Tuesday, May 24, 2011


Fresh thread.


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magpie said...

thank you so much, Steve...
new thread, cams working
Hope your vacation was super!

Lori O. said...

Thanks for the new thread Steve, and for the call over, Margy. Kay & I would have been there all day.
We missed you this morning, or should I say later this morning since I "saw" you at 2 this morning!

magpie said...

When you come back:
BWI, Dulles, Reagan International... best bet probably BWI -
and there is also an airport in Hagerstown MD...maybe a connecting flight into there ☺
others on here will tell you better than I.
I totally love your wit!
Clothes Garden, and all its contents...ROFL!
and M&M for Megan and me...
BUT that is already taken, one of our long-time Momsters, Mits, has two granddaughters who are referred to as the M&M girls...
their first names begin with M

Good Morning again, Eagle Pals...
glad to see a few of you could schmooze at the Cafe this morning and had some Eagle company as well
Sure is good to see that nest again!

back in a little while...

magpie said...

Hell☺ Morning GLori
Hey, is that a turkey vulture or a black vulture with the nest?

magpie said...

anyone seen any new-born fawns yet ??
It is the birthing season !

Lori O. said...

And now MARGY, LYNNE2 will tell you what you've won announcing the call over and starting off today's new thread...LYNNE?

magpie said...

that would suffice...not sure I can handle any of the other prizes ☺
Oh a poop shoot would always be welcome....hide these wrinkles of mine !

magpie said...

I think God will change his mind about the rapture on Oct 21 -
If a bunch of us are together then, that will be rapture enough
don't ya think ?
of course, we are ALWAYS together on here ☺
Okay, got some catching up to do
better get a start on it!

JudyE - this is Hump day, two days down, this one in the middle, two to go! Hang in there !

Best Wishes for a good, safe, healthy day to Everyone
xoxo ♥

magpie said...

Ruh Roh...
not sure the cams are working
live feed, not, for me
still, not sure, has the rainbow at the top :(
anyone else ??

Lori O. said...


Vulture parents are Black Vultures. Funny because I always wanted a baby Turkey Vulture and never even knew about Black Vultures! Oh well, they look the same as juvies.

magpie said...

Okay, Lori
Black vultures they are, Lori,
Megan has mentioned of the one on her property that had an injured wing, wonder how it is doing?

Hedgie-Lynn just emailed me, she cannot get on to blog either, same problem several of us had this morning....makes us think we are not here and that we are anonymous when we are not !
I asked her to keep trying...
hope our other Momsters and Dadsters can squeak through the maze also


paula eagleholic said...

Lori, haven't read back...did your vultures hatch?

paula eagleholic said...

I had a problem signing in too...went back to the main blog page and clicked on the sign in in the upper right corner of the page, then came back here and it was all good.

Lori O. said...

No Black Vulture babies yet Paula. I'm so timid about disturbing them but I figure if I check again in 2 weeks they should have hatched by then.

Judie said...

Good morning, everyone.

Thank you, Steve. Have a lovely day.

Sorry, Lori and Kay, out-of-school means sleeping late. You two make good morning pals. I just speed-read to catch up with you two every morning.

Kay, both BWI and Reagan are good. Just need to decide what driving route you prefer to get to STown.

Hi Margy. Glad you're back safe to your roost. No deer babies, yet.

Was able to see the nest about 20 minutes ago. MT but looking nicely decorated with lots of green leaves.

Not sure I would want a vulture in my yard. Don't they eat other critters?

Off to start my day. Wishing everyone a lovely morning. BBL

Lori O. said...

I have a Google sign in that I use to log on here.

I was reading today that Yahoo has given its email a "face-lift" to be faster and do more things, so maybe Yahoo is messing with it. That's a huge uneducated guess on my part. Just sayin'. :)

paula eagleholic said...

OK, see where Lori's vultures still have 2 eggs...good news.

And Kay is coming to Open House! Yes!

Judie said...

Okay, found out I am anonymous this morning. Did as Paula suggested and it worked. Just be sure you "copy" your post to avoid serious high blood pressure.


paula eagleholic said...

Judie, Vultures eat roadkill! They like dead food!

Lori O. said...

Morning JUDIE!
I love that yellow butterfly avatar. Can't believe MARGY or KAY hasn't stolen it. They're both yellow freaks, you know?

Yes, vultures eat critters, but mostly dead ones. Black Vultures have a very poor sense of smell so they often hang out with Turkey Vultures to find food, carrion (sp?).

I haven't seen it posted unless it was while I was away, but WEST END NEST will be BANDING on May 30th.

Heading for home very soon. HAGD everyone!

stronghunter said...

