Friday, October 26, 2007


Rainy Friday thread.


paula eagleholic said...

Happy Rainy Friday!! :):)

floralgirl said...

ok, I'll repeat, I have a large flock of juncos and robins in the front yard. They are everywhere. Robins are bathing in my low budget birdbath- a hubcap on a

MITS said...

The rain is wonderful:):)

normabyrd said...


paula eagleholic said...

Thanks for the new thread, Steve.

The cam pic looks great!

normabyrd said...

THANKS PAULA---& MEGAN!!!---Isn't this RAIN WONDERFUL---Maybe I need a HUBCAP!!----HEY!!---Where did you find that!!---You are GREEN MEGAN!!---I'm PROUD!!!

normabyrd said...

HELEN---I got so carried away with MEGAN'S "BIRD BATH"---I didn't say hello to you----WHERE IS JIM---JIM---HEY!! Where are you!!---He pointed the way to the NEW THREAD!!

Mema Jo said...

So everyone is here except JIM!

movin said...


It isn't raining here but it is up to 63% humidity, which is like 10X what it was a few days ago.

Have a great weekend, everyone. Let's start today.


floralgirl said...

Maybe he went back to sleep:)

movin said...

There is now an eagle at BW, but it doesn't look like it has rained there yet.


floralgirl said...

Aha, there he is... Norma, I found the hub cap when we were tilling one of the gardens. Hubby sat it on large rock out front and we keep it filled with water. The bluebirds love it...

movin said...

Hahaha. "Back to sleep," Megan! Have I ever done that before?

Good morning, Paula, Megan, Mits, Norma, Mema Jo and all...


movin said...

Somebody has been laying leaves in the bottom of our wet nest. I wonder who....


normabyrd said...

MEGAN---Bet that it attracts birds & is attractive at the same time!!!!!----I need one!!---

Costume Lady said...

Megan--I use an over-turned trash can lid for the animals and larger birds to drink from and bath in. They seem to know whick bath is for them and the smaller birds know where their place is.

paula eagleholic said...

Eagle at BW again.

normabyrd said...

WHOA JIM----What do you mean--"LET'S START TODAY"?----We started the DAY much earlier---before you went to BED--ho!

normabyrd said...

WANDA!!---Now I can handle that---Never thought of using Garbage Lids---I have one I was ready to send to trash!!! ---I WANT TO THANK YOU AGAIN FOR THE BEAUTIFUL NECKLACES!!---THEY CERTAINLY MADE OUR DAY COMPLETE & WITH PAULA'S EAGLE PIN---Felt like I was in EAGLE HEAVEN!!---ho!---THAT IS HARD TO TOP!!!---

normabyrd said...

JIM---Doesn't the NEST look BEAUTIFUL with the colored leaves!!-----Maybe when the rain slows down---they will be back--"MOVIN' THE STICKS"---I love watching them fuss with the sticks!!!!

normabyrd said...

IS THAT REALLY TAI IN THE TREE IN THE POURING RAIN????---Well!!---he is certainly is full of tricks!!---Nothing could be funnier!!!---LITTLE IMP!!!!

movin said...

Squiggles is really workin those hind legs today...must've read this week's exam report.


Mema Jo said...

LunLun & ButaButa in hammock room - probably time to nurse but looks more like play-fight

Mema Jo said...



Mema Jo said...

You can chose the shark or the whale - Watch them follow your cursor
Pick the underwater scene you want
Don't forget to Bookmark

Mema Jo said...

Rainy day is good for panda naps...
I'll be returning after while.

Jill said...

BW has an visitor. And it looks like the sun is peaking through the clouds. Wish it would here.

Mema Jo said...

Jill - the visitor is going to be there a long time unless the cam gets movin' again... Froze at 12:29:01
At least it's giving us a good pic!

Hope Zachery is feeling better today.

Mema Jo said...

ButaButa looks like a miniature of LunLun !

MITS said...

that is a fun site...Jo!

Jill said...

LOL JO. Didn't even look at the time. But the sun was shining. HE HE

Zach went to school today and hasnt' come home yet so I think he is better. Hasn't skated in 2 days, maybe having withdraw and really isn't going to like me when I tell him he can't skate until dishes are done. Bad Mom.

