Monday, July 06, 2009


New week thread.


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Mits said...

thanks Jim for the call over and thanks Steve for the new thread:)

stronghunter said...

Good morning Steve. Thank you. Thanks for the call over, Jim.

stronghunter said...

Good morning Steve. Thank you. Thanks for the call over, Jim.

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Thanks Jim, thanks Steve!!

stronghunter said...

Excuse me.

ceil said...

Thanks Steve I didn't see Jim's call over.
Morning all.
There's my sister.

movin said...

** GooD MorninG **

** EveryonE **



ceil said...

Lots to do today so I better get started.

movin said...

Good Morn to you, Mits, Hunter, Sissy, Ceil...

You've got to see the pictures and the video, which Joe published at the Hummingbird site! They were taken when he visited "Jewel" in the rehab site.

Scroll down under the big show, and you'll see some text updates to his first check to see how the baby was doing, and the graphics are "linked" in the text.



Mits said...

Hello, my sister, have a good day, and thanks for your call over too, lots to do, don't know where to start, got to get some phone calls in....

paula eagleholic said...

Morning, all!

NCTC website is back on, but still cam is still stuck!

normabyrd said...

THANKS STEVE for the 'new week' thread---Thanks JIM for the call over!-----

Bill said...

Morning all,Paula wanted to thank you for that info on the DC eagles.
Like I said on earlier post,let them reconsider the location.Who would be the best to contact to protest?
I haven't seen Hidey for a while,I'm taking my 4th of July holiday today so maybe if I keep checking in!!!!

normabyrd said...

I think I just heard a familiar cry!----ho!

Bill said...

I can hear that pitiful little cry also,sounds like our little baby bird!!!!

ceil said...

Jim awesome video. Nice story. Hummers are doing well and Jewell is a jewel.
Bill I e-mailed my State senator and I did not see an e-mail for the Federal Highway Administration but have an address.
The FHA is the one who will make a decision shortly. I am writing a short letter to them. If you go to the blue thingy that Paula has clink on for the information.I am running late. BBL Have a good day.

movin said...

tHERE'S a lot of geyser action, large and small, all over the valley where Old Faithful is.

I just saw one, which is at least as big as O. F. blow off behind and to the right of the more famous one.



normabyrd said...

MORNIN' ELKINS BILL!---You might write a note to SEN BYRD--I know he isn't in his office yet---but he & staff are answering mail!! I believe he helped acquire the NCTC bldg in Shepherdstown---and cares deeply about the EAGLES---That office answers mail!!

movin said...

The second eaglet fledged at West End, Catalina, has flown back to the nest and is calling vigorously for food.



Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Good morning, my eagle budlets. I haven't been on the computer all weekend. I hope everyone had a happy 4th.

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Just saw the cam shake a bit, think Hidey landed on it!

Bill said...

Do you have the address for Byrd Norma?

hedgie said...

Good morning, eagle dudes and dudettes!
Good to see so many up and about and blogging!
Bill, the article contained a clickable link that if you follow through you can contact your congressperson (Capito for us here). That leads me to believe that there must be a pending congressional vote. FHA address on there, too--snail mail, like Ceil said...I sent email message to Capito and am writing a letter to FHA!

normabyrd said...

ELKINS BILL----GOOGLE---SEN BYRD --AMERICAN EAGLE DAY----You will find SEN ROBERT C BYRD & SEN LAMAR ALEXANDER established 'AMERICAN EAGLE DAY'----WHOA!---HE IS THE MAN TO CONTACT---or at least contact his office!!!---He so enjoys any doing this----would make him proud to help!!

Bill said...

By the way Norma,are you related to Se. Byrd?

normabyrd said...

ELKINS BILL---GOOGLE SEN ROBERT C BYRD----You will get all kinds of addresses---even his email!!---

paula eagleholic said...

Hidey must be close by, heard some calling.

Mits said...

yes, Paula, he has been around all a.m.

hedgie said...

