Tuesday, May 10, 2011


New thread.

Three new articles on this year's story:



and here.


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magpie said...

Well thank you Steve and Good Morning
will check out those stories
and let the others know you have brought the new thread up
Hope you have a good day !

glo said...

LOL no pudding and no ding dongs either. Just think about when you might hear a ding at your house. I often hear it at suppertime :-). Its already hot and humid. Can't take Dex with me so going to do local errand first for a quick ride for him and then off to the ding a ling store :-)

Lynne2 said...

Megan, you are getting a Poop Shoot Facial. Margy, you are getting the Fishycure!

Lynne2 said...

Glo, you really have had some extreme weather...but that's what SPRING is all about!

I just put a picture from this morning of the baby bluebirds on my Bluebird nest bog post, and the baby toad Steve found Sunday in Misc Nature. (they are at the end of the posts)

I need to head to work, but no babysitting tonight :(

Hope everyone has a good day!

Lynne2 said...

oh geez, no work today...Dr Baker is going to the hospital. Please say some prayers for her that they find out what the heck is going on and can fix it. She is being admitted for more testing. So I may be babysitting after all this evening. I'm so worried about her....

Mema Jo said...

Good Morning - I am waiting for daughter to arrive - I also need to go and look at the articles Steve has posted.


hedgie said...

Lynne---closest thing I found the other day when I was first trying to ID the bird is a Kirkland's Warbler....I think this one this morning was the same bird.

paula eagleholic said...

Good morning!

Looks like the links are the same story we have read...just being carried on other websites now.

Nugz gets to come home today :)

paula eagleholic said...

Lynne, hope your Doc is OK.

Lynne2 said...

Kirkland Warblers are RARE and don't typically live in these parts. But it did kinda look like it! Like I said, Warblers are tough to ID.

Lolly said...

Good morning! Been watching the flugg thief!

Lynne, certainly, prayers for Dr. Baker. What is the problem? I think you told us, but I have forgotten.

Going out in a little while to water pots before we head to Denton. Chance of storms this week, starting this evening. Would be nice to have more rain. Michael and Ashley were in Memphis this weekend. Michael said the mighty Mississippi was really something. Saw it from the air.

Lolly said...

Yea, Paula! Glad Nugz is coming home.

Yes, saw where all the articles were the same story. Read other interesting stories about the snake and the cat. Glad they found the kitty! And, a six foot snake would definitely break up a memorial service.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Paula, give Nugz lots of Hugz from me, would ya?

hedgie said...

Oh, Lynne, prayers for your friend....such a shame that a young mother has to go through all this.

Margy, articles are all the same as the one I posted, except last one is just a short blurb.

hedgie said...

Some mulching finished....guys are off to get more.

Lynne2 said...

it started with a cat bite down to her nerve in her right hand. Problems with extreme pain, numbness in hand. Since then she has developed pain elsewhere, numbness in her leg, sometimes needing a cane to walk. Sporadic blurry vision. General unwell feeling. She has seen 15 different Drs including all kinds of specialists, and all anyone can tell her is "none of this makes sense". And she just keeps getting worse. She is only 33 years old, and has a husband who is also a vet and they own the practice. They have 2 small girls, one almost 4 and the other just 16 months younger. They own a small farm in PA that they are trying to get ready to sell so they can move closer to the practice. On top of all of that, her dog that she's had since college has cancer that has responded well to chemo, but she has taken a bad turn for the worse in the last 3 days, and has likely reached the end of a quality life. So on top of all of the physical problems, she is under a tremendous amount of stress. It's just not good....

Costume Lady said...


Before I forget...*MORNINGLORI*, my avatar is of Azalea bushes in front of my house...won't grow anywhere else on my property?? We have 2 types of soil, Limestone and Shale. I think the azaleas are growing in shale...not sure.

BIRDFRIENDLY COFFEE can be ordered on the internet. $11.95 12oz.+50¢ for grinding+$8.00 shipping=$20.45 for 12oz of cofee!

I think GLO was trying to tell us that she is buying a Microwave Dinner for her evening meal:) DING!

Lynne2 said...

her mom, Gail, is one of my closets friends, and as you can imagine since most of you are mothers, this is taking a tremendous toll on her, too.

movin said...


Good Morning,



C(°ٿ°)D Jim

Lynne2 said...

Wanda, you have mail!

Hi Jim in Sunny CA!

paula eagleholic said...

Lynne, keeping your Doc in my thoughts and prayers...she is way too young to have all those issues! When it rains, it pours.

magpie said...

do you think the chirping nest--visiting bird could be a female Baltimore Oriole?
I see some resemblance to the Kirtland Warber, cannot check bird songs from here, but some of the morning warblings sounds like an oriole

paula eagleholic said...

Sharon, I'll give Nugz lots of hugz and kisses ♥

Lolly said...

Good morning, Jim!

Cat bites are not good! She is so young and has so much good going for her..her practice, her hubby, her two girls. Prayers that the doctors can help her and prayers to help her through this rough time.

I am off to eat breakfast and water pots.


Lynne2 said...

two JUST hatched phoebe babies at Irvine!

Phoebe Cam at Irvine

and I mean JUST...they were all eggs 5 minutes ago!!!

magpie said...

okay I'll check back later on and hope to find that everyone is doing well

and that Nugz is back home
and feeling pretty chipper

Mema Jo said...

Lynne - that has to be so frustrating for you Dr friend not knowing what is causing her ailment
Prayers for her and family.

Daughter is here so I'll be in and out throughout the day.


JudyEddy said...

Home for lunch really hot out today I'm not looking forward to summer if its this hot now, we are suppose to have a back door cold front come in Where or where is it??? BBL

JudyEddy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Costume Lady said...

JudyE, how close are you to DeSota Beach?

floralgirl said...

