Saturday, May 21, 2011


New thread. 

Thanks to Blogger for their superb software, which failed so miserably in automatically posting the new posts I had prepared for the week.


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JudyEddy said...

Thanks for the new thread the other was soooo full

JudyEddy said...

I hope you had a great vacation.

JudyEddy said...

2590 was our old thread

stronghunter said...

All kinds of strange things happened to Blogger after you set things up, Steve. It was down for some time or there would be more comments on here!

Hope you had fun on your vacation.

JudyEddy said...

Steve we had lost the blog for a day or so

stronghunter said...

We set an all-time record.

stronghunter said...

In a way, it was fun.

hedgie said...

One paper down, a very late din-din, and some ball play and snuggles with Liesl!

Yes, Wanda...have seen it flash a couple of times! The sensor light out back is burned out, so no light to come on when soemthing comes within range....but the fact that it has flashed means SOMETHING has been there!!

JudyEddy said...

Its that time once again to say good night
God Bless this Nest
and all who watch
Healing Prayer for
those who need them

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."

Hoda said...

WELCOME HOME STEVE...I hope you had a GREAT trip. THANKS for the new thread.

hedgie said...

Thank goodness for a new thread!!! Steve, Google had big troubles with blogs for over 24 hrs.! The whole world was upset!
And not only did your auto set-up get wiped out, but so did bunches of our comments!

stronghunter said...

I posted some pictures from yesterday's convocation on my blog for those who haven't seen them on FB.

hedgie said...

I think it was Th. of last week (the 12th) and they lost stuff back to Weds.

Lolly said...

Wow! A new thread! Thanks Steve! We survived, but it was a close call! LOL

Wanda, here I am sitting here right now and Jack calls out..."order that cam." Well, duh! It is gone! I am being nice, I am not saying anything. (however I am thinking!!!!)

stronghunter said...

Hmmm, if I had a trail cam, I would get videos of lots of people cutting through my yard. And a few bunnies and squirrels.

Lolly said...

We had a delicious dinner. I read magazines while we traveled and then tore out recipes that I marked. Tonight it was a new recipe for meatballs. They were fantastic!

Lolly said...

We just wonder what comes to our ponds and stream at night.

Costume Lady said...

Good to have a fresh thread...
Lynn, you don't need any light to see what was at your camera. It's infra red kicks in when you see that flash. So excited to see what visited you:)

Lolly said...

Lynn, did you put out food like Gene and Wanda do?

stronghunter said...

We all might be surprised at what is out there.

Lolly said...

The birds enjoy our stream. They bathe there regularly! There is no other water source around so no telling what comes to our back yard to drink.

stronghunter said...

Can't wait to see what you get, Lolly.

JudyEddy said...

Signing off and saw this on facebook (maria had posted it) had to add my comment on it for us

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."

PA Nana said...

Woo Hoo Steve. Welcome back and thanks.

Lolly said...

Shirley, do not have a cam yet. Will have to wait and decide what to do. We missed the great sale. Bless Jack!☺

JudyEddy said...

The End of the world came and went while you were on face book is what it says and I added and watching eagle cams

Costume Lady said...

Lolly, did you try both the store and online? We would all like to see the birds that come there during the day and the critters that come at night.

Lolly said...

Hey, Diann! Did you see my post. I do have seeds for you. Gathered them this afternoon.

Lolly said...

It was on line, Wanda. No GM store near me. I found it the other day but no cam that matches the price now.

hedgie said...

June continues to threaten Lily

hedgie said...

Certainly not a nice way to treat her daughter!!

Lynne2 said...

YAY! Out of the shower and into a new thread!

Lynne2 said...

I had to take the battery out of the computer again to get it to power up. Second time today, third time in 2 days. Wonder what's going on????

PA Nana said...

Yes Lolly, saw your post. Can't wait.

Wanda, when is the best time to plant columbine seeds?

Have a question for Megan or anyone else that can answer this,
my beautiful peonies do not smell like I remember. Could it be the weather of the last few months?
I'm sure they had a pleasant smell before or is my 'sniffer' stunted?

Shirley, congrats to you and Suzi. That's a great accomplishment!

Took my Teresa a few years after her military retirement and Max's birth to get her BA.

Lynn, can't wait to see what creatures visit you. I enjoy Wanda's so much.

Lolly, hope you and Jack get one too. Being west of the Mississippi should show birds and animals that we're not familiar with - even armadillos.

Lynne2 said...

I said that wrong. The computer turned off by itself while I was in the shower. Power light blinking because battery still gsve it power. Can't turn it back on in that condition. So I had to remove the battery to stop all power then put it back to get it to turn on.

Lynne2 said...

Lolly, save your money and don't buy a trail cam. You'll need that money when the state of Texas sues you for importing Stinkbugs.

PA Nana said...

There was a cartoon in our local newspaper today. It showed a church with a sign on the lawn that said if you missed the rapture we're still open.

Guess we all passed 'muster' until the next one. I think the Mayans just couldn't count any higher than Dec.21, 2012, or ran out of space. When God calls, I'll be ready.

Lynne2 said...

Me too. I just hate to think of my poor pets being left behind and how scared they'll be....

Lynne2 said...

I can't help you with the Peonies Diann...they are growing out front but I am rarely out in that part of the yard. I don't remember if they have a scent or not...I'll check it out tomorrow.

Lolly said...

roflmbo But, it was a DEAD stink bug!!!!!

PA Nana said...

I'm taking ine with me Lynne.

PA Nana said...


Lynne2 said...

AHHHHH yes it WAS dead. But at some point it was ALIVE!!!!!! Hopefully it croaked before you got home!

Lynne2 said...

Me too Diann, if I'm allowed!

