Saturday, September 12, 2009


Weekend thread.


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grannyblt said...

Thanks for the new thread. Now I have to go back and see what I've missed:))

normabyrd said...

Thanks STEVE for the NEW CLEAN thread!!----Wishing you a restful weekend!---Thanks GRANNYBIT the new thread!!---WILL CALL THE CREW OVER!

Judie said...

Thank you, Steve. Hope you have enjoyed a lovely weekend!

Just checking in before leaving for the kitchen. Be back after dinner. Steak with oven-crispy yukons and salad. Yum!

Hope Shirley struck a good deal with the furniture salesman.


Lolly said...

Have finished Jacob's birthday cake. Now remember, I am not a pro, just a Grandmommy!!! lol

Jacob's cake

normabyrd said...

AFTERNOON JUDIE!---I have been 'LISTENING' to the WVU v ECU FOOTBALL game---It isn't televised!---WHOA!---attempting to listen to it on the RADIO!---


Lolly said...

I also have the Pecan Praline Cheesecake in the oven. Still have a little to do with it, but I have most of the cooking done. Whew! Glad to sit a spell. Will let Jack fix dinner. lol

Lolly said...

Jack and I have been watching TCU play Virginia. Presently 14-0 GO FROGS!

stronghunter said...

Back from the furniture store. I, too, hope I struck a good deal. There were some tiny scratches on the tables and one very small ding on one of them, and I told him that I wanted them all fixed. And I wanted one of the drawers fixed so it moved more smoothly.

I also requested that the tables be removed from display now, so that there is no more risk of damage. They are to be delivered with the other furniture.

Then I offered $50 less than he was asking. He accepted all of that. If they don't fix all of the scratches and dings satisfactorily, I will tell them to take more off the price. We will see. I don't know if I am any good at bargaining, but I gave it my best. Of course, he had already taken $150 off the sale price that was listed on the tables, which was advertised as being 50% off the original price.

I also picked up my little notebook computer, and I am setting it up.

stronghunter said...

ECU? East Carolina University? Just saw that! My school! Yea ECU!

Lolly said...

Sounds like you did very well, Shirley. Just be sure they fix the scratches to your satisfaction.

normabyrd said...

Need to take you shopping with me---I'm a coward----proud of you!

normabyrd said...

HEY KIDS!---Check out LOLLY'S CAKES!---will make your mouth water!!!!!

normabyrd said...

Close game SHIRLEY!----It isn't televised---

stronghunter said...

So what is the score, Norma?

stronghunter said...

Beautiful cake, Lolly.

movin said...

GOOD! A new thread. Thanks, Steve.

Hey, everybody. There's another good scene with Bai and the boy baby. Take a look.

I've got to do around here and go to get some stuff too. Talk to you later.



Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Good evening friends!! I found ya!!

stronghunter said...

Handsome grandson! I love the castle. I can see hours of play with that!

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Yeah, Diego has stolen my heart for sure!! I love that little bear! Wish we could watch Luney 24/7 like this!

Lolly said...

Oh, yes, Shirley. The castle was the big hit. He and his brother have already had lots of play time with it. When he took it home last Sunday, he would not go to bed until all the "guys" were standing. Also there are two dragons and they are cool. lol

stronghunter said...

After I finished Beowulf, I had my students draw either their idea of Grendel or the fire-breathing dragon. I got some pretty good dragons.

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

I think I have decided what my true vocation should be. I should be a camera operator for a panda cam either in San Diego or Atlanta or NZ!! That is it, my dream job!!

stronghunter said...

Sounds like a good job, Sissy.

normabyrd said...

Who wanted the ZUCCHINI PIE? (in yesterday's paper--AMISH COOK)

1 1/2 teasp ground cinnamon
1 tbl fresh lemon juice
1 1/2 tbl ground allspice
1 1/4 cups sugar
1 1/4 cups all purpose flour
1 tbl butter
pinch of salt

Preheat the oven to 375°. In a large bowl, combine the Zucchini, cinnamon, lemon juice & allspice.
Stir until the Zucchini is evenly coated & then add the sugar, flour, butter & salt. Continue to stir until lthe mixture is well blended. Spoon into the prepared pie crust. Use some water to wet the rim of the bottom crust which will help both crusts adhere together. Cover the pie with the top crust, crimping the crusts together all the way around. Bake for 30 to 45 min. or until golden brown.

normabyrd said...

