Saturday, September 19, 2009


PM thread.


magpie said...

Oh Hi New Thread -

I will go tell the crowd from the other thread.
Thanks Steve.

Mema Jo said...

Boy do you have an Eagle Eye and you also sneaked right in here! WHoo Hoo.
Glad your work day is over!
Thanks for the call over !

Thanks for the fresh thread Steve.

Mema Jo said...

You can get an Eagle fix at BWO.....

Mema Jo said...

Live feed is on at the Burrowing Owls.
Do you think that the little ones have fledged. I usually only see 2 and not all the small ones.........

Eagle nest on 10sec refresh is MT.....

Mema Jo said...

Margy - now that I look at the owls
they are coming out in full force! lol

magpie said...

I see those little rascals, was just up close and personal and then darted away. Wish I had sound again.

Nice Eagle at BWO too ☺

Mema Jo said...

I forgot to turn my sound on
Thanks for the reminder......
I'll let you know if there is anything
going on......

magpie said...

Ducks in the canal at Cape Coral, wild nest, and empty nest to Dunedin, but pretty to look at.

magpie said...

Invisible ducks now at Cape Coral, had sound one time! only at Burrowing Owls, how silly is that.
Eagle at BWO has such a commanding presence

Hello Everyones.
Sounds like a great picnic, Jo.

Congratulations to little Sam, Norma...he gets it honest ! ♥

magpie said...

Hope Shirley's tummy is done with the rumblies.

I know Norma is getting ready to watch the Mountaineeeeeeeeeeeeeers

Judie said...

Jo, so happy the brothers were all there and the weather was so nice. Great memories,yes?

Deb, about not having a current sticker -- can't help girlfriend if you get stopped --don't have any inside contacts in your area.

Speaking of contacts, did I remember to say that I heard one of my students in the police class is Fish & Wildlife? Yippee! I'll find out more Oct. 22 when the class meets for the first time.

Dinner over. Didn't have crab cakes afterall. Legs were really painful from standing to make salads. I just didn't want to stand to pick crab meat. Ended up with pork chops and salad. Crab cakes for sure tomorrow night.

Going to put feet up to rest the sick legs. Later.


Judie said...

Oops, forgot my manners. Thank you Steve for the new thread and Margie for calling us over.

Mema Jo said...

Was it Port Aransas, TX where Lolly and Jack were? The guy from TX on PIX PA Woods chat room was just saying he was watching fishing boats come in with their catch of the day.

Judie said...

Shirley, sorry Hunter's team lost. Just know losing was not so bad having you there.

Mema Jo said...

WOW! 8:20 pm is when I can finally see the automatic feeder in the PA woods - if I remember to watch! I've have never seen it go off.

magpie said...

Yep Port Aransas it was JO.

Mema Jo said...

Hi Judie - catch you later..

magpie said...

Man nearly died on the phone with us, allergic reaction from a bee sting right in the chest....never had a reaction before....paramedics said he was knocking on heaven's door when they got there, but they got him taken care with swift IV therapy...our dispatcher did an excellent job staying on the phone with him....she's good!
And thank God for a good cell phone connection...and he was in Morgan County!

Mema Jo said...

I wish we would have known about the web cams where Lolly and Jack were before they went. There are about 3 really good ones. Especially down on the fishing pier and beach and the ferry.

Mema Jo said...

Margy I sure like to hear those kind of stories. We had bees upon bees at the picnic. Thank goodness we did not
have any stings... bees were too busy attacking the food - just had to be sure not to eat one I'm serious!

magpie said...

I have computer body after 12 hours in confinement on a perfectly beautiful day. My 208 bones and 640 muscles need a break...

Catch you folks after I get into my pajamas and water my Megan Flowers...☺ which are still blooming brightly on my little porch ☺


magpie said...

Yeah, Jo...we had another call in which a 17 yoa swallowed one, and a another call in which a 6 yoa got stung...those were not too serious thank goodness!


magpie said...

Oh one more thing, had a pretty little young paramedic student observing today, she liked what we did and said she would like to work there ☺ That was refreshing.

We do have some cool features on the computers....

hedgie said...

That's cool, Jo---never heard of a cam on a ferry. Bet Lolly DIDN'T know!

Margy, how did the guy get Berkeley? Because of cell?? Job well-done!

Judie said...

