Wednesday, May 04, 2011


Fresh thread.


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Costume Lady said...

Thanks Steve for the new thread:)

movin said...





C(°ٿ°)D Jim

Costume Lady said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO CAROLYN HAGER...have never met her, but if she would join our blog, once again, maybe I could!:)

movin said...





C(°ٿ°)D Jim

Costume Lady said...

Hey, you need rain? I will send some your way if I can figure out how. It is so discouraging having so much and know, come June and July, we will be doing a rain dance!

Costume Lady said...

Getting ready to go shopping and into GG's. BBL
Soup Kitchen was extra fun yesterday...someone else did the soup:)

movin said...

sURe, Wanda. You can have about a half hour's moderate rain delivered every day to our area. That would be great.

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

JudyEddy said...

Just pooped in for lunch punched at 7 after did some quick shopping so can't really stay see ya after work
Thanks Steve for the new thread the other was getting used up LOL

wvgal_dana said...

Happy Birthday Carolyn

wvgal_dana said...

Brought over from old thread
Range hood done and in and looks better than old one. Did not cost as much as Lowes wanted. Orisinis Applicanes wasn't bad price at all.
I'm happy ( : ( : price and all!!

Wednesday, May 04, 2011 11:56:00 AM

wvgal_dana said...

I have to get ready to start for town myself Wanda. Your going to your Mom's. I'm going to be stopping by my Mom's lol

Have appt. 3pm about car.

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Gang,
Back for a moment. Pardon my manners!
I forgot to say:

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, CAROLYN!!!!! Hope your day is spectacular!!

Say now, Jim has a wonderful idea! Wanda, it would be great to get a half hour of moderate rain every day! Sure hope you can arrange that! :oD

JudyEddy said...

Before I head out the door Did you all see Scott's video of his eagle on his page on face book Wow the quality of his camera - awesome I sure its an expensive camera Out the door I go BBL

Ms Bookworm said...

WV Dana,
Glad your new range hood is done, and looks so nice! Maybe someday I can get ours replaced. Take care as you go to your appt. Stay safe!

Well, back to schoolwork for me! Later, alligators!

Lynne2 said...

One PSF for Jim, and a Fishicure for Wanda!

There are pix of the Indigo Bunting, Blue Grosbeak, and a doe from Sunday walk on my FB page, but not on my blog yet.

Lynne2 said...

Sissy has a ROSE BREASTED GROSBEAK picture on her FB from today!

hedgie said...

Days End Fsrm Horse Rescue in Woodbine, MD is in possession of many more severely neglected horses from an astern Shore seizure. They need help. If you can....
Care Packages

You can do it right through the google blog.

hedgie said...

Sun is gone....wind is blowing....and afraid that I know why the snake was behind the chimney.....appears that the swallow nest is under the soffet next to the chimney. They are still flying in and out...don't know if there were eggs there yesterday or not....but if snake got all the way up there, there probably aren't now if there were.

hedgie said...

Spitting rain again.

hedgie said...

Finally got the correct 11-egg story Mom was talking about! It is a Mallard nest on top of a TV-station building in St. Louis!!

Lynne2 said...

Irvine has a "Phoebe Cam" set up! There are 5 eggs!

Phoebe Cam

magpie said...

i will just have to look at my WV wildlife license plate to see a rose-breasted grosbeak


Okay, getting ready to head out from work....and I hope things are going okay for everyone

glo said...

LOL Hedgie, glad you now have all the pieces of the 11 egg story. Thats really pretty cute actually.

Lynne2 said...

Mallards on top of a building? How did THAT happen!

Lynne2 said...

I've had the Blue Grosbeaks out here almost all day! Kelsey, my little neighbor who is 4 and I were watching the birds from her house and she was so cute! She pointing out the colors of the birds and I would tell her what they were and she said "Miss Lynne, you sure know a lot about birds! How do you know so much about them?"

hedgie said...

Glo----I just wonder what they will do to keep all those ducklings from jumping off the top of the building!!!! Hope they have a plan!

