Thursday, May 12, 2011


I am headed up to NW Maine for the annual canoe trip.  Updates will be automated for the next week or so.

New thread.


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JudyEddy said...

I posted pic of Belle this am on MomsterAlbum May also put one of the nest under moonlite and the errie fog one last night also a short video of belle this am on facebook

Mema Jo said...

JUDY E - What are you hoping for Lunch

Are you rushing around - SLOW DOWN

love ya (()hugs)) ♥

Mema Jo said...

I think I'm going to be off here for a few hours....... BBL

JudyEddy said...

Wow our weather is absolutely glorious day Nice and cool and breezy Yeah for the cold front that came through with the rain WOW 2 inches I just dumped from my rain gauge

JudyEddy said...

I just can't stand to stay in the store tooo much drama so I come home I live almost 2miles from store I just have to keep a eye on time It really flies ok BBL

glo said...

Not going to Sidney Nest, not reading about Bounty hunts on Lily or Hope, Not reading reports about Jason, and if too much info is on here I won't be reading this either until some of the bad stuff settles down again. Since some of us are airing our feelings could maybe some of thebad stuff maybe go in Momster mail instead of the EAGLE cam Blog. I love the links for cams etc. Of course good news is always nice but golly sometimes it can be such a downer to see stuff you can do nothing about. JMHO. It is what it is, but some of us don't avoid the Blog because of Facebook, we avoid it because of animal bad news. People bad news atleast gets some help. I see the prayer request list isn't going to fly, but when I see them I always care about and pray for prayer requests. Of course Friends and family news is a part of who we are. For me I just leave for a while if I start seeing much of the downer stuff on here.

On the flip side here is something you can do something about. Don't buy it, Take it back and let others know about it. LOTS of dog folks on here so passing this info on.

WARNING: WalMart is selling a rawhide chew for dogs that is causing seizures and death in dogs. WalMart is aware of the problem and continues to sell the product. the chew is called Exer Hide and is made in Brazil
Please don't purchase this product for any dog and if you have it in your pantry get rid of it immediately. pass it on

glo said...

I am talking the wild animal cams here. I am not at all talking about pets that are members of families and loved and cared for. Just saying. I am also not talking about events that are happening to help the plight of animals in dire situations. BUT bad stuff on cams is just over the edge for me. Always has been BUT this year especially. Its TOO MUCH

Lori O. said...

Hey GLO! The good news is we haven't needed a Prayer List for the past few days because all our prayers were answered. This is one powerful group. Our only prayer focus at the moment is Thelma and Sharon. I've asked Sharon to let us know how we can send cards, flowers, gifts to Thelma. Iffy situation with them trying to get moved and T/Bird in the hospital.
There'll be a list again when we need it. I can't keep it straight and don't want to miss anyone without a list. ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Seven hearts for the 7 letters in Liberty's name.

Lori O. said...

Lynn, do you have Sharon's phone # so when things calm down for her you can get the address info from her? That's a convoluted sentence, but you know what I mean? :)

floralgirl said...

Real life is full of good and bad stuff- I like all the updates, good and bad, cause I can't watch or keep up with all these cams. The report about Jason is sad, but also very interesting. For me it's all part of observing nature.

Mema Jo said...

My reply from NCTC

HI Jo.
I'm so sorry to say, but NCTC doesn't control or operate this blog. Steve operates this blog on his own time, while he is not working. I hope that it can work itself out. I will be sure to let Steve know when he returns from vacation.
Kelly Kennedy
Secretary to the Director and Deputy

So Be It! I know right now he is
not available........ <:(

Lori O. said...

How about this to keep it simple:


This thread is still on Thursday May 12.

The day before it, the Wednesday May 11 thread only has 263 posts so we just go there and pick it up like any other day.

Lynne2 said...

Glo, we all watch certain things, and the bad is accepted with the good as all being a part of DARING to watch nature live. When things go wrong, we naturally share them here with each other as a way of coping. None of us like the bad things, and there have been many this season for sure. I'm sure we all understand your feelings and respect them. You have to do what you have to do to cope as well.

Lynne2 said...

Sounds like a good plan to me Lori!

Lynne2 said...

I wonder if there really IS a limit to how many posts there can be?

Kay said...

Lori, a stellar idea ! This is the only thread that has racked up a huge number for the last week. We can just keep backing up a day if necessary. Everyone remember to turn on your back up signal, beep, beep, beep. We don't want anyone getting run over !!! ☺

Lori O. said...

