Thursday, May 12, 2011


I am headed up to NW Maine for the annual canoe trip.  Updates will be automated for the next week or so.

New thread.


«Oldest   ‹Older   1001 – 1200 of 2585   Newer›   Newest»
JudyEddy said...

Nest looks eerie foggy

JudyEddy said...

I have pete pond on with sound of it and our nest too cool

Costume Lady said...

LOL...Jack would be a hit in our Soup Kitchen. Girls like a man who can cook:)

Lolly said...

Well, Wanda....I am just not too sure about this trade of hubbies. You and I, both, have many years invested in the hubbies we have.☺

Lolly said...

Okay, I did find where to report the page but did not really find what category to put it in.

paula eagleholic said...

YaY Linda, 100%...great job!

Thanks for the full moon info Margy...our nest looks really pretty right now.

Nugz has received his biscuit and extra scratches :)

paula eagleholic said...

Going to dig into my BBQ dinner then watch some my winter clothes put away and the summer ones out! C'mon warm weather, I am so ready for it!

Shirley, you could email Sharon and ask her about flowers for Tbird.

hedgie said...

Lolly, about midway down that page is a blue link to Report Page. I just chose threatening violence as the reason, cause nothing else seemed real appropriate.

That entry by T.r Michels was well-written. Now to read the other post.

Judie, sorry you are getting a cold. NO FUN!

Hold off on sending Thelma anything unless you send it to the house----which I guess will only be a good address til Sat. Shar is going to try to get her to a different hospital tomorrow.

hedgie said...

Saw that lovely moon shining through the trees, Margy.....surprised me after the hard downpour we had again!

paula eagleholic said...

Oh the BBQ chicken from the Lions club is wonder they always sell out...

Nugz is eyeing it up :)

hedgie said...

I can't read anymore of that. Villifying Dr. Lynn and advocating for doing what he has done UNDER SEDATION is wrong. Do they have no understanding of the risk of sedation?? And funny that baiting is sure isn't in Wisconsin, or here in WV.

paula eagleholic said...

I think the page was created to either rile people up or as a joke...neither of which is appreciated.

magpie said...

I don't think I can go visit the Lily Bounty reports... will just follow what you all are saying about it

Glad your Open House went is always difficult to see OUR OWN accomplishments in the same way as others see it, but sure it was Stellar all the way! Bravo!

And I am pretty sure Pa-Lynn Linda really went on to bed but:

paula eagleholic said...

Gonna go watch some TV...bbl

magpie said...

Kay is going to love that beautiful YELLOW columbine on your avatar when she sees it, she is a YELLOW fan you know ☺
I sure liked Dustin and Jayden for their short stay [on your avatar]
though ♥ ♥

magpie said...

James Rockets are out in full force, otherwise known as
Dame's Rockets...
bet Megan's yard is full of them also !
Hesperis she called them, same thing, but that was a name I didn't know about
Hope her two market days went well!

magpie said...

glad you are feeling, somewhat better, and I hope that improves....
how about checking in with some sort of naturalist person about all this...

when you reported your workday yesterday, it sounded very very busy....
but if you say you did not overdo it, I guess I will believe you...
(( hugs ♥ ))
If you find that oriole's nest, sure hope you have your camera with you !! So we can see it also.

Lolly said...

Oh, forgot to say "Yea!!!!!" concerning the Texas Gold Columbine. I am soooo happy it bloomed this year. Fantastic! Will be beautiful next to the purple columbine. My columbine from you has gone to seed. Will let the seeds scatter naturally.

magpie said...

I'm writing down the number of the last post when I leave I sort of know where to go back to, to catch up
Guess we will just baby ourselves through this possibly very very long thread.
Am sure Steve will be sorry it turned out this way, his intentions were good...
and sure hope he is enjoying his Maine trip. I believe his daughter went with him on the last one, because, SHE got some pictures of him paddling the canoe !
Miss You Steve....xoxoxo

Lolly said...

LOL See you have it labled "Lolly Columbine".

