Thursday, July 16, 2009


New thread. Hot humid day...


stronghunter said...

Good morning, Steve. Thank you.

Mits said...

thanks, S&S:)

stronghunter said...

Very quiet on here this morning. Everybody is either out and about or sleeping in. Hope they're enjoying this beautiful day.

Abundance of food at Lowes. Looks like 2 fish.

stronghunter said...

Maybe adult flew off with one fish.

Costume Lady said...

Shirley, between Jo, Judie and you, last night, I ROFLMBO. Jo, said the last one on was to turn out the lights, which Shirley did...then Judie hadn't said her good nights and stumbled all around because Shirley turned the @$#%&!! lights out;) Love you girls!

Costume Lady said...

WHOOPS!...I got that backwards...Judie turned the lights out and Shirley cursed the darkness;)
Then, Bill came on and turned the lights back on;) Love your sense of humor!

Mits said...

I always keep a flashlight with me, Wanda:)

stronghunter said...

Good idea, Mits.

stronghunter said...

Major bird craziness at Lowes.

floralgirl said...

All I had was a jar of fireflies, almost broke my neck...hahaha
hot, humid, dry...rain please....

Mits said...

20% chance today, Megan:(

stronghunter said...

Fireflies are lovely, but they do not work so well as a source of illumination!

floralgirl said...

Yep, best chance looks like tomorrow. Still only 50% chance then.
Hello all:)

stronghunter said...

Now the squirrels are telling me that I need to provide them with more food.

Mits said...

turkeys at PA

floralgirl said... just called, dog still testing positive for lyme disease...stupid ticks..stupid deer...
going back outside to continue watering.

magpie said...

** Surprise **

Checking in from the Woods in Western Massachusetts...good to see the faces on this fresh thread Thursday morning...

Weather is great, birds are elusive, but I have seen some new (to me) wildflowers: Indian paintbrush, foxglove...and a few other specialties.

I see the Still Cam seems to be fixed, punched in the live(empty) NCTC and cam and
Guess What ! I can see Finland Water Chicks from here!

This will be short...I miss everyone, good to see everyone, I won't be able to backtrack and catch up until I get home.

We are having a beyond-wonderful time.
We leave from here Friday Morning, will get into Martinsburg late afternoon. Lynn I will ring you up from Gaithersburg area.

Ta Ta For Now, my Eagle Friends!


stronghunter said...

Okay . . . Jo was trying to find my picture yesterday. I have now managed to post a picture of myself along with some fellow teachers on my blog. Please be patient. I am trying to learn how to do this. Layout needs work. Suggestions invited.

stronghunter said...

Hi, Margy! Great to hear from you.

Costume Lady said... good to hear from you and REALLY glad you two are having a fun time. Enjoy the rest of your stay and have a fun and safe trip home:)

ceil said...

Morning all. Don't think I said how awesome Bob's pictures were and the video from Loretta was so great. Fawn sounds like a lamb.
Margy glad you and James are having fun.

hedgie said...

Good morning, eagle dudettes and dudes!
Slow one here. Very humid...intermittant clouds and sun, but no rain yet...

Mema Jo said...

Good Morning All! Great to hear from you Margy and happy for the fantastic time you and James are having.
Thanks Shirley! Love being able to put faces with names.. You are just as I pictured!

Boy is it HUMID out there today!
Wish I didn't need to go out but at
4:00 is a regularly scheduled Dr appointment. From house to car to office and then in reverse - AC will be a blessing.

hedgie said...

Yea! Magpie checked in from her roost-away-from-roost! Margy...if you check back...if you don't get answer at house, try cell and truck! We're going to the nest in the morning, and having lunch in the cafeteria. Depending on time we leave there, I may hang out in town someplace! Whatever I do, I WILL BE AT THE STATION AT 5:30!!!

stronghunter said...

Morning Jo. I would rather you pictured me that way than the way I was shown on the old departmental link. That one was scary. It was taken at the end of a long day at work.