Lynne2 said...

think I'll hit the hay. I'm so tired but haven't slept well in the last couple of days....much to worry about.

Have a good night everyone...hope no one got sunburned in the parts today!! Prayers for you all!

Lynne2 said...

and special prayers for our Armed Forces today!

BTW Shirley, that's pretty cool how they honored them at the ceremony today!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Whoohoo. I am official West Virginian again. House is going to need a little more work than anticipated. Staying at Sissy's tonight and will finish unloading the truck in the morning. I am soooo tired.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

I have to post again to get the emails. :)

Lynne2 said...

Haven't seen Linda for a while....hope everything is OK with her!

Leaving now...

Mema Jo said...

Sharon - I am grateful that it is a GOOD tired! I'm happy that you are back where your roots began!

HELLO STEVE I hope you paddled hard and got to where you wanted to be! We did real good with
2590! Google messed up your automated thread renewal. Glad to have you back.

Mema Jo said...

Peonies do have a scent but you best wait until Megan smells her
peonies to tell you whether or not it is your 'sniffer'. lol

Well I had a great day and thankful
for friends!
Good Night to all my friends and prayers for all of you. Hugs too!
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

PA Nana said...

Lynne, so sorry to hear about Steve's job. Prayers that he'll find another that appreciates him.

It also appears that the MN dumpsite has filled up and we're now sending broken appliances to TX? Hope shipping rates don't increase.

Everyone is in bed and I have time to blog 'till my heart's content.
BUT, I took my sleeping pill so as soon as it hits me in the head I'll have to go to my recliner. Max and Mom are early risers; I am not. I prefer late night to socialize, etc. Definitely a night owl.

Teresa's friend sent some wine chocolate bars made in the Australia Cocoa Farm in North Queensland. Yummy. I really like them!

Mema Jo said...

Steve We are all hoping that on Monday you can reboot the still cam and hopefully get the live feed up/running.


PA Nana said...

Night Lynne, Sharon and anyone else about to dent their pillows.

hedgie said... HOA meeting....someone else saw the HUGE turkey!! He was in the road, and she was in her car----said they were on eye level!!!

magpie said...

Oh Hallelujah!
What a glorious thing to see
"Saturday Thread May 21, 2011 "
Good to see you, Eagle Pals....I took a looong nap...almost more sleeping than I get on a regular night !

Have enjoyed reading about what my good friends here have been up to ☺

Thank you Steve....and Welcome Home!
We certainly don't hold you responsible for Blogger's electronic poop-shoot

magpie said...

Glad you had some time with Teresa and Max, hope Max gets his good rest and is a sweet delightful child in the morning ☺

Lovely report on your day with Susan, and I will visit your pictures soon.
I liked the way you stated, Susan wanted to enjoy all the glory that she can...and well she should...
Congratulations and Best Wishes for her future plans

Very special, the tribute to the military on Armed Forces Day, and the patriotic avatars on here have been very nice also
God Bless Our Troops, current and Veterans....and their families

magpie said...

Glad to read that upbeat post from Megan hours ago, guess she was in Sunshine Heaven ☼ Today !

magpie said...

I hope that big gobbler makes an appearance at your trail cam...
I think you have got yourself a real neat toy ! Way cool that Gene and Wanda could help you get this going !

magpie said...

Sorry I missed some of our pal before they went night-night...
Now I have to get to some chores like laundry and shower

Will be back in a little while to visit with the Night Owls
xoxox ♥

stronghunter said...

Time to head upstairs. See you tomorrow.

stronghunter said...

Hi Margy,

I enjoyed the glory, too.

magpie said...

JudyE should get some sort of prize for discovering the New Thread !
wonder if our Lori made it back to her roost tonight...
missing everyone who has not checked in

ttfn xo

PA Nana said...

Hi Margy! We missed each other last night playing post tag.

I won't be here much longer, my meds are starting to work but want to say goodnight to all and extend my prayers for a good night, especially those in pain in body, mind or soul. God bless everyone.

P.S. Welcome home Sharon & Thelma!

hedgie said...

Goodnight to all heading for the pillows. As soon as this race is over, I'll get my bath and be there, too!

Um......not sure what PARTS you are talking about getting sunburned, Lynne....????

Diann, so glad that you are getting some time with Teresa and can sleep after they leave!!!!

hedgie said...

Race did not make me happy......Loretta, did you stay awake???

magpie said...

Righto Diann...we were missing each other last night by just a few minutes and thanks for that reminder about
Welcome Home T-Bird and Sharon
.. Carry me back to old "West" Virginny ♪ ♫

Lolly said...

Night Shirley!

Been on the phone, yakking with my brother, Larry.

Think it is about time to head to the shower and to get comfy!

Night all! Sweet dreams!

hedgie said...

Margy, wish I'd had time for a nap! Will take my muscle relaxants before I go to the tub.
BTW----the "missing" med came in today's mail! Thank goodness!!!

Well, dear friends, sleep tight. I will see you in the morning...prayers for all needs. So glad the rapture didn't happen!

magpie said...

Yay Lynn on those meds coming
I don't know about you all, but I experienced a good bit of rapture today ☺

Good Night......for now
back later xoxo

Costume Lady said...

Well, I see West Virginia is smiling a little broader, now that Sharon and Thelma are back home:)
Don't frazle yourselves trying to get unpacked and put-away in too big a hurry...take it easy and listen to your body when it says "ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!".

Glad you got your meds today, Lynn...hope it is the one that you really, really needed!

Diann, you can plant your columbine anytime. If you plant them now, they may bloom next year.
I will send you more purple seeds, but I will need your addres. I have lost everyones address somewhere in cyber space:(

SHIRLEY, I think the slower Myrtle walks, the better for being spotted on the cam:)

Like Jo, I, too am tankful for my good friends and so...

magpie said...