We are loaded, pots are watered, sprinkler set....we will be off some time in the morning. Will be taking a laptop, so hopefully will be able to check in.

stronghunter said...

Graded several papers, but more to do. Have to review one again. Kids ask me if I really read them. Oh yes. I spend 30-45 minutes or sometimes an hour on each one.

magpie said...

Oh let me mind is working on the posts:

Judie: Agree with Hedgie: No Colds Allowed!
Immerse yourself in fluids...the Vitamin C kind !

like that statement about Shirley's students contemplating Shirley's replacement, being the great silencer
(I am paraphrasing, not plagiarizing! ☺ )

magpie said...

Beautiful orchid, Shirley
Mine from James a few years ago, lasted quite some time.
Just talk and sing to it from time to time...
And hope your paper-grading went okay today

stronghunter said...

Well, since my last two subs have gotten fired, I called my favorite sub today and asked her to take my classes Friday. Thank goodness, she said okay.

stronghunter said...

You are very kind about what my students are thinking. The seniors are mostly thinking about graduating. Some of the others do not think as far ahead as next year.

magpie said...

I know you are busy, taking care of things for Thelma, and the six dogs, and packing, and everything else...
Thank You for keeping us updated,
and you know, we are holding Your hand and Thelma's, with ours...and circling you both with Momster and Dadster Prayers...

magpie said...

I think you will find that many of your students, past and present, will have some very wonderful things to say to you and about you in the final countdown days to come, and thereafter.....
you might see what their composing and expression skills are really like then
(and from your co-workers, also...)

hedgie said...

I had good pork BBQ today, Paula! Anything BBQ'd suits me to a T! You got a lot accomplished today. What was your M-day breakfast this morning??

Liesl is being a pistol tonight! When she wants me to pick her up, she hits my leg with her nose. Funny!!

magpie said...

This place is a mess and so am I, need to disappear for awhile, I am recording post #978 as when I leave...

hope to see more Eagle Pals have checked in when I return

Wonder how RED is doing, it was good to see a brief appearance from Movin' Jim earlier

ttfn xoxox ♥

magpie said...

funny is right, Lynn..and I bet a little wet and chilly if you have bare legs
Lovely tales of our little baby...
keep 'em coming !

ok bye

magpie said...

Oh Paula
I am switching out winter and summer clothes too !

magpie said...

have to tell you this before CRS strikes:
James and I took a tour of St. Vincent de Paul church today in Berkeley Springs...we found the kitchen, AND he said, that's like where Wanda and Gene have their soup kitchen!
And he recalled how we saw YOUR church too...the night we both came
And you know, we WILL come there again ☺

stronghunter said...

Well, Boston Rob won Survivor this time. I thought he had to be the only choice, considering the competition. What a way to spend the last part of my evening when I should be working.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Good evening everyone. Heading to bed. I have to tell you that it looks like a bomb blew up in here. God help me this week. Gonna be fun.

Hoda said...

hello was a busy day with yoga class in the morning and then a three hour yoga workshop in the afternoon. I checked in with the blog and I too write the last entry number so I would know where to start the next time.

I do not know what is going on with the face book page but I understand it is not our page that was started by Scott. It seems to be working OK.

For those who will head to bed soon goodnight and god keep you all.

Corrections can be very taxing, after a few hours at it I used to need to take a break so I would nt become too dull in the brains.Good luck this time of year to all the teachers as you get in the last lot of assignments.

hedgie said...

I find it easier to note the time of my last post and then just look for that!

Hoda, are you yoga'd out today?

Shirley, I guess Boston Rob "deserved" to win...but I still don't like him. And I don't think it's right that he's gotten to come back 4 times! Some losers just can't stand to lose. He talks about the money for his family....when what did his wife Amber do with cool mill that she won??

stronghunter said...

Yeah, he came across as being pretty arrogant. I just could not see the other ones winning.

hedgie said...

And that stupid, nasty Russell (Texas oil millionaire) shouldn't have been allowed to play the first time, let alone come back this time.....luckily he was ousted early. What a crybaby. And he's not even here for the reunion, I don't think!

hedgie said...