Mema Jo said...

Link to News Video sent to me from Suzanne about one of the PA falcon's

I haven't read earlier comments
This may already have been mentioned

hedgie said...

You go, Shirley! You did it! Nice to "see" you!!!

Costume Lady said...

Shirley, you did a good job, getting your photo on your blog. Welcome to a new will find it fun to be able to show something instead of trying to describe it. And remember, we all are probably the most patient group of people you will ever are allowed to make mistakes on here and misspelled words are overlooked and understood:)

Costume Lady said...

I sure wish that I could go with you all to NCTC tomorrow, but our day is filled with workers, appointments and Crab Legs:)
Have fun and I hope one of our Mountaineers shows up!

Mits said...

hi Margy....Jo, sad for PA falcon

hedgie said...

How sad, only played for a few seconds...heard just enough to hear injury and possible fight with another bird.....did they say anything else? Wonder what can be done....???

deb said...

Lunch time here. I have clothes in the dryer, towels in the washer.

Margy, glad you are having a good time!

Mits said...

I like this schedule for you Deb, at least you get to come in and say hi, and get caught up...have fun this afternoon, when you get off from work.

deb said...

I like it too, just wish my lunch were a little later, but I can live with it.

I hope it warms up outside, it is still in the 60's, but I see the clouds are moving out.

Mema Jo said...

Suzanne checked out the Falcon News from PA but nothing at this time is mentioned about the injured one.

wvgal_dana said...

Hi my Eagleland friends and Watchers.

NIce Margy dropped in ( :

I'll have to read back about Megan's poor doggie.

Been napping off and on. Have appt. for myself this afternoon.

Thank Jo for that link. Sad about the falcon at PA.

wvgal_dana said...

Nice picture Shirley ( : See you have a blog started. You keep at it and maybe we'll see some wildlife on there too.

deb said...

Hi, Dana,

Bye, back to work. BBL

wvgal_dana said...

Hi Deb got to catch up on blog. See if you have posted some of your great pics. Glad you got some hours you like.

wvgal_dana said...

See Red was on and doing better. That is so awesome. Some more answered prayers ( :

wvgal_dana said...

Darn you mean I can cancell my appointment today for my knee???? Just start CUSSING and it will be all better. See what happens when you don't keep up on the blog. Cost you money lol

Mema Jo said...

I wanted to publish this from last evening's thread -
Anyone with free time this Friday and needing something to do... a few of us locals on the spur of the moment are planning to go over to NCTC for lunch after visiting the Nest Tree around 10:30am. I just need to send names to Security tomorrow so send me an email if you can join us
Mits,Ceil & hubby & Mary Margaret (sister of Mits & Ceil), Lynn, Suzanne, (maybe) Megan and Jo are going. All others are Welcomed!

Costume Lady said...


Mema Jo said...

I see your tears, Wanda

stronghunter said...

I posted a picture on my blog of a bee of some kind that showed up at our butterfly bush a couple of summers ago. I looked it up, but have forgotten what it was. Maybe one of you can help me.

stronghunter said...

Dana, if cussing helps, let me know! We could save a lot of money.

Lolly said...

Well, I sure hope you local yokels have a great day at NCTC. Jealous!!!!

Had a great morning at the beach. Would you believe our castle from yesterday was still there?!!!! So.....we added a neighboring castle. People were stopping by to admire and take pictures. WOW!

Saw that Margy was on. Cool!

Jack is going to babysit. Laurel and I are headed into town to shop!


floralgirl said...

We have lots of those here, Shirley. They love the butterfly bushes. It is a Snowberry Clearwing
Hummingbird Moth.

stronghunter said...

Thanks, Megan. I had never seen one before.

Mema Jo said...

I am ready to head out the door into the AC of the car to go for appointment


floralgirl said...

I am ready to pass out from the heat....

deb said...