I saw an oriole in the nest , I think it was last week. They like sycamore trees, and there are a lot of orioles on the nctc property. They have such a beautiful song.

JudyEddy said...

A hop skip and a jump to Ft Desoto No just kidding about 15 to 18 miles if that soooo close that is where Luna the baby eagle that died a couple of weeks ago

wvgal_dana said...

MEGAN If your still here should my cardinal vine still be all brown????

Costume Lady said...

GG has Sycamore trees...and Orioles, but they are seldom seen.
All I ever see is a FLASH of orange darting through the trees. Yes, their song is pretty:)

JudyEddy said...

I read the first article that STEVE posted neat Sounds like from that one that may be hope for LIB

wvgal_dana said...

Howdy there friends and special peoples.

Been on awhile and doing other things here too.

PA-Lynn (Linda) My daughter lived in Boca Raton
and when we downsized from our house to this
doublewide think is was 2006. We rented a I think
27footer Motor Home took 3 dogs and 1 cat with us.
Took off for Boca Raton. My hubby Ed woked up one
morning yelling who is stealing our RV???
He got to the front found me driving. He said
how did you learn to drive this thing. I said,
"Honey I drove through Jacksonville with you
asleep and those nuts drive 80 and 90 mph. His
eyes got big cause he knows I would have kept
up with traffic and that thing being BIG..He
said I'm going back to bed. Don't tell me no
more". lol lol Loved Boca Raton !!!!

Lynn-Hedgie sorry about Sandi. I know what it is
like wanting to get pregrant. All the different
things drs. and me tried. My prayers are with

Andy prayers for your eyes so you can get the
work done you need too. Glad dr. is happy with
hubby knee.

Thanks Margy couldn't figure out why I wasn't
getting to watch the Goshawks.

I am watching Deb's Portland Redtail hawks 3 babies

Thanks Hedgie-Lynn for the Journal Story.

Lynne2 prayers for Dr. Baker her friends and her family and for you to Lynne2.

Just got finished putting up my Hummeringbird feeder.COME AND GET IT !!!!! ( :

wvgal_dana said...

not a link

Sending HUGS and Love and pats and muches and rubs and treats when he can have them and more HUGS to Paula and Nugz. I am continuing my prayers for you both.

floralgirl said...

Dana, cardinal climber is an annual vine, you have to plant it every year.

Costume Lady said...

JudyE, my hubby got some kind of poison while wadeing in those waters. He doesn't remember being stung, but later that night, as we were driving toward New Orleans, his feet and ankles swelled to twice their size???

JudyEddy said...

Another gator story COP VERSES GATOR Gartor always looses Off to work I go

JudyEddy said...

CL Probably a horse shoe crab or sting ray or jelly fish I don't like the beach at all to sandy and salty and don't like the fact of all the critters I'm a big woosey BBL off I go

JudyEddy said...

Really quick I was so bored no eagles this am I took a short video of the cutest little brown chested bird at the nest Does any one know what kind it was? I was gonna post on facebook and title it Flugg Thieves but haven't Ok now I'm off and running BBL have a great day and I'm jealous I want to stay home and play

Lynne2 said...

Need to see the video JudyE!

hedgie said...

Margy, I couldn't say....no cam sound for me.

Geesh, Lynne...you hadn't told me about the drs. dog....do you care for it when babysitting, too? How are kids doing with all this turmoil?

Lori O. said...

Before I read on, since I've been guessing about this since Megan offered up ring-dings and KayIM guessed pudding this morning, I'm going to take this . . .

Glo's clue:
Just think about when you might hear a ding at your house. I often hear it at suppertime.

My guess?
A timer!
Ah, Kay or Megan probably already got it.

Lori O. said...

Paula is correct - stories are all rehash and reprints of the same.

Good PR for NCTC, but nothing new for us.

JudyEddy said...

Put video of bird on facebook BYE

Kay said...

Lori, you may be right or she could be laying in a supply of microwavable meals as Wanda has suggested. What a mystery she has created !

Check out Wanda's post on Bird Friendly Coffee on line. I expected a hefty price, but $20.45 for 12 oz. ? Not on this retiree budget !!! Imagine what we'd have to charge per cup at SSCC.

Lori O. said...

WANDA, thanks for the info on the Bird Friendly coffee. Not bad IF it's good coffee. I'd like to try it. And your Shale Azaleas are gorgeous. :)

Wanda your guess of a microwave dinner for Glo's riddle is probably correct.

PAULA - Prayers for Nugzzy boy. I hope he's fine for as long as he can be comfy, then when he's not give you a big clue like turn down his favorite treat. I'll have to get your address so I can send him some Stella and Chewey's - Chewey's Chicken Dinner. I've often thought that EMMA, LUNA and LEISL would love their Auntie Lori to send these special treats too. :)

hedgie said...

NBG eaglets are going to be weighed, etc. today. Don' t panic if you don't see them in the nest!

JudyE---big to do with the Anthony jury selection in Pinellas Co., huh? Sure glad you didn't get called for jury duty! 2 mos. sequestration in Orlando would NOT be fun!

DanaWV, my sister lived in Boca for a few years when she had her sugar daddy.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

And that story didn't mention the eagle found on the grounds of NCTC either, or if it did, I missed it.


glo said...

I like what Dana WV said:

Sending HUGS and Love and pats and muches and rubs and treats when he can have them and more HUGS to Paula and Nugz. I am continuing my prayers for you both.♥♥

Yeah WandaI think GLO was trying to tell us that she is buying a Microwave Dinner for her evening meal:) DING!

I hardly ever really cook anymore. Have to eat the same thing for days if you do or well give some away which I do only on occasion. Budget, budget. HOWEVER I did resharpen my cooking skills in GA and it was indeed fun to have someone to cook for.

Lori O. said...

KAY, WANDA, I'm a coffee lover - like it strong but not heartburn inducing!

