Thursday, May 12, 2011


I am headed up to NW Maine for the annual canoe trip.  Updates will be automated for the next week or so.

New thread.


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Kay said...

He's so like the proverbial pimple faced teenage boy at the prom--all clumsey and geeky.

JudyEddy said...

LYNN 2 is the one that made it up in that order I had post a video on FB and had put all the names there but not in that order she is the one that put in name order I think its cute tooooo

Lori O. said...


JudyEddy said...

YO YO Back

JudyEddy said...

he sure isn't graceful

JudyEddy said...


Lori O. said...


Kay said...

Oh, oh, now be nice to each other !

JudyEddy said...

HE want s HP or what was that

Lori O. said...


Lori O. said...

If that was his request for HP - she needs to smack him upside the head with a 6 foot wing!

JudyEddy said...

moving flugg in middle of nest both of them

JudyEddy said...

YEAH what was that move

Lori O. said...


JudyEddy said...


Lori O. said...


JudyEddy said...


Lori O. said...


Lori O. said...

OK = how long until he is back?

Lori O. said...

don't leave guys - I have to feed the cats. BBIAFM

Kay said...

Keep your eyes peeled today, gals. According to a woman on OC we missed a spectacular Snowy Egret visit to the nest yesterday. Stange, but no one else saw it and there are no pics to document it ?????

Lori O. said...

I'm so excited that's Pete's Pond is back online. I've never been able to get it at home and now I do! Thanks for the info, Jim.

JudyEddy said...

I'm in middle of uploading one of one of the short video I did Its the one with Truders strange move he did WINGEY thingey

Kay said...

Color, gLORIous color

JudyEddy said...

colors on nest

Lori O. said...

Kay, when to we leave for Hawaii? Wouldn't that be great. An EM annual meeting (LOL) in Hawaii?

Lori O. said...

COLOR in the nest. Gorgeous!

Lori O. said...

Judy, do you have to work today?

Lori O. said...

Kay, did you get your computer squared away?

JudyEddy said...

HMMM I wonder how the egret got missed by you all OH was that one that just landed LOL HA just kidding

JudyEddy said...

YEP I work 7 to 4

Kay said...

Friday when Malcolm and I picked Seth up after school, the students were filing out of the stadium. They'd been watching the annual Junior vs. Senior Girls Football Game. I asked who won and what the score was. He had no idea , but was all excited over seeing a Blue Heron swoop down over the field toward the river that runs right by it. I live a block off that river, 2 miles north of the H.S.. Haven't had any unusual bird sightings, but did see three deer bounding across my front yard yesterday.

JudyEddy said...

I like Sundays I get time and a half I was grandfather in on it they changed the rules in 1990 right after I was hired so I don't mind working on Sun Until this past months others only got a dollar prem pay for Sun and now they took that away alsoGETTING CHEAP I SAY

Lori O. said...

PA LINDA must be sneaking around my garden. Her avatar always changes to the next clematis to bloom for me - except hers appear 2 days before mine open! Go figure. I forget the name of the pink one up now, but it's a beauty and going crazy this year.

Lori O. said...

Kay, how cool that Seth is a bird lover and even cooler, that you're such a great grandma and take Malcolm with you to pick him up!

Lori O. said...

JUDY - so many companies are doing things like that. Was so happy when I saw FORBES put out a WORST companies to work for list!

JudyEddy said...

video is posted on facebook now

Kay said...

Thumbs up on the trip to Hawaii, Lori !

Yes, I ran Norton and they found 27 cookies to get rid of. Mahlware found nothing malicious. Decided to defragment, but was "told" it wasn't necessary at this time. So far, so good today. I'm going to delete cookies every day now !

Lori O. said...

MARGY should be chiming in any time.

Hello MEGAN if you're lurking.

Kay said...

LOL on the egret landing, Judy ! Keep an eye on the OC. She may see a pink elephant next !

Lori O. said...

IE will do that automatically.

Go to the top of your screen and click on TOOLS.

Click INTERNET OPTIONS at the bottom of the menu.

