Deb and Jo thanks for the PA link. I really like it.
Beautiful morning at Finland. Not like my real-life view this morning of overcast and drizzle.
Will be scarce today. Need to try to complete exam questions, read some on perception of sensory information, AND having lunch with a former student who works for Interpol -- cool lady. I'll check back later.
When is the Chris Packham interview supposed to take place? I had some trouble figuring out who the man is, but did some research and found him and his foolishness.
Judie, are you working on mid-term exam questions or are you already writing your final?
Sun starting to shine here in Martinsburg, the middle county of the far Eastern Panhandle three.
I got the Trojan virus alert that many of you have talked about, right after my last early morning post, while I was checking a site on Google...said I had 12 viruses, about flipped out, but did the Verizon Security Scan (which took over 5 hours) and it did not detect any. Think I will leave sleeping dogs lie for now...hope the PC does not crash. If I disappear suddenly during the day, you might know that is what happened.
I got a really ugly virus on my work computer one time. I am sure a student got to my computer. No matter what I tried to do, it typed a profane statement. I could not use the computer to do anything I had to type. Some other teachers got it, too. We did not have as much of a tech team as we have now, and nobody could fix it.
Eventually I got a message that I could use my computer again and a link to the site that caused the problem. It was all pre-set by this rascal. We had strong suspicions about who was responsible, but could not prove it.
That's just plain nasty, Shirley... I really need to take some computer classes, or do more self-teaching...most of what I do at home is stumble and bumble, and everything at work is taken care of by skillled technicians.
Margy, I have used Ad-Aware and Spybot Search and Destroy in addition to my regular virus protection program. They are free downloads. I suggest that you research them before you use them.
Yes, it was plain nasty. We depend so much on our computers now that I would be in a real mess, but I think we are more protected, too. The system blocks many websites. Of course, some kids know how to get around the blocks.
Getting ready to head out ....sun is starting to peek through. GOing to the Norwalk Festival at the fairgrounds----Norwalk is a car brand that was built in Martinsburg w-a-y back when. Only one known left in existence and local club bought it for 300G's. On display--fundraiser to pay off loan. There is going to be a GM Futurliner there---a bus from the early 40's that toured the country until mid-50's presenting technology innovations. NEVER heard of it before---strange for this GM gal! Gotta see it and take pics. Later, gators!
Happy Sunday Morning Eagle Buds. It's a misty moisty morning here, but not really raining. Prayers for all, & if I haven't gone totally over the edge, prayers for beaver at Park. We have a less than mile circle of boardwalk thru marsh that has a creek runing thru middle.Creek empties into River near our boat ramp. In March, I saw that area closer to River was getting flooded w/water coming close to bottom of walkway. NOW after all this time, they set up a trap! I saw it TU---looks terrible.Black bars at waterline between 4 black metal poles.I checked MD DNR sites and this is legal and they don't relocate anymore,however "harassing" beaver by poking holes in dam can sometimes make them abandon area! Sat. another lady & I checked after work & only saw some support tobacco stakes, NO trap. Either it's been removed, or fell underwater. YAY, I hope. Thx for listening--sorry to be a pest, but I had to tell somebody. I hate this,(told hubby I might resign!!!) altho they may think it's necessary. I sure would have tried another solution first,but I'm not the boss.
Loretta, the Fish hatchery in Yankton is doing the same to Raccoons. I do understand why they have to, they are eating the fish, but it seems such a shame. The raccoon population had exploded due to abundant food source.
Thx for info, Deb. What is strange to me is that we haven't seen a lodge & little mud ribbons if dams are very small and you could touch them, so very easy to make holes. A co-worker did just that in March when I mentioned the dam and flooding of boardwalk and a patron reported him to the Commission for "distrubing" the dam!!!!He had to explain he was trying to prevent injury to visitors from slipping on wet walkway by trying to lower the water level!!!Where is she now?----to have seen that ugly trap??? I can see where it's bad to have a fish hatchery attacked. I thought they were vegetarians. Oh well, enough of that~~~☺ I see a tiny bit of sun and am hoping to plant a replacement mum I got. My burgandy croaked, but gold is budding---for the Redskins of course!!! Gotta also take one of my HS bulletin boards apart while kitties are napping. They're so helpful!!!!
BTW, about a year ago I had a problem virus attack also.Didin't do a lot of damage, but I got free AdAware and another similar remover and only ran them a couple times.I bought something for a year called Stopzilla-=--it found lots of little stuff. Now we just got a new anti-virus and with phone techie help (only$49) to remove expiring one at some other bits and pieces), learned that those other removers are not compatible w/A-V. He removed everything else----the new A-V should cover everything. Machine is much faster too. Good tip to find out if these things are compatible.
Shirley,We had a wonderful dog & then didn't have any pets for 10 years. We only have 2 cats. One is 3 yrs. old & a year ago someone dumped a kitten near our house. She is about 1 yr. old. We use July as their birthdays according to vet estimates.I call them kitties affectionately.The older one is the more clever inquisitive one---into lots of things. She may be part dog---invented "Go Fetch" w/toy mousie herself when a kitten. Carries it to your lap & then sits and waits for you to throw it, then retrieves.She also takes mousie and other small stuffed animals to the food dish! She answers the answering machine by tipping over the upright phone, and stepped on a fax machine button which caused it to shoot out & cut a strip of paper. I leave all messages to "Binky, tell Daddy that...." Sometimes sits in one of the 'puter chairs----then we call her (Binky) the Techie. The little one we named Scooter, because she was SO fast---trying to stay ahead of Binky during chase sessions.She is sweet (but doesn't want to be held) and meows at you to pet her----mostly observes Binky, but doesn't follow suit in B's shenanigans, thank goodeness.