I am "anonymous" too, Judie. And I tried to save my comment, but somehow it got replaced with the previous material I saved regarding senior exemptions.

paula eagleholic said...

Speaking of mail...I have been using Yahoo mail for 14 years!

hedgie said...

Okay, looks like I am here now!
No point in posting what I have been trying to say...since it's old hat now (cam down)....pretty AM.....

Opening statements in Anthony trial have started.....this should be interesting. But can't believe that both stations carrying it interrupt for ads.....what are we missing???

magpie said...

friend told me that there are two vulture species in WV, one (in the southern part of the state ?)
occasionally will go for live critters....it if cannot find deceased ones

Good Morning More Eagle Pals that are sliding through the sign-on maze ☺

Mema Jo said...


paula eagleholic said...

I sent Steve an email about the cam being down again.

stronghunter said...

Thanks, Paula, for your suggestion.

As I was saying, my students still have things to learn. I am showing The Kite Runner movie to my seniors today. I explained that it is set in Afghanistan. Immediately, one girl said, "No, it is in Kabul." Teachable moment. "Where is Kabul?"

paula eagleholic said...

Interesting Margy, didn't know that!

hedgie said...

Whew----it posted!

Mention made of blog problems and yahoo mail....they are not related. Blog is Google, Yahoo is Yahoo!

I sent Kay driving directions last evening----easiest AND fastest route! Air and airport time would be longer than drive-time----and she would still have 2 hrs. of drive time from an airport to here.....no direct flights to Hagerstown....only commuter flights from Baltimore or Pittsburgh....too expensive!

paula eagleholic said...

Hi Jo!

Mema Jo said...

Wow - I get scared when I can't get in....To repeat....

Good morning! I did have to sneak in - just went around and finally found the Open Door. I also told Hedgie to keep trying. It's great to have a fresh thread.
My live cam is down I need to read older thread...... You early birds really seem to be much earlier each morning........
BRB Well I never left - blogger ask me to sign in - I did
Won't publish yet - I'll try again...

magpie said...

I was a substitute teacher for about a year - early 1980's
when at the middle schools here,
(grades 6-7-8 at the time)
it was truly horrible...
I was smaller than most of the kids
did not dress "hip"
they were not interested in being in school
I could barely get through roll call...
now, the elementary grades on the other hand, were good
I never had a full-time teaching job,
graduated in December, in the years when there was a glut of teachers also
Oh, Retiritis...who coined that?
Great expression, hope I have that ailment before I am too old to know that I am retired !

Mema Jo said...

Happy to see you got in Lynn - I did what Paula mentioned in order
to get in.

Kristen is walking through the
kitchen door.........

magpie said...

Oh Joy
The Hills are
Alive, with the Sound of Momster Music ♪ ♫

Enjoy your day with Kristen, Jo...

Paula, I didn't know that about vultures either, my friend is pretty smart about WV wildlife, and spends a lot of time in the Southern counties...but I think I will do a little more research on that too.

magpie said...

Enjoy your day, Ladies and any lurking Gentlemen...

See you later, chores are hollering at me !

xoxo ♥

hedgie said...

BWO could MAYBE have a hatch today!

Estonia black stork cam 2 DOES have a black stork roosting!!! They have also added a Bear cam....but haven't seen one yet!
The lesser spotted eagle remains in the other black stork nest!

magpie said...

for sending Steve the news about the cams

stronghunter said...

A horrible substituting experience:

A study hall with maybe 100 students in the middle of an "open classroom" building. All classrooms opened into the huge study hall area. Kids could come and go through more than one door.

People kept coming in bringing passes and information from various places.

I did not even finish taking attendance.

This was not in my present school. I have never subbed here.

I have decided that I do not want to be a sub.

Margy, I think you would make a wonderful teacher.

stronghunter said...

13 days not counting today.

I have determined that only four of my seniors are eligible for exam exemption. I do not think I have ever had so few eligible. They must have fewer than 5 absences and a B average.

stronghunter said...

One girl, who was failing at the end of the first semester, is trying to convince me that she should be exempt. Not gonna happen.

Lolly said...

LOL Good morning again! Did not want to type more, was not sure I could get in! Hope we do not have to go through all that every time we get on!

Thanks Paula for the advice!

Lolly said...

Have to leave shortly....getting my do done today!

Lolly said...

Shirley, did you see the comment I made last night? About a students excuse for not turning in a project?

Lolly said...

My worst subbing experience....

I was young, just out of college, and went to a high school in north Fort Worth. I was subbing for a boys PE class and a coach who was out of town with his athletes. It was a study hall and they were horrible!!! Thank goodness, another coach came by and asked if I needed help. He started by saying to certain kids..."You go run laps!" When I learned I could make them do that, all turned out well.