I think it was MARGY----Remember DEB had just eaten it on her day off!!

normabyrd said...

ECU 20 --- WVU 28 3rd qtr

It's on radio & I don't do radio well----

Lolly said...

TCU 30 Virginia 0

I'm a happy camper!

normabyrd said...

ps--pie needs 2 - 9" pie crusts

stronghunter said...

Go Pirates! :)

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Norma, Tom is watching the game live on my laptop!

Mits said...

don't quit you day job, Sissy....does jobs don't pay:)

Mits said...

busy today, but no rain finally...

normabyrd said...

With that score LOLLY--- guess you are a happy camper--ho!
LOLLY---Didn't realize JACK made all toys!!---WOW!---YOU FOLKS ARE TALENTED!!!

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Shout Mits, I WOULD PAY THEM to let me do that!!!!

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

I mean shoot!! Not shout!

Mits said...

off to fix dinner...bbl.

Lolly said...

Oh, yes, Norma. Jack does beautiful work. Our home as well as Laurel's is stocked with bookcases he has built. He has also built three beautiful display cabinets. Not to mention meany toys and gifts. He stays busy in his workshop.

Lolly said...

End of game

TCU 30 Virginia 14

stronghunter said...

Got the game, but the score does not look promising from my point of view.

Lolly said...


Many not meany!

stronghunter said...

Thanks for the info, Sissy.

normabyrd said...

Thanks ---THANKS for that info SISSY!---I FOUND I can do that too!--But this is the first game I can remember when the game wasn't televised!!---We have too many penalties!---WOW!!

WVU 35------ECU 20

WHOA!---Lots of WV kids hurt!!!

stronghunter said...

Okay, I am watching the football on my work laptop and blogging on my new notebook. Cool! I set it up and connected to the network. I am impressed with myself.

stronghunter said...

I need somebody to remind me how to keep that danged security message from popping up every time I post a message.

normabyrd said...

WOW!---MARSHALL UNIVERSITY IS GETTING WALLOOPED!----My sister's school!----WVU plays them later in the season!

stronghunter said...

Think I have the info. Going to try it.

normabyrd said...

GAME OVER----WVU---35 ECU 20

stronghunter said...


stronghunter said...

Eagle Alert

stronghunter said...

They were both there. Now one.

normabyrd said...

I am proud of you too!!---SHIRLEY!

stronghunter said...


normabyrd said...

SISSY!---Where is BLUEFIELD SHARON?? Just because she moved to VA---doesn't mean she can't yell for WV -- MOUNTAINEERS!! ho!

Lolly said...

An eagle!!! Thanks for the heads up!

stronghunter said...

I have been yelling from two computers and nobody noticed!

stronghunter said...

Nice visit. One still here.

gwen of s.c. said...

Can't believe I finally saw one of our eagles. It's about time and Thanks Jo for telling me about the still cam. Hello everyone. Hope your weather is as good as ours.

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,

Just checking back really quickly; have been doing Anatomy homework.

Thanks, Steve, for the nice new thread! Hope you're having a good Saturday!

Think that because of a senior moment I forgot to say,
Norma, so sorry to hear of the loss of your good friend! Prayers for you, and for her family!

Shirley, sounds like you made a really good deal with the furniture guy! Do you hire out? When I finally get to the point when I'm ready for new furniture, I want to take you along with me!!
lol ;oD

BTW, Norma, thanks for the Zucchini Pie recipe! Soon as it's cool enough around here to be using the oven, I'm gonna try it!

Yeah, me too regarding the pop up security message! Pesky thing...

Lolly, LOVE the birthday cake--AND the fantastic front-loader! Wow, it's amazing!

Judie, your dinner menu has me drooling all over myself! Yum!!!

