Monday, May 09, 2011


New week, fresh thread.


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stronghunter said...

Good morning!

Thanks Steve, will tell the others.

Lynne2 said...

Good Morning again! Bring over....


♀ ☼ ☺ ♥ ♀ ☼ ☺ ♥


Monday, May 09, 2011 7:42:00 AM

Linda said...

Hey Lynne - Took a quick glance and saw you had a rose-breasted grossbeak at your feeder!! Awesome!

Maybe he'll do like mine did and tell all his friends!!! We have 5 males and 3 females so far.

We now have the same number of Baltimore Orioles, too.

I'm having the same amazing Spring birds this year, too.

Lynne2 said...

bringing this over too!



Also saw a Scarlet Tanager this morning in the woods!

Well, Hi and Bye Shirley....enjoy your PSF and Fisycure! Gotta get to work. have a great day everyone!

Lori O. said...

Thank you Shirley for the call over and happy PSF to you - lucky lady. :)

Was trying to catch up on the old thread and TA-DA saw the call over.

Thank you Steve for the new thresd on this gLORIous morning!

Lynne2 said...

Oh we saw a male Baltimore Oriole on Saturday evening too! What's up with all the amazing bird sighting this year!

Lynne2 said...

Hi Lori, and I really gotta run....will try to check in from work if I can! But I doubt it....Monday is usually swamped.

Linda said...

2nd cup of coffee for I'm kind of waking up!!


Hoping your day is every bit as special as you are!!! xoxoxo ♥♥♥

stronghunter said...

My new avatar--Mother's Day flowers from Susan that were waiting for me here at school.

Linda said...

Good Morning, Lori!!

I guess it is more like "Good Afternoon" to you!!

Lori O. said...



Lori O. said...

Good Morning Lynne, Linda, Shirley, Paula, Margy and all.

While reading the old thread and getting caught up I was confused and thought I missed Lynn and Dana's birthdays. So happy I didn't.

Aologies to the EARLY BIRDERs: Kay, Margy, Megan, DanaMO, JudyE. Sorry I missed the SSCC this morning. Couldn't drag this behind outta bed. Spent all weekend in the garden and loved it. Gorgeous weather.

Lori O. said...

What's up with that darn blogger cop 503 error? I get it and it posts the message anyway.

Guess I need to decide on a new avatar - Wish I had a picture of Lynn and Dana!!! LOL

Linda said...


Hope you have an extra special day today!!

Linda said...

Lori - I'm getting the 503 Error a lot this morning as well!

I think I was the one who started wishing Lynn an early birthday because I saw posts on her FB page.

I got everyone here worried they had missed it when they scanned through the posts, so they started posting Happy Birthday too!!

My bad......but why not start a day early??

Lori O. said...


You have won my avatar today!

Love you both and wish you the most special day.

Actually, I would like to echo KayIM's saying from old thread:

"Today is the oldest you've ever been, yet the youngest you'll ever be, so enjoy this day while it lasts !" (author unknown)

Lori O. said...

LINDA - love the avatar of you and your son. Very nice!

OK - heading back outside, have a wonderful morning.

glo said...

Happy Birthday to Lynn and Dana.
Good morning everyone. OK so I too now have a rose breasted grossbeak at my feeder. I have never had that bird before either. Too funny. Different kind of bird season indeed. I am glad because I don't have to use gas to go anywhere to enjoy them as long as I keep the feeders with some nice offerings :-)

Lolly said...

Good morning Eagle Buds! A fine morning it is...and it is Lynn and Dana's birthday!

Once again....have a great day, Lynn! A day with lots of loving with Liesl. ♥U

Happy Birthday, Dana! Wishing you the "bestest" of days!☺

Linda said...

Morning, Lolly!!

Hope you have a great day today!!

Lolly said...

Would you believe I have a day ahead of me and nothing is planned?
The house is clean, no appointments! Oh dear, guess I will just have to spend my time outside!☺

Margy.....forgot about your Scareslug!!! LOL Hope you do have it out to do it's job.

Lolly said...

Good morning, Linda! Oh, I think I will have a great day doing what I like best. Piddling around in my yard.

Lolly said...

503....when you get it, just hit refresh and it brings you back to the blog and you have posted. It's a glitch somewhere.??????

Lolly said...

Decided to change my avatar, but was "sorta" sad to take off Momma and Daddy's picture.

paula eagleholic said...

Happy Biiirthday to Yooouuu!!
Happy Biiirthday to Yooouuu!!
Happy Biiirthday Dear Lynn!!
Happy Biiirthday to Yooouuu!!

paula eagleholic said...

Happy Biiirthday to Yooouuu!!
Happy Biiirthday to Yooouuu!!
Happy Biiirthday Dear Dana!!
Happy Biiirthday to Yooouuu!!

Lolly said...

Good morning, Paula! Be sure to let us know as soon as you hear something about Nugz! We are holding his paw this morning!☺

paula eagleholic said...

Morning, all.

Nugz is at the will be around 1-1:30 today, they will call me right before they start. The vet wanted to try to get his sugar up before the surgery and finish all other surgeries so he would be available to monitor Nugz after the surgery as well.

The best news I heard this morning is that most pancreatic tumors are still keeping positive thoughts here!

paula eagleholic said...

