Monday, July 20, 2009


New week thread.


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normabyrd said...

Thanks STEVE for the new SUNNY THREAD!----Will bring the CREW over!!

Mits said...

thanks, Steve and Norma

deb said...

Thanks, Steve and Norma.

Mits said...

pandas are headed out for the day:)

Costume Lady said...

58° and cloudy here. Awakkened by a really noisy bluejay...don't like bluejays!
Rest well, Margy:)
Little Gus is lucky to have Lolly in his life. I have had a few "Gus's" in my life, and they need so much TLC.

Monday, July 20, 2009 7:32:00 AM

normabyrd said...

GOOD MORNING EAGLE BUDDIES!!---CONGRATS! MITS--You are our #1 EAGLE MOM----today & every day!---MORNIN DEB!---Did you get the OSPREY TOWERS cleaned?----We may get some rain & thunder in WILD & WONDERFUL WEST VIRGINIA today!!---I have decided the leaves in the middle of the nest---are a growing plant!!----They never blow away on a WINDY day!---LIFE IS GOOD!---LET US LOVE -- LAUGH -- & GIVE THANKS ON THIS BEAUTIFUL DAY!!---LIFE IS GOOD!!!!!

deb said...

Yes, Norma, towers are cleaned and ready to be lined with cedar boughs on Thursday.

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' WANDA!---Who is GUS?---I haven't read the end of yesterday's blog!

deb said...

Time for me to head out already. bbl.

normabyrd said...

DEB!---New work times this week?

deb said...

No still 7-4 during the week and 9-6 on Saturday.

normabyrd said...


normabyrd said...

NORFOLK NEST---m/t---blowing in the wind----They removed the barriers around the nesting area--
They are up 12/12---7/15!--

Judie said...

Good morning, everyone.

Please have a lovely day.


normabyrd said...

BWO!!!!----"BRAVEHEART" is the name of the OSPREY CHICK!!! -- The lucky WINNER lives in CANADA!!

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' JUDIE!---Do you have classes today---I am not familiar with your schedule---

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Good morning eagle world. Haven't been on for a while but I am back!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I hope all is well with everyone.

Mits said...

hi ya, Sharon:), glad you are back!

normabyrd said...

SSSSSSSHES BACK!!---MORNIN' BLUEFIELD SHARON!---Guess you folks had a beautiful weekend on the boat!!--- & I bet you have a gorgeous tan?---

normabyrd said...

sorry---my computer is as slow as molasses---

normabyrd said...

SHARON---MARGY & JAMES are back!---I don't know her work schedule--
They had a marvlous time!!---HEDGIE met them at the train -- she has a few pics on her site!!

Mits said...

looks like they are on Panda cub watch at San Diego, they are showing the birthing den:)

Mits said...

San Diego giant panda update...
Things are falling into line in preparation for a possible panda birth this summer. Our camera system is squared away, other preparations are in place or are in final stages, and Bai Yun is being closely watched for signs of pregnancy. While there was a time when we could not easily discern what the signs she registered might mean, we have learned a lot over Bai Yun’s lifetime that helps us to better understand where she is at, reproductively speaking.

Ultrasounds started a few weeks back. The vets are looking for undeniable signs of pregnancy, like the appearance of a fetus. In past years, a fetus was first visualized 17 days before it was born. However, before seeing a fetus, there are other signs that indicate her body is getting ready for a pregnancy or a pseudopregnancy. These include the simple visualization of the uterus. It is usually difficult to see because of the gas in the gut and because outside of this season in her life the female’s reproductive tract is just less obvious. Hormones responsible for pregnancy and pseudopregnancy drive the enlargement of the uterus to make it more visible to our vets nearer to her birthing window. Thus far, there has been some indication of positive change of Bai Yun’s uterus.

Another indicator is her behavior. A significant marker to us is a decline in Bai Yun’s appetite for bamboo. She has begun showing this decline for the last few days, rejecting even her favorite species and leaving behind some fresh stems untouched. Her behavioral changes are also considered positive when she becomes sluggish and uncooperative, a change witnessed for the first time yesterday (July 14). Normally, a keeper might become frustrated by a bear that refuses to shift or won’t come when called or that generally seems noncompliant. This time of year, behavior of this sort from Bai Yun just makes us smile.

