Tuesday, October 23, 2007


Finally some rain thread.


Thanks for continuing to keep our cam at number one on Birdspeak!


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normabyrd said...

GOOD MORNIN' EAGLE BUDDIES!!!----THANKS STEVEN for a BEAUTIFUL OPEN HOUSE PARTY!!!----THANKS FOR THE NEW THREAD!----It's a dark & dreary looking a.m. here in WV--temp. 69°---Thinking rain & we will all dance!!----ENJOY YOU DAY!----Any time you don't feel like coming to work---WHOA--I'll pay you to fill in!!---KIDDIN'---ENJOY THE RAIN!!

MITS said...

thank you Norma, thank you Steven!

normabyrd said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY LISA!---HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!!!!---WOW LISA!!---An EAGLE waiting for you at BW!!---ENJOY "YOUR" DAY!!-----Plan to come with BOB to our XMAS party!!-----

MITS said...

2 eagles at BW

MITS said...

clouds hanging over the Great Smokies

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' MITS----SUZANNE!!---Please check out the "LITTLE PRINCE"!!!---Oh !he is lying on his back with feet up & hands above his head--ASLEEP on his GRILL!!----LITTLE TAI---YOU CERAINLY ARE STARTING OUR DAY OFF RIGHT!!!!---ADORABLE LITTLE IMP!!!!

MITS said...

lazy little imp this a.m.

MITS said...

Gorilla at NZ is sitting up in his tree house

MITS said...

really windy up in Maine

Robyn said...

Ok that answered my question, new view at otters.

Suz I can administer pills, use to give my noel shots for her diabetes.

Costume Lady said...

Didn't notice the new thread. Bringing last comment over:

Costume Lady said...
GLO--Columbus is our over-night stop when we go to Chicago.Kinda the half-way point. We have found a wonderful Chinese restaurant there (can't remember the name). We eat there on the way out and on our way back. Crab legs, frog legs, sushi, bacon wrapped shrimp, Dim Sum dumplings, etc. etc. I have just gained 3 pounds thinking about it.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007 9:09:00 AM

Suzanne said...

Thanks for the new thread, Steve. We do need the rain!
Thanks for the heads up, and good morning, Norma!
Norma, I've been watching him. Now I know what you mean about his grate. He's too funny! And Mei And Tian are on cam 1, and Tian was going around scenting everything this morning. That was interesting, first time I'd seen that!

Robyn said...

Eagle at BW

Costume Lady said...

I sent some photos to Paula to post to the album. Upon e-mailing them, they lost their captions. I don't know how that happened but I hope someone will tell me. I spent a lot of time putting captions with each photo and----poof---GONE, just like Lib & Belle!

Costume Lady said...

Gotta open shop. BBL

MITS said...

Suzanne, that's how they leave messages, when Tai comes over to that yard he will go all over reading them

Suzanne said...

LOL, ok Mits, Tian sure had a lot to say this morning!!!! Tai will think he's getting the Sunday paper!

Suzanne said...

Bai is wrestling bamboo in her den. Can't see Squiggles at all, way too dark.
Mai and Tian are both on the rocks on cam1, and Tai hasn't moved, he's zonked out!

Robyn said...

didn't realize the pandacam had sound

Suzanne said...

Mits, I tried to get other NZ cams, and all it tell me is
Connecting to media, but it's not working. I would like to see them, and the sloth bears, but I'm perfectly happy to be able to watch the pandas! After never seeing them, and being able to now, I'm sure not complaining!!!

Suzanne said...

Bai was rolling Squiggles in all her new bamboo, now she's covering the little one! Well, or not. Or yeah, she can't make up her mind. She picked Squigs up, then put her right back down. Now Bai walked out, Squiggles is alone. Ok, or not, mom's back...no, out again, she just came back in to move Squiggles over to the dark side of the nest!

wvgal_dana said...

Thanks Steven for the new Thread.

Good Morning Suzanne, Glo and Vicky, Jim, NIlla, Robyn, Norma, Mits, Wanda, and others that were on the other thread early.

We are getting needed rain here. Suppose to rain tomorrow also.

Wonder where Anne is now?

