Saturday, October 06, 2007


New thread.

I know we're all frustrated at the lock up again. I'm guessing this has to do with the fact that we must send the cam signal through another site to get it out to you, and the security issues that swallow up everything we try to do.

We are trying to get a solution that allows for good security while providing a consistent picture. Obviously not there yet...


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floralgirl said...

Hi Glo, Hey Jo:) Bet Wanda will sell lots of costumes today, tis the season.

floralgirl said...

Thanks for the update and new thread, Steve. Good grief you guys sure have to go through a lot just to let everyone see that eagle nest. Thanks, we do appreciate it.

paula eagleholic said...

Thanks for the update, Steve.

2 eagles at BW!!

paula eagleholic said...

We know you are working hard on getting the cam up and running to a satisfactory level...I know it takes time to work out the bugs...the season is early yet...remember we didn't see our L&B until December of last I'll take early with bugs anytime!

Thank you and the NCTC crew for everything that you do!

paula eagleholic said...

Morning, Megan!

Just Vicky said...

Hello again! Why does Wanda want to know if I am being "good?" What more would she expect?

I'm on here going down the highway on my laptop! How cool is this?

Mema Jo said...

Thanks for the invite to come on over.
Steve, we appreciate all that you do for us viewers - just wish it were an easier task for you to accomplish.

Hi Paula.
Hi Glo - where did you go? Vicky was an early bird on the other thread.

floralgirl said...

Going down the highway??? I hope you're not driving! Hi PAula.

Mema Jo said...

Hi Vicky - Wanda didn't give you time enough to ask her why she said that -- lol

Just Vicky said...

Early bird?? I'm just about to pass Glo's house! Wonder if she's up? On my way to Des Moines Iowa.

Just Vicky said...

No I'm NOT driving!!

paula eagleholic said...

That eagle looks like banded on the left leg...

paula eagleholic said...

Morning Vicky and JO....were are you headed, Vicky?

paula eagleholic said...

OK, I see it now...Glo is off to the Marina...Steve posted 2 thread today...Glo posted on the other one...

Just Vicky said...

I'm going to visit with old friends from Colorado Springs in Iowa!

floralgirl said...

I'll talk to you guys later, gotta run some errands, doing flowers for a party next week, gotta get some supplies on my day off. No time during the week. Maybe I'll even make a phone call to see if there are any eagle train tickets left...MTBR.. Later everyone:)

Just Vicky said...

Looks like Blackwater's open house will see Eagles!

Mema Jo said...

May not be on much today - getting ready for family get-together since Sgt Ryan is in MD for the weekend.
He will deploy for his 2nd tour in Iraq no later then Oct 25.
I'll check in & out...... BBL

paula eagleholic said...

Well I have 10 more minutes and another cuppa before I head out to walk the dogs this morning....then get ready to go to the In the Street festival in Frederick...can't believe the weather here today...shorts and t-shirt for first weekend in October...extended Indian summer for sure.

Mema Jo said...

Went over & got Glo's comments:

glo said...
Good Morning. Wishing you all a good weekend. someone in
Shepherdstown take a drive by the nest where you can and give us an eagle report. Hot weather here, going to the Marina and practice taking flying pictures LOL. Thanks for the new thread Steve
Saturday, October 06,2007 9:17:00AM

Just Vicky said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Just Vicky said...


paula eagleholic said...

Have a great day, everyone!

normabyrd said...




normabyrd said...

The "LITTLE PRINCE" is lying on his grill & getting "misted" at the same time!! MAMA BEAR & PAPA BEAR are roaming around---IGNORING EACH OTHER!!!---"LOVE BUGS"---they are NOT!!!

normabyrd said...

BAI & SQUIGGLES are sleeping---Seems they are always SLEEPING!!!

MITS said...


Anne-Marie said...

Good Morning all, is anyone home?

Anne-Marie said...

OK this is the third time this has happened in three days. A gal could get a complex about this. I bathe,shower, wear clean clothes, brush my teeth, and I dont spit or swear. I guess I'll just have to clean house instead of visit. TaTa.

MITS said...


Anne-Marie said...

Oh well, my dog loves me. :)

carolinabeachmom said...

GOOD EAGLE MORNING TO MEAGAN, pAULA, VICKI, JO, MITS, NORMA AND ANNE-MARIE. It is a sunny hot and humid day here on the Outer Banks today.