EJ is feeding one chick at Loch Garten
guess only one hatch there so far

Loch of Lowe's is close-upped on Isla no mention of hatch there yet

magpie said...

Night Wanda
just missed you !
Ahh, yes, Me am tankful too !

magpie said...

Loch of the Lowe's definitely on Hatch Watch!
just saw three eggs, one looks like it has a pip but hard to tell with those spotted mottled eggs
Isla was cheeping, and her mate brought in some chow

magpie said...

looks like ONE has a pip that is...
cam folks are zooming WAY IN when Isla gets off the eggs

Mema Jo said...

If a little lady wants to hit the road early tomorrow - she best get into that bed and sleep........
That is what a long 'sound asleep' naps do to you.... Night

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,
Welcome back, Steve, and thanks for the new thread!

Getting here so late I guess it's early already!

Hubby and I had fun today. We met my Sis-in-law for breakfast and caught up on the latest news. After we got home we played with Emma for the rest of the day. She is so funny! When she sees her reflection in the glass door of our entertainment center, she barks and barks at it!

Need to get caught up on the blog. Will have to wait till morning. I am too sleepy right now. Saying prayers for everyone, and for all creatures.
Making sure the porch light is on. Enabling both security systems. Have sweet dreams, everyone. I'll talk to you tomorrow. God bless, and goodnight! Love all of you! :o]

magpie said...

OH Snap! Jo caught me! I'll be sleeping in a wee bit to make up for this night-owling time

Sounds like a great day, Andrea ☺

I better sneak on out of here:
God Bless This Nest, and
God Bless Us, Every One

xoxo ♥

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Good mornIng everybody. Been laying here awake since 4:30 but decided to rest the body for a bit longer. Yesterday was a bit overwhelming. Praying for a better day today.

JudyEddy said...

Good morning sure is nice to be able to jump on a new thread and find where you are right way don't have to go knee deep in to it Ha
I hope everyone has a great day BBL

Lori O. said...

gLORIous morning everyone in Eagle World! Which I love so much more than ---ney World!

DanaMo said...

Good morning everyone. A busy weekend has kept me out of the loop! Confirmation for one son on Friday, and Prom for another son on Saturday. Today is a double header lacrosse game for my daughter.
Yesterday was so beautiful. Enjoyed spending the morning outside working in the yard.
I don't think I'm even going to try to look through the last thread with so many posts to catch up on. Starting fresh today is nice! Thanks Steve.

Lori O. said...

So nice to have a new thread. It was impossible trying to get to post 2,000+ on my BBerry.

Hi JUDYE! The weather got hot down there on Friday. Whew!

Hoping KAY, DANA, MEGAN, MARGY check in too.

Lori O. said...

Hello DANA! I slept in and worked in the yard all day yesterday. I felt like LYNN/HEDGIE getting all my chores checked off: mowing, blowing, unpacking, getting the deck ready for summer, pruning all the stuff that has already over grown it's boundries because of all the rain.
It's always so fun to come home and see how much everything has grown. It's just amazing what we don't see looking at it day-to-day.

DanaMo said...

You are so right, but when you are bagging all that grass you sure do see how it's grown....
I was moving bright and early and it was the first time the back got mowed in a while. It got missed on the last sunny day so boy was it high. Then of course Frisbee has to throw the ball in front of the mower for me to throw the whole time I'm doing the yard!That added a little time to the chore.

DanaMo said...

Wow cam is still down...

DanaMo said...

Still cam is off too!

Lori O. said...

Dana, I'm sure if I wasn't on a tractor, Dalai would be wanting me to throw a ball for her too. That's pretty funny. Would be fun but the tractor turns off when you get off the seat.

I would LOVE to see Belle and her boyfriend.

SHARON - so happy the move is done. Hope you and Thelma can get a little rest in today.

paula eagleholic said...

Morning all!

Thanks so much Steve!

paula eagleholic said...

Not caught up at all!

Nugz is enjoying the beach...

My younger bro came down yesterday to check out some plumbing changes I want to do

Worked till 10 last night then crashed

Lori O. said...

Happy BEACH day PAULA. Please tell us about your feathered visitors this morning. You know that we all live vicariously through you!

paula eagleholic said...

Lori todays interesting birds is a pair of oyster catchers working on the marsh out front...hunting down their breakfast

Good to see you back Lori

paula eagleholic said...

Oh forgot to mention had to run down to the marina for gas for the little restaurant down there is finally open....and found another osprey nest ...on top of a water marker in the creek where the marina is...knew there had to be another one nearby...

paula eagleholic said...

Todays adventure will be a walk down the beach at low tide...haven't walked south yet

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Now we are at Bluefield ER. Thelma had a tick in her armpit and I tried to pull it out. Now she has a tick hard in her armpit. And the hits just keep on coming.

paula eagleholic said... boo bear used to drop the tennis ball in front of the mower so I would have to pick it up and throw it for him lol

paula eagleholic said...

Oh my sharon...guess you tried vaseline?

Lori O. said...

SHARON - what can we do to make this a better day for you and Thelma? I'm sure YOU need rest more than anything.

PAULA: Thanks! Sooo happy to be home. Glad that Nugz is enjoying his beach time. No eagles today?

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

No, tried butter. Doc days to never put anything on it to get it out that will aggravate the tick. They vomit poison into you. Yuck.

Lori O. said...

KAY - are you out there in LM?

Megan must be busy at the market so here's . . .


TODAY: Showers likely and possibly a thunderstorm, mainly after 3pm. Mostly cloudy, w/ a high near 84. Chance of rain is
60%. New rainfall amounts between a tenth and quarter of an inch, except higher amounts possible in thunderstorms.

