Saturday, May 28, 2011


New thread.


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JudyEddy said...

I'm back

Costume Lady said...

Welcome back, JudyE:)

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, JudyE!
Great to see you here!...Brought over from the other thread:

Ms Bookworm said...
Hi, Everyone,

Hope you are all having a wonderful Saturday!

Never got back here last night, because we drove down to South Laguna to have dinner with our longtime friend, Charlie. We had a wonderful time, but by the time we got home, we were TIRED! This morning,we met my Sis-in-law for an early breakfast, so I am about ready for a panda nap!

Got a text message from daughter Jen this morning. She had just dropped off a baby sparrow at a nearby rehab.
It got blown out of a nest near her neighbor's driveway! She was up feeding it all night, and it seemed to be doing well. :o]

Going to go take a panda nap. Will check back in later. HAGD!

Saturday, May 28, 2011 4:35:00 PM

Costume Lady said...

What did you do to get back on the blog?

JudyEddy said...

Nice to be back and all I did was wait I talked with a couple of puter people and they said to wait and I did BTW google wants a credit card number before they answer any questions But there were quite a few people that had the same issue so I thought that it would fix on its own and it did

JudyEddy said...

HAPPY DANCE HAPPY DANCE being done right now Thanks goodness you all don't have cam on our computer LOL

JudyEddy said...

I did nothing just waited like I was advised and it fixed itself Yeah

JudyEddy said...

one good thing is my house is a little cleaner now LOL


JudyEddy said...

Life would be perfect if only we had a nest to watch

JudyEddy said...


Kay said...

♫♫♪Celebrate, celebrate, dance to the music !♪♪♫ Judy's back !!

LYNNE, love your ode to mowing !!

ANDY, how sweet of Jen to rescue the little guy, hope he makes it !!

Almost time for Seth to arrive for dinner and overnight. I may not get back until tomorrow afternoon, but have checked for prayer requests and will include all Momsters and their needs tonight.

Have a great evening, a good night, a pleasant Sunday morning...

♥L♥I♥B♥E♥R♥T♥Y !!!!!!!!

Lynne2 said...

the mowing is done. Steve will be so HAPPY, or mad...he told me not to do it all. OOOPS. That' what he gets for going fishing today!


Lynne2 said...

oh sorry Hoda, I did actually mean to type eagle NEST...

Hope you get to actually see an eagle next time out!

Lynne2 said...

anyone have any idea how many sharp turns one has to make to cut in a Christmas tree field? I'll tell you. Nine million, fortyeight thousand and two. I didn't do the back end, either. Started to, then saw the baby sparrow flapping for it's life and I got too scared to continue. The rest of the mow was tense, watching for any others.

Lynne2 said...

Hope you and Seth have lots of fun tonight Kay!

Lynne2 said...

oh brother. Steve is fishing with Dave, his son Bill, and Bill's BBF Nick. Dave is actually on Facebook while he's out fishing! Good grief. He saw my post about mowing.

JudyEddy said...

Birds throwing up from getting dizzy eat at Judies and birds almost getting obliterated by a mower driven by Lynn is this a Alfred Hitchcock blog

Lynne2 said...

really cool video!

Puppy to adult dog in 40 seconds!

Lynne2 said...

AND, at a most inopportune moment, as I was mowing down a very steep part of a hill, a Redtail Hawk flew RIGHT OVER ME!!! I have to say, bird watching while mowing on a steep hill is a REALLY BAD IDEA. SHHHHHH....don't tell Steve! I wasn't even supposed to do the hill!

JudyEddy said...

On facebook while fishing too cool LOL and you got busted to funny

Lynne2 said...

I just can't believe Dave is checking FB while he is fishing.

hedgie said...

Welcome back JudyE!!!! What a mess for you to have to go through!

I remember a few people who have had majoor trouble getting in at one time or another who thought they'd been blacklisted by the momsters!! Reassured them that we don't do such a thing!!!

hedgie said...

Judie, glad you had a nice long rest last night!

I ended up having company for 2 hrs.! Frank and Irene stopped in. They are heading for the beach next weekend with their youngest son and family. We had compiled out list of houses to look at, so they stopped by to get my print-outs. Here we go again!

hedgie said...

Andy, you are sure doing a lot of gallivanting!!! How is Ken's knee??

Loretta, how is your knee?
What route are you taking to Paw Paw tomorrow??

hedgie said...

Joplin death toll up to 142, and there are still over 100 people sad.

hedgie said...

Saw a pic this morning that showed a missing lady's car-----seat belt still buckled, her shoe on the sign of her.

JudyEddy said...

Lynn2 I love the 40sec cute dog growing I posted to my FB wall

JudyEddy said...

