Thursday, May 12, 2011


I am headed up to NW Maine for the annual canoe trip.  Updates will be automated for the next week or so.

New thread.


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Hoda said...

Thanks for the new thread Steve, have a GREAT trip. Thanks for the note about the updates.

paula eagleholic said...

Have a great trip Steve!

Thanks for the call over, Hoda!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Good morning everybody. Went to Wal-Mart to get boxes and to Bedford Bulletin to get old newspapers. Let the packing begin.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Well, T-Bird has been packing and I am working.

paula eagleholic said...

Whoo hoo, Sharon and Tbird!

Unknown said...

Hello from work! funny you mentioned Monarchs this morning...I SAW ONE on the way to work, it flew right in front of the truck. No mistaking it for a viceroy!! I laughed at Tracey because she said she saw one last week and I had no idea some have made it this far north already!

Lynne2 said...

OH by the way,


Just saw that on the calender here!

Gotta run....

Lynne2 said...

LOL! I am MANCHESTER!!! Didn't know they were signed in to google!!

Lolly said...

LOL I was wondering, who in the heck was Manchester. Glad you cleared that up, Lynne.

Have walked and now going to get ready to run into town on a few errands. Our womens group at church is donating teddy bears to the police department. They carry them to give to children in stressful situations. Need to go buy a teddy bear!

Lynn, loved that article on the young bear being spotted on the cam. That is fantastic!

Lolly said...

So cool! Was watching NBG eaglets. One took a step and stepped on a stick in the nest. He worked at it until he got the stick back in place on the edge of the nest. Then he settled down into the nest. Practicing good nestorations!

JudyEddy said...

Thanks for the new THREAD STEVE--much appreciated--------------Jordyn down for a nap now to do some chores YUK

Kay said...

Morning Belle and Truder visit as seen by me. They were already there when I got the cam at 5:45.

5:45 both birds on nest

5:47 Truder POOFS from 12 spot and Belle moves into 12

5:48 Truder back, picking at flugg and rail at the 3 spot and a quick move to the 6 spot

5:50 gLORIous Color arrives

5:51 POOF Truder from the 6

5:54 back after a distraction to find Truder back again

Cam times out, grrrrr

5:58 see only the tail of a bird at 6, probably Truder and Belle is gone

5:58 Poof the bird at the 6 spot

The End !

JudyEddy said...

What exactly does he mean automated for the next week???

Lori O. said...


Costume Lady said...

Speaking of Teddy Bears, reminds me of the time we were in an accident and Jillian and I were taken to the hospital in an ambulance. When we were in the ER, someone brought a cute Teddy Bear and offered it to Jillian and she said "No thank you, I have one at home." Person said, "We thought you would like to hold on to him to make you feel better"..."I have my grandma Tiger to make me feel better". Then, you can imagine the conversation that followed with "Who is grandma TIGER?"

Lori O. said...

Hi Kay - I missed you guys this morning! I hope all is well. Do you have the granddog today?

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Steve can set the blog to automatically give us a new threat at a certain time every day.

Lori O. said...

Teddy Bears in police cars is such a great idea. Way to go, LOLLY!

PAULA - How's Nugz doing?

SHARON, poor Sharon. Don't know which is worse, packing or unpacking but packing definitely takes more time...BUT you also throw more stuff away. Love tossing things!

Lori O. said...

So, how did you get the Grandma Tiger name, Wanda? Please tell. :)

Lolly said...

Uh oh! According to Sharon,
Steve has given us a THREAT! Should we be scared?

hedgie said...

Eaglets get a visitor

Thanks for call over, Hoda!!!

Costume Lady said...

LOL,Lori...Capt. Gene has called me TIGER for many years, so when the grandchildren came along, they picked that name up from hearing their granddaddy call me that. I have gotten a lot of strange looks over the years when out in public with all three of them:)

Lolly said...

Need to go dry my hair and get beautiful. Can not go into town looking like this! Yikes!


Lolly said...

But, first add "threat" to the Momster dictionary. LOL

(((Hugs))) Sharon!

JudyEddy said...

Thanks for the info do we know what time of the day a new thread will be posted automatic???

Costume Lady said...

Yes, Lolly, be VERY AFRAID. Steve can threaten us:)

Kay said...

Yesterday Glo said...
Prayer List for today originally started by Lori oh my about 2:30 am. Anyway I thought there are a couple of important updates and I may not be on when split happens so I will repost now. Someone please bring it to new page when we split "weeeee"

Prayer list update, Thursday, May 12th. I'm bringing it forward, but please, anyone, revise if you see change is needed, I may have missed something !


DR. BAKER & Family - Lynne's friend and employer who is sick with multiple ailments after a bad cat scratch. Family has two young girls.


LYNN's friend Sandi who is trying to get pregnant with IVF.

JUDIE's thumb and ankle

EMMA - Andy's baby (puppy) to safely pass the chip she may have swallowed.