Click on the ADVANCED TAB

Scroll to the bottom of the Advanced Opt. menu and check the box that says EMTPY TEMPORARY INTERNET FILES WHEN BROWSER IS CLOSED.

CLICK the APPLY at the bottom to save the change.

Lori O. said...

Must admit I've always heard of the Evelyn Wood Speed Reading method, but think I like Judie's method better. :)

Lori O. said...

LYNNE, so happy to hear that Dr Baker is on her way to recovery and they found the problem. Cat Scratch Fever was the first thing I thought of, you too I'm sure, and they just found it? Makes you wonder.

Lori O. said...

The POWER of Prayer really moves on this blog. Post a list and days later everyone is better and no more Prayer Requests! AMEN Sistas!!

Kay said...

Lori, I went there and that option was already checked. Wonder why it isn't working properly ??????

Lori O. said...

Was it just me or did I really see a PENGUIN and a RHINOCEROS in the nest? OMStars!

JudyEddy said...

I saw it but didn't get a pic :LOL

JudyEddy said...

did a video but didn't pick up on it WE better be good or be good and being bad LOL

JudyEddy said...

yesterday I saw a robin chase a big black bird in my yard looked so funny

Lori O. said...

We've got a lot of rain headed our way this week. OH - reminds me Early Bird friends, I will be in Orlando W-Fr mornings so you may not see me much.

JudyEddy said...

WELL I better get my butt in gear

Kay said...

Oops, no pink elephant---I saw a Flamingo !

Lori O. said...

Kay, sometimes those sites you give permission to will put whatever is it that is stronger than a cookie - so it remembers you. If it's cookie names you don't recognize you can delete them manually.

Lori O. said...


Lori O. said...

didn't even see that one coming.

Kay said...

Good grief, I just got waxed yesterday--I'll pass it on if anyone wants it. Be sure you have Lanacane on hand for immediate application after waxing !!!

Lori O. said...

Forgive my fragmented sentences, Kay. :)

Lori O. said...

LOLLY's Wild Seed Farm sounds like a place I could spend the whole day wondering around in. Should we have the EM Second Annual Yearly Meeting there in 2012?

Lori O. said...

Judy, you still there?

JudyEddy said...

headin out the door at 640

Kay said...

Two places I go to regularly are my main suspects. and Can't think of any other possibilites. I'll keep an eye on it. Thanks, Lori. I depended heavily on Stan for troubleshooting. After almost four years you'd thing I'd have figured all this out. :(

Lori O. said...

Can't wait to see what avatar PA LINDA puts up today so I will know what's going to bloom in my garden while I'm gone.

Lori O. said...

6:39 have a great and safe day JUDY.

DanaMo said...

Good morning Lori, Kay and JudyE!

Lori O. said...

Good Morning Dana, Steve, Boomer, Javalin and I know it's not hurdles but what's the third name?

Kay said...

I'll forgive your fragmented sentences if you'll forgive my fragmented frownie thing, Lori !

Lori O. said...

OOOPs - Steve is Lynne's husband. Sorry.

Obviously I need to spend more time on

Kay said...

Good morning to you, Dana ! Is everything just ducky in your neck of the woods today ?

DanaMo said...

Lori you are too funny. It's Frisbee. And how is Flobear (did I get it right, I get so confused)not howling I hope.

DanaMo said...

No ducks this morning although I saw a pair in the neighbors yard yesterday. Do you know they are still landing in the pool even with the solar cover on? I think that's just weird.

Kay said...

Lori said...
Can't wait to see what avatar PA LINDA puts up today so I will know what's going to bloom in my garden while I'm gone.

Sunday, May 15, 2011 6:39:00 AM

While you're gone ? Hope that only means to work or to some exotic vacation spot !

DanaMo said...

All your flower talk makes me feel inadequate. I don't even know whats growing outside at my house! I have beautiful Peonas.

DanaMo said...

And a very fragrant miniature lilac bush...

Kay said...

I'm at a loss when it comes to plant identification, too, Dana. I can't name most of the plants and trees around this condo community. Didn't buy or plant them and even if I had it's no guarantee I'd remember the names ! My own daughter wrote the book, "Wetland Plants, Biology and Ecology". Reckon I should have her go over the property with me and then record the findings with pics, etc. I feel so dumb when someone asks, "what's that plant?" !!!