I just heard the same thing on my news right now

JudyEddy said...

I just feel so sorry for those left behind that don't know where their loved ones are NO Closure

JudyEddy said...

BBL gonna go forage for food Must have substance

hedgie said...

More midwest storms-----severe, but no big tornadic activity as of now.

Stay safe Glo and Vicky....looks like it's headed your way.

I wonder whatever happened to Indiana Dave??? Sure hope he's enjoying his retirement with his camera!

paula eagleholic said...

Yay Judye is back!

It is so beautiful down here...getting ready to go get something to eat....will catch up with ya latyer!

hedgie said...

Lynne, tsk tsk---doing what you weren't supposed to do---and getting caught----is not too good!!
You are a trooper, for sure! But, yep----leave bird-watching to non-mowing times! How many acres of Christmas trees are there?????

hedgie said...

Frank and Irene fell in love with Liesl! They both held her and even Frank kissed her several times! They wanted to know if she was going to be a beach dog! Yep, she will be!

Forgot to tell you that when I went out yesterday to poop-scoop, it was all gone! Either the rain washed it all away, or Myrtle has been VERY hungry. Yes, newbies, turtles eat it!

hedgie said...

Wow----costs related to te Anthony trial have already exceeded $1 million.

JudyEddy said...


hedgie said...

I couldn't get the video to play past 21 seconds, Lynne! Cute music for a cute doggie!

JudyEddy said...

I check my schedule at work and guess what I get to sleep in scheduled to go to work at 9. So I get to spend more quality time with my pillow.

JudyEddy said...

ok now I do need to go and eat BBL

Lynne2 said...

look on my FB page Lynn the video is there too.

The field we cut is the one we use for the dogs to run in. I think it's about an acre? Maybe a little less. Two acres of yard.

JudyEddy said...

You might want to try the dog video a couple of us posted on face book might be able to see the whole thing

Lynne2 said...

OH NO.....maybe the missing lady was the only one to get raptured! OK, not funny, I know....but wow, that is really STRANGE.

JudyEddy said...

Great minds think alike I just said the same thing LYNN2

Hoda said...

Welcome back Judy E. Well done the lawn done Lynne 2...
The missing folks in Joplin the relatives are giving DNA samples and they think it will take at least two more weeks before they can catch up with the back log. This would be very hard for me to take...They did not want people to go to the morgue and do a visual of all the bodies...God give them all strength. I read this information about Joplin on CBS news internet feed.

Lynne2 said...

OK, have to bug out for a while, my fingers and mind are not working well anymore and I am making mistakes in organizing my pictures. Need to go to store and feed pets. BBL

hedgie said...

Hoda, I think it's terrible to make those folks wait like that. I'm sure that they could cope better with seeing a mangled body than waiting for weeks on end and not knowing for sure......very wrong IMHO.

hedgie said...

Okay, watched the puppy all the way through on FB! What a nice b-day tribute for him!!

Costume Lady said...

LYNN, there is a gentleman on the front page of yesterday's journal, and I thought he looked a bit like CRUNCH BOB. Did you see it? His name is Bob, but says he lives in Hedgesville, which is not where our Crunch lives. Check it out.

Lolly said...

We are home from our afternoon adventures. Some of you saw Rhyan's picture on facebook. Isn't she a cutie? She is the one I made the burp cloths for. They live in Austin and are here for the weekend at parents house. That is where we went this afternoon. They are close friends and more like family!

Judy...welcome back. LOL Got your house clean while not on the blog, huh? Yes, could get a lot more accomplished if not chatting on here.

Another scorcher here today. Presently 92 but the car themometer said 101. Yuck!

Hoda said...

Oh Lolly I envy you your warm weather. The most we managed today was 51 degrees F. It speaks for another week of rain...enjoy the sun. I am tempted to turn the heat back on again to take the chill off the flat...yet it is almost June for God's sake!!!

I agree with you hedgie/Lynn, it is a difficult situation waiting for the DNA to match in Joplin

Lolly said...

No, do not want the hot temp we had today. Not pleasant at all. Give me a high in the 80's or low 90's but not over 100. Makes me very fearful of the summer ahead.

hedgie said...

Wanda, when I go downstairs again, I'll look at yesterday's paper.
Bob USED to live in H'ville---on Butts Mill Rd. but they are in PA now.

Hoda, think I WOULD turn on the heat to take the chill off. Or go soak in a hot tub and then cuddle under covers!

Lolly said...

Think I need to do a little house straightening. How do two people make so much clutter? LOL Laurel and the boys are coming after church tomorrow and staying until after breakfast on Monday. Our Memorial Day cookout is tomorrow. Have promised the boys ribs.