I have been busy catching up on email and blogs and did finally get to sleep last night. I don't know what happened. That doesn't happen much anymore now that I am back to work.

carolinabeachmom said...

NORMA GO EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEERRRSSS! I actually think we are leading Miami right now. I hope it lasts. We sure could use a win.

I see our cam in having difficulties. Thanks Jim for keep us informed and as all the rest say, we are patient people and appreciate all that you are doing for us Eagles Momsters.

MITS said...

We do too, Heidi.....Candy I had one of those nights, chalked it up to trying to install the new free (ha), Mcafee security product from Comcast...been working on this since 6 last night and all I have to say is...@%##$%^%$!!!!!!

carolinabeachmom said...

ANNE-MARIE Have you come down off your curise and gotten back into the groove of work yet? We were sure all excited watching all the places you visited.

carolinabeachmom said...

MITS If something like that happens to me and I can't get it to work, I say a few %#&*^!@$ and come back to it later. You sound a lot like my sister. She will keep at it and at it until she gets it. I don't know how you two do it without going crazy.

MITS said...

I really am amazed that I just stay here, but it is a challenge, and I don't like a stupid machine getting the best of me...I have everything working but the virus scan....mcafee is no help, and I really hate the thought of calling comcast, in the past they have been totally useless:(.

Anne-Marie said...

I'm sorry Mits, thats not the way it should be.If you were here I would get a tech out with in hours.

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' HELEN---ANNE--& CANDY----WVU can't do any wrong today---31-7 at half-time----LAST WEEK THEY DID NOTHING RIGHT!!!----This is a GORGEOUS DAY---Read some are wanting public pools open for holiday----STORES ARE DECORATING FOR XMAS!!---crazy!!

Anne-Marie said...

I'm almost ready for Christmas. I have just a few more to buy and then wrap.

Anne-Marie said...

I'm on a kitchen break. I am scrubbing down the whole kitchen. My pretty house looks like a bomb hit it. took aspirin and now sitting down for a few minutes.

normabyrd said...

HUSH YOUR MOUTH CHILD!!!!---my ears aren't ready to hear that!!---ho!--WOW!---That is GREAT!!---EVERY YEAR I SWEAR I AM GOING TO DO THAT------but I never have!!!

MITS---I am so very PROUD of you & your knowledge of the computer!!!--Wish you could make house calls--ho!---Been having trouble with mine---

Anne-Marie said...

Norma, I have to. My family is so big that I couldnt afford it any other way. I start in Jan. and every time I see something that just screams a certain person I buy it and stash. My kids tease me and say that when I die they will still have Christmas and birthdays for two years. :)

Anne-Marie said...

Back to the kitchen. I have to finish. BBL

MITS said...

I know you would Anne, Norma, my knowledge of computer is VERY limited....just like to beat the computer at its own game....I have always seem to have problems with the free mcafee programs...last year a reader of the blog told me about windows defender I think, just installed that, but, still says I have no virus protection....

MITS said...

GEEZ-LOOWEEZ, it is 88° and climbimg.

MITS said...

wow....Seneca Rock site really looking pretty.

floralgirl said...

Hello Mits and Anne:) It's just a little too hot for me today, came inside to hide from the sun.

normabyrd said...

HELEN---It's 86° here----Imagine playing football in this weather---The WVU MASCOT is a MOUNTAINEER---he HAS TO wear buckskin shirt & pants---plus a COONSKIN cap!!!!---bet he loses 10 lbs. during the game!!!

normabyrd said...

HELLO MEGAN---It's hard to believe this is OCT.----Bet when it turns cooler---will do it all at once!!!
CERTAINLY NOT FOOTBALL WEATHER---WVU is winning "BIG TIME"----But doesn't your husband have a game to watch tomorrow?????---ho!--Are you going to a movie!!!!

MITS said...

not only hot, but humid too...

Bird Girl said...

HEIDIGIRL: You mentioned your daughter was driving to Reno and going over Donner Pass...does she live in Colorado?

JUSTVICKY: You used to live in C. Springs??

I'm asking because I am originally from Colorado :-)

Anne-Marie said...

Back again. I work with short stops. I get more done that way.I know what going to happen with the weather. Its going to be hotter than heck now and rain when I get there and I dont care. I bought a rain jacket for Alaska and I'll bring it.

floralgirl said...

