Tuesday, July 21, 2009


New thread.


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Mits said...

Good morning everyone, have a good day

Mits said...

rainy a.m. at the beach, hope it is raining back home:)

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Morning, Mits! How are ya?

stronghunter said...

Brought this over from last night's blog:

I sent the response to Lynn's letter to Faye Fiore. This is her response.

I am not an expert in these things.

Hi Shirley, yes I am aware they are staying the legal distance from the nest. It's the destruction of 12 acres of protected habitat for the road the worries some environmentalists. There are two existing entrances some feel should be used, avoiding need for the road and loss of the trees.
Sounds like they are moving ahead with their original intention.

Thanks for the update.

Maybe somebody knows an environmentalist who would know about this type of situation.

stronghunter said...

Good morning Mits (Helen?) and Sissy. It is a beautiful morning here. We had rain yesterday afternoon--enough to break up Grandson's football camp.

Lolly, I feel for you and for little Gus. I am sure you will do the right thing.

Mits said...

morning ladies:)

wvgal_dana said...

Thanks Steven for the new thread. Have a good day.

Good Morning In Eagleland Sissy, Mits, Shirley, and

Lolly my heart goes out to little Gus. Divorce is
never a nice thing for a child. You have my prayers.

Deb you and your family are in my prayers. I pray
for comfort at such a difficult time for you.

normabyrd said...

GOOD MORNING EAGLE BUDDIES!!---I have had to borrow--beg & steal to get on the blog this am---(i exaggerate)----MORNIN' MITS--SISSY--SHIRLEY-----I have work out this am---but I want extend my condolences to you DEB!---you have had your share--have you in my thoughts & prayers!--

stronghunter said...

Good morning, Dana and Norma.

normabyrd said...

LOLLY---Haven't quit praying for you & GUS!---He seems to be doing well--bless his heart!---Your presence has been very helpful to him---I hope you have fed him 'home-made bread & sausage'---ho!---HUGS & KISSES to you all!


wvgal_dana said...

NORMA did you get the new link that Chrissy sent for the NEW LIVE
donkey site?

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' BEAUTIFUL DANA!!---Praying you & ED are feeling better---Maybe you need to get him an EAGLE CANE!---ho---

normabyrd said...

WHOA!--ELKINS BILL---GOOD to hear from you---you have gotten the message to SEN. BYRD---He is the EAGLE person in the Senate!!---Stay COOL!

wvgal_dana said...

Donkeys at Bonaire out and about.

Donkey live at UK eating hay. Gray and white mixed. Black ones, and also gray ones.

wvgal_dana said...

Thank you Norma. Ed's appt. with thoratic surgeon is tomorrow. I still need and thank all of you that are praying for my Ed.

floralgirl said...

Morning al:)
Thanks for sharing Faye's response, Stronghunter. That is what I was talking about yesterday. They will stay the distance away from the nest that they are required to by law, but they have not changed the decision about the new access road, and that's where the destruction of the woodland comes in. That may be what chases the eagles away.

wvgal_dana said...

The site Chrissy sent in the email:


wvgal_dana said...

Morning Megan thanks for figuring out that distance on the old blog.
You are very right! Fence is great but the eagles need room to hunt too. Might still be endangered by taking the woodland outside the fenced area. :(

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Speaking of eagles, has anyone seen our precious Hidey this morning?

wvgal_dana said...

Not I Shirley just heard back a bit a loud crow.

normabyrd said...

PLEASE don't make remarks about Senator BYRD----He is an outstanding distinguished United States Senator--(has served longer than any other US SENATOR in history)

normabyrd said...

forgot to say I am partial! ho!

wvgal_dana said...

The sound of geese

wvgal_dana said...

One donkey has a blanket on him out of all the donkey's I see. Another which is white, its back is so bent. So glad the santuary got that one. It will heal there at the santuary and have a better life.


Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

I want some summertime!! Just for a little while. It doesn't have to last forever! But I sure would love some July weather instead of October weather!

floralgirl said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
wvgal_dana said...

Finney nest chicks look wet. Sleeping huddled together.

wvgal_dana said...

Finland (on the water nest) chicks are sleeping and nice bright sunny day.

magpie said...

Good Morning, and soon Good Night.

Deb I am so very sorry about the loss with the death of Corey. So very sad, and you and your families are in my prayers.

Lolly Prayers for you and Jack, and Gus and his parents.