I have Carolina Wrens building a nest inside the lid on the propane tank...using mostly the oak pollen threads! Gathering them off the deck. Sure hope the snake is gone for good.

Lolly said...

I love the things kids say.

Yesterday Jacob was being creative. He loves to do that. Anyway, he asked his mom for some boxes. She did not have any and told him to look in the recycle bin. He plowed around got a lot out and told him mom, "I love the recycle bin!" Then he needed his Dad's wood glue. Laurel asked why, he has Elmers, "Because this is wood", he told her. LOL Smart boy!

JudyEddy said...

Wow glo 35 BRRRR Love your yard pictures on face book Nice!!

LYNN2 love the pictures of the birds ONCE in a LIFE time

NILLa grandson is soo cute sounds like he is doing better

LOLLY I hope your back is ok I know how that can be Take it easy

Happy Birthday CAROLYN

MEMMA JO thanks for the link to Masons story How old is he story doesn't say . The egg link is neat thanks for posting.

HEDGIE funny tuna story don't want to give dogie fishy breath and yet maybe its the kitty collar she wears Hmmm

MS BOOKWORM your weather sounds like Fl we were 90 yesterday but had a cold front come through today and the dew point has dropped from 75 to the 40 Nice not as humid high suppose to be 86 WHERE is the cold front HA

WV GAL Thanks for posting the link to patriotic site LOVE IT I posted on face book Brings tears to your eyes
Yeah I made it through the blog and I'm learning to comment as I read

BBL gonna lurk for a bit


Lolly said...

Not working in the yard. Did some shopping but now have ice on my back. Did too much yesterday!

JudyEddy said...

When I first got home it looked like it was going to storm at the nest winding and you could hear rain drops a few and now its is sooo sunny on it now Must have blown over HUH or just a break in the clouds OK I'm really going to lurk now BBL

Not for sure who Carolyn is I found a couple on the cheat sheet Has she been on the blog since Mar 20 when I came aboard I don't recall the name And there are some new peeps on the blog that aren't mentioned on the cheat sheet I've been manually writing them in as I see them Ok that all I promise HA LMLMLMLM

Scott said...

Okay, for those interested I have edited 6 of the videos from Monday's eagle nest visit.

Videos of mom, dad and three babies are at

Photos are at

Lynne2 said...

Easter pic on my blog finally......

glo said...

Well Hedgie That is indeed a not so good situation :-(. It would be about time to be getting them off of there I would think. I wonder if they created an artificial nest and moved the eggs if MaMa would go there. "shrug". Seems like there was a video last year involving humans and a mother duck and ducklings but can't quite remember the whole situation.

Great videos Scott. Are you using a 7D or Mark 5. I think I am remembering you are a Canon shooter but I could certainly have that wrong too. If I ever sell my home I think I will get myself a 7D just for the Eagle videos I could get in winter. Otherwise I am doing well handheld with my little xsi. Anything else will be too heavy for me to handhold overtime. Tried a tripod at the river briefly one day. Heck the photographer next to me with much more expensive equipment and myself are both very lucky I didn't take us both into the river when the eagle flew over. I feel too tied down.

mariadangeloart said...

Hi all!
I don't know Carolyn, but who cares, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!! Hope you have a great one! :)

JudyEddy said...

LYNN2 Loved the Easter pictures I love decorating eggs I use to have a bunch that I hand painted Blown out eggs I don't like to do that part(blowing) but love to paint them
CANDY how do you do that one time your sign on says CANDY right and like now it is mariadangeloart How do you change it Just curious and I think earlier someone else wondered how you do it?? I am a newbie from March 20 when the drama began on the nest I have been watching the nest and was unaware of the blog until PamH told me about it

And I got up ealier today and we didn't have a visit ;-{

Red said...

Good afternoon everyone. It's a gorgous day in Alabama. I've just been a lurker lately. Too much going on around here.

Lynne2 said...

Hi Red...hope all is well in your area!

Wow JudyE, I've never done the blown out eggs but would like to give it a try!

Scott said...

