Monday, May 30, 2011

Memorial Day

New thread.


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magpie said...

God Bless You and your Family, Steve, And Thank You for the New Thread xoxo ♥

magpie said...

Blackwater Osprey parent standing over the brood now...

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Good morning!!!!

magpie said...

Have you tried the Loon cam on both of your computers?
Very strange, how irritating when that happens....I have experienced that many a time.
Dinosaur is behaving pretty nicely these days

Wanda: Loved the pictures on Just for Fun by Denise....blogger would not let me leave a comment...
Best Wishes to Denise on her new venture...
and Best wishes to you for knee-pain-free day !

magpie said...

Good Morning Sharon...are you still at the Lake ?

magpie said...

God Bless Our Veterans, our Active Military Personnel, and all their families

Grateful remembrance and tribute to all who have died securing and protecting our freedoms, today, and everday
Love your Freedom? Thank a Veteran

magpie said...

Time for me to get ready to go get the grandson and do our Memorial Day things, cemetery first, place some flags, and probably water balloons and squirt guns later...

Prayers for wellness amongst us...
Safe travels, good Wildlifing,
and all good things of the day
Love you, Precious Pals ♥
xoxo ♥

magpie said...

I'm over on the old thread calling for Hedgie ☺
Hope you make it over here Lynn, and bring your links over from there

ttfn ☺

Judie said...

Good morning everyone.

A special heartfelt thank you to all the men and women who have and are serving our country to keep us safe.

Lynne2 said...

Happy Memorial Day and God bless all of the men, women, and animals that have made the ultimate sacrifice for our country.

Judie said...

Have checked most cams. All seems quiet. Loon nest is sort of dusky looking -- probably aftermath of storm. Decorah, NBG, Sidney, Hornsby, Pete's Pond, Phoebe all okay. The bears are doing fine, also. Itchy Withers cam down. Need to look at ospreys.

Not much of anything planned for today although with no AC water balloons and squirt guns sound nice. Guess I'll settle for a cool shower.

Was planning ribs but grill is dead which means using the oven but may decide on a less heat-inducing choice. Otherwise, today is going to be a pleasure-reading day.

Paula, you must be in critter heaven with all the wildlife.

Wanda, hope GG's meds continue to help ease her pain and that your knee feels better today.

Wishing the rest of us with aches and pains have a less uncomfortable day.

Have a wonderful morning!

Lynne2 said...

oh Judie, so sorry about your A/C. Keep the windows and blinds closed and keep the fans windows only let the heat and humidity in. I've got this down to an art since we don't have central air! Maybe you have a window fan you could put in and blow OUT the hot air? Sure hope they get it fixed. Heat Advisory today with heat indexes going up close to 100 :(

Lynne2 said...

well, I'm off to the store, then home for cleaning and laundry, then 2 dirty dogs need a bath.

Mema Jo said...

Good Morning on this Memorial Day
Thankfulness for all those who have
give their all for our freedeom!

Thank you Steve for the fresh
thread. I feel certain you are
enjoying this long weekend.

I stepped out side and stepped back inside immediately. Judie if it is as hot down in VA as it is in my valley - You can come on up
and enjoy my AC.

Judie said...

Oh dear, heat induced bad manners -- Steve, thank you for the new Memorial Day thread. Wishing you a lovely day and hope you enjoy with family.

Hi Jo, keep the screen door unlatched as I may show up. Lynne2 has a good suggestion but no window fan. Ceiling fans are doing their best as long as I don't move except to breathe. Feel a bit better after a shower in cool water.

On to some reading so hope I don't work up a mess of perspiration doing that.


Kay said...

Good Morning ! Enjoyed sleeping in. Enjoying just rolling over for more zzzz's, but would rather be up and at em' with my Early Bird Buds at SSCC. So looking forward to getting the cam back !

LORI, glad you're getting a chance for some late days, too. At your age you need more rest ;o)♥!

LYNN, hope you've made it over here by the time I'm through with this ! I think Steve may have us on automatic new thread now. If so, his software is working well !

MARGY, hoping to hear later that you had a supercalifragilisticexpialodcious day with James !!!!

movin said...




[:~D] Jim

Kay said...

Oops, left out the "o" in docious.

Good advice on coping with no A/C, Lynne. Many years as a Desert Rat taught me, when hot keep the sunlight out and when cold let the sun flood in. You'll be more comfortable and your pocketbook will, too. That said, JUDIE, here's hoping you have that A/C back soon !

Kay said...

JIM, we thank you ! Hope all is well and swell out your way !

wvgal_dana said...

Prayers for Judie with no A/C. Yes keeping the drapes close and keeping things dark. Is a great way to cool the house down.

Prayers for all those with pains that things they do this Memorial Day doesn't bring more pain.