Lolly said...

I really know who makes the clutter....ME! And, I drop things and hurry outside and stay...long hours. ☺

Lynne2 said... do I do a slide show on my blog?

Hoda said...

Lolly I remember over 100 degree weather from when I was a teen ager in Egypt...You are right maybe a bit too hot. I will declare it summer here if we go up to 75 degrees for three days running...!!! Wishful thinking perhaps but I will hold to that thought...

Lolly I took a hot bath and am also wearing sweaters as I go about my life in the flat. It is not too bad really. I still have woolen blankets on my bed for night time sleeping.I think I will sleep very well tonight after the Dragon Boat exercise...

Hoda said...

The second paragraph on my previous post was supposed to start with Hedgie/Lynn not Lolly. Sorry I got confused.

stronghunter said...


Got my do did today. Went for a perm. I do not go in often and was surprised to learn that my regular hairdresser has retired. Shokooh is in Iran right now accompanying her niece who is doing college work there. (Shokooh is Iranian, and she and her husband own property there.)

I saw an new lady. She is riding with the Rolling Thunder motorcycle group this weekend.

I seem to find interesting hairdressers.

And, yes, I have curls again.

Mema Jo said...

Hello - glad to see you all here and on a fresh thread from Steve.
We went to Mass and then picked up
a few items at the Grocery store.
Not sure if I will watch some tapes
on TV or get things 'more' ready for tomorrow.

Glad you are back JudyE - I did keep up with you over on FB but I know we all missed you here.

Hoda - I hope you can continue to
paddle! I would love a pic of the

hedgie said...

Lynne, Wanda can tell you, I'm sure, how to do a slideshow. I don't have the foggiest!

Hoda, bet you will sleep like a baby tonight!! Especially under those warm blankets.

hedgie said...

Curly Shirley!!! Yes, your hairdressers DO seem to live interesting lives! How many days left???

stronghunter said...

10 days, Lynn.

I am enjoying reading about your experiences with Liesl.

Judie said...

It seems everyone is managing to cope with whatever the circumstances are: heat, 3 dozen ears of corn, a new hair dresser who provides curls, and all other manner of activities.

I have tried to catch up but am fading fast.

Paula, I love to watch dragon flies. Wish we had more around our place. Enjoy your weekend.

Hope Megan has a good market weekend.

Lynn, glad Liesl did so nicely at the vet today and that she so easily charmed your visitors. Definitely you need to get a dognap alarm.

Shirley, I made some comments about your day yesterday on the prior blog. Glad the day was not too awful.

Wanda, headed over to check out your mystery recipe then headed across the hall to find the sandperson.

Regarding the rescheduling of Open House, I am wondering if it might be of interest to some to plan to get together in October but do something else of interest such as a visit to Swinging Bridge (Margy can be our nature guide)or maybe a visit to Sheetz? We can still get together even if we cannot visit the NCTC campus. We are still bonded in friendship and our love of eagles and nature. JMHO

Okay, off to find the sandperson. The nightlight is on. Restful sleep for everyone.

Lynne2 said...

Great idea Judie....Momsters to SHEETZ!!!

Lynne2 said...

Steve will be home soon, going to jump in the shower and then make a pizza. No fish for dinner :( but they had a great time with the kids!

stronghunter said...

Yes, Judie, I saw your comments about the lower gate. I really like the idea for the name of a book, or maybe the "upper gate" would be more optimistic.

stronghunter said...

Yes, a visit to the swinging bridge sounds like a great idea. And Sheetz.

We have to explain the Sheetz story to our newbies.

stronghunter said...

Unless someone already has. I do not get to read every message on here.

magpie said...

Good Evening Eagle Pals...

Have loon cam up, there was just a BIG shadow on it, almost looked like a muskrat on its hind legs standing guard!
But the shadow is coming and going now...
very strange looking...

magpie said...

I think it is an insect but it is very strange to see

OH NO don't look Lynn: it is a Spider... !

magpie said...

Parent just got off the eggs and into the water !!

magpie said...

and that crazy critter is blocking the view :(

magpie said...

but now it is not blocking the view

magpie said...

oh forget it, not it IS blocking the view
first time I have seen both eggs
- sort of, yes, no, yes, no

stronghunter said...

Wow, Margy. The Loon cam looked haunted at first. Now I see the two eggs. The loon is not there.

Hoda said...

OK I am a newbie and please explain Sheetz!!! Travel plans are not going to happen for me for the next couple of years, till my Canada Pension and Old Age Security cheques kick in to help with my Teacher's Pension, but I am curious...and will also want to hear about all your activities this October if you gather...

Mema Jo I will take a picture of a Dragon Boat and then post it on Facebook...

magpie said...