@glo....LOL I bet. Yes, Canon shooter all the way. The video was taken with my 7D on the tripod...GREAT BIG LENS 600mm..I also had my 50D with me with a 2nd lens...I had to send the 600mm back today :( I want to get one of them so bad...

JudyEddy said...

The triplets are eating again

Lolly said...

Well, Lynne, you should not have told me about your Easter pics. Caught you with more candy!!!

Great idea, putting orders in for moderate amount of rain each day and Wanda sends it to us. So, add my name to the list, please.

Going outside, but not to work. Going to find the most comfortable chair and have a wee bit of wine.


Ms Bookworm said...

Lolly, I am with you, except I can't have any wine. I have school tonight!

Ms Bookworm said...

Oops--Hubby is home. Gotta run--need to eat dinner & get ready for school.
Will BBL tonight.

Liz said...

I'm rolling my eyes, the "other" forum.....Kathleen has an allie he said "I am with Kathleen on this I have crossed checked serveral photos I have and without a shaddow of a doubt. This is Liberty."

Liz said...

Still rolling my eyes....Glen also said "I stand by my word. The 2 eagles that still visit this nest are BELLE & LIBERTY. Until somebody PROVES otherwise. I believe what I see and say what I see."

hedgie said...

JudyE...March Carolyn is my daughter. Caroyn Hager has been around a long time....she doesn't post...mostly just Momster mail.

Ha,ha---tuna breath and cat collar...good one!

hedgie said...

JudyE---Candy is also carolinabeachmom. Mariadeangelo is herself!!

Those people on the OC forum are delusional. Regardless of whether Lib is alive or not, this truder bird is NOT Lib.

I think Paula needs to tell them off one more time!

hedgie said...

Scott, videos are great, too! Could you hear them calling out, or were they just agape wanting food??

hedgie said...

Looly, sure hope your back feels better soon.

hedgie said...

Red---what's a-happenin' in your area that is better than us??? LOL!

Lynne...had to chuckle when you put on your blog about the Terra Alta being the windiest place in WV....everyone calls Chicago the Windy City, but did you know that Boston really is windier??

JudyEddy said...

So glad you cleared that all up but did you notice that she does have two sign on someone else had mentioned it also Candy that is
News is on back to it BBL
I get confused between the sign-on names and the given names both being used on the blog I have a hard time remember names at work also I get teased often Everyone says that if they were all numbers I would remember them better I can tell you the price of almost everything at work but not the 497 associates names odd huh, I was worthyed about it and had mentioned to my Dr and she just said my mind remembers what it thinks is more important than me Funny huh My brain is smarter the me

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Well, I am in Bedford, heading back to Bluefield tomorrow night and then Ripley, WV Friday morning for a spiritual weekend at Cedar Lakes. I have to say it is much needed.

glo said...

Scott did you rent the 600 mm lens. Where from. I rented my 100-400 before I bought it. I was sold immediately though. For me as close as they get at the dam 300 works well especially with my crop factor; much of the time BUT I would love to try the 600 for a short time. They are out there on many a tripod with well 7D and Mark 5 :-). Those folks get the eagles tonsils and fish eyes :-)

hedgie said...

GLO----maybe the Mallard was deposited on the roof by the tornado a couple of weeks ago!

DanaMO....did your mallards leave your pool yet??

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...


Forever and forever.

glo said...

Gosh Hedgie I am about ready to go rescue me a Mama mallard and 11 eggs . Of course the one in the bushes where I went flower shopping hissed at me so I probably wouldn't be welcomed very graciously. hmmm

JudyEddy said...

Tornado video awesome this was on face book Just thought I'd share

Liz said...

Truder in nest

JudyEddy said...

BELLE ringin IN

JudyEddy said...

only saw back of him oops wrong bird

mariadangeloart said...


JudyEddy said...

Should just say Eagle on Nest in future be safe just sitting there now looking in middle of nest

hedgie said...

Truder in nest.....

hedgie said...

No idea how long he's been there...just cam back to puter!

Lolly said...

I see Truder!

Just finished dinner and getting ready to watch AI....and Truder!☺

Liz said...

Truder poof

hedgie said...