Mema Jo said...

Jill - Just tell him he needs clean dishes to get the next meal....Then hand him his board.

Mits - Will be fun when Norma asks for the DIVERS! She can have her own

Now I really need to go get some things accomplished...... no napping today!

Mema Jo said...

I can't get my Hotmail up!!!!
so don't expect me to answer or send any messages for awhile.......

MITS said...

Jo, just got an e-mail from you, but it eneded up in my screened mail does that sometimes.

Jill said...

Won't work Jo. tried it. Better off taking the board and waiting patiently. Get more accomplished that way than telling him he can't have food, he will just go across the street and eat. Neighbors have him spoiled. HEHE

paula eagleholic said...

Eagle at BW...(not frozen!)

Sunny in Maine!!

Our nest looks bright and clear! Thanks for the fix, NCTC!!

paula eagleholic said...

Think BW is stuck again..time gone and eagle is NOT moving...

MITS said...

Can hear the eagles, loons, and crows up in Maine, also a noisy leaf blower.

MITS said...

guys in water at Bonnaire, have cocktail hour

MITS said...

2 dogs on the beach

paula eagleholic said...

Crows now in Maine? Mits?

paula eagleholic said...

He can have one for me since I'm still at work...

MITS said...

Right now quiet, nope, there goes the crow again...and the light planes are sooo close

wvgal_dana said...

Hi eagle FRIENDS.....have arrived home wanted to check on the blog and see our beautiful nest. I've got no lines. wow

Thanks Steven for the new thread.

Got back here from the blood suckers lol probably won't know anything until I see them on Oct. 30th Tuesday. Dentist went well...yuck the antibotic taste terrible. No I didn't chew it lol

paula eagleholic said...

BW still stuck on the pretty eagle pic.

wvgal_dana said...

bbl going to get dinner fixed

NillaWafer said...

Good Rainy Friday Evening Folks... Have not had time to check any cams but ours and it looks wet but pretty with fall leaves it... Been at hospitol along time this morning Eugene (an employee ) fell and fractored his ankle bad... He is ok but in pain... Jill give me a call when you can ok 262-9328 or 279-8557 Off to check out cams... BBL

MITS said...


MITS said...


MITS said...


MITS said...


MITS said...


MITS said...


MITS said...

On the zoo cams, like sloths and otters, they have the cams on the trail, so you can see some of the Boo at the Zoo, wish they had a roaming cam so you could see the decorations.

NillaWafer said...

Darn i missed the nest visit was on phone .. Hope they come back...

NillaWafer said...

Nope not working Mits are ya peekin around the corner???? lol They see ya... I know walk off hummmmmin a song to yourself...

MITS said...


MITS said...

OK, so here I am....walking out of the room...clip-clop----clip-clop!!!!!!!!

NillaWafer said...

HAHAHA NO LUCK YET... that clip cloppin is scarinum be more like tippy toein....

MITS said...

Did that work???

NillaWafer said...

Ok what song ya singin ? May The Bird Of Paradise Fly Up Your Nose???

MITS said...

don't know where the clip-clop came from I have rugs.

NillaWafer said...

I saw a little bird go hop, hop, hop.
I told the little bird to stop, stop, stop.
I went to the window to say 'How do you do?'
He wagged his little tail and far away he flew!

NillaWafer said...

Liberty and Belle
Fly around,
Up to the sky,
Down to the ground.
Liberty and Belle
Flap your wings.
Open your beak
And sweetly sing.
Liberty and Belle
Fly to your nest.
Now it is time
To take a rest.
Please stop by and see us.

MITS said...

where is Dolly?????

NillaWafer said...

No wheres to be seen? Whats that bright white spot there in the corner?

NillaWafer said...

Sun just shinning on the ledge looks lie now... maybe she waddled down the ledge a bit into the other corner perhaps

NillaWafer said...

theres he comes see her?

NillaWafer said...

saw a bit of her.. right in the middle bottom of screen.. she is on the

MITS said...

yeah, she was there briefly..

MITS said...

local news channel 8 is going to do a story on BOO AT THE ZOO....Wanda, may have to get a costume from you next year and volunteer at this event....