I am sorry to read that Robyn's dog Scoobie has passed away
(( hugs ♥ )) Robyn....xoxox

NatureNut said...

Good Evening Buds!
Went to a couple stores & finally got some new annual flowers---they are planted!! Hope to look for more on Monday.
Gotta eat something---
Put some "Mystery pics" on blog!

Hoda said...

Magpie would you give me the link to the loon cam?

stronghunter said...

Now the view is blocked again.

magpie said...

glad it is an insect and not a muskrat Shirley!

see what I mean? yes, no, yes, no
on the view of those eggs !!

Hi Hoda!
Enjoyed reading of your expedition today, sounds as though you did very well, Bravo ! Girl Power !!

magpie said...

Yes Hoda :

Loon Cam in Minnesota

magpie said...

it takes a minute or two...
hit the go arrow, and wait for it, wait for it...
have to see an ad first, then the cam

stronghunter said...

Hoda, you can find lots of links to bird cams at

magpie said...

I hear people and laughter
night light will come on, a little later on...

NatureNut said...

Hoda, just saw your question. Sheetz is a gas station and shop that sells food, drinks, etc. like a 7-11. They are not everywhere, but some are in N. Maryland, West VA, VA, & maybe Pennsylvania.One or two have been used as landmarks when directing people to Shepherdstown. The first time Judie traveled there, she assumed it was a linen shop!!

magpie said...

hope you're on it Hoda,
loon calling out now

stronghunter said...

Loon calls!!

And with Judie's sense of humor, she has made many funny remarks about Sheetz.

Here comes the loon.

stronghunter said...

Back on the nest. And the blob thing returns.

Lynne2 said...

REALLY???? Even Spidey isn't THIS annoying.....

Lynne2 said...

good, it's gone now. Such a serene picture, isn't it? Love when they call out!

Hoda said...

Thanks Magpie and Stronghunter for the addresses.
Your picture touches my heart magpie would you mind sharing who it is of and whose head stone it is?

Thanks Nature Nut...linen shop??;^)...thanks

magpie said...

At least "it" allowed us to view parent return and turn eggs

that thing is Way Weird !!

Lynne, sent you an email with pix of the 'Nots ☺

magpie said...

The young chap is my grandson, James, (age 11 now, was 10 then)and we are at the headstone of my mother's father...
I never knew any of my grandparents since I was born after they died, I missed this grandfather by 11 months...
he is buried here in Martinsburg near my parents
Thank You....We hope to visit the cemetery again Sunday or Monday

magpie said...

Swinging Bridge would be a fun outing, but now, the creekside floor is getting very steep with dense growth...
sometimes there is a lot to see, others, not so much
The Hawk's nest is not too far off the beaten path...

stronghunter said...

The first time I saw Spidey, I was shocked. It looked so huge. Then I realized it was on the cam lens and was greatly magnified.

For newbies--Spidey (also known as Boris) was a spider that crawled over the cam and built a web every night, blocking our view of the nest.

magpie said...

I have read all the posts and so much of interest on here today.
I got sidetracked by the loon cam and am working on comments back

Hoda said...

Magpie, the young chap, your grandson is so respectful it touches my heart. Thank you for sharing...

hedgie said...

The Postal Service has done a marvelous job this weekend--or not. Christie and Shannon's anniversary card arrived but they had to pay 20 cents additional postage on it....and then she opened it when she should have waited until Mon.!
My sister's card arrived in MO today, and she opened hers when her b-day isn't until Weds. Of course, if I had waited until yesterday or today to mail it, it would have ended up being late! I can't win!

stronghunter said...

Well, we need to find places to visit that all of us can access. We'll have to keep thinking. I don't suppose there is any way we can get onto the NCTC campus.

JudyEddy said...

Ok I'm seasick from the loon cam LOL I'm gonna call it a night Its nice to be back such drama
God Bless this Nest
and all whom watch it
Healing Prayers for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."

WOW that was a fine how do you do LOL Nite

stronghunter said...

Wow!! Had to turn down the volume.

magpie said...

Welcome back JudyE and Wow!That was some shrieking going on, and the other loon called out first in the distance !
Guess it was so loud because the bird is so close to the cam and mike !
Holey Smokes though !

stronghunter said...

Did anyone else hear that loud noise at the loon cam. I guess it is because the loon is near the microphone.

Getting dark there.

I think their light is on.

magpie said...

same here Shirley, have to consider my neighbors don't want them calling the cops to check on
possible harey-carey here !

stronghunter said...

Kathryn has accused me of disturbing Flash.

magpie said...