Jim, when your inspection happens....better turn down volume on 'puter---they might think you're "HIDING" wildlife in your apartment!!!!

normabyrd said...

OH NO!---I wish---I have known him & been to too many rallies to count!----Folks on blog would let me---no politics or religion-- I chose his name---He will answer you!---LOVES HELPING WITH PATROTIC THINGS LIKE THIS! BELIEVE ME!!!---

normabyrd said...


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

So, how is everybody?

Bill said...

OK,I wrote him a short message telling him my concerns,I'll let you know if they consider my concerns

Mits said...

hey Sharon how was your weekend, how was the concert....

Bill said...

I also sent to USFWS my concerns,although they surely would know about this already

normabyrd said...

BRYD is the EAGLE person in the US SENATE----REMEMBER HE & a REP. SEN
ESTABLISHED THE---AMERICAN EAGLE DAY!---HE IS SO VERY PROUD OF THAT IT WAS PASSED!-----(hey you aren't asking for money, a bldg, etc--you are asking for protection of our EAGLES!!

movin said...

Yeah, Hedgie, it's going to be busy around here for a while this A.M. (hope it doesn't take them longer)

Later .....



normabyrd said...

Thanks BILL!----If he doesn't reply---his chief of staff--ran for congress last election---I WORKED HARD FOR HER!!---

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

The concert was wonderful and bittersweet. I was allowed to be the flag person again and that was great. Andrew's last concert with the Town Band so I was a little sad. It rained through a lot of it but everybody just put up their umbrellas and sat right through it. The band was on the covered stage so they didn't get wet.

Mits said...

glad you had a nice will get through this:), Sharon

Mits said...

play time at the National Zoo, with Mei and Tian

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Normabyrd is an honorary family member of Sen. Byrd's! :)

Mits said...

someone is using our new mic system at the zoo:)

Mits said...

play time over at zoo.

stronghunter said...

DC Wildlife Photos

Hi, thought you might be interested in these pictures. Several really good ones of the DC eagles.

Mits said...

thanks, Shirley

stronghunter said...

Parent eating in nest. No Hidey!

Mits said...

if there is food, sure he will plop in soon

Bill said...

Ok Eagle experts,which parent is at the nesturant???

Mits said...

just a guess, but looks like little Liberty

stronghunter said...

I have not learned to tell them apart, but seems to be looking for Hidey.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Now that is a beautiful sight!

Mits said...

bet he comes flying in once he hears the chewing going on:)

Mits said...

ah peace and quiet and a meal I don't have to share:)

Mits said...


Mema Jo said...

Hello to all of you.. Very glad I at least got to see Liberty before he went Poof!

I sure have a late start today..

Mits said...

hi Jo:)

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Morning Mema Jo!! How are ya?

Mema Jo said...

I'm doing very well! Sounds like you all are doing the same...
Anyone hear from Suzanne today?
Germany gang will be leaving in a day or two [:<(] I know how you feel about Andrew leaving the nest.. believe me that your relationship will strengthen in time.

Norma - are the grandkids in Frederick yet. I'll go downtown and capture a few for you!

Mema Jo said...

I've been watching Duke Farms waiting for Tiny to fledge! He's no fool - mom/dad still delivering food to him...

Duke Farms

Mits said...

yes, have been talking to Suzanne all a.m.

jmp said...

Good morning, everyone.

Seems it was a fun-filled holiday weekend. So glad you all had fun.

Have a wonderful day. Hope we all get caught up on chores. Today is laundry -- really boring. May have to distract myself by reading up on some criminals.


NatureNut said...

Good Morning Everyone! Hear Hidey close by the nest----need a glimpse....."don't be camera shy!"

Bill said...

She's definetly branching right there somewhere

hedgie said...

I've been "talking" w/ Suz. She never heard of the DC eagles, either!!
Wow, Shirley...thanks for that link! Forwarding it to Suz right now!! I mentioned before, but in case anyone missed it...I did my psych rotation at St. Elizabeth's....we always said the only difference between us and the patients was that WE had the keys!!!

stronghunter said...