Well, better go finish my homework for today. Nose to the grindstone, as they say....

stronghunter said...

Gone now.

stronghunter said...

Eagle in nest again.

Lolly said...

Weather could not be any better here....71 and raining all day! Praise the Lord!!

stronghunter said...

Got two images of the eagle with two computers. My eyes are getting tired.

Lolly said...


stronghunter said...


stronghunter said...


stronghunter said...

My new little notebook came with a disk, but I do not see anywhere to insert it. It is a cute little computer.

Two eagles!!!

Lolly said...

Two eagles!!!!

normabyrd said...

I saw the EAGLE!!!!---I saw the EAGLE!!-----didn't yell--because I watched ND get beat by MICHIGAN in the last few mins! DARN!----(WVU'S old coach)

stronghunter said...

You can't win them all, Norma.

stronghunter said...

One left, one still there.

normabyrd said...

sHIRLEY---Did you check down on the side---

stronghunter said...


Mits said...

back with a stick

stronghunter said...

Looked all around. There is a little button that looks like it would open a place for the disk, but I so not see a door.

Eagle has returned. They are wearing me out.

Mits said...

so much will be missed with these eagles if we don't get live feed til the winter....very disappointing

stronghunter said...

Maybe we will learn more about the progress of the cam negotiations at open house.


Lolly said...

They are working hard on that nest. Woopee!

Cheese cake is finished. Just remembered that is what I took to WV and Sat nite dinner last year. lol Hauled all the way from Texas!

stronghunter said...

Nest light is on.

Lolly said...

Darn! We can not see the interaction between the two without the live video.

Mits said...

poof one

Mits said...

won't even see the mating and the nestorations.

Lolly said...

And back again!

stronghunter said...

When do they usually mate?

Mits said...

starting in December...they will lay the eggs in an, but leading up to the mating, they do lots of nestorations and it is so much fun to watch...Lib will arrange something, and Belle comes right behind him and changes it....

Mema Jo said...

Just got home - Great that we got a fresh thread.

WOWSIE 2 in the nest

stronghunter said...


Jo, they keep coming and going.

Mits said...

that should be lay eggs in z and j's are sticking...

Lolly said...

I think we are seeing some nestorations tonight. They have been coming and going. Sometimes heads down.

Lolly said...


stronghunter said...

I had to buy some of that spray stuff to clean out my keys awhile back. Lots of cat hair and crumbs.

Lolly said...

Jo, go to the post at 5:19.

Mits said...

is it like air in a can, Shirley?

Lolly said...

You know, I miss listening to the nest. Many nights we knew they were close by because of the sounds we heard.

Mits said...

well going out to see if I can see the ISS, in my area, this is the last night till the 19th to see it.

stronghunter said...

Yes. Air in a can.

Mits said...

too cloudy, not going to see it tonight

normabyrd said...

LOLLY---We gotta have faith---I believe Steve will find some one to help keep it going---as soon as he can!---

normabyrd said...

Isn't this the night HEDGIE--DANA & ED go to see CHARLEY DANIELS BAND??----

magpie said...

Yes Ma'am Norma
Charlie should be picking right about now ♪ ♫ and Lynn should be Grinnin' ☺

Weather is still holding out okay, in fact it was a gorgeous sunset without the was lurking behind the clouds !
Hi Folks ! ♥

magpie said...

..and Ed and Dana, I wasn't sure they were going because I can't keep up with all these posts !

magpie said...



normabyrd said...

need to get some food--

NatureNut said...

Evening Everyone!!!Been busy & away from 'puter, but see I just missed the eagles.
Was at Park today & it was on my mind to stop by nest area on way home because of Lib & Belle's behavior + didn't see them in AM. Couple juvie ospreys are still around and some passing thru.One I've seen cam back to his same branch to eat at top of bank near a window!!!!!Good Boy! Also saw several great egrets.
On way out, parked up the hill from the "stream valley nest area, walked down roadd & on top of a silverish dead tree trunk WAS an eagle! Pretty close to road, but it saw me at the same time & flew way back. Boo, but that brilliant white and dark brown is in my mind!
Leftover crabs are warmiing, so BBL......

magpie said...