Yes, Shirley !
I wonder if she was in distress, or just answering her mate, or maybe HE is on the nest and wants a break.

magpie said...

Well, you were there first, Shirley, you have roosting rights !!

stronghunter said...

I looked to see if he or she was being attacked.

paula eagleholic said...

Howdy again....trying to get caught up

magpie said...

I trimmed my tomato plant today, though I know nothing about how to do that! Just snippped a little here and there.. Just didn't want the Beanstalk like I had last year...
hope I didn't mess up!
Baby tomato is so cute.

magpie said...

pic of it is on Magpie's Roost

magpie said...

same here Shirley, I was afraid of the muskrat perhaps


magpie said...

Congratulations to Liesl for graduation to adult food!

magpie said...

How Many Days, Shirley? Five ?? ☺

Mema Jo said...

Loon: the hatch dates for those eggs is NOW. Keep looking for a little black fuzzy chick that
stays under the adults' wings.
They say there is a Spider on the
lens at times.
WOW that was quite a dramatic egg roll...

stronghunter said...

I like your cute tomato, Margy. Many years ago, I hav wonderful tomatoes, but I just cannot grow them now. Last year, I got a couple of tomatoes. I hate to think how much those tomatoes cost each.

magpie said...

I saw that picture in the Journal, and yes I agree, he does resemble Crunch Bob! Though not as handsome as our Crunch!
Hope he made it to his show at the Boonsboro Carnival Friday night,
"Rick and the Allnighters "

JudyEddy said...

Petes Pond has a antelope or something like it can't tell Nite

stronghunter said...

Ten days, Margy.

JudyEddy said...

its a deer I think

stronghunter said...

I had wonderful tomatoes . . .

Burned my tummy canning tomatoes when I was expecting Kathryn.

magpie said...

Okay Ten it is Shirley!
glad I checked !
Hi JO! Wowser, we saw that spider allrighty !!
Hey JudyE you are Back !
I mean back again tonight...glad you get to sleep in for a little bit...but no NCTC nest to watch yet :(

stronghunter said...

Looks like some strange kind of critter on the right side of the cam lens next to the nest. I think it is a plant of some kind, actually.

magpie said...

oooh, rough, Shirley
When I was to be born, my mother was canning tomatoes, I understand that after she left, there was a small eruption of tomatoes onto the ceiling...not sure who was in charge of the project when she had to leave suddenly

stronghunter said...

On the right side of the cam image. . .

stronghunter said...

Maybe she was using a pressure cooker?

stronghunter said...

Maybe she was using a pressure cooker?

magpie said...

Thanks again for the Hatch date info Jo
I'll try to watch often and will watch for your posts about it!

Picnic Sunday? Lots of family coming? Best Wishes for Tons of Fun !

magpie said...

And JO: Fabulous avatar!
There are many other lovely ones
here also

magpie said...

think it is a plant also, Shirley, but Wow! It looks extra-terrestrial!
Yes, might have been a pressure cooker all right

stronghunter said...

My mother cooked with a pressure cooker, but I have never used one. I canned tomatoes with a big pot of boiling water. Not safe for most other foods.

paula eagleholic said...

All caught up..

Dinner at goose creek marina...awesome crabcake, sugar snap peas and salad w/ blue cheese...bro had. A softshell sandwich..really neat place...nice place, sccreens for windows

Costume Lady said...

Margy, is that tomato one of those gigantic ones that you gave me last year? Can't remember it's name...some sort of heirloom tomato, that your brother gave you.

stronghunter said...

I think it looks like some kind of deep-sea thing, Margy. One of those odd fish things.

Lynne2 said...

Once, when I was a very young, I had an obnoxious moment with shaking a soda bottle and opening it. ERUPTION all over the kitchen ceiling. My former mother was NOT amused. I must have looked really adorable standing on the kitchen table using the mop to wipe the ceiling!

magpie said...

I restocked on squirt guns today ☺
'Tis the season

I have to grab some sidetracked here and before getting here

back in awhile
probably with food here at the computer
Red Velvet Ice Cream? Now that sounds interesting Lynn
I got Chocolate Crackle (Breyers)
today and a Walmart Brand, Mocha Mudslide, but I have to get dinner before dessert

paula eagleholic said...

I am kicked back inn the recliner...had som wine tonight probably will crash soon

hedgie said...

LOL, Margy---not to worry----I can't GET the loon cam at all!

magpie said...

Wow Paula! Exactly what I would like to have Right Now!
What YOU had

Wanda, I had heirloom and beefsteak last year, you got the heirlooms...
this one is from Boltz's called Celebrity

stronghunter said...

I can just see you on the table mopping the ceiling, Lynne.

magpie said...