NillaWafer said...

Now that would be great Mits.. years ago and for several years we had a big haunted house in our back yard .. neighbors volunteered and we all dressed up it was fun... I was thsi little old lady in a rockin chair and the kids would cme up and i say in my old ladies voice..." I seeee what you didddd kidddieee... You threwwww that ballll in my back yarddddd... Then jump up and chase them with a big rat i was storkin on my lap as a We did it for a Animal Rescue No Kill here... Either donation of money or dog food... It was so big even the city cops came by to watch we had no trouble...

NillaWafer said...

Well dont think they are coming back any more tonight Mits... But you did some pictures right?

MITS said...

they had a wonderful decoration on the Asian trail, with boxes and hay, and black rubber rats all around it.....someone didn't like the rats, so they other day they were removing the black rubber rats.....lighten up people its Halloween, if you look you can see real rats around the zoo sometimes.

glo said...

I have added a few more pictures to the Potomac Eagle Album on Momsters.

MITS said...

only got 1, Nilla, sent it to Jo, visit was only a couple of mins...but, no lines.

MITS said...

ghouls and goblins roaming thru the zoo, in the rain.

MITS said...

think Dolly now knows were the shade is.

NillaWafer said...

Oh and we had a building that we had a surgery staged with real chicken livers and stuff we would take like a group of 10 in at a time... My son John was always Jason with the chain saw...... we had people jumping down out of trees and graves dug with someone laying it them... We really enjoyed it each HALLOWEEN

NillaWafer said...

Howdy GloBug still rainn out your way??? How was your day? Seems i will be working all weekend since Eugene broke his ankle so over 50 hours total for the week... gona love that pay check!!!! lol

NillaWafer said...

well i ordered Chinese waitng on it to be delivered... Gona take alook at zoo Mits

NillaWafer said...

wow thats scary looking the windows of the Slothbear exhibit.. people walking behind it ...

MITS said...

sounds like fun, Nilla...used to decorate alot for Halloween, but when son moved on stopped, hoping they will want all my decorations some day, if not might give them to the zoo.

paula eagleholic said...

For all the Dolly Fans...

Dolly videos on youtube

paula eagleholic said...

Nilla - love your pic!

Mema Jo said...

I added the pic from tonight's lone visit - thanks, Mits.
Thanks Glo for the pics you put in for the Potomac Eagle Train! I had forgotten about the herd of cows standing in the water!!!

It is still rainy and cold - Soup eating weather I call it!

Nilla - I like your eagle pic!

Mema Jo said...

Checking the zoo cams - lots of umbrellas! Lots of people traffic can be seen on Sloth Bear Yard 2B

NillaWafer said...

well my Chinese arrived and i got steamed veggies.. I think i am part panda i love the bamboo shoots... But my gracious i dont know whoes going to eat all of this ... Thanks i liked it to actually found it over on the Petes Pond Forum blog... If your going out or driving becareful in the weather...

paula eagleholic said...

All I can say is WOW!

Finally got a chance to look at all the photos on Momsters from the Open House and the Potomac Eagle Train.

Thank you Jo, Glo, Suz and Anne for the pictures. (I'm sorry if I forgot anyone!) I hadn't seen any of the Battson animal cool! Did ya'll know that was Rick Lemmon, Director of NCTC standing next to Larry Batson with the python?

And the eagle train pics are great, beautiful scenery. That train is really long! I thought it would be shorter.

The eagle pics are can see the white heads and tails in the pics!

Thanks everyone for the pics! If you haven't looked at them lately, they are great!

paula eagleholic said...

Oh, and a special thanks to Glo for the pic of Belle in the tree!

Were you able to get one with Liberty as well?

NillaWafer said...

Meeee Tooo Paula they are breath taking.. beautiful that why we here in WV say its Wild N Wonderful... Since they told me it was not because i lived

Anne-Marie said...

Hi Everyone. Finally I'm home. All I want is my pillow.

Anne-Marie said...

Oh well, I guess there is something good on TV. Later!

wvgal_dana said...

Someone mentioned The Murder Club or something like that on tv. Anyone know day, time and channel?

wvgal_dana said...

If anyone hasn't seen the movie Happy Feet you MUST see it. A great movie on HBO.

paula eagleholic said...