Lori O. said...

Sorry DANA - Frisbee. Got it. FB/FloBear (not the author of Madam B, or FaceBook) is still sleeping.

KAY, I'll be working in Orlando Tues-Fr so may miss Early Birds W-Fr.

Kay said...

Wow ! I should know, I'm sure, but what's happening in Orlando this week ? Are Minnie and Micky up to something ?

Lori O. said...

Plants and flowers are just something you learn by doing, just like everything else.

Lori O. said...

Gosh, my heart breaks for the people in Mississippi and Louisiana. Can you imagine knowing your home and farm is going to be under 20+ feet of water? Thank heavens they've got some warning but that has got to be unbelievable.

Kay said...

I guess what I've learned the most about, by doing, is forgetting !;o)

Kay said...

I know, Lori, those folks just keep getting slammed by one thing after another, starting with Katrina !

DanaMo said...

Could have used that wax you got Kay, eyebrows need to be done! LOL

I guess as with all things you do learn by doing and when I pick plants I generally pick things I know or have had success with in my yard. My back yard is hot, hot, hot in the summer. Full sun all day. The front is shaded by the house most of the day.

Well I think I will enjoy the last of my coffee out on the deck, under the awning listening to the rain, with Boomer at my feet. Have a great day everyone!

You know...I wish there was a bell or something that would ring when the eagles land in the nest. Then I would feel so bad when I walk away. LOL! Maybe Steve could arrange that! LOL! Bye for now.

Lori O. said...

The Army Corps of Engineers seems to have a handle on keeping human life safe. Saw a report on Wildlife Rangers trying to keep track of where all the animals were going and how they were keeping safe. I sure hope the raccoon stranded on the tree top can swim well and makes it to land.

Lori O. said...

LOL Dana! Have a great day. Extra biscuits for the furry trio.

Kay said...

HAGO, Dana !

It's that time when I like to head for the newspapers if Belle and/or Truder aren't entertaining. I have to think there are some folks in LM who will come to the fore.

So, going into LM myself as I wish you all a gLORIous and blessed Sunday !

I♥U, Lori !

Lori O. said...

A big hug, KAY, you lurker, you!

Mema Jo said...

How about that - I come earlier then usual and for more then an
hour no one has been tending the blog... scare me into thinking that
the Blogger Cop is around

Good Morning - I 'll be off line for a few hours
I will copy and paste...
Could someone tell Mr Sun it's ol
to come on out!

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

Lurking here. While watching The King's Speech.

The nest is beautiful this morning. Right now, it is empty.

hedgie said...

Morning all. Sky has lightened here, and there is hope for a bit of sun before be followed by storms! Never went into the 40's last night here, Lori! Only down to 60°!
Aha---and there's the SUN!

I don't know plants/flowers well at all, Kay! Gee---maybe I could get a copy of your daughter's book---and have it autographed! That is something that will surely interest Margy!

I scared a turkey hen this morning when I went out to get the papers....but instead of running away, she flew! Unusual!

stronghunter said...

Finished the movie. It was much more inspirational than The Black Swan.

hedgie said...

Lori, are you and Lou taking the show on the road, so to speak??? Or are you covering something special?

I have a very hard time grasping how the government gets away with these intentional floodings......I certainly hope that they are re-compensing the residents and business people IN FULL and for years to come for their losses. Some of these people are losing family farms that have been in operation for generations, and beautiful old antebellum homes......just unfathomable to me. :(

Lori O. said...

Morning LYNN! I forgot to comment the other day about your encourter with the pileated WP. That must have scared the doo-doo out of you!!! They're sooo big, and you were only expecting something little. It must have been hysterical. Oh, to be a fly on the wall.

Yes - doing remote from Disney down there. Was there working from Waldorf Astoria in January and that was fabulous!

stronghunter said...

An awful situation, Lynn.

hedgie said...