Cats can be very amusing. My daughter has a cat who brings toys to you so you can play with him. At one time, he would put his toys back in the basket when he finished playing with them. I have had him drag one of those toys that look like a fishing pole to me when I was sleeping in bed. He wanted me to play. Brought the toy right to the bed.
By the way, the Loch Garten Osprey chicks have finally begun to move again. Especially the first one to start the migration has passed through Bordeaux and flown to somewhere near the Spanish border.
I can read the blog, but they did something different and I can't see the map today.
I noticed that Diego has been trying very hard to turn over the last couple of days, and I saw him turn from his back to his belly (eventually) last night, and now I just saw him do it again. I guess that isn't all butter fat he's carrying.....
Hi, Eagle Gang, It was foggy here again this morning, but the sun has burned through, and it promises to be hot and steamy. Since it was much cooler earlier, I was out doing some much-needed trimming and pruning in the back yard. When the sun burned through, was forced to come inside. Our new resident Mockingbird gave us a nice concert early this morning! Gosh, it's nice to have one back. I was surprised that the sparrows, house finches, and Mourning doves all came down to the patio feeders to get some breakfast while I was busy pruning roses. They must've been really hungry! Margy, hope you are able to get your computer straightened out! Prayers for techie wisdom! Well, gotta do more Anatomy homework--hope to get to go to a movie this afternoon, if I can get enough of it done. Have a great day, and I'll be back later to check in. Oh--Judie, your lunch sounds really interesting! Hope we all get an update later!
But I know you are out digging and that is probably what I should be doing also...time to get the Fall Stoop ready here ☺
Saw the milkweed pods again, and those little orange and black bugs, are now Adult Milkweed Bugs, with the coloring that shows up in Google...I will post pictures later.
That Norwalk Car Show that Hedgie mentioned and is at, is one I dearly wanted to go to, and take the grandson...but I ended up being on call for work and I can't make plans that I can't unmake quickly. :(
JO If we had finished the adoption papers, you adopting me, I could have done many things differently this week-end as a kid...including going to Catonsville for the Mass and breakfast....Dang! ☺ ♥
Andy In my city neighborhood in the mornings, I have crows, blue jays, and Carolina Wrens, and some over-winter Canada Geese flying this way and that a'honking like crazy. I love those morning sounds, but would love to have a mockingbird in the mix too.
Hi family, guess where I am.? Im in Shepherdstown.Bill drove straight through. We will be here today and tomorrow for lunch. We are now going to the pub and listen to music. There is live Irish music playing,.If you need me my number is 916-837-0030. We would love to see anyone that can make it. Sorry this is last minute but I have no control. We are at the Clarion.
The skies have opened up and are pouring out sunshine - I think you brought it with you! Oh enjoy yourself....wish I could be there, cannot either today or tomorrow -
Well, It is RED's Birthday Monday, so maybe you can propose a toast - especially since he has to spend the day getting his gallbladder removed - someone needs to celebrate his birthday ☺
On FB there have been lots and lots of good b-day wishes and prayers for the removal of his gall bladder! E-Cards could have the send date of Today - he may not feel like opening them tomorrow.
I had called Dana - Ed answered the phone and he really did sound great! Joking about getting ready to watch his Steeler's game. I know he sounded perky due to sitting on the couch and behaving himself! Really really good to hear his voice!
Have fun at your lunch tomorrow. Not too much laughter, now!!!
Having sort of a down day here. Jack opened the paper and saw where a friend of his had been killed Saturday while out riding his bike. NOT the way to learn of such, nor the way to start the day. He was 55, a VP at Lockheed/Martin. A great guy with two sons still in college. He was a very good friend, a member of the group that gets together to each lunch every other week.
Laurel is really sick. Times like this I sure wish she was not an hour away. She does have Joey and her MIL, if she will get off her tush and help!!! (Excuse me!)
Met her brother and her sister in law. We sat at the same table for dinner and then we were all in the group that went on the train ride. After the train ride we had lunch. More fun!
On the Eagle Express last year..Jack and myself, Norma and her daughter, Paula, Deb, Anne Marie, her brother and sister in law. Did I leave anyone out?
My high light of the trip last year was after the train ride. That evening we met Deb and Paula at the nest. And there we spent time looking at Belle and Lib in the tree. I was so excited! Had not seen them at the nest on Saturday and open house.
Double WOW! Just read back and see Anne-Marie is at Clarion!!Welcome to East coast!! I take it you probably won't be around for next month's Open House. I would come for lunch, but I'm sure the warden would have a fit about going there 2 times so close together.Anne-Marie and her brother, SIL, Lolly & Jack, Ed & Dana were all at our table last year & Deb was close by. Not sure what table.
Margie, I'm sorry I got confused - I guess it is still Friday -- wish that were true as I need many more hours to prepare for school next week. Too much time lost this weekend doing other stuff.
Lunch was fun. Was reminded why I didn't like govt work -- too many cooks in the kitchen who don't know a pot from a pan.
Shirley, preparing first midterms.
Lolly, so very sorry Laurel is so sick. Prayers that she recovers very, very soon. She would, for sure, if you were there.
Shirley had a good observation about someone coming in new and reading the blog -- would surely wonder about the Trojan virus. Reminds me of when I thought Boris was an inappropriate blogger.