Lynne, my older brother used to intentionally shake a coke bottle, holding his thumb over the top, then would drink the fizz...but once in awhile, it hit the ceiling.
I could never do it right..
then he liked the flat coke taste afterward
Yes, I can picture Little Lynne with a mop to the ceiling LOL
back soon...
xo I think it is going to be cold cereal, THEN ice cream.
Lynn - wonder why you can't get Loon Cam? Weird things different computers CAN and CANNOT do.
Loon slows things down here, I just turned it off for a bit...

stronghunter said...

Kathryn was talking about people she works with who put peanuts in coke. I had not seen anyone do that for years.

hedgie said...

Paula, your dinner sounds good! Don't kick back TOO far in that recliner!! It might tip over!

Margy, I thought that tomato plants just needed the suckers snapped off.....????? Never heard of actually cutting back or pruning....???

Set the DVR for the news....going to take my bath now BBIALW.
GOodnight Judie and JudyE!

paula eagleholic said...

Speaking of dessert...they have cake down here made from an old family recipe from ssome folks om smith island...therefore they are called smith island cakes....I bought one tonight from the is 12 layers...iced between eacch layer...very small individual cake....will take pics.....have not tried it yet...only certain places can sell them

stronghunter said...

Sounds very good, Paula.

Hoda said...

Supper and the cake sound delicious Paula...

Great childhood stories...what we remember it is awesome...

Lolly said...

Come on, Paula! Eat it....we want to know how it is! LOL

Lolly said...

Hi all! We had hamburgers for dinner. My favorite food! LOL

I then went and caught up on emails. I am so bad not checking them often enough.

paula eagleholic said...

Ok put5 the cak3e pics on FB...5 layers not's yummy

Lolly said...

The train where eagles fly! You all could do that in the Fall. That was so much fun.

Lolly said...

Really yummy? Better go look at the picture!

paula eagleholic said...

I had heard about these cakes and saw restaurant had them so asked about them...waitress said 12 layers..but it is 5...I got yellow cake w/ chocolate frosting.....they also have a red velvet and an oreo cake

stronghunter said...

I Googled Smith Island cake and found lots of pictures of different kinds. Thanks for sharing the picture, Paula.

paula eagleholic said...

Mmmm will be great in the morning with coffee

Hoda said...

It looks DELICIOUS Paula...Bon Apétit...the chocolate icing is as thick as it looks YUM YUM!!!

Lolly said...

Oh, it does look yummy! Be sure to take a long, brisk walk on the beach tomorrow. LOL

Lori O. said...

Boy, I'm tardy! Had hopes of getting up and Early Birding it a bit with KAY, DANA, JUDY, MEGAN, MARGY and any others and I got up late and the day just ended! Whew!

Had a cookout tonight, great chicken and veggies on the grill, corn on the cob, and tons of stuff not on my diet. It was a fun get together.

I see the cams are both still out. Is there any word on when the cams, I'll take either still or streaming, just want to see Belle and her boyfriend.

magpie said...

yes I'd like a piece of that cake, right after this bowl of scrumptious cold cereal!

Lynn...not so sure, my brother in law said I can do that, trim the branches.
I have always just done the suckers, but last year...the plants were HUGE!
he had already parceled out his tomato seedlings by the time I got there for my visit, remember, very big family there, everyone wants one
Hi Lolly and Jack !

Costume Lady said...

Would be great RIGHT NOW, Paula with a glass of milk:)

Hoda said...

Paula: That would be Bon Appétit not Apétit!!!

stronghunter said...

I grew tomatoes in the patio area of our townhouse in Columbus. They topped a 9-foot fence. It was amazing.

magpie said...

and of course I am imagining this from your descriptions..but I will Google as Shirley did to have a look-see

Hello Late Evening GLori!
Sounds like a great meal and "normal-time" type activity
Up early to watch for ISS at 4:25 am (hereabouts) ?
early enough to watch and go right back to bed!
going to peek at the NASA site now to see what's happenin' in outer space

stronghunter said...

I am going to head upstairs now. It is quite late for me. See you tomorrow.

magpie said...

Go for it again Shirley!
did those big plants have a lot of tomatoes?

Costume Lady said...

Nite, Shirley♥

stronghunter said...

As I recall, they did. It was very sunny and hot out there all summer.

stronghunter said...

Good night, Wanda and everyone else.

Lolly said...

Have any of you, who are on facebook, ever in the big middle get asked to log in? I have been on all evening when all of a sudden it would not let me on and asking for my email and password. It looks legit but it sorta concerned me.

Lolly said...

Nite Shirley!

Lori O. said...

KAY - I hope you're having a great time with the wonderful grandson of yours! Tell Seth I said Hello and hope to see him some day too!