Glad it works for you guys. My thoughts exactly Kay, just keep backing up a day if we have to and we can blog all we want without worrying about a new thread.

Lynne - I hope you're feeling better. Kate's doc put her on Tramadol and it helps her back pain wonderfully.

Lori O. said...

Getting ready for a nap now. That 3 1/2 hours last night didn't cut it. I'm a 9 hour girl! For some reason that sounds like a bra commercial. lol!

Lori O. said...

Kay - think about this. Is there a way we can play games together/against each other online at You would have to be gentle with me you intellectual whipper-snapper! ♥

glo said...

:-) Love the ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ for Libs name. Thats very nice indeed.

No prob. You all just keep watching and blogging away on the cams and news on here. I understand. I just wanted you to know how it is for not really just me, but its surely not my Blog.

As with all of us only we can control our blogs. Unless Steve had made someone else administrator only he can take care of these threads and he thinks he has done that.

I am somewhat confused since many of you already have this blog emailed to you, how putting the negative info on Momsters instead of on here would actually change how you got the news at all, since that too is emailed but usually has headings so you can choose what you want to read.

It was just a thought for some expressed by me. MTBR in my own decisions. Life surely does have plenty of good and bad. Some of it we have more control over than others. More decisions.

I feel sad and disappointed but its all good really and nice to have the thoughts and feelings out there instead of inside.

Kay said...

Glo, I respect your feelings and your right to glide over links to other nests and wildlife stories. As for me, the compilation of what we get through this blog is The Ultimate Reality Show, TV producers can't match it. A common interest in wildlife and this nest in particular brings us all together. Moreover, the people I've met here have become a rich part of my life and I want to share it all, the good, the bad and the ugly ! Your photography, your talent and creativity is one of the blessings I've enjoyed so much. Please don't go away from us ! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

Kay said...

Lori, I'm not aware of a way to play against each other on Sporcle. I think there is a place where your own scores can be tallied and you can see how well you did against others. I tried playing Scrabble on line with my DIL and found it nerve wracking. She's really good, plays in regional tournaments--I've done pretty well at holding my own with her, but consider it just giving her practice when I visit ! On line there was the pressure of the clock and of knowing it was being viewed by others. With Sporcle I love those four short games daily and play all the word, history and geography games, but tend to stay away from TV and Entertainment. I'm just no good at those and I'm guessing you are a whiz with them !

floralgirl said...

To me it would be ridiculous to report on what is happening on these cams and only put happy news and pretend that the bad things have not happened. Kind of defeats the whole point of watching a wildlife cam.

Costume Lady said...

I feel the same as you...we share in the good things and mourn with each other during the bad. It is part of the bonding process that has made us so close. We are like real sisters♥

Kay said...

Glo, I receive a few Momster Yahoo messages each day, but don't have the entire blog e-mailed to me. That would be a staggering amount of mail to go through and I couldn't cope with that. Here I can come to one place, read in detail or skim, go to links given or not. It's also possible, I suppose, if you wish, to go by avatars and hook up with people you do enjoy "talking" to. Okay, enought from me, I just hate to think of not hearing about you, your dear dog and precious family !

floralgirl said...

Here's a question- how do you feed a kitten that appears too be too young to drink milk on its own? I have no bottle

glo said...

Well could you like put the LINK to the not so good news A few of you already do that Instead of actually typing out the news. Same as you link the cams. Maybe not: I surely don't want to mess with what you all already enjoy.

It would be good to pick and choose the details on a cam as we do the cams to watch. But its so not necessary. I only shared how it effects me. You will know where I went and why at times when I seem scarce.

I am pretty much only here now to enjoy the people and their family happenings etc. I in no way want to limit others enjoyment of the Blog. Its all good enough.

Costume Lady said...


Costume Lady said...

STRAW...Draw the milk into the straw and release it into the kitten's mouth.

Costume Lady said...

Oh, I just remembered, cow's milk may give a kitten problems with it's digestive system. Lynne...what do you know about this?

Kay said...

Wanda, thanks ! You are someone I look for everyday here. Yes, sisters ! Let's not forget the brothers, too. Anyone heard from Red lately ?

Megan I love your succinct and reasoned logic ! I envy the ability to express thoughts concisely ! Too bad it's a rainy day, but it does mean we get more time with you ! I like that !

glo said...

Do not change anything on here for me. I honestly do not want you too. You all have a nice rich bond going on over good and bad and that's fine.