Hope those lunching tomorrow have a wonderful time -- ENJOY!
Off to try to get the kinks out of my shoulders from sitting at the computer writing questions. Not all that hungry as lunch was late.
Just read way back & I made a stupid comment about Deb's animals, thinking they were vegetarians. I was thinking beavers, & she mentioned raccoons!!! DUH Got my burgandy mum planted, but didn't help the Deadskins. Boy, are they flat---Fubby thinks Zorn will be gone. I have more faith. Went and got some steamed crabs, so better get cracking. Maybe I can send Red a combo card ☺
Good evening. Haven't caught up yet, but just hearing on news that Loretta's shopping center was evacuated for another gas leak...luckily, explosion was prevented by fast FF response!!! They said this would have been worse than the one that took out her favorite Ledo's!
I just want to know if you saw the GM bus, Hedgie...and hope you got pictures ! I wanted to go see it, very much, saw a little pic on a flyer we had at the office.
Judie, I wish for both you AND I that it was still Friday, I could use another couple of days off. Back to the grind in the morning. early. as in 0600.
Oh boy, here is an entertaining tale: guy in Martinsburg breaks into a house, steals some things including two expensive diamond rings. Dummy decides to check his Facebook on the victim's computer while he is inside stealing. Forgets to log off !! Guess who got caught.... this was in August, so it is old news...
And here is something else entertaining. The other night when I couldn't sleep I started wondering why most dinner plates are round, so I looked up Square Dinner plates on ebay, and found some beautiful samples. Went to the Rescue Mission store Saturday (cheaper prices than Goodwill) and found a lovely, Mikasa International Ivory plate, flower design, for 50-cents!!! Checked ebay again for prices, cheapest single plate on there like this was at least 9 dollars. I am one happy thrift shopper. ☺
But my best bargain was today, at Megan's flower stand....astoundingly beautiful flowers, and it was fun pulling out my special vases to put them in. ☺
TTFN things to do.... Hey - good chance to see ISS tonight in Berkeley County, hope it is dark enough to view: check for your area: ISS Flyover times
AND, we might finally see the moon, already at half full...☺
Lolly, sorry about Laurel's illness and the death of Jack's friend....glad Jack has you there for comfort.... Yes, we will miss having you at Open House and the dinners
Deb was at my table last year, along with Mits, Ceil, Mary Margaret, Sissy, Mattie and Suz. Think that was A-M's 2nd year attending! She is a lot of fun---will enjoy tomorrow's visit.
Loretta, sorry about the beaver drama....sad. Now you know you won't resign! You love your job too much---and you know how we all envy you!
What I said, before I was interrupted need to apologize Judie!
I also had a prayer request. We are due to leave next Sunday, with Jacob, for New Mexico. We do not want him to catch Laurel's bug now, nor on the trip. This is a trip that has been planned for years!
Lolly, so sorry that Jack had to find out about his friend that way---please give him as well as yourself my sympathy. And praying that Laurel gets over her bug quickly. Is it respiratory or intestinal? Guess teachers are susceptible to alot of stuff goung around. Poor girl.
Yep, Margy, saw the bus and the Norwalk and got pics! Very cool! Even got to sit in the drivers' seat of the Futurliner---high up there---almost more like a locomotive!
Lolly, somehow I read right over the news in your post earlier. I am so sorry about the death of Jack's friend, and I do hope Laurel gets better soon. I think you must have posted it while I was typing my next message.
It is respiratory, fever, aches, gunk...sounds like the flu. She is going to the doctor tomorrow. Several teacher are out, one school in our area has closed as so many were absent. The school gives the teachers free flu shots, but they have not done it yet. They should have doen it much earlier!!!
My Mom's doctor office DOES NOT have any flu vaccine and don't know when they will get any. First time in the 12 years that I have been her care-giver. I'm going to check with the Health Dept. tomorrow and see if they have a supply.
As Will just commented, it takes a special kind of genius to break into someone's house and leave your facebook account open. Right up there with giving someone you're robbing your name so they can write you a check.
Margy, didn't see any sign of Freddie Gantt---forgot to ask Bill if he's heard anything new on his condition. Can't remember if he had said the cancer was back in the brain or metasticized someplace.
Thank you so much for reporting on your phone call to Dana, and speaking with ED ! That was a cheerful message....glad to hear he was enjoying his afternoon ☺
Hedgie...I sincerely hope someone got a picture of you in the driver's seat! I am so glad the weather improved for today's activities, yesterday sure was love love those old cars!
WANDA---Health Department giving flu shots 1-3:30 on Mondays and 9am-3pm on Fridays. Swine flu vacc not in yet. Probably by middle of Oct. Also, reg. flu shot being given at Walgreens weekdays. I will stop in there tomorrow on way back from lunch!
Margy, Christie was going to take a pic of me, but wind-blown effect was not conducive to my desire to be photographed!!! They also had a Blackhawk helicopter that, along with the crew present, had served in Iraq. It left while we were there, and got pics of it in the air.
Oh one time local law enforcement agency (won't name it) was given a call for a burglar alarm at a residence in the Woods Resort. Dispatcher for that agency called the residence, spoke with a gentleman who said it was an accidental set off....and police did not go. Guess What! Dispatcher was talking with the burglar ! We don't have that privilege of calling where I work...except in unusual circumstances which I can't name...
I understand completely glad you got the experience anyway...would love to have been there, and seen the Blackhawk and met the crew... makes my heart skip a beat just hearing about it....