JudyEddy said...

and another quickie hes back

Liz said...

Truder back.

hedgie said...

Shar---you're racking up the miles on your van!!!! Are you taking vacation this week, or stil trying to work, too?

He's B-a-c-k!

JudyEddy said...

just sitting there doing nothing besides looking around maybe belle is near

JudyEddy said...

calling out

JudyEddy said...

he must be calling Belle

hedgie said...

JudyE---I don't remember if mariadangeloart had another name or not.
Just know that Candy used Candy and carolinabeachmom both in two days time!!!

JudyEddy said...

still sitting only called out once

JudyEddy said...

that what I thought that she used two names I wonder how she does that maybe two accts ?? Listening to AI and watching truder did you hear him call

JudyEddy said...

picking at flugg for a sec

JudyEddy said...

a little preening on chest

JudyEddy said...

hiding behind big limb bottom nest looks like hes thinking about leaving

JudyEddy said...


hedgie said...

POOF again.

Lolly said...

Candy got on at home and she got on from school. Maybe she has two blogs????

JudyEddy said...

Truder is back or is it Liberty LOL with a head concussion

JudyEddy said...

Belle Ringing In

JudyEddy said...

Belle Ringing In

JudyEddy said...

ok I'm sticking with eagle twice oops

Lolly said...

I think we have Belle honoring us with her presence.

JudyEddy said...

Eagle Poof

JudyEddy said...

she's doing quickie tooooo

Lolly said...

Poof! That was a quickie! Visit, that is!

JudyEddy said...

I got just a short short video of both visit

JudyEddy said...

I have to ask a stupid question is the OC the Outdoor Channel that sponsor the cam and is that the peep that think this is Liberty? and doesn't Steve think that the eagle found was Lib and doesn't he linked with the OC just wondering I can see this is not Lib just by looking at the videos from the past Ok I'm history BBL

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."

Judie said...

Good evening, all.

Very tired. Student issue is resolved. I believe he was shocked when I showed him the plagiarism sources but I did warn them in advance. However, I do not have enough to go to trial so have to be content to have made a point that even the appearance of dishonesty could ruin his future. (besides, I don't want the headache of a trial). Just didn't have enough evidence. Office mate was there for the meeting and he agreed. Nothing to be gained.

Grades have been calculated. Students know their exam grade. Now have to answer emails asking to explain, could I round up, could I just give them an extra point, etc.

Bottom line is I am tired and need to go get some sleep. Surgeon in the morning.

Setting the night light for automatic at 11:00pm. Restful sleep for all. Will try to catch up tomorrow. Hope everyone had a good day.

Scott said...

@hedgie thank you. Oh yes, I can hear them quite often when I'm out there as well as mom and dad talking to each other.

@glo There are a few sites out there but I use They don't lock you in to a certain time and can select the number of days. I had the 400mm 2.8 a couple of weeks ago and loved it, but it just didn't have the reach that I want. I want to be able to print large prints and had to crop too much. I have the 2x extender on each so this time I was shooting at 1200mm. After post I'm able to print a 24x36 without an issue.

Lolly said...

Hey, about Scotty?

Lynne2 said...

from the Wildlife Center of Va....

Eagle Self Released After Storm Damage

paula eagleholic said...

Guess the eagle was ready to go home!

hedgie said...

Lolly.....Scotty rocks!!!

paula eagleholic said...

JudyE....yes some people on the OC forum think the intruder is Liberty....the Outdoor Channel just hosts the live feed...I don't think Steve reads anything over there...and I haven't seen any posts from NCTC over there either. Steve thinks it's possible the eagle found was Liberty. Hope this answers your question.

hedgie said... least it's over for this year. Hopefully he got a good wake-up call....when you trial, is that by a student council honesty panel? Wow...can't believe that they stillw ant to influence the grading after the fact! Guess that's the "me" generation.
Rest well, gal! Hope the surgeon is ready to discharge you tomorrow.

I guess Candy must have two accounts.

Scott---you must have a fantastic printer, too, to print out photos that large!!

hedgie said...