Murder club is on ABC right now, 9-10est

paula eagleholic said...

Anyone watch Meerkat Manor...season of tragedies this year.

paula eagleholic said...

Cam is right over top of Dolly - check out all the feathers coming in! She is really getting dark!

paula eagleholic said...

I want

paula eagleholic said...



Lisa said...

"Happy Feet" was awesome! So glad it won the Oscar for animated movie of the year. Good environmental message too.

I just watched "Surf's Up" (another penguin animated film). It doesn't have an environmental message, but it was a fun movie. Beautiful computer animation.

wvgal_dana said...

Lisa I'll have to check that one out.

Well I'm woren out. See all tomorrow. Nite

paula eagleholic said...

I haven't seen Happy Feet yet - did see March of the Penguins tho. Great movie too.

glo said...

Paula Paula You ask way too many questions,LOL... as far as Lib is concerned there is MTBR...but not for like 60 days hint hint.

Time for me to be calling it a day. Good Night everyone.

Mema Jo said...

Good Night everyone...
Peace to you & Yours

paula eagleholic said...

Good night and sweet dreams

movin said...


I got sidetracked and never got back over to the nestcams today.

Have a great weekend. Enjoy.


wvgal_dana said...

Well it is 7:27am on our nest cam. Unless I missed L & B coming in. They should be arriving.

Can't believe I'm first on here for Sat. morning.

I did watch Meerkat Manor for my first time Paula. It was sad. Think I should have started watching at a better time. sniffle

wvgal_dana said...

Looking back 1 comment Jim was in here at yikes 3:50am our time. Morning Jim.

wvgal_dana said...

I can barely see her but Squiggles is asleep by herself.

wvgal_dana said...

It is really windy in Maine today.

I think Tai is ready to go outside.

wvgal_dana said...

Tai is back to sleep and I think that is just where I am going.

Mema Jo said...

Good Morning on this sleepy Saturday.
Checking out all cams looking for birds & critters... Not too lucky so far! Even Dolly isn't in cam range. I missed chatting with Dana who checked things out earlier......

Mema Jo said...

Eagle has come into the platform at BW - He is sooooooooooo wet! The BW cam has correct date/time - seems to be refreshing.

glo said...

Good Mornign everyone. Enjoy your weekdn. Cam is nice and clear ofr picture taking. Come on you two its itme to be a checking in on the homefront.

paula eagleholic said...

Soggy eagle for sure at BW!

paula eagleholic said...

Morning, Glo, Jo and Dana.

paula eagleholic said...

Yup, looks like our rain has finally hit Maine...starting to clear off here.

MITS said...

GOOD SATURDAY MORNING EVERYONE Rain is pulling out of our area now, was really raining hard early this morning, we REALLY need this.

glo said...

Eagle at Cape Coral

Mema Jo said...

Thanks for heads up of Cape Coral
Breezy down there - good clear pic on cam

Mema Jo said...

Early morning heavy fog for sure at Kent......

wvgal_dana said...

Morning Jo, Paula, Glo, and Mits.

Eagle still at Cape Coral cam

Mema Jo said...

It is brightening up outside.. Not quite rays of sunshine yet - but might get to that point later this afternoon.

QUESTION: Do we in MD time zone turn our clocks back an hour tonight???

Mema Jo said...

Guess I found the answer!No we don't!

National Post Hand off the clock! It's still Daylight Saving Time - 17 hours ago
This year Daylight Saving Time doesn't take effect until 2 am the first Sunday in November, instead of the last Sunday in October. ...

Mema Jo said...

I'll be back later in the day..TTUL

MITS said...

Remember they are stretching it out, Jo, we were 3 weeks early in the spring, and, 1 week later in the fall, so next Saturday night we fall back.

wvgal_dana said...

Well I am off to a baby shower. See you friends later this evening.

movin said...


That poor eagle at BW still looks like he's been through the wash-dry cycle.

I guess the nesters on our cam came in before any of leaves, I believe.


Mema Jo said...




2/20/25 PM bird

1203 PM NN Scout comes to the nest with a load of bedding again. He seemed to leave with something in his talons. He has a beak full of bedd...