Saturday, July 18, 2009


Weekend thread 1.


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normabyrd said...

Thanks STEVE for the WINDY thread!
Will bring the CREW over!---Have a COOL weekend!!!---

normabyrd said...


normabyrd said...

Thanks DANA --- found BOB'S pics---He does GREAT WORK!---Loved the last photo---

Mits said...

Thanks, Norma, and thanks Steve for the new weekend thread

stronghunter said...

Thanks, Steve. Thanks, Norma.

Mits said...

happy B- day to your baby, Lynn:)

stronghunter said...

Fresh leaves in the nest. They look almost too fresh to be left from yesterday, but then it did rain on them.

Mits said...


Nest Update

We're in the process of contacting our Chick-Naming Contest winner. We'll announce the winner as soon as we hear from them.

We now have another filmy smudge on the cam lens; we think our male osprey (who likes to sit above the cam) may be leaving oil on the lens from when his tail feathers rub against it.

stronghunter said...

Chicks alone at Finland.

normabyrd said...

SHIRLEY---read the note from HEDGIE about your GEORGE!---Daughter had a LAB--if she was busy etc---He would act up -- tear up something---then meet her at door with head down!!

Mits said...

our son was 5 lbs 8oz, so was his daughter Maggie

stronghunter said...

George decided to tear up one of my books--Frankenstein. Later, I showed it to him and asked him about it. He took a few bites out of it again and then bit me. (His bites aren't hard; he doesn't break the skin. Strange.)

normabyrd said...

Sorry---which LYNN has a baby?---I can't seem to catch up!!

normabyrd said...

all went quiet on my computer---

stronghunter said...

Norma, funny about the lab. They do communicate with us.

stronghunter said...

I'm confused about the babies too, Norma.

Mits said...


This Afternoon
Mostly sunny. Highs in the lower 80s. Northwest winds around 10 mph.
» ZIP Code Detail
Partly cloudy. Lows in the mid 50s. Northwest winds 5 to 10 mph.
Mostly sunny. Highs in the lower 80s. Northwest winds around 5 mph...becoming northeast in the afternoon.
» ZIP Code Detail
Sunday Night
Partly cloudy in the evening...then becoming mostly cloudy. Lows in the upper 50s. Northeast winds around 5 mph.

normabyrd said...

LOVE LABS!---She has had 2---now she has a PUG & a JACK RUSSELL!!---they are COOL too!

stronghunter said...

My son dog sat a Jack Russell recently. Really cute little doggie. Very energetic. George tolerated him barely.

wvgal_dana said...

I'm getting a great laugh out of the confusion over the babies. Sorry I'm not being mean. Just go back and read the comments on the other thread you'll catch up fast. lol

Going out a while bbl

stronghunter said...

Thanks, Dana . . . the baby comments came in at the end of the Friday thread. Does help!

normabyrd said...

THANKS DANA!!---I began to think I was a bit---LOOPY!---ho!---

Mits said...

guess it would help if you just read the posts as they come in on the thread.

normabyrd said...

LAST SEARS COMMENT!!!!!!!!----Built our house--KENMORE everything!!!!--lasted at least 20 yrs---This last SEARS thing---DEALS ONLY WITH THE SERVICE OF THE SEARS STORE IN CUMBERLAND, MD!!----

normabyrd said...

SHIRLEY!---JACK RUSSELL are HYPER!!!--but she is allowed to bring him to school----sits by her desk--The kids have written a book about 'JOEY'!!

normabyrd said...

later---must fill hummers---

jmp said...

Good morning, everyone. Thanks, Steve!

Lovely morning here.

Shirley, Lynn is right about reasons to throw up. I tried to warn you that making George sit outside and make cat sounds was not nice. Probably blames the computer and a terrior that didn't have to sit outside sounding like a cat. Maybe some of the scrunched up weiners would help?

If anyone else has read the "Cat Who..." books by Lillian Jackson Braun, you might recognize that George is trying to give you a clue -- maybe Frankenstein was murdered.

Okay, enough silliness this morning.

Does anyone know of any progress regarding the D.C. eagles?

Thanks to all for the good thoughts as I know they helped. I do really seem to be back to health this morning.

Have a beautiful day!

normabyrd said...

WHOA!!!----WHERE ARE OUR BEAUTIFUL MARGY & HANDSOME JAMES??-----I know I asked that before---

Mema Jo said...