Will have to check out mail and new pictures Glo put in album.

Lisa said...

Thanks, Norma! And yes, the eagles were out to greet me this morning.

Suzanne said...

Africam is panning around. Man, don't you wish we had something like this on the Kalahari and could watch the Meerkats like this! How cool would that be!!!

MITS said...

Darn, Suz, maybe try later. This is new, that they are manning other cams to watch animals. We are going to get an update on it in November.

MITS said...

Yes, panda cam is the only NZ cam with sound...

normabyrd said...

HELLO!!!---ROBYN--JIM---NILLA--SUZANNE--GLO--WANDA---"BIRTHDAY GIRL" LISA--& HELEN!!!---I think everyone has rested up after the LONG WEEKEND!!!----I am truly SORRY the EAGLE TRAIN trip evidently didn't have an EAGLE ESCORT as they usually do!!!---

Suzanne said...

Seems Bai is trying to see how much bamboo she can fit in the den!

Suzanne said...

LOL, Bai just pulled Squiggles out of the way, now she put her back and Squigs is riding the bamboo! She's holding on for dear life, this is way too funny!!!

wvgal_dana said...

Mits is there heat that comes out of that grate that Tai sleeps on? Just trying to figure out why he likes it so much?

paula eagleholic said...

Happy Biiirthday to Yooouuu!!
Happy Biiirthday to Yooouuu!!
Happy Biiirthday Dear LISA!!
Happy Biiirthday to Yooouuu!!

I hope you are having a wonderful week!!

Mauley said...

Good Morning everyone from Atlanta. I can't get my emails to go anywhere. I have beautiful pics of the Atlanta Beauty. We watched Mei Lan wake up Lun Lun to nurse. It was wonderful. We arrived at the perfect moment, which I will get pics to you as soon as I get back home. the Atlanta Beauty woke up Mom and nursed and then they played. It was so sweet. She came right up to the window and hubby photographed it all. She is just as wonderful as the zoo says she is. She said to tell Sharon and Norma hello and to tell Mits that she wishes Mits could take care of her, too. I was mesmerized. I couldn't have taken pictures if I had known how to use the camera. Hubby is the camera man. I have been able to see some of the pics from NCTC and nest, but none from the train trip, yet. I am somewhat technology challenged, as you can see. I cannot wait to see if the Christmas gathering of Eagle Momsters at NCTC comes to fruition. My deepest regret is not being able to see Glo. Hi Glo, may I share in part of Sharon's hugs to you. love donna

normabyrd said...

SUZANNE---We could hear "BABY TAI" let out a few screams--now & then--some time--when you have a min. look at his early pics!!!----The time he was up in the tree & wouldn't come down!!!---After midnight & they had to entice him down with food!!!----HEY------HE'S FAMILY!!!----ho!!---I'm sure HELEN thinks of him as her 2nd son!!---KIDDIN' HELEN!!

normabyrd said...

HEY---KIDS!---Anyone want to "hitch-hike" to ATLANTA---ho!

wvgal_dana said...

Wow Donna sounds like your haaving a ball. You got the special treatment in seeing that as a close up. Have a good time. We'll enjoy seeing the pictures after you get home. Safe journey.

MITS said...

It is funny as many times as I have seen these wonderful creatures, they still mesmerize me too. Dana, I don't think they is any heat at this time, but, it is nice and cool there.

MITS said...

close-up of the 6 otters together.

normabyrd said...

WANDA----Did you take the picture of ANNE-MARIE & STEVEN?---I haven't gotten to see it yet?---I certainly enjoyed looking at ANNE'S ALASKA ALBUM!!---She is such FUN!!----Hope things are going well & she & granddaughter are enjoying WILLIAMSBURG!!---One could spend days there!!!

Suzanne said...

Morning, Mauley! I'm so glad you got to see the little Atlanta Beauty! They are a riot on the cam!

Norma, I remember reading that on the blog. Laughed my butt off!! Too funny. Ok, I'll go back and look at older pics when I get a chance. He is adorable!

Morning, Dana!

glo said...

OK about 100 miles from Indianapolis now. No raining quite s hard but rain and fog none the less. Will mostlikely blog a safely home when I get there this evening at some point. Have a good day.