Guess the moon is just a tease.....severe storms in morning forecast.....:(

stronghunter said...

He is there.

stronghunter said...

Thanks for the "good luck" wish, Hoda.

hedgie said...

Oops--Russell IS there....

stronghunter said...

Yep, he is there.

stronghunter said...

I am playing a Word Link game, and so far I am in first place, but they won't post the last player. Geesh.

hedgie said...

Think it's obvious that we WILL hit 1000 posts before this night is over.

stronghunter said...

Yeah, get ready for the 1,000 split. Steve tried to set things up for us, but it didn't happen.

stronghunter said...

Paula said she would contact Steve. I hope she can. We may find out how many posts the blog can support.

Hoda said...

Hedgie, yes I would say I am yoga'd was a worth while experience for me and yet it used up most of my day...

stronghunter said...

Gotta get my stuff out of the dryer and head upstairs. Twenty more days. I think I can. I think I can.

stronghunter said...

Looks like they aren't going to post the final player on my game. Shucks.

Linda said...

Well I thought I was coming back in a little while......but after my shower we had some family calls!

Thanks for the "congrats" Paula & Margy and anyone else I missed for my courses this weekend!!

I suspect I'll be heading upstairs in a few minutes, but wanted to check in for just a little while first!

stronghunter said...

Hey, they posted. I won. I don't win that game too often.

Hoda said...

Stronghunter, part of the reason I am not writing so much is my worry about how many posts this thread can support!!!! Yet I am learning to be at ease with what ever happens with it...we'll keep posting till we can not and then wait for Steve to come home from his canoe trip. I do hope he is having good weather and that he is seeing much wildlife.

stronghunter said...

Well, I suppose we can post to the previous thread if necessary. Or go to the Facebook page, but some people aren't on Facebook. Of course, we have already used the Momster's e-mail. Perhaps we should have a plan.

hedgie said...

Is that something you play online, Shirley? Hope you win!

Linda said...

Boy that would be REAL confusing to go back and post on an older thread!! Heads would be spinning then!!

stronghunter said...

It is a word game on King Games. I don't win too many times. And I have to stop awhile before bedtime because I can't get to sleep with words running through my mind.

stronghunter said...

Yeah, that would be confusing. But we posted to the previous thread when this one disappeared for awhile. I don't know that this thread wouldn't just keep going. I know we have been over 1,000 before. Someone said 1,200. But we will hit that tomorrow.

Linda said...

Well, I guess we will see what tomorrow brings!!

magpie said...

I'm kind of like you, Hoda,
trying my best to decrease the numbers of my posts...yet here I am again !

Hedgie, good/better idea, write down the time and DATE of when we last read up...

I do have a Prayer Request
my grandson James takes his West Test this week Monday through Thursday, as do thousands of students throughout West Virginia.
West Test:
"The assessment results provide information about a student’s academic strengths, as well as areas that need improvement."
James loves learning and is enthusiastic about many things, but some of his skills are very poor.
He is to "get a good night's rest and eat a good breakfast" in preparation, also areas that are not well-supported in his home environment.
I would ask that you say some prayers for this little man, that he does okay. I don't think this determines pass or is important for his future educational plan
Thank You !
And I continue my prayers for Thelma, Sharon, and all our many needs...

stronghunter said...

Susan graduates from George Mason University this weekend!!!

Kay said...

Fell asleep on 60Minutes and loused up my inner clock !

Lynn, happy Open House was successful--bet cha' next years attendance will grow as word of mouth gets around.

PA-Lynn, 100% !! Kudoes !!

Wanda, Margy is right ! I♥your purty yeller Lolly columbine !

Like Lynn I note time of post last read. Between that and hitting "newest" on the first page I've not been wortyed about how long the thread is. Does anyone know if there is a max out number ?

Sharon, wish we could all show up at your doorstep, ala old fashioned barn raising style, to help you with your tasks. Did you have to take Mattie back to Sissy's today. Prayers and hugs for you and Thelma !