Is she pregnant? That we can’t answer with certainty yet. We can say that her body is getting ready and may already be gestating a fetus in its early stages of growth. Only time will tell us if this is not the dreaded pseudopregnancy we have seen with her before, in 1998 and other years we did not realize a cub. Perhaps due to her age we might expect her to be more inclined to have this false pregnancy this time around. On the other hand, Bai Yun is very healthy, at a good weight, and she has never missed with Gao Gao. So place your bets.

We’ll keep you posted as to her progress. In the meantime, back to reading her signs…

normabyrd said...

BEAUTIFUL sky at the OSPREY FINLAND NEST!---OSPREY MOM is perched on the side of the nest--so stately---little CHICKS---lying down -- with open eyes!---

Mits said...

Chicks names at Finland nest are:The chicks were banded and named Aarni (the bigger one) and Eliel.

normabyrd said...

WHOA KIDS!!-----




normabyrd said...

I thought that SUZANNE would submit the name 'MIRACLE'----(would be most fitting too!)----

normabyrd said...

LOLLY!!---I just read about GUS!---He is one LUCKY boy---he has you!!------I was employed for at least 25 yrs as FAMILY LAW JUDGE ASST.---Traveled & heard cases in 5 co.!---needs---hugs-love & assurances--I have never met anyone who could give him that any better that you & JACK!---prayers & more prayers for GUS!!! Kiss from CARM'S GRANNY!---(he went through that too)----XOXOXOXO

floralgirl said...

Now who would ever say shut up Normabyrd..... no one...
Morning all:)

Mits said...

morning Megan:)

floralgirl said...

Hello Mits, did I read you are heading back to the beach this week?

Mits said...

yes ma'am...heading out today, want to visit?

floralgirl said...

Well, sure:)

normabyrd said...

DEB!---I think I told you this last season---WV DNR FOLKS are doing the same with FALCONS in the NEW RIVER GORGE area!---Very--very successful!---It is truly amazing the way that it is done!!

hedgie said...

Morning all! Check your email! Got a response from the National Capital Planning Commission!!!!!!!!!!!

normabyrd said...


normabyrd said...

WHOA! HEDGIE---sounds GOOD!!

Mits said...

which mail, Lynn????

floralgirl said...

Well lucky for you I'm a heathen, so I ain't gonna tell ya that!

Mits said...


Mits said...

ok, got it Lynn

Mits said...

Booyah, Lynn:) sounds good:)

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Megan, I am a heathen with you because I would never tell Normabyrd to shut up either!

normabyrd said...

MEGAN---Today is the day for you to do your 'MOON WALK'!!---40 yrs ago---you weren't even born---

floralgirl said...

Ok, I do not moon walk...and unfortunatley I am over 40!

movin said...

** GooD MorninG **

** EverybodY **

68° now and forecast to climb to 89° or more in So Cal today.

It's not even the Santa Ana wind thing this time. Just good, sunny, hot weather.



hedgie said...

For those whose email isn't up (Norma!0 and whose addresses I don't have (Bill) is part of the Environmental Impact Statement concerning the Homeland Security plans for St. E's---sent by Mr. Stiegl at the National Capital Planning Commission:

Under Alternatives 3, 4, and 5, the St. Elizabeths West Campus would be redeveloped. No
species or habitat protected under the Endangered Species Act has been identified on the West
Campus. There is a nesting pair of bald eagles south of the West Campus that is protected
under the Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act and under the Migratory Bird Act. The
alternatives were modified after consultation with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) in
order to avoid adverse impact to a bald eagle nest located adjacent to the site. Based on this
consultation, no construction, other than the security fence, would be undertaken within a 660-
foot buffer area around the nest.

movin said...

The Loch Garten cam is barely working again, and you can see that two of the three young Ospreys have fledged now.

The oldest chicks at both Finnish nests are looking about ready to fledge.

And the little invisible eyass at BWO is grown and looking strong in the wing exercises too.



normabyrd said...

MORNIN' MOVIN'JIM!!---You need to come EAST!!---I swear--have only used AIR a very few times this JULY!!---COOL---LOW HUMIDITY!!

Judie said...

Back again,

Lynn has received some very reassuring news regaring the St. E's eagle habitat. Thanks, Lynn for all your hard work.

No, not teaching but having to do the usual prep for Fall classes. Ugh! I teach Tuesdays and Thursdays Fall and Spring semesters.

