Thursday, May 05, 2011


Saw swallows this morning, first time this year.  Spring is here for sure.

New thread.


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Kay said...

Thanks so much, Steve ! I've put out the call to the others.

Hope you have a great day !

Kay said...

Steve, glad you saw Swallows ! There is hope that Spring has finally sprung and we'll begin to see less rain and more birds and pretty flowers !

JudyE, got a big kick out the kittens. Does anyone else suspect there might have been a bit of catnip involved ? ☺

Okay, now that I've had my PSF I'm good to go. Later.....

Kay said...

Brought over from old thread. This may mean WVgal Dana gets the fishycure with the last post on that thread.

wvgal_dana said...
Good Morning -- sunshine yeah!!!! Good Morning to all that has been in and left and come back and Lurkers.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO OUR RUMBLING AROUND MAN "BOB QUINN". Any directions will be given by maps lol. Teaseing....

Hedgie-Lynn you got the right doggie now ( :

I don't know who on here starting the Grosbeak birds. Seen one yesterday...stop and just sit and watched it for awhile.

Thanks Scott for the pictures and video.

Sharon that sounds so wonderful. A Spritual weekend at Cedar Lakes. My heart is with you ( :

Well I guess #11-0207 she is flying and soaring, maybe
heading to home. Wonder how long they had her. Thanks Lynne2.

Judie prayers and hope thing are fine.

JudyE that is exactly what I do. I look through the eyes of the comments of our great photographer
and those on adventures. I dream I am there with them as they take me on their trips.

Thanks Hedgie-Lynn for putting up the link Animals Seized. Shame :(

I have a "mariadangeloart as Maria from Newton, NJ"????

stronghunter said...


One last comment before the kids arrive--27 days until freedom.

stronghunter said...

Thinking of you today, Judie. I hope you are set free by the surgeon.

Kay said...

I know I said "later..n' BBL, but I stuck around to see if ya'll followed me over.

Shirley, I think we are all counting the days with you ! It makes me so happy to know you're ready to join the retiree list ! That's exactly what I have for our wonderfully talented Maria. I believe the thing about Candy, etc. was just due to some confusion and never really had anything to do with Maria. Sometimes when the blogging is going on fast and furioiusly names get lost in the shuffle !

Judie I echo Shirley's wish ! Can't wait to hear how it went.

Kay said...

Now, for sure, it's granddog time and I'm bowing out for a while.

HAGD !!!!@!

glo said...

Good morning everyone. .Happy Birthday Bob Off to breakfast/brunch with a friend this morning, and Camera Club tonight. Its gonna be a good day :-). Hope yours is good as well.

Lynne2 said...

Happy Birthday Bob Q!

Kay, Fishycure AND PSF are yours today. Call over, and first post on new thread were prized for last post on old thread!

My baby bluebirds are hatching! 3 are out, one is half out and one is still an egg!!

And the Blue Grosbeaks are back today!

Lynn, yes that is an "ant moat". It works like a charm. Got it at Irvine. I used to spray cooking oil all over everything, but this is SO much less messy!

Lynne2 said...

weird how things in nature go....Steve is only just seeing swallow, but we've had Barn Swallows for a couple of weeks and Tree Swallows for a month already. On the other hand, not too far from there, Margy is seeing Wildflowers already blooming before they have bloomed here!

OK, where has Linda been??? Probably never coming back after I blamed my M and M cheating on her! Come back Linda!!!!

floralgirl said...

Saw our first swallows last week:) still waiting for a blue grosbeak...
Have a great day everybody , the sun feels great out here, the wind is a pain, but hey, at least it's not raining!

Linda said...

LOL Lynne!! I just logged in for the first time since Tuesday afternoon to see your post!! I'll have to go back and read to see what you're blaming me on!!

Yesterday was crazy busy for me and I was too tired to check in last night.

This morning, we had all sorts of birds at the feeders!! Now we have 5 male rose-breasted gross beaks. Amazing. Probably as many females. One of the males is still changing from his winter brown to the spring black and red!!

We had 2 brilliant baltimore orioles. Just beautiful. And one was actually eating off the suet cake!

The red headed woodpecker seems to be hanging around as well, which is something we haven't had here ever!!

It's 62 and sunny right now!! I love Spring!!

Lynne2 said...

oh, uh, heeheee Hi Linda! I, uh, well, don't bother looking back... I blamed you for eating M and Ms at work the other day. Lolly called me out, I'm so ashamed. LOL!

Check out my blog...I had BLUE GROSBEAKS yesterday! I have never seen one before!

Lynne2 said...

I'd love to have Orioles. We have them around, but never regularly.

Lynne2 said...

I'd love to see a Rosebreasted Grosbeak again too! Haven't seen on live and in person in about 15 years or so!

Lynne2 said...