Dana Best wishes for a good doctor's appointment for Ed.

Finally, I viewed the new live stream at Pix Pa, loved the sound of the turkeys purring and putting. BUT, the site has slowed down my computer so I won't be able to watch it much. Guess it's time for me to get a new computer, one of these years.

Glad to hear the Finland and Finney chicks are doing well.

I have got to get some sleep. Best wishes for a good day for all,
Prayers for Comfort, Strength, Joy, Safety, and Serenity.
xo ♥

wvgal_dana said...

Good Morning and sleep well sweet Margy ( :

normabyrd said...

WOW!---DANA---That site looks like I have died & gone to DONKEY HEAVEN!---WAY COOL!---thanks--

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' SISSY---How's your knee!---pray it's much--much better!!

wvgal_dana said...

Thanks to Chrissy from across the pond. It is a wonderful site. Yes and the donkey's are in heaven living there too. ( :

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Thanks, Norma. The knee is much better, ribs are getting better (slower than I like). Doing purty good down here in the bottom of the state!

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' MARGY---Have you gone back to work?---bet they have missed you!!---

normabyrd said...

SISSY---I understand all the clothing stores are wishing for better weather!----No one is buying summer clothes! (saving you money)---ho!

Judie said...

Good morning, everyone!

Lolly, I know I am butting in but am wondering if an attorney or family court has ordered an independent evaluation (clinical social worker;child psychologist) to determine what would be best for Gus not the parents? Has anyone in an official capacity spoken with Gus to hear his side of the story? I wonder if medication causes the mother's excessive sleeping if that is a problem? I think sometimes genuine love and affection come in not so pretty packages but the positive effect still happens. Sorry, I am just concerned about the child and sorry you are caught up in all this. Say what YOU see and have seen while the child has been with you. Please continue to be a haven for him -- the impact will be immeasureable. Follow your instincts.

Sorry, bloggers. I'll but out.

Have a beautiful day.


normabyrd said...

HEY!!----The 'WATERGATE' is going on the auction block today!---WOW!

normabyrd said...

'COUSIN' MEGAN!---You should have filled your water tank earlier then you would have gotten rain MUCH earlier! ho!----

wvgal_dana said...

Good Eagle Morning Judie.

Eaglet at Delta Sidney is ttanding on the tree. Nice and sunny there.

floralgirl said...

My water tank has been full all spring, Norma, just hadn't been using it as much. It finally emptied last week so I got it filled. We are still in need of rain here, got none yesterday.

wvgal_dana said...

standing (that was suppose to be)

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' JUDIE!---LOLLY said GUS'S parents had filed in the wrong Court!!----must refile!

normabyrd said...

MEGAN---We are getting rain today & tomorrow!!----later!

floralgirl said...

There's a chance of showers every day this week, but that doesn't mean it's gonna happen. So I'm off to continue watering. Have a great day everybody!

floralgirl said...

Oh yeah, I posted my mkt. pics from last weekend if you wanna see on my blog- later...

wvgal_dana said...

Hidey just flew in not in nest up in tree. Come on down for a visit Hidey.

ceil said...

Morning all.
Megan, beautiful flowers as always.

Mits said...

Megan, flowers are beautiful, I remember when I used to use your pics as my desktop, sorry but you have been replaced by the M&M girls...:):)no offense

Judie said...

Washington Post: Article by David A. Fahrenthold in Metro section today front page. Appears Ms. Fiore was correct. We don't have the support we need. At least the eagle cause finally got some media coverage. Maybe local residents will join the fray.

Question: does anyone know or know how to contact a celebrity environmentalist? Maybe we need some "star" power. Robert Redford?

Maybe the new divorce filing for Gus's parents will be in a county that requires impact evaluation on children.

Back later,

paula eagleholic said...

Morning, all.

Anyone else having a problem getting into the NCTC website?

wvgal_dana said...

Good Eagle Morning Ceil and Paula.

Oh yes Paula thank you for commenting. I have been trying to get the still cam. Tried every wish way I can. Can't get it. Won't let me into those sites either.

Mits said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
wvgal_dana said...

There is Hidey making some sounds.
Up in the tree.

Mits said...

don't have my cheat sheet for the tiny url here, so can't remeber how to do the story from the paper re:eagles...

Mits said...

have not even tried that site this a.m., Paula

paula eagleholic said...

Thanks for the reminder, Mits. Here's the article.