Howdy Norma, yep it'll be cold soon enough. It's like July here, except the leaves are falling off the trees. Still so dry. Suppose hubby will want to watch the game tomorrow, depends on the time it's on, he may listen on the radio if it's an early game, needs to do some work on his van. No movie for me, I'll just stay home and not pays attention, I'll know if they won when it's over.

Anne-Marie said...

No Bird girl she lives just about three blocks from me. Her husband has been in Reno this past week for some kind of conference and she is joining him for the weekend. She called this morning and said she made it just fine. Reno is about an hour and 15 min away straight up. Donner is about 7000 feet. She said she hit snow but the jeep took her right through it.

Anne-Marie said...

Th snow boarders in my family are thrilled with this snow. I hate to burst their bubble but I'm sure it will melt.

normabyrd said...

ANNE---I have to buy several gifts too---& when I am running late---I tend to spend twice as much!!!---I am going to go shopping earlier this year!!!

Bird Girl said...

Donner Pass can be really nasty in winter. I used to have a friend who lived up there, had to drive the pass a lot and he had more than a few brushes with death on snowy days...

floralgirl said...

Hello Bird Girl:)

Anne-Marie said...

Norma I agree with you. Its much more expensive to wait until the last minute and I found myself just buying something instead of buying because thats what they need or want. There is more thought put into it.

Donner has it reputation for being nasty in the winter. The lake is beautiful all year round but very deep. Sometimes it looks like glass. I'm going to get some pictures with my new camera when I can. Tahoe is about 30 min away form there and has breath taking beauty.

Anne-Marie said...

Hi flora girl. I havent been able to talk with you for a long time. Are you coming to open house and the train ride?

normabyrd said...

WHOA ANNE!!!!---If you bring us RAIN---The STATE of WV will throw you a BIG PARADE!!!!----We are desperate in this area for RAIN!!!

Anne-Marie said...

I'll do my best Norma. :)

floralgirl said...

Well, Anne, I only live about 10 minutes from NCTC, I never miss the open house, we've been going for years. As far as the eagle train, if they have any tickets left when I call Monday, then I'll take the train ride too. Meant to call yesterday, but life intervened.

Anne-Marie said...

I got a map of your area and I am going to teach Diana how to navigate and follow a map on this trip. Her mother is one of the dependent types and those girls have learned nothing about independence. "I cant" is the first word in their vocabulary. It bugs me. So its going to be her responsibility to make sure we are on the right road . Maybe we will make it and maybe we will end up in the bottom of some hollow.

normabyrd said...

HI BIRD GIRL---I dearly love your "PINK FUZZ BALL"!!!!--I could swear she is smiling at me!!!----You probably think the same thing!!!!--ho!

floralgirl said...

What hotel did you end up booking? Are you staying in Martinsburg?

Anne-Marie said...

How do you put pictures next to your comment ?

floralgirl said...

Well, Birdgirl sent me the directions to do that, I have the directions she gave me, I don't think I have your email though.

Bird Girl said...

Heidi: That's your profile picture from Blogger. Whatever you put there is what will show up next to your comment :-) If you need help with that, let me know!

It's easiest to use Photobucket to store pictures and then use the link in your Blogger profile picture location, that way you don't have to worry about the size of the picture and it's easier than posting a picture to your blog and using that location. Did that make any sense???


Anne-Marie said...

Anne-Marie said...

No sense Bird Girl. I'll work with it though. Thanks

Bird Girl said...

Heidi, do you have a Photobucket account?

I don't suppose you're on Yahoo Messenger?

Anne-Marie said...

I'm going to take about a 15 min leave to mop the kitchen floor. I will need to rest after that. :)

normabyrd said...

HELEN---Checking on the "LITTLE PRINCE"---I could swear he is enjoying his fruit-sicle!!---ho!---Lying on his back & quietly enjoying what ever he is eating!!!---

floralgirl said...

Ok, you have mail, Anne:)

Anne-Marie said...

I think I have photo bucket . Dont use it because I use picasa but I'll try. I'll be right back thanks for helping.

Anne-Marie said...

Got it thank you. Super Hugs.

Bird Girl said...

Hubby brought lunch home, so I'm going to go now...Heidi, I can make up directions for you later. It's not as complicated as it sounds 8P

Mema Jo said...