JudyE----yes, we are talking about the people on the Outdoor Channel forum. Steve is not connected to them per se. They (OC) just have the contract to stream the cam now. No other affiliation. Someone from NCTC has to feed them any official info, tho' doubt that anybody from NCTC monitors that forum, but OC does.

Scott said...

@hedgie No, I only print up to 8x10. I mean from the printing company that I use in California.

Hoda said...

Well I had a really good day. Went to the Grans to Grans meeting, Canadian Grand Mothers supporting African Grand Mothers with their fight against HIV/AIDS. My small little town of Nelson, BC helped us raise On Hundred Thousand Dollars all of which was sent to the Stephen Lewis Foundation to help the African Grand MOthers. It is an active group and so I enjoyed the meeting.

I was here to get in Truder's various visits and of course the Glorious Miss Belle.

Good luck with the surgeon tomorrow Judie, I am glad you have resolution with the student case...release it and concentrate on your health.

JudyEddy said...

Cool that answered my questions Oh what does NCTC believe? Do we know? I know I'm so full of questions. Idol is soo good tonight

JudyEddy said...


glo said...

Thanks Scott I will have to look at Lens rental. I had used Rentglass out of Kissemmee FL. They don't rent the big stuff. Just once I would like to go out to he dam with the big stuff for those once in a lifetime kinds of photos without having to actually purchase it :-). I will try hard not to knock myself or anyone else into the river Thanks.

JudyEddy said...

Wow you all seem to lead such exciting wildlife lives I am so envious I can live vicariously through you guys eyes --Thanks for sharing

hedgie said...

That eagle took full advantage of that opportunity to spread his wings! Godspeed, eagle!

Glad that the eaglets' enclosure wasn't affected by the storm damage!

hedgie said...

Hoda, glad you had a good meeting with your group. Sounds awesome!

Gotcha, Scott!!! Thanks for explaining! Too much printing business in my blood!

carolinabeachmom said...

A very good evening to all you wonderful people out there. I finally got to get the blog up at home. Now to see if it works.

carolinabeachmom said...

I did check in earlier today from school when I had a chance. Hope you all had a wonderful day.

Judie prayers for your surgery. May everything go well for you.

paula eagleholic said...

Candy, Judie's surgery is done...I think she is getting released from any more visits to the surgeon tomorrow!

stronghunter said...


Glad that your exams and grades are done, Judie.

Susan has finished classes, but has one more paper due. She is wondering about this one. I think it is due three days before graduation, and is an 8-page paper. Susan is wondering why the prof has a paper due so close to graduation. I told her that she might be smart to get it in early.

The big event at our school today was a drug bust. We got a message late yesterday--after school was out that the superintendent had planned a mandatory assembly for everyone--all staff members and all students for second block. After they got us all in the auditorium, they brought in dogs and searched the building and the parking lot.

I am not sure what they found. But the students were pretty wound up the rest of the day.

carolinabeachmom said...

Thanks for the infoPaula. I have b een trying to connect up on here the last few days and must have missed it.

Lynne2 said...

wow Hoda, that's an awesome thing to be involved in!

Judie, best of luck at the surgeon's tomorrow!

JudyE thanks for capturing the videos!

Wow Shirley, wonder if anyone will let you in on what they found....big excitement!

carolinabeachmom said...

Hi Shirley. Drug search; don't get them in the elementary school level here, but we have watched a few cars searched in our parking lot that kids from the high school across the street used for the day. They don't use it anymore. We were told to report any cars in our lot that weren't ours or visitors. I guess that stopped drugs

hedgie said...

Our Animal Control and Humane Society have had to deal with another dire situation today.

Animals Seized

If anyone local can foster an animal, please call AC at 304-263-4729

Lynne2 said...

oh geez Lynn. Well, it's a bad thing they were there, but good that they are out now.

stronghunter said...

Hope all goes well at the doctor's tomorrow, Judie. This has been a long, drawn-out thing.

Students were speculating wildly about who had been caught. They had all kinds of opinions about all kinds of things. I especially loved the legal opinions they were explaining. I don't really think I need legal advice from a seventeen-year-old, but some of them have had a lot of experience with law enforcement officers.

carolinabeachmom said...