Lolly said...

I gotta go now.


hedgie said...

News on the Armstrong front----governing body and former teammate Ekimov dispute Hamilton's allegations! article

hedgie said...

Interesting sub stories, teachers.....and sad! I don't know how you have/had the patience to deal with kids in the world today.

Hoda said...

"We apologize for the inconvenience. The live cam is down again at this time. Please stay tuned. Thank you."

The above quote is from the OC site. They are aware of the problem.

Hoda said...

Good morning, I missed saying on my other post.
Thank you Paula for the instructions as to how to solve the blocking problem. I followed your suggestions and this is how it posted...sign in from the main page, upper right hand corner, and come back here...

JudyEddy said...

home for lunch wow early thread

JudyEddy said...

Do they know the cam is down again

Hoda said...

Yes they do Judy E, I quoted their statement from the OC site earlier and they apologise for the inconvenience.

Mema Jo said...

Lynn thanks for bring over the article concerning Lance Armstrong and the 60 min program. Very
discouraging concerning 60 min.
I used to always put faith that they were being truthful in their
reporting - Now I doubt that I will
even watch.

JudyEddy said...

I hadn't noticed anything under the live feed where they usually put it Thanks Hoda home for lunch and no time to read all BBL

Mema Jo said...

I just lost my cam coverage down
at Blackwater..... Both eagle and
Osprey are black screens.

hedgie said...

Phoebe laid a second egg in the "new" nest!

Jim is locked out of blog now.....he posted on FB, so told him what I did to get on!

magpie said...

here is the latest report from Loch of the Lowe's
no chick yet
day 41 for one egg, day 38 for another...they are still hopeful

Loch of Lowe's Osprey Blog
interesting information on there

Thanks Hoda...I really enjoy your spiritual, uplifting, encouraging comments to those of us and others worldwide, with torments and troubles

God Bless You !

magpie said...

so grateful to all with the informative and educational links...though it takes me awhile to backtrack and pick them all up!
Oh Lynne, Lynne, guess you are working, you said you would be out bright and early today...
Miss You !!!

magpie said...

Loch Garten nest cam view is a lot smaller than before...think they are going through some kind of change-up there

The report a Second Chick There, Hooray !

magpie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
magpie said...

last post was a dud
let me try again:

Loch Garten Osprey Blog

you can also just click on links on the live cams pages as well

magpie said...

That Black Stork nest is "the bomb"
(as my co-worker Veronica says...☺)
Thanks for finding and sharing that !!!

magpie said...

Well, it is Panda Nap time, then a run up the road for an after-school grandson pickup and some kid fun!
See you all, much much later on.
Please, take care, be of good cheer, and Keep the Faith !
xoxo ♥

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Good afternoon everyone. Had some trouble getting on here.

magpie said...

Join the club Sharon !
Well you made it, that's what counts!
Made you feel like you didn't exist didn't it ???

Love to you
ttfn xoxox

Hoda said...

Increasingly when I can not log on to this blog I find I am missing an important part of my day...such a good group of people to be with.

I understand the comment about October 21 and the rapture earlier on this blog...I read that the chap who thought it was going to be May 21 now says it is October 21 and everyone goes this time around!!! He is an old man and I wonder how is he reading the bible to stray so far away from what its message says. It is his followers that gave away everything that cause me to worry...

Mema Jo said...

Friends of Blackwater NWR
We just wanted to post a note to say that our Internet Service Provider on the Eastern Shore is having major telecommunications problems, which is why our site and the cams are down. We hope they'll get the issue fixed soon.

Hopefully we don't miss any hatching of the Osprey eggs

hedgie said...

Jo, BWO back up now. I had lost it, too. So did Suz.

Mema Jo said...

Hoda I agree with what you are saying about the followers. They
should now be having a little disbelief in the predictions.

Judie said...

The bottom line, Lynn. $$$ Prosecutor did a pretty good job, I think.

Well, I know vultures eat road kill but wondered if they actually every kill...wouldn't want my yard critters killed.

Shirley, glad you've found your identity. The time is oh so close...retiritis.

Afternoon, Jo. Enjoy your Kristen time.

Thank you, Margy, for the osprey updates. I looked in this morning on both and saw an adult on each nest but they were not sharing what is underneath. Have fun with James. One day I'm gonna come up so we can visit the non-swinging swinging bridge.

Phoebe's new nest was MT earlier and got a nice look at the egg. Could only see one although I think Jim said there are two.

Okay, back to the trial. Bye

Mema Jo said...