I'll try it and tell you what I think. I'm going to keep it on a list though for all my favorite coffee drinking, bird loving friends. Hey Wanda, maybe I'll get it for nest day and we can all taste it.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

And the eagle hit at Harpers Ferry didn't make it.

glo said...

Nothing about the stories surprises me including the lack of up to date info. Not even going to waste my time going where some of you have been. There is nothing there for us. Maybe the links are meant for all the new popularity of the soap drama someone is trying to make out of the tragic events of our nest this year. :-(

Kay said...

Glo, thanks for not keeping us in suspense any longer ! There are a number of microwavable dinners I love and use when it's only me. Anything from Amy's or Marie Callendar, for instance.

Lynne2 said...

Lynn, the dog sometimes stays at work with them in the office and sometimes comes to Gail's with us. She hasn't needed any special care, per say. The kids seem OK, but it's hard to tell sometimes what is going on in the mind of a child. Despite attempts to try to maintain normalcy for them, they must sense something is not right. But they are happy and loving and the youngest....OMG she is a Firecracker on crack! I have NEVER heard a child talk so much for that age and she is BUSY BUSY BUSY!

Lynne2 said...

Just talked to Dr Baker....she's going to be admitted shortly to Greater Baltimore Medical Center. She is feeling worse than ever and is running a fever. Not sure how long they'll keep her. I'll go to work for a couple of hours now, and then babysit til after office hours. Thanks for the prayers everyone.

Lori O. said...

LYNNE, so sad about your vet and she's only 33. We should have an official Daily Prayer list. I'll send mine up for your Dr. Baker along with those for Shirley, Paula and Nugz.

DANA WV - loved your Boca in the big rig story. You must have scared the doo-doo out of Ed!

Kay said...

Lynne, prayers being said for Dr. Baker right now ! Glad she's heading toward the experts as we "speak". Keep us posted !

Lori O. said...

GLO thanks for the riddle this morning. A little cerebral exercise never hurt anyone, right? ♥

Now, I'm going to go and take a little something for myself that ends with a "P" and starts with an "N." Hmmmm. Love you all!

Kay said...

Paula, I'm sure we all wish we could witness the happy reunion when you arrive for Nugz ! Praying for you both along with so many in this wonderful, caring group.

paula eagleholic said...

Lynn, sorry about your friend Sandie...hope she has better luck next time.

Ah, love having Marie's for dinner.

hedgie said...

Lori, never heard of your brand of treats! You're a sweet doggy auntie!!
Yep, I said the articles were all the same.

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Gang,
Dropping in for a quick "howdy," but not much time to talk. Have an interview at noon regarding my Externship! Please say some prayers!

Praying big time myself this morning for Nugz and Paula, Shirley, and Lynne2's friend Dr. Baker & family.

Got busy and cleaned up the "mine field" for the gardeners, dead-headed and watered & fed the violas & vincas. Refilled the hummer/oriole feeder. Back yard is my afternoon project, along with a bath for Miss Emma.

Better run and do some major damage control with the hair & makeup, after a nice hot shower. BTW, my back feels GOOD this morning, after wearing a "heat patch" to bed last night! Hubby's even MORE technicolor this morning, but feeling better. Dr. gave us an ace bandage with velcro edges instead of those pesky "clip" thingys that Emma tries to eat. What a GOOD thing!

Gotta run. Will BBL with a full report! HAGD, everyone! :o]

Kay said...

For a fairly long list of Bird Friendly Coffee, complete with authentic seal of approval check here:

Bird Friendly Coffee

Some are a little cheaper than the one Wanda found, but we won't find a bargain brand in this specialty. Each will have to decide based on individual budgets.

wvgal_dana said...

Oh that is so so funny Megan. I thought it was a perennial LOL

wvgal_dana said...

Ok I have to go in an help Mom with her trees.....I'm not climbing !!!!!

Kay said...

Andy, good luck ! Prayers go with you ! So happy to hear you are feeling "GOOD" and that hubby is also feeling better ! Looking forward to your report later. ♥♥♥

Lolly said...

Leaving very soon for Denton. I'll be back late this evening!

Have a great "rest of the day"!

hedgie said...

Mulching finished....looks very fresh and pretty again! Took 12 scoops----or $170 worth!

hedgie said...

Right you are Sharon....that's what I was ssying about the article being old!

Lynne, due to the fact that they don't KNOW what they are dealing with, I wish Dr. was going to Hopkins.....research facility seems NECESSARY!!!! Good that the kids are on a fairly even keel.....too young to really comprehend.....good that they have you and Gail to help hold down the fort. Prayers continue.

hedgie said...

GOOD LUCK, Andy!!!!! Bet you get the externship position!!!
Glad your back feels better. Oh, yes, the velcro aces are much better than those dang clips. We always put tape over them at work!

Dana--your RV story is pretty funny, but scary, too!!

I like Marie Calendar's stuff, too.....ate in one of her restaurants in CA.and was glad to try her frozen products when they became available here.....got hooked fast!

hedgie said...

Bye, Lolly. Bye, Dana!

hedgie said...

Nap well, Lori!!!

paula eagleholic said...

Have fun, Lolly.

Best of luck, Andy.

Lynn, 12 scoops! Thatsa lotsa mulch!

Lynn, I went to Marie's restaurant in CA too! Food was delicious!

paula eagleholic said...

Thanks for the coffee link...missed it over the weekend. Totally different than what I thought it was! Thought ya'll were tossing the coffee grounds out for the birds, LOL

hedgie said...

NBG Eaglet update from WCV

If NV has traces of lead, makes me wonder if maybe Mama was suffering from some lead poisoning and may noot have been at full strength and power when she was flying....:(

paula eagleholic said...

Going to get Nugz and head home. Check in with you later.

glo said...

