Thursday, May 12, 2011


I am headed up to NW Maine for the annual canoe trip.  Updates will be automated for the next week or so.

New thread.


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Lori O. said...

Good morning JUDY!

KAY, I think you're right about The View ladies. Of course, there's always controversy there.

LOLLY - sounds like you're in a beautiful camping spot. Hug a tree for me!

Kay said...

You HAGD, too, Judy ! See you at lunch time maybe.

Lori O. said...

If you haven't heard the Schwarzenegger story:

LOS ANGELES (AP) - The Los Angeles Times is reporting that
former California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger and his wife, Maria
Shriver, separated he admitted he had a child with a household
staff member.
The newspaper says the child was born more than a decade ago.
Schwarzenegger issued a statement Monday explaining that he told
Shriver about the child after he left the governor's office earlier
this year.
A spokesman for Schwarzenegger did not immediately return a
phone call and e-mail from The Associated Press early Tuesday. But
in the statement to the Times, Schwarzenegger says, "There are no
excuses and I take full responsibility for the hurt I have
The couple announced in a joint statement May 9 that they had
separated after 25 years of marriage.

DanaMo said...

Good morning everyone. Gee guess we are getting more rain. Can you believe it? HA

Well today is the Senior Farewell Mass at my son's High School. I can't believe I have another one graduating. guess I am getting old...

Should be a great day. Hope my aide has everything covered at school. I do hate to miss this late in the year. We have so much to do for our kindergarten graduation, but heck there is always tomorrow.

I guess we are not getting a morning visit.

Kay said...

Hi Dana ! I'd say that SFM is your top priority today. Another milestone for your son and his proud parents ! How did the K-screening go yesterday ?

floralgirl said...

Gotta love a guy who cheats endlessly on his wife, then keeps one of the affairs a secret for years, all the while the woman he cheated with and got pregnant is still part of their daily lives, and he waits until he is no longer the governor to admit it, and then he has the nerve to say he's taking full responsibility for his actions...what a loser

Lynne2 said...

Good morning!! I'm off and running.

Happy Anniversary to Megan and Russ!!

Severe weather possible later, heavy rain too in these parts so be careful everyone! I'll check in from work if I can!

Kay said...

Lori, I'm puzzling over what made Arnold fess up. Maybe someone was threatening to blow the whistle ? I imagine the woman and their child have lived luxury for the last 10 years. He's always been a womanizer it seems, but this is a low blow for Maria and their four children.

Kay said...

Lynne2, wishing you a happy day, in spite of the weather !

Well said, Megan. "What a loser".

Lori O. said...

What is it that makes a man seek fame & fortune then not be able to be content with his blessings? I don't get it.

Kay said...

An ego gone wild and a misplaced sense of empowerment ? Amazing how little thought such men give to what will happen when the truth comes out---and it almost always does !

Kay said...

Well, it's time for newpapers, e-mail, other nests....

Saying morning prayers for Thelma, Sharon, James, all Momsters/Dadsters, Belle and Truder !

LORI, special prayers for you as you wing your way south to Orlando. Hope you have lots of sun and fun there !!!!!♥♥♥♥♥♥♥,Count em', 7 for Liberty and you !!!!!


Lori O. said...

YHTNOTH - or you hit the nail on the head, KAY! What's so galling to me is the arrogance that they think they can get away with it when history shows the truth always comes out and they don't care who they hurt. John Edwards was certainly a betrayal of the biggest sort in this category of LOSERS!

Kay said...

Lori, so right ! Edwards was a huge disappointment and the list of celebs/politicians getting caught with their pants down is growing. Idjets !

I forgot to tell you something. Last night at dinner Hugh reminded me that he spent a week at NCTC several years ago. I hadn't put two and two together, but remember when he went to WV. Julie and Seth picked him up, saw the facilities and grounds and then went on to D.C.. They described it and it's beauty in detail and were delighted to hear that I'm hoping to visit you all in October. Julie said, "Oh, I want to go, too !"

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Good morning wonderful folks!! Hope everyone is well this morning! Don't have time to read back on the posts, just wanted to pop in and say hi!! It is a balmy 46 degrees here in Nature's Air-Conditioned City this morning.

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Praying for things to fall into place for Sharon so she can get moved this weekend. I hate to be so far away from her, not much help at all with all the goings on!!

Kay said...

Hugh also told how a Red Tailed Hawk swooped down on a busy street about 3 blocks from their house yesterday. We seem them often in our suburb, but this one was clutching a squirrel in his talons !

Costume Lady said...

It is 63° here in Nestville, wet and no sunshine. Not a good day for Eagles or Soup Kitchen guests:(

Kay said...

Good morning, Sissy ! I like that "natures a/c city" ! Many of us are praying for Sharon and Thelma !

