Tuesday, September 15, 2009


New thread.


paula eagleholic said...

Make it a Great Day!

paula eagleholic said...

Thanks for the new thread, Steve.

I have a blue screen as well...

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Blue screen here too! :( Good morning everybody!

Mits said...

BWO Braveheart still there.

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Morning again! Got my reservation at the Clarion for 10/17!! WOOHOO!!

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Groundhogs munching at PA Pix.

Mema Jo said...

GOOD MORNING ALL! Just signed on and

I love BLUE skies, Blue seas BUT
I don't love BLUE screens

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...


Mits said...

lol....cardinal rule #1....no YELLING,(except when eagles arrive):):):)Sharon.....going to put you in the timeout box

Mema Jo said...

Great news, Sissy! Plans are really shaping up for Oct and I am getting excited about getting together again!

Mema Jo said...

What the devil are you yelling about Sharon?

Mits said...

she got her TRAIN tickets:)

deb said...

Did anyone e-mail Steve about the Still Cam?

deb said...

I can do it if no one else has.

Mits said...

go for it Deb:)

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...


paula eagleholic said...

Go for it Deb...

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...


paula eagleholic said...

Jinx, Mits :)

Train, what train???? LOL

deb said...

You did, you did, e-mail Steve or get tickets?

paula eagleholic said...

Oh, the choo choo train!

Hey Mits, did you ever take your son to Wheaton Regional Park to ride the train?

deb said...

E-mail is on the way.

Costume Lady said...

I brought this over from last thread to make certain LOLLY SEES IT;) I owe her this! LOL
BTW, I had posted some photos from Open House last year for our Newbies to see and a photo of LOLLY in my shop. Well, the phto was, of course, BEFORE she lost her 45lbs. So, to be a good friend, I posted the AFTER photo, also. On WILD AND WONDERFUL they are together....WOW, wish I could do that! Stunning:)

Mits said...

no Paula, never knew about the train in wheaton

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Diego is back!!

movin said...





deb said...

Check out the Cape Coral Osprey nest--we thought our nest had a big plant in it!

Cape Coral

hedgie said...

Morning all. Well, I heard y'all hollering about the blue cam....same here. The pits!
Paula, so cool that you saw an eagle this AM.....is that the first time you've seen one in the Thurmont area??
Bai being "pandanapped" is a cute way of putting it.....but guess mama can take him anyplace she wants, huh?
Oh, boy, Patrick Swayze being remembered by Whoopi on The View--this should be a bit emotional.

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Is that nest abandoned Deb? Sure looks like it!

Mema Jo said...

Wanda the pics of Lolly are on
JUST FOR FUN! She has really done well with the weight loss

deb said...

The nest was used this past season, Sissy, it should be about time for them to be getting ready again for the coming season.

Mits said...

wow, Deb, going to have to do alot of nestorations before they start again in December

hedgie said...

Deb, that's amazing!!! They will definitely need to mow or weed-whack that mess!

hedgie said...

If I didn't know better, I would think that someone is taking pot-shots at my house...ACORNS attack!! They are HUGE!

paula eagleholic said...

LOL at the Cape Coral Nest....didn't know it was on! Thanks, Deb!

deb said...

I was touring cams, since ours is down and found it up, Paula.

movin said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
movin said...

Deb, they could get a crop of hay out of that nest!



hedgie said...

Norma---FYI---Nancy's memorial service is Sat., 11AM, at CharlesTown Presbyterian Church.

hedgie said...

Oh, no, Mr. Bill....just got the first stink bug in the house....used a tissue....and the stink came through on to my hand and it won't wash off! Guess I'll try some bleach.

hedgie said...

Bleach works!

hedgie said...

Weather getting very suspicious here....getting darker and wind is picking up...81 degrees....didn't think rai was due until tomorrow.

hedgie said...

Talking to myself again! Heading out for errands shortly. TTFN.

floralgirl said...

Hello ALL:)
still blue screen I see...
Wonder if Sharon got her Train Tickets yet... guess we would've heard...
Paula, we took my daughter to Wheaton park several times, the train ride is great. The park is right beside Brookside Gardens, which is also a wonderful place to visit.