Shirley, I'll bet you have some surprises in store for you and that folks, including students, are waiting for the right time to honor you. Seth is sad to be losing his Journalism teacher to retirement this year. His favorite class and teacher--hope her replacement is equally good.

paula eagleholic said...

Well, if it blows up, we can head to the EM blog...the door is always open.

Nugz had sweet potato tonight...he really licked the bowl clean ☺

I am plum wore out and heading for bed.

Thinking of Tbird tonight. (((Thelma)))


(((Hugs for all ♥)))

magpie said...

I leave you all with my thoughts of love, encouragement, and gratitude

Good Night, Hope Sleep is Especially Sweet tonight

God Bless This Nest,and
God Bless Us, Every One

xox ♥

Lynne2 said...

evening all....

Just and FYI...Steve's last FB post this morning says "into the woods and off the grid". I guess that means he's incommunicado for a while.

Regarding the FB page on Lily and the bounty. There is a post from earlier today in the discussion page of the reality of the page, that says, from Lily: Bear with a Bounty You do realize This whole page is a rib and no one has a bounty on this silly bear right?
11 hours ago ·

I think it is a BS page myself. In really poor taste.

I'm off to bed. Tomorrow will be a better day! Good night and prayers for you all!

Linda said...

Just got my que to head upstairs.....

So I am going to call it a night!!

Special prayers and lots of (((HUGS)))for Thelma and Sharon tonight and tomorrow.

Special prayers for Lynne - hoping your pain eases quickly and that Dr. Baker is making progress in her healing.

Hoping GG is without pain, Wanda and keeping her in prayer as well.

Praying for healing powers for Paula's Nugz......I believe in miracles!

And for the rest of you, my friends on this blog, you are in my prayers as well each and every day. ♥♥♥

May God Bless you and Keep you in His Care xoxo ♥♥♥

Good Night ♥

stronghunter said...

Paula, how do we get to the EM Blog? Especially if we cannot get to this one.

hedgie said...

I don't think that the blog numbers will cause harm....just a PIA getting to the right place! Easiest way is to go to Newest, and if it gives you a funky number and blank page, click on older one time!

I am SO tired....but Liesl is still wide awake! After a 6 hr. stint in the crate while I was gone, she is wound tight! I did pick up a cute new toy fro her from one of the Humane groups, and she seems to love it. Think I'm going to shut down and turn off the lights. Then maybe she'll fall asleep on my lap! Sleep well, my dear friends. Very fervent prayers and love for Thelma, and for Shar as she cares for her, the dogs and packing.

Kay said...

Margy, I will say a little prayer for your dear James ! I actually think those tests are more to gauge the the school and teacher performance level. I may have the wrong test in mind, but the kids here take such tests yearly and school funding is often affected by the outcomes. Teachers complain that they are often faced with just teaching kids to pass those tests and must omit stuff that isn't relevent toward that goal.

hedgie said...

P.S. To answer for Sharon....Sissy met them at the hospital and picked up Mattie.

Night night.

Linda said...

And one more prayer for James, Margy's grandson.....May he do exceedingly well on his West test this week as we know it is important to his future educational plan.

God may it be as if Your Hand is helping his every stroke on this test. Bless James as he goes through this week, Lord. ♥♥♥

Linda said...

Good Night ♥

Kay said...

You know PA-Lynn, that waxing you got about 20 posts ago should have refreshed you so you'll sleep like a baby !

stronghunter said...

Prayers for James, Margy.

Yes, teachers have to teach to the test. Some good things about it and some bad things. Also a lot of time spent in testing.

Hunter's testing starts on Friday, and he will miss the first test because of Susan's graduation. I am sure he will be able to make it up. He has missed almost no time from school in his whole school career, but the graduation is very important.

Linda said...

Oh yeah, Baby!!! Feeling good now!!

Linda said...

I always thought the wax was for the 100, 200, 300, or in this case 1000......and not the 101,201, etc.