MATTIE Swelling and pain in jaw

WANDA"S GG is having some major pain and needs some relief.

BOB QUINN is suffering from some injuries due to a tumble down the stairs.

☺☺Today's praise list for prayers answered.

Thank you God !☺☺☺☺☺☺☺♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

Lynne received a clean and clear biopsy report !

Lolly and Jack got some of the rain they need--no doubt would like more !

JudyEddy said...

that picture that some one got of the bear with the NBG eaglets is neat scary also

Kay said...

Lori, Hi ! I missed you, too ! What a frustrating exercise to start the day with.

Yes, I have the granddog. He was uber-rambunctious yesterday and is quite laid back today. He's on his pallet just to my left and snoozing away. Can't believe he gave me the time needed to record this mornings nestcapades as well as to bring the prayer list forward.

Lori O. said...

WANDA, aka Tiger, I think we can all have a lot of fun with that name. I give Kay & Lynne about two minutes to come up with something.

Kay said...

Lynn, that bear visiting the triplets area is so cute. Thankfully, once they've fledged they'll view such forest heavyweights from a lofty and safe perch !

hedgie said...

Lynne, you threw us for a loop, Manchester!!! LOL! But I knew it was you....for some reason!!

Decks blown off....lunch over....inside chores on to the leaves---if I can get Liesl to take a nap!! May have to put her down in the crate...

Sharon and T-bird.....the work is worth the end result! Bluefield in the headlights!!!!

Jo, too bad that Patrick couldn't get the weekend off for the big occasion. :(


Kay said...

LOL regarding Steve's new "threat" ! Hope he doesn't see all this, he might just decide to do that !

Lori O. said...

My gosh you do a lot in a morning + one hour LYNN! I need a nap just reading all that.

JudyEddy said...

One of my peeps had this on facebook and I just had to share with you all this is just to funny of a picture

magpie said...

That is pretty funny, Judy

Easy to stay caught up with this thread

Have a great adventure in the Wild and Wooly Northern Woods and Streams, Steve

Hoda said...

The following message was sent by The Queen to the President of the USA following the storms in Alabama:

I have been appalled and saddened to hear of the tragic loss of life caused by the terrible storms that have hit Alabama and the South of the United States.

Please pass on my deep sympathy to the families and friends of all those who have been killed and to all those who have been affected.


I was reading through the British Monarchy website and found this message and thought to post it as I read about the floods and how they have affected people on lur blog...

JudyEddy said...

something is on the cam box nest shook and a sound

Hoda said...

that would be our blog not oul blog...sorry

Hoda said...

I noticed that too JudyE and I liked the play of shadows on the nest earlier too...leaves blowing in the wind

magpie said...

I can't have sound here but I sure enjoy the shadow play on the nest also

things look almost all twinkly, daylight twinkly

magpie said...

that's kind and respectful, from the Queen to the President, Hoda
thanks for posting that

Costume Lady said...

Mowing grass...taking a break...If I may, a correction on the prayer request list and thanksgiving list:
SHIRLEY not LYNNE has the clear biopsy report or...have I missed something concerning LYNNE?

JudyEddy said...

New and interesting on the
CaseyAnthony case I just posted it and it didn't post try again INTERESTIN blame the DAD

magpie said...

going to be leaving work in less than 60 mins...
and headed up to wild and wonderful Morgan County for a few hours....

best wishes for a goooooooooood evening for everyone

xoxoxo ☺ ♥

PA Nana said...

Good afternoon everyone. I've been dealing with some family drama and haven't been on the blog for quite a while. Hope everyone and their pets are doing okay.

Weather sure has been nice and was able to spend some time outside. Yippee!! Be prepared! Rain is on the way, my body tells me so.

I ran out of my naproxen script and don't want to get another. Using it for many, many years it just doesn't do the trick anymore and my cardiologist doesn't like me taking it either. Getting old sux!!

Has the yo-yo couple been in lately? The few times I did check no one was around.

NO hummers yet, boo hoo.... Just sent Jim for a fuschia and salvia, I think it's called. Red of course. And some suet. we have a pair of catbirds that are devouring what we have.

Going to open some windows and enjoy this while I can.


Costume Lady said...

Hooray for Jim...a man who's not afraid to buy some plants for his wife!:) I guess we can call him JUBBY:)

movin said...




It's not even morning on the West Coast now, and it's climbing into the mid-70's already.

I've been occupied with Windows crashes and recoveries and am just getting to the animal cams, etc.

I just read a note on FB that Pete's Pond in its new format should be back on.line before the weekend.

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

movin said...

I just looked at the still cam of our nest, and it looks like I can see a melancholy, man's face toward the right side of the nest....

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

hedgie said...

I'm done for the day! Mowing done. SOME leaves taken care off. Area under deck where wood was cleaned out. I am POOPED!
Leaves along garage and chimney end of house will have to wait until another day.....maybe in the morning if the rain holds off. I have a dental apptmt. tomorrow afternoon----HATE going to the dentist!