Hello - Peeking in for a minute..
Anne Birdgirls' directions are on the Momster site on the Links I think.Paula saved them last year when Birdgirl sent them to us

I am about to get ready for Mass & then get the groceries I need for tomorrow's shindig... I'll be back
early evening...
Good to see all of you here -
Norma - sorry the game couldn't be a little more interesting lol

floralgirl said...

BBL.. I just ate two bite size Snickers bars, see can't kick em, I need chcoclate..

floralgirl said...

I sent Anne Birdgirl's directions.

Anne-Marie said...

OK, I give up . Its frustrating me too much and I'm not spending any more energy on it. It says I'm not a member of any blog and when I try to change it it wont let me Its not that important.

Costume Lady said...

Don't feel bad. I have tried umpteen times to try to put a pic up by my comments and just can't get it right. I was able to post photos to my Wanda's Wishes personal blog, but not to this one. WEIRD!!

Anne-Marie said...

Oh well Wanda, I have other talents. I bet your busy this time of year. I just decorated the front room for fall. I do little for Halloween . Ive never been into it. Just for my kids.

Anne-Marie said...

I was putting crystal candle sticks away and dropped one. I'm not happy.

movin said...

An eagle hath just landed on the BW platform... I just opened that, and was thinking of closing it again.


floralgirl said...

If you want, send me your sign in info and a pic and I will try to put it up for you.

Anne-Marie said...

Eagle at black water.

Anne-Marie said...

I would take a picture but my computer wont let me. I dont know why.

bobbi said...

good evening all. There is an eagle in tesoro's nest.

Anne-Marie said...

Beautiful. I tried but could take a picture.

Anne-Marie said...

Hi Bobbi, I think its just you and me for right now.

bobbi said...

Hi anne, how are you. Have you gotten used to being back home yet or still on cruise time.

Anne-Marie said...

No, I'm home and all that goes with it. Boy did I like being spoiled. I could really get used to that.

Anne-Marie said...

Now I'm preparing for the Virginia trip. I'm trying to get my home ready for fall and get the yards cleaned up. Like everyone else is a never ending chore.

bobbi said...

You sure are traveling. Are you going by yourself? Wish I could have made it this time. Would love to meet everyone. Anne, which place did you like best on your cruise? Will you be showing your pictures on the blog?

Costume Lady said...

Hi Bobbi and Anne-Marie (again)
Anne, I hope you know that you are coming to WEST Virginia. Wouldn't want you to end up in another

bobbi said...

Hi wanda, like virginia. lol.

Anne-Marie said...

I am going to both Virginia and West Virginia. I do have pictures on the momsters. Jo put them up for me and I will send more. Bobbi I am bringing my grand daughter who is 21 and flying into Dulles and renting a car.

Costume Lady said...

BOBBI--you asked me a while back where I will be staying when we go to Las Vegas. Our convention is at the Sands, but there is no parking there for Motor Homes, so we will park at Circus-Circus and shuttle to the Sands.

bobbi said...

Have to laugh everytime I think of Robyn and my son living in West Virginia especially having lived in New York all our lives. Have to say though, you really have some beautiful sites up there. Love the mountains

Anne-Marie said...

I loved every one of our stops for different reasons but fell in love with Sitka.

Anne-Marie said...

Ketchican was raining but it didnt matter. It was still charming.

Costume Lady said...

I have a 22 year old granddaughter but she will be watching my shop for me while I am at the festivities on the 20th. Too bad she can't come with me and hook up with your granddaughter.

bobbi said...

Nice your taking your grandaughter with you. Love to go anywhere with tori when I can. How long will you be staying up there....Wanda, when are you going to vegas again. Is is early spring? Wanda, there is no sands there if you mean hotel or is the rv park called sands.

Anne-Marie said...

Bobbi, my son and daughter both are worried that I am going alone and they are sure I'm going to land up in the backwoods road with a hillbilly still in sight.

Costume Lady said...

If you have the Seneca Rocks site, you can watch the foliage changing. It's too dark now, but check it out tomorrow. I'll see if I can get it to you.

bobbi said...

Wanda, if your driving to vegas and have time you should go down to laughlin for a day or two they have a big rv park there and it is right on the colorado river.

Costume Lady said... Go there now, it is still light.

Costume Lady said...