Thank God for the men and women and animals that serve in are Armed Forces. God Bless those that have been injured or given their lives for our Freedom. Thanking their families also. You ARE SPECIAL !!! ♥♥ May the American Flag wave with the air behind it today for you all.

Thanks Steve for the new thread. Hope you are enjoying Memorial Day.

Margy it sounds like you and James have got your day planned.

Paula I know your in 7th heave where you are. Nugz take that swim ( :

Thanks Jim and hope things are well your area. Have a grand
Memorial Day.

I thank all the men and women in this group that have
or are serving our country. Thank you. ♥

wvgal_dana said...

Osprey at Milford Conn. is feeding I think 3 chicks. It is beautiful there nice and clear.

Oprey Milford Conn.

There is a blue rag near one of the chicks.

wvgal_dana said...

I see I think 2 chicks moving under EJ.

They have moved the cam once in close by the Loch. Couldn't see anything. She is a little restless.

hedgie said...

Finally found the Blue Ridge Wildlife Center press release that was in our paper yesterday:
When to Rescue

Got lost on old thread! Thanks, Margy!

Mowing is done. One deck blown off. Trying to decide whether to vacuum or blow out garage. Set off a bug bomb in there last week...vacuuming would do better, but wet/dry vac is kind of heavy to carry....think I'll blow it out and then put mower away. If blowing doesn't do good, then I'll vacuum another day!

hedgie said...

Pay particular attention to the part about fledglings.

I completely forgot to mention here that Glo and Vicky went to a Josh Groban concert Sat. night!! They even knocked on the tour buses---but got no answer---LOL!!!

hedgie said...

Yes, Margy, tried the loon cam on both puters and on Firefox as well as it the last two years, and I get the stooopid ads!

wvgal_dana said...

Adult on Loch of Lowes nest is calling out.

wvgal_dana said...

Miss. Loon is up and working well.

wvgal_dana said...

For Milford Osprey Conn. cam. What I did it up at top right hand in blue is "setup". I went in there and put only the needed information, My name and Corporation I put nctc did not even put it in caps. That is now I got that cam to work.

hedgie said...

Judie....grill broken, too? aren't having any luck at all this weekend! You're welcome to come use mine AND enjoy the A/C.

Saw a little snake like the one that Lynne's Steve found here last year. Or was it the year before? Losing track of time! He quickly scooted under the woodpile.

I mixed up a new batch of hummer nectar---they haven't been to the feeder much, so maybe it was getting stale.

Kay, supercalifragilisticexpealodocious is one of my most favorite words!!! When helping the girls learn to spell by syllables, I always used it! And antidisestablishmentarianism was another good one!

Hoda said...


Thanks Steve for the New Thread and God Bless you and your family.

Jim are you the Jim who posted on OC, post number 89,on May 28th, under the Discussion Thread? I thought it was very well said and to the point...for me it brought awareness to two who insist that Liberty is Truder!!!THANK YOU FOR YOUR TO THE POINT STATEMENT.

wvgal_dana said...

Wished I knew how to take a picture. The one little on at Loch Garten. They are being fed and it stood up wings out - it was so cute.

Adult on Loch of Lowes is still calling out. Wonder when any fish was brought in or an exchange???

Hoda said...

Margy, How great you got to see the ISS and the Endeavor. It was overcast here, but I continue to enjoy the NASA TV link that you posted. Thank you.

hedgie said...

Wonder how Megan did with market this weekend?? Saw on FB that Vincent is still hanging around!

Pollen is still bad here.....on back ledge of deck behind the sunroom, the overhanging carpeted area is just plastered with it---guess I'll have to take the vaccum to it to at some point---cough,sneeze,cough!

wvgal_dana said...

Both Kidd and Lola are feeding the chicks at Milford in Conn.

wvgal_dana said...

Awww they just put their heads right up against each others. Face to face awwwww. Lola and Kidd.

JudyEddy said...

Happy Happy Memorial day one and all home for lunch as always toooo hot to sit out side at work I wish for spring

JudyEddy said...

I found another nice avatar I decided to change to

wvgal_dana said...

Adult on Loch of Lowes keeps moving and wiggle her back end into the nest. Not calling out now.

JudyEddy said...

The video that was on the pages wouldn't have played anyway when you clicked on it

LORI I went and deleted it after I saw that it wasn't made by her and just re posted is as hundred others did also Some on the facebook fan page had to have marked it in order for them to find it I just don't think they saw it on their own with out someone turning me in I deleted the WVA fan club from my feed I'm sure it was one of them I did delete it from their page but kept on mine and that then is what happened Boy did it scar the crap out of me my heart was beating so fast I felt like a criminal Makes me mad that is is just pictures and how can they say whos they are when anyone can right click the pictures Well it over with for now anyway and Shh I still have it in my realplayer I put on facebook I deleted it but then I changed my mind when I went to delete it OOOPS

JudyEddy said...