Enjoy your evening with Nugz Paula. I am sure you will both be glad to get him home. Tried that N ends in P thingy but it didn't work so guess I will do something else with my times. Too hot to work outside. Hmmm to clean house or play.

JudyEddy said...

when you all read the articles that Steve posted what do you think they mentioned two eagles that may have been Lib but not and sounds as if they think he is still out there Wasn't there a third eagle that they thought was Lib not just the two??????

Kay said...

I went shopping at Kroger this afternoon and spent some time browsing in coffee sections. In the organic area there is Sanora Coffee, with correct seal of approval, regular blend, 10 bucks for 12 oz. Bird friendly not available in de-caf. Over in the old standard coffee area they had Caribou, a breakfast blend with "hints of citrus" and one with "hints of chocolate", 11 bucks for 12 oz.. Again, with the appropriate seal and again, not available in de-caf. So, the coffees are out there in local markets which saves the shipping costs. When I run out of my Folgers, half regular/half de-caf, I plan to try one of them. It may be soooo good I can't resist regardless of price. It may also give me the jitters since I'm not used to drinking full octane coffee. I'm just gung ho for the bird friendly aspect of it.

Judie said...

Good late afternoon.

Been a busy day trying to whittle down my "to do" list. Got all my multiple medical stuff sorted and into a binder. Will tackle the school stuff on Thursday. Tomorrow I get my "do" did and see an orthopedic guy about my thumb pain.

Kay said...

JudyE, there is nothing new in those articles Steve posted, in fact there was no research done. The newspapers just picked up on old copy. Updating would have included the badly decomposed eagle found on the NCTC grounds as well as the fact that the Harper's Ferry eagle did not make it after all. In that the Harper's Ferry bird was probably a female and had no brood patch and the Antietam bird found dead had no brood patch, I think those two are ruled out entirely by all of us. Since decomposition made it impossible to identify the NCTC bird, it leads some to feel Lib may still be out there somewhere. Others have considered that latter bird to be him and have felt closure. We may never know for sure. JMHO

Judie said...

Lynne, very sorry about Dr. Baker. I do hope that this time an accurate diagnosis will be made and the path to recovery be started.

Was watching the Anthony jury selection and was astounded about the entire jury pool being dismissed. I just bet that judge was furious.

Paula, so glad you can have Nugz home with you today. Lots and lots of hugs to you both.

Kay said...

Judie, isn't it satisfying to strike things off a "to do" list, one by one ! You are one busy gal. Are you thinking carpal tunnel with that thumb ?

Judie said...

Andy, glad you feel good today. How's hubby? Is Emma still playing nurse maid? Can't wait to hear about the interview. Wishing you the best of good fortune.

Lynn, glad you got the mulching over with. Enjoy and don't forget to let Liesl rearrange it for you.

Judie said...

Yes Kay, it does feel good. Over the course of a year I collect about 100 psyc journals and they just pile up. So lots of time to sort and pitch.

I rather suspect arthritis. If so, well, it is what it is.

Judie said...

Off to the kitchen. Need to stare stupidly into the frig for inspiration.

Kay said...

Yep, Judie, I'll bet you're right about it being Arthritis, do any of us escape that wretched ailment ? It kind of marches around my entire body, flaring up in one spot and then moving on to another. I have a heavy cloth and velcro brace for my right hand when that thumb gets inflamed. It helps a lot !

JudyEddy said...

Hedgie I don't think that they will find an impartial jury anywhere I feel sorry for the peeps that go over there from here maybe months they aren't for sure Locked in a hotel with nothing to do -no computer Glad its not me anyway.

KAYM thanks for answering my question I thought there was a third bird mentioned by Steve a while back found near the nest but wasn't mentioned in the article maybe they don't know about the third eagle also. Maybe it was just a slow news day and they need something to fill space And thanks for the info on the coffee at work I have seen the Fair Trade mark on quite a few thinks never new there was a bird friendly will def check at work tomorrow and I too was confused on the coffee I thought it was just part of our imagination HAHA you know how we turn off the lights etc

DANA I loved the rv story funny

Mulch I ended up getting the fake stuff years ago I like it You know the rubber tires mulch Doesn't blow or float away Looks just as pretty as the day I put it down Was rather expensive from what I remember 8 a bag I think I bought 20 bags so long ago I don't remember Hate that I have CRS syndrome HA

TV dinners yep I love them there are some good ones I love the Beef Tips one and most Maria C and also Boston Markets I also do the cafe steamers I just don't add all the sauce on it usually to spicy with all of it So hard to cook for one easier eating out or tv dinners or sandwiches

Ok I'll wrap it up for now I hope we get a visit tonight beside the tiny little bird on nest now Did get to hear a eagle this am above cam box but a no show and to think I'm getting up earlier at least they could do is make a appearance Right ok I could go on and on so BBL LM

magpie said...

Good Afternoon Eagle Pals...

Hilton Head has three baby ospreys:

Hilton Head SC Osprey Cam

not sure when they were born, they look a few days old

You might hear some chirping on that cam once it opens up, but it is just a "canned sample" of chirps

magpie said...

Praying for Lynn's friend the Doctor....and for all the family during this serious illness

Will be watching for Paula's posts about how Nugz is doing

And I hope everyone is getting along well, including Andrea at her interview !

JudyEddy said...

human with NBG babies

JudyEddy said...

wonder what she was doing she left they are asleep

magpie said...

am going to throw open the windows and read from a gift book from a dear friend for awhile

ttfn ♥

hedgie said...

JudyE----the articles are a few weeks old. First appeared in a Charleston,WV paper and just now getting around to others----without updates or follow-up.

hedgie said...

Judie, glad you are getting that thumb checked out. Hope it IS orthopedic and NOT gout!! Much easier to treat!
Glad you got so much of your paperwork accomplished!

hedgie said...