Not sure what this means but Wildlife Center of Virginia posted this on FB:

Re-post from yesterday for those who are having trouble: WVEC is working on looking into the cam issues -- we're not sure what's going on, but they say this: to help resolve this, we ask people having problems to run a trace route and send the results back to us at Here's what they need to run from a command prompt: tracert . Google has some helpful step-by-step instructions.

I haven't looked at the cam in a couple of days---anyone having trouble?

glo said...

Good morning everyone. Rainy and cold here again too. I feel so bad for folks losing their homes and land to intentional flooding. We solve one problem and create another. I guess its the best of 2 evils but its tremendous awful to hear about. That helpless feeling again. I hate that feeling.

I will be checking in each morning and most likely each evening this week unless we get a new thread. Will save Blog space for others to chat or Nest Happenings. Maybe we will get that auto thread set up come Monday but its not looking too good :-(. Have a nice day folks.

hedgie said...

Lots of ugly mushrooms and toadstools sprouting everywhere. Funny watching the squirrels eat them! Just hoping that my new mulch is not infected with the dog-vomit fungus (sorry, that IS what it's called and exactly what it looks like!).

Time for me to shut down and finish getting ready to get out of here! See you this evening. Hope everyone has a good day!

magpie said...

G☺☺d Morning Eagle Pals....
just getting caught up on daily life here after a long work week

Goshawks in Scotland seem to be doing well


and I think there could be some hatches at the kestrel cam but things are pretty hard to see in that dark nest box unless Mom is not there

American Kestrel Cam, Nebraska

magpie said...

And Best Wishes to Hedgie on the first anniversary celebration for Animal Advocates
Good Work, Hedgie..Bravo !

Prayers for the so many affected by the flooding in the South...
and for all our many many needs

I'm going to lie low on posting also...
Lori: best wishes on your work trip to Orlando

Endeavor Shuttle Launch looking good for Monday morning...
I'll be at the car mechanics at that time :(
possible water leak and wheel problems

Best Wishes for a Good Day, to Each and Every One

ttfn xoxo ♥

magpie said...

Don't be invisible...
I missed your Greetings for a Blessed Sunday!
I had internet problems earlier, maybe you did too...
We Need You Here !!! (( Hugs ♥ )
and I love that avatar of Dustin and Jayden...
L♥ve to you, the Captain and GG

paula eagleholic said...

Home again, home again, jiggity jig!

Morning, all!

Going to go play in the mulch while it's nice and pretty outside!

Judie said...

Good morning everyone.

Overcast here and supposed to rain on the GW commencement. Not going.

NBG: WCR cam is unavailable - gives an error message. Have tried this morning. Looked yesterday. All three eaglets were there.

Lori, hope you have fun in FL.

Have The King's Speech on my to do list this summer. How many days, Shirley? Do the students know?

Enjoy the day, Jo.

Headed across the hall to my reading chair. Well, the chair doesn't read but I read while sitting in the chair.

Have a nice morning.

paula eagleholic said...

I was watching NBG yesterday...just pulled the cam up OK...that message was posted yesterday as well.

Lolly said...

Good morning! Shhhhh! Playing hooky from church this morning. Jack and I both slept late this morning. Guess yesterday was exhausting! Going to get the trailer and start loading. Yea!

Morning crew.....I laughed out loud reading your posts.

My clematis is just about to stop blooming. It did very well this year. It is a deep pink, so pretty. Also, have another clematis that blooms later, but it is hardly noticeable, tiny and white.

51 here this! Going to be a beautiful day! I will just rejoice and praise as I load the trailer.

Lolly said...

I got NBG up with no problem.

Lolly said...

Need to go to fb to see Judy's video of the nest visit. Sounds like Truder was up to no good this morn, being his clumsy self!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Good morning. Prayer request for T-Bird. Mental health issues and probably will be hospitalized today. Will keep you posted. Love you all.

stronghunter said...

20 days, Judie.

I don't think kids know, but teachers do, so it won't be long.

The student who works in the office knows, if she was paying attention the other day when it got mentioned in her presence. But she may not share everything she knows. She has been among staff for awhile.

magpie said...

All Right, Sharon
Momsters are on it !
(( hugs and Love ♥ )) to T-Bird, and you.....

stronghunter said...