I sure wish I could send you some of this strange weather we are having here. It is 72 in the middle of July, that is normally what the low would be, not the high.

deb said...

BBL tonight. Off to kayak and eat dinner.

hedgie said...

Was just out watering the flowers and it is SO humid that I could hardly breathe. Megan, think you need to stay in for awhile. Deb, your temp should make for a nice kayaking venture....this has been a strange summer everywhere, hasn't it?

hedgie said...

Have finished cleaning house. Even managed a panda nap!
We surely do need some rain!
Chrissy says that baby Boy has finally fledged at the Loch nest!

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone!

...Me too, Megan and Lynn! Just in from watering my patio plants that the sprinklers don't hit, and I'm ready to drop in my tracks! It's quite humid here today, and it's not my favorite! Sure makes it feel hotter!

Got to and from the desert house OK yesterday, but it was up in the hundreds there, and the heat hits you like a blast furnace! It was humid there, too--which is becoming more usual in the last few years, and NOT good. Used to be able to cool things more economically with a swamp cooler, but when it's humid it doesn't work. A/C is $$$$$$$!
By the time I got home (at almost dinnertime) my bottles of water and iced tea that I had in the car in the console cup holders were too hot to drink! Had the a/c on almost full blast, too! :o[ I'm just done with heat and humidity!
(Okay, I've vented-- feel a little better now!) The guy came at noon and fixed our refrigerator so it won't self-combust. The bad part was the relay switch that turns on the compressor. Ours wasn't black or smoking, which is good, but it was pretty darn hot. Sure am glad it worked out OK. The guy said one customer had to unplug their refrig.
because it was starting to belch smoke! Yikes! Thank God for His protection!

Well, I have 2 more things to accomplish today--spent the morning sending out resumes, and now can mail paperwork in to the EDD, and I have a house payment to make. Better run quickly, because it feels too good to be sitting down!
BBIALW, though. :o]

Mema Jo said...

Good Gal Andrea! You vented very well!

Our nest is MY
I spotted the Delta & Hornby eaglets
Also the Lake Washington nest

I really want to see HIDEY!

Mema Jo said...

The Maine nest - Both eaglets are up above the nest on the same branch.
They are side by side!

No pic on the Oklahoma nest

Mema Jo said...

Earlier I typed that our nest was 'MY'
I know you all know that I meant MT

Mema Jo said...

Going to water outside planters on the deck..... Will only take 3 minutes so the humidity won't get me down!

floralgirl said...

Well, I wish I could come in and stay, but I still got about 3 more hours work to go...

Ms Bookworm said...

Phew! I'm back from my errands, all slimy hot and sticky. Sounds like it's about the same in WV. Read a bit of today's blog-- so good to hear that Margie & James are having such a good time!
So sorry to hear of the injured falcon!!! I've heard there's a lot they can do to reconstruct beak damage, so hope it's possible in this case. Prayers for that falcon being said!

Hubby will be home shortly-- better find something to make sandwiches with; it's way too hot to cook!
Maybe BLTs-- we have some bacon that's already fried. I'll be back after dinner. Hope you have a good evening, and get some rain to relieve the humidity! :o]

ceil said...

Jo we knew what you meant. Oklahoma close up cam was up earlier but it was also mt

ceil said...

Where are Sharon, Sissy and my sister? Sister was on earlier today.

Mits said...

well I am in battle with a trojan alert fake....say I am infected and I'm not but can't get it off of my puter.....I love a challenge:)

wvgal_dana said...

Back took a small panda nap.

Shirley cussing didn't help. Dr. needs to get an MRI of my knee. grrrr
Ok thinking this is good no not good. Well what I mean is along as Ed gets a good report on next Thursday. An in order to get it God decideds I need 2 eyeball surgeries and a MRI for knee. Then I can do it! Don't want it but I will.

Shirley I probably didn't cuss soon enough. lol

stronghunter said...

Well, I am sure panda naps help.

paula eagleholic said...