Lynne always sets me straight on that one, but I think she's gone nite nite!!


Sleep well, KayIM! I know you're up with the early birds.

My love and (((hugs))) to the early birds at the SSCC!!

Talk to you tomorrow! ♥

stronghunter said...

Good night dear friends. I hope we haven't crashed the blog before I return. I expect it will be fine for awhile.

God bless all of us, and sincere prayers for all who need them. Especially James, Thelma, and Lynne. I hope Lynne is pain-free tonight. Also her vet, Dr. Baker.

stronghunter said...

Yeah, I thought I had wax this time.

Kay said...

Seth and I were unable to go to the band concert in the park this evening. It rained most of the day and more expected. We don't need any more of it. Our two rivers feed into the Ohio which feeds into the Mississippi. :(

Okay, everyone seems to be turning in so I'll take a book and do the same. Still hoping to be up with the SSCC gang.

Prayers, love and hugs for all in need !♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

Kay said...

I'm probably totally confused about the waxing. Just looked at the first post on this page and thought that was the person getting waxed. Lynne will help us on that tomorrow ! zzzzzzzzzzzzz

Lolly said...

Folks are starting to turn in. Think I will go bathe and get comfy and bed time will not be far off.

Would like to think that fb page is a spoof, but my sister said it was on the news in MN and a big thing up there. So....?????

I'll be back to say good night.

Mema Jo said...

And the count goes on... whatever!

I have had a fantastic long eventful weekend.........
My head is nodding - I long for sleep

I am praying for Thelma and for all who love her. ((hugs for all))

Mema Jo said...

Good night to all
Prayers for all
Hugs for all ♥♥♥♥♥♥

James will do well! ♥

Lolly said...

Interesting bear update

Bear Update

Night all!

Sweet dreams! Special prayers for Thelma and Lynne, as well as James.

Lolly said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Costume Lady said...

Wishing you all a good night...
prayers for Thelma to be able to return to her loved ones, soon.
Prayers for James to do well with his test...I do know how important this is to him and Margy.

Lori O. said...

Good Monday Morning Eagle Lovers. Looking forward to a gLORIous day!

Thinking good thoughts for THELMA, SHARON and JAMES for MARGY.

SHIRLEY - congrats on your Word Link victory!

Prayers for safety & rest for
LOLLY as she heads out on her camping trip.

I just drew a bath and Freddy (cat) is waiting to play find the toes through the bubbles! One of the few kitten games he still plays 5 years later.

Lori O. said...

gLORIous morning everyone!

The Sunrise Sycamore Cyber Cafe is open!

JudyEddy said...


Lori O. said...


JudyEddy said...

Colonel Adam Boomerang the Yo Yo Truder present

JudyEddy said...

Colonel Adam Boomerang the Yo Yo Truder present

Kay said...

Truder arrives

JudyEddy said...

GOOOOD Morning

Kay said...

Good morning ! Just as I was beginning to type that he zoomed in--then, Blogger made me sign in, so that's my excuse for bringing up the rear.

It just looked like Truder was squawking about something, but I get no sound.

JudyEddy said...

BELLE Ringing IN

JudyEddy said...

BELLE Ringing IN

JudyEddy said...


Lori O. said...


JudyEddy said...

both picking bellle in middle truder at 12

Kay said...

Well, there ya go, that's what he was talkin' about ! "Come on in, the fluff is fine !"

Kay said...

Lori, thanks for getting things set for the SSCC !

JudyE, that's a stunning avatar !

JudyEddy said...

he is picking in middle belle loonking down on him just sitting there

JudyEddy said...

crap looking

JudyEddy said...

crap looking

JudyEddy said...


Lori O. said...




JudyEddy said...

belle moved big branck

JudyEddy said...

branch hands not on keys right

JudyEddy said...

there are three different pictures of the sunset I got I just love the different pinks was so pretty and thank you

JudyEddy said...

I wonder if he will be back should have by now

JudyEddy said...

856 shuttle launch having clouds issue hope it goes away they say

Kay said...