Glad you slept in, Lori. Enjoy your day off!

hedgie said...

Morning all from this birthday gal!
Feeling so special and loved with all the birthday wishes, cards, and FB posts!!!

Finished old thread.....still need to read this one.

Loggers are at work right behind me today....lots of noise.....can't see much now that foliage is on trees. Did get some good news a couple of days ago----appears that the 168 acres can't be developed. It doesn't pass the "perk" test for septic systems!!! Of course, they COULD do their own waste treatment "plant"....but probably not likely. WOoHoo!

hedgie said...

So glad so many of you are starting to get all the neat birds in!!!!

Speaking of the more nighttime celestial events for me---or ISS either.....unless something happens exactly over the top of my house, I can't see "nuffin'!"

hedgie said...

Kay, love the "ageless" quote!!
And, Lori, thanks for our very own avatar!!!

hedgie said...

Shirley, Suzi wasn't with you yesterday?? Pretty flowers!!!

Linda said...

Cat Bird just crashed into my office window......but he's okay.

Two of them in the bushes!!

hedgie said...

Great news, why did they tell you 20%???? Sounds much more optimistic now!! We are not only holding Nugz' paw but (((hugging))) you, too, while we pray!

Mema Jo said...

Nothing like starting your morning with a "ERROR 503"

Mema Jo said...

♪♪♫♪♪ Happy Birthday Lynn Ellen
Have a very special day

♪♪♫♪♪ Happy Birthday Dana
Enjoy your day

Happy 47th Anniversary Candy & Jim
May your love last a lifetime

Mema Jo said...

Good Morning!
Paula and Nugz there are very strong vibes headed your way

I must be the only one (?) to have a pet crow and bluebird eating peanuts off my deck. I prefer the squirrels and titmouse but find
the crow entertaining. Oh yes, my catbird comes by also.

Mema Jo said...

Great surprise as you entered your room, Shirley. I bet you perked right up! Have a good week.

Mema Jo said...

If you like Puppies - these guys are very enjoyable to watch

Lori O. said...

I think Blogger Cop 503 is trying to bag some overtime. Thanks for the refresh tip, Lolly.

Paula, good thoughts for Nugz and his vet. That is great news that most pancreatic tumors are benign.

Don't you worry Shirley - don't let the mere thought of a lump rob you of one single second of joy. We're all riding it out with you and waiting for test results. Just want you to know that someone is sending destructive thoughts to that bump. :)

Back into the dirt. I'm with you Lolly - my favorite thing to do too.

Lolly said...

Oh, wow, I missed Shirley's comment. Yes, flowers at school are a great pick me up!

Jack gave me red roses Saturday, Laurel brought me a new hanging basket, and Michael brought me a fantastic picture of him and Zacharoo! Also, got from Michael an invite to eat in Dallas this week and flowers to come. He and Zach picked out flowers for me, but had to pick them up later. When he went to pick them up, he was 5 minutes late and the florist had closed. Zach was upset about that! Bless his heart!

But, Mother's Day to me is being with my kids and grandkids!

Lolly said...

It is just so peaceful to be outside digging in the dirt. I even enjoy pulling weeds when I am in the shade and the weather is nice.☺ I just work and enjoy the birds, usually a mocking bird singing away and I listen to the hawks!

stronghunter said...

Suzi was with us yesterday. She had ordered flowers to be delivered to school on Friday before she knew I would not be here. When she found out, she asked them to deliver flowers to the house instead. But they sent them here.

I think I might be getting another bouquet sent to my house. I do not mind.

Lolly said...

Our caladiums are starting to come up! Will take pictures when they are up.

Hear children on the playground on at NCTC.

Lolly said...

I am about to finish my coffee and time now to eat breakfast, walk, and start my day!

Just had a comment on fb that made me smile and I will be smiling all day. A former student made the sweetest comment on the picture of me and the boys. It made my day!

Will be back later...prayers for Nugz!

Mema Jo said...

I'm checking out the cams, emails and FB and headed to get my street clothes!


paula eagleholic said...

Lynn, the 20% is what I found out online...and what my regular vet read also. This is the first case my regular vet has seen of insulinoma....well second case, Boo was the first.

wvgal_dana said...

Well I am first going to "thank everyone for your wonderful Birthday Wishes and the great and cute quotes". I'm a smile'n ( :




wvgal_dana said...

Paula my heart and prayers will be with Nugz and you my dear sweet lady. As they are right now !!!

wvgal_dana said...

Shirley what a nice surprise.

For all the ladies I hope Mothers Day was special in some kind of way.

I got my phone call and it was a surprise - she always calls and wakes me late at night. Early yesterday afternoon from my special wonderful daughter.

glo said...

Hugs and prayers for Nugz and Paula. Please let us know when the Vet calls you. I am glad things are sounding more positive. What is this falling down my cheek anyway. Well waiting and praying for good news. Sounds like your vet is wonderful and will be taking very very good care of Nugz for you.

stronghunter said...

Thinking of Paula and Nugz today.

magpie said...

Prayers on the wing for Nugz,
and for Paula, and for the Veterinarian's skillful treatment

and a lot of ((( hugs ))) also
xoxo ♥

magpie said...