Sure wish I could helpLynn. I can't understand what kind of people can mistreat any kind of animal. They must be uncaring monsters.

stronghunter said...

Been busy with Hunter and his homework, etc. Kathryn is out this evening.

I have some things to take care of before it gets any later. BBL.

Lynne2 said...

the Loon is nestorating!

carolinabeachmom said...

Shirley, I'll take kindergarten any day. I am bigger than they are. :) Kids come in smelling like cig smoke, and sometimes will tell on a parent using :), but so far they are clean; just sometimes a dirty word or two that they have heard at their home.

Lynne2 said...

she digs the nest out with her feet and moving flugg! Maybe she'll lay and egg tonight finally!

Lolly said...

Hi Candy! How many more days of school for you? Laurel is counting the days.

AI was great tonight! Voted again for Scotty, several times. He sings the most consistantly songs that I like.

Lolly said...

The Loon is really beautiful!

Lynne2 said...

I have no idea which is the male and which is the female....both have been on the nest digging the cup with their feet, rearranging flugg and being restless!

Lynne2 said...

oh dear the loon's leg is splayed out!

Lynne2 said...

I have also posted some misc. Nature Pictures on my blog, including the snapping turtle!

carolinabeachmom said...

Hey there Lolly. We have just until the end of the first week in June to be with the kids. After that we only have a couple of work days and we are done. I can't wait to get out, but in August, I'll be glad to get back,

Josh and Shelly will be getting a 10 day leave to come to the beach in August. I thing Shelly's family will be here for a week too, so we can all finally get together and celebrate their marriage. I sure hope they cn get the leave before I have to go back to work.

stronghunter said...

I looked at the loon cam the other day, but did not see any loons. Maybe we will get some little ones soon.

JudyEddy said...

LYNN2 Love all the pictures thanks for sharing OK I'm history for the night God Bless this nest and all whom watch it, prayers and healing thoughts for thoese who need them

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."

Lynne2 said...

Hope it works out before you have to go back Candy!

Shirley, they are VERY active tonight!

Lynne2 said...

of course, now they are off the nest, but they've been on and off a lot tonight

Red said...

Red just posted a comment on the OC blog. I'm sure I'll be talked about there. lol

carolinabeachmom said...

Lynn 2, where are you watching the loon?

carolinabeachmom said...

Hey Bill. It is nice to hear that you and ;your wife were ok with the storms down there. We must both be taking a vacation from Facebook :)

NatureNut said...

Good Evening Everyone. Got home late again, nibbled some stuff & watched Idol. Did read most of this thread.
Another EXCITING day~~~~after 4 years, saw fox kits playing!!Mom was with them, but earlier saw 2 bright orange adults & probably Dad as one who left and trotted down edge of field behind our house office & around the pond.Was not sure of Kits' age, but found a video of deer running toward foxes saved in camera. It was dated May 4, 2007!!!

Lynne2 said...

Here you go Candy!

Loon Cam

Some nights, the loons on the lake are calling out and it sounds so cool! But quiet so far tonight

Lynne2 said...

that's awesome Loretta!

Lynne2 said...

hopeful that Wanda will catch some on her Trail Cam!

Lynne2 said...

oh they are calling out now!

stronghunter said...

Loons are calling now!!

stronghunter said...

Loon alert !!

Lynne2 said...

aw, wish they'd call out some more!

stronghunter said...

Loon settled down on the nest.

carolinabeachmom said...

Tthanks Lynn2 for the loon cam. As I said, I lost a lot of my sites. Checked on Beakspeak and didn't see it there. Again thanks.

Wow Loretta what a nice sighting. Each morning when I go to school, I generally have to slow down or stop and let two huge geese and their gosslings cross the road. They just take their time. I hope they stay safe. We have been seeing more and more deer up in our area. I guess there is not much room left for them to live with all the houses closing in on them.

Red said...

Yes Candy, I do spend some time here. Good to see you here too.

stronghunter said...