Back to LM !

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

That is our claim to fame, Nature's Air-Conditioned City. If it gets to 90 degrees in Bluefield, the city gives away free lemonade!!

Kay said...

Oops, pulling a Margy here.

Hi Wanda, hope it will be a great day in spite of the weather. So admire ou for the work you and Gene do with the Kitchen !


Costume Lady said...

I wanted to wish Morning GLORI a safe and lovely trip and hopes for a snooze along the way:)

HAPPY ANNIVERSARY TO MR AND MRS MEGAN. Wonder if Megan asked Russ to pick up a card for her to give him?:)

Costume Lady said...

Thanks, Kay:)

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Happy Anniversary Megan and Russ!!! Hope for many more years of wedded bliss!!!

Kay said...

Kay aka Margy here again. Free lemonade---cool ! How many times have you seen that happen ?

Lori O. said...

LYNN- surely we have made you proud at how we've cut down on the number of emails in your inbox this morning. Belle & Truder should also be recognized for their part of not showing up. LOL!

MEGAN - Happy Anniversary to you and Russ. Should I send him a hint that you would like automatic windows in your greenhouse?

KAY - It will be so great to really SEE you & meet some of the others! I hope they have that eagle's nest that PAULA had her picture taken in.

floralgirl said...

Ha ha, nope, I made one on the computer,, love that site, you can make your own card.
Thanks for all the anniversary wishes! 24 years, but as I told my hubby, it feels like a million...

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

It has reached 90 degrees alot more, it seems like, in recent years. But it comes in spurts. We will go a few years with the temp reaching 90 only once or twice and others alot more. Year before last, I think they gave out lemonade 10-15 times!!!

floralgirl said...

Okay, so Lori is going to Orlando? I missed that, have a great trip!
and yes, automatic windows are a dream, but not in my budget right now. I do pretty well with my low budget greenhouse.

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

I am published! I am a literary star!! LOL!! My letter to the editor was published in the Bluefield Daily Telegraph today. I wrote it because I felt like the Social Studies teacher at Mattie's school really missed an opportunity the day after they killed Osama Bin Laden. She never mentioned it in class, instead had them doing flash cards for the West test.

Costume Lady said...

Whoo Hoo...that makes 3 of we West Virginians, Sissy, who have been published in th Letter Editor! Lynn and I also, have had several letters in there. I'm getting ready to do another about Soup Kitchens:)

Lori O. said...

Getting ready to head for airport in a few & I just found out I may be laptop-less except for the early bird hours. Having withdrawl thinking about it!

SISSY/Bev, Bluefield sounds wonderful. No wonder Sharon and Thelmas are moving back.

Keeping up with prayers & positive thoughts for THELMA AND SHARON.

Lori O. said...

Several letters, WANDA?!?!!

No wonder they call you Grandma Tiger. :)

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

I really just thought they should have initiated conversation about it, pro and con. That was a pretty big deal and the teacher was more worried about the darn West Test. 13-year-olds are starting to form opinions about how they feel about stuff like that and it should be nurtured.

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

I am still tired this morning. Kathryn came in about midnight and we talked.

The friend's son is 14 and had cut his wrists over a girl. He was taken to Richmond by the sheriff's office and was to be kept under their watch until the hospital took over.

The cuts must not be too deep because he had hidden them and gone to school, but had sent pictures to some friends. The friends went to school counselors and the school had taken it from there. (Good for the friends and for the school.)

The young man seems to be aware of the grief and concern he has caused, which is a good thing.

This lady has 4 children, including a daughter who is autistic. Her husband was with the other children while she and Kathryn went to Richmond.

She does need our prayers and good wishes. It sounds like the boy is where he should be right now.

I now need to organize myself for the day.

stronghunter said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
stronghunter said...

My delete. Double posted.

stronghunter said...

I hope all is well with everyone out there and that we hear good news about Thelma. Please have a good day.

Lori O. said...

SHIRLEY - only 18 more days!

stronghunter said...

After today:)!!!!

Gonna talk to the senior bunch for awhile and then show them the first part of Gulliver's Travels--The Hallmark version.

Must put together an assignment for a kid in in-school suspension.

Costume Lady said...

Oh No! A 14 yr old cutting his wrists over a girl is a BIG RED FLAG waving at his parents. The child (he is still a child) needs professional help NOW! Good Lord, can you image how he will react to REAL problms as he gets older?
I pray that his parents get him the help he needs and that they are gentle and understanding of his feelings.

Costume Lady said...

Shirley, you should get extra pay when you do extra work like that!
Like, maybe compensated by the parents:)

stronghunter said...