Today is the 60th annual National Day of Prayer....The prayer theme for this year is "A Mighty Fortress Is Our God," which focuses on Psalm 91:2. "I will say of the Lord, He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust."

And of course, Cinco de Mayo!

Linda said...

Lynne - I WILL READ BACK.....just for fun.

The Blue Grossbeak is beautiful! Don't think we've had one of those.

Dennis got some great shots of the oriole and rose breasted grossbeaks. If I don't figure out how to start a blog, I'll send them via email, which is easier!

Lynne2 said...

are you on Facebook by any chance?

Setting up a blog isn't that hard. I swear, if I can do it, anyone can!

Linda said...

Thanks for posting the comment about today being the National Day of Prayer!!

He is my ROCK, for sure!! It is unfortunate that our current president doesn't recognize this day.

Linda said...

Yeah, I am on FB. Linda Cochran Salsberry. Maybe I will upload a couple pics there.....

Lolly said...

Good morning! Slept til after 8, felling mellow this morn. Took a muscle relaxer last night. I need to remember to take it earlier in the evening so my mornings are perkier!

Happy Birthday to Bob Q. Bob, hope your day is really special!

And, forgot to say Happy Birthday to Carolyn yesterday! HB Carolyn!

Lynne2 said...

we'll call you Felling Mellow, quite rightly.

Linda said...

Heck......I rarely post anything to FB....and not I am getting flustered trying to post a few pictures there. is passing me by!!

Lolly said...

Okay, Okay, Okay...yet another typo! Feeling Mellow! LOL

Lolly said...

Off to eat breakfast and then walk...if I can. May fall asleep. LOL

Have a great day!

Linda said... posting some more pics to FB for now. Birds and Critters in the yard.....although, I have some flower shots in there as well.

Will post more later. Gotta get some work done!!

I promise I will work on the blog SOON, but still have too much to do to get my office back in order and finish up a bunch of work!!

hedgie said...

Lynne, can you buy the moats someplace? Cool idea!

Linda, I friended you on FB!

Is that you and your son in th epic? Lovely! Even tho' a young man wouldn't want to hear that!

"A Mighty Fortress is Our God" indeed! Praise Him!

Megan---so glad that you are getting a break from the rain.

DID YOU HEAR??? Marie Osmond is remarrying her first husband who she divorced in 1985!

Linda said...

I also want to run out and look for an oriole feeder to keep those birds HERE!! They've been here for several days now and I would love for them to stay.

wvgal_dana said...

Brought over other thread

Good Morning -- sunshine yeah!!!! Good Morning to all that has been in and left and come back and Lurkers.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO OUR RUMBLING AROUND MAN "BOB QUINN". Any directions will be given by maps lol. Teaseing....

Hedgie-Lynn you got the right doggie now ( :

I don't know who on here starting the Grosbeak birds. Seen one yesterday...stop and just sit and watched it for awhile.

Thanks Scott for the pictures and video.

Sharon that sounds so wonderful. A Spritual weekend at Cedar Lakes. My heart is with you ( :

Well I guess #11-0207 she is flying and soaring, maybe
heading to home. Wonder how long they had her. Thanks Lynne2.

Judie prayers and hope thing are fine.

JudyE that is exactly what I do. I look through the eyes of the comments of our great photographer
and those on adventures. I dream I am there with them as they take me on their trips.

Thanks Hedgie-Lynn for putting up the link Animals Seized. Shame :(

I have a "mariadangeloart as Maria from Newton, NJ"????

Thursday, May 05, 2011 9:26:00 AM

wvgal_dana said...

Haven't had chance to read this thread yet.

Want to say Hi ( : to everyone.

Need to do some things.

hedgie said...

Here's your laugh for the day:

Photographing pigs

Tim Rowland is a columnist in the Hagerstown newspaper. Love his stuff!

Lynne2 said...

Linda the pictures are GREAT!!

Lynn, I would think any large home and garden center would have them. They have them online and maybe if you called a mfg. they could tell you were to by retail.

I've got to boogie to work, Brother has to go with me today for his steroid injection and it could take a while to get him in the carrier!

hedgie said...

Lolly, what muscle relaxant do you take? The Flexeril gives me a horrible hangover---it takes me umntil after noontime to get it out of my system. Switched to Robaxin and don't have that effect!!

JudyEddy said...

saw new thread checking in now to get Jordyn down for a nap just got back from park It is a glorious day out there soooo pretty

Linda said...

Here are some birds and flowers from my backyard Some Backyard Pictures

Linda said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
hedgie said...

Great pics, Linda! Left you some comments!!!

Linda said...

Thanks, Lynn!

I posted a bunch more pictures after my first post. I'll do more later.

That is my son in the picture! I'm just crazy about him!! As any mother is.....

movin said...




C(°ٿ°)D Jim

Linda said...

