Wednesday, September 30, 2009


Cam back up thread.


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floralgirl said...

Well, I like that news! Thanks NCTC!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...


Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Yeah!!!! Thanks so much NCTC!!! We are so grateful!!!! Now for a visit! Wouldn't that be grand!!!!????

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Don't think Mema Jo found this new thread yet! :)

hedgie said...

I did!! After seeing Megan's note! TY. Nothing like watching the clock!!!

Ms Bookworm said...

Good Morning/Afternoon, Everyone!
Got caught on the old thread.
Slept in today, and it felt GOOD.
Can't talk for long; have a Pharmacology exam tonight, and gotta study, as usual. Hope they get at least the still cam working soon! Looks like they're trying.
Good to see you back here, Shirley!
Hope everything goes OK with the Dr.!
Prayers for your health! Interesting talk about Shingles vaccine--I've got a story about that, but will tell later. Too long. Weather here is awesome so far today! Hope you all have a good one, and I'll be back much later tonight. Take care! :o]

Ms Bookworm said...

P.S.--WA-HOO!!!!! Thank you for the cam!!!!!

Costume Lady said...

Just got back from GG visit and what do I see??? A WORKING CAM! I'm going to sit here until I see our Royal Couple!:)

floralgirl said...

What, it's a sit in?? Well, grab a drink and wait.....

paula eagleholic said...

Miracle of miracles...our cam is working!

paula eagleholic said...

LOL, love your pic, Megan

Judie said...

Hi everyone,

Had a busy day with haircut and then working on an exam review for a class tomorrow. Haven't even taken time for lunch.

Not caught up on yesterdays comments so will just start over today.

See something about Shirley, hope she's okay.

Wanda, been meaning to ask for a Gee Gee update. Hope she's doing well.

Andy, study the best you can and I know we're gonna see another A+. You go girl!

Thank you NCTC for the working cam.

A LITTLE OVER TWO WEEKS AWAY! Yippee!!! By the way, how's the weather up those parts in mid-Oct? Guess about the same as No. VA.?

Hi to Megan, Sharon, Sissy, Lynn, and Wanda. Hi also to those I've missed along the way.

I woke up extra early today because the light was on and shining in my eyes. I forgot to turn it off last night. I'll remember to turn it off tonight.


floralgirl said...

Well, put down that page won't open for me now.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Me either Megan! Well, butter my butt and call me a biscuit. The cam is gone again!

magpie said...

Maybe the page itself is being updated, I think in a little while it will come back up. A lot of folks will probably be having trouble getting onto the blog also, I had to sneak in through a side door.

Mema Jo said...

I just returned from picking up my MUMS and MEATBALL. I did not see your Heads-up Megan - Must have been the lack of seeing sunflowers!

Ok What did you all do in my absence?

Not blue - BLACK
Sit in's don't always bring the best results! Crossing my fingers that it
comes right back to us!

magpie said...

But I tried about 10 different ways to get to the still cam.

Thanks in advance Steve and other technicians... - I hadn't seen the new view yet except the updated one earlier in the day.

magpie said...

I think I will go work in my garden, all of about 1/1000th of an acre of it..☺

Glad to hear the updates on Laurel and the kids, Lolly.

paula eagleholic said...

Must be an FWS Update .... can't get that page open...should be back shortly, I would think

stronghunter said...

Hi! Love the Halloween pictures.

Couldn't get to the still cam, either. Will try again later.

Got the blood work done. Hardest part was finding the place. I stopped in a parking lot to call them and looked up and realized I was next to their parking lot, so that wasn't too bad either.

Thanks for the update, Lolly. It does sound like Laurel needs to take it easy for a little bit longer. Flu really takes its toll on the body.

Going to check out shingles vaccine.

deb said...

I was so excited to see the cam is up, only to find the website is down. :( Progress is being made though!

Mema Jo said...

Lynn: GM To Shut Down Saturn
General Motors says it will shut down its Saturn unit after talks to sell it
fall through.

stronghunter said...

Shingles vaccine . . . $200.00! Yikes! I will call the doctor's office and ask about that.

Beautiful cardinal came flying across my yard and lit on the feeder.

paula eagleholic said...

Heading home....eagle at BWO

paula eagleholic said...

Shame on GM...

stronghunter said...

Really sad about the Saturn plant.

floralgirl said... is about the right time for a nest visit.

Costume Lady said...

