Sunday, September 20, 2009


New thread.


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deb said...

Thanks for the new thread, I'll let everyone know!

hedgie said...

Good morning, Momsters and Dadsters.
Sorry, Norma. MD got beaten, too.
Had an awful cacophony this AM---CROWS by the hundreds! Went out to get papers and neighbor said theyw ere harassing a hawk....strange, huh? But saw the hawk fly over---crows did not chase, so.....who knows?! I think they had just chosen to roost overnight and were letting the world know they were waking!
Dog and I are heading to daughters' in Ranson/CharlesTown....setting off bombs here to hopefully get rid of these stupid gnats.
See you all this evening. Enjoy your day!

stronghunter said...

BBL--Need to do some mowing.

normabyrd said...

THANKS STEVE for the NEW thread
Have a COOL DAY!!!---THANKS DEB for calling us over!!

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' HEDGIE & SHIRLEY!!---WOW! HEDGIE you must have a 'big bunch' of gnats!!---have happy day!

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' again---SHIRLEY!---My lawn is so dry---don't know when we will get RAIN!!!---Was hoping the traveling TEXAS folks would share their rain with us!!---ho!

stronghunter said...

It is pretty dry here, too, Norma, but the grass needs mowing.

Mits said...

Thanks, Deb for the call over:):)

normabyrd said...

So DEB hope you are enjoying another sunny day!----Have you gotten adjusted to your new schedule?----Do your VIKINGS play today?---

stronghunter said...

Decided to eat an apple and finish my coffee before going out. It really is a beautiful day. Nice and comfortable out there.

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' again MITS!!----Do you have a football game today?

stronghunter said...

I do have to go see the furniture guy today. I just want my stuff! This is getting old! I still have not gotten anything. They can deliver it anytime now, for heaven's sake.

normabyrd said...

TOO FUNNY!---SHIRLEY--You may not believe it---but I am at the computer eating an apple & finishing my 2nd cup of coffee---ho!-----Thinking what to do next?

stronghunter said...

Great minds think alike, Norma.

stronghunter said...

Little birdie on the porch looking at me. I am not sure what kind it is, but think it is a young one. If I move to get the camera, it will probably fly away.

Mits said...

Norma, my team is playing away this weekend....late cam, Ravens at San Diego...

stronghunter said...

Now tow of them. Whitewashing the porch.

deb said...

Both of my teams play today and they both play Detroit. Go Vikings and Twins!

Mits said...

what a co-wink-e-dink, Deb:)

normabyrd said...

MITS--I thought you were a REDSKIN fan!

stronghunter said...

Musy get busy. BBL.

Mits said...

lol... Norma, that would be everyone else on the blog....I was born and raised in Baltimore, even though I have lived near DC for 25 years, still stayed true to my hometown...our son is a Redskin fan, he is at the game today....

normabyrd said...

DALLAS is a late game today-----I prefer earlier games! Last night's WVU game was an hour late starting--in re: RAIN--& MORE RAIN!

deb said...

Yes it is. Today is also the last time the Twins play in the Metrodome, next year they will be in their own stadium. Back outside where they belong!

normabyrd said...

MITS!---I'm sorry--didn't know!---

deb said...


Mits said...

roflmbo, its ok, Norma, they are not a bad team to rout for....Deb, how exciting a new stadium.... I just really prefer football and baseball to be played outside...don't care what the weather is is normal and right to play in nature elements.....indoor stadiums are for sissies....jmho

normabyrd said...

DEB!---I was a RED SOX fan from high school on!---but haven't followed them for a while---

Mits said...

I think that is the one who seems to like to camp there Deb....

normabyrd said...

Check in tonight & get a glimpse of that DALLAS STADIUM!---WILL BLOW YOUR MIND!!!

deb said...

I think so, too. It likes to get comfie!

Norma, I was raised on both the Twins and the Vikings. Some great memories of growing up and listening to the Twins on the radio.

Mits said...

have been reading a little about the stadium....seems someone from Titans, kicked a punt into there new big screen....during a pre-season game....