Same for me on the Flexeril. I can't take the stuff. I'm a zombie for two days after taking ONE pill!

Linda said...

Okay, off to the Tractor Supply or Agway in town for my Oriole Feeder.


Linda said...

Lynne2 - I know we have some better Rosebreasted Grossbeak pics. I will find them and post them a bit later!

hedgie said...

Changed my avatar to my Mom in honor of Mother's Day!

JudyEddy said...

PA LYNN Linda I loved all your pictures Love the hummers especially Couldn't leave a comment not friend with you won't allow just wanted to say they were all awesome pictures Now to go put someone down for a nap and its not me HAHA

Costume Lady said...

Not sure if it was Sharon or Sissy which suggested our Mothers picture for our avatars for Mother's Day...neat idea!
I see many others on Face book have done it:)

Getting ready to go into town to unload tractor trailer with our Food Bank items for May. Not a real big order this time, so we won't be so tired when we get done...maybe I can stay awake this time to watch our Terrific Tuesday TV shows:)

Have a great day♥

Costume Lady said...


floralgirl said...

Linda, I love your pictures! Especially the orioles! Haven't seen one in my yard yet this year, did see one on the cam last week for a second. Love the chipmunk too, ours are so shy and fast we usually only catch a glimpse of them.

movin said...

Believe it or not, they finally posted some 2011 notes on Finney's site today.

She IS setting on three eggs, which is what I "thought" I saw yesterday.

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

Judie said...

Back home.

I will try to catch up later on all that is going on. Need to finish grades to submit to the Registrar.

Meanwhile, I have graduated. Surgeon says I'm doing well. If swelling/discomfort continues I can come back in 6 to 12 months -- might want to remove one of the screws. Otherwise, further range-of-motion can be accomplished on my own.


JudyEddy said...

Motheres pictures are being done on face book also

NatureNut said...

Hllo Everyone in Eagleland! ☺
A little cool, but lovely day today!
Was checking the loon cam & Larry had a link of the egg birth that I had just missed by minutes.
Will try to download, fix some pics today. Some much happening so soon!
Also been trying to figure out how to get closer to foxes at Chelsea.They are further away from any hiding place this time, as their den is in the far corner of field away from bldg, near entrance road.. We do have the holly tree in field center, but it's pretty close to house. If you've got hours, perhaps park car & hide behind a tree & wait for them to come out.Maybe a big camo box to hide in, but then you'd be sitting w/ticks! Or maybe Bob would like to have a B'Day adventure!! LOL

Hoda said...

Good news Judie and congratulations on your doctors' assessment. Keep focusing on your health. Good luck with the school work.

JudyEddy said...

Miss Jordyn down for nap I'm going to down load the pictures I took at the park today of her and then I tink I will take a cat nap BBL

hedgie said...

Jim, you beat me to the punch! Was just going to post the 3rd egg update!!!!

magpie said...

Thanks Lynne2 for the reminder about this being the National Day of Prayer ...

Kinda busy at work, I started this post two hours ago

movin said...







C(°ٿ°)D Jim

Bob Quinn said...

Thanks Jim and thanks everyone for all the birthday greetings and for all the eCards as well. All your well wishes bring a smile to my face.

Lori O. said...

Happy Birthday Bob! Love your pictures and so happy you share them with us.

PA LINDA - - great bird pics on your FB page. I too put in a friend request.

I think LINDA & LYNNE are going to have to start sharing the birds. We don't take kindly to bird hogging around these parts! LOL.

Lori O. said...

Yeah for JUDIE! A little more time not having to tend to your ankle appointments. Congratulations!

glo said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lori O. said...

MARGY - you should do a really big push for your FRIDAYS WEAR RED FOR THE TROOPS campaign with all that happened over the weekend. I'll have to put out my red jeans now or I'll forget. CRS is so bad these days.

glo said...

My delete had worng PA :-)

So PA Lynn Love your backyard critters and flowers. I love my backyard critters and flower, especially in springtime. I don't have any deer. Now i know they can cause problems for some but golly they are gorgeous. I won't get them here though I don't think. There is a park pretty close to here that has some but i never see them there LOL.

Lori O. said...

GLO - was just thinking about you and your camera class tonight. We didn't get to pick any pictures this week, or did I miss it?

Kay said...

Lynne2, I'm so glad to hear I'm a double beauty treatment winner. I needed both this morning !

Lori O. said...

Lord knows you don't need them Kay - I think you should donate them. :)

glo said...

LOL Lori yes youmust have missed it. It was last week that I posted a few heron pictures and asked for input. I knew the other 2 I was going to enter for competition. Have 1 Eagle, one heron, and my grand daughter but shhh don't tell anyone. They encourage us to not enter portraits of loved ones because they don't want to have the judges hurt anyone's feelings BUT I want to see her on the big screen,and I am not concerned about how they score her. She's a winner. :-)

I hope you have seen the 2 emails I have answered for you also. It discusses the closeness of eagles here and the lens that would probably work fine etc.