Judie, where did you see the jury selection? I looked through my channels and couldn't find it on.....????? PLEASE let me know!

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,
Well, I got the Externship! Kristine, the person I talked with, gave me 2 CDs to transcribe. Funny thing--they are NOT medical transcription, they are LEGAL transcription! From what she said, I think they are "interviews" done by the Los Angeles Police Dept., questioning witnesses to crimes, and maybe crime victims. Sounds pretty interesting! I am waiting for her to e-mail a completed transcript to me that I can use as a sort of template, so I'll format everything correctly.
Thank you for your prayers!!!
Gotta go--have to finish the MEDICAL transcription that I need to turn in on Thursday! BBL! :o]

JudyEddy said...

Casey-Anthony 49 juror sent home This is from one of our local news also on facebook

paula eagleholic said...

Good for you , Andy!

Nugz is happy to be home...John stopped in on his way home. Nugz has had a whole bowl of water, dinner and outside ... now settled in for a nap. He is doing good.

He has an antibiotic, pain meds and starting prednisone. Will up the presdnisone dosage next week, in hopes that it will stall the tumor growth.

The pancreatic tumor was inbetween the two ducts that connect the pancreas to the duodenum (upper intestine). The surgeon couldn't remove the tumor without destroying those ducts...and without the ducts, the pancreas would not be able to secret enzymes, and would end up self-destructing. If the tumor had been somewhere else, it could have been successfully removed, along with the liver tumors. It was worth a shot.

JudyEddy said...

this is from the Fox news on Casey also witness contaminates jury pool The judge is not a happy camper

hedgie said...

Oh, Judie, not to worry about Liesl and the mulch---she can't get to it. It's the darn squirrels who mess it up! Paula, if you want to or have time, check my blog from May 20009 to see the areas that get mulched!! And, of course, the cemetery is bigger this time with the addition of Cinnamon----had to expand to the other side of the tree stump.

paula eagleholic said...

So who let the idiot in with the jurors...amazing.

paula eagleholic said...

That is a lot, Lynn. You have a lot of gravel down, too. Nice turn around.

JudyEddy said...

she was a potential juror she got a summons and I guess was going to ask to be out of it that is what the TV news said

HEDGIE i went to see the picture of your mulching and can't find a May 20009 blog is it not on your profile???

JudyEddy said...

I loved the pudding and padding remark had me laughing

JudyEddy said...

The news is just saying that Facebook and Blogs are causing peeps to be anti social ---- Definitely want to watch that I never miss the news

glo said...

Yes Paula It was definitely worth a shot. You know you have gotten all the information you need to determine how to best care for Nugz. He is in loving hands indeed. Sounds like he is indeed very happy to be home.

hedgie said...

Thanks for the links, Judy.

Paula, glad Nugz is settled in. And that John stopped in...bet you got a good real-life hug from him.

paula eagleholic said...

JudyE, look on the right hand side of "Lynn's Lair" blog, then you can click on 2009, then when that one opens up, look along the same right hand side for May 2009 and click on that. Will show all the posts for that month.

hedgie said...

WhooHoo, Andy! KNEW you would get the job! And I think the legal stuff will be much more interesting than medical!!! Make sure you let Sissy and Shar know!!

paula eagleholic said...

Sounds like the potential juror was not too intelligent...that person should have known not to discuss the case, but guess that's just people.

Lynn, got a couple of 'em :)

paula eagleholic said...

Ha Ha, Nugz just howled at the fire siren :) Didn't get up, but howled from where he was laying.

hedgie said...

Can't---so won't---get in on your alls coffee discussions! To my taste, the only good thing about coffee is the aroma!! YUCK!!!

hedgie said...

Judy, click on Lynn's Lair, then scroll down to 2009 and then select May!

hedgie said...

Yep, Paula---lots of driveway! Had gravel brought in a month or so ago---different color than the old faded stuff---looks funny now!

JudyEddy said...

Ok I found it and PAULA I want to see your picture of you in the nest I had posted the one from NBG and made a comment and Lynn Hedgie on facebook said you had a picture of you in it I did look on you page and didn't find what file do you have it in I didn't even realize that they were there the blog pic you all had Still learning I guess on the blog

hedgie said...

Thanks for directing Judy, Paula!!!

Hoda said...

Thank you for the update on Nugz Paula. He is in good hands indeed.

One has to laugh at the contamination of the jury pool, stuff happens I guess!!!

In the town where I taught in Alberta, we had a medium security prison. A prisoner was given a transfer to a BC jail, and some smart(??!!) person gave him a bus ticket and $ 100 pocket money for a five hour bus ride. They put him on the bus with no escort...and they were surprised that he did not report in to his new accommodation/prison cell!!! I figured it had to be one of the bright students that I had taught and who now work for the jail system!!! I can not stop shaking my head!!! ;^)

JudyEddy said...

HMM and I thought I had seen everyone pictures now I have to start over and looks for the blogs sections thanks for the instructions

JudyEddy said...

What a unbelievable story HODA I still can;t believe they would expect him not to run can we say DUH!!!

JudyEddy said...

thanks Costume Lady I thinks so also she has the best personality also. I may have to leave in a bit My daughter just called out Annie Pretzel order has arrived from my granddaughters school and she doesn't have freezer room Oh darn it she's gonna try to get some others to come so maybe I wont have to go

JudyEddy said...

My Avatar is a sunrise short just off Fort Desoto Park and no I didn't take the picture I would have been here waiting for the eagles LOL I just love that bridge Sunshine Skyway I use to love driving over it when I had a convertible the pelican would sort of hitch a ride with the draft of your car was so cool I have video of it but its tape video and no recorder it broke

hedgie said...

I may have heard wrong, but think I heard that the victim in a serious wreck weighs 600#----poor medics who have to deal with that!

Time for the sofa and Jeopardy....Liesl will fall asleep on my lap!