Because I'm still a newbie, I don't tell anyone to shut up -- I might get de-blogged.

Hoping for a baby panda at San Diego. I'm sure they are experiencing the same anticipation surge as those of us in D.C. area.

Delta Dawn is in the nest.

Okay, back to finish some chores.


hedgie said...

Oops...make that Mr. Staudigl!!

movin said...

Hmmmm. At San Diego, the Panda shot is of Bai Yun's den with bamboo lining the floor! Haven't seen that in a couple of years.

I'll have to see what's new on their blog.



Mits said...

Jim if you read this a.m.'s post you will find out what is happening at SD

normabyrd said...

I think I asked SAT about ELKINS BILL!---I was asking for info on the WIND TURBINES----STOP IN ELKINS BILL!---Last we heard -- didn't he say that he was assured it would be taken care of.......

hedgie said...

Maybe the comPost and the TV stations already had, or found out this info and that's why they haven't pursued the story as suggested.

hedgie said...

Norma, is your email working now??? Must be, duh! Glad to hear it!

stronghunter said...

Working with high school students, I always say that "shut up" is the other "s" word and that neither is allowed in my classroom. So I will not tell Norma to shut up.

Mits said...

probably, Lynn, but still think it warrants a little air time:), or comPost time.

normabyrd said...


stronghunter said...

I think the mere fact that there are eagles in DC merits some air time and some space in the newspaper.

normabyrd said...

SHIRLEY--So funny!---One day--2 grand-kids in back seat--THEY WERE WILD---kept telling them to BE QUIET--50 times---then I yelled--PLEASE SHUT UP!!---They did & said -- 'ooh carm'---GRANNY said the BAD WORDS!----(SHUT UP)

stronghunter said...

You know they are innocent when they consider those to be bad words.

I just don't like to walk down the hall and hear "shut up" come out of a classroom--and I can tell you that when I do hear it, it isn't coming from a teacher.

Sometimes I hear worse, for sure. And not from teachers unless it is in a place where students don't overhear . . .

hedgie said...

Megan was wondering how much of the habitat involved would be covered by that buffer. Figured it out....660 ft. squared=435600 sq. ft. and there are 43560 sg. ft./acre, so that works out to 10 of the 12 acres will be preserved!

stronghunter said...

Read the e-mail, Lynn. Sounds good. Let's stay on top of it though--it also sounds complicated.

hedgie said...

I would not let my kids watch Sesame Street because they used the shut-up phrase a lot. We were never allowed to use it growing up, and neither were my girls.

stronghunter said...

George came and sat on the mousepad. Must give some kitty love.

Ms Bookworm said...

Good Morning, Everyone!

I really need to catch up on the blog--it was a very busy weekend, and I was a no-show here. Lynn, the NCPC response is fantastic! Thank God!

Mits, thanks for the panda update!
Bai Yun will be in my prayers.

Hey, Sharon! Good to have you back!

Weather report for SoCal: it was already 70 degrees at 5:00 this morning on my patio. Expected hi here is 92. Humidity should be in the mid-80% range. They've issued an 'extreme heat warning' for the mountains & deserts due to the high humidity. Sure hope it's better for you guys! I'm going to try to get my keyboard units done and my studying finished early this morning, before it's too nasty hot.

Have had another black-capped night heron fledgling wandering around in the front yard since yesterday. This one's a bit smaller than the others we've seen, but seems to have all flight feathers in place, so should be OK.

Well, I'm gonna get busy on school work, then catch up on the weekend blog, and I'll be back later. Going to make some iced coffee this morning--just seems like a better idea. Hope you all have a great day! BBL... :o]

normabyrd said...

I think our 'SAVE THE EAGLES' campaign has certainly enlightened lots of folks---has made them aware of the NESTING EAGLES in DC--also they have learned the EAGLE is our NATIONAL BIRD and about our need to protect them---etc---

stronghunter said...

Teens like to tell each other what to do and they like to slam doors.

I am sometimes amused when a riled-up kid tries to slam one of the classroom doors with an automatic closer. One student tried to slam the door, went storming out, and when the door didn't slam, came storming back and tried again. You could hurt your arm trying to slam those doors and you would have nobody to blame but yourself.

hedgie said...