I don't think we have been to Laughlin--it doesn't sound familiar. Have to look it up.

bobbi said...

lol. Tell them there are civilized people living in west virgina. Don't know too much about the mountains though. Then again, my family comes from the deep south and you know what they say about them. Loved Sitka really russian influence

Anne-Marie said...

Wanda it would have been nice if your grand daughter could come. Diana is being sweet to follow her grandma.
We will land in Dulles at 5:30am Friday and take a quick bus tour around the town. There wont be time to really tour but at least we can get a taste. Then its off to Martinsburg. We should be there in time for dinner and a good sleep. Sat its with the gang. Sunday its the train the off to Williamsburg. The hotel knows I will be late. If I get lost I'm in trouble. Monday and Tues morning we will see sights and then held for Dulles again. Wed morning I will be at my desk. Not really conscious just there.

Bob Quinn said...

Hello all. BW Open House was slow today. No Momsters (if there were they didn't say hello and I know that would never happen). It was cool watching the live Osprey Cam feed in the Visitor Center. As was noted here earlier there were two eagles on the platform for awhile this morning. I didn't get to explore today but my wife Sarah did. She said there were eagles all over the place including one harrassing another. She said it was quite a display.

bobbi said...

Wanda, it is about 95 miles from vegas. We usually go there for a night or two much smaller version of Vegas more family oriented.

Anne-Marie said...

Hi Bob, got to watch the eagles on the cam

Costume Lady said...

Oh, my---Bobbi---no Sands Hotel? I better look my schedule up. We are leaving about the 1st of March. Convention is 16-19th. That should give us plenty of time to enjoy our trip out without have to hurry.

Anne-Marie said...

Thanks Wanda for the link

Costume Lady said...

BOB--Sorry none of the Momsters were there, but we are anxious to meet you at NCTC Open House.

Bob Quinn said...

Me too Wanda!

Costume Lady said...

Anne--I forgot about Williamsburg. I stand corrected. You will love it. Are you staying in Martinsburg or Shepherdstown?

bobbi said...

Chick in aussie is certainly growing fast. Even its coloring seems to be changing........Anne what did you think about the glaciers and the colors of them?

Anne-Marie said...

Yes Bob, I really want to meet you too. Maybe you can show me how to use this darn camera. It takes an engineers degree to operate it.

bobbi said...

Wanda, they tore the sands down long time ago. Could you be staying at the Sahara which is not too far from circus circus.

Anne-Marie said...

Wanda I really had a hard time finding a place. Everything was just too expensive or full. I found a place in Martinsburg that will do just fine.

Anne-Marie said...

Bobbi I didnt expect them to be blue. I have never been that cold in my life.! It was raining and that made it worse but I wasnt going to miss anything for my life. I took pictures for four hours . After that I soaked in a hot shower to thaw.

bobbi said...

Where in martinsburg are you staying, anne. Robyn lives there probably not to far from where you are staying.

bobbi said...

You were a lot braver than me. Stayed inside most of time. What about the icebergs floating by the ship. Pretty color and you could see beneath the water the color also

Anne-Marie said...

At the Econo Lodge north of town

Anne-Marie said...

I got some good pictures of the icebergs too. The water was so clear that you could see them under the water too.

bobbi said...

Wanda, if your interested they also have a boat ride on the colorada river at the dam. About two hours long. Also have dinner cruise in the evening.

Costume Lady said...

Bobbi--That would be the Sands Expo Convention Center. Hope that is still there!!

Anne-Marie said...

Be back in a min.

bobbi said...

Anne, you lucked out on the upgrade. That is the way to go.

bobbi said...

Wanda, its still there. Big place.

Costume Lady said...

That sounds very interesting Bobbi---Thanks, I'll be sure to check that out.

Costume Lady said...

Anne-Econo-Lodge is nice, but it is off Interstate 81.....we don't even have and I-20 as it says in the advertisement. Don't want you to get lost. I will give you my phone No. just in case you need directions.

Costume Lady said...

Thank Goodness----that is a relief!

Costume Lady said...

A relief, Bobbi, that the Sands Expo is still there.

bobbi said...

Didn't know they had a convention center called sands. Know they had one by the hilton hotel but don't think it is the same. Are you going to stop along the way out there to sightsee.

bobbi said...

Wanda and Anne, getting off. Have wash to do and dryer to empty. Take care and have a great night. Catch you all again.

Costume Lady said...