One of my favorite crime-stopper stories occured in PA last year. Man broke into elderly lady's house, she grabbed her gun, help the burglar at gunpoint and made HIM call 9-1-1 - I love it !
Speaking of stupid criminals, one of my neighbors in Columbus tried to rob a grocery store. He had the store manager and gunpoint, and the manager asked to make a phone call. He said okay, so the manager called the police and they came and arrested the robber.
Wild Watch cams streaming video of the Burrowing Owls and the Eagles MT nest are up/running. Nothing in the PA woods No bears on the snowman cam No deer or foxes on the Okie Bird Cam
Pandas: Diego is alone napping.. DC panda napping.....
Okay I am getting ready to go out and look for -3.4 brightness ISS, (7:34 pm start transit time here for m e ) - and for those who have never looked, you just orient yourself to the direction it shows, in my case it is WNW - and at some point you will see a nice zippy yellow round thing start across the sky - no blinking lights, and it will sail across out of sight.... Hope some of you can see it
Criminals are stupid to begin with because they think they won't get caught! And then some are SO stupid that they help authorities nab them!! LOL! Gotta love little ol' ladies! Yes, saw the pic in the Weekender, Margy...he looked better in it than he did the last time I saw him in person. Sure would love to be invited to his house for a gander at the view!!
As for the SKINS.....all I can say is they deserved to lose---didn't use Cooley until the end form what SIL said, plus letting Jon Jansen go and he's with Detroit now...I do think it's time for Snyder to give Zorn the boot. Congrats, Ravens fans!!!
Think I'm going to the sofa and try to catch a panda nap before Cold Case comes on. It's been a long day with a lot of walking in the wind---wears me out big-time. And handicapped parking is a joke----front row parking but still forever and a mile away from the site.
Well, that was a GOOD flyover...a little more darkness would have been nice...but I'll take it. It takes a few viewings to get the hang of where it is going to come from, in this case, was pretty much due West but partly North, and went across the sky SSE - went straight thru between the Moon and Jupiter. Sometimes it seems a little DUI in its path, and when it starts to get away from the sun's glare it starts to turn reddish and then Poof! out like a light bulb.
Well, that is all my yakking for awhile, got to go take care of a couple of errands away from the house.
«Oldest ‹Older 401 – 529 of 529THIS IS LIVE!
Good morning, everyone.
Deb and Jo thanks for the PA link. I really like it.
Beautiful morning at Finland. Not like my real-life view this morning of overcast and drizzle.
Will be scarce today. Need to try to complete exam questions, read some on perception of sensory information, AND having lunch with a former student who works for Interpol -- cool lady. I'll check back later.
Everyone enjoy the day.
MORNIN JUDIE!---Sounds as if you are going to have an interesting lunch companion!--ENJOY!
KRIS KRISTOFFERSON was just interviewed again!---Loved him--way back---was COOL~---RHODES SCHOLAR!!! at 16 for Fri. night.
Good morning!
When is the Chris Packham interview supposed to take place? I had some trouble figuring out who the man is, but did some research and found him and his foolishness.
Judie, are you working on mid-term exam questions or are you already writing your final?
Okay, found the Packham interview and watched it online.
Good Sunday Morning Eagle Friends
Sun starting to shine here in Martinsburg, the middle county of the far Eastern Panhandle three.
I got the Trojan virus alert that many of you have talked about, right after my last early morning post, while I was checking a site on Google...said I had 12 viruses, about flipped out, but did the Verizon Security Scan (which took over 5 hours) and it did not detect any. Think I will leave sleeping dogs lie for now...hope the PC does not crash. If I disappear suddenly during the day, you might know that is what happened.
Windows PC Defender wanted me to run a file "vetcuof" and I was not sure I trusted that site....any ideas on this?
Best Wishes for a Great Day for all ☺
Eagle at BWO looks soggy...
Have you tried Googling that site, Margy? I know that's what my sons the computer guys do.
Do not download that one, Margy!
Okay, thanks Shirley !
I was tempted, but the Verizon Security is supposed to take care of things, and this one, I just didn't want to hit that button.
Ask, and receive, on here,
I Love It !
I do have some places on my home computer that I use. I'll check in a few minutes.
That's ok Shirley, take your time....I do appreciate any and all computer assistance that is offered here.
I will be out of the house for a little while...
What I said about the sun, I now have to retract...but maybe, later.
Loved your comments Wanda about Dustin...It's always an inspiration to others to see a healthy happy teenager these days.
Going to try to visit Megan's Market while I am out, work pager attached to my bibs....
TTFN - hope to return to a working computer later on...
xoxox ☺ ♥
I see you have to wait until Thursday to enjoy the 'Eeeeeeers !
I got a really ugly virus on my work computer one time. I am sure a student got to my computer. No matter what I tried to do, it typed a profane statement. I could not use the computer to do anything I had to type. Some other teachers got it, too. We did not have as much of a tech team as we have now, and nobody could fix it.
Eventually I got a message that I could use my computer again and a link to the site that caused the problem. It was all pre-set by this rascal. We had strong suspicions about who was responsible, but could not prove it.
That's just plain nasty, Shirley...
I really need to take some computer classes, or do more self-teaching...most of what I do at home is stumble and bumble, and everything at work is taken care of by skillled technicians.
Well, out the door I go, once I get dressed.
TTFN and Thanks again !
xo ☺
good morning eagle peeps
Finally, the sun is shining in Bedford. We sure did need the rain though.