Good for you hard-working on Saturday Loretta ☺

I surely missed all the Eagle things tonight, was out communing with nature somewhere else

I agree with Norma, I think Steve will take care of our live cam needs....I really do.

and yes, Norma, It was I who wanted the zucchini pie recipe...I like dessert for dinner you know.
Wouldn't mind some of that praline cream cheese cake either, Lolly !

magpie said...

If Shirley and Andrea don't get it before I post it, I will be back in a few minutes with the security thingy instructions. Sharon or it might be the other eagle-eye Sissy and Paula keep us going on that, but I saved it...back in a few

Shirley! You are a wheeler-dealer! and Andrea, you must be kin to are both Whirling Dervishes !
In fact, I think we might all be kin ! xoxo

magpie said...

1) Go to Tools
2) then Internet Options
3) then Security tab
4) then "custom"
5) then go down to "Miscellaneous
6) and then to "display mixed
7) then, click "enable"

Hope it works and I hope I don't lose this paper I have it written on.

magpie said...

Loretta! you are so right, the more you do the print screen, cut, crop, no save, paste, and save, the easier it becomes!
I am having a blast with it !

Thank you thank you thank you again !

PA Nana said...

Hi everyone! Before I go any further, to those I sent (supposedly) the video of Il Divo singing "Amazing Grace" please accept my apology. Apparently the link did not go through. It was beautiful and sorry you missed it.

Now I have to catch up. You sure do talk alot. :D


magpie said...

I did check the site earlier, and I think it would be polite if they removed the link to the live cam since it ain't so anymore! There are still a lot of great WV things on there....

By the way, WV Dept of Agriculture is giving up the battle on the Emerald Ash Borer...just going to try to contain it from getting outside the borders. Pesky little rascal arrived over here from Asia in 2002 - first in Michigan, and has spread to Ohio, WV, MD, PA, KY, VA, MO, MN, IL, Canada, and was discovered in NY this year too, and I guess a few other states. Think it spread around by means of infested firewood...the larva is what gets to the inside of the trees and wreaks havoc!

magpie said...

not to worry, it's the thought that counts! And besides, I don't have sound feed to a lot of things right least I am not missing out on sounds from OUR nest right now.

magpie said...

Man oh Man, Deb is gonna want to clobber us for being so chatty! Most important thing Deb is that the Royal Pair made an appearance this evening...
and everyone is doing pretty good.

magpie said...

Oh another round for Suzanne on this thread:
Happy Birthday Suzanne....wish you could be joining us here on the Blog on this Very Important Day ! ☺ Hope you feel our "vibes."

Mema Jo said...

I pulled a Wanda - Grandson needed to have computer to check out Emails. I have it back but need to read up on the evening events!

Lolly that Rocket cake is awesome!

Mema Jo said...

I just left a message for Suzanne on Facebook where she was 15 mins ago.
I hope she got herself a lap top for her b-day but then she may just be down at the library!

Mema Jo said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
magpie said...

Cedar Waxwings were busy at "Swanging Bradge " this evening...Pretty little velvet birds....couldn't get any pictures, they move too fast !

Lolly said...

Just looked at my cake pictures again and the first picture looked like a fish to me...not a rocket! So funny!

I really need to run to the store but don't want to get out in the rain. Just remembered I have a luncheon Monday....retired teachers. First meeting of the year and it is always a meal. Thing is Monday is our day to pack, plasnning on leaving for the beach Tuesday. Also, keeping Gus on Monday afternoon. Boy, I am going to be glad to get away!!!

Wonder if I can sneak in to the meeting without a dish?! hee hee

Mema Jo said...


You can hit the refresh every 5 sec if you want. I don't think we will break it. That way you can see almost continuous action between our Love Birds.

magpie said...


You ARE a dish ! ☺

Mema Jo said...

Last year it seemed like mostly all of the eagles were laying eggs earlier then the norm. Mild winter I think.
It is usually the first part of Feb..

magpie said...