Washington Post Article

Mits said...

jmho, read the article, looks like Craig Koppie sold out, in his words sounds like if they move on it won't be the roads fault, just the eagles wanting to build a new nest...bull@^$&.

wvgal_dana said...

Anyone have the link they can put up for the STILL CAM please

deb said...

Good morning everyone. Another cloudy day here, I don't think summer is coming to SD this year.

Mits said...

thanks Paula, I have a cheat sheet at home, never use it, but when I don't have it can't remember it

deb said...

Megan, your flowers are so pretty!

Mits said...

morning Deb, how 's it going??? we are warm and sunny right now.

deb said...

Lolly, my prayers are with you and with Gus.

wvgal_dana said...

Good Eagle Morning to you Deb ( :
hoping prayers are helping you and family.


paula eagleholic said...

Hey Mits, I put the clickable link instructions on the yahoo group site...

Mits said...

got it Dana, thanks Paula.....

hedgie said...

Good morning, Eagle dudettes....no dudes on yet!
Megan, flowers are lovely, as always.

paula eagleholic said...

Well, the clickable link document doesn't look right, will try to fix it....

paula eagleholic said...


It's at the end of the list of the files sections....Starts with This is the formula for the clickable link

deb said...

A little better today, I think I will relax a little when my cousin's plane lands and I know the family is together.

Costume Lady said...

Megan's flowers are so pretty...I am wondering what the purple and white flower is...Megan?

I think we are just being appeased by the 'Powers That Be' about the DC eagles. Sounds to me like they are building a new road at taxpayers expense (?) that really isn't necessary. The eagles DO need extra acreage for food supply. The square footage that is going to be left intact, doesn't sound like enough to me. But then, I am not an expert, so what do I know. I just wish DC would take a more personal interest and pride in having a pair of nesting eagles, the Nationl Symbol of strength and beauty, and give them all of the space they need to survive and thrive the way it was meant to be. AMEN

paula eagleholic said...

Still cam is back up...looks like it's stuck on a pic from 1:15 am

hedgie said...

Here you go, Dana...


Lolly said...

Good morning! Interesting article on the eagles. Thanks, Paula, for the link.

We had about a half inch of rain yesterday and woke this morning to a short shower. Also, the rain had brought a temperary relief from the 100 degreee temps. Yard is looking good, but my water bill is huge.

Today I clean the trailer and it goes back to it's home.

floralgirl said...

That is lisianthus, Wanda.
Maybe we should build a highway thru Koppie's backyard and see if it causes him to move.....

Lolly said...

Wanda...sounds to me that your last blog is a letter to the ed of the paper.

wvgal_dana said...

Trying something:

wvgal_dana said...

Mits I used what I sent you and it worked for me.

Thanks Lynn-Hedgie I'll try that for the still.

Mits said...

did not work for me, Dana, but on the blog it did....email said there was a missing link...

Mits said...

no worries, I'm good to go:) thanks

hedgie said...

POST article contained alot of possible contacts.....the most important thing is that it HAS now made the local media, in a prominent location---assuming that it was on the front Metro page!---so may spur more interest and action. Norma, or Bill, why don't you forward it to Byrd's office? Maybe "the Byrd" will lead the fight for the birds now.

wvgal_dana said...

Good Eagle Morning Wanda and Lolly.

Well glad it worked on the blog Mits. That is why I sent it to you. Fudge on the email saying that.

I just updated a letter to Senator Robert Byrd and sent it off. He helped so much with our wonderful Eagles we watch at NCTC. I just feel he will have an interest in this goings on.

Thank you Paula for the article link for Washington Post.

Thanks Lynn-Hedgie worked got link back into my favorites. Thank You ( :

wvgal_dana said...

bbl coffee with hubby

Bob Quinn said...

Good morning! I've posted some new photos from Sunday. I loaded them up on a new hosting site.

BW Photos

Lolly said...

Have finished my coffee. Now time for breakfast and cleaning the trailer.

Think I will eye a few cams first!


hedgie said...

Think Loretta was telling about a squirrel with double ears yesterday----how strange; must be a birth defect....I just saw one whose ear was deeply notched....wondering if injury or if it was born that way?...interesting.

stronghunter said...

Beautiful pictures, Bob!

Lolly said...