WOW! Just got in here right under the noon hour! Slow starting day for me.
I'll have to read some before I can make comments ....
Anxious to hear the name selected for the BWOsprey chick!

Here is the news on the PA Falcon they call 'Yellow' that is injured:
7/17/2009 The yellow banded female has sustained injuries that could be life threatening. The lower beak is badly injured and one eye appears to be injured as well. These kinds of injuries usually occur as a result of a collision with glass or some other urban structure. The Game Commission is considering a live capture of the fledgling to determine if the injuries can be treated. Any falcon watchers who know of yellow’s favorite perches and or behavior patterns that may help in locating the fledgling should post this information to the falcon email account by clicking on the Contact DEP link on the Falcon Page.
Hope they find Yellow in time to help!

Mits said...

got that email from them this a.m., Jo....not sure they will be able to help it with such extensive injuries, but they might try, have contacted all people that could be if this one dies, they will be down to 3:(

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' JUDIE!---GOOD NEWS! you are feeling better this am!!----What 'Wonder Drug' did you use---SLEEP?

movin said...

** GooD MorninG **


OK, where are the pics????



Mits said...

no eagles, no pics, Jim

normabyrd said...

MITS & JO!---I saw that ARTICLE & PHOTO on the blog yesterday!---The poor thing is missing almost all of his beak!---really hurts to look at him!----If they can't fix--they said he would have to be put down!---

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' MOVIN'JIM!---Do you remember seeing that photo yesterday of the injured falcon!

jmp said...

Back again. Norma, wonder drug was small glass of wine and hours of sleep. I do really feel so much better.

I'm sad about Yellow. Hope for capture and successful treatment. Just wish there were a way for nature, man, environment to all survive together but I suppose that isn't realistic or practical.

Back to working on course syllabu. Later.


jmp said...

Ooop! I meant course syllabus.


Laynie said...

Norma... I hope you are not talking about Hidey!!!

stronghunter said...

Hi Judie,

Are you writing a new syllabus or revising one? It is amazing how many hours it can take to do a syllabus. I will have to revise my Eng. 111 one for this year. I am teaching two dual enrollment classes, and I have to mesh the high school curriculum with the college curriculum. It can be a challenge.

normabyrd said...

JO & MITS---That story about the PA FALCON is on our blog--7/16/09 at 11:12 am---(or about that time)-----came from you JO!!

stronghunter said...

Layne, she isn't talking about Hidey!

normabyrd said...


normabyrd said...

NO-NO!---Not talking about 'OUR BABY'---Talk about the PA FALCON that was wounded---beak almost gone---It is at the blog site--I just sent JO & MITS!!

Laynie said...

OH, ok... I just watched the story about the falcon. Sad. I hope they can do something for it.

and I'm so happy. I haven't been in here in a while and I clearly can hear Hidey whining away! :) YAY! Has anyone seen him/her? And, do we know yet if it is a he or she??

movin said...

Yes, Norma, Mits, I saw it...can't recall if Suzanne sent it or I saw the link here though.

It looks terrible, and I can't tell how bad the lower one is. But I have had sparrows and finches (and one Hummingbird) at my feeders years ago, which had run into glass doors or whatever and broken their beaks...usually the upper, except the H.B. broke both and had a nasty-looking right angle in his tongue.

The upper one is just like your finger nail after you crushed it in a car door. It looks terrible and is cracked and kinda hanging there; but a new one grows in under it and eventually pushes the old one off the finger entirely.

The Hummer's beak, top and bottom, also grew back as normal, but I don't know if the tongue ever completely straightened out.

This falcon's upper beak certainly would grow back, but I can't tell about the lower one from the picture.



Mema Jo said...

We have been waiting for an update on the falcon - it is now finally on the PA Falcon News Wire. Hopefully they will keep us updated as to whether they find him and if they can help him with a new beak.

Mema Jo said...

I haven't heard any updates lately about Buddy the Rebel! Anyone else know anything?

stronghunter said...

Thanks for all of the updates on the falcon. I was going through the messages trying to find information. Hoped someone else would provide it.

stronghunter said...

I hear Hidey, too.

Mits said...

yes falcon news is old news, they just got around to sending us the emails from the site today...

stronghunter said...

Interesting information, Jim. I did not know that.

normabyrd said...

The site I was pointing out shows a pic of the PA FALCON & it also states there---they probably won't be able to fix the BEAK---It shows most of it missing!----NO---NO---I am not attempting to send out old news!----IT WAS FOR PIC!

jmp said...