Hey how do you get to someones profile if they aren't logged on I want to see Deb Palmer picture also and don't know how to since she doens't sign on to click on her name

Lori O. said...

You could go back to the archives JudyE.

JudyEddy said...

Cool what year or month should I look in

Lori O. said...

I absolutely love everyone's Memorial Day avatars. JUDIE, yours is my favorite in the animated catagory. MARGY you take the real life catagory! But everyone gets an honorable mention.

So I'd best be off to find my own tribute avatar. BBS.

JudyEddy said...

Back to work I go HAGD SYL

JudyEddy said...

I just realized I had the wrong one this is the one I wanted I think toooo many to choose from

hedgie said...

Dana, I get Conn.'s t he loon cam I can't's in Minn., not Miss.!!!
Dana, your computer should have the snip-it tool.....little scissors icon at the bottom of screen....when you want to take a pic, click on it and then use cursor to frame your shot and then SAVE and five it a title.

Lori O. said...

JUDIE - what's up with your air conditioning? I didn't have it in my last house in SoCalif and I did what Lynne does. First put more insulation in the attic then cover the windows & turn on the fans. I did end up getting a window unit for the bedroom. Actually had a contractor start to install the central air but he turned out to be a creepy nut job, sociopathic loon, so I went through his union and did all sorts of documentionation and had him remove what he put in just to get him out of my house. BE very careful when you hire someone who has access to your home.

hedgie said...

JudyE---I checked Glo's FB and the video link was still there but when I clicked on it, just end up with a search page.
Here's the link to Deb's blog:
Deb's Blog

There should be a place to click "Blogs I Follow" which will put it on your blog's profile page.
Or save it to your favorites/bookmarks.

Kay said...

LYNN, thanks for the "when to rescue" link. There is a wealth of other info on that page ! Ha, so we like the same two looonnnnggg words ! Go figure !☺

LORI, the avatar you found is plumb beautotious !!!! OOh, scary, but useful warning about folks you allow in your home.

Lori O. said...

Hello KAY!!!

I hope you're having a nice weekend.

When I was looking for a new avatar pic there were plenty that said Happy Memorial Day, and it made me pause. I get the happy weekend angle, but Happy Memorial Day sounds like an oxymoron to me. I'm sure you and LYNN can have fun with that one!

Mema Jo said...

I will be posting in an Momster's
email the June birthday and Anniversaries... let me know if
I have missed you

Anniversary dates:
7th Judie & Frank
20th Lolly & Jack

2nd Char Smith
5th Thelma Farley (T-Bird)
16th Jewell McCollough (Genie)
23rd Carol Mick

19th Father's Day

All of the above are true Momsters - Perhaps your greeting will encourage them to come back to the blog! ♥

hedgie said...

If anyone wants the Loch of Lowe's book that wv sUSAn had (NOT the Helen Armitage book).....go to this site and create an account and then you can order it via PayPal.

hedgie said...

Jo, who is Char Smith??? Not familiar with that one at all!

wvgal_dana said...

Ah Hedgie-Lynn you caught me the right hand doesn't know what my left hand is typing lol Minn.

Parent at Conn. Milford has pulled the blue rag out more into nest. Can see it better...they just love "blue" lol

wvgal_dana said...

Anyone Lynn, Jo, Paula, others been to this resturant yet??


Kay said...

LORI, "Happy Memorial Day sounds like an oxymoron"---hadn't thought of it, but you are SO right. We use words like happy and good as in "have a happy_____" or "have a good______", so frequently that they really just become bridges or fillers in conversation. All used without malicious intent and in the name of civility. Not something we are likely to quit doing and harmless enough, huh ?

Meantime I am having a good and happy day ! Julie, Seth, Malcolm and I spent a lot of time together Fri-Sun. They will be welcoming SIL home from a WI visit with his mom n' sis today. I'm using the day for reflection, relaxation, a calming period before a busy week gets underway.

Aren't you thrilled to have had a long weekend ? Nice way to start the next half of your life ! ♥♥♥

Kay said...

JO, thanks for the special days list for June !

NatureNut said...

Happy Memorial Day to All!!
We had a great day in Paw Paw Sunday celebrating anniversary with friends.
We even stopped at a SHEETZ!!!!

Was plannuing to garden today, BUT it's a little too hot.Had to water the new kids who weren't real happy. Guerssd I'm stuck w/housework---BOO!

hedgie said...

Dr. Sharpe should be arriving at West End nest anytime now.....assume they are banding there today....
Click on West End

He might already be getting close.....eaglets are noisy---and alone!

Lynne2 said...


It's done.

Every picture organized into specific folders. Every picture copied and safe on the external hard drive in case this one should crash.

There are 3,784 pictures. All taken since late Dec. 09.


Lynne2 said...