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Gang,
Got my yard ready for the gardeners, got my homework done. Have to do some damage control with the hair & makeup, drop off my homework at teacher's office, and drive to the high desert (3 hour round trip). On the way home I need to remember to get my prescription! OK, I'm off and running! Will be back later....
Have a nasty blue screen too! Hope it's repairable! Thanks for sending Steve an e-mail, Deb!
Say, did I hear someone hollering about train tickets? Think the noise is coming from the penalty box...LOL :oD ...Wonder who that could be....Hey, Sharon, congrats!

normabyrd said...

HEY HEDGIE!----Where did you get the info of Nancy's Memorial?---

Sat----11:00 a.m.
CHARLES TOWN --Presbyterian Church

thank you so very much---

stronghunter said...

Good afternoon. I am just sitting here unwinding. It was a busy, busy day and then there was a fire drill just as I was getting Block 4 class into order. Just can't pack enough fun into some days.

Did manage to take attendance at the drill this time. One student AWOL.

stronghunter said...

I have a blue screen too.

Can't access the Cape Coral nest. My computer does not like that program.

Mema Jo said...

Shirley The Cape Coral takes a few mins before it will come up.I thought I couldn't get it either.

Hopefully you will find your AWOL student! Fire drills are so exciting but never taken as seriously as they should be.

floralgirl said...

For the locals, here's a link to Brookside Gardens, it's in Montgomery County in Wheaton Park. Beautiful place.
Brookside Gardens

Mema Jo said...

Megan - that sure could turn out to be a wonderful day trip

floralgirl said...

It is a great place. And during the summer they have a wonderful butterfly exibit called Wings of Fancy. Fascinating exibit.

stronghunter said...

AWOL student showed up in class after the drill.

Some excitement just now. One of the teachers said there was a snake in her classroom. She thinks it's poisonous, but I wonder--black snake with white markings. She was wondering how it could have gotten there. I am thinking it might have gotten transported into the building by a two-legged being.

Costume Lady said...

I am SO SORRY that I gave the wrong blog for the photos of LOLLY, BEFORE and AFTER. Thanks, JO, for setting that straight!!
I was running a mile a minute this morning, trying to get everything taken care of before I went to my doctor appointment. I shouldn't even blog during the month of September and October. I find that as I get older, I cannot multi-task
anymore...the shop is very improtant to me, it pays for the fuel to heat this house, and give me spening money for the whole year. So, I need to take it a little more seriously.
Love you all and this blog soooo much, that it is hard to ignore it!
ANYHOW...I now have a "NEW" KNEE AND HIP!! Hip, Hip, hooray!
Also, doctor admitted pill I was on was a known cause of weight gain, has put me on Cymbalta, which might even help with arthritis and muscle aches and pains.
Back to the shop! BBL

Costume Lady said...

Oh, Yes, Megan....sounds like something right up my alley. A DAY TRIP IS A GOOD IDEA, JO! GONNA WRITE THAT DOWN!

Costume Lady said...

Don't have time to look back, did I give the right blog for the Newbies to see photos of last year's Open House? Just in case I didn't....WILD AND WONDERFUL.

Mema Jo said...

How cool is that for you, Wanda !!

Shirley - doesn't sound poisonous but sure sounds right about how it came in. However; you don't think the fire alarm scared it out of the walls do you?

Mema Jo said...

Clouding over again - last time I think I counted 10 drops. I wonder if I'll get more this time.....

Dinner time.......


Mema Jo said...

I think Lolly's rain has reached my valley. Downpour now but who knows
how long it will last.

hedgie said...

Hi again.
Norma, it was in the newspaper this morning.
Shirley, remember that a snake can crawl under or through a 1/4" space!!
Wanda, hope your injections do a super job of relief. Cymbalta seems to work quite well---know several people on it---including SIL and my mom. Really seems to reduce the lows, and no significant weight gain.

hedgie said...

I suppose I knew it would come eventually-----case now before the Supreme Court to force the Redskins to change the name. ARGH! This makes me SO angry. Hope Dan Snyder pours lots of $$$ into fighting the way Jack Kent Cooke did!

stronghunter said...

Jo, that fire alarm could have scared almost anything out of the walls, or into the walls. Could wake the dead.

Just learned that there are likely cases of swine flu in our school system.

Costume Lady said...