Sorry if I caused any problems for anyone except myself by sharing my thoughts and feelings about the not so good wild animal stuff. I do not watch these cams because I do not want to know. It is what it is for me.

Costume Lady said...

GLO, please stay with us...we love you and Dex♥
We'll tell you to close your eyes when something bad is discussed:)

Lolly said...

We are rolling along! Beautiful day! Been reading recipes in Bon Appetit, now i am ready to cook and EAT! Yikes!

floralgirl said...

Your thoughts seem just right to me, Kay. I just don't like censorship, the talk if nature will be full of joy and despair. Just like human life.
It's not raining here, I'm outside right now, I just tend to move very slow on Mondays and I was eating lunch.
I'm not sure this kitten will make it, it was in a tree all night, in the heavy rains. I finally found it a couple of hours ago. I don't know when it last ate.

Lynne2 said...

People milk is BAD for kittens. Formula usually available at feed or pet supply stores. Also bottles.

When they are very young, they also cannot poop or pee by themselves. You have to take a soft, slightly damp tissue, or baby wipes if you have them, and stimulate their bottoms.

Lynne2 said...

if you can't take care of it, then you should call a local vet hospital. Usually employees are happy to hand raise kittens!

In the mean time, try to keep it warm.

Lynne2 said...

Wander, you have mail!

Lolly said...

Would the kitten suck on a soft clean rag soaked in milk?

Lynne2 said...

Our Oriole is still out there today singing up a storm! Hope I can get a picture eventually!

Yesterday there was a live, 5 foot long Black Rat snake just laying there in the road out front. I had to chase him to the other side. He really didn't feel like going. Geesh, he had SUCH an attitude!

Lynne2 said...

UGH, WandA, not WandER

movin said...

GooD MorniNG,



A little cloud cover, a little chance of rain, a cool top temperature ... that's So Cal this morning.

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

Kay said...

Jim, it's already Good Afternoon in these parts ! Sounds like another one of those gorgeous Southern California days. What's the latest scoop on your nests out there ?

Kay said...

Lolly, so good to hear from you ! I love Bon Apetite`. I do very little cooking now, but for some reason enjoy reading recipes and getting healthy eating ideas. How soon will you reach your destination ?

glo said...

Thanks for the smile Wanda Its not an easy day here. Not trying to censor anyone but myself and my reading and viewing as I am pretty sure we all do It just so happens that some of the folks I too have really come to enjoy want to watch and read some things I just don't want to. Folks aren't gonna say close your eyes Glo :-) before posting that, but it did make me smile. No worries, but yes I will do what I need to do when I need to do it as will each of you.

floralgirl said...

Yeah, well no worries, I wasn't gonna give it human milk:) hahaha- but ok cows milk is no good either. I'll see what I can do, it's very weak.

Lynne2 said...

ROFLMAOAO!!! Guess I could have worded that better!

CarolAnne said...

See avatar. Oriole or a REALLY big hummingbird. LOL :o)

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,
Checking in quickly to let you know I'm still here! Fell asleep after dinner in front of the TV, and went back to sleep after Hubby left for work at 3:20 a.m. Slept in until nearly 10:00!! Sure felt good!

Have skimmed over Sunday's blog, and am now praying for Thelma, and Sharon too! Prayers for James, also. Prayers for Judie, too! Hope you defeat that cold quickly!!!

Have much to do today, so can't stay here long, but will check in when possible, and be back tonight. HAGD!
(((HUGS))) for everyone! :o]

Ms Bookworm said...

P.S.~~Megan, prayers for the little kitten, too!

hedgie said...

LOL, CarolAnne----lovely O-bird!!!
Have heard that there is a plethora of them everywhere this spring.

Mema Jo said...

I think that a blog does not really get filled - I think we can keep this blog until Steve returns.
We can get a very high count - the main concern is finding
the right page as the most recent and 'newest' should always get us there.

paula eagleholic said...

LOL Jo...that's the question...where did I leave off???

Two suggestions....record time of the last post you read...or the number of posts...time is probably the easiest.

Mema Jo said...

Welcome home Lynn - How was lunch?
Was Liesl glad to have you back?

hedgie said...

Megan, how's the kitten now? You can also use an eyedropper to feed.

Glo, sorry that my Sidney update upset you. Nature can be so sad and cruel, but it's real. Good and bad, sweet and sour, better or worse.....we all deal with it in our own way. Unfortunately, ignoring it does not make it any better.....and in some cases, not ignoring it can have good consequences in some cases---like with NBG eaglets.

hedgie said...