Kay, yes, I too think "Happy" Memorial Day is sort of an oxymoron....

OK, now with my picture project completed, on to dog baths.

hedgie said...

Peter is entering nest now.

Dana, never heard of that new restaurant. Cool!

hedgie said...

Parent is flying around and he says he doesn't really want to go in the nest! Cleaning lens now.

hedgie said...

Kids are like little statues!

hedgie said...

DUMB PEOPLE......river rescue down in Jefferson Co. of a kayaker. After they save his arse, he goes back in and gets in trouble again. So now they are risking life and limb again for an idiot. I hope they call the police and have him arrested.

hedgie said...

I think he should have taken a stick up again....the youngun's are on the back edge....he might need to herd them back in towards middle! We should send him an eagle cane---or a shepherd's hook!

hedgie said...

Congrats, Lynnie!!! What a job you've accomplished!!

hedgie said...

Now the girl is in the nest, too....wonder who she is? I seem to remember that Stephanie left, didn't she?

One going in the bag.

hedgie said...

She's not wearing gloves!

hedgie said...

Two bagged.....

hedgie said...

Sure hope those bags don't bump against the rocks as they go down!

hedgie said...

Going down.....

stronghunter said...


Watching the activities at WE with you. It is 95 degrees here. Like an oven out there.

I think that if George tried to escape now, he would come back.

stronghunter said...

Do we know how hard it is to climb up there?

hedgie said...

Not really, Shirl....but I think it's pretty rugged!

hedgie said...

92° here.....not quite stifling, but I'm sure glad my A/C works!!!

hedgie said...

Finney2 is frozen again....since 3 their time....argh!

stronghunter said...

I have been off vacuuming up animal hair. Have you been able to hear voices all along at WE? I am hearing them now.

Kay said...

SHIRLEY n' LYNN, I've been watching since 3:15. Yes, have heard a female voice all along, now hearing other voices, too.

JudyEddy said...

Must be an epidemic I hear voices and laughing sounds like they are having a good time

Kay said...

Sounds like an adult eagle is close by and fussing about the situation !

JudyEddy said...

phone ringing now

Kay said...

SHIRLEY, how is Kathryn's knee today ? Any other problems due to the fall ?

JudyEddy said...

I thought this was appropriate for today American Soldier

Kay said...

Very appropriate, JUDY !

Earlier you mentioned hearing Danicka is leaving Indy for full time Nascar. Yippee ! It's going to be interesting.

hedgie said...

They're sure spending a long time on the ground!

JudyEddy said...

I am surprised that she didn't run a full year of Busch she ran a few races with them Gonna be harder with the big boys She is so cute and so little She has a great personality when I meet her

JudyEddy said...

remeber a while ago I said phone ringing I thought it was from someone at the nest Duh it was on the American Soldier video LOL

hedgie said...

Very moving, Kay. Love that song. Toby Keith does great with patriotism!

hedgie said...

Oops, sorry.....meant JudyE!!!!

Kay said...

Parent flying over and talking all the way !

hedgie said...

Yes, I've heard voices all along, too---especially the girl's.

Kay said...

LOL, the phone ringing JUDY ! You had me thinking, "it's time to get my hearing checked !".

I wonder if this just seems longer than NBG process because we aren't absorbed in watching ground action and hottie Julien in the tree ? ☺

JudyEddy said...

Sounds like either mom or dad are voicing their opinions somewhere close or is that the babies

JudyEddy said...

I am so glad you all get cornfused also I thought was just me LOL

Kay said...

That's one or both of the parents sounding off. Every once in a while one of them flies from the 12o'clock horizon point and across,over the 6 spot.

Kay said...

I'm actually working on a manicure as I "watch". If you aren't a multi-tasker prior to becoming an eagle addict, you will soon learn how to do two or three things at one time !

hedgie said...

How right you are about that, Kay!

Judy, I posted some info for you after you went back to work....scroll back!

hedgie said...

Yes, it may well seem long because we have nothing to occupy our eyes!

hedgie said...

And here they are....along with the adults! Listen to Peter! Funny!!

Kay said...

Finally ! Both parents showing much consternation !!!!

hedgie said...

That one walked right out of the bag....let me outta here!!

hedgie said...

So long, birds! We're leaving!! See parent out over the water.

hedgie said...

We're hungry, Dad----bring food! We've been manhandled!!!

stronghunter said...

Vacuumed and shampooed the carpet. I do a lot of carpet maintenance around here.

Flash let himself out when

stronghunter said...

I let Luna out. I had to get him back in with a firm voice or I would have been chasing him around the neighborhood in my pajamas.

Kay said...

Mission accomplished at 5:38. I want to see how long it takes for an adult to land there. I thought the TH parents, and the Hancock parents with that intervention, stayed much closer and came back a lot sooner than Norfolk Mom n' Dad ever did.

stronghunter said...