Hoda said...

Yes JudyE Definitly a DUH situation!!!

paula eagleholic said...

JudyE...the picture of me in the nest would be under photos, profile pictures on Facebook.

JudyEddy said...

I hit spell check and no issues then when I read it a sunrise shot NOT sunrise short OOPS

JudyEddy said...

COOL going to face book to a lookie and Costume Lady glad you like me UFO picture I use to go to beach every night to watch sunset and take pic and video I would send to my mom and dad and June and Terry in NC One time I sent a bag of sand and a bottle of salt water with sea shells my parents loved it Boy I sure miss them and my friends in NC still to this day will pop in the DVD of my sunsets they say its so relaxing

JudyEddy said...

OOPS I don't have you on face book and I looked under Paula Eagleholic and you don't exist that way so I won't get to see it---- :o(

I loved the one of Bob he was laying down in the nest at Decorah did you see that pic

paula eagleholic said...

JudyE, I am under Paula Bartos Compton

paula eagleholic said...

Something must have happened to the baby robins out front, the nest is MT :(

Mema Jo said...

I've been out shopping with Hubby.
Came home empty handed! lol

I am headed in to the Terrific
Tues TV Tonight!

Very happy that Nugz is home! Howling at fire siren means he isn't giving up anyways soon.
((hugs)) Paula

BBILW (at commercials)

Judie said...

Lynn, trials run daily on Tru TV (my channel 246) that I think used to be Court TV. It's trial stuff almost all day except days when court is not in session. I watch it mostly because some of the trials are relevant to course content.

Judie said...

Andy, I am so happy for you and so beyond excited for your externship. Of course, I would love the police stuff but, regardless, you are on your way dear lady. Congratulations.

Judie said...

Paula, so glad Nugz is home with you. I'm sure you are both exhausted.

Going to elevate the swollen ankle for a while. BBL

stronghunter said...

There was a wordsearch puzzle of serial killers lying on the copy machine at school this afternoon. Something being used by one of our social studies teachers. Made me think of Judie. I told him that I knew a prof who would find that puzzle interesting.

stronghunter said...

Oh, sorry, good evening, everyone.

magpie said...

I am happy as well to read that Nugz is home and getting settled in with his favorite things:
including YOU.
Great that John could come by also
Wonderful to see Nugz on your avatar.
I remember the video you have on your blog of both Boo and Nugz
"serenading" to the fire siren.
God Bless You and Nugz
and prayers for you both
xox ♥ ♥

magpie said...

WHAT swollen ankle, Judie ??
Hope it unswells, pronto !
guess it is because you are up and about and enjoying your "freedom"
but you must take it easy !

magpie said...

sounds like no daytime or evening Eagle visits today

hedgie said...

Wow, can't believe they let Mike die that way, can you Jo? Guess better than long and drawn out with the cancer, tho'..... :(

hedgie said...

Thanks, Judie. Used to have Court TV....but no True TV on DirecTV in lieu of....:( Darn it all.

hedgie said...

Liesl is fast asleep.....if she follows pattern, she won't awake until morning....what a strange pup! Of course, she doesn't nap more than 15-20 mins. all day and she is on the go all the time! Maybe when the small body runs down, it takes a long time to charge!!

JudyEddy said...

Looks like I didn't miss anything when I ran to pick up a freezer full of school fund raiser Lucky my freezer is pretty much bare it all fit ok gonna get a much need shower and watch NCIS on DVR If I don't come back God Bless this nest and all whom watch it Healing thoughts and prayers for those in need

Linda said...

Good Evening Friends!

Hope everyone had a good day. Trying to catch up again!

Lynn - Thanks for the info on Robyn. Glad to hear she is okay!

Judie said...

Well, good evening to you Shirley. Yes, please ask for a way to find a serial killer puzzle. Fun for me and maybe for my students, also. How're you doing, lady?

Margy, the ankle that had multiple fractures still has serious edema. Surgeon said might take a year to return to "normal" if it ever does. So, I elevate. Shhhh...good excuse!

Are you sure you don't have TruTV or CourtTV by some other name, Lynn? Cannot imagine. It must be there somewhere.

As for Liesl, I think you have a sweetheart that plays in daylight and sleeps in nightlight. Perfect!

Judie said...

Um, I don't want to pry into anyone's business but have to wonder about "letting Mike die like that"? I do hope you guys are referring to a t.v. program. Otherwise, I offer my sincere sympathy to Mike's family.

Judie said...

JudyE, glad you have room for all the school fund raiser food. Hope you raise lots of funds.

Judie said...

Okay, have to go get my "do" did early in the morning then to the ortho hand guy. Busy day.

Have set the night light for automatic turn on at 11:00pm. Restful sleep for all.

magpie said...

wonder what did happen with the baby robins :(

Ok Judie, understand...just be careful....with that ankle

stronghunter said...

I have been wondering about Mike, too, Judie.

I am sure I can get hold of a copy of the puzzle for you.

I am doing okay. Got all set up for the sub for tomorrow and will sleep in a bit in the morning.

JudyEddy said...

I googled court tv on Bright House and it came up with the channel Check your area each has different station Night again

Judie said...

Doing a Margy...

Shirley, I have lots to do tomorrow so won't be on the blog till late but please know my thoughts are with you and my spirit is there to support you. Hugs!

JudyEddy said...

Mine is also called TruTv like Hedgie said and looks like it is titled IN SESSION so I set DVR 9am - 3 pm

stronghunter said...

Thanks, Judie.

hedgie said...

Found it, Judie!!! I was spelling it with an E!!!! Nowhere close to the channel # that Court TV had, either....hmmmm. Okay....programming is not specific, but gather that "In Session" is the courtroom coverage, right??

hedgie said...

Hoda, what did you teach? Subject and grade, please, if you'll share! We love our teacher's stories!