Lovely flowers, Shirley....
what a wonderful surprise

Best wishes to all for a good day, and especially for our Birthday Gals:

Lynn, and Dana xoxo ☺ ♥ ☺ ♥

Judie said...

Good almost afternoon.

Happy Birthday wishes for Lynn and Dana. May you both have a wonderful day.

Paula, will be thinking of Nugz and you this afternoon. Wishing for the best possible outcome.

Shirley, lovely flowers and a very nice surprise from Susan.

Okay, off to pick up prescriptions -- so many pills these days.


movin said...

GooD Morning,



I hope you are all happy
mothers this morning after the big day yesterday.

C(°Ù¿°)D Jim

hedgie said...

Osprey nest on top of a crane at a worksite in Anacostia area of DC---work has stopped....nesting area signs posted!! Congrats to all involved in protecting this new family!! Mits brought it to my attention yesterday, and it was just on the news!!

movin said...









C(°Ù¿°)D Jim

hedgie said...

Oh of my favorite actresses passed away....Sada Thompson. Anyone remember her from "Family" on TV many years ago?? Loved that show. She was 81.

JudyEddy said...

Good afternoon folks short lunch today LM

paula eagleholic said...

Lynn, I saw that briefly on the news about the osprey nest...didn't know it was on top of a crane! Wow! I did catch that they said the incubation period was 45 days! We know that's not correct!

paula eagleholic said...

Thanks for all your prayers!


Costume Lady said...


House work, yard work, a little business work...time flies!
It is a beautiful day for working outdoors:) Hope Megan is enjoying it as much as I am!
We are getting ready to plant our little TUB GARDEN. He has sprayed weed killer on our old garden...they have gotten completely out of hand. Photo of our 'TUB GARDEN' 1st stage, on WANDA'S WISHES. Also some of my spring flowers. Wish they bloomed all Summer, but they don't:(

What a beautiful day for a birthday...LOVE YOU BOTH♥♥

hedgie said...

Thanks, Dana. Right back atcha!!!

And thanks for MORE birthday wishes from so many!!

Sent Candy and Jim a card and posted greeting on FB...completely forgot to put it here!!


Costume Lady said...

Paula, seems we know a good many things about birds that others don't;)
No word on NUGZ?

JudyEddy said...

something is clunking on the camera box

paula eagleholic said...

BWO cam having battery issues...shows no adult on the nest...don't know if the picture is updating or not.

wvgal_dana said...

Baby Goshawnks are getting fed

paula eagleholic said...

Wanda, nothing further than my post at 10:08.

wvgal_dana said...

I am so very happy got a call from my vet. I had called them to see last week if anyone they knew could use the two ramps I had that go from 3 ft to 6 ft.

They had a discussion and called me today. If I wouldn't mind they could use them there helping to get the bigger dogs out of vehicles. Plus loan out to any that might end up needing one. Plus the step I have.


Taking to me today since I will be intown...Mom is lonesome again.

Mema Jo said...

Headed out for a few hours
Touch base as soon as I return

JudyEddy said...

BBL back to work I go short short lunch

hedgie said...

Wanda, your flowers are lovely.
And the porch!!

Gotta warn you, tho'.....the squirrels and raccoons will probably dig out what you put in the pots! :(

Dana, are you donating the ramps or are they buying them?? Either way, good for them and you!

paula eagleholic said...

Great idea, Dana.

wvgal_dana said...

error 503 just got me dang was in a hurray and didn't copy to notepad

Well need to head in to town to see Mother or Mother Nature ...hee hee Who knows she could be the way she works in the yard at 85.


Wished I could drive to Ocean Cituy and stay overnight. WISH could come true who knows.

Can't drive Mom too far arms and hands can't take it.

ZPrayers and love for Paula and Nugz !!!!!!!

hedgie said...

:( Dogwood blossoms are redbuds didn't have hardly any bloom at all.

NatureNut said...


Sorry I did not get to say nighty-nite Sunday. Konked out in chair after a super dinner cooked by Fubby! Porterhouse steak, baked potatoes, and broccoli w/cheese sauce! Yum
Sat. saw more Baltimore orioles in treetops in early AM & this AM saw a male hummingbird at home!!! A hummer was hovering at window at Park--no feeders up yet! If they didn't put them up over weekend, I'll look for them TU.

NatureNut said...

P.S. Saw orioles at the Park.Now I know where to look!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

I sang to you on Facebook so on here I will just say Happy Birthday Lynn and Dana. I love you both.

Lolly said...

Wanda, love your tub garden. I have been toying with a raised garden in the front yard. It is the only place we have sunshine long enough to grow veggies. Of course, that involves a lot on Jack's part, digging, hauling and constructing. I think it would look nice enough. Now to just convince him!

magpie said...

Prayers NOW for Nugz... I think 1:00 - 1:30 is the time for his surgery

Have you in our hearts, Nugz and Paula xoxo ♥

Lolly said...


magpie said...

Can you go have a little talk with Saint Francis?

Love you, all

Circles of ♥ around Paula and Nugz

Costume Lady said...

I pray that this surgery works for Nugz...Paula doesn't need anymore sorrow!

Lolly, still no yellow columbine...I have WHITE where I thought I planted the yellow, 2 years ago? I must surely have mixed up the seeds. My Black Barlow are in the back of the house. Will photo them later. BLUE/PURPLE gottem!

magpie said...