Now to catch up here!

hedgie said...

Lynne, thanks....I thought nurse's week was last week!

Cops have used teddy bears here for a long time. Can be very comforting.

Wanda.....gonna have to teach you about "Stifle, Edith!" LOL!

hedgie said...

Funny wedding pics, JudyE!!!

Nice letter from the Queen, Hoda. What does the R stand for??

JudyE---heard that this morning about George: he's going to SUE!

hedgie said...

Diann, hope the family drama isn't anything too serious and that all is okay now. :(
I love Salvia. But I can't grow much of green thumb, lousy soil (shale!) and critters are all a bad combination!

DanaMo said...

Why would we be losing our blog? I missed something big time! Where should I go to find out so no one has to repeat themselves.

DanaMo said...

I went to the main page to see what you all are referring to but didn't see anything there, guess I will have to read back a ways to find it.

Scott said...

"I feel like a PIED PIPER has just popped in here with his flute and led us astraty. I have always felt this was OUR PRIVATE HOME.
GIVE ME TIME, I MAY GET OVER IT...I JUST FEEL THAT WE HAVE BEEN LED ASTRAY AND WHY?"....if this is referring to me, I'm only trying to help.

Linda said...

Wow, this is getting weirder by the minute!! New Thread - but did you see the Day and Time it was supposedly started?? Thursday at 11:01am.

Maybe that was when the original Thursday thread was started. Don't know if they will eventually put back the posts or not......

As the Blog Turns......

Scott said...

@DanaMo the blog isn't going anywhere. A new Facebook fan page was started today at

Linda said...

DanaMo - Happy Anniversary to you and your Hubby!! Congratulations on 22 Happy Years and 4 Beautiful Kids!!

DanaMo said...

Thanks you! And thank goodness. I love the blog. I have a facebook and love that too, but that is different than this...maybe that's weird but I love this.

Need to decide where to go out to dinner. Hubby brought home roses, pizza ordered for the 2 kids who are home, one is at work and the 4th is at the "middle school dance" at St. Mary's. :)

Kay said...

There have always been FB users and references on this blog and it's been okay. Sometimes I feel I miss something the FB fans are talking about, but not enough to make me give up my stubborn refusal to become a part of that social network. I can see there are others who feel that way and that the FB folks are perfectly willing to use both. Personally I've never said anything on here that I minded members or lurkers reading. Lurkers sometimes enjoy that role for a while and then elect to join us--some newbies are in that camp ! I was a lurker on several chat lines at other nests and never felt comfortable with joining in until I found this blog. So, beyond this statement I'm not going to get too worked up about it, there is room for both and for those who have time for both that's okay ! JMHO

Kay said...

DanaMo, congrats to you and hubby ! Hope you have a wonderfully romantic dinner !!!!

Kay said...

Just had to reset cam, now I see Truder is on the nest, picking at flugg in the middle. When did he arrive ?

Kay said...

At 6:20 Belle joined Truder.

I just went back to old thread and invited them to join us here so there aren't two conversations going.

Oh,my lots of beaking. I can never tell is this is arguing or a romantic gesture !

DanaMo said...

hmm...beaking I'm not sure do you think it's like kissing? :)

Kay said...

Belle at 6 spot and gazing around, Truder trying to look busy at 9 spot

Kay said...

It would be nice to think so, but they often look quite angry, huh?

DanaMo said...

LOL! Truder never gets much accomplished.

DanaMo said...

well gotta go...bbl

hedgie said...

Okay, Scott....I LIKED the Fb page!!!

Jim, HOW did you get posts to post?? Of course, there's nothing back there now!! Very WEIRD situation.

Happy Anniversary, DanaMO!!!!
I had to take a break to wipe some tears after reading Margy's post. SO glad that I went out later so I didn't see th eprocession. The sign at the Firehall and the pizza place were sad enough....:( RIP, Todd.

Friday, May 13, 2011 6:17:00 PM

Too tired to really cook....decided to just make a pizza on a pita....forgot that there was a couple of pieces of b-day cake in oven....wondered why I kept smelling something sweet! DUH!

Speaking of sweet---found the M&M pretzels!!

Friday, May 13, 2011 6:20:00 PM

Since I couldn't post it EARLY today:


Well, that was a copy and paste and it didn't come over in blue....:(

JO---heads up: Flashpoint is BACK--tonight at 8!! Then CSI: NY, and BLUE BLOODS!!!!!

Friday, May 13, 2011 6:16:00 PM

Kay said...

Belle poofs and Truder soon follows, both out toward the 10 spot

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

As I posted on the blog I was lost in, I think Belle is in PMS today. She was giving him a what for.

hedgie said...

Wanda....we aren't losing the blog! Don't fret!!! Scott just started us a new FB page--remember Pammie had to take the one she started down when she couldn't change the name as requested by NCTC.

Kay said...

The nest looks so festive with a splash of bright green here and there ! Belle has good decorating sense ! ☺

PA Nana said...