Might be some fresh nestovers there since parent just ate.

stronghunter said...

Wonder if making contact with that reporter in LA would be a good idea.

jmp said...

Bye the way, speaking of criminals, former D.C. mayor Barry has stepped into it again with a possible charge of stalking a former girlfriend. Nothing formal yet but if so, he has to appear in Superior Court on Thursday. Plan to contact congressman regarding St. E's eagles.

Still no Hidey!


Mits said...

Judie, you took the words right out of my mouth, speaking of a criminal, don't know how this guy gets away with everything and blames it on everyone else.

hedgie said...

Are you off today, Judie and Loretta???

stronghunter said...

That serial killer in SC is making a lot of news this morning. I had to explain what a serial killer is to my 8-year-old grandson. He couldn't understand what a "cereal" killer might be.

Barry is something else. One would think he is too old to be misbehaving like this!

normabyrd said...

Thanks SHIRLEY for the pics!!---PAULA showed us one yesterday---These are AWESOME!!!----Let's pray ELKINS BILL'S letter will get noticed---If not---We could all write a letter!!!

normabyrd said...

I HAVE to go to Cumberland---need to purchase washer & dryer!--always some thing!!----only 28 miles---but it takes forever!!

hedgie said...

Don't get me started on Marion Barry!!!!!!!!!! He has been an embarrassment to "my" city since day one, IMHO!

Mits said...

yes, Lynn you are right about that....

hedgie said...

In case you missed it on the news:

1st Elephant calf at Sydney

deb said...

Lunch time, here. It will take some getting used to the new schedule. Lunch already and I would just be starting on the old schedule.

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Do you think you will like it better this way Deb?

Mits said...

just got this from my boss at the zoo.....


One of the AT Interpreters asked if anything was being done to celebrate Tai’s upcoming birthday. On July 9 at 8:30am Tai will be given a “fruitcicle cake”. This is a low key event, but you are all welcome to come.

Mits said...

told her I would wish him a happy birthday on Wednesday when I am there:)

deb said...

I will like it much better. 11-8 seemed to ruin the whole day for me!

stronghunter said...

Thanks for the elephant link, Lynn.

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Right, Deb, I hate that shift. I hate it when Tom has to work it!! I like to get the work day done asap and get on with my life!

hedgie said...

I'm sure that the fruitsicle will be all he needs to be happy!! Tell him happy, happy from me, too, Mits.
Norma, don't you have any appliance stores in Romney? And I think we should ALL write letters!!! I already did! Suz is working on hers now.

Mits said...

saw that Lynn, Ceil sent it to me yesterday:)...and I sent it on to the zoo

normabyrd said...

DEB!---I thought you would like this schedule best!---off to buy washer & dryer!!----later!!

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

I wish the sound on the panda cams at NZ would have only the animal sounds instead of the crowd. I can only stand so much kid screaming before I flip and can hardly ever hear the pandas.

Mits said...

pandas are relatively very quiet most of the time, Sissy, you rarely will hear them unless they are interacting with each other are they are disturbed about something.

hedgie said...

Time for me to get ready for Drs. apptmt. Had quarterly x-ray last week....results today...say a little prayer that all is still well, please!?! Always a little is what it is, but better to know what IT is or isn't! LOL!

Mits said...

good luck, Lynn

NatureNut said...

Yum, fruitsicle! Yes, Lynn, am off today, but Dr. appt later of course & house chores waiting---duh!

stronghunter said...

E-mail address for the LA Times reporter:

Mema Jo said...

Praying for the best results for you Lynn!

Mema Jo said...

Lunch time here too!


NatureNut said...

Went down to Park boardwalk after work Sat.,& when coming back to Start, saw a heron right above me in tree! Never saw that before & I probably walked right past it before! No one's been in our osprey cam nest, but could see adult perched on the cam!

Mits said...

btw, lol...if you saw a panda scurrying up a tree, bet you would hoop and holler is quite a sight:), I never get tired of it, and the majority of people are seeing Giant Pandas for the 1st time, and I have seen grown adults practically run over the little kids trying to get a picture.

deb said...