TONIGHT: Showers likely & possibly a thunderstorm - Mostly cloudy, with a low around 62. Chance of precipitation is 60%.

LOLLY - thanks for the FB comment yesterday. Hope your trip was fabulous!

Now, the bummer for those within an hour or two driving time from the nest - looks like we're going to have a HOT & HUMID week with a chance of thunderstorms every day!

magpie said...

Dear Sharon:
Everything today that I think is a bother or problem or pain (including PIAs) or irritation...
I will "offer it up" in hopes that it will ease some of what you and Thelma are going through..
that, and prayer, and a lot of it
(( hugs ♥ ))
Hang in There...xoox

elerly neighbor lady called, has a small crisis, headed over there to see what's up

magpie said...

and good Morning, Eagle Pals

Welcome Back Morning GLori !

ttfn xo

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

Just pulled Saturday's newspaper out of the box. Now I know what caused the awful traffic mess we had on Friday. There was a pursuit of bank robbers that involved helicopters and ended in a traffic accident on I-95 when the robbers tried to use a crossover through the median.

And it caused a back-up on both I-95 and Route 1. It was a real mess.

There was a picture of the back-up of traffic. It looked very familiar.

stronghunter said...

Hi Lori!

So good to see you here. We missed you.

Mema Jo said...

Good Morning Everyone - Sharon - glad Thelma found the tick - It's the season for them. Glad it's out.

Another beautiful day to enjoy
Get that sun protection on if you
are out and about & Dana wear a

Time for coffee...........

magpie said...

okay, took care of the crisis next door...shower curtain rod heavily laden with hangered-clothes...collapsed, clothes everywhere...they have been "relocated" for now, all over the place !

Soooo, Eagle Pals...
I will miss the chatter and news for the next 36 hours or so,
headed to visit my sister Annandale Anne, see how her Blessed Recovery from serious illness last fall, is coming along.
Long overdue visit...

I have a lot of travel time to say my prayers, will have you ALL in my heart ♥ and soul

and I will surely look forward to "seeing" you when I return Monday late, and maybe view some Nest News by then also ☺

God Bless Us, Every One
xoxo ♥

Lynne2 said...

Safe travels Margy, and I'm sure you'll have a good visit! We'll miss you!

Lori O. said...

Good Morning SHIRLEY, MARGY & JO!

I missed you guys!

How many day until retirement now Shirley? :)

Lori O. said...

MARGY - so nice of you to help a neighbor in need. Enjoy your visit with your sister.

Hello LYNNE! How are things?

hedgie said...

Good Sunday AM!
Not a pretty day yet, but temp has gone up 12 degrees in just a few hours!

FYI: Watch the premiere of PANDAMANIA on Mutual of Omaha's Wild Kingdom on Animal Planet channel on Sunday, May 22, 2011 at 7 p.m. EST. If you miss it, it will repeat on May 23, 2011 at 2 a.m. EST.

hedgie said...

Tsk,tsk.....ticks in axilla, dogs running in front of mowers, elderly lady with clothes all over the floor......sounds like a dangerous world! Oh, and forgot osprey poop shoots in yards! And robbers clogging highways!

Gee, Shirley....I heard about the robbery on the news Fri. but NOT about the traffic back-up! Maybe they just figured that if they didn't mention it, people wouldn't notice!

hedgie said...

Safe, fun trip, Margy. You and Anne behave! Hugs for Judie if you get a chance to hook-up with her!

Lori, you got A LOT done yesterday!
Know that you are glad to be home.

Don't know if Robyn or Bobbi ever came on to mention or not: but Bobbi and the Mr. are on an Alaskan cruise.....first eagle she saw up there was only about 10 feet away from her. How cool is that??

Mema Jo said...

Safe Journey Margie
Hi Lori - good to have you back with us!

I am going to be out most of the afternoon but will check in when I

Enjoy the day

hedgie said...

A dear friend gave me a book entitled EAGLES yesterday....some magnificent pics, and some types I have never heard of before!! Will bring it with me when next we gather so all can take a peek!

Speaking of eagles...the looduskalendar black stork nest #2 has been taken over by a Lesser Spotted Eagle.....looks kind of like a cross between an osprey and a golden.

Lori O. said...

wow LYNN - spotted eagle - never heard of so I'll look it up, but it can cross with an Osprey?

Lynne2 said...

Hello Lori! Things are not going well, but we are keeping our chins up!

OK. can someone give me any idea why my computer turns off, won't turn back on unless I remove and then put back the battery?? This is getting really annoying.

OH GEESH, Steve is beckoning, we are going to visit a friend today and I am holding up the schedule!!

Any thoughts on the computer, please email me!

Have a good afternoon everyone!

Lori O. said...

OK - just learned there is a Greater Spotted Eagle and a Lesser Spotted Eagle. The Lesser is prettier, IMHO, and both are European Raptors. Interesting.

LYNN - what battery? You must be working on a laptop? Sounds like a heat or battery problem. There were a lot of probs a few yrs ago with batteries catching fire because they got so hot. Maybe it's a safety mechanism.

Lori O. said...

LYNNE - your best bet is searching the name & model of your computer with the problem.

hedgie said...

No, Lori, I don't think they cross-breed....just looks are mixed!!

Lynne, I am perplexed by your problem...maybe you need a new battery....but they are so expensive! Are you running primarily off electric? I remember that overheating issue, Lori.....not the details, but I think it was Panasonic batteries, wasn't it?

stronghunter said...

I am just glad we were nowhere near the robbers. I can deal with a little traffic a lot better than I can deal with bank robbers.

JudyEddy said...

Yep Lori we are HOT HOT HOT Fri under my carport the car temp was 110 and that is in the shade That is why I loved the cooler weather we had the other day Now its just plain hot
Just check cam both are still not working I want to see Belle I wonder if they have been going to the nest daily without us
I wonder was it lightening or not???
Did you all see Lynns post on facebook about the stink bugs

JudyEddy said...