Sorry Wanda we were trying to get through Columbus around breakfast time, probably wouldn't have made the chinese food stop then anyway. 3 hours south west of Chicago however is where I liove and bewteen Late November and late Feb I can take you to more eagles than you can count. So if you are gonna be in the area, all you need to do is to say so.

Suzanne said...

Forgot, Mits tell them that whatever they are doing with the panda cams, they need to do to the other cams. I have no clue why only panda cams will play on this PC, and nothing else from the NZ, but I'm not complaining. Wold like to see the otters and sloth bears though, but I will settle for the pandas!

Suzanne said...

That eagle has been hanging in BW for quite a while.

Suzanne said...

Oh, bit something on Africam!

Suzanne said...

Sounds like you're moving again, Glo.
Squiggles is finally alone, not on bamboo, and sleeping, bless her heart!
There goes an antelope... Darn, forget the name of these things on cam. Another antelope just ran by.

Suzanne said...

LOL, that is BIG something on Africam, not bit! Good grief!!

Suzanne said...

Uh oh, rain is coming. NZ looks wet. One of the adults wants in... Other one is asleep sitting ont he rocks, and our Tai is still laying over the grate. Taking up all the space he can!

wvgal_dana said...

You Illnois gals are getting closer and closer......loved being with you two so much sure you don't want to turn around and come back. It's been fun with you two. I know when we use to travel great doing it but always nice to get home. ( :

Suzanne said...

Mits, Adults have baskets with I guess treats or honey? One on the left just took his paw and threw his red basket out of the way.

Suzanne said...

Finally remembered, Wildebeeste! That's what is on Africam with the antelopes.

MITS said...

yes, Suzanne, honey crates...they love them

Suzanne said...

closeup of adult licking her basket, so I'm guessing it has honey on it. Tai hasn't moved, and lots of people are watching him sleep over his grate!

Suzanne said...

Ah, ok, Mits, posted before I saw your answer. Thought so from the way they're licking it. Tai just rolled over on his side. Is this Mai? She is serious about that basket!

MITS said...

lol.....can't really tell, big head in crate

MITS said...

what concentration

Suzanne said...

LOL, Yup, now the other one has head in crate too! This is priceless! Oh, long view of the cam, you could see white and black and red or purple heads. Too funny!

Suzanne said...

OMG, how cute is that! Both Mai and Tian are laying on their back holding and licking their crates. Precious!

normabyrd said...


I SAW 4 DIVERS AT LEAST AT ONE TIME!!----THEY KEPT COMING BACK & LOOKING ME IN THE EYES!!--ho!---Everytime I would get ready to come tell you all my NEWS--1 or 2 would come back--& could see 4 at the same time!!!!!----Dark haired & Blonde came back the most times!!!!----

Suzanne said...

OMG S U C HHHHHH a big yawn! That yawn must have tucker Tai out, he just rolled on his back and didn't even wake up! He is so cute!
Adults looking for more honey!
Another yawn.
Oh, now adults are gonna wrestle... or something.

wvgal_dana said...

Suzanne wonder if there will be face licking here lol

normabyrd said...

I love watching TAI with his honey box!!!!-----"He thinks he has died & gone to HONEY HEAVEN!!!----If you watch closely you can see his little tongue licking!!!!

wvgal_dana said...

Well I have to get me some honey. I haven't had breakfast yet. bbl

Suzanne said...

LOL, Norma, did you waive? The guy with the dark hair always waives! Don't forget, they're down there now, they gotta come back up! They were waiting for you to watch them!

Dana, who knows, this is just too much fun watching these guys, isn't it? Lazy butt Tai just yawn and rolls over and goes back to sleep.

Oh, somebody is reading the note the other one left this morning. Well, they were...

Suzanne said...

Norma, Tai's on cam 2 today. He's sleeping on his grate, hasn't moved in over an hour, lazy butt!

normabyrd said...

HI DANA!---haven't said hello---been watching to see the DIVERS!!

Suzanne said...

I'm glad you saw them, Norma!

Bit stretches for the little prince!

Suzanne said...

Wrestling for the adults!