Got a laugh out of morning posts, too. They are seeing things.

Prayers for T-Bird, Sharon. Please keep us posted.

stronghunter said...

Office worker kid is one of my students. A very sweet girl.

magpie said...

Happy Trails Lolly and Jack

I have a reading bed, Judie
I need a reading chair

Thank you for bringing us into the prayer early today, many daytime hours to send prayers skyward
I am sorry to hear that dear T-Bird is having a tough time

stronghunter said...

Kids were asking me when I was undecided, but they have not said anything lately.

JudyEddy said...

Home for lunch no new thread bummer huh I keep hearing a clunking on cam box

JudyEddy said...

I mentioned that I was woke up with storm this am well on the way to work and on the way home for lunch there is soooo much greenery all over the roads branches and leaves was some powerful winds I guess and off course Sunday the street sweeper doesn't work He'll have his job cut out for him tomorrow I guess I guess we had no unexpected company so far today no Pelicans or Flamingo ha ha I wonder what they are smokin LOL Ok gonna go heat up my coffee

Lolly said...

Prayers and (((Hugs))) for Thelma! Keep us posted, Sharon.

Watched the video of this morning's visit. Interesting tail action on Truder's part.

Yes, there were, according to the morning crew, all kinds of interesting visits to the nest this morning. And, like on OC no pictures. Interesting!

Time to get busy! Will be peeking in later!

Have a great day!

JudyEddy said...

Yeah what was that with his tail and wings was that asking for HP maybe odd

JudyEddy said...

Hey I have seen the mocking bird do the tail thing just isn't as obvious as his big tail I think

JudyEddy said...

shake your tail feathers that use to be in a song from years ago Maybe he has the song stuck in his head

Kay said...

Lori, just read back over some of our morning chatter. Big slap on the head, Duh !, I just got the FloBear, Madame B reference. LOL

Like many of you I'm astounded by the governmental decision in the Louisiana/Mississpi flooding. I can only guess that far more people would be displaced in urban areas if this were not done. Imagine the heavy weight for the decision makers as they realize they are wiping out years of blood, sweat and tears by those being flooded out. I couldn't sleep at night if it were me.

Lynn, I don't know how relevent Julie's book would be, but I do hope you'll meet her when you come to town ! Note, I said when, not if !

Paula, was the breakfast yummy ?

Sharon, Thelma is in my prayers. The prospect of moving is sometimes an emotional and daunting thing. :(

Checked in midday just in case our beauties decided to visit again, but back to LM now. BBL

Judie said...

Thelma is in my thoughts and hoping she will improve quickly.

Judie said...

K.C. and The Sunshine Band -- Shake Your Booty.

Judie said...

Lolly, sure hope you and Gene have a nice trip. Don't forget to send a card to Wanda and Jack.

Judie said...

I have a reading bed, also. Magical furniture.

Paula, how are the grandbabies? How was breakfast? How are you?

magpie said...

JudyE -
awesome new pictures for the E-M album but they went into the April album, not the May album....

Judie said...

Shirley, wonder if the students know but don't know what to say?

magpie said...

and I love post cards from traveling Momsters and Dadsters, Lolly and Jack ☺

magpie said...

probably because they are heartbroken, and speechless for a change, Judie...don't you think?
I know I would be...
speechless, not exactly in my vocabulary either

heading out,
Take care everyone, Love to you, All xoxo ♥

magpie said...

Oh Judie, I just caught your funny!
about Wanda and Jack and Lolly and Gene...LOL !

ok bye

paula eagleholic said...

I had to read Judie's funny twice...knew there was something in there ☺

Breakfast was yummy, Nugz is still doing good...he was whooped from following me and the gkids around yesterday ☺

paula eagleholic said...

Got my swing garden all mulched and one hanging basket done. Going to do the other basket then work on some more weeding and mulching.

Cloudy and humid, but no rain at present ☺

paula eagleholic said...

CT osprey cam is back on!

paula eagleholic said...

I think the CT osprey are expected to start hatching early this week.

stronghunter said...

My students are rarely at a loss for words--unless I am asking about school things.

magpie said...