I did not know that Candy and Jim were having an anniversary until reading it on here, how Wonderful!

Happy 47th Wedding Anniversary, ♥ ☺ Candy and ♥ ☺ Jim!! Bravo !!

hedgie said...

WooHoo---I have chickadees in the "birdhouse"!!! It really ISN'T one, but they were hanging around it---it's supposed to be a little decorative fishing camp cabin, and I had mounted it on a post---I saw an old wasps nest in it and cleaned it two chickadees are in there...wonder if they've built a nest yet, or have any eggs/peeps?!

magpie said...

Movin' Jim
You are such a Cool Dadster !
Thoughtful and kind....

Best wishes to you out there in California...won't you come East and see us sometime ??


magpie said...

I couldn't get enough of James Sunday, AND, we missed the closing time for Goodwill! Going back up there for some more kid fun, and some homework and chow

Take Care, all...
It will be late before I get back on to check on everyone....
but you are NEVER out of my mind

xoxo ♥

magpie said...

Hello and Good-Bye to Service Error 503 !!!
Take a Hike, Buster !!!

Lolly said...

Yea, Wanda! I love looking at my columbine and know that is from you. A little bit of my WV friends in my garden.☺

Getting ready to go out now. I was out, snuck out without walking. Jack made me feel guilty and we walked. hee hee Now back out.

More prayers for Nugz and Paula!

magpie said...

If you take Golf Course Rd from your road to the Fairgrounds, you will see those Poppies and Dead Corn Stalks in a field on the right near Connector Rd...
thanks for visiting my wildlife pics ~!

magpie said...

I mean, my wildflower pics
It is a pretty, stunning, contrast...

okay bye ♥ ☺ xoxo

Lori O. said...

LOLLY - lucky you already seeing your caladiums. I tried the red & green (solid not spots) this year.
Need more of your sun!

How funny that an Osprey hijacked the crane and the jobsite in DC. I love it.

PAULA - Thinking of you and Nugz, bless his little heart.

WV DANA - how sweet of you to give away presents on your B-Day. Sounds like the vet can make great use of them. Have a great time in OC.

Yes, the Happy Birthday avatar is for 2 b-day girls, Lynn/Hedgie and WV Dana.

MARGY - have a fun time with James. He is such a lucky boy.

I'm just loving playing in the dirt today. Margy thought of you when I saw my beautiful deep purple columbine blooming. Not many peony buds this year. I think it's like Megan said - too much rain for the peonys. And they're in my top five flowers. Bummer.

OKay, sunscreen and back outside. :)

paula eagleholic said...

Nugz should be in surgery about now.

paula eagleholic said...

Lynn, aw little chickadees! Bet those are some small eggs!

I heard my baby robins this morning! Might try to get a pic of them this evening when I get home...Mama R will surely fly off the nest when I go in the front door. She usually stays put if it's at night, but not always.

paula eagleholic said...

Osprey cam back on...just saw parent arrive and now incubating.

paula eagleholic said...

Oh, did I forgot to tell ya'll that someone backed into my car on Friday? I was dropping off mail at the post office, lady backed out of her spot, hit my passenger side behind the rear wheel. Car definitely needs repaired...the rear quarter panel becomes the bumper and the other quarter panel on the opposite side...tore it off its connection in the back bumper area too. Trunk is fine, car is totally driveable.

Ms Bookworm said...

Good Morning/Afternoon, Everyone!

Fell asleep last night in front of the TV.



HEAVY DUTY PRAYERS HERE FOR NUGZ AND FOR PAULA! Certainly hoping for the best!

Lynn, thanks--this picture of my Mom is one of my favorites. It was taken in 1936 by my Dad. She was 20 years old. My Dad & Mom met when my Mom's brother brought his new college roommate home for the weekend. The rest is history! When my Mom passed away, they had been married for 56 years.

Hubby's knee is looking pretty bruised today, but feels better. He has a Dr. appt. at 5:20 today. My back feels a little better this morning, especially after a hot shower. Got lots of transcription to do. Miss Emma is a ball of fire today--full of beans, so to speak! After running around like a nut case, she did fall asleep in Hubby's lap, though. Pretty cute! She's been stuck to him like velcro since he hurt his knee.

Well, gotta git. Will be back later.
Oh--the ibuprofen Hubby is taking are only 200 mg over-the-counter. We'll see what our Dr. thinks he needs. Thanks for the info, though! Much appreciated! ...Back later. :o]

Kay said...

Paula, glad you're chatting with us as you wait for that phone call ! Too bad about the fender bender----hope the gal was well insured. Even so, it is you who will be inconvienced when it comes to repairs, etc.. They should give you a loaner at her expense, I think !

We've gotcha' covered Nugz, hang in there. ♥♥♥♥♥♥

Kay said...

Andy, that's a very special love story ! Thanks for sharing. We'll all be anxious to hear what the doctor has to say about your hubby's knee---fingers are crossed.

Kay said...

Candy and Jim, 47 wonderful years together ! How lovely. Congratulations !

glo said...

Watching waiting reading and praying.

Sorry to read about the car situation too Paula. Geesh!

