Monday, July 27, 2009


Evening thread.


floralgirl said...

Whoa- new thread...where is everybody? Did you know the cam isn't working, Steve? Still blue screen.

Mema Jo said...

Gee Whiz! You can breathe easier over here! Thanks for the heads up Megan &
Thanks for the new thread Steve - you must have been very very busy or out of town.

magpie said...

Oh Wow! It's Monday!


Mema Jo said...

Had just gotten back from WalMart..
Needed new cell phones - ones that had a larger calling area. We saw
hit on the road coming home off to the side was a tiny fawn - too tiny to have been out on that hgwy!
The email about the little new tufted deer fawn at the National Zoo's Conservation and Research Center in Front Royal, Va.: a female tufted deer fawn. She is such a deer deer! Sweet as she can be!
Mits had found this article

Tufted Deer Fawn link

stronghunter said...

Thanks, Steve.

Brought this over:

Hi, Lynn. Kathryn already whacked it with a hammer, but there wasn't enough space for her to get a good swing at it and it didn't help. I remember hitting a starter with a hammer being discussed before and thinking it sounded reckless.

Kathryn actually knows quite a bit about fixing cars,so I did trust her to give it a try.

I can't remember if I have towing insruance. I will find out tomorrow.

I already know that I need a new serpentine belt, so I'll just get that done too--and a state inspection. Might as well spend a whole bunch of money.

Monday, July 27, 2009 8:40:00 PM

hedgie said...

Ceil, I'm not sure where Parkersburg is...closer to Charleston maybe. Norma would know!

stronghunter said...

Nice story, Jo. Thanks for the link.

paula eagleholic said...

Thanks for the new thread...

And thanks for the heads up Megan.

magpie said...

Wow one jumps on without reading the old thread it is like being on no-man's land: I have no idea what anyone is talking about!

But it's good to See Ya'

Parkersburg is way over on the Ohio Border, about 1/3 way down the state -

hedgie said...

Mits, does that article mean that there are none on display and never will be????

Mema Jo said...

Quick as you can - there goes another boat by the Lake Washington nest

Mema Jo said...

Guess it was a speed boat - faster then the ferry for sure! lol

magpie said...

I missed the speedboat but the view is beautiful nonetheless !

magpie said...

Did I say Hello Eagle Pals ??

magpie said...

Oh there's another one...

Mema Jo said...

There goes another one

deb said...

I am home and Paula is right, I work for AT&T, thank goodness.

Mema Jo said...

Margy - I am so glad you saw that boat!

Really a pretty view from the nest!

hedgie said...

Lightening bugs are out--but numbers sure are dwindling.

hedgie said...

Thank goodness, Deb!

magpie said...

Maybe most of them have found their mates ♥

Seeing some pretty butterflies these days....they like thistle!

Yeah, can't see the Finland Ferry but I can see Lake Washington Jo

Mema Jo said...

It would have been great to have been able to see that little deer by Judi & Shirley when they were down there. I am thinking they were right there in the area for the eagle release. Like you say Lynn -
they won't be placed on display soon or never?? Said the mother has had 11 to add to the dwindling population.

magpie said...

Hallelujah Hawaii !!

I have Finland Water ! Dark as it is...I don't care ! I upgraded to IE-8 yesterday and had to re-add Active-X control for Critterzoom, that must have been it !!!!

☺ ☺ ☺ ☺

magpie said...

Someone Pinch Me !

ceil said...

Good night all.
Hi Margy.

magpie said...

Hi Ceil
Good Night Ceil...xo

paula eagleholic said...

Pinch Pinch :)

Hoo-ray for you Margy!

magpie said...

Yes, I am very happy, Paula, and I can still see it after the Pinching !

Lady next door has a hankering for something sweet, so over I go with a brownie and a cereal bar.

Back in a little to read old comments then too !


Judie said...

Back to visit. Thanks Steve. Glad you're around.

No, I do not swim but I do love being near large bodies of water.

Tufted deer fawm is adorable. Had two young bucks at the sunflower seeds around dusk tonight. Haven't seen crippled Bambi for about 4 days.

Deb, glad you are with AT&T. You don't need any more bad in your life.

Hope you have towing insurance, Shirley. With all the hammer talk, I have made a serious decision -- from now on, if I am ever around any Momsters and Dadsters, I am going to make daggone sure MY starter is working.

Storm missed us but really humid. Need rain!

Think I'll try to get some sleep soon.

Goodnight everyone. Sleep well.


Mema Jo said...

That is funny, Judie. Whenever I am with a group I start my car but then wait until all others have their car started before I pull out! That is why I am call MEMA
I guess!

movin said...

Thanks for the information on Corey, Deb.

He looked like a fun, young guy with a lot of life to live... tragic.

What should he have done? Taken some insulin?