My Dad would take a lite cigarette and hold it just over the tick the heat would make the tick release and try to move Not for sure if you all have heard of that But in KY we use to get them all the time playing in the woods and going to Rough River Just a suggestion the next time Ok now if you don't smoke I guess your up a creek without a paddle wouldn't want anyone take up the habit just for a tick LOL

hedgie said...

We always lit and blew out a match and stuck the hot end to the rear of the tick...almost always pulled right back.

stronghunter said...

15 days, Lori.

Hoda said...

Good morning everyone for it is still morning here...I am headed off to yoga and then to buy plants for my container garden. It is traditional that we plant on the Victoria Day weekend as it is pretty certain that now we will not get frost over night.

The town of Slave Lake, Alberta has burnt to the ground, everything is gone the police station, city hall the schools, and 370 homes...yet the firefighters, even those who lost their own homes continue to battle the flames. It has been going on for a week now...Prayers to them and all those who are in need.

I'll also do groceries today...I am sorry I do not know about computer batteries Lynne.

Paula it sounds like a good day at your end...enjoy and keep us posted.

Maybe indeed Steve will be able to reconnect us to the Camera after he returns to work Monday. I am hoping it is not too serious a problem. I miss seeing both of them actually but particularly Belle.

I'll check in after I get the plants and do the groceries and finish with yoga...Have a GREAT day everyone.

stronghunter said...

But cigarettes and hot matches would upset the tick. Maybe that makes it throw up poison? Doc told me just to pull it out, as I recall. Of course, it it is embedded, that might not be possible. I think ER visit is a good idea then.

stronghunter said...

Prayers for the people and animals of Slave Lake, Hoda.

DanaMo said...

Oh thanks Mema Jo. I'm glad you mentioned ticks. I wanted to treat the Flying labs today and would have forgotten.

NatureNut said...

WOW, a new thread! Thank you, Steve!You're the only one that can do it!! Hope you had a great vacation!
Happy Sunday to everyone!
Sorry I missed the beginning of this last night~~~fell asleep during race, but saw the end! Carl Edwards!!

Partly sunny here and about 80°.

DanaMo said...

I fell asleep too and didn't see the end!

Judie said...

Good early Sunday afternoon.

As you may notice, I survived the non-event yesterday so am especially glad I didn't clean the house just for the sake of appearances.

Have returned to find that Lolly discovered a finicky camera disguised as a roadside appliance which is attempting to escape the secret graveyard by hiding our in TX. It is a decoy -- do not be misled in your investigations.

Shirley, congratulations again to Susan. Hope she is getting some extra sleep/downtime today.

Hoda, hope you feel better and, if you read back, please let us know how your clothes grow in the outdoor garden containers. I'm very interested in that form of gardening.

Bet Sharon and T-Bird are on their way. So glad the van alternator was repaired -- they do not need a crisis in route.

Lynn, let us know about the mail-order meds. Might be something for me to look into. I'm with Kay, it is so less stressful to know your doctor and pharmacist.

Paula, just love reading about your b____ nirvana. Really nice to think of Nugz having fun. Does he pay attention to any of the birds or other critters?

Okay, now that the world is still revolving, I guess I better do something like scrub the kitchen counter tops. Thought it would have been a waste of energy if the world was ending. Now, well ...

Judie said...

Oh dear, I totally forgot my manners.

WELCOME BACK, STEVE. Hope you enjoyed the time away! You were, of course, sorely missed.

wvgal_dana said...

Thanks for the thread Steve. We might have set a record. Hope you had a great trip and enjoyed yourself.

Hedgie-Lynn love the video
of Faith foraging. That was
on the page you gave us.

Lynn something must have
been at your cam. Oh boy!!

Lynne you are so funny
(Lolly and the SB's)

Sharon so good to hear you
are home.Good to have Thelma with you. Will you two share the house
togehter? Maybe you'll have some help with fixing the house. Have a fixer up party!!

Ha Ha Diann is it the wine or the cocoa you like lol

I can't believe God won't take care of the creatures he I feel like how a child would "believe" that they will be safe and God will be loving them.

Hedgie-Lynn glad the med showed up in the mail.

Paula thanks for all the interesting things you get to see. Oyster catchers and osprey and eagles. Have you seen any pelicans?

Prayers for "safe travel"
Margy. Hope you find Anne doing well.

Now that is cool 10 ft. away
an eagle for Bobbi to see.
She was thrilled you just
know she had to be. ( :

Yep JudyE that or a match
then blow it out lay it on the tick. It would start moving out. Hee hee
2 comments down Hedgie-Lynn
says same thing LOL

Hoda I hope you enjoy doing your planting.

Oh columbie seeds would I like to have some of those.

hedgie said...

Hoda, that is absolutely awful about the town fire. Haven't heard anything on the news. Will look it up online.
Have a good day out and about!

Judie----Shar and T-bird slept in Bluefield last night!!!! Unloading u-haul today!
Yep, since the world didn't end, I decided tto make a pasta will last me a few days.

Loretta, how is the knee today?

hedgie said...

WOw...lots of articles to read a nd pics, Hoda. Devastating.

Raining here. Just what we need---NOT. Wish I could send it to Alberta.

Judie said...

Will now try to catch up on the new thread. This will be a long post. Sorry.

Had a lovely day out yesterday visiting with friends. Tired last night so slept well.

Welcome home to wild and wonderful WV, Sharon and T-Bird. So sorry your homecoming has started with a tick attack. ER was likely the best idea. We used to put rubbing alcohol on and the tick would back out.

Never heard of wine chocolate bars. Yummy, I bet.