Lori O. said...

@ GLO - I have seen the emails & thank you very much for the lense advice. And I did vote for the heron pics - chose #2 as the more artsy one...IMHO. Which one are you taking of the heron?

Lolly said...

Wanda, I was the one who suggested Mother's pictures for avatars.

I have changed mine to one of Momma and Daddy on their wedding day. Daddy's birthday is next week, May 13. He would have been 100 on this birthday. He died 42 years ago at 58. Way too young!

Lori O. said...

Yes, that should be lens...not lense.

Lori O. said...

LOLLY that is a fantastic idea for Mother's Day avatars!

glo said...

LOL well Lori I am embarassed to say I found one more heron picture that wasn't in the mix and I chose to enter it instead. I had overlooked it when I was downloading them.

"ducking now as so many did give me GOOD input" and I ALWAYS appreciate that outside eye to give me input. Both 1 and 2 had a lot of folks who like them. I do too. One of them still might make it into a future competition. Thanks

That heron was very co-operative! OK and yes I remember the more artsy comment. You have to submit photos 1 week before actually meeting time to get them sorted out into categories by the one doing that and ready to present to the judges tonight.

Lolly said...

Made the pic larger!

hedgie said...

Wanda, good pic of you and GG!
Don't work too hard unloading that trailer.

Lolly said...

Lynn, you certainly look like your Mom!

glo said...

Good morning Liesl, I am glad you are helping Mom at the computer

Lunchtime here

Lori O. said...

Geez, I have the blabs - a little gabby today. Sorry. :)
About to gie you a rest, first:

WANDA, LYNN & LOLLY: Beautiful avatars. Gives me goosebumps.

SHIRLEY, just want you to know I'm thinking about you and your biopsy appointment tomorrow. Prayers all around for a healthy outcome. We'll wait the three days for the results with you. :)

OKay, going to try to take a nap. Have a good afternoon everyone.

Good luck tonight with your photos GLO!

Remember wear RED tomorrow, and no hogging the birds Lynne & Linda!

movin said...

Well, later, everyone. It's getting hot here, and I need to do a few things before it does.

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

stronghunter said...

Lynn, you do look like your mother.

Just started The Great Gatsby movie in my Block 3 class.

hedgie said...

Judie, concur about the possibility of a screw removal if symptoms persist. But glad that he feels comfortable releasing you!!! A kind of freedom, huh??!!

Loretta.....maybe Wanda will come hide out with you in a blind for a chance at fox kit pics!

Lolly said...

Someone muscle relaxer is Cyclobenzapr 10mg.

I did walk and feeling so much better this morning. I just sat on the ground too long Tuesday.

Lolly said...

Yea, for Judie being released to resume life!☺

Linda, great pictures.

stronghunter said...

Thank you, Lori, and everyone else for your kind thoughts. I do appreciate them.

JudyEddy said...

JUDIE great news from the doctor

PALynn I friend requested you on FB also
I would others on the blog but not for sure how to find you all

My facebook link is on my profile if anyone wants to request me PALYNN do you want me to tag you with the videos I have taken of the nest I only take short ones Let me know and I will tag you as I do ten other on the blog that I have on facebook You can go on my profile to see them but warning I got lots of stuff on it

I won't be home this evening for the night visit if they show up. Having dinner with my daughter We have missed out on the past couple of weeks for some reason or the other sickness or something We do it every Thursday Get some daughter and me time in She says that Jordyn gets to see me more that she does haha

glo said...

Me To Shirley Praying for you and waiting with you.

glo said...

Good news Judie all will be well.

Kay said...

Lori, you always manage to make my day ! ♥♥♥

PALynn (Linda), your pics are gorgeous !

Judie, great news from the surgeon ! His saying you can get full range of motion back is so encouraging !

Loving the beginnings of Mother's on avatars ! My dear mother died at 45 in 1965, and I haven't many to choose from. It was before the day when we carried cameras everywhere. Cell phones with cameras and computers were still just the stuff comic books foretold. So, not sure how well it will show up, but chose one of her with my Daddy, taken in 1964.

JudyEddy said...

Many prayers for you Shirley
Keeping fingers and toes crossed beside any prayers and healing thought sending your way. You go Fri tomorrow Right?

One of my friends at work just got results back on his ear Aggressive Squamous Cell Carcinoma. he is getting a cat scan to see how advance it is

Kay said...

Nope, not well at all unless you go into my profile and view in full size. It's the thought that counts, right ?

Kay said...

JudyE, have a great evening with your daughter and family !

Shirley, I hope you are able to relax as you face the biopsy tomorrow. We're all pulling for you !