All caught up, busy half the dead lawn mowed...gotta feed doggies and me...bbl

and tomorrow Margy is home, don't forget to wear red, and TGIF!!!!!!!!!!

hedgie said...

Mits, some little gremlin giving you a fit, huh?
Andrea, sorry you're sweltering, too. Sure glad that the sun's gone down here!
Tomorrow is supposed to be less humid and a little cooler.
Wonder if the Bluefield gals are having problems?

hedgie said...

Paula, trust that it's the "not dead" part that you are mowing, LOL!!!

Dana, did the Dr. say what he thought might be wrong with your knee?

Mits said...

yes, Lynn, I am, but think I have beat the little sucker, for now....I talked to Sharon today, she was helping me with my gremlin problem:)

paula eagleholic said...

Nope, didn't mow the dead part...just the part still green. Having my TGIF a little early :)

paula eagleholic said...

Have a fun nest visit tomorrow...hope you get to see something!

paula eagleholic said...

I hear Hidey...what a wonderful sound!

wvgal_dana said...

Lynn he said it might be a torn spelling >>>>>mynistgust<<<< I know it isn't spelt right.

hedgie said...

Meniscus, Dana! Sometimes, if it's a small tear, it will heal prayers that it is and will!

Mema Jo said...

I'm looking at the weather for tomorrow & it calls for thunderstorms in the afternoon - 60% chance. High 80's - I like Deb's temps better! Like she said - the weather is getting all mixed up this year!

floralgirl said...

Dinnertime here! and a raccoon party at PA PIX!

NatureNut said...

Evening Everybody!! Sorry I didn't get a chance to be on here earlier!
Day off of course means Dr. appts!
Annual Doppler of carotid arteries----they're still open!!I thought I was awake!
Early this AM, saw no action at the robin's nest (they're gone) here in "Magnolia Acres", but poor Ms. Wren was actually in the house in all this heat! A couple times today I saw her with head hanging out & mouth open. Altho we have 2 birdbaths, I set a dish of water on the deck railing for them.There MUST be eggs!Last year, it was in June. Meanwhile, Caruso flits around and sings. When she leaves, he will look inside & sometimes go in house, but not for long.
This afternoon I did see 2 baby robins. One can fly, the other seems to stay near the ground. Tonight I heard that one squawking up a storm & located it about 2 ft. off the ground in an azalea. I tried to stay out until a parent fed it or mosquitoes ate me!
Won't put bird pics on for awhile, as when I tried to send out my fawn video, it was too large, so I gave everyone the blogspot link.

hedgie said...

Sounds like a really nice bird sanctuary at your place, Loretta!!!

hedgie said...

On my way to the tub...early morning tomorrow for nest visit! Will check back before I hit the hay.

NatureNut said...

Glad to see Margy was on today & having a great vacation. Happy, safe trip home!
Wish I could come tomorrow. Not a lot of work to do, but was off the 3rd--holiday at that office. Oh Well--think I'll wear my Kokopelli Indian shirt tomorrow & do a rain dance!
Gonna watch some TV & get dessert I don't need.
Dana, prayers for you and Ed--good grief, you don't need another ailment!

Mema Jo said...

Ditto to what Hedgie just said!


Mits said...

good night everyone.

stronghunter said...

Good night. I am taking my flashlight and my jar of fireflies upstairs to my cozy nest.

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,

Just checking in quickly to let you know that Hubby got Taco Bell and brought it home for dinner. It really hit the spot, and we didn't have to cook.

I have a Dr. appt. tomorrow morning; one of those every 3 month visits. Hope they're not too busy so it doesn't take long.

Dana, prayers are being said for you and Ed-- gracious, seems like you've had to deal with enough already!

Mits, prayers that your 'puter gremlin goes far, far away!

Hope you that are going to NCTC have a fantastic time tomorrow--I am totally jealous! Hope that someday I'll have a chance to visit!