Oh, I thought you meant she moved a branck which is the term for a branch that approaches the size of a plank !

JudyEddy said...

he flew over

Lori O. said...



JudyEddy said...

belle looked up saw tip of wing sort of

JudyEddy said...


Kay said...

Is that launch set for 8:45 ?

JudyEddy said...

he is in middle bell 10

Lori O. said...


Lori O. said...


JudyEddy said...

I wish the colors would come I don't like the B W

JudyEddy said...

Belle sitting at 11 truder in middle picking

JudyEddy said...

truder at bottom belle in middle

JudyEddy said...


Lori O. said...


DanaMo said...

WOW they arrived early this morning. Looks like just after 5:30.

Good morning everyone. I have my coffee but my visit is brief this morning. Much to do. I doi my pre kindergarten screening today for next years students and I am going to go in early.

JudyEddy said...


Kay said...

Good morning, Dana ! I'll bet it's fun to check out those new little fresh faces ! Screening, does that mean you have more applicants than you can take ?

DanaMo said...

Wow I got kicked off and couldn't get back on...I thought the blog was down again.

Lori O. said...

The cam froze on me at 1 hour 44 min. I've tried to refresh several times and can't even get it to come up now.

Lori O. said...

Oh - it's back. Weird.

Kay said...

Belle is so inactive this morning that I keep checking to make sure the cam is still working !

DanaMo said...

No Kay, we's just to see where they are in a number of areas, academic, physical (small motor skills and large motor skills) and I also do a brief Concepts of print assessment. It gives me an idea of what I'm going to be starting with. I also have 2 students who don't meet the age requirement, but want to start so it's good to assess them and make sure they are Kindergarten "ready".

JudyEddy said...

Belle looks like a statue just sitting there

Lori O. said...


Kay said...

Okay, Dana, thanks ! I didn't think about that kind of screening.

Lori O. said...


Lori O. said...


Kay said...

She's setting a meditative mood for we early birds.

Lori O. said...


Kay said...

Aha, we had the same thought at the same time ! Yes, prayers for Thelma this morning and for traveling mercies for Lolly and Jack ! That is if she decided to take him and leave Gene to Wanda ☺

Kay said...

Big yawn ! She's just having a hard time waking up today.

DanaMo said...

I thought my screen froze!

Lori O. said...

We know animals don't think as emotionally as humans, but I would like to believe that she's missing LIBERTY.

Kay said...

I agree with that sentiment, Lori.

Eagles have an impressive ability to sit, n' sit, n'sit. As in the brooding period each year. What patience !

DanaMo said...

aw we miss Lib too!

floralgirl said...

wow- looong thread. Morning all!
Today's nest weather- Mostly cloudy with a chance of showers. A chance of thunderstorms in the afternoon. Highs in the lower 70s. North winds around 5 mph. Chance of rain 50 percent.

Full moon tomorrow, the flower moon

Kay said...

Hi Megan ! Hmmmm, flower moon, how pretty ! Did you have good days at the market ?

Lori O. said...

We're so blessed that this beautiful eagle, mother of Spunky, Hidey, Palmer, POJ, Miss in Between & all of them that have been born in this nest, chooses to sit here this morning and let us admire her.

Thanks Belle!


Kay said...

Amen, Sistah ! She's a gem !

floralgirl said...

Sure did, Kay. Thanks for asking. The rain held off until after market, but then we got almost 3 inches in just a couple of hours. No outside planting here today. Water is everywhere...

DanaMo said...

Wow an hour long nest visit is nice!

JudyEddy said...

little wing stretch

JudyEddy said...

POOF BELLEthanks for the nice visit

DanaMo said...

She looks wet...and off she goes. I spoke too soon!

DanaMo said...

Well I'm off. See you tomorrow morning! :)

Kay said...

I'm listening to Hey, Soul Sister on the radio right now. My favorite Train song ! Sharon, someone said Train !!! Thinking of you and praying God will give you the strength you need today !

Kay said...