Mits said...

tv poofed at BWO

Mits said...

usually when they poof, and eagle is not far behind

stronghunter said...

What is tv?

stronghunter said...

Sorry to be so confused. Still do not know all of your terms.

normabyrd said...

DEB!---MEMORIES--just like my home!---My brother & I were always 'listening' to ball games & were true blue to our teams!!!--He loved the CLEVELAND INDIANS--

normabyrd said...

Sorry---I don't know that terminology either SHIRLEY--

Mits said...

Turkey Vulture..aka...ewwieesss

Mits said...

off to eat and watch some games...bbl.

normabyrd said...

Thanks MITS!---for the info!

stronghunter said...

After I had figured out that it was not a television, I thought it must be some kind of vulture.

stronghunter said...

Thanks, Mits. Norma, I am relieved to know I was not the only one confused.

deb said...

I never know how to spell eewiees, so TV for Turkey Vulture, is so easy for me.

Mits said...

yeah we all spell ewwiees differently....

stronghunter said...

Left a message for the furniture guy. He was with a customer. Let him know I'm getting frustrated. Not his fault that this error was made; it was another salesman, but if I go over there, I can see myself waiting while sees other customers. I will be low on the list with this small problem. They work on 100% commission, and I have figured out that he grabs all of the customers he can and then makes people wait while he deals with things.

stronghunter said...

So what will I find if I Google this ewwiees thing?

stronghunter said...

I Googled it. I will not say what I found.

stronghunter said...

Going outdoors. BBL. For real now.

Mits said...

Finney's nest not working since there were man there yesterday,,,guess they shut it down for the season....

stronghunter said...

Saw it earlier this morning, Mits.

Lolly said...

Finished with the yard for today. Whew! That was a job! What with all the rain and not being able to mow for two weeks, it was high! And, fire ants galore. Jack took care of them until he ran out of poison.

Just looked at the Port A cam again. More people and more boats. Poor view of the beach. Do not know where that cam is.

Resting before I go shower. Also, had to clean bird baths. Have 5 and they were swimming with mosquito larvae. Lovely!

Mits said...


stronghunter said...

Your yard really sounds like a full-time job, Lolly. I mowed part of the front yard and came in for some lunch.

Looks like Will is getting inspired to go mow. Yes!!! It is much easier for him to do is. I do not have the strength to mow the ditch. He does.

stronghunter said...

I see it Mits! Good to know it is not a television.

Lolly said...

We have a riding mower, so it is not hard to do. I mow while Jack uses the weed eater. That is the worst job! Then he gets on the mower and I edge, trim, and blow. We have a routine that gets the job done in about two hours. It is actually the edging and blowing that wears me out!

stronghunter said...

I have looked at riding mowers. I do have enough yard to justify one, but I have spend enough money for the present. I bought a selo-propelled, key-start walk-behind mower. I have never been able to start the pull-type

stronghunter said...

. . . spent enough money.

stronghunter said...

..self-propelled. That message published before I was ready.

stronghunter said...

Way back when we did have a riding mower, my husband let our young son try to drive it. I will never forget looking out the window and seeing him running to catch the mower because Rus couldn't control it. Rus was way too young for such a thing.

NatureNut said...

Redskins are on...But? will they stay good?
Eeewwwiiieee at BWO---looks like Black Vulture. Didn't get my eagle fix there yet!
Was a beautiful zebra swallowtail flitting around out back. It had a lot of white at tail tips, so looked like sparkles glittering as it flew. Landed on butterfly and strawberry bushes. Have seen monarchs too and the usual tigers.

stronghunter said...

As I recall, Rus jumped off and the mower kept going.

stronghunter said...

There were two there earlier, Loretta.

Judie said...

Good afternoon, everyone.

Spent some time ironing blouses and then picked crab meat for shells and got the cakes in the frig.

Thank goodness Shirley asked about t.v. All this time I thought the eagles and vultures were watching us on their momster cam!