Busy day here getting ready for cookout and company tonight. Mowed and blowed all the outside clean.
Made a run to our new Lowes for bug sprays and a new dehumidifier. Old one decided to die last week.

HODA - I hope it warms up for you. I'm somewhere between you and LOLLY. I'd prefer the wonderful
70's everyday! :) Gosh, if I could only schedule the weather and have it rain every other night between 11 & 3AM to keep everything green. But, I don't think our good Lord has it in his mind to give me that much control!

JO - I love the Memorial Day avatar! Sounds like you're having a big get together this weekend, too. We cooked way too much and sent it home with everyone! They loved it.

JUDY E, so happy you got back on. We missed you!

PAULA - If your beaching it this weekend, I hope you'll narrate the sights you're seeing. I love reading about all the beautiful birds you get to see.

Speaking of beautiful birds, I'll have to check on the vultures tomorrow! LOL!

Wow, eyelids are starting to hit the space bar - time for bed.

WANDA - did you find out where you got those huge pots that LOLLY told us about?

LORETTA - very cool new avatar.
Love that!

I hope it was a good day for everyone, LYNN, LYNNE, LINDA, SHIRLEY, JUDIE, ANDY and all.

Sweet dream all, and prayers for all Momsters and Dadsters and their four legged (& feathered) friends in need.

JudyEddy said...

Hey that has happened to me several times I should be in bed Nite again I hope

JudyEddy said...

Consider it a internet burp I was told I had mentioned that to a tech I talked to about my problem getting on blog

Costume Lady said...

LORI, I got my pots a number of years ago at OLLIES...not very expensive. They are beginning to fade...hate when that happens!

Lolly said...

Ok, back on fb. Guess it was legit.

Costume Lady said...

Nite, JudyE
Nite everyone♥♥♥♥
Prayers for all.

Lolly said...

Nite Wanda!

Think I am going to read for a while before heading to bed. So, I will say good night.

See you in the morning light!

Sweet dreams and God Bless!

Mema Jo said...

That cake looks so moist and just
so edible at any time of the day!
I had seen the pic, Paula and when you said 12 layers I thought I missed something - Waitress best have a piece of the 5 layer cake.
It looks so good that I think I will have to have some yoplait chocolate mousse of course.

paula eagleholic said...

Only had about 1/4 of the cake, so guess I won't have to walk too far...they are small..stars here are pretty and loevely breeze...Nugz has defected and is sleeping with uncle steve

Having cookout tomorrow after I go but a sausage peppers onions and mushrooms

Lori you sure are up late...are you off Monday

Margy I got early girl tomatoes and something else. Might be big boy his year

Gonna it the hay I am beat

(()(hugs for all)))

Mema Jo said...

I am headed down the hallway..

Good night and Have a Great Day
Tomorrow and Remember Why It Is
A Memorial Day.

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

hedgie said...

I've read about that cake, Paula! Hope it is as good as it sounds!

Yeah, Lolly, if we went to the Potomac Eagle train, Norma couldn't ignore us anymore!! In fact, we could go to her house for a picnic!!!

magpie said...

I'm still working my way around to some cams...hatch times are getting very late at Loch of the Lowe's but they are still hopeful
cam panned up close on Isla now
( I think it is Isla)
from their blog: May 28:
"It is now 45 days after the first egg was laid, 42 after the second, and 39 after the third. There is still a chance of eggs hatching and us seeing chicks in the nest this year. Here at Loch of the Lowes we remain hopeful."

Loch Garten at two chicks, hatched May 20 and May 24 - will there be a third hatch?

Hope Megan is having good market days! this weather, no doubt keeping her very very busy !

I'm off to bed
Tired suddenly...too tired for ice cream even
Prayers for all,
God Bless This Nest, and
God Bless Us, Every One

xoxo ♥

magpie said...

Amen Jo!

Loretta, Honk when you cross into West Virginia Sunday !

magpie said... upstairs...
bum bum bum bum base :(

hedgie said...

Actually, Jo, Memorial Day is Monday! But okay to celebrate all weekend!
Lori, glad you had some fun!!!! Hope you weren't too tired to enjoy it!
Goodnight to all turning in.
Poor Paula---needs to but a grill and she's iting the hay.....she's a tired momster, too!! And now she has to sleep alone...:( G'night, Nugz!

magpie said...

Get on your Mark
Get Set
Go! It's Sunday, May 29 !

Happy Birthday Lori, hope this is your best birthday EVER....filled to the brim with all your favorite things ! xoxo ☺ ☺

(And watch for the split pretty soon...☺ )

hedgie said...