SD news sounds encouraging----but then we know all about the pseudopregnancy disappointments!
Getting ready to head out for an early lunch date. Talk to all later.

stronghunter said...

A question--

Does anybody know how near the fires in British Columbia are to the eagle nests there? Not that they're more important than people's homes, but I was wondering. Looked at one of the forums, but did not see anything. Some of you have more contact with people up there--hope they are all okay--both the people and the eagles.

normabyrd said...

WOW!--MS B---You must come EAST with JIM!---We have had just beautiful---cool--low humidity weather this summer---we have been truly blessed!

PS--Now--just watch---we will be blessed with HOT HUMID WEATHER! ho!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

It is 61° in Nature's Air Conditioned City. We are definitely living up to our name this year. Freezing.

stronghunter said...

Norma--Just so you know. A squirrel climbed up my feeder pole, but he kept sliding. When he reached the feeder, he had so much trouble holding on, he jumped down and ran away.

I laughed at him, but I'm sure he'll try again.

Maybe I'll put a little grease on that pole.

floralgirl said...

Well I guess you aren't getting any free lemonade this summer,Sharon:)
Gotta go make bouquets, later gators.

stronghunter said...

Cool here and a bit damp.

Mema Jo said...

Good Morning All!
Just read the comments - sounds as though all of you are going to have a good day! Great news, Lynn, concerning the DC eagles! As you all say it would be good publicity if they would run a story about saving the nest

Mema Jo said...

My one daughter when she hears a comment that she doesn't believe has a habit of saying 'Oh Shut Up' - (not telling someone to be quiet)Well the four yr old at a dinner table heard this remark and very quickly said to her Aunt "You're NOT suppose to say
that word!" It was a precious moment

stronghunter said...

Hi Jo!

How are you this morning?

Mits said...

just was checking Big Rig Steve's site, and see where Red is going camping with him and some others in Sept., down in Alabama

Mits said...

sailboat at Finland nest

Mits said...

feeding at Finney's nest

Mema Jo said...

Hi Shirley - I'm doing well! Have an eye specialist check up today and I hope everything will be ok.
Mits - I usually remember to check in on BRS site - cool news about camp out!
I like to check out the comments.

Mits said...

that site has really gone big time, Jo, I rarely go there anymore, but do like to see where he is sometimes

normabyrd said...

MIGHT NOT BELIEVE IT!---have been on the phone!!

stronghunter said...

Don't know the BRS site. Where it it?

normabyrd said...

DID any of you watch '60 MINUTES' last night?----It was a great history lesson---SO ENJOYED IT!!

Mema Jo said...

My great grandson turns 6 today! How time flys. His aunt gave him her older digital camera - so when they were visiting Joe told everyone they had to go into the house for a 'family picture'! He is a jewel!

Lolly for Gus - it will really break your heart when he asks you if he could 'live with you in your house' I had that happen many years ago and I'll never forget what a tear jerker question it was! Never did give a good answer - just the biggest hug ever!

Mema Jo said...

No Norma I missed it! Was in about Walter Cronkite's life?

normabyrd said...

I don't know the site---

Mema Jo said...

Give me a minute Shirley
I'll post the link

normabyrd said...

JO!---IT was!---but it covered everything that happened in our country during his time!--so interesting!

Mema Jo said...

Link to Big Rig Steve's site

I see what you mean by going Big Time
Mits. A little bit of everything!

Shirley - we watched this after the eagles flew the coop!

Mits said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mits said...

Oops sorry Jo, you already have it

Mits said...

his cat is named TK for truck kat

stronghunter said...

Thank you, Jo. It will take me a while to check it out, for sure. There is a lot there.

stronghunter said...

Cute name.

normabyrd said...

NO LEMONADE at BLUEFIELD SHARON'S PLACE TODAY!---Will have to visit her on a 'HOT' day!!!---(of course sharon is always hot)---ho!

stronghunter said...

I looked the forum for one of the Hancock sites. Was trying to find out about the fires in British Columbia. I saw a requirement that everything in the forum had to be about the eagles. Nothing else, not even comments about the cams allowed.

That would be a problem.

Mema Jo said...

My one son watched it Norma and said it
was really enlightening!

I need to start getting myself ready for the 1:00 appointment. I'm hoping I won't need another Shot in the Eye!
But remember - it is not painful!
Be back before I leave to check you all out!

stronghunter said...