Shame on whomever put a $200 price tag on the shingles vaccine! Now common sense tells me that a little squirt of a vaccine can't possible cost that much! This is the problem with health care. They can charge whatever they want and justify it without anyone REALLY looking into to it to see if the public is being gouged! If Medicare won't pay it, it is because they feel it is a unnecessarily high fee.

hedgie said...

Yep, Jo, heard the report earlier....very scant news other than Henderson announced production and dealers will be shut down very soon. GM dealers will continue service---thank goodness--the car I bought for my mom in '96 is a aturn---still in excellent shape except they are taking it to have headliner replaced Fri---has gotten rather droopy.

hedgie said...

Should have known cam was too good to be true.......

hedgie said...

Wanda, let me give you an example. When I was breeding 20 yrs. ago, dog vaccines cost $10 each at the vet. I could buy the serum through a catalog for about 27 cents per dose. So that tells how absurd it is to even get vaccines through a vet or doctors office if there is another way!

stronghunter said...

I want to know if insurance will pay for that vaccination. When I got the flu shot, I was told that they will submit it to insurance, but they don't know if insurance will approve it--but it was $30.

Mema Jo said...

Hubby and I both have Medicare benefits and our family physician put it through them the past 2 years.

I can believe $200 just as I can about the high cost of meds we really need on a daily basis...... That is where gov't should start with CONTROL IMHO
Then they should hit the cost of a lousy office visit!

magpie said...

Gardening is done. Most of my Megan Flowers have run their course except for a few little snapdragons left, got my two mums and some other little things planted.....sure will miss all that Yellow on my stoop!

People at work dropping like flies, hope whatever immunity I have stays strong....not sure I won't get called in here for something.

Mockingbird was in the neighborhood keeping me company...

If the clouds clear for Moonie and Jupiter, note the difference in the positions tonight versus last night...if anyone happened to see them last night.

time to change out of gardening clothes...

xo Hope everyone is having an okay evening....

magpie said...

O boy, I hope I remembet to listen for the feed toss at Pix Pa in about an hour....will be a first for me since getting sound back ☺

magpie said...

Oh forgot, still have the yellow butterfly weed, and that is a perennial so I will look forward to that next spring! My forget-me-not foliage is running rampant, divided it up and spread it around to other spots out front. ☺

Costume Lady said...

My flu shot was free as was Gene's at the VA hospital. Thank goodness for that.
Lynn told me of an injection that I could get in my knee and it would last for up to a year. Doc said medicare won't pay any of that one and that it is VERY expensive! I asked him to find out for me what the cost is. If I have a good season in the shop, I may look into it. A WHOLE YEAR WITHOUT KNEE PAIN!! WAHOO!!

Mema Jo said...

Black bear on Snowman Cam
Deer was at the salt lick on PA woods
cam but cam has changed view.

magpie said...

Thanks for the black bear alert, Jo, have never seen it when there is that much daylight out...Hope Dana sees it, she is a Big Fan of black bears.

stronghunter said...

Thanks for the bear alert. It is just hanging out there.

magpie said...

Two nice deer at okie cam too

Hi Shirley...hope things will get better for you there, woman. ☺

magpie said...

I must say I have it pretty good here in the "city" - small town of Martinsburg, in this neighborhood I have killdeer, and Canada Geese often flying and honking over, AND, I can hear the choo choos going through the crossing about half a mile away, not that I wouldn't rather be in the country, but this will do. ☺

magpie said...

definitely a change-up in relative positions of the Moon and Jupiter...sure looks pretty.

magpie said...

Wonder how many hits the NCTC site is taking while we keep checking on it to come up.

magpie said...

3 deer and two cardinals, Okie.

Judie said...

Deer at PA and bear at Snowman.

Oh, I think I caught up on Shirley. Had shingles 25 years ago. First doctor (military)told me I had insects bites. Stupid arse. Went to another doctor (civilian) who told me I had herpes zoster. After scrapping me off the ceiling (how the H--- was I suppose to explain herpes in my mouth?) he laughed and explained shingles. Had vaccine two years ago. No more shingles - but no harm from the vaccine.

Well, off to try to catch up on the newspaper. Dinner over -- not my best effort tonight.


magpie said...

just do what you can to make sure you are in Shepherdstown on October 16 -

you cannot send a sub for this....

magpie said...

Hi Judie -
the night time view of BWO reminds me of fingerprint samples of fingers!