Speaking of spending money, Frank got estimates to have the trim and garage painted-both estimates near $2,000. Also need to get back basement brick work redone as well as the chimney.

Drat 6-7.

Hope all the favorite teams win today -- except Rams.


Lolly said...

Going to go shower now. I have rested! Next we clean the trailer and take it back to storage until the middle of next week. We leave two weeks from today for New Mexico.

stronghunter said...

Just turned on the Redskins. Watching Will mow. I have never successfully trained him to do the whole front yard before starting the back yard in case he doesn't finish, but I am not about to complain. He is mowing. I did a section of the front.

stronghunter said...

Yeah, Judie, I was looking for that 6-0, and it wasn't there.

movin said...





Ms Bookworm said...

Good Morning/Afternoon, Everyone (depending on what time zone you're in!),
Have most of our usual late Sunday morning agenda out of the way. Hubby just took one of the cars to the gas station; the other one's waiting for him to return and take it to the car wash.
I just watered the patio plants and fed the birds. About 50 feathered friends on the patio right now. Was happy to see that my poor pitiful Clematis may survive the heat after all--it's been looking like dead twigs since this last heat blast hit. Refused to give up on it; have been watering it anyway, and now it actually has one or two tiny green leaves coming in on it. Thought it might be a goner for a while there! More time-release plant food is in order.
First thing tomorrow a.m. have to call and re-apply for unemployment.
Might try to do it online today--they should have that option available. The unemployment rate for CA is over 12% now, I heard. At this point I have to show the EDD where I've been sending resumes, and it's getting harder and harder to find places at which to apply . Unless, of course, I want to become a tow truck driver! That's an ad that's been in the newspaper classifieds for weeks now! No thanks...not quite what I had in mind!

Mits said...

Redskins should win these next 5 games easily, don't have any real competition till they play the Eagles in week 7, so they should be off to a good start.

stronghunter said...

Let's hope so, Mits.

Mits said...

its in the bag, Shirley:), of course we have to let the Redskins know that:)

stronghunter said...

If we can pull that off and get credit for it, we would be sitting pretty. But I would not want to take the blame for all of the losses.

Lolly said...

Was checking the Port A cams. A crowd of folks just got off a boat at the Deep Sea Headquarters. One woman held a child upside down like it was her fish catch and posed for a picture. Bet she did not know she was on a cam.

Lolly said...

I've showered and shampooed my hair, ate a bite, now to attack the trailer. Really is not a bad job, so guess I will get to it.

Mits said...

eagle looks warm at BWO

Ms Bookworm said...

Speaking of eewiees, EEEWWWWW! Hubby is in a p#*@y mood right now!
Cost $38.50 to fill up one of our cars--regular was $3.05/gal. at the cheapest station anywhere near us! Better steer clear of him for a while...he's mumbling to himself as he goes out the door to take the OTHER car for a fill-up and cheap wash. Wish I knew why CA gas is so much higher than elsewhere. Has anyone heard any GOOD explanations for it lately?

deb said...

It is such a pretty picture at BWO with the Eagle with its wings out.

deb said...

I heard it was the gas taxes that CA puts on, but I don't know if that is true or not. Gas went up 10 cents this week here.

Mits said...

our gas here at the ocean is around $2.43., cheaper as you go west towards the Bay Bridge.

stronghunter said...

Yes, you can see that it is panting, Mits.

Mits said...

back to cleaning out fridge...last week here for me:(

stronghunter said...

Lots of things are more expensive in California.

stronghunter said...

I would hate to try to buy a house in Calif.

deb said...

Some parts of CA you can get a really good deal on a house because of all the foreclosures. By my sister there are still some way out prices.

stronghunter said...

I guess that makes sense, Deb. I remember when we were visiting the San Francisco area, the prices seemed really high. It was many years ago.

stronghunter said...

Need to go see furniture guy again. I do hope he will not keep me waiting!

stronghunter said...


deb said...

A million dollars for 1000 sq ft is so ridiculous, I can't imagine who would buy it. Just to be close to the beach!

grannyblt said...