Hello everyone! Just when I was ready to join you the other day, the blog went offline and didn't post my comment (that I could find). It was caddywampus today too.

Happy birthday wvSuSan and happy anniversary to DanaMo and hubby.

Wanda, those yellow columbine seeds you sent me last year, just now came up but they're almost white. Is that the way they should be? Still are pretty. Thanks again.

Alone, so I must make something to eat for Jim and myself. Too much pain to stand at the stove too long, so tomato soup and toasted cheese sandwiches.

Will try to get back later if this blog stays up.

If not, God bless you all. ♥♥♥☺

hedgie said...

Hi, Diann!!! Feel better! Good night for soup and sandwich!!

JudyEddy said...

I guess we are on Thrusday I see BBL lots to do just got back my daughter picked up her car and I had to go with BBL

Hoda said...

WELL!!! I am certainly GLAD to have the blog back and I am glad we are not losing it. I knew they were working on things when it was down and missed all of you terribly.

Hedgie, ELIZABETH R sometimes she signs E II R...The R stands for Regina which is Queen in Latin. Her Father George VI R and her son will be Charles III R. In both their cases it will stand for Rex which is King in Latin.

Happy Birthday, belated sUSAn.

I hope all who are on the prayer list are doing well. How is Nugz Paula?

What did Leisl get from the tooth fairy I wonder ?

It is cold enough here to wear a coat again as the wind off the glaciers is a bit nippy...the lower mountains still have snow on them also...looks very pretty speaks for more sun by Monday...HURRAH.

I am glad we are back in touch again...

Kay said...

Bringing Margy's earlier post forward.

Margy said:

Life-time FF with Hedgesville Volunteer Fire Department
died at the of 42 from cancer,
long funeral procesional from Martinsburg WV to the other side of Hedgesville, WV
police escort, including Sheriffs Department, Deputy Reserves, and City Police here in town

firetrucks and motorccyles also in the processional

From work here, we just sent out the fire tones at 1300 -
"Last Call"
He has gone, home......
xoxo ♥

Friday, May 13, 2011 1:21:00 PM

A sad day for the family and the community, Margy. My heart aches for all !

JudyEddy said...

wow another visit today does anyone know exactly how many times they were here

JudyEddy said...

Ashton Kuthcer is going to be on Two and a half men

Kay said...

Nice to "see" you all again ! Anxious to hear from some we kind of lost the last two frustrating days !

Must head for my evening with Jeopardy and then the PBS Friday night line up of the weeks news. Boring, huh ? That's the news hound and political junkie in me !

BBL to see what the prayer requests are before beddy-bye. ♥♥♥

PA Nana said...

Hoda, I envy you your weather. I know with spring, comes summer and I don't like hot,humid weather.

I do enjoy the warm days and colors of spring, especially when I can cut some flowers in my gardens to bring inside, but my favorite season is autumn.

Back to the soup and sandwiches. Had to sit a bit..

Hoda said...

Happy Anniversary DanaMo.

JudyE from what I can figure they were here four times so far today...It could be counted as five because in the morning Truder did the come and go routine...Belle was here for over an hour earlier on today also.

I read on the WOW blog that greenery is brought to the nest by way of saying to other eagles that the nest is taken, have any of you heard of this? DO you know if it is true? I have not heard it before.

Hoda said...

Pa Nana, It is true when it gets too hot it is not much fun!!! and this from someone who spent the first sixteen years of her life in Egypt...
I like spring the most because of the hope that comes with the trees and the blooms are spectacular. I actually have to park the car and walk so I would not get in an accident looking around at the blossoms when they first come out. With the snow on the mountains and the glaciers that stay year round it looks spectacular. The autumn colours are breath taking too I have to admit...but by then I am thinking two layers of clothing plus coats and boots...

Bob Quinn said...

Good evening everyone. Back on my feet. Sarah and I went out to Longwood Gardens yesterday. Here are the photos:


hedgie said...

Those of you who say that FB is fast....are lucky. Mine ISN'T! And neither is the AAWV page that I administer! Doesn't matter which computer I'm on, either.

Linda, when I get back on PC---probably tomorrow---I'll email you the link to the ALT characters! There are dozens of them!!
Glo...doesn't your laptop have a number keypad?

Hoda said...

God receive the soul of the Lifetime Fire Fighter who passed and God bless and comfort his family.

How do I join the facebook page that was set up...I have a face book account but do not visit it often but I missed you guys when the blog was down and it might be a way to communicate if it is down again...I am glad we are back in contact and I had better stop writing to give someone else a chance to get on here...I am HAPPY TO BE IN CONTACT AGAIN

hedgie said...

Hoda, thanks for the explanation about E's "R"! Makes sense!

WOW---what kind of temps are you getting up there??? Is it normal to still have snow on the lower mountians this late?

Hoda said...

hedgie, it was a late winter for us, it snowed here in April this year, and we have not had many sunny days yet this spring so this is why we still have snow on the lower is not usual,but it is what is happening this year.The glaciers are with snow year round and I like that they are there, beautiful to watch...