Thanks Lynne - I had just seen the announcement on FB and earlier couldn't get either cam to open.
Quick Work in fixing things!

Mema Jo said...

Going to be pickup up Alexis from the school bus around 3:00. I love
the surprise look on her face as
she doesn't know it is going to be
me. But you know what she'll ask?
Where's Pap Pap! ♥♥

hedgie said...

Bluefield had some heavy storms....hope our Southern Delegation is okay.
More severe storm warnings popping up all around.....Shirley....coming your way, too. Praying for no more destructiveness.

Only two pics on trail cam---only squirrels. UGH! I want more action!

Judie said...

Happy First Birthday, Kailey Dawn. May you enjoy a full and happy life.

magpie said...

Oh I missed that Judie, if it was on Facebook or Yahoo E-M but thank you, and yes, I shall also add:
Happy First Birthday Kailey Dawn ♥

Sure was nice to hear your Momster voice on Monday, Judie...so sweet and delicate ☺

Wow beltway all about the exits to my sister's = Woof ! But I am used to it, thank goodness....

Oh Jo, just love the whole idea of it, the school bus pick-up!
Enjoy!!! xoxo

Headed out soon, hope all the storms will pass through without destruction

God Bless Us, Every One
xoxo ♥
just a little early on that greeting today

Mema Jo said...


movin said...

Well, let's see if Mema Jo's and Lynn's advice works...




[:~D] Jim

paula eagleholic said...

Have fun, Margy!

Lynn, glad you got your trail cam figured out!

movin said...

As I attempted to say earlier, we're having a spell of foggy ==> cool and overcast days in So Cal.

[:~D] Jim

movin said...

2 eggs in Phoebe's new nest this morning.

[:~D] Jim

Mema Jo said...

Welcome Jim!


hedgie said...

Hope your afternoon is fun, MArgy.

Wondering....if a queen ant dies, does the colony perish? Just killed a humongous ant on the deck!

movin said...

I'm having some other problems besides blogs this morning. I think I'll try restarting the machine.

Talk to you later.

[:~D] Jim

Mema Jo said...

Lynn - you killed the Queen!
Watch out for the army of ants
They are preparing to attack!!!

Kay said...

MARGY, we Early Birds think you and MEGAN are mighty sweet. You are our own special M&M's. ♥ And, I totally love your sunny approach to life and the thoughtful way you express yourself !!!!

Thanks to all with airport advice ! LYNN is right, I'd spend more time getting to and from airports and flying than it will take me to drive it. Will save the info as a back up, but will be planning to drive.

Kay said...

I was prepared to face posting problems after reading the e-mail warnings, but had no problem.

Please, someone, share with we Newbies what must be a miracle in the form of one precious baby girl, Kailey Dawn.

Lolly said...

I am back! Done did my do!! Also, went to the "grossery" store. Man, I could be wealthy if wasn't for gas and eating!

I am just wondering if we will have to always get in the back door to the blog. What a nuisance!

hedgie said...

Head ing out shortly to grossery store. Need to get sister's b-day gift in mail, too. Store better have my ice cream today!!!

Later, gators.

Lolly said...

Just went back on the blog to one year ago. Sort of sad...miss Mits and Ragdoll Deb.

Lolly said...

Have things to do around here. Better get busy! Thought I'd get back to my ol avatar!

stronghunter said...

And Ceil. I miss Ceil, too.

stronghunter said...

Have I told you about the student who has "GOD'S GIFT' tattooed on his arms? I wonder to whom he thinks he is God's gift.

I will agree that our children are God's gift to us, but knowing this kid, I do not think that is what he had in mind when he got the tattoo job done.

stronghunter said...

Need to head home so I can grade research papers. I left the ones I meant to bring with me at home this morning and had to call Will to go in and rescue them. Flash might have chewed them to pieces.

stronghunter said...

Lolly, I will have to look for your "excuse" comment.

On subbing--once I was covering a study hall from hell with another teacher--not a sub. She commented that not everyone in this group wanted to study and suggested that she would like to take the ones who wished to study to another room and leave me with the rest of the group.

I wanted to say @#$%^&* NO!!! But I restrained myself. I just said that I would be happy to take those who wanted to study and leave her with the others. Good grief! What kind of fool did she think I was?????

stronghunter said...


Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Gang,
Hope this post makes it in--I see others are having the same "anonymous" troubles I had early, early this morning! What's up, anyway? Guess the Blogger Cop needs an eagle cane thrashing!

Need to wish a

(She's our youngest granddaughter!)


Well, glad to hear that we still have eagles at the nest! Hope they get the cam working again.