Wanda, he has been in counseling for some time. The counselor, in my opinion, is part of the problem. It seems that he thinks it is okay for the kid to yell and curse at his mother. And, he told the mother that it was her fault that the kid cut himself. Kathryn says the counselor seems like a hippie.

There will be a different counselor.

Lolly said...

Good morning! Nothing like waking up to lemurs making tons of noise. LOL 59 this morning...inside and out of the trailer. LOL We slept with the windows wide open.

Good for you, Sissy! Teaching to the test....Grrrr! Hope the teacher sees the letter!

Lori...have a great trip.

Judy....loved the shuttle pics from the airplane.

Wanda...hope the soup kitchen goes well despite the rain. I would think rain would bring them in.

Wildseed farm today. We passed it on the way in. Looks like they have lavender in the last stages of bloom right now. Going to buy pots while here.

wvgal_dana said...

Good Morning Wonderful Friends.

Happy Anniversary to Megan and Russ

Haven't finish reading BIG blog....but sounds like prayers for Sharon and Thelma moving. So I am doing that.

hedgie said...

Truder in nest

hedgie said...

Good morning. Another gloomy and damp and dank and cool one with chance of more storms coming.

hedgie said...


Lolly said...

Going to turn the laptop over to Jack. We brought only one laptop for this short trip, so I will share. LOL

Have a great day! I will!☺ ((hugs))♥

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

We had an eagle in the nest for a minute but he flew off!!

wvgal_dana said...

Thnnks Hedgie-Lynn for putting the "Impact" of kayaker on here.

Need prayers for people across the street from me. Their cat they've had "inside for 14 yrs." got out. They are so upset. Please pray they find it or it just comes home. He is neutered and so friendly. Little girl cries. I have and keep riding places looking for it and telling people. Trying to help. God bring Hercules home. Please Amen

They've have report him to very place possible even in Maryland.

paula eagleholic said...

Morning, all!

Lovely dreary day! My electric went out right after I got out of the I waited a bit for it to come back go. Electric out in Eburg and checked the radar, nothing headed for Eburg...and the sump pump...pretty empty well, so I came on into work. Hopefully DIL will report that the electric is back on when she comes by to feed Nugz.

paula eagleholic said...

Hiya, DanaWV, good to see you here.

Got to go fix my hair now :)

hedgie said...


Margy, don't think the Balt. or DC southern flights come out this way!

JudyE----a guy did one of those shuttle videos on his phone for the last mission, too....pretty cool....I just always thought that all air traffic ANYWHERE within range of Canaveral/Kennedy would be diverted!

I watch The View---mostly just through the Hot Topics, Kay.
Yeah, Megan, just another big-shot pol who thinks he's entitled.

wvgal_dana said...

Good seeing you Paula and Nugz.

Left eye been giving me a fit. Been helping Mom outside a little and I guess even the darkest sun glasses I wear. Just isn't going to stop it. I am so so HAPPY my prayers get answered for others having cataract surgery. PRAISE!

I read the book 2 weeks ago "Heaven Is For Real" Great READ !!!!!

paula eagleholic said...

Aahnold...what a dope!

wvgal_dana said...

Lynne2 hope you get that job.

Judy praying you feel better.

Megan I just don't know what to say to you about all this rain.

Mom gave me a Rose of Sharon to plant. She has several...even with this rain it looks like it is going to die.

Kay said...

Lynn, I only watch The View through Hot Topics, too. Never watch it on Fridays because they tape that show Thursday afternoon. They should have a field day with the topics available today !

WVgal Dana, poor little girl ! Hope the dear ol' cat comes home soon.

wvgal_dana said...

Thanks Kay IM that is so "sweet" of you ( :

Lori have a safe trip.

grrr on Arnold !!!! I love Maria I think she is a sweet lady.

wvgal_dana said...

Oh Hedgie-Lynn I love reading the comment about "when Liesl wants you to picke her up, she hits your leg with her nose" pup. lol

paula eagleholic said...

Shirley, that counselor the boy was seeing sounds awful! Glad they are finding better help for him.

Happy Anniversary Megan and Russ!!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

New report: T-Bird's thyroid is messed up and they are going to start her on treatment for that. Don't know any other details at this point. I am thinking it has to be hypothyroid but more will be revealed. Her treatment team is meeting now so hopefully I will have more to report after while.

hedgie said...

Wanda, I think soup kitchen will be extra busy for you with this darn damp weather! Be prepared!!!

I told Megan yesterday to make a card! Glad you did, gal! "Homemade" is always special!!

Shirley, that is very just have NO idea.... we have had two middle schoolers commit suicide in the last year and the tragedy just reverberates throughout the community. Both of the kids here had been bullied. But I know from personal experience what it's like to have to put your child on suicide watch.....praise God that my baby got good help (it, too, was over a relationship, but she was a bit older....19, I think) but it was a difficult time for us all.