Scott said...

@hedgie....LOL..really? I wonder why? Today Sharon posted a photo from Belle's visit and four or five of us had commented almost 40 times in just an hour or two, most at the very end actually. The page went up this afternoon and we already have 17 fans, 10 posts all with comments, 1 photo and 2 videos....LOL...actually a lot more action right away than I thought it would be....

Really though, I'm only trying to help. I am not a PIED PIPER as was referred. I've been in the tech industry for years and one of my jobs is to find better, faster and more efficient ways to do things. I'm only applying that here and threw out the idea of a page. When other people said it had been talked about, I offered to create it since I had created two others for my business and could do it quickly. I understand it is hard for people to accept change, but nobody is killing anything, like the blog. I would ask for everyone to simply have an open mind and try it, you might just like it. :)

Scott said...

@Hoda Just log into your facebook and in the search type in Shepherdstown Eagle Cam Fans or go to it at:

hedgie said...

Hoda, just type Shepherdstown Eagle Cam Fans into the FB search box, and then click LIKE on the page!

Bob, love your pics, as always! Glad you are recovering!!!

hedgie said...

Time for Jeopardy---sofa with Liesl. And then a great CBS line-up for the evening. Will check in during ads.

glo said...

Hedgie No number keypad on my laptop :(

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

I have 4 young deer out here and 3 have little stubbins for antlers. I am sure one of them is Bamboozle. I am definitely going to miss this when I leave here.

NatureNut said...

What day is it? Where are we??
Saw after I got to work that some were finally getting posts to work on old Wed. Thread.

Was finally able to find my spot and put some "Litte Foxes" pics on blog.
TGIF!!! din din~~~

JudyEddy said...

sitting at 10

JudyEddy said...

he has stumbled a couple of times

JudyEddy said...

in middle of nest now

JudyEddy said...

picking at egg cup flugg

JudyEddy said...

I wonder if belle will join him? s=moving to 5 picking a stick

JudyEddy said...

moving the greenery they brought in earlier

JudyEddy said...

still picking at 6 big man moving little stick

JudyEddy said...

I wonder why so many visit in one day and some days no visit anyone have any idea at all why???

JudyEddy said...

little bird jumps to join him and flys away

JudyEddy said...

just sitting at 6 looking around

JudyEddy said...

his neck line is all fuzzy a big mess

NatureNut said...

My gosh, Truder looks like he's decorated for Easter with a cross on his head now!

JudyEddy said...

lots of loose white feather on his neck front he is just sitting there

JudyEddy said...

I know I have seen the cross before it hasn't gotten any little either been here a while

JudyEddy said...

I post on WED 736 he flew in then realize was on wrong day DUH

Linda said...

Lynn - Thanks for offering to send me the html characters!!

Missed you guys!!

Glad everyone is back home again ☺

JudyEddy said...

I see LOLLY noticed I was on wrong day I noticed it also OOPS

Linda said...

I just posted another announcement about the newer thread. Lolly had just posted there, so we'll see if she makes her way over here.

I'll go check again.

JudyEddy said...

He almost looks like a statue

Linda said...

Yep, Lolly posted another alert, so she knows we're here!!

paula eagleholic said...

Just heard a horn beep

Truder still at the 6

Loose feather on the chest blowing in the breeze

Bob Quinn said...

Going to make some dinner. Happy birthday Susan and Happy Anniversary Danamo! Catch you all later.

hedgie said...

WhooHoo----Ocracoke guy WON the tournament!!! Tickles me to pieces!!!

paula eagleholic said...

Now facing right and watching something

paula eagleholic said...

Up to the 11 spot and off he goes....could see him slightly below the nest heading to the treeline to the right rear.

JudyEddy said...

POOF Boomerang

Lolly said...

Yes, I am here! I posted over there and then went back to read the blog. LOL Saw about the new thread so left a new alert!

Scott, thank you for the facebook page. It will be good for a lot of things but especially for a back up. Though I was having fun chatting away with Sissy this morning on the Eaglet Momster chat.

Truder poofed and you could see him down below the nest. That is always cool.

JudyEddy said...

gonna go catch up on stuff laundry still need done Miss Jorydn wanted my full attention most of the afternoon so I have lots to do BBL Will have computer still up lurking

stronghunter said...

Good evening,

Just watched Jeopardy. Your Ocracoke guy did very well, Lynn.

I had said I did not know the woman from Fredericksburg, but I certainly do know Betty Merrill, her Latin teacher, whom she mentioned on the show tonight. I taught with Betty at Stafford high school. Betty moved on to James Monroe High School in Fredericksburg.

paula eagleholic said...

Bob, glad you are feeling better! Thanks for the pics!

Hoda, Nugz is feeling pretty good! I suspect the prednisone is helping! And yes, we have heard that greenery in the nest means the nest is occupied!

Hoda said...