There's much to do today, so I can't chat, though I wish I could! I'll check back in later to see how everyone is doing. HAGD!! :o]

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

The Southern Delegation are all just fine! :)

JudyEddy said...

Hey I suggest that we just don't log off -- at lunch I just turned off my monitor and didn't have to log on being it was already up

Hedgie a squirrel is a start

DanaMo said...

OMG why did I read the OC. There is someone there who still says that Liberty and Truder are the same bird just called by a different name!!!!!

JudyEddy said...

Hmmm she says that she drown in the pool and she is requesting MOM and Dad not be there because she going to throw them under the bus

JudyEddy said...

Now the blog has army of ants and someone let stink bugs in also LOL
That could make for a nasty stinky war

JudyEddy said...

I noticed that there is a picture on the still cam but has a rainbow up top Is it working or Not????

hedgie said...

I'm home and now let's see if I can post without all the garbage from this morning!!!

hedgie said...

Yea!!! It worked!

Store had my Ice Cream!!!!! Hurray! Haven't had any in about a month!

Kay said...

Lynn, what is your ice cream ? Ice cream was once my favorite food. Diabetes II has taken care of that. I've tried sugar free and fat free ice creams, but they just don't measure up !

JudyEddy said...

This was on face book Sooo sad
Bald Eagle Recovering After Being Shot

hedgie said...

No, Judy, cam not working again.

Well, George and Cindy were back in the courtroom for opening statements----and Baez definitely DID throw them under the bus. But George has been on the stand since 3:15.....only heard the last half-hour before coverage stopped.

hedgie said...

Andy, Happy Birthday to your Courtney!
And Happy Birthday to little Kaylie!

Glad to hear that you all are okay down in Bluefield, Shar. Was the storm bad??

Bad one was heading near Jo's a little while ago.

paula eagleholic said...

I see the cam is still down...Steve did acknowledge my email, but didn't say what was wrong or anything

hedgie said...

Sorry, but I don't believe one single aspect of the defense. I'd never make it on that jury!!!

Mema Jo said...

It didn't get here - is it still heading this way

Kay said...

JUDYE, that Oregon story is about 3months old. Do you know how to do a follow up for his current condition ? The implication was that the shooter may have been a goose hunter. I know next to nothing about hunting---do they shoot geese, ducks, etc. with pellets ?

hedgie said...

Kay, Turkey Hill Chocolate Peanut Butter Cup. A mild creamy chocolate with swirls of good peanut butter through it! No waxy chocolate pieces! Only kind I buy except for Schwan's Peppermint Stick at Christmas!

JudyEddy said...

Hey did you notice that the live cam is completely not on the page at all HMMMM nothing

JudyEddy said...

Wow some funny stuff on the OC I was over and saw a post from Hoda so I read it I love the one guys response
3 hours ago :: May 24, 2011 - 7:48PM #4
rich-nebraska-CDT Posts: 18
Glenn- the name Liberty here stands for the male eagle that we have followed for a long time here. It has sentimental value to everyone who knows the birds here. Unless Liberty ,as an older mature eagle, suddenly regained the plummage of an eagle 1/2 its age, and the social skills of a teenager, then we can assume this is another eagle... ....and he is the intruder to this nest, so I think the name fits well...I now this is going to bring on a tirade and rant from several people, but- I dont think we should call him Liberty- that name is taken.

Kay said...

LYNN, sounds scrumptious ! Kroger carries Turkey Hill. I'm wondering if Seth would like that. He, Julie and little Malcolm all get their peanut butter fixes here as SIL is deathly allergic to nuts.

hedgie said...

Those people on OC just don't get it, do they? Hoda, you are against a brick wall trying!!

JudyEddy said...

KayIM the story was just posted on facebook EaglecamAddict page FOLLOW Comments from the page with the article
I was just passing alone I will try to find out more I will google it
VERY SAD..Two more eagles were shot in North Carolina in recent weeks. That makes 4 shot in the State of Washington, 2 in Tennessee, 2 in Michigan, 1 in Arkansas, 2 in Oregon... all in the last 6 months. a disturbing trend that reminds us of our dark history with eagles. Eagles are sentient beings that are under constant threat and disturbance

Kay said...

Right on, Rich of Nebraska, that's tellin' em' !

hedgie said...

Judy, cam is still om page for me----even tho' it's not working!

Kay, that would be nice if you could get it for them.....but they better not kiss your SIL after eating it!

JudyEddy said...

wow news is showing bad bad weather in OK city

Kay said...

Can have a laugh over the OC commentary when posted here by our bird buds. Have to stay away from it myself or the B/P goes sky high.

JudyEddy said...