Prayers that Margy and James have a safe trip home.

Prayers for all of us for all our needs, with thanksgiving that our prayers are always heard!

Have a good night, sleep tight, and I'll talk to you in the morning.

Mema Jo said...

Came back to say

Good Night To All!
Prayers for all needs being said and
thankfulness being offered for all prayers that are heard.

(((hugs))) ♥

Too many out there coming in yet to say good night to turn off the lights!
Don't let those fireflies die in that jar - be sure you have punched holes in the lid, Shirley! Night all!

paula eagleholic said...

Hitting the hay, catch ya'll in the am...I hope!

Hugs to all ♥

hedgie said...

Okay, gang...calling it a day. See some in the morning, and talk to the rest sometime tomorrow. Peaceful rest. Prayers for all.

deb said...

I am home, we had a good time. 15 Kayaks, 16 women. Off to bed after I clean up my toe, scraped it on the dock.

While we were eating dinner, a man proposed on the dock. They, of course, didn't know they had an audience. When the came into the restaurant, everyone stood and clapped.

Mema Jo said...

Glad you're home Deb and that great that you had a good time and only brought home a scraped toe! lol
Do they have 2-seater Kayaks?

Costume Lady said...

Don't anyone do a rain dance until our Eagle Buddies have finished their nest visit and lunch;) Then you can dance your legs off!
I think this is the first visit I have missed since I joined this group 2 1/2 years ago;( ENJOY!


movin said...

** GooD NighT **

** EveryonE **

Have a great FRISATSUN.



Costume Lady said...

They must have 2 seaters, Jo, or else one of those ladies stayed on the shore:)

Costume Lady said...

Nite, Jim. Enjoy your weekend too:)

Mema Jo said...

I am turning off the lights!
Anyone can enter into the darkness at their own risk


NatureNut said...

I brought some fireflies!!!
Have a wonderful visit tomorrow--I won't dance until 2PM.
Pleasant Feather Dreams ;>)
~~letting the fireflies back out ☺

wvgal_dana said...

I got my flashlight...always take one when staying someplace other than home.

I won't be doing any "dancing" that's for sure.

Thanks for the correct spelling Lynn. I'll just wait and see what MRI shows. Do what he tells me....he is the BESTEST DR....did my total knee replacement on other knee.

Deb pray your toes heals nicely.

Prayers for all that need them.

Those going to the nest. Have fun ..tell Hidey hi for me.

Ok my flashlight leaves with me. So it is dark in here again.

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Good very early morning everyone!

Robyn said...

Good morning everyone. Sure has been a while and I hope that everyone is doing well.

I missed the eagles this year, well I did catch a little here and there but not as much as I would have liked.

I sure have missed everyone and you all have been in my thoughts the past year. I hope everyone is doing well.

I'll be back soon...

Love you all

stronghunter said...

Good morning Robyn. Haven't met you, but happy to do so.

stronghunter said...

Jo, released the lightning bugs out the bedroom window! Never could let those little guys die in the jar.

Brought a nightlight. . . though sometimes darkness is a good thing.

Judie wasn't around yesterday. Maybe she is busy.

deb said...

Good morning. It is very cool here today, only in the low 50's/

Costume Lady said...

Robyn...we love and miss you too! We know you have been busy, but would really like for you to stop in for a visit now and then and let us know what you have been up to and how Tori is doing.

Costume Lady said...

Deb, how's your toe this mornig...bruised? It is 68° here. Hope it stays cool and pretty for our nest visitors:)

deb said...

My toe is fine this morning, just a little sore.

Mits said...

NEW THREAD IS UP....good morning everyone

stronghunter said...

New Friday thread, everyone!

Bill said...

First time I've got to say this,NEW THREAD

2/19/25 PM uneventful

 12:31 PM Scott returns to the scene. With a nice load of Bedding Getting ready for the Cold front coming through again. 12:33 PM. He goes u...