Hi Margie, so glad there were no bee sting fatalities today. Put your feet up and rest all those bones and muscles then come back to chat. Can understand about how gratifying it is to have a young one express interest. Makes the job worthwhile.

Jo, so glad the bees were only hungry for your potato salad. Also had a thought -- maybe Lolly and Jack didn't want to have the cams known -- might have caught them doing some vacation stuff!


magpie said...

Like for example, a little HP ♥ Judie you DO know our Eagle term, right? We watched Belle and Liberty doing some of that early in the winter ☺

hedgie said...

LOL, Margy...what did the 17 y.o. think was going to happen?

magpie said...

Okay a little astronomy lesson. Clear skies and a pretty good horizon helps.

South/East, bright object in the sky, is Jupiter, with field glasses you can see one or two of its moons...

Pretty much due South: Antares, part of the constellation Scorpius, (like a fish hook, sort of)
twinkly colorful red-orange object is Antares...looks like a little prism. And between Scorpius and Jupiter is the "Teapot" and all around that, are some cool star clusters, like little beehives. Darkness will help on that.

Okay, Go !

magpie said...

sometimes bees climb into an open soda can and before you know it, down it goes with a swallow....not sure how bad it can be, but it sure riles people up...

magpie said...

Or you can inside and watch five little burrowing owls

magpie said...

Goofy thing about cell phones, Jefferson County gets some of our calls, we get some of theirs and if you stand at the Hedgesville Fire Department and call 911, you might get Washington Co (Maryland) -
then of course, we get 911 calls from Clear Spring and Williamsport!
Many a time, cell phones to our 911 Center from places in our county, with the GPS coordinates, have allowed us to send help where it is needed, it is so cool! Cell phone calls from people at the site of the injured beating victim, put a cross hair on exactly the spot they were calling from.

NatureNut said...

Judie, Judie, Judie~~ LOL
We'll have to ask Lolly about vacation activities!!!

See Jo is back from reunion!
Got home from our HS one around 5PM & the caterer (a classmate & family) left the leftovers!!! I happened to have a plastic bag among my tools and supplies & got several spareribs!--Evening snack ahead! Wish we had more time to visit. If there's any leftover money, Comm. may have the follow-up meeting as a dinner!I need to see them, as I still have lots of loaned pics to return.
I did not know there was a special time for PA feeder to shoot, but I'll make sure I'm watching. Put on your sound! ☺

magpie said...

Some would say this is Big Brother, but we sure find it comes in handy ! Crimes, rescues, all kinds of things have been enhanced by this technology. I'm going back outside with the binocs for a few.

magpie said...


magpie said...

Sounds like a fun time, Loretta.....happy to hear of it.

I am watching PIX PA now...thanks Jo and Loretta for the reminder...raccoons seem to know it is time also

NatureNut said...

Din Din for the raccoons! One didn't even leave when the food shot out, but most ran behind the tree trunk.

Mema Jo said...

WHOo Hoo! I got to see and hear the automatic grain feeder on PA cam in the woods! I was expecting it and it was about 2 min later then my computer time. I can see how it would startle you if not expecting it... Sounded like a swarm of attacking insects! lol

NatureNut said...

Sorry, Margy! I thought you were chillin'!
Put a bunch of marbles in a can and shake---that's the food spinner sound!!! ☺

magpie said...

If I hadn't been yakking I guess I would have seen it too....wah !
But I can tell it happened.

magpie said...

L☺L Loretta !

hedgie said...

Loretta, bet you are exhausted! Glad you had a good time. Hope all of your classmates appreciated all of y'alls hard work.

Mema Jo said...

That is exactly what it sounded like, Loretta! lol

Funny that it scared all but one of the raccoons running off.

NatureNut said...

Here's a funny mind picture. SIL and daughter are near Nashville at his brother's. They have a monstrous cat---mostly white & some longhair. We've seen pics of him in chair nibbling leftover Thanksgiving turkey. SIL just sent a phone pic of "Kibbles". He got a haircut except for his tummy and tip of his tail!!!!!

NatureNut said...

BBL----need some water

Mema Jo said...

I never put my feet up yet like I said I was going to do............ Oh Well
I am sitting here yawing big time..
Might not make it too much longer..
It sure has been a great day;;

hedgie said...

