Saturday, October 20, 2007


New thread.


normabyrd said...

GOOD MORNING EAGLE BUDDIES!!----THANKS YOU STEVEN FOR THE NEW THREAD!!!---& for inviting us to NCTC---BEAUTIFUL--GLORIOUS DAY IN WV!!!----SUN is shining--temp 48° and we are all on our way to VISIT you folks at NCTC----THANKS FOR THE INVITE!!!!----

Mema Jo said...

Good Morning - Guess Where I am Going Today? Sun is shinning.
I read where Anne made it to town & has contacted Robyn! I had made arrangements with Sandra early on and will be picking her up. Sounds like a good day has begun.

floralgirl said...

Yep, it's a beautiful day here, going to be a great open house:)

Costume Lady said...

We had a visit this morning at 7am to 7:20am. Both were in the nest at times. Good start to this day.

I have photos if anyone wants them.

Robyn said...

Morning all, I am awake and rather stiff, need to work it out.

What time is everyone going?

I'll be getting ready soon and meeting Anne a little after 10, but I feel it maybe be a little later, closer to 10:30

floralgirl said...

Oh, me too, Robyn, feeling stiff and very tired.

Mema Jo said...

My arrival time will be in the neighborhood of 10:30. I'll probably head towards the Commons (Cafe) Bldg.
That is where last year most things were set up.. I imagine Jim Clark will be presenting in the auditorium in the Administration bldg with the auditorium. Keep your eyes out for Bob Quinn.

Mema Jo said...

No I have never met Bob - I just expect him to have a professional camera with him.

Mema Jo said...

Wanda - I'll gladly accept an email with the photos of this am visit for the Momster's album. Thanks & glad you saw them.
I wonder if Vicky & Glo were at the tree?

Mema Jo said...

It's coffee time and Get A Movin' time for me........ CU

floralgirl said...

Just gotta finish this last load of laundry, see everyone there. It is so beautiful outside, we got about an inch of rain last night:)

MITS said...


Jill said...

I am up but it wasn't voluntary. Stupid parade doesn't start until 1 and they have been outside yelling for an hour. GEEZ. Not sure what time I will be over. State has one in custody that we have warrants for. Magistrates come in at 10 so it will be after that. See you all soon

Has anybody heard from Sharon? There was a police officer shot down there and the town was locked down pretty much.

movin said...


Have a lot of fun at the Open House today, and DON'T FORGET to take a bunch of pictures, Plleeeeez!


movin said...

Large black and white stork taking in the sights at Pete's Pond this morning.


movin said...

Now there's a LARGE Monitor Lizard stompin around the edge of the water...looking for birds or eggs, I guess.


movin said...

Several kinds of antelope, an Ostrich and now a family of Wart Hogs are partaking of the evening waters of the Pond now.


Jill said...

Guess I am the only one who hasn't left yet. Still waiting on St. Magistrates to arraign the moron.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Okay, I am here and okay. Three people robbed 2 stores in Virginia, then came into WV. They abandoned their car after they shot the police officer. Still can't be found though. They had all the schools in lockdown yesterday. I even had to show my ID to get Justin from school. The police officer's bulletproof vest likely saved his life.

MITS said...


Jill said...

What a wonderful day. I am sure everybody is ready for a long panda nap.

Glad you are okay Sharon. Thought about you as soon as the mentioned Bluefield College.

Travel safe tomorrow everybody.

movin said...



movin said...

Something wrong with cam 3 .. should see him on 2 and 3, but only on 2.

Bob Quinn said...

What happened to Bob at dinner?

Well, I really screwed up. I didn't remember where the dinner was going to be. I went down and sat at a picnic table near the eagle nest tree after the outside raptor exhibition. When I came back everyone was gone. I looked on my GPS and none of the nearby restaurants looked familiar. I drove into Shepherdstown (never been there before) and did not see anything familiar either so I headed home. Sorry about that.

Hope everyone had a good time. It was great meeting you all. I wanted to get a good group shot but it never happened. I'll post what I have and let everyone know when I do. The outside raptor exhibition was very cool.

When I was leaving I packed up my camera and headed to the parking lot. Just before I arrived at my car I looked up and there was an eagle right over my head. It was gone by the time I got my camera out of my backpack.

Best to everyone!

floralgirl said...