Am I the last one to notice a Sept. 9 update on the Live cam or has it been mentioned and I wasn't paying attention?

stronghunter said...

Snake could have crawled into the building, but I am always suspicious when a snake ends up in a schoolroom. I am sure there are plenty of mice that the snake might have been chasing, though.

We have resident skunks, too. My night students saw them sometimes. I never have seen one there, but do not want to. A skunk got into the cafeteria one day and caused lunch to be delayed while they figured out how to get it out of there.

Costume Lady said...

Lynn, I spoke with the doctor about the Synvisc and he said it works very well for some people...up to a year. Downside, VERY expensive and not cover AT ALL by Medicare!

stronghunter said...

Where do you see a date on the live cam, Wanda?

hedgie said...

Well, Wanda, that stinks! Why would they deny a med that is so good? Do they WANT seniors to suffer?????

magpie said...

Shirley, no live cam date, but an update, here:

live came down update


Hello Eagle Friends ☺ ♥

magpie said...

Read all the Eagle-Watching Action fun, and saw where it went to blue, right about at the time it shows on the camera....
So sad...bet the birds are behind that blue curtain NOW!

magpie said...

That Cape Coral Cam is pretty funny, nice "hairdo" -
must be all that poop shoot fertilizer...

magpie said...

Well, I don't have my nest-watching excuse for not getting some things done around the house....sigh...maybe I'll get my excuse back in the morning ☺
I think I am off but one never knows.....

Hope it's a good evening for all...
Don't work too hard. It is Tuesday night...good television watching night I understand, maybe I will hook up converter box that I have had for over two months...


Costume Lady said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
hedgie said...

Yes, Wanda, saw that Sept. 9th notice....good since the cam link had still been showing and going to the barber pole!

Costume Lady said...

MAYBE....someone has agreed to be a PROVIDER and they are working on the cams! WHAT, ME A POLLYANNA? NOT!

Costume Lady said...


paula eagleholic said...

I'm so Blueeeeeeeee

Wonder if Lib and Belle visited tonight?

Trying to catch up on stuff here....bbl

paula eagleholic said...

Steve has that on there every year, Wanda.

They could build a back up nest...

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

I think they just put that disclaimer on there just in case but we know that Lib and Belle are partial to that sycamore tree!

gwen of s.c. said...

Dear Wanda, loved your pictures and the video. You are so wonderful on the computer. It's dry as a bone in S.C. hope we get rain tomorrow. Thanks and wish I could go to the nest someday. love, Gwen

Costume Lady said...

Thanks, Gwen. I love putting things that I enjoy on my blog and hope that others enjoy it too:)
GWEN, while your hubby is on his tractor...head for your car and keep on driving til you get to WV;)

stronghunter said...

Trying out another computer to see if I can get the Cape Coral Cam.

magpie said...

My goodness, I have sound at the Burrowing Owl Cam....large plane sounds flying over.....I can't believe this...sound !

magpie said...

and owl sounds, maybe I did manage to get some of the audio devices reloaded, .. some if the catch phrase here...

magpie said...

Close up views at Pix Pa ??
no sound there for me :(
I have at least 8 audio devices that are Out of Date....will take me quite some time to figure it all out...

magpie said...

Someone is playing at Pix Pa...what a close up of the raccoon !

magpie said...

Ha Ha Shirley, I just checked both Cape Coral and Dunedin...looked like the top of the mop at Cape Coral was aglow !

Big raccoon is out of sight now....disappeared right from under !

hedgie said...

Just remembered that it was 17 yrs. ago today that I closed on my house!!! And, basically, the day I became free!

stronghunter said...

Lynn, I can identify with that "freedom" thing.

magpie said...

Happy Anniversary, Lynn ! ☺

stronghunter said...

With the help of Will, I got the Cape Coral cam installed on both of my laptops.

stronghunter said...

I closed on my house in October of 1995. It was a wonderful feeling.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Also, besides receiving TRAIN TICKETS in the mail, I also received a beautiful card from a friend from Martinsburg with a pic of Gene and Wanda and the Eagle Express! Awesome. Thanks Margy! You are such a doll!

Judie said...

Good evening, everyone.