Happy Anniversary to Candy and Jim

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Paula, have you heard anything about Nugz? Praying!

paula eagleholic said...

Hi all.

Thanks for all your prayers, but it's not good news for my Nugz. He has cancer, and it has spread. So I decided not to have the surgeon try to remove any tumors, the one in the pancreas was not in a good spot to try for removal.

Hopefully, he can come home tomorrow. He is already out of the anesthesia.

Lolly said...

Oh, Paula, I am so sorry. (((Hugs))) Has not been a good year for you, has it? Wish there was something that could be done. Our hearts are hurting too!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Oh Paula! (((((HUGS)))) and my heart is crying for you!!

glo said...

Tears here too indeed. I started doing more reading this morning and as I read it did in fact worry me more for Nugz and you. Darn I am so so sorry for this news now coming your way. There are no words. I know how much you love him and what a wonderful Mom and home he has. That is pretty much the good news. Maybe you can get a little time for just you and Nugz. Don't know just thinking with my heart.

Ms Bookworm said...

Oh, Paula!
That is NOT the news I was hoping for!
My heart goes out to you. Are there any options like chemo for Nugz, or would that just make him too miserable? Oh, I am SO sorry! (((HUGS))) for you! Prayers continue.

Judie said...

Dear Paula, I am so very sorry about Nugz. How I wish I could make it better for you both.

Barbara said...

Paula, I don't know where you are located. But Animal Medical Center in NYC does extensive tumor research in collaboration with the people doctors at Rockefeller University. You might ask the vet to contact them for a consultation for your Nugz. If there were tissue samples taken, they might not need to see the patient just yet. Work asking the question... Pets have such a special place in our hearts!

Barbara said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Barbara said...

Ooops, WORTH asking the question...

JudyEddy said...

this was on the news this am

Lolly said...

Facebook makes me so mad. Was just looking through the comments when I see a post I DID NOT make. So, if you see a link from me...I did not make it. I did share a video of the boys playing that Joey made, but that is all!!!

Lolly said...

Changed my password. Hope I remember it!

JudyEddy said...

This is toooooo funny LETS PLAY FETCH

hedgie said...

Oh, Paula, my heart is hurting for you and Nugz. Not at all what we were praying for. I am so very sorry. Tears for you both.

hedgie said...

Andy, Ken should be taking at least 400 mg. ibuprofen....and for an acute injury, 800 is the norm, three-four times a day.

Had a nice (tho' short) visit from Carolyn earlier. They gave me a Scentsy Warmer with two different scents.

hedgie said...

Lolly, sorry your FB got hi-jacked. Wonder how that happens???!!!

Paula....what a shame about the car. You really didn't need this nuisance/inconvenience.

Kay said...

Paula, I am so sorry. Our pets are dear family members and the hurt is almost unbearable. I've been in your position with my Rowdy dog who had throat cancer and we had to opt for the same decision you've made. I pray the vet will help you ease Nugz's pain and suffering, keeping him as comfortable as possible. He'll never know how many buckets of tears are being shed for him today.

Kay said...

Lynn, so glad you had a nice visit with your daughter ! A Scentsy Warmer, sounds nice n' soothing.

JudyEddy said...

Boy those duck sound close

paula eagleholic said...

Aw Andy, that is so sweet about Emma sticking close to hubby. ♥

Happy Anniversary Candy & Jim!!

Margy, enjoy your time with James! I stopped by our local Goodwill and found a couple of neat things for the beachhouse.

paula eagleholic said...

Barbara, thank you so much for the information. I am in Maryland. I did not have them take any tissue samples, as I thought it best to leave the tumors undisturbed.

Pancreatic cancer drugs aren't very successful in dogs.

Hopefully it can be managed with prednisone and diet for a period of time...and when the time comes, I'll know.

I feel all of your love and hugs across these many miles, you don't know how much it means to me.

Heading home.

Hoda said...

Dear Paula, I am so sorry to read that Nugz has cancer. I do not know where to from here but what ever it is, it is a journey that you will both take and may there be love and Light through it all...

Linda said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Linda said...

Too many typos in that post.....Let's try it again:

Paula - {{{HUGS}}} to you and Nugz. We were all hoping and praying for a different outcome. I am so so sorry that you have to endure this once again with Nugz.

Is this the same thing that Boo had?

They're both beautiful dogs! I don't know what happens from here, but I hope you have more time without complications. I know it will be heart wrenching. We do love our animals in such a special way!! My heart breaks for you both.

Please know we're with you each step of the way..... xoxoxo

NatureNut said...

So sorry to hear about Nugz, Paula. Hearts, thoughts and prayers to you both. ♥♥♥♥♥

Go Away 503!!!

JudyEddy said...

Paula I am so sorry to hear I just hope he isn't in a lot of pain Poor thing My heart aches for you and him Just cherish any time that you have left with him I sit here crying , funny how we feel over pets and other animals
LOLLY be sure to mark the post on face book as spam You know it the little x of to the right side of the first line on the post mark as spam and another thing Have you LIKE Facecrooks It is a good page they give you warnings of such spam

NatureNut said...

Sorry, a little late, but
Happy Anniversary to Candy & Jim!!!

JudyEddy said...

Paulasending hugs in this card Hugs

paula eagleholic said...