Oh, darn Bob, we ALL missed you at dinner. So sorry, don't think anyone ever confirmed you knew where the place was. I lost track of you right after I saw you at the raptor exhibit. It was great to meet you, and the pictures you brought were beautiful as your pics always are.

paula eagleholic said...

Oh, Bob we so missed you at dinner! We were wondering what happened! It was such a pleasure to meet you!

Thank you for your picture donations towards the cam. It raised over $100!!! Bob brought along some pictures he took that were matted and signed of some eagles, osprey and hummingbirds from Blackwater. The Momsters snatched them up like they were going out of style!!

I heard you got some cool shots of the raptor ring!

I guess next time we will need to exchange cell #'s when you come up!! I hope you had a good time and enjoyed the Open House.

movin said...

I finally figured out Kent cam #3 isn't updating. Then I noted the clock had frozen in daylight a couple of days ago.


paula eagleholic said...

Hello, Jim. We missed you too! We talked at dinner how nice it would be to meet you someday!

movin said...

I'm glad you all had a good time at the Reunion, and I'm glad most of you got to the dinner.

Sounds like everyone had fun.

I just checked the Santa Cruz cam, which was down earlier, and it's not only up, but as I watched it switched to infra red, I believe.

Looks like the new one will be able to function into the night. Sound's on but sounding a little metallic now.


movin said...

Thanks, Paula...

Did you all view the nest tree, see the eagles??


Bob Quinn said...

Great meeting everyone! I was looking forward to talking with everyone at dinner since I was concentrating more on photos during the day. My bad. I was hoping to get a photo of a fly by at the nest and lost track of time. Intended to be back at the Commons before 4:00 but couldn't help stopping at the raptor exhibit again on the way back. Got to the Commons at 4:10 and it was empty. BTW - the hummingbird picture was actually in my backyard in Alexandria and not at BW.

paula eagleholic said...

Jim, we saw the tree for sure, you can't miss that, but we were at dinner when the eagles usually appear. Wanda saw one flying over when she arrived this morning, and it sounds like Bob saw one also.

The gals taking the Potomac Eagle train tomorrow from Romney, WV are hoping for some eagle sightings.

Jill said...

Well I was looking forward to meeting Bob at dinner but I guess it will have to wait til Christmas party now.

paula eagleholic said...

Santa Cruz does not have infrared, but the cam shows better with twilight/lowlight now.

Bob Quinn said...

Christmas party?

paula eagleholic said...

Oh, cool Bob, I will pass on that information to Sandra, who bought the picture for her husband. You probably passed her house when you went into Shepherdstown.

paula eagleholic said...

Bob, we must have just missed each other at the commons building. I went from there over to the Tree! I left the grounds around 4:15.

paula eagleholic said...

Yuppers, we party all year long!

movin said...

A few minutes ago Dolly and Frieda were in the same old corner, but just now when I looked, Dolly is yards down the wall and nearly off camera. Good to see her making some moves.


movin said...

What did you all have for dinner, Paula...not deep-fried desserts, I trust.


paula eagleholic said...

I can see Frieda now but no Dolly.

floralgirl said...

I also went back to the raptor area around 4, and walked a little way over towards the tree. We must have just missed each other.

floralgirl said...

Jim, don't worry, no deep fried Oreos, Nilla made pies!

paula eagleholic said...

LOl, Jim. I had grilled salmon, salad and broccoli, plus a piece of Nilla's apple pie! Yum.

Geesh, we were all wandering everywhere, weren't we!

paula eagleholic said...

Others had steak, crabcakes, alfredo with shrimp, crab imperial, kids had burgers...chicken sandwich...that is what I saw being eating right around me. Food was great!

paula eagleholic said...

My dogs really gave me the twice over when I got home...don't know if they were smelling the food or the people! LOL

paula eagleholic said...

LOl, Frieda is alone in the corner.

Costume Lady said...

We had a wonderful day and evening, Jim. It was a beautiful Fall day: sunny and low 70's. The leaves are yellows, reds and golds.
Some of us spotted an eagle or two, but not in the tree.

Plan to come visit us at Christmas. I'm sure you will be glad you did.

We got to meet Anne-Marie and Glo.
They were both delightful.
Nilla brought her two beautiful granddaughters and they stole the show.

Costume Lady said...

It has been a long day, time for bed.


floralgirl said...

Yes, and Wanda's necklaces were wonderful:)

Mema Jo said...