JudyE, stick with us, kid----you'll learn a lot about "puting"---I think I have learned more here in 3 yrs. than I ever learned in all the years before that I used them!!!

hedgie said...

Oh, and JudyE----you will just get lost in all of our personal blogs!!

stronghunter said...

Time to say goodnight. Thanks for all of the kind words and thoughts. See you tomorrow.

hedgie said...

LOL, JudyE---yep, TV: NCIS!!!!

Judie, let us know as soon as you get home from the ortho tomorrow. And Shirley, let us hear from you as soon as you hear your results, okay??? Love you both!

paula eagleholic said...

Shirley, hoping for the best test results for you!

Hoda, love the prisoner on a bus story!

Hoda said...

hedgie, I was a Jr.and Sr. High School Teacher for 30 years in Quebec and Alberta. I taught French and Social Studies and during the years of budget cuts and restructuring of the education system I also picked up English Language Arts to the Junior High level. They were mostly OK kids yet there were at times situations that used to make me stop in my tracks and wonder what exactly was I doing there...I enjoyed the times when we went on Exchanges with schools in Quebec and when I took them to France and to Europe including Great Britain...the story I shared today came to mind because it was the contamination of the jury pool in a town in the US and some strange things happen in Canada with the Justice System as a whole.I wondered as to the students who were attracted to work as correctional officers in the jail system...

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Gang,
Back to say goodnight a bit earlier than I usually do. Have TONS of transcription to do!
LYNN, PAULA, JUDIE, et al., thanks for your good wishes for me regarding my externship! Judie, thought of you immediately when I found out what I would be transcribing! Too bad it's not a PAID externship, but it could lead to a job offer!
Well, saying heartfelt prayers for everyone here, and for all creatures. Making sure the porch light is on. Judie, thanks for setting the timer on the night light! Enabling both security systems. Praying that all of us sleep snugly and well tonight. I'll talk to you tomorrow. Love all of you! :o]

Linda said...

Lynne - So sorry to hear about your friend, Dr. Baker. I hope she gets some answers and a cure soon! I’ll keep her and her family in my prayers

WV Dana - Enjoyed your Boca Raton story!! Too Funny!! My Mom lived there for quite a few years, too. It’s only about 30 minutes north of where we lived.

Lynn - Sorry to hear about Sandi, too. I went through many years of infertility, procedures and problems. Was very blessed to have had my one son! I suffered for 10 years with endometrial tumors and after several surgeries, lots of pain and stress ended up having a hysterectomy at the age of 35. Taking everything that was left took care of the problem, which was good. I would have loved to have more kids!!

Orioles - Boy do we have lots of them this year. In years past, we would see one here or there, but this year we have males AND females coming right to the feeders. They are eating the suet and in the past few days I’ve been putting out grape jelly or orange marmalade on a little dish and they snarf it up in no time!!

Andy - Congrats on the Externship!!

Paula - Glad Nugz is home and settled. I know it isn’t going to be easy, but I know he couldn’t be in a better place than with you and your love!! Prayers continue for you both!

Linda said...

Caught up on reading....only to go to bed soon! Have to work all day tomorrow and then have a small group meeting at my house tomorrow night. I'll be behind again!!

Linda said...

Had to go to the dentist again today for a crown prep appointment. Ugh! Lots of drilling. I look like someone smacked me on the side of my mouth now.

I guess my skin is so fair that the pressure from working and pulling at the side of my mouth marked the skin. That will take days to disappear.

NatureNut said...

Have been trying to say Good Evening for a long time! 'Puter insisted we make a Back Up DVD, so that's burning now. If it takes much longer,the AC is going to start again! DUH!
Steve's story links portrayed our nest as a soap opera! And I guerss it is~~"As the Bird Turds"!

I have a couple pics I wanted to show, but will have to wait til 'puter does it's thing. Promise they will be on before I leave in AM. Only 2, but a little different--I had help! ☺
BBL if I don't fall asleep before this machine!

Linda said...

Shirley - Special prayers to out for you tonight hoping for good results tomorrow!! You'll be in my thoughts!

Linda said...

Sorry I missed everyone tonight! I'm tired and am not feeling well tonight, so I think I'm going to turn in!

Blessings and Prayers for All!

Sweet dreams... xoxo ♥♥♥

hedgie said...

Funny Hope and discouraging news from Game Commissioner

Great pic of Hope!!!

magpie said...

Oh brother was paying bills and missed some important Good Nights!

Hoda That's great, your teaching career...know you touched a lot of young lives in a valuable way

Hope you feel much better Wednesday, Linda

and will surely have Shirley and Judie on my mind and in my prayers tomorrow for good medical reports

Eyelids are down to the ankles
going to go dent the pillows

Will be back in the morning !

Prayers for all many needs going to the pillows with me

Good Night Eagle Pals
and Welcome Home Nugz !

God Bless This Nest, and
God Bless Us, Every One

xoxo ♥

paula eagleholic said...

Linda, hope the morning finds you feeling better!

Been trying to get some paperwork done tonight!

hedgie said...

Very interesting career, Hoda! I'm sure you have enough to warrant writing a book like Shirley and Judie do!! Did you have a lot of your former students become correctional officers???!!
Crazy story, for sure!

hedgie said...

Linda....sorry about your mouth....I almost always end up with a fever blister from the pressure of the instruments....and I have an apptmt. Fri. UGH!
Sorry, too, that you had to go through so much to have your son. Thanks for keeping Sandi in your prayers. I beat you on the hyst---I was 26!! BEST thing that could have happened to me!

Mema Jo said...

I did watch my 3 TV shows.......
I don't want Hetty to leave but
next week's show evolves around her.
Didn't expect Mike to get killed like that.. At first I thought maybe on of the team was going to be killed.
Good wife - well it is getting all out in the open and from the looks of the previews the little good wife may go astray.

hedgie said...