So slam wore out tonight. Very busy day with classes and a two hour training session using more advanced Blackboard in preparation for an H1N1 shut down. Don't really think it will happen for our campus but...U.MD has a huge number of cases and many of my students are coughing and sneezing. Think I'll threaten to fail every one of them if I get the flu!

I'll try to catch up more tomorrow.

Turning my light out very early tonight but leaving the night light on for others. Someone please remember to turn the eye scanner on for late nighters.

Pleasant eagle dreams,

stronghunter said...

Judie, we have just been contacted that we have students in our system with H1N1. I had one girl today asking about the symptoms.

stronghunter said...

I later noticed that she was coughing. If she shows up tomorrow and is coughing, I will send her to the nurse.

stronghunter said...

I am hoping that our age will protect us from this flu.

stronghunter said...

Good night, all. God bless.

hedgie said...

Have heard that H1N1 is in our schools here, too....MTBR!
Shirley....we are women, hear us roar!!
Good that you can get up the cam--I had to install AXIS something on this netbook to get it.
Sharon, so glad your tickets arrived!!! I got some pretty flower pics from dear Margy! Ain't she sweet??

magpie said...

My Eagle Express and Gene and Wanda pictures, were some of the last from the "old cameras" I had been using...resisted digital for so long, then grabbed the opportunity and have not regretted it one teeny tiny bit.

Even though the US Postal service let me down with brother's package, I still believe in doing a lot of snail mail....☺ ♥
Glad to spread the happy faces and flowers around !

magpie said...

I have a fine printer (given to me by a co-worker) - waiting to be hooked up to this computer, it copies, scans, faxes, and you name it...but I can see my trying to install that any time soon...

I need a computer geek! ☺

magpie said...

Good Night Shirley and Judie....Rest well, your students need you ! ♥

magpie said...

It looks iffy cloud-wise, but the Moon and Venus should be deliciously close in the East in the morning...

Mema Jo said...

Guess What? Mailman hit the valley today with an envelope for me too !
Pics enclosed of past memories.
Thanks so much Margy!

magpie said...

Wanda :
Did you get your Birds and Blooms magazine? Great Red-Bellied Woodpecker on the front cover!

Brother in law gave me subscription to Birds and Blooms Extra - last issue has Monarch on the front cover....

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Margy, most of the time now, all you have to do is plug up the printer to the computer and it will lead you through the rest, loading the drivers, etc.

Costume Lady said...

Yes, I did Margy...Gene had to tell me what it was, although he may have been wrong. He said Ladderback?
B & B have the most beautiful covers:)

magpie said...

You are all welcome. Some of the envelopes are "vintage new-old" yellowed - gotta love those Goodwill cards! James heads for the toy bin and kitchen utensils, I head for the greeting cards! I will continue to try to get people pics out when I have them...

Sometimes the weight of the stickers on the cards makes for extra postage! The 62-cent stamp (which is one cent more than is needed for an extra ounce) is a Dragonfly...

magpie said...

I believe it is a red-bellied, goofy name since the head is red and it is tempting, but Red-Headed is already taken! Guess there is a hint of red on the belly of the other one. I save a lot of things, and the Birds and Blooms magazines are on that list!

Thanks Sharon.... I trust you, and I have an installation CD; now, have to find the room for the printer, that is one reason for the delay.

Mema Jo said...

The mag cover is saying it is a Red Belllied woodpecker but it sure looks like a Ladderback with the exception that the pic of a ladderback doesn't show any red on his head (the one I googled)

magpie said...

On my Thayer's Guide (installed on computer) (Cornell University) the ladderback male has a red nape like the downy, and spots on the breast....and a mask of sorts, female no red....it's a GREAT GUIDE but when I go to play the "sounds" I get an error message that says Run Time '6' Overflow and shuts the site down! That's when I REALLY discovered that I had sound problems. :(

magpie said...

This place (my apartment) looks like a small twister has come through! At least I have my Megan Posies to keep me grounded ☺

Magazine of the Month might go to Reader's Digest: Cover Headline:
How to Survive Anything
a robbery, a traffic jam, an insane canine, a nasty boss, bad credit, a scary plane ride....

Back to work at the kitchen table...

TTFN xoxo ♥

Mema Jo said...