Lunch was very nice, Jo. And I have leftovers for dinner! We went to Buffalo Wild Wings....Ann had never been before....think she's hooked!!! And for the first time, I tried a fried pickle!! VERY good.....don't know why I never tasted one before.

That's what I said last night, Paula---for me, easier to remember my time than count posts!

paula eagleholic said...

I appreciate any and all updates, good and bad...I don't always have the time to go to each link!

Mema Jo said...

Fried Pickle? Did it have a batter
on it?

JudyEddy said...

Hello I'm home I just went a did a quickie lookie at past blogs The highest # I saw was 1439 on March 20 others close but that seem to be the highest My friend says it really should make any difference because she has a blog that has 5 thousand on it so we will see I have decided I need to do something so I will be lurking and working I like the lurking part but not the working part I just want to sit down and take a load off HA BBL

paula eagleholic said...

Yup, they batter the fried pickles...they are great! Most places do dill pickles.

JudyEddy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Kay said...

Lynn, oh, my, fried pickles, my mouth is watering ! There is a Bufflo Wild Wings within shouting distance of me and I've never even been there. It will be the place to go the next time I meet someone for lunch !

Will check in later for prayer requests and to see if our dear duo has put in an appearance. Heading to my daughter's house for dinner. Have a great evening, all !

JudyEddy said...

KAY IM I didn't say bye this am because of my puter wasn't up we had a power fluctuation and it went down and didn't have time to power back up and get back on Sorry BBL

Kay said...

JudyE, thanks for the explanation !I knew it wasn't like you to just disappear. Did you read Glo's warning about chew sticks from WalMart ? What do you know about that ? I'll check for your reply later. Enjoy your evening !

JudyEddy said...

there seems to be as issue with the blog It is not emailing me my comments I do check the box to have sent to my house email Its easier reading when I do read instead of strolling down the page Hmmm I even went on a prior day and it didn't email me either Does anyone else have them emailed to you like me?????

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

I figured I had better check in. I have talked with Thelma a couple of times today. Might be a little improvement. We are trying to get her transferred to another facility that will give her the care she needs. I just have to remember that God is in charge.

JudyEddy said...

4:08 was the last thing I got emailed and I did unsubscribe and re check box and still nothing ok that is all just didn't know if this was the begining of some thing

JudyEddy said...

ok this is odd I just got one emailed it was MemmaJo at 5:11 in my email box and the comment was posted at 3:52 is that weird or what???

JudyEddy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Linda said...

Geeze!! I think we just broke 1000 posts last time I was here!! Another busy day.

I do the same thing, Lynn, Paula and Jo. I jusr remember the time I last left. I guess it gets tough when you're checking in here and there throughout the day and don't remember when you were last on!!

Excuse my manors.....Good Monday afternoon, Friends!! Hope everyone has had a good day so far.

Now for some catch up reading...

JudyEddy said...

GOATS MILK is also good for kittens can be bought at stores I know my store sells it near the canned milk

paula eagleholic said...

tHANKS FOR THE update, Sharon.

And Glo, thanks for the doggie chew information. Forgot to thank you earlier...don't buy those, but nice to know.

NatureNut said...

Am I on the right page , or not???
Wow, maybe a new post record!
Been trying to read back sdome, but may take all night.
Prayers for Margy's James' test!! I'm sure he'll do OK!
Thoughts & prayers for Bluefield gang (but couldn't really find out yet what happened to TBird.)

Spent a lazy Sunday, watched Nascar,answered lots of emails, talked to child in TX, have been trying to hit chores today! I did go thru one closet to remove clothes I don't wear, but that's just the tip of the iceburg~~a start tho, and I didn't have an anxiety attack! LOL

BBL, I hope ☺

JudyEddy said...

coming up on Fox News that they have discovered a gene in the human body that controls weight gain so they think that there may be help for obese people

JudyEddy said...

a new blood test also can tell how long that we are goning to live 700.00 for the test also on Fox News Odd day for medical news

JudyEddy said...

What is the name of the dog treat and I will see what I can find out at work I get food recalls but not for the otherside of the store

Still can't get the comments emailed to me I got two that were posted over two hours ago Boy whats up with that I wonder Its so much easier to read that way no refreshing needed

JudyEddy said...

toooo funny I just got the email that I posted when I got home about the 1439 post on March 20 way behind ODD so could this be the start of something I wonder????