Sissy, you are right to complain.
And yep, Wanda and I have been published several times! I, too, am getting ready to write another L-to-E! Another press release, too. Of course, it's all old hat for me as I have been a journalist in many capacities since I was 16 yrs. old!

hedgie said...

Paula, sorry about that rude awakening! No fun.....but at least you got the shower! I remember one time taking the whole family into work and we all bathed in the whirlpool tubs, did our hair and then the Mr. took the kids to school and himself on to work....what a hoot that all was!! Hoped the whole time that Security didn't do a walk-through!!

hedgie said...

Paula, sorry about that rude awakening! No fun.....but at least you got the shower! I remember one time taking the whole family into work and we all bathed in the whirlpool tubs, did our hair and then the Mr. took the kids to school and himself on to work....what a hoot that all was!! Hoped the whole time that Security didn't do a walk-through!!

hedgie said...

Dana, hope your neighbor's cat comes home safely.

hedgie said...


Dana, I love Rose of Sharon. Carolyn has several big ones. But since nothing with flowers ever grows here, I will just have to admire others.

hedgie said...

Sharon, that's a start.....I always wondered if T-bird had Grave's disease....she just looks like she does. It's amazing how many systems the thyroid can affect.

Momsters, if you have Sissy's address, just change the number to 1911 to send cards for Thelma back in Bluefield---Sharon will get them to her wherever she is. If you don't have the address in full, email me and I will give it to you! No flowers, please.....Shar does not know if they would be allowed when they transfer Thelma to a different facility.

Costume Lady said...

Lynn, I too was into journalism at 16...had a journalism class and wrote articles for the Orange & Black school paper. Also did photography. Never persued writing after High School. Became a telephone operator...

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Or you can send them to my address until they get here. I don't know if they can get in the mailbox.

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Ok, Sher doesn't have a mailbox key. Just send it to me and I will get it to her.

Costume Lady said...

SOUP KITCHEN: Some of our guests walk...many have no homes or cars...hard rains and snow keeps them away:(


Costume Lady said... Denise had such a rough time with her nerves...cried at the drop of a hat, was ill most of the time, looked really bad. When her hair started falling out, she went to her doctor and was diagnosed with Hypothyroidism or Hachi Moto disease (sp). Took years to get her on the right meds...she's doing well, now.

hedgie said...

Sounds like a terrific menu, Wanda. Yum!!!

Sissy, you all have locks on your mailboxes??? Or is it a bank of them at the bottom of the hill?

Lolly said...

We are off for the day! Beautiful day here, wish it was a beautiful day for you too. We just need to switch...rain here, sun for you.

See you this evening!

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

It is a bank of them at the bottom of the hill. Sher doesn't have her key until that guy gives it back to her.

hedgie said...

Wanda, me, too. High School journalism---3 yrs. Editor of paper there, started paper in college and was editor there, and then at GM I was editor of our plant newspaper. In high school, we brought our paper all the way out to Berryville for printing!

Hashimoto's, Wanda. It is an autoimmune disease that destroys the thyroid cells. Grave's is also autoimmune but it stimulates the thyroid to produce too much of the hormone.

wvgal_dana said...

I too worked on high school newspaper lol

Judie said...

Trying to keep up this morning but likely headed back to bed soon. I HATE HAVING A COLD!

Prayers continue for T-Bird. Hopefully, the doctors will get her on the road to recovery.

Also hoping that by the time this is posted, Hercules will be safely home.

Megan, sorry about all the rain. Wish I could make the weather better for you.

Paula, hoping the electricity is back by now or at least by the time you head home. Good to read that Nugz is a bit active.

Wanda, think I might head to the soup kitchen. Menu sounds terrific, especially for a rainy day.

Lolly, glad you and Gene are having a nice trip.

Rose of Sharon -- reminds me of one of my favorite books.

Other issues I have not caught up on but hoping everyone has a good day, please and thank you.

Judie said...

Oh, forgot. Checked Decorah and looks like two eaglets are still in the nest. Maybe someone posted that one of the eaglets has fledged?

Costume Lady said...

Wow, DANA, isn't that a coincidence? All three Berkely Countians...have to see about Margy:)

wvgal_dana said...

How is GG doing?

magpie said...

Oh, I used to pen the little article in the Journal years ago:

"Hedgesville News"
or something like that

wvgal_dana said...

i use to doing the typing for the school paper.

wvgal_dana said...

Wanda, Margy, Hedgie-Lynn What do you all think we are going to do for a Mall for Martinsburg?????

Costume Lady said...

Just thought SEARS was leaving, Dana??

hedgie said...