Good luck, Lynn, on your test results.

NatureNut said...

Best Wishes on your appt., Lynn & hope Dana & Ed are doing OK.

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Oh yeah, I guarantee I would hoop and holler. Just hard to work and watch them with all the hollering, have to mute every time it refreshes. Purely selfish reasons, of course!!

deb said...

Back to work, BBL

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Good luck Lynn!! Good thoughts and prayers coming your way!!

Mits said...

have a good rest of the day, Deb

ceil said...

Lynn Prayers that all goes well.

ceil said...

Sissy if you were on the day I saw Tai Shan. I was screaming there he is and when they picked him up I was yelling thank you. We stood there for 2 or 3 hours. Coldest day of the year. THings to do BBL

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

See, they would probably have to carry me out of there! I would lose it for sure. Feel like they should know me because I watch them so much!!!

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Well friends, my work day is done, now I must go wash the clothes from the weekend and try to find my house (or at least part of it). Hope all have a wonderful day. Check back later!!

paula eagleholic said...

I hear Hidey!!

Please come to the nest!

stronghunter said...

I'm watching, Paula, but I can't hear anything but Sponge Bob Squarepants. My grandson is here!

stronghunter said...

Still no Hidey. Have to take grandson to sign up for football.


Bill said...

where do you get the still cam/

jmp said...


Just got a call from Congressman Connelly's office regarding St. E's. Does anyone remember the source of the information regarding possible destruction of eagle's nest?


ceil said...

Judie, Paula had the article and it was in our Baltimore Sun paper this morning. I will look it up

ceil said...

Judi, Shirley posted the e-mail for the reporter. It has been in several papers

Mits said...

has it been in the Washington comPost yet????

jmp said...

Hi Ceil,

Thank you so much. I searched previous blogs and found one post a minute ago for the Fredericksburg paper. Forgot about the L.A. Times. Now I can add Baltimore Sun. Still have not seen any word about this in the Wash. Post. Just want to give the information to my congressman -- and anyone else who might have some influence. Having seen the St. E's property, I cannot believe the eagle's tree/nest needs to be destroyed. Just too many acres of land available. Again, thank you.


Mits said...

I thought when they took the eagles off the endangered list, they were still going to be protected, especially by our own government, but we saw them destroy the eagle's nest up at that airport a few months ago, and no one said a word, especially the government, and where are these PETA people....guess not enough publicity for them

Mits said...


Mits said...

don't want to upset anyone:(

jmp said...

Here's an update: just emailed a columnist at Washington Post suggesting the eagles at St. E's might be a topic of interest and concern, especially as others have covered the story. Suggested there must be another solution. I'll let you know if I get any response. Maybe I should contact PETA. Sorry about the eagles at the airport. Amazing how these creatures can adapt.


ceil said...

Mits i could be wrong but I went to the Washington Post and said search not found.

ceil said...

Mits sent an e-mail off to Babbling Babs yesterday. Have not heard anything. Sent a note to the Federal Highway Administration.

ceil said...

Judie they have to adapt because we are taking over their space. I told the Senator and FHA that these are no longer on the endangered list but they are still fragile.

stronghunter said...

The Fredericksburg article about eagles was written by Frank Delano, phone 804-761-4300. E-mail address is

That article was about the increase in numbers of eagles on the Potomac River in this area. It appeared in the Free Lance-Star. That phone number is in the Richmond area. Don't know what is up with that.

jmp said...

Thank you Stronghunter. And yes, Ceil, so many human animals are not good stewards.


wvgal_dana said...

For an email addy for
DC Federal Highway Administration I called and got it:

hedgie said...

I'm back....everything A-OK! X-ray normal, (except for emphysema), blood work fine...says I'm not exchanging air well...but I knew THAT!! But he didn't say anything about O2 yet, so....I'll keep on keeping on---huff, huff!
I also sent both articles to Steve and Randy....maybe they will get the NCTC folks on board to fight!!!

hedgie said...