Great, about Nugz, Paula...
sounds like a fun week-end for you...
I am trading some live plants for some empty hanging baskets this week with an old pal...
the way to a man's heart is through live garden plants ??
food has not worked so far

okay, really leaving now
xoxo ☺
Carrying Thelma in my heart on my travels...

paula eagleholic said...

Oh my, missed the post about Tbird. Sharon, please let Tbird know we are thinking about her. Keep us posted.

(((Hugs for Tbird)))

paula eagleholic said...

No posts in 2 hours? Really?

stronghunter said...

Gotta sign in first.

stronghunter said...

My new avatar is the orchid Rus brought me for Mother's Day.

stronghunter said...

Paula, I think everyone is enjoying the outdoors today. But we are about to get rain here.

stronghunter said...

Settling in to grade some papers.

Lynne2 said...

Hi all! Yeah Shirley, I see on the radar there is rain coming for many of us.

Well, I must say, my pain level by 2am was so bad that I almost had Steve take me to the ER. Today, it's better (and I've been back on the Aleve) but not great. Something is going on. It's not like I even strained myself doing anything yesterday.

Meanwhile, I've been hearing the Oriole for the last few day singing like crazy and I'm hoping we'll find a nest!!

JudyEddy said...

ShakeYourTaleFeathers Tina Turner and was also on the BluesBrothers
But I like shake your booty also

Lori O. said...

Beautiful orchid avatar Shirley.

Getting dark & cloudy here too. I was shocked to see it sunny here today, but that's about to come to an end.

Caught up on the blog now.

SHARON - Praying for
T-Bird/THELMA. Please let her know.

Is there anything you & Thelma need?
Do you need help with Buddy? My email is on my blog page if you or Thelma need anything.

paula eagleholic said...

Thunder and showers here now...break time!

paula eagleholic said...

Yup, Shirley, and that's a good thing!

paula eagleholic said...

Oh boy we are getting it now...thanks Mother Nature for holding off most of the day!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Hello everybody. I am back home. They admitted T -Bird. I will call her psychiatrist in the morning and hopefully get her transferred to a facility he works at.

Lori O. said...

SHARON, Thank you for the update on T-Bird/Thelma. Prayers for both of you. ((BIG HUG))

JudyEddy said...

Didn't know that this was out there and didn't know if you all had seen it NBG Eagles taken from nest

Linda said...

Good Afternoon!

Working on another 4 hour course today. This one is much better than yesterday’s!!

Lori – LOL about the flower choices!! Glad I’m influencing what blooms next in your yard!!

A flamingo in the nest today? Hmmmm Are you just thinking of Flroida, Lori!!

Lolly - You sound like a kid - all excited to take your trip! That's great!!

Judie - Still loving that humor if yours!!

Sharon – Keeping Thelma in my prayers.

Paula – Glad you enjoyed the grandkids and Nugz continues to be doing okay!

Lynne – So sorry to hear you’re in so much pain. Could it be that you will need another day or so to get the levels of naproxen back to where they need to be before you see some relief? Do you have any pain killers that would help in the mean time? Praying for your pain to ease quickly ♥♥♥

Shirley – Beautiful Orchid!! I used to have lots of orchids in FL, but we gave a bunch to our neighbor when we moved north. Didn’t figure they’d do to well up in PA!

We’re having a rainy day here, too!

JudyEddy said...

must be raining at nest I hear sound like rain hitting can't see it just hear it LM BBL

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Thanks everybody for the prayers and hugs. You all know I am all about some hugs.

Lolly said...

Oh, I always like to GO!!! Have not traveled since Fall when we did New England, east coast and WV.
Jack did some work on the trailer and he wanted to check it out before we head to Colorado next month. That trip will be here before we know it!

Sharon, so sorry that Thelma is having a hard time. Keeping her in prayer!

Okay, Guys, I am sick to my stomach. Talked with my sister who has just been in Minnasota and now heading to Wis. She said it is in the news there about a bounty for Lily. (or Hope) I checked it out by googling "bounty Lily Bear. It came up with a facebook page. Jack and I both checked it out and as Jack said, it was full of Macho Man Bull S__t!
There are so many STUPID, DUMB people in this world. Just turns my stomach.