Bob, as usual, your pictures are wonderful. While at the beach I would look at the different birds and wish I was a good photographer. In the middle of the RV park is an area for birds. I got a few amateur pic but need to identify the birds.

hedgie said...

Hi, Bob....first Eagle dude of the day! Pictures are so good!!!!

Mits said...

great pics, Bob, love the new format, beautiful

Mits said...

was going to stop at BW on the way down yesterday, but as usual, only have one thought in my mind....Reach the Beach:)

Mits said...

raining at Finney's nest still, times are not working at the Finland cams

Mits said...

Mei and Tian are wrestling...

Mits said...

little goof ball in Atlanta is sitting in the water dish

Lolly said...

Watched the wrestling, Mits! Thought of you as I watched them.

paula eagleholic said...

The news is spreading...

WTOP short article

wvgal_dana said...

Just updated a letter to the DC branch of the Sierra Club.

wvgal_dana said...

SD cub just went up a tree. Camera people didn't follow cub. Well now they have decided to find the cub in the tree. Don't know which cub?

wvgal_dana said...

Have to get off and get ready for dr. appt. see you later

NatureNut said...

Afternoon Everyone~~~~~~IS IT HALLOWEEN ALREADY??????????
Behind me in corner of drop ceiling and wall right over the end of counter are 100ssssssss of hatching SPIDEYS!
Weeks ago, we were told a giant wolf was in cabinet behind the safe. Area was sprayed, but one day, someone saw a monster sitting up in today's "baby" spot. Wasn't moving, so I didn't leave the bldg that day. Now we know what it was doing!!!
Maintenance is here w/poison----bye~~~~~~

deb said...

I would have been out of there at the first spider, Loretta. YUCK!

movin said...


** A VerY GooD MorninG **

** TO YoU aLL **



stronghunter said...

Just as I was reading about Loretta's spiders, George came over and put his cold nose against my leg. I almost went through the ceiling! Grandson came running to see the spiders.

movin said...

Raining at BWO.

Has anyone seen Hidey??
It almost looks like that Sycamore greenery in the nest has taken root and is growing a little Sycamore tree.



hedgie said...

OMG, Loretta, I would be dead on the floor. Terrible. RUN!
Go WTOP!!! Maybe LoriEagliscious can do the same thing on her station!!! The ball is rolling! We can only hope that it works.

stronghunter said...

Wonder if the editor who contacted Judie had anything to do with the article in the Post? Maybe . . .

stronghunter said...

Jim, it really does look like a baby tree growing in the nest.

Ms Bookworm said...

Good afternoon, everyone!
Just dropping in to say hello; must get back to studying for a test tonight.
NatureNut, you have my sympathy! My whole neighborhood is reeling this year there's such a spider invasion! So far have been able to keep indoor Spideys to a minimum, but still can cause you to sleep with one eye open! Just creepy!
Hubby's not really sympathetic--has been saying he wants to get me a nice big one on a leash for Christmas. Them's fightin' words!
Bob, love the new pictures--absolutely top-notch, as always!
Prayers are continuing for everyone; must go get some coffee now and get back to the books. Will
BBL. Have a blessed day, everyone!

movin said...

I just looked in on Finny's place, and it looks as though the oldest chick has fledged in spite of the rain there.

Still two chicks in the nest with the water and the ferry.



Mema Jo said...

I only see 2 of the 3 osprey also Jim

ceil said...

Bob, Fantastic pics. When we got to the barn last week a rabbit ran into the grass.
WTOP you can post a comment. I will try to do that but seem to have a lot to do and not getting much accomplished. BBL

Mema Jo said...

Such a great variety of photos that Bob has taken this visit to BW. I love that little squirrel pic!

Mema Jo said...

I have finished my shopping trip for and have the wedding gift for Saturday.
Glad daughter was with me to help make the selection!

Putting my feet up!


stronghunter said...

Looks very wet at Finney nest. Wonder if one chick has been removed because of broken leg.

hedgie said...

Hi, Southern West Coast delegation!
Yep, Jim...saw it, too.
Good luck on test tonight, Andrea...,.know you will do just fine!
Sorry you have an invasion, too....goodness, my biggest fear is "them eight-leggers"---I can't even stand the word s-----s....I call them "you-know-whats", LOL!
What's the latest on the San Bernardino fires??? My friend lives in Highlands area.....

hedgie said...

Shirley, despite foggy view, looks like all three are in Finney nest at the moment. Both at home at Finland water.

hedgie said...