Hope all goes well, Jo.

floralgirl said...

Shot in the eye..yikes, that sounds awful, now I am squinting at the thought of it.

Mits said...

ferry going by at Finland nest

Mema Jo said...

Megan - were the peaches you bought not ripe yet? Hubby was upset that they were still hard! Guess I'll set them aside for a few days!

Mits said...

I'd rather just have a shot of tequila:)

Mema Jo said...

Headed for the shower!


Costume Lady said...

MISS NORMA...I am so sorry that I didn't answer your question about little Gus....My 'puter went beserk and I am just now getting back on. I turned it completely off and went out to the garden and pulled weeds and picked some beans, tomatoes and squash.
It is still running as slow and 'dial-up'. HEY, SANTA...GUESS WHAT COSTUME LADY WANTS FOR CHRISTMAS???!!!:):):)

floralgirl said...

I think mine are ripe, I got them first thing in the am, though, so the later ones he was selling may not have been as ripe, they should ripen quickly.
Pass the tequila, I would need several shots if a DR told me he was gonna give me a shot in the eye. I might even offer to give him a swift kick in the *ss.

Mits said...

later gators.....:)

Costume Lady said...

Jo, praying that eye is staying as it should be!

normabyrd said...

You will check the 1st site & keep working down---Lots of info about the FIRE, etc

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Megan, I have some beautiful hot lips happening! :)

I also have a squirrel with what looks 2 sets of external ears.

normabyrd said...

JO--I have a few friends that have the shot in the eye!----anything to save or improve your sight----W/be thinking of you---

stronghunter said...

Thanks, Norma.

normabyrd said...

MY ROADSIDE MARKET!----told me yesterday that her PEACHES will be RIPE & come off the seed, etc---in
AUGUST!---I always wait until they come of the seed---LOVE PEACHES!!!!----

deb said...

Lunch time here, but it is almost over already.

normabyrd said...

WANDA!---No problem!---Did you see my note asking you all to tell me to 'SHUT UP'----All I needed to do was go over & read yesterday's blog!---thank you----my puter has been acting up too!

deb said...

jo, good luck with the shot, hope you don't have to have it!

Mits, travel safe.

Raining here, how can the weather man be so wrong between 6 AM and now.

deb said...

Time to head back to work, bbl.

Mema Jo said...

Hope your afternoon work hours go fast, Deb.

I am out of here
Will touch base when I return


normabyrd said...

DEB--Our weatherman predicts rain in our area too!---

Lolly said... tears in my eyes when I read your post. My stomach is beginning to turn.

First off, Gus went to bed like an angel around 9. An hour later he woke up crying for his mommy. On and off for the next two hours he cried. I comforted, rocked, hugged and loved him. He went to sleep aroun 12 and slept til 9:15 this morning. He woke up happy and has been a delight. We just returned from Lowes. Went to buy birdseed. He thought that was great.

Should be hearing something soon and that is what has my stomach churning. Have all doors locked...just in case. Will only turn Gus over to her as she is the one who left him with us. Do not know what will be best for him. Do not know the home situation. Just know obvious facts. Dad was and still in the reserves a fighter pilot. He has that personality. Taught Gus to swim last summer by throwing him in deep water in the pool. Literally! He has not raised Gus, has been gone a lot or should I say most of his life. He is claiming she abuses drugs. She is claiming abuse. Nasty!

Covet prayers for Gus.

On the good is raining here. We are up to .4 !!!! Wahoo!

stronghunter said...

Lolly, it breaks my heart to hear about little Gus. Prayers for sure.

stronghunter said...

Lolly, I hope you have support there if you need it.

normabyrd said...

Oh LOLLY!---Sorry--I didn't mean to upset you---I bet he has had fun at your house---going to get bird seed was fun!---Just your being there--your smile & giving him some attention will be all he needs from you---Court will make all decisions---Let him play in the rain!!---That would be a treat---would it not! ho!---will keep him in my thoughts & prayers!! ---

paula eagleholic said...

Norma Dear -

I would never in a thousand years tell you to shut up!

NatureNut said...