Mema Jo said...

Before Margy reminds us again, I am going to order my Christmas cards on line this evening!
I have a good many addresses but will send out some personal emails for those I don't have.

floralgirl said...

Christmas...good I already behind in my holiday shopping.

ceil said...

Evening able to get on now and then. Margy letting you know thank you I saw the moon and Jupiter last night Beautiful

Mema Jo said...

Moon and Jupiter is also beautiful tonight!

The bear just climbed the tree and now he is down.
There is another varmint - and I haven't seen it close enough to know what it is yet

stronghunter said...

I have already requested a day of leave for Friday the 16th. I haven't received approval yet, but I cannot imagine that I won't, so the sub will be in my classroom. I have a doctor's appointment for October 13th. Unless something major happens, I expect to be at Open House.

It would break my heart to miss Open House. I have been looking forward to it for months.

magpie said...

Oh boy, Ceil....great to see you!

Mema Jo, you might be giving me credit for something I don't remember doing, reminding you to order cards online
but I sure have used that address list the Bird Girl put together for us last year!

Darn I missed the bear climbing the tree!

magpie said...

I'm glad you saw the celestial duo Ceil...and that others are seeing it tonight, I love to see how the positions change from night to night....

magpie said...

I'm hoping that since I can get to Friday dinner on time, I can get some advance time with some of our newer Momsters, Shirley, you and Judie for example....
otherwise I will smother you when I arrive late Saturday night for dinner.

Mema Jo said...

Great shingles story Judie! roflmbo

magpie said...

Hey Ho - how is the haircut?
Mine turned out pretty good...I enjoy the time with the hairdresser as much as I do getting the new 'do.


Judie said...

Jo, I saw the bear climb the tree and slip down. Also saw some critter getting very close to the bear and figured it was a lot braver than I. Was fearful I might see an execution tonight. Couldn't tell what it was, though.

Going to look for Jupiter. Hope it isn't too cloudy/overcast. Had some sprinkes earlier.

magpie said...

I wonder if Steve realized that the FWS site went out of service this afternoon.....

Judie said...

Haircut is good - told my lady it has to be extra special for my upcoming special visit to WV.

magpie said...

funny little tiny thing running around at Pix Pa...

magpie said...

funny, fast and now outta sight.

magpie said...

that extra critter is at Snowman again....

hedgie said...

Shirley, most private insurances won't cover vaccines, but Medicare does, if you are on it yet...

magpie said...

I am beginning to forget WHO is getting haircuts...thought Jo was, now I remember Judie did, and I think Sharon got all gussied up too.

stronghunter said...

I am on Medicare, but only Part A. I have never used it.

magpie said...

With my sciatica, I sometimes get a flare-up which itches like crazy, doc (chiropractor) says it is something that follows the nerve paths...used to think it was something else more formidable.

Anonymous said...

Bear and Porkypine at snowman cam now

hedgie said...

Wanda, when Bill was supposed to get the Synvisc it was over $600, and our GM insurance wouldn't cover it, they ended up paying for surgery instead. GO FIGURE!

stronghunter said...

I got a haircut too!

magpie said...

Hi Crunch, porcupine, huh? That is unusual...guess the bear would choose not to fool with that.

Mema Jo said...

Turn your sound up at PIX Margy!

magpie said...

Hey crunch, you know there is a feed toss at particular times at Pix one coming up at 8:20 - but my computer time always says 8:22 for it.
Tonight will be the first time I will HEAR it too...

sorry, Shirley, told you I can't keep up !

stronghunter said...

I s that a porcupine? No wonder the bear isn’t bothering it! Your eyes are sharper than mine, Crunch! I went to full screen and tried zooming, but I did not know what it was. It is still there.

magpie said...

Thanks JO ! I have already packed away my can of marbles ☺

Judie said...

With all the haircuts, we are going to be one group of drop-dead georgeous babes!

Going back to look for porcupine.

Mema Jo said...

Countdown begins

Mema Jo said...

So how did I miss the Feed Throw?

stronghunter said...

Did the feed throw already happen?

hedgie said...

Margy, Jo did get a haircut, too----LOL, be careful what you call her! I have my apptmt. for cut and color next Weds. Whew, sure will be glad to get it done!

floralgirl said...

I didn't hear it.

stronghunter said...

Don't think I can take the excitement--a bear and a porcupine, and then maybe a late food throw.

hedgie said...