Shirley, just think. With a trail cam you would have evidence if the robbers ran through your backyard -- detouring traffic, too.

Love the church sign about being open. Humor and religion can get along.

Lolly, importing dead stink bugs could be a serious criminal offense -- I think it's against the law to import corpses.

Lynn, the friend who was eye-level with the turkey -- was the friend driving one of those tiny clown cars?

Welcome back, Lori.

Hoda, so sorry about the fires at Slave Lake. Prayers for all involved.

Okay, now going to go get a pleasure reading book and do some pleasure reading.

Hope everyone enjoys the afternoon.

Judie said...

Doing a Margy --

Lynn2, don't want to intrude but did have a thought. Maybe you can work a compromise with landlord person. Work/upkeep around the place for reduced rent? Or half-rent for a few months to buy some time? Just a thought.

wvgal_dana said...

Oh those little white Goshawks are really being chatty. All out from under Mom.

Irvin hummers are big-nest if FULL.

Red tail hawk chicks not fully white
getting their other feathers. So now
they are black and white.

I think that is 4 baby storks white
with black on. Storchennest.

This stork nest has 2 chicks.

Can't figure out where in my favorites I put the "black stork"???

The male bluebird has been at my feeder for a long time. Woodpecker came next.

Next door the lady has a back door that has the square windows in it. This robin for 45 minutes keeps flying up to the windows. There are two doves sitting on that roof watching it. Can't you just imagine what the doves are saying. "Look at that dummy and it things it will get a mate that way lol".

wvgal_dana said...

Judie I love you avatar. Of course I love butterflies. Got me a butterfly ring just after my birthday. Found a beautiful different colored bracelet. Going to send that too my daughter she loves butterflies too.

wvgal_dana said...

Sorry Hoda and thank you Judie for reminding me of the comment.

Yes prayers for those near or at Slave Lake.

stronghunter said...

Lovely avatar, Judie.

Some years ago, we did have burglars sneak through our back yard in the night. (Lived in a different house then.) They broke into the house across the street.

Another neighbor called the sheriff because a strange car was parked in front of her house. Officers had a dog searching the house across the street when the resident--with her child and pregnant with twins showed up. She was sent away and came to our house.

Burglars had taken a number of things from their house. Thank goodness she did not come home earlier. She had just come home from Martinsburg, where they were staying while her husband worked near there.

stronghunter said...

Dogs tracked the burglars through our yard. My hubby stepped out on the porch to find a nervous cop in our yard. Silly man--he should have known better. We were aware cops were searching then.

stronghunter said...

In case you think it strange that someone would call cops just because there's a strange car in front of your house, there had been other break-ins. A very observant lady, our neighbor.

stronghunter said...


Judie said...

Not silly at all to report a car that seems out-of-place. Our neighborhood watch has a policy that any car unknown to residents, parked more than 24 hours, is called in to non-emergency police number.

Judie said...

See Shirley, all the more reason to get a trail cam!

Judie said...

Reading the comment about the Robin attacking its reflection in the window, male Cardinals do that because they perceive the image as a competitor. Wonder if the Robin is dong the same? Yes, the Dove's would be snickering.

Kay said...

Good afternoon my dear bird buds !

Like everyone else, I'm so glad to see that STEVE, LORI, JACK and LOLLY are back where they belong ! I am not implying that there is any connection in the fact that they were all away at the same time, of course. Ahem.

Wonderful to know SHARON and THELMA are back in WV. Too bad a nasty ol' tick decided to show how much he loves having you home, too. THELMA. :(

MARGY gets the Good Samaritan award today ! Would'nt we all love having her for a neighbor ? Have a great time with your sis, MARGY !

LORETTA, I'm with you on the Carl Edwards win ! He's a good kid.

LYNN, glad your med arrived and hope you're feeling better already ! Hoping to hear your cam picked up some interesting visitors last night.

SHIRLEY, it's all downhill from here ! How exciting !

DANAMO, exciting times at you house, too ! It's a lot of fun to read about your healthy and active family.

LYNNE2, still praying that this job thing happened so new doors of opportunity could open up !

Enjoyed the comments on the rapture fiasco, especially those with a humorous twist. Wonder what the ol' coot who started it all has to say today ?

Seth and I had our usual good Sat/Sun time together and were happy our dinner last night was raptureless ! Veggie burgers and all the trimmings, baked beans, onion rings--all tasty, but not rapture inducing !!!

Enough outta me awready. Will be saying prayers for those in need and planning to be up and at em' with all the Early Birds in the morning ! We may not be able to see our Belle and her beau, but it will be good to have our chat at the SSCC ! ☺

♥L♥I♥B♥E♥T♥Y♥ !!!!!

Lolly said...


Slept late this morning and had to hurry to get ready for church. Took a muscle relaxer last night and I am still wiped out today. Muscle high in my shoulder has been threatening to spasm.

Do hope all is going well now with Sharon and Thelma. What a time of it they have had. Complications have certainly not helped make the move smooth.

Getting ready to mop the floors. Jack vacuumed so I better get with it!

Oh...well, I be darn....a camera disguising itself as a washer. Who'd a thunk it!!!!!!!☺

nene said...

has anyone in the NCTC area caught any site of Belle since camera has been down?

movin said...


I hope everyone's
having a great Sunday


Thanks to Steve for the
brand new thread.

My puter has been acting just fine since I deleted AOL..UNTIL it suddenly crashes and leaves me a blue screen. Mysterious leftovers in the software from the Mass Mailer maleware. I don't think it got a lot of chances to mail the stuff out before I cought it. Hope nobody got SPAM about an inheritance somebody left you with my e.mail address attached to it.

It's a foggy, overcast day today and cool in So Cal.

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

JudyEddy said...