Good that they have clocks working again.

NatureNut said...

Anybody home? Or did I scare you away?! Lady & young man from maintenance sprayed the offending cluster & disposed of it. I keep watching to make sure none of the pinprick size remnants of web (NOT Charlotte's) is not moving. So far, so good!My stomach didn't feel so good LOL I had gone out back door while the spraying was taking place. One AC unit is broken & so nice I left door open & had to answer phone. A dove came in & went bonkers!!!!It finally landed on floor near another door & I got it out!
Can I go home now???? Boss is in Mexico---(he'll never know ☺)

ceil said...

Loretta go home. Tell him I said it was okay. LOL

hedgie said...

Good grief, Loretta! This has been your day from h---!!! Sometimes nature is not fun. Yeah, I second that...go home!

floralgirl said...

You have my permisson to leave, Loretta.

stronghunter said...

I kind of thought I might have seen another chick there, but wasn't sure.

Have been outdoors with grandson planting some marigolds and snapdragons.

stronghunter said...

Getting dark at Finney nest. Won't be long before it is light again, though.

magpie said...

* Good Afternoon Eagle People *

I have noticed that in the mornings when I get off work I cannot open up the NCTC as I normally do, have to come in the back door through the live cam to get to the blog. This afternoon it opened up as normal, though I am disappointd the Still Cam is stuck on an early morning Spidey Web view :(

Hope your afternoons are going well, everyone.


magpie said...

Your flowers are really pretty Megan. Love the snapdragons! Didn't see a place to post a comment on the new ones. I am way overdue for a trip to market !

magpie said...

Only 17 viewers on Pix Pa....
guess I was one of them, Was, since it slows everything down.
Two adults at BWO - unless one of the them is the Big Chick.

Bob Quinn said...

When I was at BW Sunday I couldn't see the chick at all. It was hunkered down my line of sight.

hedgie said...

Megan, DC and MD high school students on China language and culture trip are quarantined due to H1N1....was this the trip that your daughters' class was to have gone on?

magpie said...

Your new photographs are just beautiful. I really like the Egrets.

Mema Jo said...

I am returning for a quick hello

I hope you have gone home Loretta - you sure have had an eventful day. Not good events to say the least!

Waiting for the arrival of You Know Who
Meatball gal Whoo Hoo!
Play date.

I will return later.....

hedgie said...

Hi, Margy! How's everything going? Are you getting back into the routine at work? Always nice to hear your voice!

Costume Lady said...

Hey, Mema...put the sghetti water on:)

hedgie said...

Yep, sure enough, still cam stuck on 1:15am.....

floralgirl said...

No, daughter's trip was not thru school-they don't sponsor overseas trips anymore.

magpie said...

Doin' okay, Hedgie -
back into the routine I guess. Thanks for the compliment...
I am thinking "This time last week" a lot though....

Getting ready for work now...

See you fine friends sometime Wednesday.
Hope everyone has a nice evening...
Mema Enjoy the Play Date !

xo ☺ ♥

floralgirl said...

And she was to go to Japan.

ceil said...

Lynn it was a volleyball camp. The Baltimore Sun had the story if you want to read it. My son said that when they arrived in Tokyo they had their temperatures taken.

Lolly said...

The trailer has been cleaned and taken to storage. My van was delighted to once again drive into the garage. ☺

Now about time to think about dinner. Found some green onion sauce in the freezer...therefor Salmon Croquetts tonight. Yum!

Also, plan to work on pictures tonight. That is going to take a while! LOL

floralgirl said...

A group of Maryland teen volleyball players was released Monday from a quarantined Beijing hotel, where they had been held after taking the same flight as a person who later developed illness from the H1N1 virus, also known as swine flu.
That's from the Baltimore Sun

Lolly said...

Margie, it is hard to get back into routine. I am enjoying being back home.

Mema Jo said...

LOL Wanda Just got the phone call to do just that - We're coming up the mountain - put the spaghetti water on! It's almost at a boil!

And now the door opens
and there is Meatball! Just love her!

stronghunter said...

Hello. Trying to post a picture. It seems I must publish a comment first.

paula eagleholic said...

Just saw spidey in the upper right of our cam...

stronghunter said...

Maybe I will get this picture posted.

stronghunter said...

Enjoy your spaghetti, Jo!

stronghunter said...

Ch. 7 Bald Eagle Story

Mema Jo said...