Kathryn and Hunter spent 4 hours at the pool. She said it was very crowded.

stronghunter said...

Looks like an adult is not too far away, Lynn.

Kay said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
hedgie said...

I went head and turned the WE cam off....hope they get dinner soon!

Shirley, you're going to have to have new carpet before you know it!!! Vacuuming is GOOD for carpet. Cleaning is BAD!!!! You might want to think about laminaate instead of carpet for the time being!!!

hedgie said...

4 hrs. is a long time in the sun and heat.....hope the kids don't get sick!

Kay said...

My delete. It's been an hour since the WE triplets returned with bling. Parents haven't set a record--I think Norfolk Mom returned about 30 minutes after a banding one time.


Lolly said...

Hellooooo! Do hope your Memorial Day has been a memorable one! Laurel and the boys were here until after lunch. They have school tomorrow so we did our fine eating last night.

Jack and I are now getting ready for our big backyard party Friday. Made a run to the grocery store and now sitting down and watching the news.

Posted on fb a video of the boys playing in the backyard. They did the slip and slide again this morn but in the front yard.

Lolly said...

Neat report on the adoption of war dogs on the news.

Lolly said...

Adult eagle at WE, do not know if he brought supper or not. Saw it leave.

Lolly said...

Wow, the Loon cam looks really green, a lot of stuff has sprouted. Has an egg hatched yet?

JudyEddy said...

Wow I loved all DEB's pictures she sure had a good eye for photography
love turtle pictures I love seeing the turtles daily at work There are some monster ones
I am so envious of all the hummingbirds I want one I have tried over and over I think its toooo hot I have two kinds of honeysuckle also cape code(orange) and the yellow one

I just got of the phone with June and Terry in NC since 5:11 hung up at 6:55 We usually talk longer but she had to go eat supper was getting cold

I just started reading and had to say thanks for the link to her blog I did put in favorites Ok now back to reading after I find something to eat THANKS HEDGIE FOR THE LINK to Deb

I did watch them put the triplets in the nest while I was talking to her BBIALW

Lolly said...

Honoring from the report on true buglers for military funerals. Brings moisture to the eyes.

Lolly said...

Judy...Deb was a very special, very humble person. Glad you got to view her pictures. She added so much to this blog. We really miss her.

Lolly said...

Time to find a light supper and then going to do some food prep for this week.


Lynne2 said...

10 mile backup on RT 50 coming back from the beach.....hope Paula waits to come home!

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...

That just doesn't look like a standard eagles nest LOL and in the sun all day HUH

stronghunter said...

In time, Kathryn and Hunter would like to set up their own quarters in the basement. Then we will put vinyl or something easier to clean.

I moved here in 1994 and have replaced most of the carpeting once since then. Animals are hard on carpeting.

Since then, I replaced the living room carpeting with hardwood. All of it is because of the critters we have had.

stronghunter said...

The vinyl will be in the basement.

stronghunter said...

I always get an amazing amount of hair out of the carpeting.

Hoda said...

I just saw a picture of many of you during Open House 2010...Lynne 2 posted it on her face book and I tagged it...YOU LOOK SO GREAT I am so glad to see you all. I will try to figure out how to post a picture of me on facebook so you could see me also...

JudyEddy said...

Raptor Education Group, Inc.
Our 7 Bald Eagle patients will be released at the Raptor Education Group, Inc (REGI) facility on Wednesday June , 2011 at 11 a.m. You are welcome to come and join us.
You can check out the story and some of their photos from the day they were admitted to REGI at
Bald eagles poisoned in Wisconsin ready for release
MILWAUKEE (Reuters) - Seven bald eagles found poisoned and near death in April at a northern Wisconsin landfill are fully recovered and ready to be released back into the wild, a woman who helped nurse..


DanaMo said...

Happy Memorial Day to everyone! Been a busy weekend.

DanaMo said...

Thought I changed my profile pic for that last comment but didn't save it. My son, Aric, putting up the American Flag. His Eagle project was installing a flagpole at his HS athletic field.
Eagle/flag seemed like an appropriate avatar for the week.

hedgie said...

Hoda, are you on Momster Yahoo mail? If not, ask Jo to hook you up. Then you can see all the photo albums we have that have pics of all gatherings!!!
We WOULD like to see a pic of you, too. Set up your blog on here!!!

Judy, that's great that the Wisconsin eagles survived and thrived!

I took a nap.....wish I hadn't. Had a hard time staying awake for Jeopardy. Thinking I might go take my bath now and get refreshed a bit!

hedgie said...

LOL----went to FB and there's Hoda!!! That's great, gal---now we know a face to go with the name!!! Thanks!!!

hedgie said...

Hi, DanaMo! Good to see you back!