Afternoon Everyone. ☺
Wonderful DC Nest news, Lynn & possibly Wonderful news from SD Pandas!! Thx, Helen.
Good luck at eye Dr., Jo.
Lolly, my prayers and support are w/you and family for watching little Gus.
Doin' stuff around here--gotta do hair too for Tu work.
The Magnolia Acres bird report has Ms. Wren in the house, sometimes w/head out even tho it's not hot & Mr. coming to sing & announce he's guarding the hood. Then is when she comes out for a break. What a tough tiny!
Yesterday saw parent robins feeding the big babies at various spots---lawn, fence, birddath.Today is fairly quiet, so think they have flown to another yard.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Normabyrd, I hope we didn't disappoint you but you haven't found any takers on the telling you to shut up thing!

stronghunter said...

Norma, squirrel finally did make it up the pole and stole a few seeds from the feeder.

Mema Jo said...

Everything did go well!
NO shot in the eye needed.
Don't return for 6 mos
WHOO HOO - At least one part of this old body is functioning well!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I am so glad Mema Jo!!

Mema Jo said...

I am watching the 2 Barn owls on the Wild Watch Cam. They are both awake & alert.. The 2 older ones must have fledged some time ago. They seem to be watching something in the nest box.

Mema Jo said...

Hi Sharon!
Well I do have the right eye dilated and things are a bit blurry right now. Going to put my feet up for a few and rest my eye.

I wish that Hidey would come by soon!

stronghunter said...

Hi Jo,

Happy to hear the good report. You've reminded me that I need to call my eye doctor, too.

hedgie said...

Had a lovely surprise when I left the house....dashboard computer message of low tire...stopped for air and there was a nail----a ROOFING nail----in the tread. Aired it up, went for lunch date, came back and he pulled nail and plugged tire. Hoping that will do the trick! Wonder if it's been there since Feb. incident, or if it was just a missed one?!?!

hedgie said...

Do you think it is really OUR Red going camping with BRS? Weren't his home page pics beautiful today???
Lolly, hope your heart is holding up....what a rough situation...a no-win one for sure.
Just found out that a former co-workers' great grandson, who drowned in a pool a few weeks ago, was left unattended by his teenage mother. Bet Jo's daughter would say 'oh, shut up' over that one...UNBELIEVABLE.

hedgie said...

Wanda, darling, I forgot to tell you Friday: if you or Gene have a heavy foot (mine tends to be lead, LOL) state trooper was hiding in Alto's parking lot w/ radar gun!!! So be wary.

Mits said...

hi from the beach:)

Mits said...

yes Lynn ,it is our Red, he is on their blog sometimes

hedgie said...

Well, I'm sure glad that he is feeling enough better to get out and do something fun!!
You made good time again, Mits! Is it cloudy there???

Mits said...

mostly sunny and 80 degress, Lynn, cool breeze off the ocean.

Mits said...

just checked radar maybe some showers heading this way

Mits said...

going to unpack car....bbl

hedgie said...

Sounds like heaven to me!! Clouding up here, seriously....

Mema Jo said...

Showers at the beach are enjoyed as much as sunny day in the valley!!
Glad you had a safe journey

Lynn - that is so sad about the little one and the drowning. So many people feel that when you birth a child you become a mother with good instincts -
not always true.

For sure it is OUR RED on the BRS blog. You also can find comments from OUR Vicky.

Mema Jo said...

Link to Update on Mason

At Market Megan has sign and jar for contributions for Mason's equipment he will need when he does come home.

magpie said...

Okay, checking in before heading out.
Wow, 12 hours between shifts go by in no time flat! Sounds like the world is turning pretty good for us here today, some sad news and tough stuff...
Lolly prayers for sure for Gus and all involved, may the adults BE adults, See the Light and put the little guy first.

And prayers for all sadnesses, losses, and illnesses, every day.

I hope all the knees and eyes and backs and all body parts are working well through the evening and into tomorrow.

Time to find the fairy, work looms.

Best Wishes to all for a Good Evening, and
God Bless Us, Every One
xoxo ☺ ♥
PS - I hope you all get to see some Eagles at NCTC tonight !

magpie said...

Enjoy the Wonderful Ocean, Mits
Wave at a few waves for me ☺

Mema Jo said...

Oh, Lynn How much was your speeding ticket or did you just get a warning?

Mema Jo said...

Dinner time and I am not cooking


movin said...

Further news from San Diego

Hi again, this was posted this morning. Don't know if you saw it yet.



movin said...

Isn't that great news about Mason, Mema Jo??



hedgie said...