Margy, I have used Ad-Aware and Spybot Search and Destroy in addition to my regular virus protection program. They are free downloads. I suggest that you research them before you use them.
Just google them.
Yes, it was plain nasty. We depend so much on our computers now that I would be in a real mess, but I think we are more protected, too. The system blocks many websites. Of course, some kids know how to get around the blocks.
Getting ready to head out ....sun is starting to peek through. GOing to the Norwalk Festival at the fairgrounds----Norwalk is a car brand that was built in Martinsburg w-a-y back when. Only one known left in existence and local club bought it for 300G's. On display--fundraiser to pay off loan. There is going to be a GM Futurliner there---a bus from the early 40's that toured the country until mid-50's presenting technology innovations. NEVER heard of it before---strange for this GM gal! Gotta see it and take pics.
Later, gators!
Happy Sunday Morning Eagle Buds. It's a misty moisty morning here, but not really raining.
Prayers for all, & if I haven't gone totally over the edge, prayers for beaver at Park. We have a less than mile circle of boardwalk thru marsh that has a creek runing thru middle.Creek empties into River near our boat ramp. In March, I saw that area closer to River was getting flooded w/water coming close to bottom of walkway. NOW after all this time, they set up a trap! I saw it TU---looks terrible.Black bars at waterline between 4 black metal poles.I checked MD DNR sites and this is legal and they don't relocate anymore,however "harassing" beaver by poking holes in dam can sometimes make them abandon area!
Sat. another lady & I checked after work & only saw some support tobacco stakes, NO trap. Either it's been removed, or fell underwater. YAY, I hope.
Thx for listening--sorry to be a pest, but I had to tell somebody. I hate this,(told hubby I might resign!!!) altho they may think it's necessary. I sure would have tried another solution first,but I'm not the boss.
Loretta, the Fish hatchery in Yankton is doing the same to Raccoons. I do understand why they have to, they are eating the fish, but it seems such a shame. The raccoon population had exploded due to abundant food source.
New Mason update, got to go to work, no time to post link.
Thx for info, Deb. What is strange to me is that we haven't seen a lodge & little mud ribbons if dams are very small and you could touch them, so very easy to make holes. A co-worker did just that in March when I mentioned the dam and flooding of boardwalk and a patron reported him to the Commission for "distrubing" the dam!!!!He had to explain he was trying to prevent injury to visitors from slipping on wet walkway by trying to lower the water level!!!Where is she now?----to have seen that ugly trap???
I can see where it's bad to have a fish hatchery attacked. I thought they were vegetarians.
Oh well, enough of that~~~☺
I see a tiny bit of sun and am hoping to plant a replacement mum I got. My burgandy croaked, but gold is budding---for the Redskins of course!!! Gotta also take one of my HS bulletin boards apart while kitties are napping. They're so helpful!!!!
Loretta, how many kitties do you have? Are they kittens?
BTW, about a year ago I had a problem virus attack also.Didin't do a lot of damage, but I got free AdAware and another similar remover and only ran them a couple times.I bought something for a year called Stopzilla-=--it found lots of little stuff.
Now we just got a new anti-virus and with phone techie help (only$49) to remove expiring one at some other bits and pieces), learned that those other removers are not compatible w/A-V. He removed everything else----the new A-V should cover everything. Machine is much faster too. Good tip to find out if these things are compatible.
GooD Sunday MorninG
to You aLL
Still cool and somewhat foggy here, but we are due for another steamer today. Should be cooling some in the near future.
Hooded Crow at the Finney ferry nest.
Shirley,We had a wonderful dog & then didn't have any pets for 10 years. We only have 2 cats. One is 3 yrs. old & a year ago someone dumped a kitten near our house. She is about 1 yr. old. We use July as their birthdays according to vet estimates.I call them kitties affectionately.The older one is the more clever inquisitive one---into lots of things. She may be part dog---invented "Go Fetch" w/toy mousie herself when a kitten. Carries it to your lap & then sits and waits for you to throw it, then retrieves.She also takes mousie and other small stuffed animals to the food dish! She answers the answering machine by tipping over the upright phone, and stepped on a fax machine button which caused it to shoot out & cut a strip of paper. I leave all messages to "Binky, tell Daddy that...." Sometimes sits in one of the 'puter chairs----then we call her (Binky) the Techie. The little one we named Scooter, because she was SO fast---trying to stay ahead of Binky during chase sessions.She is sweet (but doesn't want to be held) and meows at you to pet her----mostly observes Binky, but doesn't follow suit in B's shenanigans, thank goodeness.
BBL--try to get outside & dig!!!
Cats can be very amusing. My daughter has a cat who brings toys to you so you can play with him. At one time, he would put his toys back in the basket when he finished playing with them. I have had him drag one of those toys that look like a fishing pole to me when I was sleeping in bed. He wanted me to play. Brought the toy right to the bed.
GO Ravens! GO Redskins!
By the way, the Loch Garten Osprey chicks have finally begun to move again. Especially the first one to start the migration has passed through Bordeaux and flown to somewhere near the Spanish border.
I can read the blog, but they did something different and I can't see the map today.
I noticed that Diego has been trying very hard to turn over the last couple of days, and I saw him turn from his back to his belly (eventually) last night, and now I just saw him do it again. I guess that isn't all butter fat he's carrying.....
I sometimes follow the S. D. Chargers, who have done pretty well so far this season.
They've got some important players down already, and they're hosting the Dolphins today ... should be a very interesting game.