Yes, BOBBI, we plan to spend some time seeing things that we missed on other trips. We have always taken My parents with us when we traveled out West, but we will be alone this time. We have always had to cut our sightseeing short because my Dad had a very bad back problem. Plan on seeing all that we can in 3 to 4 weeks.

Costume Lady said...

ANNE--There are Hotels on Edwin Miller Blvd. that are nice, but inexpensive and right in Martinsburg and then there is the Days Inn right in Shepherdstown.
As I am writing this, it just occurred to me, the weekend of the 20th is the Apple Harvest Festival. The Motels are probably full. I guess you were lucky to get one.

Costume Lady said...

I think I am talking to myself.
I'll be back a little later.

Anne-Marie said...

Anybody home?

Anne-Marie said...

Guess not, BBL

Mema Jo said...

Well I certainly had a busy day - so I am quickly stopping by - I want to relay a message to all from Belle:
Hi Jo!
I’m so glad to hear from you – I am hoping to get to the open house,but that is the Apple Harvest parade,so not sure what time Amanda will have to be taken wherever for that... I have tried to log on a couple zillion times to the blog – but something doesn’t work… I get the digest of the momsters so I kinda sorta keep up that way – but I sure do miss everyone and our chat time! Please tell everyone hi from the unfeathered belle. I will do my best to get to the Open House!!!

Mema Jo said...

Good Night Everyone
Peace to You & Yours
Prayers being said for all your needs

Mema Jo said...

PS: Check out the FRODOCAM
The view is awesome

Bob Quinn said...

Good night!

belle_wv said...

I think I've finally figured this thing out

belle_wv said...

OMGOODNESS - did y'all hear the thump? It was me fallin on the floor!!!!


belle_wv said...

Doesn't it just figure - I arrive and it looks like everyone has gone to bed. Thanks Jo for posting my note before you logged off - I'm just GIDDY - I finally figured out the log on thing - had to remember passwords and go in and create a google thingie - I guess they changed things while I was busy finishin my master's and the old blog thing didn't work , but I just figured that out tonight - I"m just a weeeeee
bit slow...

MITS said...

BELLE, how the heck are good to have you back:):):)....contrary to popular belief, WVA, has lights and running water:)..

paula eagleholic said...

Whoo Hooo! Good to see ya Belle!

belle_wv said...

Now I just have to figure out a way so this thing will keep me logged in forever, then I won't have to worry about being blocked out again....

I am so excited - but I probably won't be up to chat in the morning - my daughter is in Elkins at the Forest Festival (well she's on her way home now on a school bus) and will be dragging in around 3 am, so I will be up all night waiting to rescue her from the high school parking lot

belle_wv said...

mits and paula!!!!! {{{{{{{{{{{{hugs}}}}}}}}}}}}}}

MITS said...

HEY EVERYBODY..WAKE UP, BELLE IS HERE!!!!! Well, sorry Belle, got to get up real early to go to mass and off to see my grandaughters....GOOD NIGHT EVERYONE

paula eagleholic said...


and Mits!

MITS said...


paula eagleholic said...

Sounds like a good day tomorrow, Mits! Have fun!

belle_wv said...

lights AND running water??? Nawwwww shucks - that's just a story I reckon... what'd ya' want that for anyhow?

How have you been????

paula eagleholic said...

Belle - what is the Forest Festival?

MITS said...


belle_wv said...

that's right tehre are two little ones for mits to snuggle over now - I have missed all the details and pictures and and and.... so you get the glory of telling me all about your newest bundle and updating me on your first precious sweetpea! (when you get home tomorrow after a wonderful day, of course)

paula eagleholic said...


MITS said...

Yep, really looking forward to seeing the "M&M" GIRLS:)

belle_wv said...

Forest Festival - big huge fall tihng in Elkins - all kinds of parades, etc. Like our Apple Harvest on steriods times 100 I think. I've never been, just heard about it.

MITS said...

I will, Belle.

belle_wv said...

ok this is annoying- every time I post it comes up and asks me if I want to display the secure and non-secure items on this page... I imagine there's a way to make that go away, but I probably shouldn't mess with things yet - might get blogger cop mad at me and lock me out for another forever

paula eagleholic said...

Sounds like fun, Belle. Did she go out to march in the school band?

Bob Quinn said...