KayIM I emailed the news station a question in regards to the eagle there is a place on the site to contact them so I did let see if we get a answer I asked them for update on the eagle I'll let you know if I here any thing I will be surprised it the answer

hedgie said...

Yes, that article is old----Feb, but eagle was actually found in Dec.
Awful that there have been so many intentional kills.
Kay, I can't imagine anyone could eat duck or goose if it was shot with pellets, so that just goes to show that it's sport hunting, not for sustenance. ARGH!

Kay said...

LOL, LYNN, you are so right. The rule is wash hands, mouth and brush teeth before heading home ! When I give Malcolm his toy stuffed with the yummy stuff I do so early in the day. Taking no chances. Hugh's last ER trip for this was several years ago. The family went to an ice cream shop for cones and no one ordered anything with nuts. However, the kid behind the counter must have picked up a tainted scoop. Grrrr.

JudyEddy said...

That is weird about the cam being on your I was on their blog and went back to cam and were its suppose to be is not there just the comment about cam being down
and I closed it and opened another browser and its not there either Computer spooky world we live in where anything can happen Blogger cops, and now disappearing cams

hedgie said...

Jo, haven't heard anymore watches or warnings, so guess the cell died out!

Kay said...

Thanks, JUDYE ! I hope they answer !

LYNN, kind of what I thought about the use of pellets. So there are sadists who just get a kick out of bringing a bird down, having no intention of eating it. Sick, sick, sick.

hedgie said...

Oh, my, can you imagine a tractor trailer loaded with blueberries wrecking??!! Flipped over on DC beltway....didn't say if the berries spilled out! LOVE BLUEBERRIES!

JudyEddy said...

Hey you had blueberries We had Bud Lite a semi flipped and spilled the whole trailer They had dumpster they put it all in I 4 closed for hours yesterday

Kay said...

Yikes, if the berries spilled it will take a ton of Oxy-clean or Polident to get the stain out !

JudyEddy said...

Oh how pretty the road would look for a while

Kay said...

What's up with these big rig drivers ? Going to fast, especially on wet pavement as in what occured here yesterday ? A tanker, carrying highly flammable fuel used in the making of plastic, jackknifed on I270. A large section of the busy freeway was shut down for 8 hours. Turned out it didn't leak, thank goodness.

Lynne2 said...

hello from work!

Lynne2 said...

Hope everyone is having a good day!

Kay said...

Hey, LYNNE ! Speaking for myself, it's been a fine day. Hope you've had a good one, too !

Heading for TV news, Jeopardy....

Julie is coming over after their dinner to use my copier. Alone, I think. I love one on time with her and it doesn't happen often enough.

So, will be saying prayers for all in need tonight and wishing you each a lovely evening and a restful night ! I♥U all !

♥L♥I♥B♥E♥R♥T♥Y !!!!!

Hoda said...

I just spoke to Batch Batchelder in OKC, where the tornado is, and they are watching it closely and it has touched down several times and it is still going strong. Prayers for them all and God Bless them and keep them. I told him I would phone him in an hour as I am nervous and want for him to be safe.I am still very shaken by the devestation in Joplin and worry about what they might find there in terms of more casualties.

stronghunter said...

Tornadoes in the Oklahoma City area.

JudyEddy said...

On my news they said the tornado was 7 miles wide

JudyEddy said...

I can hear my mom now from heaven She has always blamed what we do for the bad weather He biggest thing was space shuttle when ever one went up or down bad weather always followed She said you mess with the atmosphere and something has to give BBL gonna watch more of the trial I DVR'd

hedgie said...

At least cam has stopped MOVING----the colored lines are still, so not nearly as irritating as they were in motion!

JudyEddy said...

;-( This is a picture of my monitor NO CAM on my page I think that it is weird that you have a cam and I don't Not fair LOL I just went on the the blog below cam Oh now maybe its a evil spell from the blog being I brought over one of their comments I just wanted you to see I have NO LIVE CAM at all
Don't back out of yours you may loose it who knows Its spooky any who BBL again

JudyEddy said...

I have no lines nothing to look at I have the still cam I have refreshed and backed out My computer has a mind of its own Odd that it would be gone

JudyEddy said...

I know you all said you have never seen Blair on Sex and the City Check this out
Blair in Sex and the City

hedgie said...

Kay, the majority of tractor trailer wrecks happen because of CARS! People are SO stupid! They make sudden moves and don't leave enough room, and semi driver hits the brakes to avoid a wreck and then the rig just loses traction and crashes/flips, etc.

Hoda, who is Batch?? A friend of yours?

hedgie said...

AMAZING footage of huge twister in Oklahoma.......unbelievable.