Neither, Jo....I have an eagle eye when it comes to cops!!!! Haven't had a ticket since I was 21!!
I love this saying: A bad day at the beach is better than a good day anyplace else! For sure!

movin said...

Got to go. Talk to you later.



Mits said...

positively true, Lynn, I just feel bad for the vacationers, well some of them, others are so nasty, hope it rains the whole time for them

wvgal_dana said...

Good Evening ALL in Eagleland and Watchers.

I haven't caught up or read today's blog yet. Need to do that.

I've got dinner in the oven.

I love the letter that Lynn received back as an answer. The DC St. Elizabeth Bald Eagles HAVE ALREADY BEEN PROTECTED!!!!!! GOOD WORK LYNN-HEDGIE. Now why couldn't they just have told us. So we didn't need to write all those letters. lol

deb said...

Can you all put my family in your prayers once again. My cousin's 19 year old son, Corey, passed away today. We don't know the details yet, but are assuming it was his diabetes. His younger brother, Tyler, found him this morning. My heart is just breaking.

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, fellow eagle lovers,
I'm back for a bit-- sick to death of homework for the moment.
Norma, I wish I could take you up on your offer--this heat is darn near killing me! Actually, it's the humidity that gets to me. Can hardly wait to go to my air-conditioned school tonight! Sharon, I am SO jealous of your nice cool weather! Hubby wants to move to Alaska if it gets any hotter. I must say, our resident lizards are just loving all the hot sunshine, though.
Jo, so glad your eye Dr. appt. went well! EEEEEEWWW! A shot in the eye?
How can that possibly NOT hurt?! So glad you didn't need one!
Lolly, I need to read more of the weekend blog, but will be praying for you and Gus, and the rest of the family. Sounds to me like you're doing the right thing by him by just giving him lots of love. My heart goes out to you and to him!
Oh--before I forget to tell all of you, remember our conversation about rooting hormone? Well, last Friday I bought some at Wal-Mart, and Sunday when I went to use it, realized that the clerk hadn't put it in my grocery bag! Guess she thought she needed some! At least she didn't charge me for it. Had to laugh, though. That stuff is apparently pretty popular!
Well, better get back and finish my homework. May be back much later tonight for a bit. If Hidey and/or parents show up, tell them 'Hi' for me! Have a good evening, everybody!

Mits said...

oh Deb, that is horrible news, prayers for you and your family:(

wvgal_dana said...

Oh my Deb I am so sorry. Of course you and your family has my prayers. That is such horrible news.

hedgie said...

Oh, Deb, how sad and tragic. Definitely sending up prayers, and (((hugs))) for the entire family.

hedgie said...

Jo, glad your eye check was a good one!

Ms Bookworm said...

Lynn, so sorry to hear about the boy who drowned! Prayers being lifted up for that situation, for sure.
Deb, you and your family are certainly in my prayers, too-- what a tragedy! I am SO sorry!
Margy, hope your evening at work is uneventful.
Gotta go now-- will check back after school.

Judie said...

Hello everyone,

Just checking in. Today has been a day for truly sad news.

My prayers go out for Gus (now and for years ahead) and prayers of thanks that he has Lolly.

Prayers also for Deb and her family on the loss of Corey. Sad enough for the entire family but hard to imagine the impact on his brother. Hope everyone gathers 'round him.


Mits said...

PA PIX is now live streaming....

Mits said...

turkey walking into view

Mits said...


Mits said...

you have to go thru a foreign commercial first, but it is really cool to watch the turkeys walking around dodging birds

hedgie said...

Just saw a Bluejay-Flicker fight on the corn. Flicker won! Jay flew off. Strange.....

Mits said...

person on the snowman cam:)

hedgie said...

Strange that it's foreign ads.....wonder what's up with that?

Costume Lady said...

So glad to hear that our Sandra has been following along with the saga of the St. Elizabeth's eagles. She gives KUDOS to Lynn:) As do we all!

Costume Lady said...

Foreign ad is like a slap in the face to me...
Lynn, thanks for the warning. We don't have lead feet, but, we do speed unintentionally at times...don't we all!:)

Mema Jo said...

Back from dinner -
Deb - So sadden with your unexpected news of the family. May God be with everyone experiencing this loss.