Mema Jo
Bet your grandson is tickled to death to be having a Sleepover....enjoy.....☺

magpie said...

one lone burrowing owl is standing on a piece of wood...

magpie said...

I'm headed for the pillows to do some reading, am pretty sure I am going to fall asleep doing that.

So, Good Night if I don't make it back for awhile.....

stronghunter said...

Thanks for the computer info, Margy. I will take care of it.

Think I will copy and save the instructions in case I need them again.

stronghunter said...

I have been on the telephone with Suzi. She had quite a story to tell about her adventures today.

She started out by saying that she had been hiding in her bedroom with a knife and the cats waiting for the police to arrive.

It seems that her boyfriend has a stalker and the stalker followed him to her apartment and was knocking on the door, so the boyfriend was hiding in the bedroom, too, and asking if he should just go talk to the crazy woman at the door. Suzi said no. The woman could be armed.

They called police on the non-emergency number and got put on hold, so they called 911 and got put on hold again. Then they were told that the police were busy, but would come as soon as they could.

Meanwhile, the stalker went back to her car and parked it next to boyfriend's car, then called and told boyfriend that she had left, but they could see her in the car--along with another person. What kind of stalker brings a friend along? They reported this to the police.

An hour after the original call, three police cars showed up and the police ran across the parking lot to the crazy woman's car. When they came to talk to Suzi and boyfriend, they said that they agree that it is a crazy woman and told them how to get a peace order against her.

Police had told crazy woman to stay off the property and not to call Suzi's boyfriend any more, something she has already done 2 or 3 times more since then. I told Suzi that she could come here, but of course she has school and work, and no one wants to have to hide like that.

Mema Jo said...

Lucky you, Loretta in sighting the Real Thing! Grandson said he was out on the Severn recently and for the first time he saw an eagle... He said
he'll never forget that! Must have flown pretty close as Quinn said that eagle was huge!

Mema Jo said...

Shirley that is scary. You're not going to sleep well tonight.
Tell boyfriend to quickly change his phone number(s).

stronghunter said...

They discussed that, but the crazy woman called ahead to announce that she was coming, so he thinks that is useful information to have.

stronghunter said...

Yes, I am going to worry tonight.

Mema Jo said...

You have a point there.

Maybe Judie better get on here and tell us the best actions to take for
Suzie's safety.......

deb said...

I am home and caught up, but am headed to read and watch some tv. Night everyone.

Great cake, Lolly.

Lolly said...

What a scary story! How far away does Suzi live? I know you are really worried.

Mits said...

night Deb....

Lolly said...

Hi, Bye, thanks, Deb!

Lolly said...

Deb poofed like an eagle!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

I just got home from a meeting in Roanoke. Glad to see we have a new thread!

stronghunter said...

Maybe Judie has police friends that would watch over the apartment.

stronghunter said...

Susan lives about 50 miles away.

Mits said...

hi ya, Sharon...

Mits said...

too bad crazy woman can't get arrested, Shirley.

stronghunter said...

She is going to lose her job because she works in the same store with the boyfriend and he is a manager, but that will give her more time to cause problems elsewhere.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Hi ya Mits!

Mits said...

got this from the "Finland" nest site.....guess it loses something in the translation.....

9.9.2009 Doctor ordered the chick to be finished because of its injuries.

Costume Lady said...

I had a stalker once, truly I did! It was Capt. Gene. He wanted to know where I lived so he could come and visit with me. Well, I wasn't sure I wanted him to visit, just yet, so I wouldn't tell him. Well, he knew approx. where I lived and would ride up and down the road looking to see if he could find me. That didn't work, so, one day he followed my school bus home and my friends told me he was following, so, I got off at someone else's house! Took him a long time to find me, but he eventually did. And, you know the rest of the story;)

Costume Lady said...