Awww, thank you JudyE. I love polar bears ♥

Stopped by and saw Nugz and gave him some petting and kisses and told him everyone was pulling for him. He was still kinda drugged up, but lifted up his head a couple of times and looked at me. They had him all snugged up in a blankie. They will try and get him walking and offer food a little later this evening. I told him he would be home soon.

paula eagleholic said...

JudyE, he has not been in any pain...except for this surgery...but he will have pain meds. He mostly is tired, but does have his bursts of energy. Last night he was playing with his ball in the kitchen at 10:30pm. I will not let him be in any pain.

glo said...

I am glad you went to see Nugz. That was good for you and him too I am sure. I like the avatar with the tennis ball. Made me smile. Come on Nugz. Walk and eat and then home to play. You and Mom need some play time.

Hoda said...

Glad you had a good visit with Nugz Paula and thank you for the updates.Keep them coming...

WV sUSAn said...

Dear, dear Paula, I'm so sorry to hear that you did not get news we were all hoping to hear about Nugz. And someone hit your car. Good grief!!! WHAT ELSE????

I hope everyone had a fantastic Mother's Day. I sure did!! Had a great day with both my mommas, cooked dinner for everyone and had a fantastic visit with us all together. So great.

Happy, happy day to our birthday girls, Lynn and WV Dana. Hope it has been filled with all the fun and love you both deserve.

floralgirl said...

♥((((hugs))) Paula ♥♥♥

NCSuzan said...

Happy, Happy Birthday Lynn. Hope your day is super, super special.

And WVDana. Happy Birthday to you. Hope both of you are treated as you should be.

A belated Happy Mother's Day to all.

Paula, you are so strong. I wish for Nugz no pain and a good life for you both. Will be thinking of you both.

stronghunter said...

Been reading back. I am sorry you did not get the news we all wished for, Paula. Please give Nugz a hug for all of us.

Judie said...

On a positive note, lots of wingersizing and hopping by the NBG babes. Nice to see they are doing well.

Phoebe's surviving babe is looking good.

Decorah babes are looking good, also.

Dinner is over. Going to put my ankle up in front of the t.v.


Mema Jo said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mema Jo said...

Hubby and I are trying to sort pics- Millions of them - of the children and all of their off springs.
This is a job and a half.
Such memories! We are doing this
very slowly.

stronghunter said...

Jo, the news about Nigz is not good.

stronghunter said...


Mema Jo said...

Yes, Shirley I hadn't read back far enough......

Mema Jo said...

Paula I am saddened about the news
of Nugz' condition. I just hope he
gets to go back to the beach as he surely did like it there and that the two of you can make lasting memories. ((hugs))

So sorry about the car - Thankful it is drivable but sure hope it can get repaired.

JudyEddy said...

I finally found all three years of Jordyns Easter pictures to add it and a couple of other pic of her in my album Holidays over the years I live to do a comparison picture of each holiday Gonna go watch some TV LM in autopilot

JudyEddy said...

OOPs that was love to do comparison not live to do comparison

Linda said...

JudyE - That is so cute of the three different pics with the Easter Bunny!!

JudyEddy said...

Thanks its really easy I have over 100 that I've done Its all free on the internet this site is Picjoke There are about a dozen sites out there

JudyEddy said...

Commerical on

Lori O. said...

Good Evening Judie, Lynne, Shirley, Megan, Paula, Suzan, sUSAn, Jo, Kay, Hoda, Loretta, JudyE and all.

It's the All Nite Birdersand a few Early Birders, too!!!

Up late tonight (for me) since having the day off.

Paula, Paula, Paula - DANG! CRAP! I'm so upset for you and Nugz. You sweet thing. You've just had the most unbelievable year. HUGS for both of you.

Jo-amazing how long pics can take to sort through when you want to look at all of them. :) Have fun.

And Happy Birthday evening to our wonderful Lynn and WV Dana...da, da, da, Happy Birthday to you.

stronghunter said...

Light just came on at the nest.

JudyEddy said...

It looked llke the camera got moved really quick like bounced maybe or is it my eye playing tricks on me lol

Linda said...

JudyE - You mentioned the first Easter picture of Jordyn for Easter was taken in Lakeland.

I went to Florida Southern College in Lakeland for 3 and a half years before transferring to FAU in Boca Raton and finishing my degree there!

stronghunter said...

Did not get much sleep last night. I am going to have to wind down soon.

Kathryn spent today home with a migraine. She is feeling washed out tonight, so it is going to be an early lights out at our house.

Hoda said...

I saw the camera move twice and shortly after the second time I saw an eagle fly between the two sycamour branches at four and six position.It was around 8:46 PM EDT

JudyEddy said...

LINDA small world huh I think Lakeland is such a nice area but they commuted to and from Clearwater was to much on them with Jordyn they did it for years and had no problem until Jordyn came along and sitting in traffic for hours on interstate they just decided to move over here and its much nicer for me see Jordyn more often She lives next door to her mother in law in the house where Carl grew up in It was his grandmother and she passed away and they are thinking about buying it Just not in too good of an area right off the interstate south st pete BBL LM TV calls me

Hoda said...

The eagle was flying BELOW the nest between the two sycamour branches

Linda said...

Shirley - Sorry to Kathryn has a migraine. I know about those all too well.

