiful!! This will help my wreaths be fresh and green!!

normabyrd said...


wvgal_dana said...

Morning Megan and Norma.

Suzanne I have appointments this morning. So before I forget I want to say, "Have a wild wonderful weekend". Yep now you all know I voted for "wild wonderful" ( :

wvgal_dana said...

eagle back at BW

Suzanne said...

Morning, Megan! Loved your wreath last year, will get another one from you this year! I'm loving this rain, don't have to water when I go home! And I don't have anywhere NEAR what you have to water!

Suzanne said...

Eagle back in BW, and now that it's light, you can see a lot more leaves in our nest.

normabyrd said...

EAGLE ALERT---I can only see 1/2 of her!!!

wvgal_dana said...

Where is she Norma??? At what position on the clock?

normabyrd said...

SORRY!!--I refreshed & NO EAGLE---

normabyrd said...

DANA he was on my pic when I checked back----only had 1/2 nest---REFRESHED---GONE!!

wvgal_dana said...

Norma Treat or Trick isn't here

normabyrd said...

SUZANNE---BW seems to have an EAGLE quite often---THANK GOODNESS!!

normabyrd said...

FUNNY DANA!!!---I tend to get confused!!!----any more it seems it's every DAY!!!!----ho!

normabyrd said...

I think the "LITTLE PRINCE" is just STROLLING around his ESTATE!!!----Would like to see the "ATLANTA BEAUTY" have more territory to CHASE LUN LUN!!!! ---

Suzanne said...

Dana, good luck on your appointment, and you have a wonderful weekend too! Mine's not gonna be too wild, just a lot of catching up on my sleep! Hopefully!

floralgirl said...

Hello Norma, Suzanne, Dana, Jill and Wanda:) Hard for me to believe I'll be cutting greens in just a couple of weeks Suzanne. Gotta get busy making bows, haven't made one yet..panic time...

wvgal_dana said...

Norma I am still riding the "short bus" lol talk about me confused that's me.

Well going back to get blood re-drawn. Something came up high that isn't suppose to be. Never has been. Hoping because she had trouble drawing it that it is just a fluke. I don't drown myself in bananas lol.

Then next appt. is to have teeth cleaned. With that one how 1 hours prior to I have to take an antibotic. Due to knee replacement for 2 years, some doctors say the rest of life. Go figure they can't agree on the time.

See you all later...Suzanne have a safe and good weekend.

normabyrd said...

DANA--Wishing you a GOOD VISIT with your Dr. & Dentist!!!---will have you in my thoughts today!!---

normabyrd said...

MEGAN---I know what you mean!!---It's always hard for me to get things done at XMAS time---but when it's still summer---EXTRA HARD!!!--- ho!---When do you start gathering your greens!!!

normabyrd said...

Little SQUIGGLES is all curled up on the big--big round mat!!!!---I think she has left enough room for BAI!!!

Suzanne said...

Good luck with your appointments, Dana. Guess you're leaving just in time, our nest has the BLUE SCREEN! Maybe they're fixing those horrible squiggly lines!
Tai is just strolling his estate, he's so cute! and one of the adults is in the "cave." Isn't that where Tian was once and Mai wanted in, and he just spread himself out to take up maximum sapace so she wouldn't fit? Other adult is on top, in the branches.

Suzanne said...

Squiggles is alone, and eagle still at BW hanging out.

floralgirl said...

Checking my calendar, Norma, probably the weekend of Nov. 10-11. Which reminds me that I haven't ordered my boxwwod yet, better do that also. Which means an early am trip to DC to pick it up in a couple of weeks..ugh...

Suzanne said...

Crap, fire alarm just went off again.
Well, now it's off, so maybe nothing. I hope, it's cold out there to be standing around!
They must be working on it...

Suzanne said...

False alarm, I guess. They may be working on it.

Suzanne said...

Norma, does Tai want in now? Just like a kid, he's in, he wants out. He's out, he wants in. too funny!

normabyrd said...

MEGAN---I remember when you went to get your greens in the city last year----Time is zooming by!!!!----Do you work today??--rain expected most of the day here!!