This is what JudyE was trying to share:
Ft. DeSoto bird pics

Andy has night herons, but don't think they are yellow-crowned.

Kay said...

LYNN, oh phooey, I fell asleep during Double Jeopardy, have no idea what the final answer was or who won. :( The heat must be getting to us in spite of A/C, eh ?

DANOMO, good pic of Aric for your Memorial Day avatar. I hope the big weekend went just the way you wanted it to !

HODA, there are some of us who refuse to go the FB route. How about using your pic for an avatar so we can all see you ? I've done that a couple of times and don't leave it for long because I don't like to look at myself ! ☺

SHIRLEY, it sounds like you, Kathryn and Hunter are developing the ideal way for three generations to live under one roof ! So nice to have enough room to make it possible, too !

LOLLY, glad you, Jack, Laurel and the boys had your usual wonderful time together ! Are you serving a full meal at the backyard party ?

Hoda said...

Margy, I continue to enjoy the NASA TV station and have had it on since my return from yoga. Our Planet is indeed so beautiful and it is good to know that they are having such a good journey home...Thank you again.

Hoda said...

Too much technology for me already...I will sit with yur suggestion Kay, I went to change my picture on this blog but it told me remove the picture and I was not too sure how to put another one on...I will figure it out and the same with the yahoo email account...I am already on google and on my internet provider's email...I will get too confused if I have to remember all the passwords and won't remember any of them!!!! Oh my be patient with me and I will get it done...Thanks for the took me years before I would go on Facebook and I still don't have very much on were the first two pictures...LOL!!!

Kay said...

JUDY and LYNN, thanks for the Friends of Ft. DeSoto pics---spectacular photography !

SHARON, saw your perky "good morning" earlier. We don't hear enough from you, THELMA or SISSY these days. Still busy unpacking ? How is everyone ?

LORI n' MARGY, hope you both out an outstanding day and that we'll all get together at SSCC in the morning, even without a cam. We can check on ospreys, goshawks and other eagle nest anyway.

JUDYE, DANAMO, MEGAN, hope you drop in like usual, too. It's an open invitation Momsters---do come by if you find yourself up at the crack of dawn ! Every once in a while SHIRLEY and SISSY find their way there. You'll be in good company ! There is always plenty of coffee, tea, confections and hot air to go around. :o)

My thoughts and prayers are with you all, whatever the need !

♥L♥I♥B♥E♥R♥T♥Y !!!!!!!!!

I♥U, Eagle Buds !!!!!!!!

Costume Lady said...

HODA, I have a small notebook that I keep all my passwords, etc. in. I remember NOTHING. My brain is filled up like an over-used computer. Wish I could buy more memory like you can for you computer!

JudyEddy said...

Hoda make up a folder in your email with your acct info on all acct I title mine i.e. Facebook, Google, Photo bucket, etc then type in the userid and password in the subject title that way easy to see
also save in file also in your address book write down all the info I just try to keep the same password for most of them the same easier

JudyEddy said...

you can also send the picture to momster email

JudyEddy said...

ok gonna get a shower BBIALW

Judie said...

I am here to make sure the night light is on for others coming in later tonight.

The heat is really oppressive and I am truly miserable. Ceiling fans are rotating hot air.

Wishing restful sleep for all. Until tomorrow...

Kay said...

LOL, Wanda, I'm with you ! I, too, have a little notebook for all that stuff. Some say that makes it possible for someone to find it and access your accounts, etc.. However, I can't commit it all to memory and just keep the book in a reasonably safe place.

HODA, when you remove the current avatar, you'll be asked what to replace it with and given the choice of pulling something in from your files or looking for something on line. Your current avatar is very meaningful and you can always go back to it later.

Thought I was signing off for the night with my post of 8:53, but I can never resist taking one more look for new posts !

Kay said...

JUDIE, JUDIE, JUDIE ! How are you going to get good sleep in the heat and with that nasty cold ? Why don't you and Darth pack overnight bags and head for a hotel. How about a Holiday Inn Express ? I see on TV that many who stay there are able to perform surgery, do dental work, fix cars, plumbing, even A/C's after a night on their comfy beds and pillows !

Hoda said...

NASA TV Interviews with the Endeavour Crew. They are all so very positive.

stronghunter said...

I agree, Judie. Find a hotel. You have plenty to choose from where you live.

hedgie said...

ROFL, Kay....those ads are crazy,a ren't they?

Judie, so very sorry you are so miserable. Kay has a point....we older folks should not be stuck in extreme heat....I think a Holiday Inn sounds like a winner!

Hoda, I was one of the most computer illiterate people there is until I joined this great group----I have learned SO much from so many!

stronghunter said...

When I built this house, I built a garage for my car.