News travels fast! Whoo Hoo!

Mema Jo said...

and I just learned that

Meatballs make you strong

movin said...

Looks as though Numbers 2 and 3 of the Loch Garten Osprey chicks have fledged today.



Mema Jo said...

Going to be MT nests all over the world

Costume Lady said...

My Dad used to tell me that spaghetti and meatballs would put hair on your chest and I WANTED that. Ate a lot of it and still do, but never got any hair on my chest:( LOL

hedgie said...

Did Ch. 7 run that on the news, or just on the web? Hope they aired it!!! Thanks!
Pretty cool nest, Shirley!

Costume Lady said...

I think I might want to stock up on WAX, just in case hair appears!;)

Costume Lady said...

Lynn, I think the whole East Coast has been alerted about the eagles and I would bet 95% of the info has come from the Eaglet Mosmsters:)

stronghunter said...

I am still working on the nest picture. Trying to get it bigger and trying to post a close-up. Kathryn said the bird looked at her as if to say, "What are you doing here?" before flying away. She said it is beside a very noisy compressor.

I do not know if Ch. 7 used the story on-air. I got involved in a phone conversation with my daughter Suzi over tickets to The Color Purple. Finally managed to order two. They are expensive, but it's my vacation!

stronghunter said...

Wanda, I do hope you don't still want hair on your chest!

stronghunter said...

Oh, I see you would be willing to wax it. . . goodness! Hope you never have to do that.

stronghunter said...

"Strong" is okay. Hair on chest does not have to come with being strong.

We are all strong. Haven't we proved that by now?

hedgie said...

Yep, Shirley, we are!
Wanda, I bet you are right!!! Momsters rule!

Costume Lady said...

LOL..No, Shirley, I don't want hair on my chest now, but you never know what might happen to you in your golden years:)

Judie said...

Back to visit,

Golly, I love 'pasgetti but hope I don't grow hair on my chest -- a little more on my head would be nice.

I did not see the Ch. 7 news but did register on the Ch. 7 web site and posted a comment regarding concern about destruction of the surrounding habitat.

Maybe Loretta's spiders are the offsping of Boris?

Oh my goodness, is Meatball someone's husband who also has to stay outside until allowed in to eat?

Dana, thanks for the updated letter to Sierra Club.

Seems everyone had a very busy and productive day and that the D.C. eagles are finally getting some publicity.


Judie said...

Oh, I forgot. Thank you to those who posted links for the WTOP and Ch. 7 articles.


Mits said...

I can't get channel 7 here, it almost looks like it was just the repeat story from the Washington compost, think they are affiliated

Mits said...

saw your comment on channel 7 website, Judie...wonder how many comments gthey will get

Costume Lady said...

Judie, MEATBALL is Jo's 4yr old GGrandaughter. Beautiful child, as are ALL her Great Grandchildren.

Costume Lady said...

Helen, are the Ocean Breezes warm now? And, are you sitting on your balcony having a G&T?;)

Costume Lady said...

Speaking of not getting a channel on your TV...Gene discovered that we get NO TV in the motor home! Need a converter box. He searched all over Martinsburg and Hagerstown for one and finally found one at Best Buy...their very last one. They said they were not getting anymore in. All the other stores that were out, said the same thing...not getting anymore. NOT FAIR! Haven't tried it yet.

Mits said...

no G&T, Wanda, but the breeze is heavenly on the balcony tonight:)

Mits said...

ISS flies over here 2x's tonight, but think it might be too hazy to see

paula eagleholic said...

Finally done watering chores. It is dry dry dry out there

stronghunter said...

Still trying to post my pictures. Must sign in yet again.

NatureNut said...

Hi Kids!!☺ ☺
So tired, I fell asleep in loungechair holding almost empty salad bowl & fork!! Didn't drop a thing! Been an exhausting day.....
Enough arachniphobia for a long time. At least, I never saw any crawling out on the floor from the safe cabinet, like others did. If that happened, I would have been outta there! If we have to see them, I prefer Spidey thru a camera, not live! Years ago, had a buddy capture a huge black one in the Vis Ctr. He put it in a cup to take outside, I thought. But NO! He chased me with it!

Judie said...

Whew! Thank you Wanda. I'm sure Meatball is a beautiful. Was beginning to think some strange things going on with bloggers making spouses sleep on the porch and make animal sounds. (I know the references were really to beloved pets).