I can't remember the name of my college paper, but high school was The A-Blast. Annandale teams were the Atoms, hence the reference----we had a mushroom cloud logo!!
GM paper was Partners in Progress.

wvgal_dana said...

10 stores a man in the Mall told Mom and me is leaving.

wvgal_dana said...

Thanks JudyE that video of the eagles bathing. I like the soft music in the background.

Prayers for the blood work coming back to tell them what is wrong with our dear Thelma

hedgie said...

How many times have the mailboxes been taken out by sliding cars in
the winter, Sissy? Speaking of hills, wonder how ol' Norma Byrd is doing on her hill in Romney??

wvgal_dana said...

Thanks also JudyE for the "swiming ealge". Have seen it before but neat seeing again. ty

Costume Lady said...

I didn't know that, Dana. I seldom read the newspaper anymore...have myself planted at GG's or the Church so much of the time. Maybe that is a good thing...distracted from the bad news!
Getting ready to dress and get going.
Have a great day♥ too?! That makes it unanimous!

wvgal_dana said...

I talked to Norma couple of days after Mothers Day. She truly misses all of us--badly.

wvgal_dana said...

Wanda I am just hoping the man if WRONG.

hedgie said...

That's news to me, Dana....hadn't heard anything about other stores. Did read that the As Seen on TV store is expanding.
I don't do the mall often enough to worry about it.....Sears is the only place I will miss---and Radio Shack if they were to leave. Penney's and BonTon are good stores, but I can get to Halfway almost as fast as I can get to our mall and parking is much better there!

hedgie said...

Good, Dana, that you talked to Norma!

wvgal_dana said...

Talk to a family when eating in Hagerstown yesterday. They are from Martinsburg have a young boy.
Told them all about Open House. The man said he once toured a long time ago NCTC. He is going to be looking for the Open House date.
Sure hope they have learn't and will do Open House after the Martinsburg festival again this year.

Told them where to go for their son for some webcams.

wvgal_dana said...

Hedgie-Lynn that was a BIG house on Babbling Brook Lane. Melting siding on houses on both sides. Suspicious a man said cause it had been empty until that party. He siding on the end melted. He was so thankful for the fire department kept hosing water on his house.

wvgal_dana said...

Wondering if when Lori isn't at computer. If she is taking the stick that goes in SUB port out so batteries don't go dead in mouse. I do that and place the stick in the mouse then plug it back in. Keeps batteries longer.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Rose of Sharon - reminds me of . . . me! LOL.

hedgie said...

Kay, that is totally awesome that Julie has been to NCTC! It is a beautiful campus, for sure. Our tax dollars at work. Have you looked at their website and seen the photos and maps?

hedgie said...

Lunchtime....anyone want a liverwurst and onion sandwich????

wvgal_dana said...

No thank you but I do need to eat something. lol

Kay said...

Lynn, yes, I've toured NCTC via their web site, but I'm sure it's even more beautiful when actually there ! Yes, tax dollars and a lot of credit to the dearly departed Sen. Byrd. He did so much for WV !

I'll pass on that sandwich, just had a small bowl of mac n' cheese. I fell asleep and had a power nap after Hot Topics. Boy, howdy, Barbara sure seemed wound up today, expecially in her defense of The Donald. Wonder why she was such an advocate for him ? I think were it not for Whoopi and Joy I'd call it quits with that show.

Barbara said...

WVGal Dana, here is a hint for the people who had a cat escape: they should get a can of tuna fish with the strongest odor possible -- chunk light in oil works well. People tuna. Open the can and put it in the doorway that the cat went out. All other pets should be secured in another part of the house so they don't go out! Stay away from the door and the cat will come home to get the stuff. I have an indoor-only Persian who got out and this got him back. It took a couple of hours after I put out the tuna, but he did come. Another way is to put the tuna in a Hav-A-Heart trap close to the house. Good luck!

stronghunter said...

Sounds like a good idea, Barbara. You might get a few extra cats, too!!

wvgal_dana said...

Barbara That would be a GREAT idea if there was not 9 fatal cats just near their house that a lady feeds. We are hoping he will come there to eat.

wvgal_dana said...

Thank you for posting that and being so kind.

wvgal_dana said...

Heading to get my hair cut

magpie said...

what is white and flaps on the live cam view
at the bottom of the nest view ??

magpie said...

Oh My Eyes:

It is a big flapping Sycamore leaf blowing in front of the cam from time to time, really looks neat !!

Lolly said...

Back home at the trailer for lunch. Went to Wildseed Farms, just bought a few seeds. Then went to another place and bought pots. Wildseed Farms really like their pots. LOL Very expensive! Love the pots I got. Bought 2 for Laurel and one larger one for myself. Think it will go on the back patio. hmmmm????? Will have to think what to pot in it.