Here is a video of todays eaglet tagging

Kay said...

JIM, I just visited TH and see the eaglet has it's wing bling !

Now I see JUDYE has posted the tagging, but I can't open it.

I like that method of tagging.

hedgie said...

Judie---LOL...honest to goodness, the neighbor also says the turkey is about 3 ft. tall!!! She drives a KIA and it was looking over the hood at her!!

Dana, have seen cards do that many times....even to car mirrors!
I don't know what's wrong with the black stork site, Dana....can't get it to open today. :( Will give you link tomorrow if it works!
Yes, 4 little storks at the storchenest! Aren't they lovely??

Shirley, very scary stuff, for sure, with burglars.....your neighbor was very fortunate. Wonder what her hubby did up here??

movin said...

Judy, Kay. I got the clip, which is only the first part of the program, to play in Real Player, although it was more like a fast slideshow than a video. Got a good look at the eaglets wingspread toward the end of the clip....

I like the wing blings too, but they also band the legs like everyone else.

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

JudyEddy said...

The picture that they have on the Eagle Cam Addicts facebook page are amazing and YES the wing span is hugh

stronghunter said...

Her hubby works or worked for American Airlines, Lynn. He was either a navigator or a pilot then. I have not seen them for years. Something about his job required him to be in that area for awhile.

He stayed there most of the time, but she traveled back and forth, staying with him and taking care of their home. I am sure the bad guys were watching the house and knew it wasn't occupied for periods of time.

She knocked on our door, very confused, and said that the cops had told her there were dogs in her house. She asked if she could stay with us until things were okay at her house.

Kind of creepy to learn that these crooks had come right through our yard.

Yes, Judie, we even reported a strange car in our present neighborhood once. It was a group of people helping our next door neighbors move in.

We were probably the only occupied house on the street then, and a car coming slowly up the street and sitting at the cul de sac made us nervous. I think that was right after a bunch of rowdy people in a convertible had pulled into our driveway and then left.

We enjoyed laughing later because we'd welcomed our neighbors to the street with a call from the cops, but they appreciated the fact that we were alert and watching over their new home. And it was their rowdy friends who came in our driveway!

movin said...

Here's a somewhat better clip of the banding at TH.

TH Banding (Part I)

JudyEddy said...

thanks for finding the video Looks like the guy was doing nestoration LOL

DanaMo said...

Kay-We are healthy and active and it's going to KILL me! LOL! Seriously it is fun times!

JudyEddy said...

Check out what was done for the Lightning send off

Lolly said...

Loved the video! Thanks Jim! I thought it amusing how the guy would move towards the eaglet and then sit for a while, then move again and once more sit. Moving slowly!

Hoda said...

Hello everyone, thank you for your thoughts and prayers for the people of Slave Lake, ALberta, whose whole town burned down...

The planting is done and I am pleased with the container gardens. Last year I planted tomatoes and decided against it this year as I only get morning sun and the growing season is not too long...I had lots of fried green tomatoes :^)last year,even though I understand that if I had put them in a drawer with an apple they would have rippened...

This year I have an herb garden and pots of flowers: purple Alyssum, Sunsatia Cranberry,Light copper Astra, assorted Pansies, and African Daisies.
For herbs I have Parsely,Thai Basil, Rosemary, Sage, Thyme. It was a very good afternoon for me. I miss planting the most since I sold the house and now live in a flat...the container gardens fill this missing.

I hope the tick experience is now removed...such a big worry when I go hiking but it does not keep me from going out there, I have found a few on me but never imbedded in me...Welcome home you two...

Since Belle and Liberty did not migrate I presume that Belle and Truder will not either so I trust that they are close to the nest and are doing fine without us, but it will be GREAT to see them again when the camera is up...

JudyEddy said...

Oh Hoda My heart is so sad for these people

JudyEddy said...

Hey did you guys see the picture that Scott put on facebook of the eagle flying and a F18 flying near by

Hoda said...

WOW what a wonderful video of the banding. Thanks for posting it. I think the chap was removing samples of what food was brought to the nest!!! Maybe there is a study going on about the food they eat and this trip to the nest had a duel purpose.

Hoda said...

Spectacular photo by Scott with the Firefighter and the eagle...

Hoda said...

I meant with the F18 and the eagle...Scott's picture is spectacular...

Lori O. said...

Hi All in Eagle World!

KAY - you're getting so creative with the LIBERTY 7 hearts! I love it. Can't wait to chat in the morning.

SHIRLEY - so it's 14 days tomorrow. Yuck your last day is on a Monday?

JUDIE- I too am curious about Hoda's clothes garden. Sounds intriguing! Please share if she spills the beans.

OK - off to bed for me.


Can't wait to see the EARLY BIRDS
tomorrow morning, too!

Sweet dreams and blessings for a safe and restful night.

((Big HUG)) KAY! Night.

hedgie said...

Nene, haven't heard that anyone has made an NCTC visit....but I have no doubt that our eagles are there, doing their usual activities. Belle is married to her nest, and her excellent food habitat....she's not going anywhere, I feel sure. Remember that we only see them on cam MAYBE a couple of hours a day.....later in the summer we often don't see hide nor hair for days at a time. Normal pattern!

hedgie said...

Hoda, your gardening efforts sound lovely! And, psst----all the ripening hints for tomatoes are mostly unsuccessful! Fried green tomatoes is the best recourse!

Shirley, it never hurts to be cautious. Better safe than sorry. Best to report any suspicious activity!! Can't imagine what that guy would have been doing up here for AA....doesn't compute, unless he was on FAA assignment to traffic control, or doing something with the Air National Guard. Strange.

hedgie said...

Completely forgot to watch the banding/ was a hoot. Dr. Sharpe is SO to watch him.