Shirley, you probably should get Part B, too----seems to me Medigap plans require it maybe.....I'll find out more. Of course, B is what costs $90-something a month!

magpie said...

If you missed it so did I!

Maybe the rain earlier messed things up....I can't believe it, all this anticipation...something seems to be crunching near the nest though

Mema Jo said...

lol My greatgrandkids call their Aunt Heather -- Hey Ho !

Thought you would want to know that
Margy! You must have inside info.

I am watching at 9:00
Criminal Minds
They do good profiles, Judie ! Tune In

Mema Jo said...

Margy - crunching sound near WHAT nest.

Our cam pic is back up but incorrect time! At least we have a picture!

stronghunter said...

I haven't gotten Part B because I have private insurance still. What would Part B do for me that private insurance does not? I was wondering if I should not get private insurance, but I have gotten it now for this year.

floralgirl said...

Yeah, but the picture is from daytime, so we know it isn't updating.

Mema Jo said...

Hubby just made pop corn and didn't offer me any! Dang!

floralgirl said...

What? Unreal- what was he thinking....

magpie said...

I'm sorry JO I didn't mean to say NEST - I meant to say SITE - the Pix Pa site, it was from deer at the salt lick I think. That site slows my computer down so I am going to tune it out soon.

You know the expression, "All Dressed Up and No Where to Go ?" That is us at the Pix Site waiting on food toss....

Okay I will go look at our NEST now.

I have this awful feeling I am going to get a call in...might just go to bed and wait on the phone to ring :(

stronghunter said...

Oh, Margy, I hope you get to have your time off!

Anonymous said...

The porkypine came up to woody and hug him

magpie said...

I do think the view at OUR nest is a new one from 4:18 though, right?
One step closer.....

If I get called in I am going to have a Criminal Mind of my own here....

Catch you all a little later.

Anonymous said...

He's gone now

hedgie said...

Shirley, Part B covers office visits, which most private insurance doesn't.

stronghunter said...

I am glad you knew what it was, Crunch. Bear just left, too.

Judie said...

Can't believe I saw the feed shoot for the first time. Deer was there and sorta moved off but started back. Couldn't find the procupine again. Just the bear. Haven't heard any crunching sounds anywher. Did check in on Diego and he's sleeping.

magpie said...

Okay Big LOL....just figured out that I called Jo aka Ho earlier....wondered what you all were talking about so I backtracked and found my typo!
Oh well, HO! It reminds us of NormaByrd, whom we have not heard from today !!

Mema Jo said...


magpie said...

Geese, when was the food toss, Judie? I had to turn that site off, really freezes things up after about ten minutes of air time.

xo back later, maybe, possibly, could be

stronghunter said...

This is what I have now--or as of tomorrow:


I will find out how it works. Do not know yet.

magpie said...

Hey Ho-Jo - I put maybe the last picture of the current Nest album on...."Still Back on but Stuck."
Hope there will be need for a new album starting October 1 ☺

Hope it works out for you Shirley..

stronghunter said...

Yeah, Judie, when was that food toss?

hedgie said...

Time for Criminal Minds. BBL.

stronghunter said...

Me, too, Margy. So far, the doctors' offices seem to be okay with it.

stronghunter said...

Lynn, my insurance plans have paid for office visits. I have usually paid a $15 co-pay. I do not think this new plan has a co-pay unless I use up the $1,500 my employer put in to the account.

Lolly said...

Hi all you drop dead gorgeous Babes! Got that right, Judie? Can hardly wait to see a picture of you all from Open House!

Oh, and Hi Crunch! Is that porcupine on the snowman cam?

Funeral today was at three. It was long, then there was a reception, and then we went out to eat with a group, so we just got home. The church was packed, this was First Methodist Church in downtown Fort Worth, a very large beautiful church. I almost lost it when we drove up and there on the street were approximately 100 bicyclists...all lined up. They did not know him, just there to support one of their own, Learned that Larry's 17 year old son was with him, but thankfully did not witness his Dad being hit. He had stopped at a convenience store and Larry was headed back to get the car. So sad! Anyway, it was a very good service.

Laurel continues to get better, Joseph is doing fairly well, Jacob is our sick one right now.

stronghunter said...

Hi, Lolly! Continued prayers for your family. I hope they get better very soon.

Anonymous said...

No Lolly A fox came in and left in about 1 min.

stronghunter said...