Thanks Paula for letting me know that the medication is working for Nugz. Thank you also for the confirmation of the greenery could mean nest is occupied. I had not heard that before today.

magpie said...

So nice to see everyone ♥

Thanks for reposting the message about our Firefighter who lost his valiant battle against cancer.
He was one of my favorite ambulance drivers...always safe, respectful, kind....
When the announcement came in for us to read, I cried, then cried again when another supervisor set out the tones and made the announcement. I definitely knew I would not have been able to read it.
He leaves a wife and two young daughters, his mother, and a sister.

Thanks for sharing in this with me.
xoxo ♥

magpie said...

Your posts are exquisite...
and thank you for your explanation about the "R" being for Regina, or Rex...that is ALSO exquisite

magpie said...

So glad to hear that Nugz is doing well, Paula, very heartwarming, I know you won't mind some muddy paws this week-end !! ☺ ♥

magpie said...

and how about Bob Quinn and Sarah going to Longwood Gardens...again !!
I'll catch up on the picture links, in a little while.

I sat in the misty muddy woods for over an hour watching the Red-Shouldered Hawk's nest...saw a little fuzz buzz when I got there, then a whole hour passed until he (or she) starting moving again, looks to be about a week old. I could only see one...and the parent never returned the entire time I was there. I have to say, I was sorry to have to leave before a parent returned, but it was getting cold, dark and more misty

Heard a Baltimore Oriole chirping and finally saw it before I left Swinging Bridge....he was a beauty!

magpie said...

@Scott ☺
I applaud your efforts and all the explanation about the new Facebook option...
just about everyone on here probably knows by now, I do not "do" Facebook, have about all I can manage with our dear Blog and other nest cams and things I watch, and I have a very old computer, AND, not a whole lot of time to venture into anything new.
But I hope it works out swell for any and all who participate in it.
That's from the heart ♥! xoxoxo

Lynne2 said...

Evening all...whew, been a long and busy day!

paula eagleholic said...

Margy, so glad you got to see the new nestlings! So what are baby redtails called???

Lynne2 said...

Happy Anniversary DanaMo!

Lynne2 said...


Costume Lady said...

Well Margy, looks like it will be you and me still on this blog. I cannot see going back and forth from here over to Facebook. Anything I have to say can be said on here and any photos that we want to share, we can do here on our personal blog with no proble
Don't think this was an ideal day for bird watching, but I know you gotta doit when you can:)

Lolly said...

Wanda, I think we are all staying with the blog. FB will just be our backup and another way to add pictures.

hedgie said...

LOL, Paula----have you seen the wild onion growing in the Kentucky nest??? NOT inhabited!!!

Glo, when I had my netbook, it didn't have a numberpad, either.
But maybe someone can tell you if the blue Fn and F keys would work.

Hoda, seeing snow all year round up on the peaks would be so pretty!!

Hoda said...

Costume Lady, I do not think anyone is planning to leave this blog...the disruption proves how so very connected we are to it...everyone sounds very pleased to be here is to our community and may we continue to share and to laugh and pray together...

hedgie said...

Shirley, the Latin teaacher did SO well last night but stumbled tonight, and Charles cleaned up!
Neat that you know the teacher who inspired her!

Lynne2 said...

Wanda, none of us are leaving here! You post stuff on your blog here and on FB...many of us do. I think it's a way of checking nest activity and pics faster, but no one is LEAVING here!

hedgie said...

Flashpoint was really good---love that show. So glad it's back!

Lolly said...

Margy, now you know how we felt when we had a RS Hawk nest in our front yard!!! Over a period of 3 years we raised 10 babies! It was an awesome experience!!!!! We learned all about poop shoots! Also, Mom and Dad would clean the nest and drop remains in a certain area of our yard. We called it the cemetary. We found turtle shells, fish heads, and complete snake skeletons.

Lynne2 said...

Lynn, I have a laptop and just sent Glo the way to do it!

Lolly said...

Lynne2.....are you feeling ashamed? You should!!!!

Lynne2 said...

I'm so jealous Lolly! We found a hawk nest out back here but it's not being used :(

Lolly said...

Just saw DanaMo's avatar! Wow! Fantastic picture!

Lynne2 said...

No, not really....I have found that eating M and Ms one at time leads to far less chocolate intake while still soothing my desire for chocolate. I make them last a long time....and share!

Lolly said...

LOL! At least you share!

Lolly said...

I really am pretty much off my diet now, but watching what I eat. I was really excited this morning to have the scales drop another pound. I am now 2 pounds less than when I lost the weight 2 years ago, officially down 2 sizes. Retirement got to me. Not going to let it happen again.

hedgie said...

Margy, know it was a rough day for many. I didn't know TOdd, but knew Donald. He always hung out at the carpet store, and he also supplied me with wood on many occasions. I bet there was a really great reunion in heaven for father and son.

Loretta....going to look at your kits!

Lynne2 said...