I was over looking for some bald eagle items for place settings. I also saw a statue that was $6000 ...... That not up for a door prize! lol

Going to chill out for a while......


hedgie said...

Andy, if you check in----your book is in the mail! Clerk said a week-10 days......hope it travels faster than that!

hedgie said...

That's a bit too rich for our blood, Jo, for sure!!!

Mema Jo said...

Lynn Looks as though we might get the H1N1 shot around the same time as the regular flu shot.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Taking a little break from watching Barbara Walters' special on Patrick Swayze! How sad!

magpie said...

Man oh Man, surprised the neighbors have not called the cops!
I am spinning my wheels big time...computer zonked out on me for awhile also...

Well, Jo, If I win Powerball this week, I'll spring for that statue, retire, and make it to Open House!

On a more compassionate note, Prayers for strength and comfort for our sadnesses, and Prayers of Gratitude for our Joy, one of which is our friendships here.

Going to check out now...see you all in the blue morning nest light...xoxo God Bless Us, Every One

Mema Jo said...

It is very sad, Sharon. Cancer is so cruel.

I am going to sign out for the day.
Hope Mits got home safely without any
traffic jams or heavy rains.

Good Night All
Prayers for All
Peace to All
(((hugs for all)) ♥

hedgie said...

Yeah, Shar----brought the tears, didn't it? RIP, Patrick.
Jo, I would like to hope that they would have both for my next Drs. apptmt. on the 12th!
I am going to say my adieux for tonight. Prayers for all.

Lolly said...

Hi all!!! We are here at Port Aransas. As we headed to the ferry to cross to the island...four osprey greeted us! Yes, we saw four sitting on power lines above the water. I felt at home.

We arrived around 5. Set up and then headed for a long walk on the beach. Came home and grilled a great steak for supper and then sat outside and finished our bottle or wine. This is the life!

WANDA!!!!!! I love you dearly. You posted those pictures and I was surprised myself at the difference. lol You did not have to do that! Bless you!

So, the still cam is now down. Grrrrrrr!!

Hummingbirds are now migrating and pass through this area. I have put up a feeder but do not know if I will get any. Rockport,which we passed through just a short ways up the road is have a Hummingbird festival this week. A cousin who lives close posted a picture with approx. 10 hummingbirds around her feeder. We will see what I get.

Time to shower. Want to get up early and go walking on the beach. It is, of course, still very warm here, but it was very pleasant sitting out tonight.

Talked with Jacob. He was astounded that we were at the "same beach" and we had come here without him. Poor baby!

I will get on again some time tomorrow.

Sharon, so glad you got your Train tickets. Where are you going and when? ☺ Love you!

Nite all!
Sweet dreams!

magpie said...

G'night Lolly...thank you for checking with us Mother Hens.
Wonderful you saw the Ospreys Four!
xo Oh, G'night Jack also !

Costume Lady said...

Lolly, glad you saw your wonderful photos...I thought that, with an acomplishment such as yours, It needed to be 'broadcast'!
Enjoy you time with Jack and the peace and quite that only a stay at the beach can bring;)

Buenos Nachas
Sweet Dreams
Prayers for All


Lolly said...

Just showered!

Love you guys! Nite!

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Eagle Gang,
I'm checking in here to let you know that I got home from the high desert OK. Left home later than usual because I had so much homework to finish. (It had some tough questions on it, too!) Went to school and turned everything in. Had to search for the teacher; he was not in his office. He actually gave one assignment back to me after checking it, so I can use it to study for the test. That's awesome! From there I went and filled up the car ($3.04/gal. for regular), and headed up to the desert. Everything was OK up there, and I got the dues paid and picked up the mail. On the way home got my errands done, and got home for a late dinner. Phew! Glad I don't have to go anywhere but to the bank to make a deposit tomorrow! (Just school tomorrow night.) Speaking of trains, my caboose is dragging a bit tonight!
Lynn, saw that you've mailed the book! Bless you! I'll be watching for it. Can't thank you enough--you're a lifesaver!
Well, think I'll call it a night, especially since the cam screen has a case of the blues. Sure am glad I finally saw our eagles again this morning! May have to wait a while to see them again.
Prayers being said for all. Have a good night's sleep, and I'll talk to you tomorrow. Good night!

Ms Bookworm said...