Wow! A flurry of late night activity. Hey Belle, Paula, Mits! WV, lights AND running water? I learn something new every day. LOL.

paula eagleholic said...

OK Belle there is a cure for that...something to be changed in IE...hang on a minute...

belle_wv said...

Hi Bob! Don't believe everything you here - running water - no way - only stuff i have here is 'still' stuff...

Paula, thanks and daughter was marching in a field show competition

paula eagleholic said...

On IE, under tools, click options.

Then click on the Security tab.
Click custom level.

Scroll down to Miscellaneous... there is a section for "Diplay mixed content". Check the box that says enable. Then save or say OK

belle_wv said...

oh my goodness I meant hear (actually read/see) not here - I must've been drinkin' that 'still' water again!!! hicccuuupp

paula eagleholic said...

Yo Bob! Thought you went to bed...Howdy!

paula eagleholic said...

HAHA still water - maybe "Rolling Rock?"

paula eagleholic said...

Isn't that made in good Ole WVA

belle_wv said...

Thanks Paula I did that - now the test to see if it works or poofs me into oblivion again... here goes nuthin'

belle_wv said...

whooo hooooooooooo it worked!

Bob Quinn said...

Ha ha. Actually up until about 3 months ago I owned property in Moorefield WV and we did not have electricity or running water (but only because we hadn't built a house yet).

paula eagleholic said...

HaHa Bob, good one....sorry to hear the Open house was slow today...I think they had it a weekend early this year, if I'm not mistaken...actually it was slow last year, but I thought it was the weather...misty and drizzly.

Did you sell many pics?

belle_wv said...

Rolling Rock - that's actually made in Latrobe, PA and I can tell you it wasn't exactly MOUNTAIN stream water they used - I drove by the brewery on my way to work with my mom every morning way back when..

paula eagleholic said...

Belle - you have Sharon to "Thank" for the cure for the annoying message.

Bob Quinn said...

Thanks Paula - I'd been getting that stupd box too and never did anything about it. And I'm supposed to be an IT pro.

paula eagleholic said...

LOL, the fire siren is going off here and the dogs are a howlin'!!

belle_wv said...

Thanks SHARON!

paula eagleholic said...

Well, your welcome Bob!

paula eagleholic said...

Belle, now you just have to get your picture back!

Bob Quinn said...

Paula - I sold a total of 6 photos, 5 of which were the smallest ones I brought (5x7). Aparently there is another Open House run by the Friends in early December where sales are much brisker because of the proximity to XMas. I'll have to coerce Lisa into letting me display at that one.

belle_wv said...

You're near Emmitsburg aren't you Paula? Is Bush coming to visit or did that alraedy happen - I have a horrid sense of time and I know I read something about him making an appearance but can't recall exactly when the memorial stuff happens -none of this is at all meaningful if I am wrong in recalling that you're near Emmitsburg...

belle_wv said...

Oh no - I didn't even notice my name was nekkid - I will have to remedy that too, but tomorrow maybe... LOL I'm plum tuckered from the effort of getting back on here. I've only been trying for what 6 months~

Costume Lady said...

HI BELLE--Nice to meet you!

BOB---Some of us here in Martinsburg/Shepherdstown have indoor toilets, believe it or not!

paula eagleholic said...

Yes, Belle, I am in Emmitsburg. The fallen firefighters memorial weekend is this weekend. The ceremony is tomorrow at 10am, when Bush will be the keynote speaker. He also spoke at the service that took place right after 9-11...that was already planned for him to speak then, it just happened to be right after 9-11. I walked up and saw him last time...don't know if I will make it up there tomorrow or not.

paula eagleholic said...

Yes, Bob, that would be a good one to go to...special day at the gift shop type deal.

paula eagleholic said...

Hey Wanda! How's business?

belle_wv said...

Hi Costume Lady - nice to meet you, too! Indoor toilets??? This is just getting surreal - where would you carve the crescent moon??

Paula - wow I feel good - not only am I right in recalling the timeframe, but also your location - the brain cells aren't completely fried!

paula eagleholic said...

I missed everyone today...was at the "In the Street Festival" in Frederick today...wonderful day some sun, too!

paula eagleholic said...

Are you done with your Master's yet?

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2/20/25 PM bird

1203 PM NN Scout comes to the nest with a load of bedding again. He seemed to leave with something in his talons. He has a beak full of bedd...