Good for you Lolly!!! I am drinking lots more water, mostly Selter, upping my fiber, cutting out a lot of my sugar (but not all just yet) and trying to get back to exercising. My knee pain just seems to be getting worse, along with my back pain, and that's not helping. Steve is going to walk with me after work now, and on weekends. Easier to do now that the weather is nicer.

hedgie said...

Okay, Lynne and... was it JudyE?....opening my M&M Pretzels....hmmmmm.....can't taste the pretzel or the salt...???

hedgie said...

Bet baby RTH are hawkettes!

glo said...

OK I have to come right over here and send a heartfelt thanks to ♥Lynne2♥ for messaging me and telling me how to lock my numbers on my laptop; which is several years old and never had a number lock before LOL. ♪I am singing a happy song tonight♫.

Lynne2 said...

no, they are Eyasses! Really! I looked it up!

NO, not the pretzel ones Lynn, just the plain!

Lynne2 said...

LOL Glo!! You're too funny!

JudyEddy said...

I'm trying to catch up on Grey Anatomy and realized I messed up I watch this weeks before I watch last weeks I was wondering what was going on didn't pay attention to the date I guess I had a half-timers moment or sometimes I guess Oh well now to go take a shower and finish watch Oh I think that even if you are not on face book you can see the page It is marked public I'm sure you can view I think but just can't comment like this Blog I think someone needs to check it out so that way if you want to just look and not have an acct it might work here is the link
SHEPHERDSTOWN-EAGLE-CAM-FANS Let me know if it works just curious I guess Well gonna shower BBL

hedgie said...

Thanks, Lynne, for helping Glo!

magpie said...

Here is my RED for Friday, since I lost my yellow violet over the Blog Upheaval. This wildflower is difficult to find in the Field Guides...seems to be part of the buttercup and Bleeding Hearts family.
Also known possibly as Corn Poppy, Field Poppy, and Flanders Poppy, It became a symbol for the soldiers in World War I for the sacrifices they had endured, as it grew wild in the fields of battle, (Flanders for example) Also the little paper red flowers the American Legion Auxiliary distributes at Memorial Holidays, is the red poppy. There is a lot more to read about the Field Poppy, but this is the short version of it.

Lolly said...

Really? Eyeasses? Did not know that!

Keep on drinking the water, Lynne. And, just control your portions. Glad Steve is going to walk with you. Jack walks with me!♥

JudyEddy said...

I have posted some pictures and video on the face book in case you want to see if you can see them without signing up is why I posted the last thing ok bye again

hedgie said...

Liesl is running around the house in circles again! Too funny.

magpie said...

I was going to say "hawklet" as a joke, Lynn and Paula, but I think Eyass is more correct perhaps ?
As Lynne posted a little while back

Yes, I can relate to some extent....
I cannot access the bottom of the tree, so I cannot check for throwovers
it is surrounded by the creek, the tree, a large beautiful sycamore.
Last year there were three babies at this time at this nest. The little tyke seemed to have the whole nest to himself, but I sure wish and hope there are siblings, because this was a long rather cold period of time for it to be alone, but I had to just conclude, this is Nature, and the Red-Shouldered Hawks must know what to do and when.
And you are right, Wanda...I had to get 'er done in the little window of time before the rains of the next few days occur

Lolly said...

Love it, Lynne! I am so happy for you that this is working out. This is what you needed. Perfect!

Lynne2 said...

Margy,they are mentioned in the song "The Green Fields of France". One of my favs....

The Green Fields of France

magpie said...

I have to admit, that I did not keep up with all the E-M messages of up to when the blog "returned" - I saw just a few, so I am out of touch with what everyone has been doing, and am sorry about that, but
I am just running out of time.
Night Bandit is lurking, and I need to eat and get a shower...

Will check back before bedtime...
Thanks for the friendship here, which is where I will remain, because, as I said, I can't do Facebook...maybe another time, but I really am completely okay with where I am for the time being, and my plate is full !!

It will be fun to hear from Jo on her Pre-Graduation ceremonials this evening with Christine and Family

Best wishes for a good evening, everyone
xoxo ttfn xoxo ♥

paula eagleholic said...

Thanks, Lynne...kinda thought so but wasn't sure!

Lolly, interesting on the cemetary!

I find that cutting out the inbetween meal snacks and especially the sweet snacks (and lord knows how much I love them) and exercise really helps. I've lost 7 lbs since I've started working on the beach house...and mowing the yard again.

Would love to start walking again, but it would drive Nugz crazy... I think I am going to try him on some short walks and see how he does.

magpie said...

Love you

Lynne2 said...

Did you know that songbird babies have "diapers"? There poop is enclosed in little poop sacks that the parents can easily remove and deposit away from the nest!

Lolly said...

Margy, the hawks never threw the remains under the tree and nest. They carried them away to a certain area of our yard. Thought it very interesting. This year the nest is in the back yard of our neighbors across the street. Last year it was on our side of the street 2 acres down, but the STUPID guy shot one of the hawks. I found out about it after the fact. The man is now deceased!

stronghunter said...