We have diabetes in the family from my mother's side. I was always warned to watch for it, since "it skips generations." But so far I'm clear. However my sister and a first cousin have developed the late onset type...
My cousin especially had a lot of troubles keeping the blood sugar in check, and has become legally blind. I think she's in better shape relative to the disease now though.

I have to get my annual blood test for that and many other things, but I've been letting it slide. Thanks for the reminder.

What was that exchange about the "pump"? Real pump or heart?



Mits said...

the only time you can see some of the animals at the CRC, is the one day they are open to the public, sometime in October...I have never been to it....BTW, Sharma the red panda is not pregnant:(

Mits said...

night everyone:)

movin said...

I was going to tell you guys about Mason going home, but I see the news already arrived.

Isn't that great that he is progressing that much, and there's promise that he will get a lot better yet.

Keep him in your prayers.



magpie said...

I have a niece who died at the age of 34, had had juvenile onset diabetes from the age of 14. She received a pancreas and kidney transplant together once, pancreas was diseased, she had many many problems including temporary loss of hearing and vision. She was such a sweetheart....strong to the end. Her mother has it too, and it does run in our families.
Tough tough ailment. So sorry again, Deb -when a young one dies, it is so very heartbreaking.
Love and Hugs....

Mema Jo said...

Good night Mits - hope yo wake up to lots of sunshine before the next storm system moves through! Enjoy you lunch tomorrow with friends.

Jim Don't let your annual blood test slide - The blood work can catch so many things that could cause a problem in the future and you get a jump on things! I am dealing with my blood sugar level with low carb diet and a medication by mouth. Taking the predisone has brought this on.

Mema Jo said...

Finney is up early and exercising wings on the side of the nest. Other 2 I think would rather be sleeping.

Mema Jo said...

Finland Ferry is up doing the same thing - exercising those wings!

Oh my! What are we going to do when all the osprey take 1st flight? And
remember there are no new pandas coming our way!

Anne-Marie said...

I momsters, just checking in..

Anne-Marie said...

Its 7:10 pm and still 100 out side, I am so thankful for air conditioning

paula eagleholic said...

No panda for San Diego either?

Jim - Corey had an insulin pump, I believe.

paula eagleholic said...

How are you feeling Anne? Good to see you!

Anne-Marie said...

thanks Paula, every day get better. Starting to eat a little. Hard to get it down

magpie said...

I'll Say Wingersizing at Finland !
So cool to see it!

Lots of interesting news on the Old Thread...How cool to hear from Red, and now Anne-Marie! Wahoo!

magpie said...

Nice pictures and informative report from Deb on the old thread.
Great pictures of that Stellar Jay!

Nice almost-half Moon out tonight, folks, check West, South West...

Anne-Marie said...

Hugs..You make me smile

hedgie said...

Yep, Jim, Paula answered before I could---it was an insulin pump.
Hi A-M!!!! Good to hear from you, gal! Hard to believe that it's that warm in Sacramento! Hope you're feeling good!!

Anne-Marie said...

the good thing about all of this pain is I can now take in big breaths of air and I'm loosing weight because I cant eat...:)

movin said...

As far as I know they are still monitoring BAi Yun, and she showing many signs of being pregnant, including lining her nest or den.

Still a very good chance of a baby Panda at San Diego this August.

They have additional info in the Panda blog on their site.



magpie said...

Awesome avatar, Anne-Marie -
it's been awhile since we have "seen" you so I don't remember if it is a new one or not!

Glad to hear you are coming along okay....keep doing what works!

Anne-Marie said...

We are suppose to be hot over the next three days and then settle down to the low 90. It make me nauseated even to go out in it.

magpie said...

Wow, Mits was in the middle of a storm alrighty - glad she got home and is okay...

New wildflower starting to come into bloom: New York Ironweed! One of my favorites, grows so tall, and deep purple color. Oooh!

magpie said...

Hot here too, Anne-Marie, a little over 90 º today - we have had it pretty easy this summer all things considered.

Helped an elderly lady out this afternoon who came out of the grocery story, got sick, she was very flushed and hot, she called her daughter to come for her, and we cooled her down and fanned her for awhile. It can be dangerous weather!

Mema Jo said...

Hi Anne Marie - Stay cool inside!
I sent you another email. Prayers for your healing and comfort are coming at ya constantly!

When I mentioned about baby pandas I was referring to Atlanta & NZ - the ones closest to us. I don't remember what coverage the San Diego zoo gives us of the newborns. Jim you would know.

magpie said...

Since I am having such fun being able to see this again, I am going to post the link just to celebrate:

Finland Water Nest

movin said...

Hi, Anne-Marie, I'm very glad you are feeling better little by little.

Did you have what I had/have?? Congestive Heart Failure?

Inability to breathe is what sent me to the docs in the first place.



magpie said...

And just in time for a passing Ferryboat!