You're still recovering, too, so taking it easy and getting a good night's sleep is a good idea!

Take good care of yourself!

Judie said...

Going to turn the night light on early tonight especially as Shirley is headed for the pillows and Kathryn is not feeling well. Hope you both get some much needed rest and now you won't have to worry about stubbing your toes in the dark.

Paula, I just do not have words. Now the car has been rearranged. I am just so sad for you. Please know I care.

Hope to watch the rest of Chicago Code but may end up watching through my eyelids.

Restful sleep for all.

Mema Jo said...

I am going to watch one TV show this evening before it's time for bed.
I have too many pics of years gone by!

The Decorah Family is in the nest!
That is a nest full!
Loon is quietly nesting - no sign of the muskrat....

magpie said...

when I picked James up from school we held hands and prayed for Nugz, and at dinner when we said Grace, we prayed again.
We're here for you and Nugz, and
I am off Sunday, if you need me to come up and help out with anything, I can find my way to your Roost.
I am so very sorry.....but still have tremendous Faith in our Prayers....
I believe in miracles, and this would be a perfect time to have one
xo (( hugs ♥ ))

magpie said...

I hope that Kathryn has something good to take to kick butt out of the migraine....
a miserable ailment, had them for years, and missed out on a lot of things because of them
Is all under control now...probably because...I am such an old coot and my hormones have been re-arranged !

magpie said...

how neat, sharing the ramps (not the vegetable but Little Man's) with the veterinarian

Like you, to GIVE on your birthday, to others
including, spending some time with your Mother also, and am glad to read you spoke with your precious daughter at a reasonable time ♥

magpie said...

seems like I have invited Service Error 503 back for my evening he telling me I gab too much ???

magpie said...

so good to hear from wvSUSan
oh heck cannot get the caps and lower case right on that:
Susan, sounds like a lovely Mother's Day Celebration, Hallelujah!

Missing PammySue and Robyn these days, would love to hear how they are doing !

and any and all Missing Momsters and Dadsters

Linda said...

Hi Margy!! It's been a quiet night.

I think we're all sad about Nugz, but I, like you, believe in miracles, the power of prayer and know that God will turn this into something good........somehow!

magpie said...

Wanda was completely right, this is a great time for wildflowers popping out all over

AND all these bird sightings you folks are is wonderful to hear all the reports !
Sounds like Grosbeak and Oriole season, for sure !!!

Lynne2 said...

Evening all.

Not staying long...difficult day.

Shirley, hope you and Kathryn get some rest and healing tonight.

Lynn and Dana, hope you both had good birthdays! And I hope that Candy and her Jubby have had a great day celebrating their 47 years together!

Jo, hope you and your hubby are enjoying the memories you are revisiting while sorting out the pictures, but don't get too bleary eyed!

Paula, you know we are here for you.

Good night and prayers for all.

JudyEddy said...

I think each one of us has had encounter with 503 today I got it once Ok gonna say good night to all God Bless this Nest and all whom watch it Healing thoughts to those who need them See ya at the SSCC in the am

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."

Linda said...

I got an email from Iris this evening!!!

She says to say Hi to everyone. She is still having problems getting on the blog and can't get the momsters emails. I told her I would be happy to forward them to her.

She is back in PA now, had a nice Easter and Mother's Day!

magpie said...

Good Night Lynne2
(( Hugs ))and Here for you on your difficult day, you know

and I hope you see that Scarlet Tanager again
xoxo ♥

Lynne2 said...

OH, almost forgot....saw a male and female Scarlet Tanagers in the woods this morning while walking the dogs. Came back in and not long after, there was a male Rosebreasted Grosbeak at my feeder. At work, we saw a small flock of Cedar Waxwings in the Holly tree chowing down on the berries. And in case I forgot to mention, Steve and I saw a male Baltimore Oriole on Saturday evening. I don't know what's going on this year, but I LOVE IT!

NatureNut said...

Fianally planted some milkweed seeds in afternoon. Some from the Park & some from NCTC dinner!Not really in the sun, but hope there are a few sprouts!
Hours been ticking away! Gotta do do for AM work.
Hope everyone has a restful night
and Pleasant Feather Dreams ;>)

Linda said...

I've been worried about Robyn, too, and wondering if she is well.

I looked for an email address for her but couldn't find one.

Does anyone keep in touch with Robyn other than on the blog??

Praying that she and Tori are doing okay.

I remember PammySue saying she was going to be staying at her grandmother's to help out and there was no internet there.

Lynne2 said...

oh one more thing ....

Four Planets

Linda said...

Good Night Lynne - Hope tomorrow is a better day for you!

Night JudyE!

Night Loretta!

Sweet dreams.....

Linda said...

We might get a frost tonight and the fruit trees have blossoms already. That happened last year.

Hopefully we will be spared!

Lynne2 said...

Good night John Boy, good night Mary Ellen....

magpie said...

I am just stunned, about Nugz, cannot say much more right now.
He sure has led a happy life thus far with his wonderful you all think your pets think "Mom" about you...or how does that go? I haven't had a pet for years...

All the rosary bead prayers tonight go up for this crisis...

Good Night, Precious Pals
Hugs and Love across the Miles to Paula and Nugz, and
all of you also

God Bless This Nest,
God Bless Us, Every One

xoxo ♥

hedgie said...