Candy, the loon cam is on Beakspeak. Look under "common loon." There are two nests, but only one has activity right now, so it is not hard to find the right nest.

stronghunter said...

Hi, Red!

NatureNut said...

Neat story about the eagle escapee, Lynn. So glad NBG eaglets home was not damaged.
Lynne, saw your great pics and the snapping turtle. I think you can pick them up by the tail and they can't reach you. Ask Wanda!! LOL

magpie said...

Okay all this Loon talk is making me Looney! Just tried to open the cam up and it is unavailable due to capacity problems...wonder why ?

Good Evening Eagle Pals

Mission accomplished, Mother's Day cards sent out with the grandson James

Wow Loretta, Wanda may come make a visit to see those Red Foxes !


magpie said...

Well How Do You Do there
Late Nighters Red and Candy !!
Great to See You !

magpie said...

lovely post, wonderful endeavor with your Grans to Grans group
very heartwarming and touching
and Way to Go, what a fantastic fund-raising success

magpie said...

Daggone it ! Judie should not have to endure such ridiculousness with those students that are clearly, as she so well describes them :
Wanna Be Adults !
Glad it is almost over for the year for her!

carolinabeachmom said...

Well hey there Margie. Finally got to say hello to you. Hope all is well with you and yours and the job. :)

Hoda said...

Well said Red on the OC forum

NatureNut said...

Gosh, didn't know they had nite lite on looh! Just gorgeous. Is it egg night?

Judie has probably hit the hay, but best wishes for a last appt. tomorrow!

magpie said...

I helped James with his homework too, Shirley but he did not have his spelling words to put in ABC he will have to spend part of his recess Thursday,
in "Study Hall" finishing up.
Wish I could be with him EVERY night to help with the homework

Red said...

Hi Shirley and Margy. It's my bedtime now. See ya later.

magpie said...

And Hello Back, Candy...
things are going along about the has been busy...too much crime in this area!
Big steal item in this area these days is copper wiring stolen from building sites, and metal grates and manhole covers !
Pretty soon people will start waking up to their chain link fences missing !
I KNOW what the money gained from all that goes to! Because, we have a lot of overdose calls too.

Hello to YOUR James too !

magpie said...

Nighty Night, Red and Diane ♥ ♥

Lolly said...

Was watching TV but watching the loon. She left for a while and then I heard the loons. Loved it! Loon now back on the nest. Seems more settled in now.

Saw a great sight this evening. When Jack and I went out this evening we walked around the yard. We were way down front when we saw at least 8 Mississippi Kites flying and soaring! Wow! They were all over the sky and sometimes in close groups of 4 or 5. Jack was wondering if this was a group of siblings that had just fledged.

hedgie said...

WhooHoo, Red!!! You told them good!!!

Candy, thought maybe you would decide to retire after this year!
Is Shelley in the military, too?

Loons.....w-a-a-a....still won't play for me. :( Just don't plays. And cam did last year.

Lolly said...

You are a wonderful grandmother, Margy. The two of you have a great relationship.

hedgie said...

Loretta, Wanda is hoping that her fox brings the kis in to field cam view!

Lynne2 said...

cool Lolly! I had to look them up...we don't have them here

Mississippi Kite

Lolly said...

You have trouble with Lacey and Lilly, too, don't you Lynn? Wonder if you have a setting on your computer wrong.

carolinabeachmom said...

Margie, James is here and wants to say hi. Hope your work is going okay, I know I am glad I am retired, they have just installed a new 800 freq radio system here and it is too technical for me, I am over it, I did enjoy working with my friends but I am just glad I am away from all of that stress, I stop by the center once in awhile to say hello and meet the new people but I am able to walk out of there and be free of that mess, take care and behave yourself, Jim

magpie said...

Just checked your pictures, Lynne, three sets including Cathedral State Park, lovely pictures all...
but I am not on facebook and I really really want to see the blue grosbeak !!!

Lynne2 said...

I have one of those little sound machines that plays all kinds of stuff, thunderstorm, stream, woodlands, etc. and it has a Loon setting. But the the Loon setting doesn't only plays one call and then stops.