I am not having any luck finding Memorial Day avatars. ARGH! Probably habe some on other puter....will check in the morning. TIm eto shut down so I can get some nail polish on.

See all of you tomorrow. Sleep sweetly. Prayers and peace.

Lynne2 said...

Need sleep. Sore. Eyes bleary. Whole set of pictures I can't find in my computer. How did that even happen? UGH. Up to the beginning of this year finally though.

Good night and prayers for all.

hedgie said...

Oh, yes, it IS Sunday!


Hoda said...

happy Birthday Lori. I laughed at your comment about how much control in regards the weather you would like to have. if we get 75 degrees three days running I will declare it summer!!!Not in my hands though so I laugh and let it be.

Good night everyone . Sweet dreams and I will see you tomorrow. God Bless to All.

NatureNut said...

Way past nighty-nite, but time for HAPPY BIRTHDAY, LORI!!!

Just checked weather for Paw Paw, tomorrow--91°!! Yikes, that helps me to decide on clothes. Don't think it will be slacks!Hope my skirt is long enough to cover knee ace bandage. It is what it is!
Hope everyone has a great day, especially Paula at the B---h!Thanks for your great reports! Wonder if she will be able to catch crabs there---near Crisfield, I believe--crab capital of the world!
Pleasant Feather Dreams to all ;>)

Kay said...

♫♪ Happy birthday to y♥u,
Happy birthday to y♥u,
Happy birthday dear L♥RI,
Happy birthday to y♥u !

From G♥♥d friends and true,
From ♥ld friends and new.
May g♥♥d luck go with y♥u,
And happiness, t♥♥ ! ♪♪♫♪

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,
Boy, I got quite a panda nap earlier!
3 hours long! Hubby slept for a while, too. We didn't eat dinner until almost 8 pm!

Lynn, you asked about Hubby's knee. It is much less painful, and although still swollen, it's much better than it was. The bruising has been fading on the back of his thigh, and the arch of his foot, but now some bruises have appeared on the top of his toes. His knee is now a pretty good barometer. It gets stiff and sore when it's a high humidity day. Our doctor says that the knee will get better with time (up to 12 weeks), but may not completely return to normal size. We hope it does!

Here's the Chocolate Chip Cake recipe from our daughter, Jen!

1 yellow cake mix
1 stick soft butter
2 eggs
1 package chocolate chips

Mix all and put in springform cake pan. Bake 350 degrees for 20-25 minutes.

I think she used dark chocolate frosting on it. Courtney said it was GOOD!

Well, need to get to dreamland. My sleep schedule is messed up again!
Prayers for everyone, and for all creatures.

Making sure the porch light is on. Enabling both security systems. Sleep tight, everyone. Will talk to you tomorrow. God bless, and goodnight! Love all of you! :o]

Kay said...

Oh, yes, I've seen Spidey and his relatives, too. Spiders have visited the Sutton, Hornsby and NBG cams, too. The little hams !

Kay said...

SHIRLEY, no surprise you had success with tomato plants here in Columbus. After all, Reynoldsburg, an eastside burb, is "The Birthplace of the Tomato"--big fun festival every summer ! But them, I know you know that !

Maybe y'all could gather somewhere, say... in between a couple of Sheetz.

MARGY ! Too tired for ice cream ? Never ! It's one food that is never out of season and appropriate for any time of day !☺

Kay said...

Okay, it's just about time for the SPLIT, but I'm leaving that to someone else and heading back to bed for some more zzzzz's. Some neighbors returned from a Hilton Head vacation in the middle of the night. You'd have thought it was broad daylight the way they were talking and laughing as the unloaded their car. Seth didn't even stir. Wish I could sleep like that ! BBL ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

magpie said...

nice ISS-Endeavor flyover...
was surprised it/they did not get brighter as it headed ENE towards the sun at this hour, but it got dimmer and went poof
The undocking scheduled to occur shorlty before the flyover in these parts Monday morning
Crescent Moon in the East, exquisite also

Isla and Loon Mom still roosting on their eggs it appears

going back to bed for awhile, noisy earlier this morning here, time to talk to the upstairs folks about that

Kay, loved your poem yesterday and the Birthday poem for LORI

SPLIT SOON don't anyone get lost

magpie said...

or maybe it was Lynne2's poem
about mowing ...ooops

DanaMo said...

Anyone out there? :) Good morning.
Graduation was yesterday. WOW what a day. All kinds of emotions running up and down. Having people over today to celebrate, then I guess the senior will go party hopping.

DanaMo said... one? I guess all the smart people are sleeping in this morning! :)

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2/20/25 PM bird

1203 PM NN Scout comes to the nest with a load of bedding again. He seemed to leave with something in his talons. He has a beak full of bedd...