Jo, I hope your 15 yr. old Quinn helped you some, today. I am so pleased with my 15 yr. old Dustin, I could...give him an extra serving of ice cream:) Ice cream still makes him a happy camper!
He mowed the lawn, raked, cleaned out the gutters on the shop, helped me inside the shop and now he is begging me not to go to church in the morning so that he can finish what he started! Oh, should I or shouldn't I?
I posted some photos of his handiwork on my Wanda's Wishes blog.
Maybe he can get a job in the Summers as a LAWN BOY:)

Costume Lady said...

BTW, I did give him some cash...:)

stronghunter said...

I am sure he appreciates the cash, Wanda.

wvgal_dana said...

Wow Shirley that is really scary. I wouldn't change his phone number yet. He can use that to show messages she leaves plus how many times she calls him. Suzie needs to get an order for no trespassing
probably. Since it is her place this girl is coming to. Boyfriend probably should get a protective order so she can't come within so many feet of him.

Can Suzie have someone with her as much as possible?

Oh Judie we need more info on this bad situation.

Costume Lady said...

I have to tell you that Capt. Gene ventured out today for the first time, on his own. Went to Shepherdstown and then stopped and got some ice cream for Dustin (and Gene).LOL Still using a cane, but says foot feel much better.

wvgal_dana said...

Oh by the way I did not go to Charlie Daniels concert. Ed's breathing is too bad. I didn't want to leave him home alone. He wasn't going anyhow. It was me and some others.

Hoping Lynn has a GREAT time..

stronghunter said...

Suzi said that her boyfriend is going to make sure she gets safely home tomorrow night. He works nights, but will go in late so he can help her get from her car to the apartment.

I am worried that she will get angry when she finds out she has lost her job over this. Someone else is going to tell her, but it is still worrisome.

stronghunter said...

Dana, sorry you did not get to go to the concern, but I understand how you feel about staying close to Ed when he is not well.

Mema Jo said...

Hello Sharon!

Wanda - can't believe you played Hard to Get! But you got him, didn't you.

Domestic/romantic situations are the hardest to protect yourself. You sure this is the right guy for Suzi ?????

Mits said...

Dustin did a great job, Wanda.....good night everyone, prayers for all

Mema Jo said...

Dana - it was a concert outside wasn't it? Hope Hedgie took a blanket if it was.

stronghunter said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mema Jo said...

Good Night Helen

Are you staying down for the SunFest activities?

I don't know why I ask friends a question after they say good night!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Because sometimes it takes 3 or 4 or 5 times before they are really going to bed.

stronghunter said...

True. Many of us say good night more than once.

stronghunter said...

Think I will call it quits for the night myself.

wvgal_dana said...

Yes it is outside and it will be cool out there. That side of the mountain is always colder. I believe Lynn went last year. So I'm sure she knows the weather there.

Shirley I'm keeping Suzie in prayer. How long have they been going together? Did he ever date this other girl?

Mema Jo said...

I am headed for bed. Have to try to beat the grandson up in the morning.
But then Pap will probably have him out the door for Dunkin Donuts before my feet hit the floor.

Night Shirley.......

Costume Lady said...

Dana, I had the same question: Did he ever date the Crazy Woman?
That is a good question, Jo, about him being the right guy for her.

Costume Lady said...

Wonder what Judie thinks?

Costume Lady said...

I think MARGY holds the record for saying GOOD NIGHT and then coming back:) LOL

Lolly said...

I am headed to bed as well. Will be gone tomorrow. Church, dessert auction, and then Laurel's for Jacob's party. Will have the whole family together. I love it when all three boys are together!

Wanda, enjoyed your pictures. Glad Gene is doing better.

Nite all!
Sweet dreams!

Mema Jo said...

But like Shirley said, her daughter is a grown woman BUT you still worry about them.

I am getting ready to say my Good Nights... Quickly ask me anything you want and I may still be here to

NatureNut said...

Happy Bedtime for those who have gone ;>)
Margy, knew if you did enough captures, it would be a snap. There aren't too many cams like that w/anybody home!AND thank you for the security list. I fixed the side of 'puter that is usually on, but went to my user side recently & was surprised that it
doesn't work there!!!???Wrote it down this time.
Went outside about an hour ago w/coffee, sat on steps, saw a cat sized animal walk up the driveway and said, "Hi, Kitty". Then I noiced a long skinny tail. It was a possum!!!!!
SHIRLEY, that is SO creepy. I will be thinking and praying for daughter and boyfriend. Lord knows how that person will act when fired. Is there any security she could alert at her complex?