Jim, no spam here from "you"!!! Glad you are getting your puter back on track!

hedgie said...

Peace reigns in northern MN woods!


Hoda said...

Judie and Lori, if you want me to spill the beans you will first have to explain the term " Clothes Garden". I am not familiar with what that is...I saw it in the morning and thought you meant to write about what I now you tell me what it is and I might consider spilling the beans...It all depends rather !!!;^)!!!

hedgie said...

AWESOME photo by Scott's brother, Barry! WOW is all I can say!
If you aren't on FB, give this link a try and scroll down to Barry Turnmeyer posting:
Eagle and F18

DanaMo said...

As soon as school is finished I plan to make many visits to Shepherdstown in hopes of seeing our eagles. Right now I just have to get through the next week and then kindergarten graduation!

hedgie said...

Speaking of flying and birds.....Capt. "Sully" Sullenberg, who landed the miracle on the Hudson, has retired from US Air and is going to be working as an aviation consultant for CBS News! JMHO---he's a hottie!

hedgie said...

Hoda, your post earlier about plants and gardens made Judie suspect that you were getting clothes from a garden! LOL! Guess she read it as PANTS!

JudyEddy said...

Watching Billboard Awards All the teenyboppers are happy Bieber won

JudyEddy said...

The picture is of my stuffed eagle collection hanging in the corner of my living room underneath it is a macrame hanger I thing there are about 40 lost count I love the swiffer for cleaning it

Costume Lady said...

Oh, yes, Lynn...I think he is a Hottie with a great sounding voice! Will look forward to seeing him on CBS. Although, probably the only time we will see him is when there is a plane crash or hijacking:(

Have been in the ER with GG since 8 o'clock this morning. Her back pain was so unbearable that she asked to be taken to the hospital. After a narcotic shot in the hip, two XRays and a diagnosis of Sciatica, she was discharged and I took her home with a smile on her face:) She is aware the shot will wear off...her primary doc wants to see her tomorrow.

Costume Lady said...

JudyE, I love my swiffer for cleaning my tall and sticky cactus...does a great job!

Costume Lady said...

Lynn, you are the ONLY person that I would tell that I think Sully is a hottie;)

Hoda said...

This is hilarrious Hedgie, Judie and Lori...NO!!! I lead a very quiet life nothing so exciting as losing my clothes in the garden and then having to collect them!!! Gracious me I much prefer my simple quiet life...I LAUGHED OUT LOUD!!! Thanks for the explanation Hedgie, do you prefer Hedgie or Lynn? I always feel like writing both...

JudyEddy said...

The chick at TH is a female was just on facebook

hedgie said...

Wanda, so sorry about your day....glad that GG has gotten some relief.....okay, sciatica is something to work with.....spine is probably the culprit.....deteriorated disk, most likely. I still think consult with Knutson would be wise, and then maybe the chiropractor with the NASA machine worth checking into!

Hoda, okay to call me either name!

hedgie said...

JudyE---love your Eagle POLE. Looks very nice.

Almost time for Jesse Stone movie on CBS! Date night with my main hottie, Tom!!!

No sound of birds settling for the night here this evening....wonder if a storm is coming...??

Liesl and I are heading to the sofa. BBL!

Lynne2 said...

we have LIGHTNING BUGS!!!!

stronghunter said...

Oh, lightning bugs mean that summer is on the way!!!

Lolly said...

I saw a lightening bug last night. Saw him one time and then no more. :(

Storms in the area once again with tornado watch, but guess what! They are once again going north of us.

Hoda said...

Lolly when I lived in Oklahoma City we used to have Tornado watches all the time. My High School football team had the emblem of a cyclone...Tornados are pretty scarry I saw where they lifted planes and cars and made a total mess of things. I went to Casady School for my senior year in High School and I travelled to St Antonio once. Are you close to St. Antonio? I liked my visit to Texas.I also went to see the Alamo as I had seen the movie and I was in awe as to the history of the state...

NatureNut said...

Evening Everyone! Have just read a little, but when I go out, will check for lightening bugs. Thought I saw only one a couple weeks ago!
Had the air show at Andrews this weekend. Certainly heard them, but didn't see much---very low clouds this afternoon around here.
Wanda, so sorry GG had to visit ER. Fubby has trouble with that now & then.
Had a giant Panda nap this PM~~~my dinner will be on PCT! Watching last Apprentice show~~~BBL

stronghunter said...

In one of my graduate courses, we had a lecture on lightning bugs. Different kinds of lightning bugs fly at different levels and there are different colors. All kinds of interesting things.

. . . . a course in linguistics. We heard all about how different kinds of critters communicate. Loved hearing about all of that.

stronghunter said...

Wanda, I hope GG stays pain free. Not fun to spend the day in the ER.

JudyEddy said...

We don't get lightening bugs in Fl ;o(
I use to love them when I lived in Ky Use to catch and put in a jar Got to see some two years ago
Someone said they get them in the north of Fl

stronghunter said...

I don't think there are any in Colorado, either. I think I remember my brother talking about that.

paula eagleholic said...

Evening, all.

Home safe and sound....will bbialw

JudyEddy said...

probably to dang hot

Mema Jo said...

Thought I best jump on here before
you put out the 'alert'
I am watching Jesse Stone - it is
slow moving so far - too much commercial time........


Lolly said...

Glad you are home, Paula. Get a lot accomplished?

Hoda, I live in north Texas, though originally I am from far south Texas. We are just south of Fort Worth, which is just west of Dallas. Tornado watches are very common here, as well.

Wanda, sorry about GG. When the meds wear off, I hope she is not in severe pain again.

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2/20/25 PM bird

1203 PM NN Scout comes to the nest with a load of bedding again. He seemed to leave with something in his talons. He has a beak full of bedd...