Jo, mine goes off three times a day and if I am someplace where I hear it, it still startles me!

magpie said...

Not bad for being in the "city" -
Jupiter, two of its moons, Scorpius and Teapot (cockeyed, looks like a 5-point star without one of its bottom point), Big and Little Dippers, Bootes, a couple of beehive clusters, and one little zippy but rather dim satellite, probably an iridium cell phone satellite...
Wish I was at Megan's to watch some of this, bet it's nice and dark there !

Loretta bet that cat looks cool! And Silly !

xo Headed to bed soon, will be back for a Good Night shortly

Judie said...

Ah yes, the old HP!

Well, I'm a bit tired tonight. Turning my light out but leaving the night light on for others. Don't forget to set the eye scanner.


Mema Jo said...

That would probably happen to me too, Lynn. This time I was watching the clock and expected it. Sometimes when I have sound on and forget I look all around wondering what is that noise.
Glad you don't have that problem, Margy - Not funny - WHA!

Mema Jo said...

Nite Judie Not far behind

Mema Jo said...

Poor Baby! You going to post that pic, Loretta? Probably like Suzanne's Gypsy when she got an almost all over hair cut. I bet he feels naked!

hedgie said...

Loretta, WHY did they shave the cat like that?? Is this the TX daughter? Are they on their way to come visit you?

Ms Bookworm said...

Good Evening, Eagle Buddies!
Getting here a bit late (back there, not here) because we ended up spending the whole day with my SIL at her wedding show. Got to meet all kinds of interesting people of all ages! Had a really good time. It was about 5 pm here when we got home. Then our daughter called--they're spending a long weekend in Arkansas. Sounds like they're having a great time! They went horseback riding today, and went to an alligator farm. She will post pictures on Snapfish next weekend. I'll share a few of the good ones.
Shirley, THANK YOU for the dogwood tree picture! I've got my fall leaf fix now to last me awhile.
Margy, I wish I were up at the desert house; you can see stars and planets SO much better there!
Sky here usually has too much city light interference. Love to hear your vivid descriptions, though--can visualize it all so well!

hedgie said...

Good night, sleepy heads! Rest well.

NatureNut said...

Hi, I just dwnlded the cell phone kitty pic, and was looking for the old ones we had of him. I don't know why they trimmed him, unless he got all matted. No, Lynn, they were near Nashville area on business & went to brother's for weekend. In a couple weeks, daughter goes to Amsterdam for annual European office visit, BUT, when she's coming home. it will be the weekend of her hubby's HS Reunion, so she can't go home to TX~~~~has to go directly to TN!!!!I'm glad they can keep up w/those schedules!
I will put on the family famous Kibble!!!!

Ms Bookworm said...

Just in case you haven't gone to bed yet, sure am glad that guy with the bee sting reaction is OK!
Phew--close one!
Jo and Loretta,
So glad you had fun at your family reunion and class reunion today!
Loretta, would LOVE to see a picture of that cat! LOL
Well, it's been a busy day, so think I'll go watch some TV or read a good book and unwind. Prayers said for everyone. Have a good rest, and will talk to all of you tomorrow! G'night, all. :o]

magpie said...

Read a Good Book! Andrea, great idea..take a break from the body stuff!

A view of the night sky from a dark spot....a dream....

Headed for the more 12 hour day and then off for a couple.

Been real nice talkin' with you'uns. Hope sleep is sound and sweet. xo
God Bless Us, Every One

Prayers, and Hugs...♥

magpie said...

..And Deb's workday should be finished in about six minutes! ☺

NatureNut said...

AARRGGHH-----all my pics would not upload. Will have to start over again after a cup of java~~~~~

NatureNut said...

Tried it again and photo window to upload won't open after I click the icon!!!!!!!!

deb said...

I am home from work, dogs are fed and I am eating Ice Cream. Not something I do often, but I needed some comfort food--people were irritable today. GRRR! (that was putting it nicely)

deb said...

i have made it 19 days without getting caught, just need to make it to Monday when I can get to the courthouse to get my stickers.

Mema Jo said...

You better put your walking boots on!

Can you walk to the court house???

NatureNut said...