JudyEddy said...

My mom passed away October 26, 2007 was born July 1, 1928 she was always so spunky Full of piss and vinger as she would say

JudyEddy said...

I love the shadows on the nest
I should be doing something while she is asleep but here I sit Lurking thinking they may show up Have they ever been this time of day? If they are out fishing they will need a place to eat or they will probably eat there Oh well
Sure is windy at the nest I don't really think I have seen too many days that it is not windy. Ok LM or maybe doing something even if it wrong.

hedgie said...

Lolly, Sissy or Sharon posted the Mom pic idea on FB, but then you posted it on here!

Thanks, but....Well.....about 5 or so years ago I had one of those "oh no!" moments---Mirror, mirror on the wall, I look like my mother after all---upset me greatly....don't get me wrong, she's a fine looking lady, but I had ALWAYS looked like my Daddy, so it really shocked me when that reflection gobsmacked me in the face, as Chrissy would say.

hedgie said...

LOLLY-----Cyclobenzeprine IS Flexiril!!!!

floralgirl said...

What? It's Bob Q,s birthday? Well, Happy Birthday, Bob! If you lived closer I'd buy you a birthday drink at the Rum Runner:)

Bob Quinn said...

Don't you mean Rumpelstiltskin's?

hedgie said...

Nice pic, Kay, even tho' small!! Your Mom looks pretty.

JudyE, I remember B&W pics of my Mom dressed like yours! She's a looker, too!! Oh---the good ol' days.

Lolly said...

LOL Yes, I thought it might be Flexiril as I have had Flexiril before. I have been working in the yard, but now in for lunch. Not going to work as long as I did the other day. It is just so beautiful out, I could not stay in. And, I am not one to go out and just sit...gotta work! Mockingbird was serenading me as I worked. LOL

Judie said...

Taking a break.

Thank you all for the support and encouragement. It will take a while longer but it is good to be given the green light.

Lynn, you look just like your mom and let's hope Jo notices your mom knew about the "look thoughtful" pose as camouflage. What a chuckle I got from seeing your mom.

Loved the video of the rescued kittens. So wish I could have some again.

Lolly, hope you feel better soon.

Hi Jim. Stay out of the heat.

No pictures to share but I, too, had one of those "I look like my mother" moments a few years ago.

Kay, happy you are enjoying family time today.

Megan, really happy you are not having rain today.

Need to check out pictures, etc.


Judie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lolly said...

Judie, no big deal about my back. I just over did Tuesday. Have always had back problems. Feeling much better after just one muscle relaxer.

Judie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Gang,


Dropping in for a quick "Howdy"--busy, busy day for me today! Have lots of transcription to finish and turn in. Glad I opted to take another quarter to do it all!

A bit cooler here today. Mighty glad about that!

LOVE the Popcorn Kittens video! They are SOOOOO cute!!

Wish I had a scanner! Don't have a picture of my Mom. Still miss her so much! She went to be with the Lord in 1996. Really enjoying the other Mom pictures here, though!

Judie, congratulations! Won't it be nice to have a bit more free time!
Keep up the exercises, and I'm sure you will regain full range of motion.

Well, need to get some lunch. Will check in later. Have a good day, everyone, and take care! :o]

Judie said...

Okay, my delete and test stuff.

Was trying to change my avatar.

Lolly, I understand. Just need you to take care -- try a G&T on the back patio.

Andy, hope you get all that transcription done soon. How's Emma?

Lynn, how's Liesl?

Trying beef short ribs tonight. Off to the kitchen.

Lolly said...

Hmmmmmm! Thanks, Judie! Not a bad idea...G& T on the patio. A little early yet, maybe later. ☺

Back outside!

Kay said...

Have just done some work on pic of Mother and Daddy over in Picaso. Malcolm is nappy and Seth is watcing Ellen, giving me some time for this. So, just want to see how it looks now.

paula eagleholic said...

Happy Birthday Bob

and a belated

Happy Birthday Carolyn!

Bob, meet ya at Rumplestiltskin's, LOL

paula eagleholic said...

Looks, Good Kay.

I have one of my Mom I want to post but I need to find it first!

Kay said...

That will do. I have a lot of old pictures, but gave my scanner to my stepson upon leaving AZ. Couldn't foresee needing it and didn't know how to use it. This is the first time since 2007 that I've wanted to use one, so it's just as well. Stuart uses it frequently as he's the father of 2 daughters, one 21 years old and the other almost 2, with different moms. Nothing like spacing em' out. I have a nephew who did the same thing, but with the same wife, putting a 17 year gap between kids. Glad I had mine within a five year period and when I was young !

Kay said...

Actually Malcolm is not nappy, but he is napping !