Gas s always cheaper over in Ohio I live just far enough away to not make it worth the trip.I think regular is around $2.59 here in PA.

Ms Bookworm said...

Deb, it could have a lot to do with the taxes on gas here. Heard it's also the special additives they put in the gas during the summer months. Think it's just going up in price everywhere right now. As for home prices, we recently found out our house has depreciated enough that we owe more on it than it's supposedly worth now. Woof!

Lolly said...

We paid 2.39 most places on our trip. Did see it as low as 2.26. Even on the island it was 2.39.

Trailer is now clean on the inside. Going on another trip soon, so not going to scrub the outside. Not much road dirt on it. Now time to take it back to it's home.

So sad Mits that you time at the coast is over. I know you enjoy your summers there. Are you ready to go home?

Mits said...

never like coming back to the city, Lolly, but if hubby goes on a trip, or nothing else going on a home.....I can come down anytime...only 3 hours away....and most of the restaurants stay open all year, and it is great during the holidays, lots of neat things going on with Festival of Lights

Mits said...

but looking forward to new grandson coming next month:)

Lolly said...

Now that is exciting!!! Nothing like a new addition to the family. And, I am baby crazy! The younger the better.

Galveston is about 5 hours away, but we do not like the water there. Too close to Houston or something, but the water is yukky. Port A. is 7 hours away and South Padre is 9 hours. We really do like Port A though South Padre is my growing up stomping grounds.

Port A takes such good care of the beaches. It is so clean and the water this summer was fantastic, so clear. On South Padre, it is so crowded by the hotels though the beach is nice. But, the beach that open to the public is horrible. My brother drove on it this summer and he was throughly disgusted. Trash every where!

Mits said...

eagle eating at BWO

PA Nana said...

Hi everyone. Blessings around.
Getting my eagle fix at BWO. Awesome to see one again. He's been there for quite a while too.

Oh sure! As soon as I say it ... nope he's back.

Any update on our eagle cam?

... later, Steelers still playing

stronghunter said...

Back from errands. Saw furniture guy again. He spent a few minutes with me and then took off to talk to another customer. I picked out what I wanted, told someone else and left. Waved on my way out.I really think if I go to buy something else, I will try to get someone else

ceil said...


magpie said...

Hi Everyone...☺
Here is cool and very informative article about Turkey Vultures that I think Paula, or maybe Megan, or maybe even Mits posted last year, sorry I cannot remember exactly who:

Turkey Vulture

stronghunter said...

Doesn't he / she look regal?

stronghunter said...

Doesn't he / she look regal?

ceil said...

Sorry Mits. Losing it. Forgot about you saying eagle at BWO eating.

magpie said...

Hi Ceil
Pretty colors there with that Eagle aren't they?

xo ☺

magpie said...

I guess I can quit watching for the Sea Eagle or anything else at Finney' least for now...

magpie said...

Last year when they closed the cam they put a beautiful picture up with a notice about the cam being finished for the season, hope they do that again.

magpie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
magpie said...

I think the Newborn Moon could be visible with anyone with a clear sky to the South darkness approaches...I think...always hard to find it first comes out after being "New"

Mits said...

yeah that would be nice, Margy...the year that Finney was there they had his pic up for the off-season, that was the first year we all watched, hence the name the Finney nest, in honor of him, then they had a few years of no activity.

Mits said...

that's ok Ceil:)

ceil said...

Hi Margy. Hooray for turkey vultures Hi Shirley.

magpie said...

Yes, Ceil, it does put a nice spin on the TV's doesn't it? I have a whole bunch of things in my Favorites....delete a few now and then. I have several Sound sites saved for when I ever get sound back.

Going to tend my Megan Flowers.
No skies tonight here, just clouds.


stronghunter said...

Good story about the turkey vulture, Margy. We have plenty of them around here. Saw one once sitting at the very top of a tall dead tree, looking for all the world like it was waiting for me do die off so it could have dinner--like those scenes in the movies.

stronghunter said...

Hi Ceil.

magpie said...