Checking in.

Hidey screeching! Hope to get a glimpse.

Shirley, I am having to make some revisions(2 undergrad and 1 police)because Middle States is coming down with specific requirements for measuring student knowledge acquisition, critical thinking, and integration. Need to get smarter about online measurements such as discussion questions. As you know, takes forever and much thought to make sure the "contract" is air tight. Often feel I have to out-lawyer the little wannabe adults.

Prayers for Yellow.


Mema Jo said...

I'm the one that stated the old news - it is just that it is the Official old news straight from PA Falcon Site. Most of you should sign up for the alerts. I just feel that they should have sent it out a week ago!

Now Both sons have come in and invaded my refrigerator! Must go gain control!


stronghunter said...

Judie, sounds like some of the same type of thing I have to do. The high school hasn't been too demanding regarding the syllabus, but the students have to take the state SOL tests. Students in dual enrollment shouldn't have a problem with that, but I have to be sure they are ready.

The college has gotten more and more specific about what has to be in a syllabus.

stronghunter said...

Always find it helps to put mention of Bloom's Taxonomy in my high school lesson plans. I suppose it would also be good for college courses . . . not so much of an expert at that part.

stronghunter said...

. . . really thought we were going to see Hidey there for a moment.

movin said...

Is it just me, or is the camera at BWO more deeply smudged on the left and perhaps clearer on the right than it was yesterday??



Mits said...

Jim, I already posted this earlier, but will post again....

We're in the process of contacting our Chick-Naming Contest winner. We'll announce the winner as soon as we hear from them.

We now have another filmy smudge on the cam lens; we think our male osprey (who likes to sit above the cam) may be leaving oil on the lens from when his tail feathers rub against it.

hedgie said...

Kept refreshing old thread, and wondering where everyone was! Duh...missed Norma's call-over!

hedgie said...

Most recent update on Buddy:
UPDATE: July 7, 2009
Dr. Dave McRuer examined #08-0887 on July 3. The determination was made that an additional trimming/dremmeling was not necessary at this time. The next formal evaluation is scheduled for July 27, although Center rehabbers check on the eagle daily.

hedgie said...

Norfolk Eagle Supporters are releasing their 2010 calendar:

Norfolk Calendar

Mema Jo said...

Saw this remark about the Finney Ferry site concerning the time when the chicks were banded.. Not sure if it is 'new' news or not...Was posted on the forum on July 14th.....
The chicks at Hailuoto were banded this morning. One of the chicks has a broken leg All three chicks are still in the nest. Maybe they left it to be fed while they arrange rehab.

stronghunter said...

Jo, which Finland nest is this?

Mits said...

do you mean Finney's nest (land), Jo, they were banded on the 14th...there is no mention on that site of anything but the banded that was taking place

Mits said...

Saaksi Hailuoto-Marjaniemi is the name at the top of Finney's nest

stronghunter said...

Time for a nap.

hedgie said...

According to Suz, the Finland water nest chicks were banded at the same time that the camera was repaired the first time. We've been able to see the bands when they stand up since then.

Mema Jo said...

Sorry I was refreshing some flower vases.
I misread and thought it was the Finney WATER site but here is the link and it is the Finney LAND nest Both cams are covered on this forum... Go to page 15..last comment...

Link to forum for osprey in Finland

jmp said...


jmp said...


Mits said...

and there are only 2 there at the Finland water site, I think..... have found some forums on them and am reading now, the water nest has only been up a year this last spring, I found it quite by accident when I was browsing one day, and sent it onto Suz, knowing that she liked osprey....we have been watching Finney's nest since 06

Mema Jo said...

POOF is right! Guess Hidey didn't want us to get our Eagle high for the day!

Mema Jo said...

Our nest has been so inactive that those leaves look as though they are taking root!

Windy out there

deb said...

Lunch time here. I am all caught up on blog and e-mail. Too bad I missed Hidey!

Mema Jo said...

Deb Judie is about the only one who saw Hidey Fly In & Fly Out/Up...
Hope your day is going well....
Do you even think about it being Saturday - you know a weekend day?

deb said...

The whole time I am sitting there! I keep thinking I could be doing something fun.

I heard from Janie, still no definite date on the Osprey, but it will be either Friday the 24th or Monday the 27th that they arrive. Chicks are behind in age due to the cool spring in Idaho.

deb said...

Blue Jay party at Pix PA.

deb said...