Thanks for your prayers and well-wishes....they continue to work miracles!

Mits said...

good idea, Lynn:)

Mits said...

Ceil, I looked in the Washington comPost, and saw nothing. Babs will send you a form letter back in about 3 months

wvgal_dana said...

Lynn so glad all went well with drs appointment.

Above is the email addy for DC Federal Highway Administration.
They said Homeland Security hasn't put anything in for a road yet. So getting this going now might be a very good start!!

stronghunter said...

Lynn, so glad that your appointment went well. I know from first-hand experience what those appointments can be like.

jmp said...


I am so happy to know the news is good. Got so caught up in trying to stir the St. E's eagle pot I simply forgot to put my thoughts and prayers into words.

Attempted to email PETA but was not successful. Another try tomorrow -- maybe a phone call and an email to Fed. Highway. Admin.


Lolly said...

Yea Lynn! So glad your report was good. Know you are nervous when you go in for reports.

Lynn, after I get off here I am going to send you an email.

Have just finished working in the yard. It really looks good considering the temp and lack of rain.

magpie said...

Great Report Lynn! Glad it went well, and thanks for stopping by with the video! I swept all the sunflowers seed remains off my porch! No new ones today so I think the goldfinch has picked the flower clean!

Good to see everyone...and hear all the efforts for that Eagle Tree and Nest near St. Elizabeth's.


Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone!

I'm home from my SIL & BIL's house for a bit to get some typing practice in, and to pick up a book.
Found that my 'puter had managed to crash itself while I was gone-- it did an update, and apparently there was a software conflict going on again, and I was the loser!

Got the thing to start again, but it lost a bunch of my 'Favorites'. Will maybe have to take it in to let the 'Geek Squad' retrieve them for me. Hopefully can find them again myself. What a pain!

Lynn, that's FANTASTIC news that your Dr. Appt. went A-OK! Thank God! I'm so happy for you! Has the Dr. given you any kind of breathing exercises to do to improve your air exchange?

magpie said...

Megan !
I knew we could count on you for the Full Moon name....I like them all, so I will just call it the Middle of the Summer Buck Hay Ripe Corn Moon and enjoy it if the skies are clear! Can't go to my favorite spot to see it Rise, but will watch from work on my breaks. Also, Venus and Mars are brilliant together in the pre-dawn Eastern sky, and Jupiter comes out before midnight now ! ☺
I am a happy sky-watcher.

Lolly said...

I am going to head back outside. I will try to stay in the shade! Not as hot as last week just 91 and very humid. Yuck!


magpie said...

I am hoping that Beakspeak will add Finland Water to their list and maybe I can get to it that way!

Meanwhile, thanks Helen for giving me some glorious views with your screen grabs.

Bet Suzanne is in Osprey Heaven.

Mits said...

Margy looks like ISS goes over twice tonight, the second trip is about 6 mins, I think I'm reading it correctly

magpie said...

Ooops, did I say Hello Eagle Pals! Good to "See" you all !

I am finding that I need to go straight to bed when I get home, though I do see what's been happenin' on the Blog before I hit the sack.

Yes, Mits, I see there are some double sightings this week! Very early, and rather late...sometimes I can sneak out of the office and see that also!

Mits said...

well, she is not a happy camper that the Finland nest seems to be down again....but I'm sure they are working on it...we still have about 2 months to watch before they fledge to Africa....

magpie said...

and I had heard that some of those flyovers this month would be long ones....not sure I can be out of the office THAT long, depends on what's going on....

Mits said...

hoping for clear skies:)

hedgie said...

I sent a letter to PETA! We'll see what kind of response I get.

magpie said...

For anyone wondering about ISS - the International Space Station, here is a link, and you can put in your zip code to see when it will be in your area. The negative values of brightness, the higher the negative value, the brighter the view! You will be able to see it from the direction of the "rise" and sometimes, it will just pop up out of nowhere, which is when it finds the sun's glare to illuminate it. It will look like an airplane, with NO blinking lights at all. Very very entertaining. Paula got me totally hooked last year on this!