Kick back, Deb. I had a day like that at Park TU. People calling w/STOOPID requests!I'll tell one---people can rent for the day a huge field called the Group Camp which has a barn, pavilion w/picnic tables, well/water house, etc. In the back of spot is a huge dumpster rented on contract by Park. When the group is done they are to take their trash bags to the dumpster.Man called about the Census Bureau picnic that was to be held Thursday. His request was that the dumpster be MT for them!!!!!! DUH!!! I told boss & he said dumpster people come once a week on Thursdays!Hope he drove thru their crowd.

deb said...

People can be demanding. I hate IPhones!! People buy them at a big discount and set up accounts. Then they sell the phones, call in to cancel their accounts. Terms clearly state that if they cancel without returning phones, all fees apply and line will be canceled on day 31. Why do they think we would begin to make an exception so they can make money off of Apple and ATT??

NatureNut said...

Got my Kibble the cat pics on blogspot. Enjoy.....
Time for a snack ☺

deb said...

That is some cat, Loretta.

I am off to read and see if I can forget my second to last call--the only good thing about is I turned him in for IPhone fraud. Still steaming, the ice cream didn't work!

Mema Jo said...

Kibbles is something else! He looks good! Wonder why not the belly area?

He is bigger then my 'Marvin'...

Thanks Loretta.

deb said...

Forgot to say, Twins win again, only 1 game back now.

Mema Jo said...

Anyone who comes in - everyone went home! Loretta is getting a snack, Deb is reading a good book and Margy went to bed.. I am out the door now...
Lights are on if you come by......

Good night All
Peace to All
Prayers for All

(((hugs))) ♥

Anne-Marie said...

A minute late and a dollar short.

hedgie said...

Oh, Loretta, that is comical! Looks like the old male cat-paunch is what they left furred!!!
Sorry yoy won't get to see the kids anytime soon. What is Amsterdam like this time of year??
G'night to Andy, Deb, Margy and Jo. Peaceful slumber for you all! BTW, Deb---you go girl! Glad you turned him in!!

hedgie said...

Lowreeda---hope the trash truck times it JUST right---like when they are eating!!!

Lolly said...

We are home!!! Safe and sound. Ahhhhh, my king size bed tonight!

Shirley.....I heard that!! Dandelions!!!!! For shame!!lol Actually, we have some down front. Our yard is an acre, the house is way back on the acre, and down front gets mowed but gets the least attention.

Cams at Port Aransas????? I had no idea! Boy, I would have searched them out and waved to all of you. I need to find them! As for vacation activities, well, I'll never tell!!

Going to play hooky from church tomorrow and mow. It has been two weeks and looks wild!

Going to go looking for the Port
A cams!

Lolly said...

OMG!!! We were right by one of the cams several times. The one by the public boat ramps with the ferrys in the back ground. This is the area we went to watch for ships coming and going and to see the dolphins. Drat! And, we were on one of the ferrys leaving this morning.

AND, we saw three osprey on the way out. They really love the power poles in the water. Great fishing! One we got a really good look at. My camera is now working since we got home. I think it did not like the humidity.

Lolly said...

I am anxious to see the cams during the day. Sure can not see much now. lol

hedgie said...

Glad that you are home safe and sound, Lolly! Ha! I knew you didn't know about the cams!!! Don't y'all knock yourselves out tomorrow doing the yard----you just got rejuvenated & don't want to undo that R&R!!!

Lolly said...

Hi Lynn! I need to work off the weight I gained this week. We walked on the beach, but I am sure it was not enough to take care of the meals we had. Back to eating slim and excercising. Oh, well, it was fun while it lasted.

Port A has a good web sight. lol Had not seen it before. Duh!

stronghunter said...

Hello to anyone still awake. I had a nice visit with my children. Rus made it to the game in time to see the last play, and Hunter was happy to see his Uncle Rus.

I did not try to make it to the game, but felt better so I joined them afterwards

We went out for lunch and shoe shopping, checked out Wegman's and then to Kathryn's for some family time. I came home a little while ago. The guys are still visiting.

Loretta, that cat looks bigger than George! What a cat!

I have to say good night, now.

stronghunter said...

Lolly, at least my dandelions provided somw pleasure for a group of little boys. Wonder if they took them to their mothers?

Lolly said...

Just need to teach those little boys to pull up the whole plants!

Lolly said...

Local high school won their game last night. They are now 4 -0, TCU won this evening. NOW for the COWBOYS to beat the Giants tomorrow. Big day...first game in the new stadium. SIL is going with college friends only he being from Long Island is a Giant fan. Boo Hiss!!!