I built a basement just in case. I even had plumbing roughed in so it would be ready of one of my children came to live with me and needed the space. It will not be a lot of room, but it will be sufficient. There was enough room for Susan, Will, and me when the three of us lived here, but Kathryn with a child and a menagerie is a crowd.

stronghunter said...

I have always told my children that they can have space in the basement, but they had better not take over the garage.

stronghunter said...

I have always told my children that they can have space in the basement, but they had better not take over the garage.

hedgie said...

Sure feel better since my bath. Got rid of that creepy feeling that comes from working outside.

I would think that Margy would be home by now. James had school tomorrow and she has work!

I have an address book that I keep passwords and log-in id's in---it's hidden in my desk drawer---which is definitely due for a good clean out!

hedgie said...

Hoda, does it say what time Endeavour is scheduled to land Weds.? I can't remember....

hedgie said...

Duh-----opened a can of grren beans for Liesl (had finished off some earlier). Put the empty can in the trash---she smells it and won't stop barking!! Little rip!

hedgie said...

WOW......Wendy's commercial on TV----set in downtown Berryville, Wanda!!! Neat!

hedgie said...

Shirley, when Christie was thinking about moving out, I told her that we could share the expense of finishing off the basement and she could have an apartment of her own down there....she thought about it for a day, and said NO!

Hoda said...

hedgie, The endeavor is supposed to land at 2:35 AM Wednesday morning. They also spoke during the interviews of concern over strong cross winds and they are simply observing the situation both in the craft and in the command centre.The cross winds might change their landing time.

Costume Lady said...

Have to keep a look out for that commercial, Lynn. Will tell Karla and friends:)

Costume Lady said...

Leisl actually eats green beans?

JudyEddy said...

Now I know what my problem has been I have always stayed in the competitors hotels LOL

Boy tonight has been a phone call night my sister for one hour and then my daughter for almost an hours I need to get a shower and bed then Just stopped in to say night
God Bless this Nest
and all whom watch it
Healing prayers for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."

Costume Lady said...

Spent the afternoon with GG. Her A/C is not working very well...85° in the house. Denise and Karla are both having A/C problems. Sounds like an epidemic:)
Anyway, GG is still doing fairly well with her new med. That makes me HABBY!

Costume Lady said...

Nite, JudyE:)

Hoda said...

I posted a new picture. I am the one with the long dark braids and white hair in a blue coat. No cap. I hope it turns out OK.
Thank you with all the instructions as to how to do it and ideas on how to save many passwords...I keep working on it...THANK YOU for your help.
Kristin, the one in a green coat and a cap, is my college room mate from New York and she now lives in Montana. She came to visit this winter.We had not seen each other for 35 years!!! The Lakeside park where we are walking is five minutes away from my flat...

Costume Lady said...

Hoda, love your looong braids:)

stronghunter said...

Love the pic, Hoda. It is good to see what everybody looks like.

Will could have probably built himself basement space, but we would have been pretty crowded if he had stayed here with Kathryn, Hunter, and me.

I do not think we will put in an entire apartment--just bedrooms and a small television/sitting room. We thought we might put in a
refrigerator and a microwave--easy enough to do that. We'll share the kitchen and laundry space. I don't know when we will be able to afford all of this, though.

Lynne2 said...

UGH. My computer is acting up again. I swear this all started when I upgraded to Firefox 4. So I am not using FF anymore, just to see. Probably just a cooincidence.

Lynne2 said...

OK, airconditioning problems are not good....yikes! So hard to sleep in this muggy heat. Still 80 here and not even a wiff of a breeze.

Wanda, will GG drink plenty of water?

NatureNut said...

Hi gang, since it's Memorial Day, I have posted a little tribute to some of our favorite animals. It's on a new Blog named Animal Memories, 2011, not the Nook. Hope you like it!

BB soon, dryer calling~~~

hedgie said...

Another lovely pic, Hoda! Thanks!
Isn't that great that you all had the reunion! Great scenery, too!
Thanks for info---I don't remember ever having a nighttime landing of the shuttle! Will definitely want to tape that one!! But will also try to get up for it to see it live.

Wanda, geesh---all of these A/C problems are alarming. I think NOW is the time to bring GG to your house.

Oh, yes, green beans are part of Liesl's diet! I've never met a dog who didn't like them!!

Lolly said...

Hoda, I saw your pictures on facebook and glad you put it up here. It is really neat to finally see you!! Love your braids, too!

Judie, Judie....I am so sorry you are so miserable!! Are AC people coming tomorrow. I certainly hope so!

Glad GG is doing well on her meds. I am sure you are keeping a close eye on her AC. 85 in her house is pretty warm.

paula eagleholic said...

Howdy all, just checking in, home safe and sound


Costume Lady said...

Lolly, when GG says she is hot, IT IS HOT! She is usuall chilly when we are warm, but not today. We will TRY to get a repairman tomorrow. Seems so many are having problems that it may be a problem getting anyone soon:(

Costume Lady said...