Feel better, Linda!

There is going to be a "bear expert" on Letterman.....bet he's no Dr. Lynn Rogers!! But maybe he learned from Lynn! Name not familiar, but maybe his face will be...there are a few who profess to be experts.

hedgie said...

Good night, Margy. Sleep well!

hedgie said...

Oh, my---JO....owls on Leno tonight with Julie Scardino!!!!

Mema Jo said...

Time for me to say good night to all
Prayers offered for so many
Hugs for all ♥♥♥♥♥♥

Lolly said...

We are home! Had a great day. Jack worked on loading the truck load of firewood. They had a tree cut down yesterday. I provided dinner. Then we went to Jacob's t-ball game. When his game was over we rushed to the end of Joseph's soccer practice.

On the way home it poured!!! And, wouldn't you know, it barely sprinkled here.

hedgie said...

Sorry, Lolly, Hoped that it had followed you!

Good night, Jo! And everyone.....cause I am heading for the tub! Love and hugs to all....and prayers for SO many needs.

Lolly said...

Have been reading the blog. Lots to catch up on.

Paula, so glad Nugz is home and doing well. He is probably very happy to be home!

Andy, some great news from your way! Hope this does work out well and lead to the job you want.

Linda, so sorry you are not feelin gup to par.

Uh, oh, Jack has been on his head phones and leaned back in his recliner. Using the chain saw and loading wood today has done him in. I loaded some wood too and raked a little. Had to quit and oversee the boys homework. They were so anxious to help
Granddaddy but knew they had to do homework first. Good boys!!

I am now going to put my feet up and read for a while.

Nite all! Sweet dreams!

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,
Back again! I have an urgent prayer request for you. Emma managed to get hold of the tags on her collar. (She's a contortionist!) There was one blue hard plastic tag that told the number of her Avid microchip and where to call if found. You guessed it--she chewed off half of the tag, and apparently ate it! I have searched every square foot of the house, and can't find the missing piece. The part left on the collar has some sharp edges on it where she chewed it. I don't know whether anything plastic would show up in an X-ray. Lynn or Lynne, do you know? It started out as a large, round tag. Now there's only half. Do you think she could pass it safely? I am not at all sure. Hubby wonders whether her stomach acid would safely dissolve the tag. I don't know that, either. Any ideas? She hasn't been fed yet tonight. Should I feed, or not? Any advice? :o[

paula eagleholic said...

Got some paperwork done, then had a late phone call from Michael...time to hit the hay!

Good night all!

(((Hugs for all ♥)))

Costume Lady said...

Sorry, Andrea...no one up who can help you:(
I would wait til morning and see how things come out in the END!
If you have a doggy laxative on hand, give that to her, feed her and give her liquids. The quicker she passes the plastic thingy, the better. Praying sweet Emma has a good night and her mom & dad too.


Lori O. said...

Oh NO Emma! ANDY, please let us know she's okay. If it's a hard plastic with sharp edges the vet would be rightly concerned about it doing internal cutting damage. Best to go to the vet, get an x-ray and be sure she'll be okay.
AND Congratulations on the Externship, Andy. Very cool for you smart lady!

Paula, glad to hear NUGZ is home and howling. Extra lovin' for the big boy.

JO - I think we like the same shows. I stayed up too late and watch NCIS last night. Couldn't believe they killed off Mike Franks. Very similar to how they did with Director Jenny, let the bullets kill 'em fast instead of the disease taking them.

Lori O. said...

Lynne - How is Dr. Baker? I'm with Lynn, Johns Hopkins for sure if she's already been to 15 docs who don't have a clue.

MARGY - hope you enjoyed the good book and fresh air.

LOLLY - sorry you're missing all the good springtime rain. Is it the whole state of Texas that's in a drought?

Lori O. said...

Have to start moving here and pack my diet snacks. Oh yummy.

(copy, add to and repost to update)

SHIRLEY for good news at her biopsy results appointment.

DR. BAKER & Family - Lynne's friend and employer who is sick with multiple ailments after a bad cat scratch. Family has two young girls.


LYNN's friend Sandi who is trying to get pregnant with IVF.

LOLLY for rain

JUDIE's thumb and ankle

EMMA - Andy's baby (puppy) to safely pass the chip she may have swallowed.

Lori O. said...

Oh MARGY, congratulations on your PSF and fisheycure last night! You go girl!

Lori O. said...


So no one is "Left Behind" (I loved that book series) -

The SPLIT is coming up soon.

Lori O. said...

Good Morning Early Birds KAY, DANA MO, MEGAN, MARGY and JUDY E!

The Sunrise Sycamore Cyber Cafe is now open with zero calorie and zero fat coffee, tea and pastries. I've flipped over the sign to OPEN and can't wait for everyone to get here!

It's going to be a gLORIous day!

Kay said...

Good morning Lori ! Thanks for compiling the prayer list--joining you in remembering all, big and small.

A gLORIous day ! I like that ! Hopefully Belle and Truder will decide to check in.

{{{{{Lori}}}}}♥♥♥--the coffee and confections are perfect today !!!

Lori O. said...

Best morning to you Kay!

Lori O. said...

Sure hope Belle and Tman show up.

Lori O. said...

KAY - glad you liked the prayer list. It just helps everyone remember, and I need lots of help remembering everything!

Lori O. said...


Kay said...

Aha, gLORIous color at the nest !

JudyEddy said...

Goooooood Morniing OOOOOOH I'm so sleepy this morning Ok where are our birds nothing yesterday and now nothing yet
They must not have gotten the memo that I am sitting the alarm and getting up early just for them

«Oldest ‹Older   1 – 200 of 262   Newer› Newest»

2/20/25 PM bird

1203 PM NN Scout comes to the nest with a load of bedding again. He seemed to leave with something in his talons. He has a beak full of bedd...