Suzanne said...

Keeper just slid his red thingy under the door to him. Seems happy with that, probably has treats or honey or someting.

normabyrd said...

SUZANNE----Isn't that little "WHITE BUTT" asleep on the rocks!!---He is so COOL----even when he is sleeping!!!

Suzanne said...

Oh, that's a frisbee! What's left of it. Must have had some honey on it, but now he wants in again.

Suzanne said...

Norma, on cam1, one is on the rocks, one is in the cave, or whatever it is. Tai is walking around trying to get in on cam2.

Suzanne said...

He found a piece of bamboo. Gonna sit by the door and eat it, just in case the door might open or something. He's adorable! Keeper on other side of door!!!

Suzanne said...

Looks, she's sliding bamboo out to him!

floralgirl said...

Nope, Norma, had the last 2 days off:)Too wet to run the field trips, now everyone has been rescheduled to next week. Gonna be a little crazy. Catching up on housework, and getting ready for my really busy season. Wreathmaking time is very hectic and pretty much 24/7, with 4-5 hrs a day for sleeping, but little free time.

Suzanne said...

Bai back with Squiggles, and eagle still hanging out at BW. Our cam has a blue screen, closed it. Tai is strolling and Mai and Tian are snoozing. Dolly in her corner sleeping under the watchful eye of mom.
Getting on other computer, be gone a while.

normabyrd said...

OH MY!!---Is that TIA eating bamboo with both hands??---MUST BE HUNGRY!!!

paula eagleholic said...

Uh-oh. Cam has a boo boo!

Happy rainy Friday!!

paula eagleholic said...

Eagle at BW

normabyrd said...

SUZANNE----WOW!---We can cover everything this a.m.---in less than a paragraph!!!----BRING ON THE DIVERS!! ho!

floralgirl said...

Yep, it went blue... maybe they're fixing the lines problem.

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' PAULA!!----Not much happening this a.m. ----But TGIF!!---SUZANNE has started a count-down!!--ho!---KIDDIN' SUZANNE---

Suzanne said...

Morning, Paula! Yup, TGIF!

Norma, what is Tai eating?

normabyrd said...

OH SUZANNE----Watch that little tongue!---Looks like a FRUITSICLE!!!----I bet he thinks he is FRUITSICLE heaven!!!---HIS VERY FAVORITE THING!!!----

glo said...

Good morning all. I am now back from coffee and dog treats. Pulle dup the cam....OK on to the next subject.

I am looking for someone who lives near or goes to Cumberland, I am needing a picture of the downtown area. Can anyone help me out, or know someone in cumberland who might be able to take such a picture. Please please it is for a CMAS gift if I can get it.

Hoping to see cam soon today, if not well we all know where we are since it Fri.

Busy am here, will check back in later.

MITS said...

GOOD FRIDAY MORNING EVERYONE Just checked the screen notice it is blue :(. Have a good one.

Anne-Marie said...

good Morning all, I have a few minutes before I have to leave. Today is payday and I'm tired already.

Anne-Marie said...

I sent my pictures , well just some of them ,to Jo last night after she went to bed. I hope I didn't fill up her computer. I told her to choose what she wanted and toss out the rest.

Anne-Marie said...

Time for me to go.. TaTa.

Jill said...

Megan: Do you sell the wreaths at the Farmers Market?

floralgirl said...

Hey Jill- sure do, will start selling wreaths on Thanksgiving weekend and continue thru December.

MITS said...

Megan, how did the meeting go??????

Suzanne said...

Thanks, Norma. Wasn't sure what that was.
Morning, Glo. Don't live anywhere near Cumberland, sorry.
Morning, Anne! Glad you made it back home safely! It was so nice to meet you. Take care, end of day will be here shortly!!!

The Atlanta Beauty is asleep on the top bar of the hammock. Don't see mom, so she's sleeping in peace.

paula eagleholic said...

I heard the eagles were in Maine this morning...both of them!

Suzanne said...