Lolly said...

Minnesota....knew that looked funny!

stronghunter said...

Wow, Lolly. I found that page. Sad.

stronghunter said...

Lily Bounty

hedgie said...

Good evening. I am home. I am beat!

Sharon, know that you will give Thelma all our love and hugs, and you know that Momster prayers are at work.

Rain held off until a powerful downpour around 2:30....wind was crazy....but once it stopped raining, that breeze made it feel SO much less humid. We had a good afternoon. Not the turnout I was hoping for, but everyone else said it was excellent for our first time out. Maybe I'm to sensitive since I'm the one who sent SO many invitations!

hedgie said...

Gee, Margy, empty pots for flowers seems kind of uneven, unless those pots are something really special!!

Lynne, sorry you are hurting, but glad it's not as bad as last night.

Lolly, hope you have an excellent trip!

Judie, you are at it again----ROFL. Always trying to mix up our two traveling couples!! It's been so long since Wanda and Gene took an RV trip, I bet they are wishing they could!

Lolly said...

Trailer is almost packed with food and clothing for the week. Take Annie to camp tomorrow morning as we head out. Just need to water outdoor pots and we are ready to go. Got me a book to read as well as my Kindle, plus a bottle of wine. Life is good! (Except for IDIOT bear hunters!)

Lolly said...

Shhhh, to not tell Wanda. She will get mad that I am off with Gene! But, gee, she gets Jack!

hedgie said...

Pouring here now.

Shirley, love your orchid! Carolyn got one, too. I wouldn't even begin to know how to take care of one!

stronghunter said...

I figured I had better take a picture while it is still pretty.

stronghunter said...

Thanks, Lynn. I think it is pretty, too.

stronghunter said...

Okay, Flash has gone mashugana again. Running around the house barking and carrying on like has lost it.

Linda said...

Shirley - They love bark and charcoal and perlite for planting material. They like it humid, but don't need a lot of water. It seemed the more I ignored mine the better they did. The bark holds the water well for days! If it isn't humid where you have it, use a spray bottle of water and mist it from time to time!

Mine probably did so good in South FL because I hung them from the big shade trees and it was always humid!!

hedgie said...

Well, that Lily bounty page makes me sick. I reported the page......did the rest of you?????

Linda said...

Lynn - Glad the Open House went well. Sorry the turn out wasn't as well as you had hoped. I'm sure you put a lot of effort into it!

stronghunter said...

I need to get a spray bottle to mist it. Meanwhile, I let the hydrangea Kathryn and Hunter gave me get too dry. Kathryn watered it and put it in the window for some light. I had not ignored it, but it looked sad.

stronghunter said...

Do you think reporting it will help?

hedgie said...

Linda, glad your course today was easier!!!

stronghunter said...

Yeah, Linda, thank goodness for an easier course.

stronghunter said...

Yeah, Linda, thank goodness for an easier course.

stronghunter said...

Double thanks!!

hedgie said...

I don't know if it will help or not, Shirley, but it sure can't hurt.

Lori O. said...

If you're sick of the rain and clouds, check out the West End Nest on Catalina! Nice and sunny and the youngest eaglet is hysterically trying to wingercize but keeeps tipping over head first - BONK!

West End Eaglets Sunny Catalina

JudyEddy said...

Colonel Adam Boomerang the Yo Yo Truder present

JudyEddy said...

poof already

JudyEddy said...

I got a pic of the yo yo

JudyEddy said...

i saw him floy under nest

Lori O. said...

After hearing that Bounty for Lily story, OMG what is wrong with people? I had to refresh with a happy thought of eaglets at WCV and WE.

Going to FB Bounty Page to report it! Great detective work LOLLY & JACK!

JudyEddy said...

wow on the news they said another bounce house in Az that got picked up by the wind no one heard there is a video I will see if I can find

Linda said...

Shirley - You can always hang it in your bathroom and it will enjoy the humidity from the shower until you get your mist bottle!!

movin said...

Got sidetracked several times, and am just getting to the webcams.