Jo, if I had the camera up, I probably would have seen Hidey. I was just sitting here reading the blog.

deb said...

I can't see anything at the Wildwatch Osprey nest.

BBL, lunch is over.

Mema Jo said...

I'll be back - some things to be done.


wvgal_dana said...

I see I missed Hidey...Was going to say you snooze you loose. Which I had been doing. Although when Hidey arrived I did not have the cam up. Was catching up on comments.

wvgal_dana said...

Oh my I just love the live webcam (new) that Chrissy just sent around. Donkeys LIVE !!

hedgie said...

Getting started on downloading train station pics. Had to comment to get logged on to desktop PC.

hedgie said...

Okay, check my Lair!!

Mema Jo said...

Mission Accomplished, Lynn!
Great Pics of 2 happy travelers!

My afternoon went by very quickly
Ready to leave in a few for Mass

May have some company this evening -
Little Meatball Alexis....

Guess I didn't ready earlier thread so maybe Wanda has been on -


ceil said...

Lynn Great pictures. Thanks.
Jo I don't think Wanda has been on today. She was on last night.
Got to get ready for Mass also. BBL

Mema Jo said...

Lynn - I cannot comment on your Lair
pics... Check it out for me.

Mema Jo said...

IO was going to stop at the Veggie stand in Boonsboro going home on 40Alt yesterday but with the weather and knowing I still had a cantaloupe and some tomatoes - I drove on by. Haven't had any sweet corn yet. They are selling a doz for $3 up in this area.
Maybe I'll hit Shepherdstown again tomorrow and meet up with some family
for lunch!

stronghunter said...

Hi Jo,

Looks like most everyone is off somewhere.

deb said...

I am home from work. I couldn't post a comment either on Lynn's pictures. Nice pictures of the returning vacationers!

Mema Jo said...

Well Deb you have the evening ahead of you! I hope you do NOT have to mow!
I once said that you need to build a patio and get rid of some grass! lol

Hi Shirley! Grandson still there?

stronghunter said...

Hi, Jo. He's not here now.

He has a busy day, with a ball game and a party for the end of the baseball season.

deb said...

Jo, I have a patio! I have about 1/2 acre of land, too much when it is rainy!

hedgie said...

Okay, Jo and Deb, try again...after an outsider posted recently, Margy told me where to go to change some settings...maybe I changed them wrong!! I did it over in a different way, so try again, please!

Mema Jo said...

Thanks Lynn I'll try to post now.

Check out this Chimney Swift - double click on the pic to get full page....

Link to Nestcams-

Mema Jo said...

Check out the sound from the Seabirds of Alaska on that site. That sure could keep you awake at night. lol

normabyrd said...

Thanks HEDGIE!---Enjoyed seeing the TOURISTS returning from their vacation!!---Bet they had a wonderful time!!

Mema Jo said...

Lynn The comment posted! Just had the word verification & that worked fine.

Mema Jo said...

I hear 'knocking' at our cam BUT it is probably just the wind!

normabyrd said...

JO! I love watching the CHIMNEY SWIFTS building their nests!---WHOA!---She started without me!---ho!----Their nest building just 'BLOWS MY MIND'-----AMAZING!!

stronghunter said...

Chimney swift very interesting. I am trying to decide if that cam has sound. I just heard a siren, but I have the Hidey cam up, too. Do not know where it came from.

Mema Jo said...

Hi Norma! Sorry to read about your experience with the Sears installation guys! I certainly would issue a complaint -written & verbal! Sears has always served me well - hate it when one crew spoils the reputation others have upheld.

hedgie said...

swift nest sure looks like it's ina precarious place! And NO shelter over her! Alaska birds are hysterical!! Thanks, Jo!

Mema Jo said...

There was sound on the NY Chimney Swift
It must be near a highway...lots of car

Mema Jo said...

You just wonder how the Chimney Swift hangs in there! The one we had last year was in an enclosure - I'll try to find it.

stronghunter said...

Can't find the Seabirds of Alaska cam.

stronghunter said...

"Hanging in there" does describe what the chimney swift is doing. What a place to build a nest! It is amazing how some animals survive.

Mema Jo said...

This is a cool site if you ever want to ID the bird you are hearing.....

Link to Macaulay Library - sounds and videos of animals

Mits said...

Jo this is one of the ones we watched last is close to a street..can't remeber where the 2nd swift cam was...

jmp said...

Evening, everyone.