Last night, I looked up flu pandemics, because I remember when the flu closed our school when I was a high school student. I remember that they said that 80% of the students were absent. It was the 1957 pandemic. That strain of flu was called H2N2, Asian flu.

Lolly said...

The flu is really bad here and some schools have closed. I have been secretly hoping they close Laurel's school next week and she have another week to rest up. Shhhh! Do not tell her I have been wishing that! lol

Would you believe with her new sub finder system that she has had a different sub each day? That is crazy!

Lolly said...

Lynn, the Pizza casserole is going over well. I made a full recipe, and baked it. Told Laurel to just scoop it on to a dish and heat in the microwave when someone wants to eat. That is working well and I heard Jacob say over the phone that it was good. He did not want to eat earlier, but presently ibuprofen has reduced his fever and he ate a little.

Mema Jo said...

Oct 1 is tomorrow -
Getting the birthday list ready to publish
Yes I will put up a new album in hopes it will be greatly needed!

paula eagleholic said...

Evening, all.

See the cam is stuck again...

stronghunter said...

Lolly, I am sometimes confused by the sub finder system. The secretary who is in charge of it told me that if I request a particular sub, I won't get that sub because the policy is that everyone should have a chance at the jobs. That makes no sense on several levels.

stronghunter said...

Lolly, don't you think Laurel might be wishing the same thing?

Mema Jo said...

Lolly We can all pray for her school to close until all is healthy again!

Lolly said...

Yes, she might, in fact though it probably has not occured to her. She is hoping to feel well enough tomorrow to grade papers.

They closed for a week last spring when the scare of flu went around. Do not know if they will do that again or not.

Lolly said...

But, bless her heart....Laurel is like her mommy and drags herself to school when she should not be there.

Anonymous said...

New cam for polar bear Don't know much about it yet

NatureNut said...

Evening Everyone! Well, see the still cam was on for awhile. Mine's sunny and somewhere around 4PM. Did any eagles come?
Must be a black cloud over my head~~~~going to put stuff in car to leave Chelsea this evening & heard a loud snort. HUGE beautiful deer w/8 pt. rack limped forward a little on the grass next to pond and fell down. His tongue was out and was panting or drooling.I was not about to go to my car and scare him. Other lady was also leaving.He saw her and got up again~~~~the worst front leg just dangled & the other front couldn't support him. My coworker left & I went back in to call Park Rangers who didn't answer of course, called the chief Ranger's cell---another dead end. Called Park Police & lady wanted to know if deer still there.I tiptoed where I could see all of pond edge & he was not in sight. Police would not send anyone then.
When leaving had seen a car on property road---followed to investigate & it was our former Division Chief and a bigger wheel now. He used to be a naturalist.Said deer is probably suffering & Rangers should come by tomorrow & check pond edge. So I've been leaving messages & sending emails. Concensus of opinion is car accident.
I always say a prayer for all our fine people, but looks like animals need help. I need a kleenex

Lolly said...

Thanks, Crunch. Will try it on my computer tomorrow. Need to install stuff on my laptop to get it. I am sitting here right now in my comfortable chair with my laptop. Also watching the second installment of the Natl. Parks Program.

Judie said...

Feed shoot was just around 8:30pm. Had the site up from about 8:25 and turned up volume.

Y'all be careful calling Jo a Ho!

Yep, Lolly, we are going to be the most georgeous babes NCTC has ever seen. So nice you were able to attend the service. Sure it meant the world to his family. Am wishing that everyone recovers quickly from the flu. So exhausting and takes so long to get one's strength back. No doubt pizza casserole will help.

Ah for substitutes. No such luck for me. Can ask a collegue to help out but always iffy. We're either there or have to cancel classes.

Speaking of being somewhere, I need to be in bed getting some sleep.

So, turning my light off but leaving the light on for others coming in. Especially Andy after her exam tonight.

G'night everyone.

Lolly said...

Oh, Loretta!!!!! That is awful! I need a kleenex too. Poor baby!

Anonymous said...

Porky back on snowman cam now

stronghunter said...

Judie, I had to cancel one of my college classes because I was throwing up. A student was really angry. She told me she had driven over the mountain to class and it was cancelled. All I could say was that she would not have wanted to be around me that day. I think the college does try to call students when class is cancelled, but this was a last-minute thing. If I had tried to call her, she would have probably already been on the road, and this was before everyone had cell phones.