You really must live your day as though it could be your last and that it is time to go home to the Father.
To all those left behind - may they somehow find peace in time.
Prayers for all.

floralgirl said...

I only got that ad the first time I opened the PIX cam, it doesn't always seem to come up. I could care less that it's a foreign ad. What's the big deal.

Costume Lady said...

It is sad to me that our country doesn't take enough of an interest in the 'LITTLE THINGS' to spend their monies there, but Foreigners find it worth-while.

Mema Jo said...

PIX PA - you can select the language to be used..
I did not get any ads. I used my sign in and then did sign out when I left the site.

Mits said...

sent pix a note, here is their response....

Thanks, we've been getting the hardware in place to stream the video live for about a month now. We just turned it on today. You should have sound too. Does it look good on your end?

Thank you,
PixController Tech Support


told him they are having static problems with sound and pic, since they just turned it on sure it will take awhile to get the bugs ironed out

Mits said...

its raining there.....

Mema Jo said...

WHOA! From the PIX PA cam I found (accidentally) the Sidney nest & so I quickly went over to Hancock and it is the current pic from there.

Anyone find it?

wvgal_dana said...

Animal Planet has been showing Tai's birth. DireTV 282

wvgal_dana said...

47th day his eyes are open lol Even though I know this and have watched Tai for yrs. now. It is so so cute to see him as a cub on tv again. Brenda is so loving on there.

Mema Jo said...

I can also go to the CA nest and other eagles' nests.... What's with that?

Mema Jo said...

This is where I am from the PIX PA site

Mema Jo said...

Raccoons are starting to come into the woods in PA. It was strange seeing a bird in flight the entire way across the screen.
I Love Live

wvgal_dana said...

If I would have known it was on sooner. I would have let you all know. I only caught the tail end of Tai on tv. I got to say I had tears in my eyes watching him. He is so so cute. Heard his first sounds. All over again just like it was the first time I hear him. lol so much a cutie

hedgie said...

I don't deserve the kudos, gang!! I just apparently found the right place to send an email to---where someone cared enough to respond!!!
Meggy, it all boils down to American jobs!!

floralgirl said...

It's a site that is watched from all over the world, that ad just happens to be a foreign one. Don't see how it is taking away any American jobs. has cams from all over the world.

wvgal_dana said...

They have a whole list of webcams on the PIX cam now. Has the sound button. Should be nice when they work out the kinks.

Bill said...

Hey folks,I haven't been on for acouple of days,did get to see Hidey on Sat.night in the nest.
Norma, I got a letter from from Byrb today,said he had contacted appropiate officials at USFW,once he receives areply,will write to me again with their response.
part of the blog from Sunday said that they wern't going to be developing the piece of ground where the nest is

Mema Jo said...

Well let's say, Lynn that you have the
magic touch!!

This is what our special friend Sandra said in her email:

Good for you, Lynn. I saw the article, but took no action. I hope the eagles flourish, Sandra

Mema Jo said...

Hey there Bill! We were looking for you in the early early morning hours.
Lynn (Hedgie) got a response from Homeland and wanted to send it to you by email but didn't have an address.

wvgal_dana said...

Well sorry wrong information that is video's of different animals at PIX.

Mema Jo said...

Dana - they do have about 3 pages of cams around the world on the PIX PA from ZAPlive.TV

stronghunter said...

Deb, so sorry to hear of your family's tragic loss. Prayers for all of the family members.

Lolly, I hope everything worked out well for you this afternoon. I hope the parents appreciated your help. Divorce is so difficult.

Lynn, congratulations on making the right contact.

It poured rain here this afternoon. We did need it.

NatureNut said...

Evening Everyone~~~~~~
Dear Deb, how terribly sad about 19yr. old. Prayers to you and all the family. Are they in CA too?
Lolly, hope your little guest is adjusting---probably so w/all the love and beautiful yard to enjoy.

I bet the DC, etc. powers that be didn't even know of that info!!Thank goodness the eagles' neighborhood will be spared.Yay, USFWS!!!!!!

hedgie said...

The General Services Administration is who issued the impact statement and "The alternatives were modified after consultation with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) in order to avoid adverse impact to a bald eagle nest located adjacent to the site. Based on this consultation, no construction, other than the security fence, would be undertaken within a 660-foot buffer around the nest.”
The National Capital Planning Commission is who answered me and supplied the info!!

Mema Jo said...



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