Shirley, Blooms is good and specific. Middle States is giving three vague categories. One is difficult for me to assess as I typically have 200+ students each semester.

Lynn, how do I access your pictures? Or others' pictures for that matter. I'm still learning. Never seen a Chimney Swift.

Norma, I think you just had the misfortune of a bad group. I'm sorry. Hope all works out quickly.

Off for some t.v.


Mema Jo said...

Shirley on the nest cam where you
"select a cam" It is the last one
that is active.

Mits- There was one we watched that was on the side of a house - you would look down into it for their nest.. I like this one that Cornell has on its Nest Cams.

Mits said...

nice pics, Lynn:)

Mits said...

yes, I remeber that, but deleted that site at the end of the season.

Mema Jo said...

Judi- I just put a link for you to double click on (It's blue) for the Swifts. Once the cam comes on - double click on that and get the full view

To view pic or Personal Blogs - click on the person's name - go down to where they have their blog name and click.......

It is 8:00 break time for me

I will return


deb said...

It sounds like the same place as last year, I wonder if the nest is just in a new location. I remember the one from last year was really noisy.

Time to get some dinner.

ceil said...

thanks for the chimney swift nest They are adorable. I remember watching them last year. Don't know how they fit in that nest.
Lynn I could not make a comment earlier will try again.

normabyrd said...

SHIRLEY---See up above---where it says--SELECT A CAMERA!---will give list of all birds listed!

stronghunter said...

Judie, can't imagine having more than 200 students a semester. There is no way you can grade essays, etc., with that many--or even know them!

normabyrd said...

Thanks JO!---I have been so involved with everything else & had forgotten the CHIMNEY SWIFT & these other birds!!--(where was my mind)---WOW!!

Mits said...

Nest Build. Date: May 25
First Egg Date: Jun 28
Clutch Size: 3
Incubation: Jul 02
Note: Streaming video takes about 10 seconds to load. SOUND IS ON! PC users can double-click the stream image

stronghunter said...

Gull Island, Jo?

Mits said...

Seabirds from Alaska

Jul 16, 2009 -
This is the signal path used to stream this camera, which is hosted by the Pratt Museum. Gull Island is located in Kachemak Bay, about 140 air miles south of Anchorage, Alaska. It is about 8 miles from the Pratt Museum and is only a 15-20 minute boat ride from the City of Homer harbor.....

Note: Streaming camera from Gull Island, controlled by Pratt Museum visitors 10-6. Working on 24/7 broadcasting. AUDIO

stronghunter said...

Found it! Good grief it is noisy.

stronghunter said...

Must go pick up a loaf of bread. Will has been taking sandwiches to work, so we are going through bread big time. I need my blt fix in the summer!

normabyrd said...

guess i'll join deb--dinner time

deb said...


deb said...

BOTH adults are gone already, Hidey is still there.

jmp said...


deb said...

I should have taped first and typed second. I got one adult in the nest, missed the other.

deb said...

My, that is one noisy bird!

Mits said...

crunch crunch:)

Mits said...

dead bird???

Mits said...

guess he is not crazy wild about the dinner

Mema Jo said...

lol I just peeked in at the Chimney Swift and both adults are hanging on to their nest! Wow!

Mits said...

Jo peek into our nest:)

Mema Jo said...

Forget about the Swifts
I have heard your alert!!!!

MT Nest Not........

Mema Jo said...

Our kid really smacks his beak when eating......... lol

Mema Jo said...

Looked like Hidey was going to drop whatever over the edge.

jmp said...

Mema Jo,

I really am challenged as I can't find the link. Did find some treasures of pictures of you and family -- lovely.


hedgie said...

And poof...gone again!

Mits said...

well, at least we know he is still around

Mits said...

I still see him at 1 o'clock

jmp said...


Multiple choice, true false, pictures such as identifying brain parts, etc. Use online Blackboard. Students tend to follow me through the four years so I do get to know some but many are lost in the huge numbers. I think it helps that I try to encourage their legitimate outside interests by attending sporting events, etc.


Mits said...

still eating

hedgie said...

Judie, Jo's link for the Chimney Swift, etc. is posted at 7:28.
Did you find my pics?

Mema Jo said...

Hidey is up at 1:00 position
Still eating 'whatever'
Hard to see - Spidey's web is up LYNN

Mema Jo said...

Wanted to watch "Castle" at 9:00 BUT
I need to watch Hidey!!

Mits said...

hope he doesn't try to fly to far, now that it is dark

Mema Jo said...