Joplin death toll up to 122....

movin said...

Well, this hasn't been my best day with computers.

Yesterday it worked well, even with AOL mail, but today it's very hinky, can't sign on to AOL mail; AND a while ago, while I was doing nothing in particular, Windows crashed! Blue Screen!

I'll probably have to delete everything on the hard disk and reload Windows, but I've got to back up some stuff first.

C(°Ù¿°)D Jim

Hoda said...

President and Mrs. Obama are doing you all proud in the United Kingdom. I watched three videos, on the Telegraph of London, of them during a trooping of the guard, of the State Banquet and of their arrival. God Bless the United States of America and all who live in it.

movin said...

At least I could sign on here normally this time.

C(°Ù¿°)D Jim

Lolly said...

Hi Hoda! Like your comment on Pres. Obama!

Jack and I have been in this evening. Watching the weather and warnings on TV. So far nothing has popped up that threatens us. The storm we have been watching is north and west of us, going between Laurel and us and another north of Laurel. These cells do have a wall cloud and large hail.

Costume Lady said...

I see most of you had a problem getting on the blog today. Going to see if I can have success.

Hoda said...

Stay safe Lolly. I spoke to my American Family members, those who live in OKC, and they are doing well. Yet the tornado there is very strong also.It is going away from the city to the east and the north...SO YOU STAY SAFE LOLLY and YOUR FAMILY.

hedgie said...

Jim, sure hope you can fix your computer.....not sounding very healthy. :( Good luck. And neat that you know what to do!

hedgie said...

Heading for the sofa with Liesl. ALmost time for Jeopardy.

Costume Lady said...

I did have to sign in, but here I am:)

Just thought I would check in before Terrific Tuesday begins...oh, not terrific anymore...all reruns?? Oh, well...DWTS is on for a few hours and probably the end is near...not the RAPTURE, the end of this season's contest. So hope that Hines wins, he has never had dance experience and Chelsae has been dancing and entertaining since age 5. Kirstie could win, but not the best!

I was at the dentist today, having a tooth filled ($185.00) just so he can put a cap on it next month...$1,050:( Hey, doc, that's only ONE tooth!! One of those screw-in teeth would probably be less expensive...

wvgal_dana said...

Well I tried earlier this morning to comment--blogger wouldn't let me...see what happens now.

Costume Lady said...

Oh, just remembered, American Idol is on tonight, also....gotta tape something, maybe??

wvgal_dana said...

I tried that this morning Paula it wouldn't let me do it. Just happy I'm in now.

The "pest" came back by Moms-poor lady. She was missing her frog and her Virgin Margy statue. She found them throw in the yard. I think someone or something interrupted them. So I hope they don't try anymore. That Mary statue has been there since I was in the 6th grade.

Lori O. said...

I hear you on the teeth thing WANDA! So tired of sitting through sessions getting crowns because earlier fillings have come to the age where they fall apart. It's never ending. The crowns fall off, or there's pain underneath, so you have to get a root canal. UGH!

Lori O. said...

Why is American Idol on tonight? It's Tuesday. Is it three days this week?

Read today where Kirstie Alley on DAncing with the Stars will wear same costume tonight that she wore on first night this season, and they had to take it in a total of 38 inches! Good for her!

wvgal_dana said...

No American Idol is on tonight 8-9 tomorrow night is the BIG NIGHT!!!

wvgal_dana said...

Heading for tv

JudyEddy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
JudyEddy said...

KyleBuschSpeeding 128 in a 45

my delete try again

Lori O. said...

Thanks WV DANA. Weird that Idol is on Wed and Thurs all season then moves to Tues and Wed this last week. Maybe trying to take hype away from DwtS.

I'm too tired to deal now, so I'm off to bed. KAY & LOLLY I hope you're safe and sound, protected from storms tonight.

Many blessings for a peaceful night with your families, and a restful night of sleep.

wvgal_dana said...

Lori tape it

I hope Scotty wins but I think the judges want a girl to win this time.

Hoda said...

President Obama gets a 21 gun salute

I wonder if this is going to work? I will post and delete if it does not.

Hoda said...

It does not work...yet I do not have the delete option. Sorry.

Hoda said...

President Obama gets a 41 Gun Salute in the Trooping of the Guard

If this does not work I will not try again...

Mema Jo said...

I'll be on shortly - all is well -
Going to watch a taped TV show
with hubby


Hoda said...

Hedgie/Lynne Batch is the oldest son of my American Family, I lived with them during my AFS year and they became my family and Mom and Dad continue to be Mom and Dad years after they have passed on...I know much gratitude for them in my life.He lives in OKC.