Iss Flyover Times

Mema Jo said...

Headed out for dinner with Germany Gang at the Olive Garden. Seems like Samantha wants spaghetti! WHoo Hoo.


magpie said...

These are the kinds of things, like meteor showers and line-ups of the planets, that I will get up in the middle of the night to see!

Mits said...

technically, I guess you can say these are DC eagles, but there still are eagles in and close to the area, I believe George and Monica are still around, and last year there was a pair near national airport...maybe I need to ride out to Great Falls, MD, I hear they have been spotted there...also, why is the LA Times so interested in this story?

magpie said...

By comparison of brightness, Venus this month is a -4.2, so ISS is going to be Bright ☺

Mits said...

darn, I should be at the beach:(, have fun Jo. thanks, Margy was just going to put it up the link.

hedgie said...

Dana, thanks for posting email address for FHA.....already mailed my snail mail, but can always email also!!!
No, dr. has never even referred me to a pulmonologist---he only expected me to live 1-2 yrs. at now at 4+ he still must not expect much....I have to prod him for everything! I have a book from the lung assoc. that talks about all of that, and I try to do what they say.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Good afternoon, my favoritist people in the whole wide world! :)

magpie said...

Blogger Cop got me!

I can't hear a peep or even any kids at the NCTC cam...thought I heard a toot-toot of a car horn a little while ago, I wonder if we have a Momster there....

Lynn ! so glad you have surpassed those predictions ! xo

magpie said...

And, Back At you, Sharon ! ☺ ♥

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I just got a couple of closer shots of my cedar waxwing but have to get a piece of equipment from Sissy to get it off the camera card. Maybe later today I can. There is one bare limb the waxwing likes to sit in a lot. A couple of times I have looked and there has been a hummingbird there.

magpie said...

Woof !
Play time is over. Time to pack my lunch, still have some New Yorkers from Saturday night picnic, think that will be my dinner tonight.

You folks take care, enjoy the evening....Gaze at the Moon for me, and I will see you Tuesday afternoon.... xoxo ☺

God Bless Us, Every one.

By the way, I use that expression, because my late sister Kathy, loved "A Christmas Carol," and especially Tiny Tim....and he would say that... so it keeps me connected to Kathy. xoxox ☺ ♥

Mits said...

good line from a good movie, Margy:)

hedgie said...

BTW....FPO was served today on daughters' BFF's batterer. So hopefully we will all breathe a bit easier on that situation. I told her to tell her to change the locks on her house ASAP!

Mits said...

hope the scum bag stays away, Lynn.

hedgie said...

Someone asked for link to still it is, but cam is still stuck on 6/25!

NCTC Still Cam

magpie said...

Just been thinking of Glo here lately...I think she was due to retire in July...

wvgal_dana said...

I know in comments I haven't seen Glo on. Anyone know how she is?

wvgal_dana said...

Oh MARGY Jenna has been working for alittle over 3 weeks now. You two just must be hitting different days or shifts.

hedgie said...

Tried to listen to Steve's latest audio update, but it wouldn't play and froze me up puter completely! Argh!

wvgal_dana said...

From where Lynn?

hedgie said...

I.E. "froze up my puter"...LOL!
Glo was on early last week, if I remember correctly. I think it was supposed to be sometime this month. But she is still going to do some volunteer work for them!

deb said...

I am home. Dog food is on sale and I forgot to go get it yesterday.

Lynn, great report!


hedgie said...

On the NCTC page, Dana.


hedgie said...

River rescue in progress near Harpers' Ferry...unconscious person on a rock.

magpie said...

Okay - good to hear that Dana - I will look forward to seeing her.

Holy Smokes Lynn! that's bad. Prayers for the victim and the rescuers....

Glad Deb is home -

and I am out the door !

TTFN xoxo

hedgie said...

MD State Trooper chopper on scene of rescue.

wvgal_dana said...