Oh today, we had a serious ATV accident - wish people would wear helmets, would save an anguished mother a lot of grief...
also two electrocutions as two adult men were finishing up some work at house, taking their ladder jacks down and came in contact with a live wire. Not good, so sad.

ATV Victim still hanging in there, serious head injuries, one electrocution victim did not survive.

ceil said...

Margy your job can be difficult but also rewarding. Like the bee sting.

stronghunter said...

Well said, Ceil. The 911 people are not appreciated enough.

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Good evening wonderful friends! Have I missed anything exciting?

This is our weekend at Tom's mother's house. I have to come home on Sunday nights to get the little one off to school in the morning!

ceil said...

Hi Sissy. Eagle has been at BWO.

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Oh wow! I need an eagle fix something fierce! Saw an osprey fishing at the Falls Mills Dam when I was coming home from Mrs. Riffe's this afternoon. That is a beautiful site but it ain't no eagle!!

stronghunter said...

Looks like the BWO nest is haunted right now.

Judie said...

Good evening, everyone!

Margy, so sorry about the day you've had, those who were injured, and family of the deceased. Very difficult job you have at times. Always remember the calls that end with a life saved!

Shirley, If I were you, I might GO somewhere else or threaten to anyway!

Hey Mits, ridiculous to say this but don't forget to let us know when the baby boy arrives.


magpie said...

Whew! Thought I had a small airplane in my house: Stink Bug Alert...

Hi Evening People...

The real heroes are the the folks, fire - police - ambulance - that go out and deal with the stuff we dish out...but thanks for the kind remarks....
Same gal that did the bee sting call, had a sucessful childbirth delivery call over the phone a year or so ago, now THAT was exciting !

magpie said...

Also, animal control, Department of Highways, and many other agencies....
and all our techies that keep things running smoothly, including the critter guy trying to catch our House Mice ☺

magpie said...

I was wondering about the Southern Delegation Sissy, good to see one of the members check in ☺..

Less than a month to Open House Week-end, and a little over three months until Christmas ☺

stronghunter said...

Quite a few other people working there seem nice. I have a feeling they don't like him very much. He really seems to have a way of grabbing all of the customers as they walk in the door, then running between them while the others wait. It seeme to me that other people working there were not tied up with customers.

Might not need any furniture for awhile anyway.

Mits said...

due date is October 19th, Judie:)

magpie said...

I think I will get my can of marbles out soon, and tune in to Pix Pa at 8:20 pm and shake the can, for the feed scatterings....

stronghunter said...

So 8:20 is when the food pops out!

stronghunter said...

I am watching the ghosts at BWO--will switch over to the food popping in a few.

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Well, I am gonna go watch Dark Blue on my DVR. See ya'll in the morning light!!

magpie said...

That's when it popped out last night Shirley, Jo had been talking about it and she and Loretta had front row seats last night....

They had sound of course which makes it a little more exciting...that is why I am getting my can of marbles out to imitate the sound ☺

stronghunter said...

I am thankful for my work computer. My personal desk computer doesn't have sound, either, Margy. Okay, a raccoon has come out. There are lots of insect sounds. It looks like they know it is feeding time. I see more raccoons.

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

OMG!! Have ya'll watched the video of Diego's third exam. He was fussing at them!! What a little porker!!

magpie said...

Yes, Shirley, and a closer-up view too...

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Ok, NOW I really am gonna go watch TV. Coons at PA Pix!

stronghunter said...

Camera zoomed in a few minutes ago.

deb said...

I am waiting for the feeder, too. I haven't seen it yet.

I was just reading updates on Doreen's Caringbridge page and Jim made a comment on there. I'll get link in a bit.

stronghunter said...

Well-fed critters!

Mema Jo said...

I've been a 'lurker' this afternoon off and on. I have the PA woods in view. You'll know when it goes off due to the raccoons (Some of them) will run! They are really BIG raccoons.

Sorry I missed you Sissy! Hi & Bye.

Shirley - hope that furniture comes soon! Did Will mow all the lawn?