Doubt anyone else will respond to Ch. 7 web site but maybe some reporter will take a look.

Off to get some good. Headache. Been creating crime scenes all day and brain is very tired of the challenge.


paula eagleholic said...

Had a late lunch today, think I will skip dinner and just have an ice cream snack!

It's getting cooler here than I thought it would...already turned on the AC when I got home, supposed to be humid the rest of the week.

stronghunter said...

I have finally posted the pictures of the bird nest behind the body shop.

Rest of my blog still needs work. I have trouble arranging things and deleting unnecessary text.

Judie said...

Oops! Meant off to get FOOD. Um, I didn't actually go out and commit crimes to create crimes scenes -- I just thought some up for the wannabe adults come Fall.


stronghunter said...

Sounds like a good idea, Paula. I wish I had an ice cream snack in the house. I would definitely join you.

stronghunter said...

Loretta! A grown man chasing you with a spider. I would give him detention.

NatureNut said...

Speaking of precip~~~~we got about 6 drops last evening. I'm gonna go out and do another rain dance.
We had spaghetti, but no meatballs! LOL Think I'll have a tiny piece of key lime pie...
Wanda, our friends' TV has outdoor antenna, they got the new HD box, & say they can't get all the channels & some reception is poor.
Mits, sounds like it's pleasant in OC! Wonder if we'll be able to see ISS here? I'll probably be asleep..zzzzz....

stronghunter said...

Loretta, my daughter has had problems with wolf spiders where she works. When I told her about your experience, she had a fit.

NatureNut said...

Yes, Shirley! He's a kidder, but I was screaming!!! Paybacks!!!!!He wants to retire, & will we plan something GOOD! ☺

stronghunter said...

At daughters house, though, grandson was yelling from the bathroom that there was a black widow hanging over the toilet. He was right. Yikes! It must have climbed out of the vent.

I get the creeps just writing about it.

stronghunter said...

A student once put a little rubber lizard in my gradebook. When I opened it, the lizard slid down the page. I said, "Oh, somebody has given me the cutest little lizard!" Kid said he didn't do it, then asked if he could buy it back. I said. "Oh, no, you gave it to me and I'm keeping it!" Kid said, "What are you afraid of?" . . . . Do you think I answered that question???

(This was when I taught ninth grade.)

hedgie said...

Judie, quite a picture you had in your head!!!! LOL! Meatball's real name is Alexis!! Hope your headache feels better.
Check out Shirley's nest pics when you can!
Lowreeda...think you need to hit the hay! You've had a traumatic day.
Dry here, too, Paula, despite the downpours Friday...ground doesn't look like it's had any in forever.

stronghunter said...

Daughter Kathryn gets credit for the nest pictures. She said the think it's a Carolina wren. Will try to get a picture of the bird.

Mits said...

good night everyone.

ceil said...

Good night sister Helen I am right behind you. Really tired myself today. Pleasant dreams all.

hedgie said...

T-storm warning for Frederick, MD.

Judie said...

Shirley, love the pictures. I must say, you don't look anything like my high school English teacher. She was the twin of the Wicked Witch of the North -- seriously. All she needed was a basket and Toto. Loved literature, still do, but not that woman. She was sooooooooooo mean!

Okay, off to rest my crime-tired brain.

Good night, everyone. Sleep well.


hedgie said...

Goodnight, Mits and Ceil! Pleasant dreams.

stronghunter said...

Rest well, Judie. I appreciate the kind words.

My ninth grade English teacher wasn't exactly a winner, either. Others were very nice.

paula eagleholic said...

Ice cream was delish!

Heard some thunder a little while ago, but no rain here :(

stronghunter said...

Went out to do some watering and saw lightning in the distance.

deb said...

Flights to Colo. Springs are booked, I fly out Thursday and return on Sunday. Thought briefly about driving, but 10 hours is a long drive for such a short trip.

floralgirl said...

Yep, no rain here either:( But I have ice cream!

stronghunter said...

Definitely some storms near Frederick, but don't see much near here.

stronghunter said...

We will have you in our thoughts and prayers, Deb.

stronghunter said...

That has to be some kind of plant growing in the middle of the Hidey-nest.

deb said...

Off to bed.

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2/19/25 PM uneventful

 12:31 PM Scott returns to the scene. With a nice load of Bedding Getting ready for the Cold front coming through again. 12:33 PM. He goes u...