MITS said...

Suz, are you watching Mei and Tian??

normabyrd said...

SUZANNE---I hadn't moved down to read your post that "LITTLE PRINCE" wasn't ready to wake up!!!-----He moves to a separate "DRUMMER"---I hope he is never returned to the wild--He enjoys the good life too much??---What do you think?

normabyrd said...

DARN!!---No rain yet---in fact the skies are getting lighter!!!

MITS said...

poor Tian got chased up the tree.

normabyrd said...

One of the PARENTS is up high in the tree!!----That brings back memories of little TAI---

Suzanne said...

BIG wrestling going on!!

Suzanne said...

Yup, watching both panda cams. Too funny! Was that Tian who went up the tree? They're really going at it. Tai has moved almost a yard, to use a rock for a pillow looks like!
Little quiet Squiggles is still snoozing and Bai is still out of the den.
Oh, the little devil just woke up. He's on the prowl! Mai and Tian are chasing each other...between their wrestling bouts...

MITS said...

Tai is awake, probably heard his parents

Suzanne said...

Keeper just let adults inside.

MITS said...

Mei and Tian are inside

Suzanne said...

LOL, he woke up, went behing the tree, now going back to sleep. How funny is this!
One of the adults has a big ball or something.
Tai on the prowl again.

Suzanne said...

Mits, were they treats inside that thing with the holes? Both Mai and Tian seem to be cleaning up the floor by eating them!

Suzanne said...

LOL, must have been, they'res not a one left!

Mema Jo said...

Good Morning - I am in Otter Heaven!
But when 1 walks away, they all walk away in a line! Cam trying to follow them.
I hope your FL trip home was enjoyable!

normabyrd said...

SQUIGGLES is all alone at the end of the mat!----SOUND ASLEEP!!---I haven't seen her move much lately--Think, I am checking in at the wrong time!!!!---

normabyrd said...

MORNING JO!!!---Are you finally rested from the weekend???---ho!Please send me the Montery site--You gave it to me once--& I saved it---GONE NOW!!

normabyrd said...

COOL SUZANNE----TAI'S on the prowl!!----He stays on the prowl all the time---(if he has the energy)---LOVE 'EM!!

Mema Jo said...

Hi Norma! I feel rested and ready to go again. Will email you the site.
NZ cam had good coverage on their 6 otters but the little guys all decided to go for a swim.
I took the pic of Anne & Steve after introducing them to each other. He was walking by & I just called out to him. I told him that Norma was sorry that she missed him.

normabyrd said...

JO--Have you had any contact with BEAUTIFUL ANNE????---I don't remember how long she planned to stay in ATLANTA-----Wishing them a SAVE JOURNEY!!!----

Suzanne said...

Morning, Jo! Having a ball watching the pandas this morning, and Norma got to see her DIVERS!!!

MITS said...

Yes, Suzanne, they put leaf-eater biscuits inside. The have all their vitamins and protein.

MITS said...


normabyrd said...

JO!!----Must tell you----When LISE & I were leaving the dinner---She looked over & said 'MOM---I am glad you are a member of the EAGLE GROUP!!!--ho!----We are a COOL group!!!!---She enjoyed the day all most as much as I did!!!----WONDERFUL DAY!!

MITS said...


Mema Jo said...

Anne & Diana should be headed to Dulles if not there already. It's Home for them today.I just know that they would have wanted to stay longer in Williamsburg if they had the time!
Norma That is great thinking on Lisa's part and I think that Jennifer said about the same thing.
She enjoys coming to things with our group

Mema Jo said...

Mauley (Donna) really had a great time seeing our ButaButa! Can't wait to have her share her pictures!

Suzanne said...

Norma, your daughter is a hoot, she's a very nice lady! Just like her mom, I guess! Glad she had a good time.
Was just outside a minute ago, we're getting some drops. Darn, was hoping I'd at least make it to the car before the rain started!

Thought they must be treats, Mits, they sure didn't last long! These guys are a riot!

MITS said...

Good thing Anne wasn't traveling out of Dulles yesterday, was shut down do to a suspicious package...what a mess.

Suzanne said...