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Jumped back to tell Mema Jo Hi and Bye!!! Good night all!

stronghunter said...

Yep! Mowed it all.

Mema Jo said...

Margy was it a young person in the ATV wreck. I'm like you about helmets!

I am going to quickly get a piece of Apple Pie that Jenny baked for me.

BRB I can see the computer screen from my kitchen........

Mema Jo said...

Get ready to shake your marbles.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Good evening everybody. Figured I had better check in before the posse was called out! I have had a good weekend. Went to a meeting in Roanoke last night and then spent the day with my best friend, Charlie, today in Roanoke. Good weekend!

deb said...

Wow, that is not what I was expecting. The one coon went right up the tree.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

And I have to comment again so I can check the email box! :)

Mema Jo said...

Come and get it!

They were scared away but I'm sure they'll return.

Remember that CAT we used to see... Well you and Helen saw it! Haven't see any in a long time.

deb said...

Doreen updates

She had her first round of chemo on Friday, sure hope it takes this time.

stronghunter said...

Well, that was interesting! Manna from Heaven!

I guess raccoons do not really have the urge to wash everything they eat.

magpie said...

Yay, that was pretty cool even without sound! About 8:22 computer time....

Hi Sharon, Deb, Mema Jo....

and everyone/anyone else.

Jo - 24 years old, ran off road and hit a mailbox, at least it was easy for ambulance to get to him, and helicopter landed close by.

ceil said...

Jo I made apple brown betty for supper with whipped cream

stronghunter said...

I really cheated on supper tonight. I had an urge for something really good, so I went to Wegman's and loaded up a plate at their food bar. I brought it home and ate what I wanted. Shared some with Will, but he had already eaten.

I'll take some to work tomorrow for lunch . . . unless Will gets the munchies in the middle of the night! Thai food. Very good.

Mema Jo said...

Hi Sharon! Great to hear about your

stronghunter said...

Jo, did the cat eat the food, too?

magpie said...

Thanks Deb...beautiful family pictures.

Me Too Sharon, glad you enjoyed your week-end.

Headed for the showers here, need a good soaker...

Be back before bedtime.
xo ☺ ♥

hedgie said...

Home and settled in...still need to catch up here. Have one very tired pooch---she explored her little heart out at Christies,house and yard, and had fun with Harley the Weimaeraner and the two cats. She behaved very well!

hedgie said...

SKINS WON! Got to see most of game. Nascar race did NOT turn out my way, but okay--at least one of the good guys won.

hedgie said...

How did the Baltimore game turn out?

Mema Jo said...

Thanks Deb for Update on Doreen.
Prayers are being offered for her.

Ceil that would be just as good as this apple pie! Apples are good this year.

To what hospital did they fly the young man.

I can see you now Shirley looking out the window with your young son running to catch up with the mower. I am sure it was not a funny scene as it was happening.

Lolly said...

Watching the Cowboys! Will not be on tonight. SIL is at the game. Unbelievable number of people there.


Mema Jo said...

At 9pm I am watching another Mystery Theater (WETA) without commercials.
I really do like them - I didn't have the last one figured out - usually I can guess the ending.


Mema Jo said...

I don't think so, Shirley. Just prowling through the woods.

stronghunter said...

Son did not run. He bailed out and let his daddy get the mower. As long as I knew he was safe, I could laugh at his dadd, but the mower could have ended up in a fence.

stronghunter said...

Yes, thanks for the update on Doreen. Prayers for her.

Mema Jo said...

Glad you told me the ending of the mower story. I had visions of an injured son.

ceil said...

Lynn Raven won. Only by 5 points

stronghunter said...

Changed for a moment to deer at a salt lick.

stronghunter said...

At least, I guess it is a salt lick. They seem to like it.

stronghunter said...

Welcome home, Lynn.

deb said...

Vikings won, Twins lost.

ceil said...

That was a nice note Jim had on Doreen's web site
Prayers for Doreen's recovery

ceil said...

Deb sorry to see that the Twins lost

deb said...