Hello! This whole day went wonderfully well except for Bob missing dinner with all of us! We had you a seat at the head of the table! I am sorry you missed Nilla's pies - they were the best!
Our bad for not having you repeat the name of Rumsey Tavern 20 times before we departed! We'll find a good reason to get you up here again!
Meeting Anne and Glo for the first time was awesome. Great Momsters.
Tomorrow will be another fun day.

Mema Jo said...

Calling it a special day!

Good Night
Peace to you & yours

paula eagleholic said...

OH, Jim, I forgot to add we had eagle talons and poop shooters in the parking lot outside the restaurant!!

Thanks, Captain!!

paula eagleholic said...

Good Night friends. It was so nice meeting everyone today! See you tomorrow!

movin said...

You have all described a great day, great time and great meal... You have earned a very beautiful, healing rest this night........


movin said...

Frieda and Dolly are both right back in that corner now that the shade has disappeared.


movin said...


Have a restful night and an exciting Sunday with a lot of pics of your get-together.


NillaWafer said...

Ok here it is after 2 am i typed a whole big thing of what i wanted to say .. pushed the publish comment button and Poffffff blogger cop got it...Gr$@#$##$%!%! Sorry and i was so good today... So its late i will blog later today... Just want to say i pray the eagles are there for Glo Vicky and Iris to see this morning!!! Oh Jasmin is asleep tucked safely in my bed...

wvgal_dana said...

Bob sorry you forgot the resturant name. Sounds like you got excited taking your great pictures that you do. You got so involved in that the resturant name flew the coop so to speak. We all kept saying, "where is Bob Quinn?"

It was great seeing friends that I've met before. Yet not get to see them each day. Of course there was Vicky, Glo and Iris that traveled to get here. Anne and her granddaughter from California an awesome meeting. We even had two babies (Nilla's granddaughters).

Food at the Rumsey Tavern inside the Clairton Hotel was wonderful. Dessert was supplied by Nilla's Bakery (our own EagletMomster) pies pumpkin, cherry, apple, and peach. If you want topped with whipped cream. They were yummy!!

Pictures were taken so I'm sure they will get in a photo album for all to see.

The capt. fixed me and Ed an "eagle talcon" yep I have been there and back now lol. Next one is the "poop shoot" I'm told. Sounds bad but I'm sure it is delicious. ( :

By the tree two times but no eagles. Watched the sky while at Open House did not see our eagles.

Today Sunday some are driving to Romney to ride the Eagle Train. Here's hoping they see eagles. It looks to be a nice day for it.

floralgirl said...

Another beautiful day! All aboard!

paula eagleholic said...

Have fun, Momsters! Take lots of pics!

Mauley said...

good morning dear eagle friends, it seems all had a wonderful day and looking forward to another one. Isn't it wonderful to rejoice in God's amazing plan for the world. Can't wait to see all the pictures. And do you know what made my day READING THAT THERE WILL BE A CHRISTMAS EAGLE GET TOGETHER. COME ON CHRISTMAS. AS SOON AS PREPARATIONS COME TO FRUITION LET ME KNOW. God Bles you all today. Hubby and I are off to see Buta Buta and Lun Lun. love donna

Mauley said...

I can hardly wait to see pics from yesterday and today. Happy Eagle Sightings All. Be safe. donna

Costume Lady said...

Mauley & Hubby--Have a safe and fun trip.

Time for church--will chat later.

paula eagleholic said...

Donna - sounds like you are having a nice little adventure of your own. Have a great time at the zoo!

Mema Jo said...

Out the door to Romney

MITS said...

GOOD MORNING EVERYONEGlad you had a good time yesterday. My sister e-mailed me that both eagles showed up at 6:52p.m. last night

MITS said...

Have a good time on the Eagle Train, hope Norma gets a seat:).

MITS said...


MITS said...


Jill said...

New Thread. Mits I think we are the only ones here. Missed you yesterday

Jill said...

NORMA- If you read this call Robyn. They have ticket for you at the train station. 304-261-9127

Costume Lady said...

The two of them are both lovely ladies inside and out. Wish you could have met them. Hope they enjoyed their visit as much as we enjoyed meeting them.

2/20/25 PM bird

1203 PM NN Scout comes to the nest with a load of bedding again. He seemed to leave with something in his talons. He has a beak full of bedd...