Bet you are exhausted, Paula...know Nugs kept you company while stuck in traffic:)

Lolly said...

Jack and I prepared our "signature dish" tonight. LOL Wed. nights dinner is rolled flank steak. Very yummy! It is all ready to grill. Thursday night Bacon Pasta. Friday for the backyard party Jack is smoking Brats and grilling hamburgers. We will have beans and chips and dips with the hamburgers. For dessert I am making bars. The whole thing will be outside.

Lolly said...

Hi Paula! Did you have lots of traffic coming home?

Costume Lady said...

Lynne, GG drinks a lot of milk and Ensure...not sure about water. She was in the ER about 6 months ago and was discovered she was suffering from dehydration. From then on, she drank a lot of water, but don't know if she still does or not. Thanks for the reminder...will ask her tomorrow!

hedgie said...

Loretta....LOVE the tribute to our dear lost friends. I can't get it to accept my comments---blogger cop is being a PIA! Thanks for all of your creativity!!

stronghunter said...

It seems that Liesl likes green beans enough to bark for them.

Kathryn sometimes gives her dogs carrots. They seem to appreciate them. At least Luna does, and Flash will not allow Luna to eat things that he does not eat. Except maybe ice cubes. She will munch on them if they fall out of the freezer--and, yes, we limit the number she gets.

paula eagleholic said...

Wheee doggie! Got to get those flannel sheets off the bed, LOL

Hoda said...

Welcome home Paula, I am glad you and Nugz made a safe trip.
Concerned about heat and dehydration. Do be careful all and water is very good.

stronghunter said...

Yes, it is time to put away the flannel sheets.

Costume Lady said...

We are having something a little different from our usual fare at Soup Kitchen, tomorrow.

I am going to try to fix these two dishes early in the day, so no one will see me walking like a crab...(only way I can motivate without excruciating pain)

stronghunter said...

Oh, Wanda. Can't you get someone to help you?

Lynne2 said...

Wanda, please call the Dr in the morning. You just can't live like this!

stronghunter said...

Not only do you need help, Wanda. You need someone to take over for you. Good grief, woman!!

magpie said...

It is wonderful to REALLY see you now, Thank you!
I am glad you are enjoying that NASA TV link...
we always like seeing all the shirts and ties at Houston and the ladies nicely dressed too, and I love their communications with the ISS and Shuttle crews....
really, landing THIS Wednesday morning? (weather permitting, sure hope it is Florida and not California)
I have been up early each night, why not another ! You will love the landing !
Your heart rate will increase though...for sure....until you hear, "Houston, we have Wheel Stop."

Good Evening Eagle Pals !! xox
I have missed you !

Lynne2 said...

I'm axious to make my stinkbug trap, I have all the fixins but need one more litre bottle of soda. I have a plan that I saw on the YouTube video that looks good to modify it just a little.

stronghunter said...

I must stop for the night. I will see you all tomorrow. Good night and God bless.

magpie said...

So glad to read you are home in your roost, Paula and Nugz

Wow, too many air conditioning problems, this is bad ...
so far, so good here, but I have had problems in the past

stronghunter said...

Go for it, Lynne!!

stronghunter said...

Yes, I was having heating and AC problems that I solved with a new system. I do hope it works for a long time.

magpie said...

Good Night Shirley
TEN days, count 'em - 10 !

stronghunter said...

Good night.

Costume Lady said...

I would think that some of you wonder why I don't bring GG here. She does not want to go to anyone's house. Denise has offered to take her home with her, for a while, but she said she would like to go for an afternoon visit, but, she does not want to leave her home. I said something about selling her house and buying the one that is being built across from me. She said "No way!"
So, I will continue as I have been, visiting every day and making sure she eats and takes her meds...try to make her laugh a little and love her lots:)

Costume Lady said...

Nite, Shirley♥

magpie said...

Loretta's Animal Memories 2011 is beautiful...
I too cannot post a comment, as others had trouble trying to post on my picure links last week...
The green bars never completely fill in, even though it says "done"
I think that has something to do with the situation

We are approaching SPLITSVILLE

Costume Lady said...

Our A/C KITCHEN UNIT burned up last fall. Gene bought a new one about a month ago and it is still in our Van. Extremely heavy...needs help installing it.

hedgie said...

Lolly, you have vooked up a storm this evening!! All sounds great!

magpie said...

Loon Cam has the dinosaur frozen out, going to have to reset

Wanda, you are an angel, you know your Mother so well and what she needs
God Bless You !! ♥

magpie said...

We can find you some grunts to help with that Wanda, some gorillas
let's talk about that !

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2/20/25 PM bird

1203 PM NN Scout comes to the nest with a load of bedding again. He seemed to leave with something in his talons. He has a beak full of bedd...