Anne-Marie said...

My car went dead and wouldnt take a charge. so my son came over and and gave me a jump and we headed over to Sam's Club to buy a new battery. I was going to get it free because it was still on warantee but the salesman who sold me the battery showed me it wasnt the battery he sold me but an old cheap one. It had been switched. the only time I can think of was out side of Las Vegas when the guy at the service station was filling the car with water. I went into the little store to drag out my grandson.

deb said...

Paula is right again, Jim. We thought the pump may have failed, but Corey didn't change the batteries. High blood sugar would be treated with Insulin if I understood correctly.

hedgie said...

Margy, Active-X is wierd---I thought it was one of those things that was always in the background on stand-by for when needed....but sometimes when I go to open something I get a pop-up saying a site wants to use it and I have to "turn it on"...duh! Most of the time it just runs automatically. One of those computer things I don't understand!

movin said...

Coverage? Mema Jo.

They had Infra Red cam on Squiggles (ZZ) and Bai Yun all night. And I assume they will do that again.



Anne-Marie said...

My intestines broke through the diaphragm and fused to the stomach, lungs and esophagus. I didnt even know what was wrong. I just couldnt breath very well.

magpie said...

I've been on the run all afternoon, guess I better attend to some things around here.

Lynn - not sure when Active=X went off, will never know, but have learned to trust it so I opened it up, and Voila!

Deb So excited for you about the Osprey Arrival you get to go there and be with them? I think I remember you have Tuesdays off !

magpie said...

Anne-Marie! That sounds very serious! Glad you got this taken care of!

Anne-Marie said...

I must go and feed my pup. She is whining at me. Night!

hedgie said...

Good to know that there's still Panda hope in SD! Too bad that our red panda is a no-go.
Good night to all turning in. Peaceful sleep.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Good evening my eagle budlets. Getting ready for bed. Worked today, went to a meeting tonight. Been a good day tater!

paula eagleholic said...

Wow, Anne, glad you had that all fixed! Hope you can eat better soon!

movin said...

Hedgie, I don't fully remember all I understand about Active X either.

But I think once you have the basic software you are OK, until you run into a new site which requires you to download their particular stuff ... that's when you get that notice ... then that site is OK too.

Sometimes if you have a crash or mini crash, or if your browser is upgraded, you will have to do some of it over again.

According to Wikipedia:
"ActiveX is a framework for defining reusable software components (known as controls) that perform a particular function or a set of functions in Microsoft Windows in a way that is independent of the programming language used to implement them. A software application can then be composed from one or more of these components in order to provide its functionality."



stronghunter said...

Good night, everybody.

movin said...

I'm very definitely happy you got that straightened out, Anne-Marie.

Breathing is one of the more beautiful things in life, don't you think.



magpie said...

Good Night Shirley - good luck with the buggy tomorrow.

And Good Night to anyone else heading to the pillows

Technical info, Jim, whatever it means, it worked for me and Finland Water nest and Critterzoom...I did upgrade to IE-8yesterday, probably is related.

deb said...

Yes, Margy, I will be at the airport to help transport the Osprey to the tower. It will be fun to see them arrive and help get them up into the tower.

magpie said...

All chicks lying very low at Finney...wonder if there is an intruder around

magpie said...

And fun for us Deb because I KNOW you will get some pictures for us to share.

Oh, I think I saw a scarlet tanager today, it was on an overhead wire while I was driving, took off, saw some Black AND Red - so I have ruled out cardinal...

movin said...

Here's the link to the latest on Bai Yun ... and the other Pandas at San Diego.

I think I still love ZZ as much as when she was a little squiggler.

SD Pandas



deb said...

That's great, Margy, I keep looking for them, but no luck.

magpie said...

Maybe we will both see them for real before the summer is over, Deb -

At least, you get to see the Red-Headed Woodpecker!

xoxo Time for Tubby xoxo

Mema Jo said...

I remember the coverage Jim when you said ZZ! There was Tai, Buta Buta, ZZ and Luney!
Sure hope there will be another!

Mema Jo said...

Deb - I'm getting excited for you and the upcoming osprey project. ENJOY!

Hi Sharon! You go Gal! loL

Mema Jo said...

Going to call it a good day!

Good Night All
Prayers being said for everyone

(((hugs))) ♥

hedgie said...

Jim, that makes sense! Thanks for clarification!
Does SD have a cam on the birthing den, Jim?
A-M...sure sounds like a much more serious surgery than you let on before!!! Amazing that you got out of hospital so quickly, but we sure are glad.
Know that you will have so much fun tomorrow, Deb!!

Mema Jo said...



hedgie said...

Shar---glad you got to check in. Hope you and Mattie are having fun with Thelma....hugs to all!
I am going to turn in, too. L-o-n-g day on puter....eyes have had it!
Peace and prayers. "See" all y'all tomorrow.

magpie said...