P.S.-- Oops! Almost forgot to mention (just in case Jim shows up), I saw the most beautiful red-tailed hawk circling above the 91 freeway in Norco today! It was apparently looking for a stray ground squirrel. Hope it's street wise and doesn't dive into traffic!

movin said...

Yeah, Andrea, Red-tails are some of my favorite birds.

When I first moved to Orange County in the early 70's, the Irvine area was just beginning to be developed, and a lot of grass and brush land had been cleared and a lot of building was going on. Then in the area I was first employed in Irvine, there were practically no signs of life anywhere in the area... no birds, no beasts. But slowly as the area was landscaped and settled into a pattern, birds and some of the animals began to return.

My last job down there was right across Barranca from that Marine helicopter base, which was closed down; and there were some open fields available to animals on the base. By the time I left we would see Red-tails and Buzzards (Turkey Vultures) circling overhead and over the open areas across the street every day.

They also hunt the center dividers and the on and off ramps of the freeways.

Glad you got a chance to see them in action again, Andrea.



movin said...

Good Night




movin said...

Bai and boy baby are not in the den tonight again, but I wanted to make sure you read the latest blog entries (at least two new ones today).



magpie said...

If anyone that's up has a clear sky and a good view of the horizon to the East, the Crescent Moon and nearby Venus have a beautiful golden hue to them right now....that'll change within the next 20 mins or so as they brighten up but they are still going to look spectacular together..

and Good Morning to anyone that is up ☺

magpie said...

clouds moving in here now, just had one last long look at the Moon and Venus...

I'm going back to close my eyelids for a little while longer...

Best Wishes for a Good Day for Everyone, with special attention to... Everyone....

xo ☺ ♥

magpie said...

Sure is wet and cloudy looking at Finney's - sure would like to see that Sea Eagle again....great pic that Suzanne put up on E-M yesterday.

z z z z z z

normabyrd said...

Good Night MOVIN'JIM!---MORNIN' & CONGRATS! MARGY---You are our #1 EAGLE MOM--today & every day!!--- It is so dark here one cannot see the sky!-------MEGAN--if you will start the RAIN DANCE where you are & I'll start DANCING HERE---MAYBE---JUST MAYBE---WE WILL GET SOME OF THE WET STUFF---WE ARE SO DRY--DRY--DRY!!

normabyrd said...

I am attempting to read last night's blog---but seem to be going backwards!! ho!

normabyrd said...

WHOA! MEGAN--Have you been playing--'AM I BLUE'?---someone has!!

normabyrd said...

PA PIX---Light is on & a deer keeps coming in sight -- licking the salt stone---then backing away---but not before she gets at least 4 licks!---

Mema Jo said...

Good Morning!
PA woods has a deer, a raccoon, and a groundhog. Talk about Woods Peace!
They got it!

Mema Jo said...

Good Morning Norma.

Guess I am considered an early bird with nowhere to view. Hubby had to take a day trip and I got up to send him off.

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' MEMA JO!---I have read & read!!---thought you folks had moved & no one told me!---ho!---
Keep praying that DIEGO will come back on!---The little 'LOVE BUG'!!

Mema Jo said...

He was back and Bai was holding him.

I checked all the cams on the Asia trail but no critters are visible.
Still dark at the Burrowing owls cam.
Not too much to see.
Guess I'll check out FONZ Pandas.

Do you have study group today?

normabyrd said...

WHOA!---BAI & (guessing) DIEGO are back on AGAIN!!!---now if BAI would just roll over! ho!

Mema Jo said...

Norma - look at the PA woods
They have been zooming in the cam on the animals and 2 deer are there now

normabyrd said...

Yes JO!---It is a cool group!!---I think they keep me sane!! I could use a wee bit more energy though!!ho!

normabyrd said...

DANA---I checked our DONKEYS for you---not as many as usual!---But wanted you to know---have you & ED in my thoughts & prayers--this am---& every morning---stay cool!!

Mema Jo said...

Dana has not been on for a day or two unless I missed a comment. I pray she and Ed are doing well.

normabyrd said...

JO--The last time I saw her I think was Sat--or Sun---She told us that they didn't go to the CHARLEY DANIELS show---ED wasn't feeling up to par----

normabyrd said...