I'll for sure root for the Chargers for you today. Is LT healthy?
Hi, Eagle Gang,
It was foggy here again this morning, but the sun has burned through, and it promises to be hot and steamy. Since it was much cooler earlier, I was out doing some much-needed trimming and pruning in the back yard. When the sun burned through, was forced to come inside.
Our new resident Mockingbird gave us a nice concert early this morning! Gosh, it's nice to have one back. I was surprised that the sparrows, house finches, and Mourning doves all came down to the patio feeders to get some breakfast while I was busy pruning roses. They must've been really hungry!
Margy, hope you are able to get your computer straightened out! Prayers for techie wisdom!
Well, gotta do more Anatomy homework--hope to get to go to a movie this afternoon, if I can get enough of it done. Have a great day, and I'll be back later to check in. Oh--Judie, your lunch sounds really interesting! Hope we all get an update later!
Washington down 13-0: Ravens up 20-0
WOW! 27 - up for Ravens now.......
Didn't really think there would be much competition with the Browns.
We'll take that WIN !
Hi T-Bird!
hey Mema Jo-yeah a win is a win!
Hi T-Bird, Mema Jo, Loretta, Shirley, Andrea, Jim...uh, did I miss anyone ?
Saw Megan today at market, once again she is as pretty as, no make that, prettier than, her posies!
I got two nice bouquets at her stand, amd then from a few other marketeers, two tomatoes, one mum, and one "Chocolate Chip Ajuga" plant.
Get this: the mum is orange colored, and has a stake in it with a name: "Warm Megan" !
I didn't see that until I got home...
So my PC didn't crash in my absence. I appreciate all the computer advice and am making copies of the various posts.
Lots of drama at PRP Loretta, sorry to hear of all this....I think we were on or near that boardwalk on our Field Trip, right?
But I know you are out digging and that is probably what I should be doing also...time to get the Fall Stoop ready here ☺
Saw the milkweed pods again, and those little orange and black bugs, are now Adult Milkweed Bugs, with the coloring that shows up in Google...I will post pictures later.
That Norwalk Car Show that Hedgie mentioned and is at, is one I dearly wanted to go to, and take the grandson...but I ended up being on call for work and I can't make plans that I can't unmake quickly.
If we had finished the adoption papers, you adopting me, I could have done many things differently this week-end as a kid...including going to Catonsville for the Mass and breakfast....Dang! ☺ ♥
Wah, I am confused again. I thought this was Sunday, but the Eagle Cam Daily "Open Up" page says this is Friday !
"I've done expended all my energy" with my last few to go do laundry and make a second BLT -
In my city neighborhood in the mornings, I have crows, blue jays, and Carolina Wrens, and some over-winter Canada Geese flying this way and that a'honking like crazy.
I love those morning sounds, but would love to have a mockingbird in the mix too.
xo TTFN - really.....
Hi family, guess where I am.? Im in Shepherdstown.Bill drove straight through. We will be here today and tomorrow for lunch. We are now going to the pub and listen to music. There is live Irish music playing,.If you need me my number is 916-837-0030. We would love to see anyone that can make it. Sorry this is last minute but I have no control. We are at the Clarion.
Great Anne-Marie
The skies have opened up and are pouring out sunshine - I think you brought it with you! Oh enjoy yourself....wish I could be there, cannot either today or tomorrow -
Got the call from Anne. I'll be calling you locals....... 12 noon lunch tomorrow at Rumsey.
Well, It is RED's Birthday Monday, so maybe you can propose a toast - especially since he has to spend the day getting his gallbladder removed - someone needs to celebrate his birthday ☺
On FB there have been lots and lots of good b-day wishes and prayers for the removal of his gall bladder! E-Cards could have the send date of Today - he may not feel like opening them tomorrow.
If you can meet for lunch with AnneMarie send email to Wanda or myself.
12 noon lunch Clarion
I wanted an idea to send names to
NCTC for security in case we go over.
Margy and Dana are not available. :<(
Only get 1/2 hour for lunch on Sunday's, if I had looked I would have brought my lunch. I'll check in later.
I had called Dana - Ed answered the phone and he really did sound great!
Joking about getting ready to watch his
Steeler's game. I know he sounded
perky due to sitting on the couch and behaving himself! Really really good to hear his voice!
Nobody is saying anything about the Redskins. Maybe it is better that way.
I wonder what movie Andrea went to see?
'Meatballs' wins at box office for a second straight Sunday
Enjoy your lunch tomorrow, Jo, Ann-Marie, and everyone else who will be there.
Thanks Shirley - be thinking about you!
Have fun at your lunch tomorrow. Not too much laughter, now!!!
Having sort of a down day here. Jack opened the paper and saw where a friend of his had been killed Saturday while out riding his bike. NOT the way to learn of such, nor the way to start the day. He was 55, a VP at Lockheed/Martin. A great guy with two sons still in college. He was a very good friend, a member of the group that gets together to each lunch every other week.
Laurel is really sick. Times like this I sure wish she was not an hour away. She does have Joey and her MIL, if she will get off her tush and help!!! (Excuse me!)
Have you and Anne-Marie met before?
Eat....not each!!!! Ahhhhh!
Yes, I met AM last year.
I guess you have. Looks like she was at the get-together in 2007.
Met her brother and her sister in law. We sat at the same table for dinner and then we were all in the group that went on the train ride. After the train ride we had lunch. More fun!