Holey Moley Big Bear is Right Mema Jo -

deb said...

I am glad I got to see the bear again!

I am off to bed, too. I have a long day ahead tomorrow. Night everyone.

Lolly said...

Just got on and had to go see the bear.

Sort of crashed today. Never made it to the grocery store. Instead did a little shopping at Target for Zach. Wanted to find some kind of sprinkler toy, but most stores are already sold out. Ended up getting just a sprinkler. He has never played in a sprinkler, but he loves water. He has never had a backyard to play in as they had a zero lot line before. Now they have a backyard for him to play in...that is until they put in a pool next year. We may be going over Thurs, spending the night and keeping Zach all day Friday. Yea!

Jack hunted last night....armadillo hunting!! Yes, the summer plague of armadillos has started. So far he has not dug up lawn...just flowers and mulch. Ahhhh!!!

Storms all around, but we have just had sprinkles. Loweeda...get specific with your rain dance, please. Do a Lolly's yard rain dance! LOL

Costume Lady said...

I guess I'm too late with my message from Chris at Outdoor TV.
I'll put it on now for our NIGHT OWLS and then again in the morning.
They control the camera on their end. It looks like they have not had time to fix it.

Lolly said...

Nite Wanda....I am heading to bed.

Sweet dreams to all!

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,
I just got home from school a little while ago, and need to read what's been going on. Wanted to wish a good night to everyone, though; prayers being said for all.
Thanks, Wanda for the camera update. Maybe tomorrow, and if not, we can all join in and sing
'Am I Blue', in 4-part harmony!
I'm just grateful the blog still works, and there are no tiny eaglets in the nest. If there were, would be beside myself! So the timing is not so bad. Pretty tired right now, so think I'll say g'nite. Catch you all in the morning. :o]

Costume Lady said...

Good night, Andrea...hope it cools down for you tomorrow.


magpie said...

Thanks for the news, Wanda
and Andrea...might have missed you, just how was that old test tonight ??

magpie said...

I could be the last Night Owl on here...

Sorry I missed some of you by Hedgie for example...
Hope your day is not so long Tuesday, and more happy for you ☺

Sounds Good Lolly - the water fun and the possible Kid Fix later in the week.

magpie said...

One parent and two chicks Finland Water. ☺

magpie said...

One parent and Three Chicks at Finney Land...
and one Magpie going to Roost.

Good Night ! ☺

movin said...

** GooD NighT **

** EveryonE **



Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Good early morning eagle buds! Still no cam :(

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Very noisy osprey at Loch of Lowe's though!

deb said...

Good morning! 24 noisy Osprey are winging their way to Yankton. I'll check back in before I leave, I need to get ready! Don has me working this morning on some sort of project.

Costume Lady said...

I emailed Steve last night...just in case he doesn't know our cam is BLUE. I also emailed Chris at Outdoor TV and he said the problem lies on Steve's end. You know, just a "We know it's broken and we're working on it" would help.

DEB...enjoy your day:)

Mits said...

good morning everyone:), have a nice day.

deb said...

Mason is coming home today! Light a candle for his family in the next part of his recovery:

Mason's candles

Mits said...

nice to se Annemarie on here last night.....

Mits said...

RE: San Diego, i posted info on her last week, and when she was in the birthing den, also they think August sometime for a possible birth, but remember whether she is pregnant or not, she will still go thru the same scenario with the nesting and other symptoms. But she has a good track record for pregnancies

Mits said...

So excited for your day today, Deb:) those osprey:)

deb said...

See you all later! I hope I have some pictures to share. :)

deb said...

OOPS, forgot to say the Kestrel box in Lincoln, NE, is on it's second batch! Only 11% of Kestrels in FL have two batches a year and the number gets smaller as you go north.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Good morning eagle budlets! Foggy day in Bedford!

deb said...

Three little kestrels this batch. Now I am really off.

Mits said...

hello Sharon, fog is lifting here, sun coming out

glo said...

Good mornign nCTC Bloggers and lurkers and those some where in the middle. I turned on cam and saw that blue screen but through the static I heard a familiar peep...that was cool. Hope you are all heading for a great day. I am loving retirement for sure :-). Thanks for those who stop by Glo's Glimpses. The black and white cow several have mentioned is called an Orea Cow for obvious reasons. That was a fairly young one. Cam club starts again Sept 3. My summer assignment is umbrellas so i will be posting some of those next month . Hedgie I have no clue why you couldn't get to see the whole picture. That is important for all of life ((((hedgie)))) Ok off for coffee and dog treats. Dex and I are dreaming of our next road trip. So glad the first one went pretty well overall.

ceil said...


2/19/25 PM uneventful

 12:31 PM Scott returns to the scene. With a nice load of Bedding Getting ready for the Cold front coming through again. 12:33 PM. He goes u...