I do not recall ever being angry when classes were called off! But I did not have to drive over a mountain, either.

stronghunter said...

That is so sad, Loretta.

Lolly said...

I see deer, but not porky!

Anonymous said...

Porky gone but fox is back

Mema Jo said...

Loretta - that would have also broken my heart like yours to have seen the deer in such pain.
I remember the one deer on PA Woods
that seemed to have a lame leg.

Anonymous said...

Lolly It's a good nite at Pix. Bear Porkypine Fox and 3 Deer. You amost have to stay on Pix to see them some are on and off in a flash

stronghunter said...

I think I see two critters at Snowman. . . a deer and something else. Is that the porcupine again?

stronghunter said...

Crunch, are you at Pix or Snowman cam?

Anonymous said...

Sorry itis snowman cam

stronghunter said...

I thought I might be missing something!

hedgie said...

Oh, Loretta, how very sad. Hate to think that the poor thing will be suffering all night.
Lolly, what a blessing that Larry's son did not witness the accident. But sure that he is having a very d ifficult time dealing with it.
Shirley, you are fortunate that your "old" insurance covered OV's. Hope your new one does.

Anonymous said...

I think that is a porky. There head is like a ground hog

Lolly said...

I finally see the porcupine!

hedgie said...

Have had absolutely no luck opening Snowman cam tonight! Drat---wanted to see the porky.

Lolly said...

Ahhh, Lynn! So sorry!

stronghunter said...

That is too bad, Lynn.

magpie said...

rather amazing close-up of a doe at Pix Pa.

Lolly said...

I am beginning to fall asleep. Time to head to the shower and then to bed.

The Natl. Park Program is still going.....Jack is going to have to stop it. Really enjoying it!!

Nite all!

Sweet dreams!

stronghunter said...

Lynn, I posted a picture of the porcupine on my blog. Not as good as seeing it live, but it's the best I can do.

NatureNut said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mema Jo said...

CSI NY was a good show.

Great looking deer close up on the PIX

Is the bear still behind the snowman or not?

stronghunter said...

Whatever it is, the bear did not bother it.

Mema Jo said...

WHOA! Porky is ready for that big ole' bear.......

stronghunter said...

Unless I am mistaken, they don't shoot quills.

NatureNut said...

Just checiked---looks like a small bear!! And Porky was still there too!

magpie said...

Loretta, nice to get that Pleasant Feather Dreams greeting, seems like it has been awhile.
Sorry about that injured deer...

hedgie said...

Oh, Shirley, thank you so much!!

Anonymous said...

I see the Bear is back. He's not about to get stuck with quiles.

stronghunter said...

Glad you enjoyed it, Lynn.

I should have gone to bed long ago. I'll see you tomorrow.

Good night, all.

hedgie said...

Don't think the bear would be dumb enough to wrangle with a porky----a mouthful of quills is VERY painful---they are barbed, you know.

magpie said...

Good night Shirley.....
I already went to bed once then woke up hungry :(

but at least not because the phone was ringing..yet....

Ceil was on and off, just like that earlier, sure was nice to get a wee visit

hedgie said...

Loretta, what a yummy snack!!
Goodnight, Shirley!

Mema Jo said...

Snowman blog says that Porky has been there before.........

magpie said...

sounds like Loretta's chow beats my tomato soup and crackers...
wish I had some ice cream

Mema Jo said...

Car light scared bear and he ran off but came right back.

magpie said...

sad thing is some go to bed hungry, wake up hungry...and spend the day hungry

hedgie said...

Deb, have you heard anything about Alice's family? Daughter just said that a co-worker is Samoan and he hasn't been able to get through to find out anything about his family.

Mema Jo said...

Nite Shirley and all others who have retired.......... My turn now!

Good Night All
Prayers for everyone's wants/needs/good health
& even school closings!
Peaceful sleep to All
((((hugs)))) ♥

hedgie said...

Margy, I won't tell you that I'm going to have ice cream after my bath, okay?
Hey---nothing wrong with tomato soup qand crackers----but think I've mentioned before that I REALLY like Progresso's Tomato Basil!

magpie said...

I've enjoyed all Hedgie's avatars but it will be fun sometime when she puts her Hedgehog back on !

Great new avatar Megan has too...
reminds me of an expression I might have on my face if that phone rings !

Norma's going to be talking about frost in the morning I think....if she checks in. We'll probably hear from her during the Mountaineers game in the evening at least

magpie said...