DanaMo--Happy anniversary!
WVsUSAn--Happy birthday!

I am so happy that it is Friday.

paula eagleholic said...

Love you too Margy ♥

Lynne, bluebirds do that!

Lynne2 said...

oh and I envy you Paula, because you can walk on the beach! I really LOVE LOVE LOVE walking on the beach, esp. early in the AM and late in the PM, in the sun or in the rain, and I am convinced salt water eases my pain!

Lynne2 said...

Good grief, that sounded like a Dr Seuss thing!

paula eagleholic said...

How many more days, Shirley :)

Lolly said...

Good for you, Paula. Snacks are okay....yogurt and fresh fruit is good. However, I find I do okay without them. Once again, lots of water, excercise and portion control. At church Thursday night....there was lots of "stuff". I drank water!

Lynne2 said...

I had the WONDERFUL joy of having a pair of cardinals build a nest in a bush by my bedroom window many years ago, before I lived here. I had the BEST view of EVERYTHING! That was the first time (and only time!) I ever saw the poop sacs and the removal!

I have found several blue egg shells around here in the last couple of days...can't tell for sure, but probably Robin eggs!

hedgie said...

Oh-oh...Jo....I hope that Mac isn't going to leave CSI.....sure seems like he's "saying goodbye"...:(

Lolly said...

Whoops, just saw where one of my post said Lynne, when I meant Lynn. Geeeeesh!

hedgie said...

Judy, link worked fine for me, but I have someone who doesn't should check it.

Lynne2 said...

hey Lynn, does the efficacy of NSAIDS wear off after prolonged use? I am experimenting again this weekend to see how much they are helping my pain. I'm thinking maybe my pain isn't getting worse, but that the NSAID isn't working anymore. It could be a very rough weekend for me!

stronghunter said...

20, Paula.

Barbara the librarian and I were counting today. She is retiring too, as is her husband who is the librarian at what we call the "other" high school. He's the one who was on Jeopardy awhile back.

Lolly said...

I have never heard of that! Diapers? LOL

Lynne2 said...

I forget where I read that was on one of the gazillions of nature related pages or websites I look at!

Lolly said...

Oh, Lynne, I do hope you do not have a rough weekend. You are too young to be having these problems!!!

magpie said...

Thank You...I saved the site to my favorites, very moving, the link you posted

Oh we are fired up tonight, all the great variety that signifies this Blog ☺

Just in case I don't make it back later:
God Bless This Nest, and God Bless Us, Every One, and all our pets !
xoxo ♥

Lynne2 said...

Yes, I am WAY too young for this. But it's a wake up call to take better care of myself.

DR Baker had tested a weak positive for Bartonella. Not a definitive diagnosis, more testing to come. Also possible Lyme.

Lynne2 said...

Margy, the first time I heard that song I cried.....still get teary eyed.

paula eagleholic said...

Lynne, I wondered about Lyme...I'll have to look up the other one.

stronghunter said...

Flash and I had an experience yesterday. I had put him outside on his lead. Poor guy got wrapped around the tree, and when I went out and tried to encourage him to walk around and unwrap himself, he just kept going around the wrong way and making it worse.

When the lead is not wrapped, he can get to the door. I do not trust him without the lead. Pretty sure he would run away.

I tried pulling on the lead and pulled his collar off and lost my balance and fell down beside him. Flash got all confused because I was lying on the ground next to him.

I was desperately trying to put the collar on him before he figured out he could run away. Once I accomplished that, I had to try to get up. Not easy for me with a dog jumping in my face. It all ended well. I got the leash to bring Flash in and left the tangled lead for Kathryn to deal with.

Lynne2 said...

Lyme is SO hard to diagnose. Even negative preliminary tests don't rule it out. She could actually have BOTH. I just hope and pray they figure it out.

paula eagleholic said...

LOL, that was a wonderful image Shirley...can imagine Flash thinking it's play time!!

stronghunter said...

Oh, Lynne, I hope you do not have a bad weekend.

Lynne2 said...

OMG SHIRLEY!!!! Are you hurt?

Lynne2 said...

Forget about ME....what about YOU!!!

Lynne2 said...

I'm hoping I won't but I am very concerned about these long term affects of NSAIDS on the cardiovascular system. I've been taking mostly Aleve, 1 or 2 AM and 1 or 2 PM daily for 10 years.

stronghunter said...

It was pretty amusing, Paula.

I can't wait to get a fence, so we will not have to worry about putting the dogs on leads. They have both gained weight since they came here. They did have a fenced yard at their other home.

Kathryn and Tom always found the darnedest free things. They were on the way to the store to buy fencing material when they passed by a house that had a pile of fencing lying out with the trash. They went to the door and asked if they could have it. That is how they got their fence.

Of course, it does not take a tall fence to confine a basset hound.

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10/5/24 Bella chackling

 Eight different times Bella cackling