Strange that Truder didn't do his boomerang thing this morning. He must be sitting somewhere in a pensive mood as well.

Lori O. said...

Hello Megan. Best wishes for productive day in the GH!

Kay said...

Wishing Dana a happy day !

JudyE, did you sneak out on us today ? Have a good one at Wally World !

Lori O. said...

Focus time for me.

KAY, I'll talk with you later today.

Have a blessed day everyone.

MARGY we missed you this morning.

Prayers and positive thoughts for THELMA and SHARON.

SHARON please let us know where we should send cards, flowers, gifts for THELMA.

Kay said...

Have a great day, Lori !

Time for my newspapers, e-mail, other nests.....

BBL ♥♥♥♥

magpie said...

Good Morning Eagle Pals
I missed the eagles, but I hear the Baltimore Oriole..I think..that is what I heard

Thanks Megan
Full Flower Moon, and what a great day it is that is goes Full !!

magpie said...

does indeed sound like it will be a busy morning for DanaMo...God Bless Your Day, DanaMo, with the little wee tykes xoxox ♥

floralgirl said...

Thanks, Lori.
Sure thing, Margy. Hope it's not too cloudy to see the moon tomorrow night.

magpie said...

Thanks for the late night prayers you have offered up for James....
If I could keep up better with his daily school activities, think I would know more about these tests...or if his Dad would share a little more with me about things...Kay, you and Shirley....seem to have what is probably the correct thought on what the tests are all about.

(( hugs ♥ )) for Thelma this morning....hoping today brings peace and joy, serenity, and hope

magpie said...

glad JudyE told us what her avatar is, I meant to ask her last night, I thought maybe it was an early view of the upcoming Full Moon, or a picture of last month's Full Pink Moon

Kay, sorry you and Seth got rained out last night :(
outdoor events, always iffy to the weather

magpie said...

does indeed sound like a nice long Belle visit this morning, nearly an hour, bet the river is muddy for fishing :(
What do they Eat, And Where do they Eat It ??

Going to spend one more post because it means the WORLD TO ME:
Thanks for everyone's encouragement and confidence for James (and me...)
He is a giving, caring child and he knows about prayer....
and is quite good at it, I might add...we prayed for Thelma last night also, and Nugz...

magpie said...

Cool: Jo had a fantastic, long, eventful week-end: As So It Should Be !

Prayers for Safe Travels, Lolly and Jack... Enjoy your little vacation ☺ ♥ ☺ ♥ and hope that Annie has an okay time away from you....

hear that Oriole ♫ ♪ ♪ ♫

magpie said...

will dance a little jig for clear skies for that Full Flower Moon for Floralgirl
Tuesday Night

magpie said...

Morning GLori:
know you are busy, but :
did Freddy find your toes this morning ?? that was a cute post, your first one

Car Mechanic on the schedule at 0830 -
and want to stake and cage a tomato plant before then

Best wishes and Prayers for a Good, Safe, Healthy, Joyful day, Everyone !
xoxo ☺ ♥

hedgie said...

Hello! Just logging on.....somehow I musy have clicked on the email comments...argh! Over 100 emails from you early bird bloggers!

Lori O. said...

Here Lynn, I'll bend over and you can spank me! LOL

hedgie said...

Shuttle Endeavour on schedule for 8:56 launch! Only an hour away.

Lori O. said...

Lynn, you get an email for every single post on the blog?

paula eagleholic said...

Lori, you can if you check the box below the comment box, it will email you all the posts.

hedgie said...

LOL, spanking!

Not sure which grades are doing Westests....imagine at least one of my grands is involved. They are the kind of test that shows what percentile of state students your kid falls into in various fields of study.

Lori O. said...

Thanks Paula. How is your big Nugz boy this morning?

glo said...

Good morning everyone. I see the sun. YEAH. Glad you enjoyed a nice visit with Belle today. prayers for James, Thelma Nugz travel safety for Lori Lolly and Jack. I know I missed some but can't read way back right now. Hugs for all.

hedgie said...