Hope you are all
having a great day.


C(°ٿ°)D Jim

paula eagleholic said...

I reported that page too.

Glad the rain came when it did...kept me from overdoing it!

Cooled off here now...been doing a bit of laundry and picking up and watching a show or two.

Lori O. said...

Paula, good for you getting some relaxation AND laundry done.

Give Nugz some scratches from me, and an extra biscuit, please. ♥

stronghunter said...

Sensible Comments

This is one of the links on the Facebook page in my previous link. Interesting and sensible article.

Costume Lady said...

Do you suppose the FB page about a Bounty on Lily is for real or some idiot trying to rile up Lily fans?
Makes me sick to my stomach too.

Lori O. said...

Heading off to bed shortly but wanted to give SHARON another ((BIG HUG)).

Sharon, can we send flowers or cards to THELMA?

Maybe it would cheer her up to know we're all pulling for her and praying for her. Glad Buddy has you, too.

Costume Lady said...

Feel so bad for Thelma...seems like there has to be something we can do to make her feel better. If it's her job that has her upset, she should feel better shortly...being away from it!

Thanks to you, Sharon, for letting us know of her hospitalization and for being there for her♥

Costume Lady said...

Lolly, do you recognize my avatar?
First bloom is a rich yellow and I can't wait to plant them with my purple ones! Thank You!♥

stronghunter said...

More Stuff About the Lily Controversy

It seems they have stirred up quite a controversy. Very interesting comments.

Someone is claiming the whole page is a joke.

stronghunter said...

I think you might be right, Wanda. They are trying to get a rise out of Lily fans.

I like the comments from the teacher whose students have been watching Lily.

stronghunter said...

Love the avatar, Wanda.

Yes, can we send flowers or some other gift to Thelma?

JudyEddy said...

I put a picture on the momster album and I got it in the right one this time I had bookmarked the album and not the main page so I just redid it
I was also trying to edit the title to put the time of day besides the date and realized that when you do that it just puts on end on the album so now out of order OOPS
Gonna get a shower I want to see if they will show up I can't believe he was in not even a minute good name for him Minute Man LMLM

Judie said...

Back for an early evening visit.

Yes, I believe the bounty on Lily is for real. Some SOB will see that as an ego trip. The same can be said now for Hope and Faith. So sad and maddening how some individuals are so in need of attention -- even negative attention is better than no attention.

Shirley, lovely orchid. Hoping it will last for a long time. Humidity is a good thing. Also, I suspect the students are speechless due to fear -- contemplating the unknown replacement is a powerful silencer.

Sharon, continued prayers and positive thoughts for T-Bird.

Paula, glad you got so much accomplished today with the yard. Give Nugz and extra hug, please.

Wanda, be sure to write out the instructions for Jack so he can help with the soup kitchen.

Lolly, don't worry about cooking. Gene is an expert.

Linda said...

Well I finished today's course.....took the online exam.....and got a 100%!!

WhooHoo!! Much better feeling than yesterday's nightmare course, that is for sure!!

I think I'll go take an early shower and see what is on TV! Will check back in a bit later!

Night Lori.....Sleep well!! God Bless You ♥♥♥

Judie said...

Had a brief rain storm here. A little thunder and a bit of lightning. Quiet now.

Speaking of quiet, I am going to set the night light for automatic at 11:00pm. May or may not return for evening comments. Been feeling crummy all day. Seems I have a cold. I am NOT happy. So, I may just end up beating the sandperson to sleep tonight.

In advance, pleasant dreams and restful sleep for all.

Lolly said...

How do you report that facebook page? Looked and could not find anything?

magpie said...

Has Anyone seen the nearly full Moon? It has snuck up on us with all the cloudy nights...
"Goes Full" at 7:09 Tuesday morning, might as well say it will look Full Monday night...
Hope there is time for Megan to slip us the Full Moon Name for this month..

magpie said...

had a peek at that gorgeous nest just before the color went night-night

Hello Eagle Pals..see there is some catching up for me to do

xoxo ♥

magpie said...

lots of fog and mist you can tell, on the live feed....quite spectacular

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