I'm looking forward to seeing a lot of mothers in avatars here. I'm sure I don't have to tell those of you who still have your dear moms, just how blessed you are ! There have been so many things I've wished mine could have been in on since 1965 ! Perhaps she's been granted a glimpse or two---nice to think so anyway !

Judie said...

Well, just in case the newbies are wondering, my avatar is NOT my mom. But, it is my mom reincarnated.

Kay, your picture looks nice. Your parents look very attractive.

Elderly friend, the lady we took to lunch last Sunday gave Darth several clumps of what she said is milkweed. Personally, I think they are weeds. So, today's question: does milkweed have sticker thorns along the stems? I've googled pictures but cannot detect thorny stickers.

Beef ribs in the oven, green beans washed and ready to saute. Going to put my ankle up for a while -- can't be too quick to act like I'm not still semi-helpless.

CarolAnne said...

@Judie - milk thistle has thorns-Milkweed is a biennial thistle that grows 2 to 6 feet tall. The stem is branched but does not have spines. Milk Thistle Burdock-tipped with stiff spines that are from 3/4 to 2-inches long.

stronghunter said...

Oh my, what am I going to do with Johnny? Johnny wanted me to keep all of his research paper materials because, according to Johnny*, "you know I can't keep up with all of that stuff."

Johnny might be right. On day one, I found his 3x5 cards on the floor in the hall outside the door to my room. I picked them up. They probably fell out of his folder because he has no book bag.(Something happened to it.)

When Johnny eventually came back to school, he had no folder. I gave him the few cards I had picked up, and he was happy.

Today I sent him to the library to print out some information. He did not get home with it. I just found it on the table by my desk.

Johnny really likes to fix cars. He is probably really good at that.

*Not his real name.

stronghunter said...

I shall return later.

hedgie said...

Hey, just saw this on FB---a teacher from the HS on Ocracoke Island (which is just my most favorite OBX location!) is on JEOPARDY tonight!!!

glo said...

Bob Try mapquest or a GPS and take up some of these offers. Even I know the story and i wasn't even there. Oh thats right you.....:-)

hedgie said...

LOL, my unc always said----it's 5 o'clock SOMEWHERE!!!!

Judie----like your thoughtful pose pic!!! I bet your Mom was a cutie, too, if you look like her! I think you look so young!!
BTW----I KNOW I have a package of short ribs in the freezer....but it must have fallen to the bottom! I don't think Carolyn rotated the meat when she put away my grosseries! Will dig for them and plan that for tomorrow's menu!

Judie said...

On my way back to the kitchen...

Thank you CarolAnne. I don't think this is the type of milkweed I want. I'm looking for the "butterflys love it" kind. Will make a visit to the garden center now that school is over.

Oh Shirley, I had to laugh. "Johnny" might be best fixing cars as long as he can keep track of his tools.

Speaking of school, gave a wannabe adult the opportunity to resubmit a paper (second attempt wasn't all that much better)but did earn more points. Now this wannabe adult has emailed asking that I elevate his grade from a C+ to a B- because he wants a better grade. I want a million dollars but no one's given it to me, yet.

Off to the kitchen.

Judie said...

Um, doing a Margy.

I plan to watch Jeopardy tonight. Will cheer for the teacher.

hedgie said...

LOL, Shirley.....Johnnie needs to be sent back to jr. hi!!!!
Student Organizational Skills 101 needed. Geesh! Did you tell him you aren't his keeper???!!!

Hi, CarolAnne....nice to see you checking in! Hope Judie sees your post!! Just in case she misses it, I'll copy and email it to her.

hedgie said...

Okay, Judie, glad you got the info!
Oh, yeah, I hope you told the guy "no way!"
Jeopardy is a teacher's tournament----first time they've done that! This week are the semi-finals.

paula eagleholic said...

Johnny probably knows all his tools really well...their sizes, functions, etc. Hope he has a toolbox :)

paula eagleholic said...

Heading home and up to John's for with you later tonight.

hedgie said...

LOL....on FB is an article about Milk Thistle being good for the liver! How coincidental is that?
In human medicine, it is the most important treatment used in death cap mushroom poisoning. Nicholas Culpepper, England’s most famous 17th century herbalist, used Milk Thistle to treat obstructions of the liver and spleen and as a remedy for jaundice.

Kay said...

Judie, I think the reincarnation of your mother is very attractive !☺

Lynn, thanks for the Jeopardy preview. It comes on at 7 here and sometimes I make it and sometimes I don't. Will make a point of it tonight. I saw the last 15 minutes last night, but missed out on it being a tournament week.

Teachers, I get such a kick out of the quotes and antics of your students ! It carries on throughout life most of the slackers, I'm afraid. My daughter, here, Julie, my son and DIL in NJ, all college profs, get some ROTF requests and excuses. Julie shares hers with me and I'll start sharing some with you. Most occur at exam time or at the beginning of a quarter. I've told all of them they should write a book ! Hey, Shirley, how about it, now that you're retiring ?