Sad report about Jason....but it does bring some closure. :( RIP, Jason.

Launch time getting close!

floralgirl said...

Dang, I thought she said lunch time getting close, I just made a sandwich...
Have a great day everybody!

Lori O. said...

If you want to see Space Shuttle Launch, this webiste is streaming live.

hedgie said...

BEAUTIFUL, as always! Godspeed, Endeavour and crew!

hedgie said...

LOL, Megan....funny! You must have skipped breakfast! So glad your market days were fruitful!

Lolly said...

Just a quick peek in. Time to pack up the puter. We will be heading out soon.

Hope to see you in Fredericksburg, TX! LOL

Have a great day!

When I do get on, I may just ask for the important news instead of trying to read the blog. Playing catchup is very time consuming. LOL

Continued prayers for Thelma! (((Hugs))), too!!!

Lynne2 said...

Safe travels Lolly!

hedgie said...

Have a good trip, Lolly!! Wish it was Fredericksburg, VA!!!

hedgie said...

Liesl is getting to be such a butterball....decided to weigh her, She is up 1 1/4 lbs. in just over a week! Wow! Gonna have to put this mini on a diet!

Having a belated b-day lunch with gal pal from work today...getting ready, slowly but surely....feel like a turtle this morning. Speaking of which, one of our AAWV members found a small box turtle on the road yesterday that was injured. Lower rim of shell over left front leg was broken off and there was some bleeding. She is taking him to vet today to see if anything can be done. :(

Costume Lady said...

Where did everyone go?
Trying to see if the blog is acting up again...

Gene is still here, so I guess he didn't go with Lolly and Jack:)
I know they will have a good time, they are so much like Gene and I...and I know how much it means to get away for a while...ANYWHERE. But, Texas Hill Country is wonderful. That is where Gene and I heard a cougar once, in the middle of the night. Saw his tracks in the morning!

magpie said...

Hi Wanda
Blog is still alive...I think we are holding it down "more or less"
I was at car mechanics and then fussing with patio garden a bit
headed for Panda Nap now!
Did not get to sleep til nearly 2:30 --
bum bum bum base noise from music upstairs..might have to address that if it happens again :(
Have a Glorious Day...Please...
xoxo ♥

hedgie said...

Serious drama going on in Sidney back to find out more, but apparently on eof the eaglets has a talon caught up in string/wire/twine/fishing line or something in the nest. Ground too soft around tree to bring in bucket truck....MTBR. :(

See you all later this afternoon.

Lynne2 said...

oh no....please, no more problems this year

Lynne2 said...

from FB

Leona Headley
My daughter was on her way to work and came across a car wreck. It turned out to be her brother. He is fine, just shocked up. My never's are shot, because I can't go to him. Glad he is ok... we can fix his car.
3 minutes ago · LikeUnlike ·

Mema Jo said...

Leona - That is news you don't care to hear! So thankful there isn't any bodily injuries. Grateful your daughter was there by God's will.

Mema Jo said...

I am not going to Sidney nest......
Praying that things play out for the best!

Mema Jo said...

I have emailed FWS looking for help
with the daily automated blog that
Steve had set up. I feel that Google's problem has kicked it out.

Let you know if I hear anything -
best thing would be a New Fresh

Mema Jo said...

5/16/2011 - Banding Event Tomorrow at 1:00 PM
The nestling appears to be in good health though it will get a thorough physical examination at the event. More than 170 students, teachers and volunteers will view the event live at the Rachel Carson State Office Building, in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. The event will also be live webcast through streaming video. Web users can view the streaming video by visiting the DEP Home Page at and click on the falcon link.

JudyEddy said...

Hope for lunch No new thread yet huh LM gonna look at comments

JudyEddy said...

I posted pic of Belle this am on MomsterAlbum May also put one of the nest under moonlite and the errie fog one last night also a short video of belle this am on facebook

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7 4 24 no show.

 Happy 4th of July from Scout and Bella and me Sun even stayed away LOL only the two orbs