They have 7 cats there that roam in and out and about! Petted the two I saw asleep on the gift shop counter. Such sweet kitties. One did not even wake up or stir when I petted it.

Lunch is about ready. Jubby is such a good hot sandwich fixer!☺

Judie said...

An alternative to food would be to place some object or objects with the cat's scent, toy or blanket, near the door. Scent should help.

movin said...




We're getting some light rain today in So Cal ... light so far anyway here.

Over 1400 comments! Is this a record??

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

floralgirl said...

Hope they figure things out for Thelma soon, Sharon. My Mother has hashimoto's thyroiditis, it does cause many health problems, including depression.

paula eagleholic said...

Dana, I saw that on the 4state news about the house burning they now think it's suspicious?

Judie, hope that nasty ol cold goes away soon. I want to eat at the soup kitchen too :)

My electric is back on at home.

Judy, just saw 3 eaglets at must have been hiding....I believe it's too early for fledging.

paula eagleholic said...

Ooops, Judie....

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,


Have been trying to catch up here, but not easy!

Have an urgent prayer request--please pray for a situation with our daughter and her family. God knows what's happening, and it's a long story, so can't post it here. Momster and Dadster prayers are powerful, so just asking for prayers for their situation, please. Thank you!

It is indeed raining here today--not hard, but a steady rain so far. My patio plants are happy!

Megan, so sorry it's still raining there.

WV Dana, praying that Hercules the cat finds his way back home, quickly!

JudyE, thanks for the pics of the shuttle! I would've thought they would have diverted commercial air traffic--but sure made for some spectacular pics!

Well, prayers continue for everyone here--but I have to go pay some bills online. Will check back in when I can, and be back later tonight. HAGD!
Oh--Sharon & Sissy, glad they are making progress with Thelma's diagnosis. Prayers continue! Later, alligators. :o]

hedgie said...

Hello, Barbara. Where do you hail (?hale?) from? Welcome----tho' I think you have chimed in before, right?

Lolly, be careful petting a sleeping cat!!! Glad you had a nice morning!

Andy, definitely sending prayers up for your daughter and her fmaily.

The house fire-----well, 150 young people at a party in an empty house; college graduate daughter had the party. House was on market for $950G' started at 4AM.....FF's had to run 4000' of hose to get water....there was a pool and a pond---not clear on why they didn't use them. They finally just had to protect adjacent houses. Search & Rescue dogs in to make sure there were no bodies, and there weren't. Wonder how much trouble that young lady is going to be in with her dad???!!!

Judie said...

Well, about to head down to the kitchen. No smell and no taste but I'll give it a try. Pasghetti and salad.

Before I leave:

Happy Anniversary to Megan and Russ. Sorry if I'm late with the congratulations

Andy, prayers for your daughter and her family. We're here for you.

Paula, glad the electric is on and thank you for the Decorah update. Thought maybe the oldest has started to branch and my timing was not good.

Hi Jim. Seems rain is everywhere today. Checked on Phoebe's babe yesterday. Really growing.

Oh, check Itchy Withers Farm and the foal has had a blanket on since last evening. Not much activity. Don't know enough about horses/baby horses so hope the little one is okay.

I understand why young people have these parties but I sure would not want to be the young woman who has to explain to her parents. How would parents respond?

Well, off to the kitchen. Looks as if another storm might be headed this way. Think there's a watch over Shirley's way.

JudyEddy said...

WWOW those are some big rain drops at the nest I guess they probably won't be around tonight either because of the rain

Mema Jo said...

#1472 That's my favorite number!
Sorry I have been AWOL most of today. Daughters have been here and now I am getting ready to go out to a dinner.


Lynne2 said...

QUESTION OF THE DAY....anyone remember their first Bald Eagle sighting in the wild?

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

First bald eagle sighting in the wild? Liberty sitting in the sycamore tree! I cried!

Lynne2 said...

Evening all!

Dana, USUALLY when an indoor cat escapes to the outdoors, they don't go far and hole up somewhere because they are scared once they realize what they've done. And USUALLY it takes a day or 2 for them to be found. Hopefully that is the case with your neighbors cat. It might be a good idea for them to go out well after dark, when the activity of the area has settled and try to softy call, and listen carefully for him to meow.

Lynne2 said... kidding? he was your first!!! that is so cool!

Mine was in the car with Steve heading to East Baltimore, we were near the water....I was gazing out the window (as usual) and saw a big bird. Thought, oh, just another Vulture. Then I realized it looked like it didn't have a head or tail...looked closer, EAGLE!! I yelled and scared Steve!

Lynne2 said...

that was about 3 years ago.

Lynne2 said...