On the Eagle Express last year..Jack and myself, Norma and her daughter, Paula, Deb, Anne Marie, her brother and sister in law. Did I leave anyone out?
Anne-Marie definitely gets around.
My high light of the trip last year was after the train ride. That evening we met Deb and Paula at the nest. And there we spent time looking at Belle and Lib in the tree. I was so excited! Had not seen them at the nest on Saturday and open house.
That would be really exciting,Lolly.
I wish you could be there again this year, Lolly.
WOW, eagle back at BWO!
Double WOW! Just read back and see Anne-Marie is at Clarion!!Welcome to East coast!! I take it you probably won't be around for next month's Open House. I would come for lunch, but I'm sure the warden would have a fit about going there 2 times so close together.Anne-Marie and her brother, SIL, Lolly & Jack, Ed & Dana were all at our table last year & Deb was close by. Not sure what table.
Well, here I am back again.
Margie, I'm sorry I got confused - I guess it is still Friday -- wish that were true as I need many more hours to prepare for school next week. Too much time lost this weekend doing other stuff.
Lunch was fun. Was reminded why I didn't like govt work -- too many cooks in the kitchen who don't know a pot from a pan.
Shirley, preparing first midterms.
Lolly, so very sorry Laurel is so sick. Prayers that she recovers very, very soon. She would, for sure, if you were there.
Shirley had a good observation about someone coming in new and reading the blog -- would surely wonder about the Trojan virus. Reminds me of when I thought Boris was an inappropriate blogger.
Hope those lunching tomorrow have a wonderful time -- ENJOY!
Off to try to get the kinks out of my shoulders from sitting at the computer writing questions. Not all that hungry as lunch was late.
Just read way back & I made a stupid comment about Deb's animals, thinking they were vegetarians. I was thinking beavers, & she mentioned raccoons!!! DUH
Got my burgandy mum planted, but didn't help the Deadskins. Boy, are they flat---Fubby thinks Zorn will be gone. I have more faith.
Went and got some steamed crabs, so better get cracking.
Maybe I can send Red a combo card ☺
I think, there might be two side by side at BWO, kinda hard to tell...
Good evening. Haven't caught up yet, but just hearing on news that Loretta's shopping center was evacuated for another gas leak...luckily, explosion was prevented by fast FF response!!! They said this would have been worse than the one that took out her favorite Ledo's!
I just want to know if you saw the GM bus, Hedgie...and hope you got pictures ! I wanted to go see it, very much, saw a little pic on a flyer we had at the office.
Judie, I wish for both you AND I that it was still Friday, I could use another couple of days off. Back to the grind in the morning.
early. as in 0600.
Oh boy, here is an entertaining tale:
guy in Martinsburg breaks into a house, steals some things including two expensive diamond rings. Dummy decides to check his Facebook on the victim's computer while he is inside stealing. Forgets to log off !! Guess who got caught....
this was in August, so it is old news...
And here is something else entertaining. The other night when I couldn't sleep I started wondering why most dinner plates are round, so I looked up Square Dinner plates on ebay, and found some beautiful samples.
Went to the Rescue Mission store Saturday (cheaper prices than Goodwill) and found a lovely, Mikasa International Ivory plate, flower design, for 50-cents!!! Checked ebay again for prices, cheapest single plate on there like this was at least 9 dollars.
I am one happy thrift shopper.
Margy, that is so funny! He was definitely a facebook addict. lol
Loreeda....think of me this year at open house! Sure wish I was going to be there, sitting beside you again.
Thank you, Shirley! I certainly wish I could be there. You are going to LOVE meeting everyone and I will be there next year! Wahoo!
But my best bargain was today, at Megan's flower stand....astoundingly beautiful flowers, and it was fun pulling out my special vases to put them in.
TTFN things to do....
Hey - good chance to see ISS tonight in Berkeley County, hope it is dark enough to view:
check for your area:
ISS Flyover times
AND, we might finally see the moon, already at half full...☺
Lolly, sorry about Laurel's illness and the death of Jack's friend....glad Jack has you there for comfort....
Yes, we will miss having you at Open House and the dinners
Lolly, please accept my apology for an oversight and also accept my sympathy for the death of Jack's friend and yours. Prayers for all.
Margie, cops love a stuuuuupid criminal -- makes for an easy collar.
What Skins?
Deb was at my table last year, along with Mits, Ceil, Mary Margaret, Sissy, Mattie and Suz. Think that was A-M's 2nd year attending! She is a lot of fun---will enjoy tomorrow's visit.
Loretta, sorry about the beaver drama....sad. Now you know you won't resign! You love your job too much---and you know how we all envy you!
All right! Who knocked me off? Was that you Lynn? I typed a paragrah and then got the conficting post notice. I think it was you Lynn! LOL
What I said, before I was interrupted need to apologize Judie!
I also had a prayer request. We are due to leave next Sunday, with Jacob, for New Mexico. We do not want him to catch Laurel's bug now, nor on the trip. This is a trip that has been planned for years!
Love you, Lynn! Hope you know I am only kidding and giving you a hard time.
Lolly, so sorry that Jack had to find out about his friend that way---please give him as well as yourself my sympathy. And praying that Laurel gets over her bug quickly. Is it respiratory or intestinal? Guess teachers are susceptible to alot of stuff goung around. Poor girl.
Norma, saw both of those interviews this morning. Thanks for heads up.
Yep, Margy, saw the bus and the Norwalk and got pics! Very cool! Even got to sit in the drivers' seat of the Futurliner---high up there---almost more like a locomotive!