I read---When little DIEGO was missing yesterday---BAI had taken him outside when she went to eat---& let him stay outside with her to lie under the stars!!---(a wise mom)---

Mema Jo said...

That is what I remember.

We have some sunshine now... It is still quite breezy.

Mema Jo said...

Norma Suzanne says Hello!
She want to know WHEN are you getting your email fixed!

I told her we ask you that constantly and until you find a Geek you won't have email !!! lol

magpie said...

Hi Norma and Mema Jo
It's a beautiful West Virginia Maryland day with you on here this morning ! and I bet we have some lurkers here and there.

Jo I need to tell you, that I told Norma that I would adopt her! So if you have agreed to adopt me, then you will have another GRANDCHILD HO !
☺ ♥

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Batman sings "Am I Blue"

normabyrd said...

Thanks JO!---I really --really miss SUZANNE!!! Also miss 'GYPSY' & her house mates too!! --- please tell her that for me---thanks--

magpie said...

We always miss our Momsters and Dadsters when we don't see them after a bit...

Remember RED has a birthday coming up! We need to clobber him with birthday wishes ! And Bird Girl too!

Life is busy, hope all our Eagle Friends always know they are on our minds and in our hearts ♥

Gonna scoot back to the quiet room for morning prayers....taking you guys with me ☺ ♥


magpie said...

..and Hi Sharon ! that makes it a beautiful WV MD VA day now! I would love to listen to the Batman song if that is what you posted it...but somehow silence does not quite get it for me :(

magpie said...

Hey, we could look at things this way, maybe Hidey cussed another Blue Streak! I watched the slideshow of the Momsters album last night...guess the last sighting on there for Hidey was July 31 - and a Grand sighting it was!

I wonder if anyone on the NCTC grounds has seen our Miracle Baby ?


magpie said...

I hope the Shepherdstown and Jefferson County officials know what they are in for on the week-end of October 16-17-18!

Sharon, I am pulling a Sharon...
really, this is TTFN now...

Mema Jo said...

Norma - Suzanne says

LOL, thanks, Jo. She does like Gypsy!!! Tell her I'll give Gypsy extra
pets for her...Gypsy has missed the "Norma pets."

Mema Jo said...

I am going to pull a Margy and let my head hit the pillows again!


normabyrd said...

WHOA---BLUEFIELD SHARON!!---BATMAN wasn't bad----But no one--NO ONE can top BILLIE HOLIDAY!----thanks---you have made my day!!!!

normabyrd said...

thanks jo---sleep well!

normabyrd said...

MARGY---I have always prayed that our 'HEIDY' aka 'MIRACLE' has found a friend or two & is enjoying her EAGLE TRAINING!--and is SOARING HIGH!!

Judie said...

Good morning, everyone.

Feeling a bit more rested this a.m.

Tried to catch up on reading. Sounds as if everyone is doing a pretty good job of staying busy and/or relaxing. A $6,000 statue? NOT!

Yep, received about a dozen emails from students saying they have H1N1

Was happy to know that Bai Yun decided to take Diego out to smell the night air. The first time I realized the nest was empty I got anxious that something not so nice had happened.

Okay, off to get a wee bit more coffee and to tackle some prep for tomorrow's classes.


Judie said...

Oh, so very sorry I forgot to ask about Ed and Dana -- hope we hear from them soon and all is well with them.


hedgie said...

Good morning, gang!
Email from Suzanne saying that Finney bird yesterday was re-identified by Jim as a goshawk and not a golden eagle! So another newbie to that nest.
Got some sad news late last night---my BIL's BIL passed away yesterday. Thanks for prayers....luckily he didn't linger or suffer for too long. So BIl is driving in from St. Louis---will stay here tomorrow night and then proceed on to NJ Fri. AM.
Have tot ake SIL to VA Medical Center today, so getting ready to get out of here. Will try to catch up later this afternoon.

Lolly said...


COME ON OVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

normabyrd said...

HEDGIE---So sorry for your loss--will keep you in my prayers today!

Mema Jo said...
This comment has been removed by the author.

2/20/25 PM bird

1203 PM NN Scout comes to the nest with a load of bedding again. He seemed to leave with something in his talons. He has a beak full of bedd...