How are you holding up Sharon? We are all praying for you, the family and Thelma. Hope she is doing better by now, or at least will be SOON!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

She is still about the same. Her sister went to visit her today so that was good. I am not visiting cause I am packing and working and she understands that. Her thyroid issue, I have found out, is probably not severe enough to cause a lot of th problems she is having. Haven't talked to her social worker yet but will let you know more when I do.

Lynne2 said...

we sure do appreciate you updating us!

Lynne2 said...

hadn't heard about this. Hope the idiot who shot her is real pleased wtih Him/Herself. But so glad she was brought in, and doing better now!

Injured eagle on road to recovery

JudyEddy said...

Ooh My first time was I was at work and was outside on the picnic table I was lying down on the bench my neck was hurting and had to get pressure of it so was laying down and one flew over the store I was so excited and screamed The associates that were outside thought I was in more pain with my neck Found out the nest was only a couple of blocks away Got to see a juve about a week later was sitting on out dumpster behind store and they called me over the intercom to come to recieving to see it and I thought that was to cool

Lynne2 said...

LOL Judy, that's a funny way to see your first eagle! Not a bad trade off, hurt neck for bald eagle sighting! How long ago?

JudyEddy said...

what is the forecast for this evening MORE rain????

Lynne2 said...

you too,huh? It's POURING here and thundering.

JudyEddy said...

1990 was the year = One day I want to post picture of my stuff in my house -Unbelievable how much stuff I have I just recently gave away over 100 pc to a friend at work to make room for Jordyns pictures in the hall

Lynne2 said...

only bird at my feeder is the Bunting! I amazes me how such tiny things can tolerate the pounding of such a hard rain.....

Lynne2 said...

getting ugly here and Steve isn't home yet. He's out in this mess with a semi broken driver's side windshield wiper.....

Gonna uplug.

JudyEddy said...

Here is the link to my face book page with the picture of the shelf that is in my hall all those eagles I gave to a friend and you can see what i put there of course Jordyn pictures and future pictures I have bought so many frames cheap an thrift stores
MY SHELF Eagle gave away

JudyEddy said...

I also stained the shelf darker Looks so good now

Lynne2 said...

WOW Judy, that was some eagle collection!

Lynne2 said...

oh good, Steve is home!

JudyEddy said...

that was the inexpensive stuff that I bought over years at Walmart every year they had a different collection all cheap- I have a nice curio cabinet with eagles statues and on my entertainment stand I have lots of other eagles and lots of collectors plates all those that were gifts from my Mom and Dad and kids over the years I have kept just gave away the cheap ones

JudyEddy said...

and stuffed eagles boy do I have a s--t load of them about 40 or so big to beanie size

hedgie said...

My first live and i nperson sighting was at NCTC in 2008!'s telling me I don't have permission to view your pics...will try from within FB.

Sharon, was hoping for more postive nes from the thyroid situation...:(

hedgie said...

Oh, my, Judy----nice collection!! Must have been hard to part with.

Did you hear that Harmon Killebrew died today? Knew that he had stopped chemo.....sure didn't take long for the end to come. Great ballplayer. RIP.

JudyEddy said...

I just changed the setting to recommend which should let you see them

hedgie said...

Judie, did you hear about the frat house fire on 21st St.---one of GW's frats.

There was also a big church fire down the road a little ways from Megan in Boonsboro, MD. An old church undergoing renovation. :(

hedgie said...

Lynne, did not know that Steve went on service calls like that. I thought he worked in a windshield glass warehouse! Oops!

hedgie said...

We have had three seperate storms since 3pm.....I am getting sick of rain! Poor Liesl has no place dry now to go potty----run-off has come in from the yard to the sheltered kennel area.

JudyEddy said...

I just gave them to someone I knew who would appreciate them I have soooo many left still really nice ones that were gifts All the ones I gave away were cheap 2.50 to 9.97 and I wanted the space for pictures I loved that shelf when I bought the house in 1997 the people that lived here had books,tapes, records on it. LM engaged BBL

JudyEddy said...

On our news some doctors have a weight limit on the patients that they see because of the restriction on their equipment Wow that is the first time I have ever heard of something like this back to news detail comin up

JudyEddy said...

The Flintstones is gonna make a come back I use to love them AWWWW

stronghunter said...

Kind of thought Hunter's baseball practice might be called off, but I guess not.

I fell asleep at our faculty meeting this afternoon. That is what happens to me if I have to stay up until after midnight. I was sitting straight upright with my hands under my chin, but I suppose people noticed.

stronghunter said...

I don't think I have ever seen it rain any harder than it did today. My students just went over and stood at the window.

JudyEddy said...

for those of you on face book I have sent three different pages for you to like When you do you can go on and edit settings on their page so you don't get email if you don't want The nice thing is the updates appear on the left of your page and shows with a number if there are any new updates Just thought you might be interested

JudyEddy said...