Lolly, somehow I read right over the news in your post earlier. I am so sorry about the death of Jack's friend, and I do hope Laurel gets better soon. I think you must have posted it while I was typing my next message.
It is respiratory, fever, aches, gunk...sounds like the flu. She is going to the doctor tomorrow. Several teacher are out, one school in our area has closed as so many were absent. The school gives the teachers free flu shots, but they have not done it yet. They should have doen it much earlier!!!
I was just gong to chat a bit, but see it is time for 60 minutes, then the Amazing Race. Guess I will hold off til later.
Hi and bye,Wanda!
My Mom's doctor office DOES NOT have any flu vaccine and don't know when they will get any. First time in the 12 years that I have been her care-giver. I'm going to check with the Health Dept. tomorrow and see if they have a supply.
Oh, Lolly, of course I know you are just teasing!
Definitely prayers that Jacob won't get sick!
Margy, read that stoopid criminal story! DUH!!!
Congrats on your good buy!
As Will just commented, it takes a special kind of genius to break into someone's house and leave your facebook account open. Right up there with giving someone you're robbing your name so they can write you a check.
Margy, didn't see any sign of Freddie Gantt---forgot to ask Bill if he's heard anything new on his condition. Can't remember if he had said the cancer was back in the brain or metasticized someplace.
Thank you so much for reporting on your phone call to Dana, and speaking with ED ! That was a cheerful message....glad to hear he was enjoying his afternoon ☺
Hedgie...I sincerely hope someone got a picture of you in the driver's seat! I am so glad the weather improved for today's activities, yesterday sure was love love those old cars!
I wonder how long Ceil's computer is going to be out, and what made it crash!
WANDA---Health Department giving flu shots 1-3:30 on Mondays and 9am-3pm on Fridays. Swine flu vacc not in yet. Probably by middle of Oct.
Also, reg. flu shot being given at Walgreens weekdays. I will stop in there tomorrow on way back from lunch!
Lynn, you saw Fred's picture in the Week-ender section of the paper Thursday, right? I sure hope he can beat this illness...
Margy, Christie was going to take a pic of me, but wind-blown effect was not conducive to my desire to be photographed!!! They also had a Blackhawk helicopter that, along with the crew present, had served in Iraq. It left while we were there, and got pics of it in the air.
Oh one time local law enforcement agency (won't name it) was given a call for a burglar alarm at a residence in the Woods Resort. Dispatcher for that agency called the residence, spoke with a gentleman who said it was an accidental set off....and police did not go. Guess What! Dispatcher was talking with the burglar ! We don't have that privilege of calling where I work...except in unusual circumstances which I can't name...
Duh, double Duh....
I understand completely glad you got the experience anyway...would love to have been there, and seen the Blackhawk and met the crew...
makes my heart skip a beat just hearing about it....
Moon already out of course....remember, if skies are clear Tuesday Sept 29 - Moon and Jupiter will be paired up nicely....after sunset....
One of my favorite crime-stopper stories occured in PA last year. Man broke into elderly lady's house, she grabbed her gun, help the burglar at gunpoint and made HIM call 9-1-1 - I love it !
Lolly Depending what the Dr says it is that Laurel has --- ever consider taking Jacob home with you?
HELD the burglar at gunpoint that is, sorry
Speaking of stupid criminals, one of my neighbors in Columbus tried to rob a grocery store. He had the store manager and gunpoint, and the manager asked to make a phone call. He said okay, so the manager called the police and they came and arrested the robber.
Wild Watch cams streaming video of the Burrowing Owls and the Eagles MT nest
are up/running.
Nothing in the PA woods
No bears on the snowman cam
No deer or foxes on the Okie Bird Cam
Pandas: Diego is alone napping..
DC panda napping.....
10:00 tonight is COLD CASE........
Okay I am getting ready to go out and look for -3.4 brightness ISS, (7:34 pm start transit time here for m e ) - and for those who have never looked, you just orient yourself to the direction it shows, in my case it is WNW - and at some point you will see a nice zippy yellow round thing start across the sky - no blinking lights, and it will sail across out of sight....
Hope some of you can see it
Back in a few....xoxo ☺
Criminals are stupid to begin with because they think they won't get caught! And then some are SO stupid that they help authorities nab them!! LOL! Gotta love little ol' ladies!
Yes, saw the pic in the Weekender, Margy...he looked better in it than he did the last time I saw him in person.
Sure would love to be invited to his house for a gander at the view!!
As for the SKINS.....all I can say is they deserved to lose---didn't use Cooley until the end form what SIL said, plus letting Jon Jansen go and he's with Detroit now...I do think it's time for Snyder to give Zorn the boot.
Congrats, Ravens fans!!!
Think I'm going to the sofa and try to catch a panda nap before Cold Case comes on. It's been a long day with a lot of walking in the wind---wears me out big-time. And handicapped parking is a joke----front row parking but still forever and a mile away from the site.
Well, that was a GOOD flyover...a little more darkness would have been nice...but I'll take it. It takes a few viewings to get the hang of where it is going to come from, in this case, was pretty much due West but partly North, and went across the sky SSE - went straight thru between the Moon and Jupiter. Sometimes it seems a little DUI in its path, and when it starts to get away from the sun's glare it starts to turn reddish and then Poof! out like a light bulb.
Well, that is all my yakking for awhile, got to go take care of a couple of errands away from the house.
TTFN Good Sunday Evenings to You'uns.
Me too Hedgie, bet the view is outta sight!
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