Me, too! They took 2 of 3 though, so still gained on the Tigers. They play them another series,but in Detroit next time.

stronghunter said...

One raccoon has decided to lie down.

Mits said...

automated feeder goes off 4 times a day at PIX PA.....

Camera is located in South Western Pennsylvania, USA. Our webcam is broadcast live 24/7 all year round. There is an automated feeder which is setup to feed at 6:45 AM, 12:00 Noon, 8:20 PM, and 10:30 PM (Eastern Time Zone) on the main camera. The feeder puts out a small amount of cracked corn and sweet feed to attract an array of wildlife. The feed is only used to attract the wildlife and not provide a food source they can live off of.

hedgie said...

Margy, was the ATV call the one on Back Creek Valley Rd.? Heard that one go out. Prayers for all involved in that as well as the electrocution. Such dangerous activities.

Mema Jo said...


hedgie said...

We went to Glory Days for an early dinner--delicious crab dip on baquette bread, and a great steak. And a new drink that was yummy: Mango Margarita with Habiniera spice and lots of salt on the rim!

stronghunter said...

Sounds good, Lynn.

hedgie said...

Thanks, Ceil! Good for the "birds"! Score doesn't matter as long as it goes in the win column!!

stronghunter said...

Good night, Friends. I have to call it a night.

Take care.

ceil said...

Lynn how is the gnat situation?

ceil said...

Good night Shirley.

Judie said...

GO COWBOYS!!! Right, Lolly?

Back to the game.

Used some frequent flyer miles to S.D. and Diego is alone trying to roll over.

Shirley, that's the reason I dislike shopping where commission is the goal.

magpie said...

I was wondering about the gnats too, Hedgie....

Jones Spring West Road, flew to Winchester

A day in Jefferson County, sounds like a very nice time, Lynn.

Better say Good Night to those heading for the pillows and blankies.... Good Night

Well, Wildwatch Eagle Cam is not updating now either - is stuck on 1547 Washington time today....



Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Stink bugs do suck. I keep telling Thelma she is killing all my friends. Probably kills about 20 a day in this house. I think they get in around the air conditioners. Anyway, going to bed now. Love you guys!

magpie said...

Good Night Sharon...and hello to T-Bird and Buddy please....♥

deb said...

Night everyone, heading off to read. I can't find anything to watch on TV tonight.

paula eagleholic said...

Evening, everyone!

Home safe and sound...gonna check my emails and then watch Mad Men. Will try to check back later...hope everyone is good!

I was trying to listen to the Skins game....who won?

paula eagleholic said...

Chatty crew today!

magpie said...

Hi Paula...
Redskins won
don't know score,
Ravens won also, by 5 pts

Glad you are back at your Roost now ☺

Anne-Marie said...

I am washed and packed. taking just a small suitcase. Tomorrow I will clean house. Dont want to come home to a mess. Its really hot today brother said its in the 70's there. It will really be a relief. tomorrow it will be over 100 here.

paula eagleholic said...

Thanks, Hedgie, read back and saw the Skins won!

magpie said...

Super, Anne-Marie....Best Travel Wishes....☺

Iwannafly said...

Have there been any eagle sightings? Im wondering when you start to see any activity in this nest. I had such a wonderful time observing them this year. THank you for the experience. Im from North Georgia and my name is Lori.

Anne-Marie said...

thanks, Its from here to Dallas then to Chicago, then to Toledo.

Anne-Marie said...

Welcome Lori, I'm from California. Our eagles dont leave the area. They are in and out.

magpie said...

Hi Lori from North Georgia. I am from the Eastern Panhandle in WV - the eagles stay around all year, the adult parents that is, right now both our cams are down, hope that gets fixed soon so you can see them again ☺

magpie said...

Anne-Marie: Technical question:

are you and the Mountain Time Zone the same time until the end of our Daylight Savings Time ?

I am kinda confused....


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2/20/25 PM bird

1203 PM NN Scout comes to the nest with a load of bedding again. He seemed to leave with something in his talons. He has a beak full of bedd...