Oh that is sooo funny Shirley lets hope no one took pictures LOL

JudyEddy said...

Looks like it stopped raining at the nest and not windy they may just show up Ya think

Judie said...

Shirley, I definitely see a picture of you at the meeting being presented at your retirement. Just say you were practicing.

Lynn, did see about the frat house. The location is near an older building being torn down so may not have been students. Well, maybe it was.

Also, see some toilet training for Liesel in the future. Bet she could learn how.

Okay, Darth said dinner was good. Don't know. No taste or smell. Feel awful. Headed across the hall to bed for some rest.

stronghunter said...

I figured I looked like I was praying since I had my hands folded under my chin. Actually, I was supporting my head.

Costume Lady said...

There is no rain here in Nestville (near the nest) and a bit of late day sunshine...there may be a visit. I do not watch the nest anymore...can't handle Belle with seems so unnatural:(
I do enjoy the early morning commentary from the Cyber Cafe group...great camaraderie.

Costume Lady said...

Supporting your head, Shirley?...good thinking! As long as you didn't snore, probably no one noticed you were asleep:)

Costume Lady said...

This is TERRIFIC anxious to see THE GOOD WIFE. Alicia is finally in an intimate situation with WHAT'S NAME. Will she or won't she. Probably won't know until next season!

JudyEddy said...

Snoring wouldn't be bad Lets hope she didn't drool!!!!

JudyEddy said...

Ok I can't laugh any more that just get me to coughing and then you know what that lead to run to the bath room I hate being sick Oh I guess no one like it HAHAHa

Costume Lady said...

Soup Kitchen was great this evening...seconds for everyone and clothing is looking mighty bare.
This Momster cook the whole meal, my first time. I did cook the sauerkraut at home, because we cook it for 24 hours...can't do that at church. Lynn tells me that is a no, no...Shhhhh! We have an expection from the Health Dept. June 1, so I need to ask about that. I thought it was OK...but need to know for sure!

Costume Lady said...


Costume Lady said...

SHIRLEY is such a LADY, I cannot imagine her snoring;)

JudyEddy said...

But you didn't say you couldn't imagine her drooling Ok NCIS is on

Hoda said...

Costume Lady, I do not know if the rules are the same in the US as they are in Canada in regards to Health Inspection...I have learnt from the African Dinner Fund raiser that we do for the Grans to Grans that nothing can be cooked at home. The kitchen in the United Church, where we hold the event, has been approved by them and they get very uptight if we use another facility...even though it is us who go in to clean it when we know they are coming to inspect...rules are rules they say. Be careful as to how much you confide in them ask them as "what if..." type of a question...I have a lot of respect and admiration for the soup kitchen refrences that show up on this blog and the menus are amazing in terms of variety and today you mention quantity...Robert Kennedy's quote about the few who are rich helping the many who are poor comes to mind...Bravo and well done you...

JudyEddy said...

I know in Fl nothing can be cooked at home just don't say anything commercial over bye

hedgie said...

Tornado warnings for Megan's and DanaMo's county in MD and Suz's county in PA. Yikes.

DanaMo said...

Really??? WOW I better turn the radio on I had no idea.

DanaMo said...

Thanks Hedgie. Had to prepare the pool area for the winds.

JudyEddy said...

Truder Alert

DanaMo said...

What's that interactive weather website that someone posted a couple of weeks ago. Anyone know? Was that you Hedgie?

JudyEddy said...

ok where is belle

JudyEddy said...

Pretty color fade away with the light ;o{

JudyEddy said...

picking at flugg at 10

JudyEddy said...

moving picking at rail at 9

JudyEddy said...

sitting at 6

JudyEddy said...

hiding behind branch

JudyEddy said...

Belle Ringing IN

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...

both picking in middle of nest

paula eagleholic said...

Whoa! Didn't expect to see both eagles in the nest digging!

JudyEddy said...

she is im middle he is at 6

JudyEddy said...


Lynne2 said...

I feel asleep at an inappropriate time today as well. Thank GOD no one was hurt.

JudyEddy said...

and more beaking

JudyEddy said...

is this not friendly or what

paula eagleholic said...

Check out those 2 big leaves Belle just moved..poplar leaves maybe?

JudyEddy said...


paula eagleholic said...

Truder off at the 10 spot

JudyEddy said...

belle just sittin in middle looking around waiting to be pounced on OH I saw him fly cool

paula eagleholic said...

Belle looking off to the right...

JudyEddy said...

she is stretching her neck looking

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


hedgie said...

Yes, Wanda, Hoda is right.....DON'T ASK except in a hypothetical way! I know, too, that the franchise owner wasn't even legally allowed to bring stuff here that was prepared in the store in Mo'town when we had our place.

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