Foggy at Kent.
Squiggles has been alone and snoozing for a long time.

Mema Jo said...

Sloth Bear Prancing at Zoo
Click Here


normabyrd said...

OH MY!---ANNE will be worn out---She certainly didn't spend much time in Williamsburg?---She's young!!----

Mema Jo said...

Sloth bear going to wear me out with all that prancing! lol

Mits - is this the dad?

MITS said...

Yes, Jo that is 25 year old, Merlin

Mema Jo said...

I have never been able to view him for this length of time in such a good view before now.

Mema Jo said...

MITS On cam 2A - is that the offspring? Man I am getting lucky at seeing all 3 of them!

So thankful I have my own personal guide right here on the blog!!!

normabyrd said...

THANKS JO!!---He looks to me to be saying----LET ME GO--LET ME GO--ZOO KEEPER!!----ho!--1st time to see him!!!---I have watch the FLAMINGOS on here---so how do I get to the OTTERS!!---I had been watch them on the Monterey site--

Mema Jo said...

Norma Easiest way to get to the Otter cam is to scroll down below the cam you are now watching & find
the list of the other cams - there are about 4 of them. Click on the
Asian Small-clawed Otters

The little otters are not now in view

Mema Jo said...

But the clouded leopard is in view
Woo Hoo!

normabyrd said...

SUZANNE!!---SAFE JOURNEY HOME--LOVE PATS TO "G" & FRIENDS!!!---(hope rains holds off till you get home)

SPACE SHUTTLE DISCOVERY getting ready to launch soon!!----on CNN

MITS said...

I was just coming to say tha tNorma, watching it on puter

Mema Jo said...

Eagle at BW waiting to tell Lisa to have a Great Birthday!

normabyrd said...


wvgal_dana said...

Suzanne drive safely see you tomorrow.

movin said...


It's already hot (82) and smoky smelling this morning, but the winds haven't really blown up yet.

Just heard on the AM that 1000 homes have been lost in San Diego County already.

Hi Suz, again.


Suzanne said...

Tai is in his upside down sleeping position on the grate. That is just too funny!
Mei Sheng is on SD.
Tai just had a bite, didn't move much, just scrated the bite with his hind leg! Kids are laughing!!

movin said...

2 eagles at BW.

Suzanne said...

Hi Jim. Geez, you're not in any danger, are you? Are they at least getting this fire under control? Those homes are mega-bucks homes!!

Mema Jo said...

Steve just put a copy of the beakspeak statistics on the home page.

We are
#1 !

Suzanne said...

Thanks, Norma and Dana. I'll be careful. Just want to get started before it rains too hard here! Rain and DC drivers don't mix!
Time for me to hit the road.
All have a great eagle/panda day.
Eyes to the sky, see the raptors fly!

wvgal_dana said...

Wow Jo # 1 wow wow and more wow Thans Steve

normabyrd said...

JO---I got to see the clouded leopard---WOW!!--aren't they beautiful?---I had never seen the sloth bear before either!!---I have been watching all those nature & wildlife programs---PBS WV has NATURE every Sun. eve.---Very good!!---I had seen the mysterious CLOUDED LEPOARD a few times----AWESOME!! ($80,000) is the way the poachers look at them!!!!!

Suzanne said...

Wow, Jo, that's awesome! Saw your comment right after I posted!!!

Way to go, NCTC!! But of course you are number 1. Cool.

Mema Jo said...

I guess that was one of the launch rockets that just fell from the shuttle. Great to hear a WOMAN'S voice reply.... One giant leap for womankind!

wvgal_dana said...

Jim I tried getting the Santa Cruz up and couldn't. Do you know if it is in danger?

Suzanne said...

OH, before I forget...did you guys look at the Cluster Map on the home page? 355 hits yesterday!

Your secrets are NOT secret anymore...

Ok, I really am outta here now.

wvgal_dana said...

That is some information on the clouded leopard you gave Norma way to go gal ( : Poachers beware Norma has a "cane"!!

Mema Jo said...

I am watching the space shuttle flight live video on CNN. I am chuckling to myself because their cam is somewhat like our eagle cam - every now and then they have squiggly lines and interference! lol
This is so interesting..
Google CNN & on the right side click on the Space Shuttle Live Video

Mema Jo said...