Lynne2 said...

OH SHOOT Margy....I meant to post them.....I'll fix that and add them right now! UGH!

stronghunter said...

I am yawning. Time to head upstairs. I will have to set up for a sub tomorrow.

hedgie said...

Hi, Margy!!!

Cool, Lolly---have never seen any Mississippi Kites---gotta look them up!

Lolly said...

Lynne, the Kite is really beautiful flying. They have a distinctive silhouette and are just so graceful and their cry is so easy to identify as well. They make flying look like so much fun!

magpie said...

Oh Candy:
Thanks for that message from Jim!
Our radios went very technical about five years ago and it has been quite an adventure, and all the computer things are getting more and more complicated ! I cannot keep up with the Spring Chickens aka younger ones there....but I have a little ways to go yet before I an retire.
It is good though that I can bring up some of the older, valuable history things from time to time.

Lolly said...

RS hawks and kites....we see them all the time in our development.

carolinabeachmom said...

Lynn, so far I am working one more year. Time will tell. No Shelly is not in the Army. She works for a company in Richmond in which she helps business set up her company's product. I am not quite sure yet what it is, but it has something to do with computers. I am hoping that she can persuade Josh to leave the Army when his last 4 ofhis six years are up. Time will tell

Lolly said...

Anyone else watching the loon? She may be laying an egg.

carolinabeachmom said...

I am seeing one egg in the Loon's nest

Lolly said...

Oh, wow! Egg!!!! Loon egg!

magpie said...

great, your Mississippi kite sighting!
And thanks for the encouragement...
James and I really have some special times together.
Oh, I have the world's largest collection of empty boxes, Jacob would have liked going through it!
And, I have some wood glue! ☺

stronghunter said...

Wow, I think the loon just laid an egg!!!

carolinabeachmom said...

There surely is an egg there Lolly. The cam seems to have stopped

Lolly said...

That was sooo cool! She worked and worked with her back to the cam. Great view! Watched the egg come out and now she is sprawled face forward on the nest, legs out back. Bless her heart!

NatureNut said...

Just went to Live cam page to read Red's message & see there is NO night light there. Not that it matters.
Red, great comment. It's hard to go there and not want to say something. I pretty much stay away!! ☺
Gosh, almost news time. So to all leaving to hit the hay,
Pleasant Feather Dreams ;>)

stronghunter said...

She is certainly giving us a good view of the egg.

carolinabeachmom said...

`1It is wierd the way she is sitting. My cam didn't stop, she just stayed in that wierd position.

Lolly said...

hasn't stopped, she is just recovering. LOL

stronghunter said...

That is an odd position.

magpie said...

Hallelujah! I see the Loon egg!!
Great that you saw it being laid Lolly, and others here also !!!

Where is Jo? She is gonna love this !

Lolly said...

I am sure the egg has to dry, so she is just recovering without disturbing the egg.

Lolly said...

I got a picture. I will post it.

carolinabeachmom said...

Good night Loretta. I will be following you soon.

magpie said...

Hi Hedgie...Hope you can get Loon cam up...I thought that popcorn ad would NEVER END !!
Can't wait to see it in the daylight, the egg, hope it is golden like the others have been

magpie said...

I bet Larry the Loon cam guy is ecstatic !

stronghunter said...

I must depart to the upstairs region and crawl into my bed. Tomorrow will come much too soon. Good night.

carolinabeachmom said...

I thought only geese layed GOLDEN eggs! LOL

Lolly said...

For those of you who can not get the Loon cam, I have posted a picture. Where...why on the Eagle and Panda Pics Blog, of course! LOL

hedgie said...

Wrapping it up on my end of the blog. Sleep tight with sweet dreams, one and all. Prayers for all.

magpie said...

Nighty Night Candy and Shirley -
I have to disappear for a little bit need to finish up a few Mother's Day projects

xoxo ♥

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2/20/25 PM bird

1203 PM NN Scout comes to the nest with a load of bedding again. He seemed to leave with something in his talons. He has a beak full of bedd...