Kay said...

Both eagles arrive

Kay said...

Both doing their flugg thing

Kay said...

There's a mighty wind a'blowin' !

Kay said...

A little beaking or fussing going on, it's sometimes hard to tell which with Belle and Truder !

NatureNut said...

2 in the nest.

Kay said...

Both just sitting, surveying their territory, he at the 6 spot and she centered next to and just above him

Kay said...

Hi Loretta, glad to "see" you ! I was feeling lonely !

Kay said...

Belle moves on up to the nest cup again.

NatureNut said...

Got a couple pics--trying to be the first kid on the block! They've been sitting for quite awhile. She doesn't beat him up anymore.

Hoda said...

I am here too and simply watching them. For the first time I think they are a pair. Belle has accepted Truder

Kay said...

I guess she's a realist. She knows Lib is gone and that this guy is what she has to work with ! It's going to require a lot of patience !

NatureNut said...

Put pics in album.They DO really look like a pair, unless it's Mom & Sonny Boy! LOL That's right~~she can use him for Mother's Day!

NatureNut said...

Am still sifting thru photos that I want to pic for Blog. Hope to have them on by midnight!!!!

NatureNut said...

That's supposed to be pick!

Kay said...

LOL Loretta ! She can be his avatar on the Eagle R Us Blog !

Hi Hoda ! Enjoyed reading about your good work with other Grans ! How wonderful !

Kay said...

I'll look for those pics you picked when I'm up with the Early Birds in the morning, Loretta. All at the SSCC will enjoy them, I'm sure !

Hoda said...

This is a long visit and Truder walks towards Belle at the top of the nest again stoppinng to dig int he grass, he is in the centre of the nest.

Mema Jo said...

Signed on just in time to see
Belle and Truder. Sunlight is beautiful - captured a few pics. It's a shame they didn't bring dinner. (I'm late and could have missed it)

Kay said...

Glad you made it in time, Jo ! This is apparently their only visit so far today.

Mema Jo said...

Hello Kay and Hoda and Loretta

I am beginning to agree with you about Belle's acceptance.
With her acceptance because of our
love for Belle we too will find his acceptance even though we will never forget Liberty.

Mema Jo said...

We are waiting for our son & family to arrive for dinner.
Should be on their way.

I love raspberry tea and hubby found Turkey Hill makes it. WOW!
It is really raspberry. Love it.

OK they are here as I type...

Hoda said...

Hi Mema Jo, you are right Belle's acceptance will mean we also accept Truder and no way does this mean we forget Liberty.

Kay said...

They arrived at the same time and have been on the nest for one full hour now.

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Gang,
Dropping in quickly here. Hubby went to a family-owned Mexican restaurant in the city of Placentia, and is bringing home dinner for us! He was inspired by the fact that it is Cinco de Mayo! YAY, Hubby!!! How cool is THAT?!

Will be back later tonight, after dinner and making a trip to school.

Wow, Belle and Truder are here! I think you're right,Jo. I will NEVER, EVER forget Liberty, but if I accept Truder, it will be because Belle accepted him first. OK--back later!

hedgie said...

Long visit, I see....peaceful and calm, huh??

Kay said...

I have to get up and move around. What with the white noise created by the wind and their lack of activity, I'm about to fall asleep ! Going into LM as I find someting to eat and get set for watching Jeopardy at 7.

Ms Bookworm said...

Looks like Truder might fall asleep, too--that was quite a yawn!

Hoda said...

They seem to be taking in the sun and enjoying the breeze. I hear a small bird chirpping away.I like the peace and serenity in their visit this evening.

Liz said...

Is this a stand off? Truders back to Belle.

hedgie said...

Okay,'s a good one from Carolyn's best friend who is a teacher's aide:
" 'so one of the lessons today was how the Earth rotates on its axis. So one of my third graders says "No wonder I'm dizzy sometimes.' "

hedgie said...

Wind ruffling feathers but both still there----minding their own business and not paying much attention to each other.

Hoda said...

and here is Miss Belle saying NO to mating in no uncertain terms. Truder had vocalized and then tried to mount her and she did not allow him.

Kay said...

So much for serenity on Truder's part, huh. Heading for Jeopardy now. BBL

Hoda said...

Truder takes off towards two position and Belle continues to watch.

DanaMo said...

Beautiful Belle! So majestic!

DanaMo said...

@Hedgie-Love it!

JudyEddy said...

At daughters and see BELLE

wvgal_dana said...

I'm on an Belle is in nest.. Oh you are so beautiful Lady.

JudyEddy said...

So good for Belle NO HP

DanaMo said...

I totally agree Dana :)

Liz said...

almost a 2 hour visit now?