Never had it, will try it Lynn...
enjoy the ice cream. Ice cream makes me think of my teenage working summer days at Howard Johnson's in Charles Town, I tried every one of those 28 flavors!

Good Night Jo, Shirley, and those probably already on the pillows.
I'm headed back there again soon.

so, Good Night from me too

Hope the nighttime brings peace and needed rest. God Bless Us, Every One
xo ♥

hedgie said...

Well sweet friends, I am heading for the tub. Sweet dreams. Prayers for all for health, wealth, happiness and peace.

hedgie said...

P.S. Margy, never knew there was a HoJo's in CT!!!!

hedgie said...

We ate at them all the time when I was growing up---not only at home but when traveling, too. Best ever fried clams, and my very favorite pink peppermint ice cream! The one in Springfield,VA had a drive-in complete with carhops on skates! That was where, as a teen, I learned to love french fries with gravy! Night-night.

Costume Lady said...

Loved HoJo's orange concoction (forget what it was called) and FF Onion Rings!! Ummmm!

Shop opens at 10am, so I better try to get my 8zzzzz's.

Sleep Tight
Prayers for all.

paula eagleholic said...

Lolly - glad Laurel is starting to feel better, hope everyone else gets better soon.

Nature - poor deer!

Missed all that good action at snowman cam...was getting boxfull of papers ready to take to lawyers office in the morning...have to go to Rockville...will wait till the traffic settles down a bit!

House is really coming along...hopefully done in 2-3 weeks! Trying to schedule floor and carpet contractors...still have to do deck and electric and steps, but plans are in the works for that as well.

And college kid has to look for a crashed off his bed last night when he fell asleep and the screen cracked! All I have to do is pay for it...He'll be home next weekend for Colorfest!!

Hitting the hay, have the box ready to haul out the door in the morning....catch ya'll tomorrow!

Hugs to all ♥

Ms Bookworm said...

Good evening, eagle buddies!
I'm home from school. Missed a few on the Pharmacology test I got back tonight, but (THANK GOD!) still got an A!!!! Tonight's test was really difficult--almost all of it was big, long drug names. Hope I did OK! I'm certain everyone in the class had trouble with it! Nasty!
Well, I see our cam has a picture again, but is stuck on 4:18 pm. At least it has a picture! I'm sure they are working on the problem.
I have quite a story about the Shingles vaccine. Verrrry interesting! When our youngest gd was just a baby, she caught chicken pox from someone at her daycare. I had babysat for her just a couple days before we found out she had it, and I never had chicken pox as a kid myself! This was ten years ago, so imagine my distress!!! I sure didn't want to have chicken pox as an adult, so I went to the Dr. in a panic. He suggested a chicken pox vaccination would be just the thing, so I got one that very day. I never got the chicken pox! What a relief. (Our gd got an extremely light case--hardly broke out at all.)...

Ms Bookworm said...

...Well, fast forward now to about 4 years ago. One day I noticed I had what looked like 2 spider bites on my stomach, just below my rib cage on the right side. They itched really bad the first day or two, then started hurting like all get out. Was afraid I met up with a really nasty spider, so went to the Dr. and found out it was Shingles!!!! Told my story to him to remind him that I had never HAD chicken pox, and he chuckled a bit and explained what had apparently happened. I had been incubating chicken pox when I got the vaccination, and the vaccination kept me from breaking out with it, and made it an extremely mild case. But I HAD had the chicken pox!... I was under a lot of stress at the time at work, and at home, and I DID break out with Shingles, although just those two spots. It still hurt something AWFUL, and I was on Co-Tylenol for a couple of weeks (Whoo!!--parTY! La La Land!). Took Tylenol XS for weeks and weeks after that before it finally went away. The Dr. said the odds of having chicken pox and not knowing it are astronomical. Long story short, I think I would recommend the Shingles vaccine to anyone who can afford it. (Phew! It IS expensive, isn't it?!!!!) Wish they had had it way back when I really needed it!

Ms Bookworm said...

Shirley, I am SO jealous! You got to see a cardinal! I haven't seen one in person since I was a kid! How cool. Hope you're feeling better real soon! George better be taking real good care of you!

Ms Bookworm said...

I'm SO sorry to hear about that poor deer! Golly, I need a kleenex too! You did the best you could to help it. Here's a big ((Hug))!

Ms Bookworm said...