There is a rerun of the lift off now.

MITS said...

I missed it,Jo, but when you see 2 sloth bears together, it is Hannah the Mom and Balavat the baby, who will be 2 years old on Jan. 9th.

paula eagleholic said...

2 eagles at BW now

normabyrd said...

NOW NCTC----#1---That is what one would call "WAY COOL"---Thanks STEVEN!!!!

paula eagleholic said...

BTW - the Santa Cruz cam has a frozen picture...they are now doing cam maintenance.

Mema Jo said...

OK It is time for me to dejoin the PJ Club!


wvgal_dana said...

Thank you Paula for the info on Santa Cruz cam.

MITS said...

tee-hee....me too, Jo, been busy perusing around the world this a.m.

paula eagleholic said...

Breezy and partly sunny in Maine...

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' JIM!!----How are you?---Have had you in my thoughts all day!!!---Heard that 200,000 acres had burned!!!----STAY SAFE---

wvgal_dana said...

Gorilla just woke up at DC zoo. Sitting up.

wvgal_dana said...

Well back to sleep for the gorilla.

wvgal_dana said...

Orangutans are wrestling at DC zoo

normabyrd said...

1 EAGLE at BW!----Think they might be honoring LISA'S BIRTHDAY!!

MITS said...

poor Tian, Mei is such a bully....

normabyrd said...

DANA---That "LITTLE PRINCE"--is still sleeping on his GRILL---"lazy boy" today!!!

normabyrd said...

HELEN---EAGLE at BW---Keeping watch for the Birthday Girl!!

MITS said...

Dana, where are you seeing orangutans????? I thought they had taken that cam offline.

normabyrd said...

TITAN---Doesn't bring her flowers any more!!!----

wvgal_dana said...

Mits DC Zoo

wvgal_dana said...

They have been swining from the ropes. Getting into whatever that stuff is. Covering themselves and rolling across the floor. Right now they are still.

wvgal_dana said...

Opps here we go again.

wvgal_dana said...

Did you find them Mits?

MITS said...

ok found it

MITS said...

I don't blame Tian for not bringing her flowers any more, she would probably throw them at him

wvgal_dana said...

There goes one rolling across the floor with all that hay/staw whatever all over him. lol
Then they swing on those ropes characters they are lol

MITS said...

looks like fun.

wvgal_dana said...

Tai is up a tree Norma

MITS said...

As of 8:30 a.m. on Tuesday, October 23, the Wild Animal Park has sustained damage to some facilities, but the animals continue to be okay. Spot fires are still turning up and are being extinguished. A small core of employees are on hand to care for the animals while others are assisting with fire and wind damage. All the California condors remain safely at the fire-safe Paul Harter Veterinary Medical Center. However, one of the empty condor breeding facilities has been lost to fire. Again, the condors were already safely housed at the veterinary facility along with education animals. An area housing Festival of Lights materials was also burned. Winds have damaged trees throughout the Park, but again the animals and exhibits are weathering the storm.

normabyrd said...

HELEN---I had heard the condors were safe---but hadn't heard anything else-----Can never tell about fires---Great to hear the animals are safe----

paula eagleholic said...

Thanks for the update on the animals Mits....eagle still at BW

MITS said...

Close up of clouded leopard at NZ....sure those keepers out at the Wildlife park are keeping a close eye on them, must be really scary, not knowing which way the fire may go.

paula eagleholic said...

Eagle - Out

Eewwiiee - In

Mema Jo said...




Mema Jo said...




Mema Jo said...

Keep those updates coming, Mits. I really appreciate it.

Company is here (son) Will go visit a while. BBL

wvgal_dana said...

Looking at Dolly she sure is getting those pin feathers in.

paula eagleholic said...

That looks like the double banded eagle at BW

wvgal_dana said...

Dolly is preening herself; time to get the fluff out.

paula eagleholic said...




Don't feel bad Jo...I have done that too!! :0

paula eagleholic said...

Dolly is so cute - she is sort of in that "ugly duckling" phase...

wvgal_dana said...