JudyEddy said...

I'm trying to get a little video I have my camera with me No tripod so will be shaky

Hoda said...

Belle has now been in the nest for a full two hours.

wvgal_dana said...

Really 2 hrs probably getting ready yep to leave

JudyEddy said...


wvgal_dana said...

Mema Jo is it diet?

Hoda said...

Belle and Truder arrived at 5:21 PM EDT and Belle left at 7:22 PM EDT a full two hours.

paula eagleholic said...

Wow, I just missed them.

Does anyone else have sound?

Had to cancel dinner, got stuck in traffic. They shut down the main road north, due to a 3 vehicle accident. Frederick's a mess!

mariadangeloart said...
Look at the way these two are sleeping!

mariadangeloart said...

Beak to beak! Just too cute!

paula eagleholic said...

Interesting about the HP rebuff...was going to comment that we hadn't seen any in awhile...guess she is not interested at all...

Hoda said...

Welcome home Paula, glad you were clear of the accident.God keep the people who were involved and give them strength to cope with it. There was sound during the two hour visit but now no sound.

paula eagleholic said...

Thanks, Hoda.

Hoda, what is your avatar?

paula eagleholic said...

Looked like a yellow finch just now, lower left...quick on and off

paula eagleholic said...

Does it symbolize something?

paula eagleholic said...

Back in a few minutes.

wvgal_dana said...

Sorry about the accident..hope people are ok. So glad you made it through there Paula and home safely.

Teacher is from Ocracoke NC on Jeopardy. Need boat to get to island.

Hoda said...

I saw the yellow finch Paula, very graceful.

My Avatar is a lotus design reflecting the Light on Kootenay Lake where I live.The lotus comes up through mud and dark water and is unblemished so it is wonderful symbol for me when I come with the difficulties of life...rise above and be not blemished...Kootenay Lake is a beautiful lake and it reflects the Light. This is a photo from the Temple of Divine Light, a temple at Yashodhara Ashram, a temple celebrates all religions.

wvgal_dana said...

Paula Where are you in relation to Ocracoke NC?

Hoda said...

when I COPE with life's difficulties not come...sorry for the typo.

wvgal_dana said...

Hoda how close to the lake do you live?

Hoda said...

When I open my front door I see the Lake and when I walk in the two parks that I frequent most often I am on the lake. I rent a two bedroom flat in a small town called Nelson and all of Nelson is on the lake...Even the Mall here has a spectacular view of it believe it or not the parking lot is on the lake!!!

wvgal_dana said...

Heading in for American Idol

hedgie said...

Ocracoke teacher won Jeopardy tonight! So he will be on again next week!

paula eagleholic said...

Very nice, Hoda. I recognized the lotus, but wasn't sure what was in the background. Sounds like a beautiful place.

Dana, I am nowhere near Oracoke...Candy is in beachhouse is on the Eastern Shore of MD.

paula eagleholic said...

And so is Christine.

paula eagleholic said...

Yes, hope everyone in the accident was OK. They choppered someone out.

magpie said...

Good Evening Eagle Pals ☺

Infant Moon is OUT, pretty much due West, about halfway up the sky, will look better as darkness increases, like a little smile ☺

ISS sails by in these parts, rises 8:20 pm transits 8:23 pm should be pretty bright and fairly high, but more darkness would help the view also !

Hope to read back and find everyone doing well

magpie said...

thanks for the information regarding your avatar
that's lovely

Mema Jo said...

Dana I think you asked about the tea being Diet - It is 110 calories
per cup so Not diet just Good!

magpie said...

sorry to hear that and prayers for the injured....someone's loved ones for sure
glad you got through all that okay, Paula

magpie said...

don't let the SPLIT catch you off guard anyone
coming up very soon

paula eagleholic said...

As most of you know, I lost Boo back in February to a cancer called insulinoma. It is a tumor in the pancreas.

Unfortunately, now Nugz has it too :( (I get the definitive results back tomorrow). Nugz's body seems to be better able to cope with the low blood sugar, and changing his eating pattern, and adding more complex carbohydrates and meat has helped. He hasn't had any seizures, but has been lethargic and weak at times.

I am hoping that Nugz is in the 20% of cases that is non cancerous. He is undergoing exploratory surgery on Monday morning. They will try to remove all of the tumor in the pancreas, and also check his liver and lymph nodes. He will probably be at the animal hospital for a couple of days.

So I am asking for a little momster faith and some crossed fingers that he can beat this disease!

paula eagleholic said...

belle in with a stick!

Lolly said...

Belle just flew in with a stick!

paula eagleholic said...

Must be trying to teach Truder a thing or two!

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2/20/25 PM bird

1203 PM NN Scout comes to the nest with a load of bedding again. He seemed to leave with something in his talons. He has a beak full of bedd...