I will post the State Dinner and the President's toast to the Queen just because now I know how to do so...I promise I will not go overboard though ;^) !!!

President Obama Toasts the Queen

JudyEddy said...

HODA your links worked

JudyEddy said...

I know I was tickled pink when I figured it out I use to have it written down and posted above my monitor but now I remember how to do with out cheat sheet

Judie said...

Checking in early tonight.

Darth has oral surgery first thing in the morning and I am the designated driver. So will be back when I can in late morning, I guess.

The night light is on for anyone who will be headed back the hallway, down to the tub, up the stairs, to the recliner, or stumbling in on the West Coast.

Pleasant dreams and restful sleep for all.

Hoda said...

JudyE I am so EXCITED there is a danger of my going over board posting links to things that impress me...!!!! ;^)!!!It is wonderful and I still use the cheat notes but now understand how to make them work better...I was not doing the right thing every time it failed and today it worked.Thanks to you and Lynn/hedgie. Thanks for letting me know that they worked for others too...

Do you have the delete option on your posts? Today I do not have them on mine, hmmmmm

JudyEddy said...

Hoda My trash can is there but I didn't have issues logging since I didn't log off Anyone else loose there cans I LOST MY LIVE FEED cam my Avatar is my screen LOOK no cam everyone else has a yucky cam I have none LOL back to AI

JudyEddy said...

POST away to your hearts contents we don't mind

hedgie said...

I have my trash can.......but remember when others have temporarily lost theirs.

Ok, Hoda....rmember now....such a unique name---I should have recognized it off the bat!!

Sleep well, all who are turning in.
Prayers for Darth tomorrow. No fun, for sure.

I cannot get through on the phone lines to vote for SCOTTY!!!!

paula eagleholic said...

Wanda, you don't want to go the post root for a tooth! Expensive!!

paula eagleholic said...

Got my mowing done tonight, got my zucchini and squash planted, flowers watered, trash can washed out....threw the ball for Nugz..finally getting some dinner...

hedgie said...

Wanda, that is awful that you have to go through that and for that exorbitant price. UGH!

JudyEddy said...

note yet on voting when it over in a few secs

JudyEddy said...

You can vote online I wonder how I think I might google it

Lolly said...

Go to Americanidol.com and vote! You can vot up to 50 times. I have already voted!!!

JudyEddy said...


Lolly said...

Laurel called...she was in the closet under the stairs with the boys and a dog who was drooling on a very irritated cat! I had told her to take her cell phone with her.

JudyEddy said...

the online thing is allow or disallow and I wont do that I'll stick to the phone

Lolly said...

Remember, you can vote up to 50 times.

hedgie said...

Finally got my votes in!

Lolly said...

Judy, my voting on line is not allow or dis-allow. You just vote. It does ask if you want to post it on fb, but you can say no to that.

Lolly said...

Storms have been popping up with rotation, baseball size hail, and tornados touching down, but it has all been about 35 miles north us us and a few miles south of Laurel. Close enough to Laurel that the sirens are going off and she and the boys are in a closet. Guess Joey will blow away!

Lolly said...

Cell is past Laurel now, but on top of Michael in Dallas. Geeesh!!

Lolly said...

Now on TV a video of a tornado just south of Denton downtown. Laurel lives on the north side.

NatureNut said...

Evening Everyone in Eagleland! Just checking in before konk out hits!
We watched Idol---tough call, but I think Scotty is so advanced for his age.
Also saw more tornado disaster in OK. Awful~~

Lolly said...

And, while Laurel and Michael have rain....we had a bunny rabbit in our back yard this evening. Nice size too!

stronghunter said...

Watching DWTS, but have to call it quits. Much to do tomorrow. Research papers to work on. I will find out who won tomorrow.

Prayers for those in danger from the weather tonight.

stronghunter said...

One more subbing nightmare: I was covering a high school science class when a kid stuck a metal item into an electric outlet. Sparks flew and the circuit shut down.

Since this was a high school class, one has the right to assume the kids know better. Good grief!

I wrote a note to the teacher and let her handle it. That is the best thing about subbing.

Mema Jo said...

Just returning as you are getting ready to SPLIT.

I need to read up very quickly

Lolly said...

Shirley, I show the students comment late last night. I will get it and post it again. You will love it!

JudyEddy said...

It time for me to hit the hay See you in the 6am not getting up early no camera ;^(

God Bless this Nest and all whom watch it Healing Prayer for those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."

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2/20/25 PM bird

1203 PM NN Scout comes to the nest with a load of bedding again. He seemed to leave with something in his talons. He has a beak full of bedd...