Uh oh, sorry, morning, Jill! Didn't see you.

Uh oh, here comes mom. Wonder if she'll let the beauty sleep? Guess so, mom's eating bamboo.

floralgirl said...

Hard to explain here, Mits..let's just say the mayor actually listend to the audience concerns and we are working towards a resolution..MTBR

Suzanne said...

That eagle has been in BW for a long time!
Tai is up a tree, visitors don't even see him, they just walk on by.
Tian is still asleep in his cave. Don't see Mai.
They just this second switched from Squiggles to Bai...she's eating bamboo. Close up of her pretty face.
Dawn in Kent. Oh, closeup of Squiggles!

MITS said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
normabyrd said...

GLO---I live near CUMBERLAND---only 23 or so miles from where you boarded the train----What did you want??

Suzanne said...

OH, awesome elephant on africam! Beautiful!

normabyrd said...

SUZANNE---I got in the AFRICA CAM--saw our EAGLES---but they didn't n recognize my email address, etc.---Took forever to get out!!!--I used to watch there---W/worry about that tomorrow---I WAS AFRAID THE "LITTLE PRINCESS" would go back to sleeping all a.m.---It's been such fun when she awake!!

MITS said...

SUZANNE can you get on the Smokies this a.m.??

paula eagleholic said...

Our cam is up!! :):)

Suzanne said...

the cam operator in SD is really zooming in on Bai's eyes and paws!

paula eagleholic said...

I don't see those squiggly lines on our cam at the moment...

normabyrd said...

YEP SUZANNE---I think she has settled down for a long "rainy day"!!---Maybe LUN LUN will go after her!!---ho!---GO LUN LUN--GO!

Suzanne said...

Mits, I had it up very early, during their sunrise, but then lost it and haven't gotten it back. Finally just closed it.

MITS said...

all righty now...looking good:)

normabyrd said...

Thanks STEVEN---now send in the ROYAL COUPLE!!

normabyrd said...


Suzanne said...

Norma, when I first brought the cam up, on their home page are the eagles. Pic of the Day or something. Then I opened the cam. Didn't have to give them my email addr! I didn't join, I just view the cam.
Check out SD now! Bai's nose!

glo said...

Norma My wonderful neighbor who I visit every morning and grew up in that area as soon as I mentioned Romney said oh wow you were right near Cumberland where I grew up. He actually moved there as a teen ager. It is he who takes such good care of my dogs when I am away.

I want to make him a photo collage of the town if I could. Or even one nice picture of the downtown area.

If there is an old building or a townsquare courthouse kind of thing. Whatever is nice of cumberland area then which is still preserved...or even now I am sure he would love. His wife is not able to travel long distances. I have no clue the last time he was ever there. I think he owuld be thrilled with whatever picture/s I could come up with.

Will you or maybe your daughter know how to just take a few and email then. If not I would be happy to even pay postage on a few nice ones in any size. Let me know. Thanks so very much . Even if maybe you bought a small disposable cam I could go ahead and get it developed and send you money for cam and postage. That would work fine too. ((((hugs)))) Thanks for trying if you can, if not I will certainly com eup with a Cmas gift, I always do.

Mema Jo said...

Good Morning! Chilly outside today and still wet! Leaves are really coming down. It's neat how our eagles and the Kent eagles use the same technique of placing leaves in the nest so not to get their feet too wet. Glad to see our cam isn't Blue anymore!

Suzanne said...

Eagle just left BW. He's been there for hours!
elephant still walking around. SD getting very closups of bai

MITS said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
floralgirl said...

Hello JO:) and GLO:) Hey Mits, you have mail.

Suzanne said...

Wow, beautiful clear pic on our cam! That's awesome!

MITS said...

Got it, Megan:).....

normabyrd said...

GLO--I will be happy to check for you---CUMBERLAND has many old buildings---That's where most people in ROMNEY shop!!!--W/get back to you!!!!

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2/20/25 PM bird

1203 PM NN Scout comes to the nest with a load of bedding again. He seemed to leave with something in his talons. He has a beak full of bedd...