Well, the morning alarm will be going off way too early tomorrow, so I'm going to call it a night. Prayers for everyone. May we all dream of eagles!
Talk to you tomorrow. The night light is on, the porch light is automatic, and the eye scanner lock is enabled. If you come in late, please don't slam the door! Thanks!
G'night, all.

movin said...

Re: Shingles :~(

When I was young they didn't have vaccines for much of anything except Small Pox, so I got most of the childhood diseases the traditional way ... together with most of the other kids in the area. Both kinds of Measles, Chicken Pox and Mumps.

Here is a paragraph or so from the two-sided sheet they gave me on Shingles.

"Shingles is caused by the Varicella Zoster virus, the same virus that causes chickenpox -- or gotten chickenpox vaccine -- can get shingles. The virus stays in your body. It can reappear many years later to cause a case of shingles."

There's more, but you would be better off to look it up in Wikipedia or something if you are interested.


Good NighT





floralgirl said...

ALl this chicken pox talk is making me itch...never had them as a child- caught them when I was in my 20's. Still have several scars...
47° here this morning.

NatureNut said...

Good Morning Megan and all our buds! Greetings from lovely eagle at BWO!!

normabyrd said...

GOOD MORNING EAGLE BUDDIES!---I am the #1 EAGLE MOM!--today & every day!----ho!--I am so far behind on the blog---I will never catch up!!--But must tell you all!!!---YESTERDAY I RECEIVED A BLUE & GOLD WVU POM POM IN THE MAIL!!!---MARGY!!!---you are the dearest person in the world!--I know I LOVE you!!!--TONIGHT---WV MOUNTAINEERS PLAY COLORADO IN MORGANTOWN!!!----

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' MEGAN & LYNN!---Wishing all a wonderful day!---Will try to catch up soon!!---DAVIN is still involved with dr appts!---Thanks again for all your prayers!!

floralgirl said...

Morning, Norma:) Hope things are going well with Davin.

normabyrd said...

ps--MEGAN--I have lots more CHICKEN POX SCARS than you---That's why I look years older than you!!!!----ho! (love your punkin'---stay cool)

magpie said...

O boy! this is definitely the day that the Lord has made....I don't care the weather, Norma is here! and Megan....and then when everyone else pops on I am going going to feel the same way ☺ ♥

magpie said...

And Loretta! And two beautiful Eagles at Bwo !

magpie said...

Norma, I was hoping that little giftie would make it to Romney in time! I could have spent my whole paycheck at the Flag Store on Mountaineers things for you! HO!

Wish I could have !

magpie said...

Both me AND my garden got a haircut yesterday, hardly recognize either one....

magpie said...

Roll those calendar pages over! New Eagle pic on one, three beautiful children on another (god-child and his siblings, in Hallowe-en garb) and one Fox Squirrel on my WV DNR calendar...

magpie said...

My step-daughter broke out in chicken pox full blown, she was 5 - the day before her Dad and I got married back in 1981 - poor little tyke, thankfully there was a good health clinic that took care of her just in time...that was in Massachusetts, same place as James and I went to in July....

magpie said...

So, Norma, if you need anything Mountaineer, just let me know...flags, aprons, glasses, napkins, window decals, you name it, they have it!

magpie said...

Oh, did I forget to say Good Morning Everyone ?

Hope it is a good day...and if it is not, well, you can come on here and let us know...we are good listeners...

magpie said...

Simple 91 yoa gal pal called yesterday to see if we could go shopping this morning...the sound of her voice when I said "sure" - took a big edge off my day. (now so long as work does not beep me, things will be even through the night and morning without a call...)

magpie said...

Looks like Finland is getting trounced with a storm...maybe a rainbow and ravens later.

Mits said...

Good morning everyone....happy first day of is Molly's birthday today...she is 2

Mits said...

split coming

magpie said...

Wow! Happy Birthday to Molly!

Doubt if she will be one of those Terrible Twos ! Not with the family she is in !

xoxo Hi Mits ! ☺

floralgirl said...


floralgirl said...

Aww. Happy Birthday to Molly:)
I remember the terrible two's, they weren't that terible here... My kid had wicked colic as a baby, think she got a lot of the crying out of her system
Hello Margy and Mits!

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2/20/25 PM bird

1203 PM NN Scout comes to the nest with a load of bedding again. He seemed to leave with something in his talons. He has a beak full of bedd...