Dolly is getting a "new hair do".

paula eagleholic said...

She sure is..she'll be soooo pretty!

wvgal_dana said...

Winds getting up again here. We might get another storm.

paula eagleholic said...

Check out this article on where to view eagles...

Bald is Beautiful

Mema Jo said...

That was a very well written article Paula. They even had the link to BW correct - Also read the previous week's article.

paula eagleholic said...

BTW - for those of you that do the tinyurl, I did my last post without that....I just put the webaddress where you would put the tinyurl, and it worked just the same...

NillaWafer said...

Afternoon Folks... News just said the San Diego Zoo is in danger of this fire now on Fox news... Looks like rain here again... BBL checking cams...

wvgal_dana said...

Thanks Paula read the article put it in my favorities. Might need it later. You know how I forget things.

Sure hope Nilla that someone reported that wrong on the zoo.

wvgal_dana said...

Nilla if you go back to comment 9:38am this morning that is where Mauley (Donna) is.

NillaWafer said...

Hi Dana they are showing pictures of the smoke taken by NASA from space... No Fox showed how close the fire is to the zoo also...I wonder if Anna could see anything from her plane ...

paula eagleholic said...

Nilla - they must be talking about the SD wild zoo park..that is closer to the fire than the SD zoo

NillaWafer said...

Paula they said it was the San Diego Zoo not the wild park they didnt mention that...Maybe they got it wrong.... I know Mits is watching that and leaving messages about it also... Those winds are whipping bad out there...

paula eagleholic said...

This is on their website, as of 1 hour ago...hmmmm

As of 1:15 p.m. October 23, the San Diego Zoo has not been impacted by the fires sweeping through San Diego County, but animal care staff will continue to monitor the situation and make modifications to ensure animal health and safety as necessary.

paula eagleholic said...

heading home...ttul

NillaWafer said...

Really does'nt matter as long as the animals are safe.. Maybe Fox just didnt say Wild Life Zoo..They did say the San Diego Zoo instead..

Bob Quinn said...

Hey everybody! Speaking of articles about BW there was a good one in Waterways magazine (a small publication put out by the Chesapeake Bay Maritime Museum) this past spring. I didn't realize they had a copy online. They used a few of my photos (including the cover). It's in PDF format so don't click if you're on dialup unless you're prepared for a very long download.

Waterway's Magazine

MITS said...

Nilla, my post was regarding the Wild Life Park, and Dana, Donna/ Mauley is at the Atlanta Zoo

MITS said...

Thanks, Bob;)

NillaWafer said...

Hi Bob great pictures i especially likes the one of the Osprey landing with wings out spread... beautiful... I like ink pictures of old boats like those they showed also....

MITS said...

Paula, thanks for that web-site, I didn't realize I had a place that close to DC, to watch eagles, although I have seen them on the Potomac in Alexandria VA

Bob Quinn said...

Mits - Mason Neck is wonderful (although not as good as BW) You do have to hit the trails for the best views. They also rent kayaks and canoes for some alternative perspectives of viewing.

Bob Quinn said...

Headed home. Will check in later.

MITS said...

thanks, Bob, BW is the best, visitor-friendly.

MITS said...

its almost 6:30p.m. and the cam still looks light???

MITS said...

I guess it is working.

wvgal_dana said...

Atlanta is what I mean't Mits thanks for for correcting my typing.

wvgal_dana said...

Looks like Dolly is getting fed.

MITS said...

ok cam is ok......going to leave the room now:).

paula eagleholic said...

Mits- It Didn't work tonight...just got on..no eagles so far...

NillaWafer said...

Ok anyone else lost the nest web cam picture and i cant get onto the site now to bring it back up?

paula eagleholic said...

Tesoro cam is stuck on Sunday...

And no pic here, either...

MITS said...

oh dear, must have pulled the plug when I left the room

MITS said...

yeah tesoro had troubles all weekend.

MITS said...


wvgal_dana said...

Mits plug our cam back in please

MITS said...

I'M TRYING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

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2/20/25 PM bird

1203 PM NN Scout comes to the nest with a load of bedding again. He seemed to leave with something in his talons. He has a beak full of bedd...