NatureNut said...

Are you really going to bed????
Pleasant Feather Dreams...zzzzzzzzz

Mema Jo said...

Guess you didn't stick around to see if the opposum was going to go to your feeders.

Yes I am going to go to bed as soon as this football game is over that gs is watching.

Mema Jo said...

Anyone know if the Mountaineers won?

Mema Jo said...

TV has been turned off... WHoo Hooo

Good Night All
Prayers for All
Peace for All
(((hugs for all)) ♥

Costume Lady said...

Yes, Jo, Mountaineers won!


PA Nana said...

Just my luck! I couldn't sleep and came back to catch up and everyone has turned in for the night.

Oh well, sweet dreams everyone. I'm going to try again too.

Prayers for those in want/need.

movin said...


Good Night



A happy Sunday to you.



magpie said...

Eagle in the nest....

magpie said...

Make that Two.

magpie said...

Make that One.....

magpie said...

Then two again, then one.

magpie said...

Jo posted this last night:

Hit that refresh button as often as you like.....almost continuous action. I have been trying it about every 5 seconds or so.
It Works!
Thanks, Mema Jo ! ☺

stronghunter said...

Good morning!

I see an eagle, too.

magpie said...

Almost looks like they are making a little nest cup bowl...☺

right now just one

magpie said...

Hi Shirley - - ☺ ♥

are you trying that refresh trick?

magpie said...

Two again, yay!

magpie said...

I think the new arrival is Belle.

stronghunter said...

In answer to the question, he has not dated the other girl. They work together, but he is the mamager.Police asked the same question. It seems that she is claiming they have dated. Suzi has no reason to think this is true. Suzi has known boyfriend for years. They went to the same high school. I know the boyfreiend, too.

Two eagles. Now one.

stronghunter said...

Yep, doing the refresh trick.

magpie said...

I took 11 pictures so far...they might be back...empty nest right now...

stronghunter said...

Poof. It really looks like "poof" with the still cam.

I am sure Steve will do everything he can to get the live cam going.

magpie said...

That was pretty good wasn't it Shirley? I was so excited it took me several tries to get my comment first comment punched in.
So glad to be in your company with the Eagles this morning....

stronghunter said...

I took a one or two pictures. I have lots of pictures from other visits that I have not done anything with so far.

magpie said...

did you manage to get any sleep?

magpie said...

Do you know how to post them on the Momsters album Shirley? I can try to walk you through it....

stronghunter said...

Thanks. I have the instructions somewhere. I might be able to go to the Momsters site and get them. I will need to print them out so I can follow them while I am on the computer. Just haven't done all of that yet.

I slept okay last night, just had a strange dream.

magpie said...

Okay -
good about the sleep, sorry about the dream....I've got you and Suzi in the morning prayers here...
I am going to add my pics now and take notes....
will be back in a few

stronghunter said...

I do not see much if anything left of the nest plant.

stronghunter said...

Thanks for the prayers. I am saying a few myself.

stronghunter said...

I told Suzi that I did not think Crazy Woman would follow us to West Va, and that, anyway, there are some plenty tough women among my West Virginia friends, (not that I don't think Maryland and Virginia women are tough too).

magpie said...

We're joined with you, Shirley.
Best advice has already been given I think....hope that your daughter's fellow follows through and gets NO Trespassing and some kind of "restraining order" - and keeps documentation of all threats and harassment, then if there is a violation, there could be an arrest...that's how it works here....
I am so sorry to hear they got put on hold, and were told the police were too busy - that is very discomforting to hear....Yes, they should call 9-1-1 when a violation occurs!

stronghunter said...

Sometimes you have to joke about a scary situation.

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2/20/25 PM bird

1203 PM NN Scout comes to the nest with a load of bedding again. He seemed to leave with something in his talons. He has a beak full of bedd...