Hope everything turns out good at HF Rescue.

bbl Ed needs food

Hope you have a good shift Margy.

Thanks Lynn

Mits said...

that is terrible news, Lynn:(

Bill said...

Hey Folks,I just got a reply from theNFWS that said they received my concerns and would forward them to the appropriate division.Everyone should write them a message.

Mits said...

I get that msg a lot of times when I write to places like verizon, sometimes they get back, sometimes not...

Bill said...

Well,I hope these people aren't like Verizon,I finnally did away with them and got VOI from Vonage,made about $50 difference in monthly costs

hedgie said...

NFWS is what, Bill? Email address?

Mits said...

did you ever hear back from Steve or Randy, Lynn?

Mits said...

Bill, I usually get that type of msg back from my representatives also, then they write back to me with an answer and I can't remember what I asked them:)

Mits said...

looks like rain at Finney's nest,(not to be confused with the Finland nest which is still down...again) mom is trying to shield all 3 chicks.

Bill said...

The address I have for more comments is

hedgie said...

No, Mits, no response from Steve or Randy.
Oh, so it's part of Fish and Wildlife, Bill?

hedgie said...

Don't know how the rescue turned out...once they start communicating w/ the chopper, they go to a different band and I can't hear anything.

Bill said...

it is US Fish and Wildlife

Mits said...

rain shower over at Finney's

jmp said...

Evening all,

Am hearing Hidey but he/she is not making an appearance.

Revising my morning speculation about the S.C. killer. He was shot to death today by police. I now suspect they will find an existing mental illness (schizophrenia) based on the rapid timing of the killings and what seems to be a lot of physical evidence.

Have contacted my district's supervisor who knows someone to contact regarding the D.C. eagle nest tree. Will also tackle contacting senators tomorrow.

Okay, off to wait for the sandman as I must visit school tomorrow.


Mema Jo said...

The DELTA eaglet has exploded in size
Sidney nest looks like only one eaglet The other 2 may have fledged.
Hornby eaglet still there..

Lake Washington eaglets napping
Bluebirds, Herons and Osprey all accounted for.......

Can't sight the OK eaglet - must be in the tree
One of the two Libby Dam eaglets died from unknown causes.
Tiny at Duke Farms has not fledged - still being fed by parents in nest.

Mema Jo said...

Our trip to the Olive Garden was yummy to say the least! There went my carbs!

I'll take care of those later! lol

paula eagleholic said...

Evening, all.

Check out that piece of bark curling off the tree trunk on the left...

Nest sounds quiet.

paula eagleholic said...

Hedgie - glad you got a good report!

I save the audio file of Steve to my played much better accessing it from there instead of the web link...just right click and save.

paula eagleholic said...

Mits - there are nesting eagles at Great Falls.

Mits said...

my luck they are probably on the VA side, Paula:)

paula eagleholic said...

Actually, I think they are on an island in the middle...I'll see what I can find on them for you.

Mits said...

Thanks, have not been up around there in years....used to be free when you went as a resident of Montgomery county, but think they charge a fee now, but think if I show my license they would give a reduced rate....see if I can find some info too.

Mits said...

only 5 dollars to get in, if I came in by horseback, would only be 3 dollars, maybe I can borrow someones horse from one of the farms out in Potomac....just kidding:)

ceil said...

Mits is that on your bucket list.
Good night all. Pleasant dreams.

Mits said...

nah, been there done that Ceil....just might want to check out the eagles there...

ceil said...

No I meant the horse.

lkestner said...

We recently saw this Eagle cam mentioned on C-Span so are hoping to start monitoring the site. We can't see anything that resembles a nest...looks greyed out in the center with trees in the wind on the right side. Used the zoom without improvement. What does everyone else see on July 6. Thanks for any help you might offer.

Mits said...

roflmbo...ok, sorry, yeah, always wanted a horse...

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2/19/25 PM uneventful

 12:31 PM Scott returns to the scene. With a nice load of Bedding Getting ready for the Cold front coming through again. 12:33 PM. He goes u...