My sound has faded...

Mits said...

my sound is fine, he is just quiet

Mema Jo said...

I am wondering also if Hidey will stay in the nest or fly out in the dark...

Mits said...

he is probably wondering what to do also

Mema Jo said...

I see those Gleaming Eyes!
Haven't seen that in weeks!

jmp said...

Lynn, I found the Chimney Swift link, thank you. How do they stay in that tiny nest? Must have very strong feet and very sweet temperaments. Need to find your pictures, now.


Mema Jo said...

Cleaning the beak

Mits said...

dang he is behind the web...

Mits said...

ok, back in view

Mema Jo said...

So maybe Hidey has 'common sense' about flying in the dark! lol

Sitting in nest around 2:00

Mits said...

poor thing is probably wondering, who turned out the lights

jmp said...

Lynn, I found your lair and see the pictures of the returning vacationers. Bet they had a great time.


Mits said...


Mema Jo said...

WHOA! Momma came down!

Mema Jo said...

Yep My sound is working

Mema Jo said...

Adult eating nestovers..

jmp said...

Maybe Hidey has chewing gum stuck on his talons with no flashlight or knife.

Mema Jo said...

Hey Helen!!
It wasn't me that turned out the lights this time!

Mema Jo said...

Our eagles are as bad as Norma and Deb eating dinner this late in the evening!

Mema Jo said...

Hidey and adult in nest at 1 and 2:00

Chomping away!

Mema Jo said...

They really are sharing
Hidey must have a crop full not to
be stingy

Mema Jo said...

I don't like


especially when something is going on

That is RUDE!

Mits said...

so weird to see them at this hour.

jmp said...

How distressing. Can't see all the actvity in the nest. Just the busy green barber pole and a fozen picture of Hidey at 1pm. Keep me posted.


Mits said...

neither one want to be in the nest, it looks like

stronghunter said...

Judie, I ususally have the best luck with hitting the refresh button when it freezes.

Mema Jo said...

Adult seems hesitant to Fly Out

Tail whacked Hidey lol

Mits said...

Belle just took off

stronghunter said...

Adult left?

Mits said...

car lights going by

Mits said...

dogs started to bark as soon as she took off

Mema Jo said...

Oh is Hidey going to try to follow Momma

Judi: Did the refresh work for you?

stronghunter said...

Yes, saw the car lights. Looked strange.

Mema Jo said...

Hidey still at 3:00 in nest

stronghunter said...

Still just sitting there at 2:00, almost 3:00.

Mits said...

looks like the big guy might have to spend the night...

stronghunter said...

How well do they see in the dark?

Mema Jo said...

Would one of you confirm that Hidey is still in the nest and that I am not
looking at a shadow.... I had been doing comments and may have missed a fly out.

Mema Jo said...

Thank you Hidey for turning towards me
I saw a gleaming eye!!! 3:00 position it is..........

stronghunter said...

Still there, just turned around facing the nest; I just saw the glint of the eye.

Mema Jo said...

Thanks Shirley for sticking with me!

They have very sensitive eye sight but
I don't think it means in Darkness.
Not nocturnal like some owls.
Please correct me if I'm wrong

Mema Jo said...

Oh My! Hidey didn't forget where the egg well (bed) is located. How perfect!

stronghunter said...

Settling down. Maybe Hidey's going to stick around for awhile.

jmp said...

No luck with refresh but thanks for suggesting. I usually have to log out and then back in.

With the car lights, etc. I wonder if the adult feels something isn't right and is nearby watching Hidey -- maybe Hidey's instincts are saying stay put? Well, okay maybe a little dramatic but are unauthorized people able to gain access to the area?


Mema Jo said...

Took a pic from the Still Cam & will post onto Momster's album later.

stronghunter said...

I guess the birds that see well in darkness have large eyes.

Mits said...

they have classes going on all the time there, Judie....

stronghunter said...

It is not unusual for car lights to be there.

Mits said...

not at all, Shirley

stronghunter said...

I suppose we aren't likely to get too many more visits like this.

Mits said...

this is really unusual, don't remember any of the others returning to sleep at nest, after they have fledged as long as it has been for him.

«Oldest ‹Older   1 – 200 of 282   Newer› Newest»

2/19/25 PM uneventful

 12:31 PM Scott returns to the scene. With a nice load of Bedding Getting ready for the Cold front coming through again. 12:33 PM. He goes u...