Lolly said...

Going to head for the shower.

Nite all!

Sweet dreams!

hedgie said...

Night, Shirley and Lolly. I'm right behind you. Prayers for all.

movin said...






Costume Lady said...

I read back over the blog to see what I missed relaxes me and gave me many chuckles.
Looks like we will be watching BWO for our Eagle Fix the rest of this year:( Oh, well, we like BWO, it's sorta our Sister Cam.



magpie said...

Well, it is that time again,
Morning! And a beautiful, cool clear morning it is here in Martinsburg, WV.

Welcome Home Lolly and Jack

I like that, Wanda,

BWO is like a sister cam :)

I'm headed out to work, hope it is a good day for everyone.

xox ☺ ♥

Mits said...

good Sunday morning everyone...have a blessed one

Mits said...

2 eagles at BWO

stronghunter said...

I think I have asked before, but I am not sure how to find the BWO eagle cam.

stronghunter said...

Good morning! Sorry about skipping the greeting. Hi Mits.

Mits said...


Mits said...

Shirley, eagles, vultures, sea gulls, herons, and other birds take over the osprey nest till next March when the o's return

stronghunter said...

Thanks, Mits. I had it on my favorites list. I was just confused about which one it was.

stronghunter said...

So the young eagle or whatever has to be out by March? That works?

Mema Jo said...

Good Sunday Morning! I am getting ready to be out of here for a while.
Well, BWO has both eagles so I got my fix for the day! Also, my little lone Hummer visited me first thing this mornig. I'll be back - take care -


stronghunter said...

It is nice to have some eagles to watch this morning.

Lolly said...

Good morning! Have read the paper and had my coffee. Heading out to mow soon.

Checked the Port A web cams. Know where I am going to stand the next time I am down there. Be ready! lol Going to the boat ramp/ferry cam. Going to stand on that corner by the boat. The beach cam is not clear, but I imagine the sun is messing with it now, shining right into the lens.

stronghunter said...

How do I find those cams, Lolly?

stronghunter said...

Eagles have left BWO.

Lolly said...

Port A Cam

Here it is Shirley. Let's see if I did this right. lol

Lolly said...

Wow Wee! I did it!

Lolly said...

Time to go! I am heading out!


stronghunter said...

Thanks Lolly! I will be looking for you there on your next visit.

normabyrd said...

GOOD MORNING EAGLE BUDDIES!!--(not a good am in WV)---AUBURN beat the socks off of us -- the second half----game wasn't over until after midnight!!!----

stronghunter said...

Good morning, Norma. Sorry about the game.

normabyrd said...

GOOD MORNIN'--MARGY---MITS--SHIRLEY--MEMA JO--& WELCOME HOME LOLLY & JACK!!!---Hope everyone is enjoying a gorgeous sunny day!!--The weather is awesome here in WILD & WONDERFUL WEST VIRGINIA!!---The trees are changing their beautiful colors over night!---Take a walk or a drive & just enjoy the day!!----LIFE IS GOOD!---GIVE THANKS FOR THIS WONDERFUL WORLD WE LIVE IN!!!!----REJOICE!!!

normabyrd said...

thanks SHIRLEY---it was a sorry game---ho!-----always next year---

deb said...


hedgie said...

Good morning, Momsters and Dadsters.
Sorry, Norma. MD got beaten, too.
Had an awful cacophony this AM---CROWS by the hundreds! Went out to get papers and neighbor said theyw ere harassing a hawk....strange, huh? But saw the hawk fly over---crows did not chase, so.....who knows?! I think they had just chosen to roost overnight and were letting the world know they were waking!
Dog and I are heading to daughters' in Ranson/CharlesTown....setting off bombs here to hopefully get rid of these stupid gnats.
See you all this evening. Enjoy your day!

PA Nana said...

Wow! got my eagle fix! Eagle at BWO for a long while.

He everyone! Just want to say hello and give everyone blessings.

Having trouble with my right (mouse) hand so can't stay long.

Maybe later ....

PA Nana said...
This comment has been removed by the author.

2/20/25 PM bird

1203 PM NN Scout comes to the nest with a load of bedding again. He seemed to leave with something in his talons. He has a beak full of bedd...