Hope everyone is having a good evening. Been busy with Liesl and phone calls and mail!! Been a good day, except for the sadness of Nugz' situation, and found out that my friend Sandi is NOT pregnant. The embryos did not implant. :( She is sad, but they are leaving it in God's hands and will try again as soon as possible.

Linda said...

Well, I am going to head up, too! I've kept Dennis up late the last few nights and we're both tired tonight!

Lots of ((((Hugs)))) for Paula and Nugz. I hope Nugz has restful sleep tonight.

May you all sleep well tonight!

Prayers and Blessings for All!!

xoxo ♥♥♥ Good Night!

Lolly said...

Hi all! We had leftovers for dinner and then after dinner I prepared Lasagne for tomorrow nights dinner. We are heading to Laurel's after lunch tomorrow. They had a tree cut down and we are going to bring home firewood. Also, Jacob has his last t-ball game and we are going to it in the evening.

Watching Castle on TV right now.

hedgie said...

Robyn is doing okay. Lots of yard work and she and helpers replaced her deck this weekend!

Goodnight to all turning in. Hope everyone who is ailing feels better in the morning.

hedgie said...

Poor Iris....sure don't know what is going on with her email and blog access....bummer!

Mema Jo said...

TV show and news is over...
Time to call it a day

DanaWV and Lynn - hoping your
day is the beginning of another
fantastic year for you both...

Prayers for you Paula and Nugz.
Good night to everyone.
Hugs to all ♥♥♥♥♥♥

hedgie said...

Well, dear friends, I am getting s-l-e-e-p-y. Bee na nice two days. Thanks for all birthday wishes. Love to all. Prayers going up, especially for Nugz and Paula.
Talk to you tomorrow. SIL and his bro coming early (???) to spread new mulch in my beds. Good night.

Costume Lady said...

How wonderful that Margy has put prayer into James' life...they prayed for Paula's Nugz.
Such a heart breaker for Paula, after loosing Boo such a short time ago. {{{PAULA}}}


Lolly said...

News is over. Heading to the shower and will read before heading to bed.

Had a good day working in the yard.

Paula, thinking of you and Nugz and keeping you both in prayer.

Nite all! Sweet dreams!

Lori O. said...

It must have been some birthday party for Dana & Lynn because I've never seen the Night Owls - all say they're going to bed before 11:30pm!

I hope it was a great day for you Lynn and Dana. How fun to share a special day like that.

Paula, I hope Nugz and you had a restful night.

Wanda - what kind of pink flower is in your avatar? Guess you'll be getting ready to make a big meal tonight.

Lori O. said...

Guess I should warn the Early Birds that the SPLIT is coming up in a few.

Oh, LYNNE, sorry you had a difficult day yesterday. Hope you've recovered and today looks rosy for you. :)

Back to work today for me. One day off was so great!

Have a fabulous day everyone.

Truder was at the nest yesterday at 5:34.

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Gang,
I'm dropping in to say goodnight. I have been doing more transcription, but need to quit for now. My eyes refuse to focus correctly.

Paula, prayers still going Heavenward for Nugz and you. Hoping that you both manage to get some good rest tonight. Happy that you had a good visit with Nugz after his surgery. I'm sure it meant the world to him to see you. Sorry to hear about your car. Glad it's driveable. Somehow a car ding doesn't seem really important after the news you got about Nugz, though. Bet you feel that way too.
(((HUGS)))!! Wish I could hug you in person!

Lynn and WV Dana, hope you had a wonderful day yesterday. How nice that you two have a mutual Birthday!

Lynne2, sorry to hear that you had a rough day yesterday. Hope Tuesday is much better! (((HUGS))) for you, too!
Thanks for the 4 planets info. Hope I can remember to look for them. Say, you have quite a bird sanctuary in your yard. I'm impressed!!!

Well, I'm saying some heavy duty prayers tonight! Lots of needs to pray for.
JUDIE, thanks for turning on the night light. About the last thing I would need to do coming in here is to trip on something. By the way, Hubby's knee and leg have turned all pretty technicolor, but are feeling a lot better. He went to the Dr. today, and she was pleased with the progress. Says it will take quite a while (as long as 12 weeks or more) to completely heal, though. Thanks for your prayers for him! Emma is stuck to him like velcro, and lending her support too. Lots of puppy kisses going on!

Ms Bookworm said...

OK--time to check the porch light and enable both security systems. Hope everyone gets some really restorative sleep tonight--especially Nugz. I'll talk to everyone in the morning. God bless, and goodnight! Love all of you! :o]

Lori O. said...

Best of the morning to you EARLY BIRDERS: KAY, JUDY E, MEGAN, DANA MO AND MARGY!

The Sunrise Sycamore Cyber Cafe kitchen is open so come on in!

JudyEddy said...

eagle calling

DanaMo said...

Just walked in...dogs have been let out and fed, coffee cup is full. Good morning!

JudyEddy said...

I wonder which it was

DanaMo said...

JudyE-I thought so. That's the first time I heard them before I saw 'em.

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2/20/25 PM bird

1203 PM NN Scout comes to the nest with a load of bedding again. He seemed to leave with something in his talons. He has a beak full of bedd...