JudyEddy said...

I have a silly question after putting a picture in the album and it is not in date order is there some way I could move it to the correct date????? I put in a pic from May 7 I noticed that there was non for that day so I put it on last night so it is now listed with the 15th pictures

paula eagleholic said...

Judy, I think Jo or I will have to move it for you to the right place in the album.

I think it was Exerhide chews...Glo's post is on the previous page in bold.

floralgirl said...

Kitten didn't make it:( Shame on my neighbors for feeding these darn feral cats. It's just a bad idea.

JudyEddy said...

the flood gates have OPENED my emails are now coming my email is going Boeing Bing-- for some reason they must have been stuck the odd this they are not in the order of the post because the ones I posted when I got home are just arriving but the one I just comment already is here ODD Must be the air waves are backed up LOL

JudyEddy said...

sorry about the kitten I know Fl has a law against feeding them they will give you a trap to catch them

JudyEddy said...

Hooters has good fried pickles also they do slices some places do strips

JudyEddy said...

I forgot to say that we are having the most glorious gorgeous weather it is now 76 hi today 78 lo this am 68 tonight lo 69 Thanks to who ever sent the cold front I have my windows open and it feels so nice Ok LM button has been engaged-and as you have noticed I haven't done anything as usual HA

hedgie said...

Your weather sounds glorious, JudyE!

Don't sweat the email blog stuff---the internet is always doing weird things!!! Just roll with the punches.

Megan, sorry about the kitten....feral cats are at epidemic proportions in so many places. And no one to do anything to fix one wants to take responsibility. Bait/trap and then spay/neuter is the way, but then who pays for it and where to release are the big questions.

hedgie said...

Jo, Paula answered the pickle question! A delicious crisp batter!

Lynne2 said...

Sorry about the kitten Megan. Lynn is so right...the feral cat problem is astronomical. Neuter and release would cetainly help.

mariadangeloart said...

Just wanted to say hi to everyone! I'm still here but not as often as I'd like to be. How are our eagles?

paula eagleholic said...

Belle and Truder are still visiting, not every single day, but fairly often, usually dawn and dusk.

JudyEddy said...

If you go on the new facebook page there are pictures and videos maria

JudyEddy said...

SHEPHERDSTOWN facebook page

floralgirl said...

Pouring here right now, absolute downpour:(

floralgirl said...

Feral cats should not be fixed and released, cats don't belong out in the wild, they kill millions of songbirds every year.

NatureNut said...

Lovely, green MT nest.My neighbor has a sycamore and it's been dropping leaves from wind & rain, I guess. Wonder if that happenened to Royal Palace, or birds decorated??
Mother of one of our best friends lives in a lovely home at Eagle Lake, MS.It is south of Vicksburg.We have visited there, before his Dad passed. Thank the Lord, the sister/daughter lives 50 miles away & helped Mrs. T. move.They left the last time on Wed., as water had covered their dock and streets were closed, and can't return until June 27. In 1970, AC Engineers assured residents there would never be water there.The MS River and Lake have levees on the west side of homes, but the problem might be caused on the east side by Yazoo River.One prediction was 7 ft. of water & altho that may not harm living level of house, our friend said no one would want to buy it after flooding. Mrs. T wants to return, of course, but neighbors who helped her out bought a house in town at last minute!

BTW, found post re:T Bird's problems---love & prayers, we've experienced a lot of that in our family---very painful. ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

paula eagleholic said...

Nature, the birds brought them in! They can't return for around 6 weeks???

hedgie said...

Megan, I agree but you will never find any group that will euthanize all of the wild what Lynne and I are talking about is the only other alternative. If spayed/neutered, the great majority will be taken care of by either predation or accident. Municipal agencies need to do more---including penalizing people who feed the ferals. Employers punish employees who feed them (GM and KMart locally!!) on company property.

JudyEddy said...

some one needs to trim that leaf that keeps blowing in on the lower left side of the cam Scared the crap out of me

mariadangeloart said...

Thanks Paula & Judy :)

Hoda said...

It made me laugh JudyE!!! The leaf, I could see the green yet mind wanted for it to be an eagle and could not figure out why it was not making any progress by landing in the nest...LOL!!seeing upside down insects also is odd when they walk on the lense...

Lynne2 said...

Many feral cats live less than a year. Internal parasites will eventually kill them. External parasites such as fleas, ticks, etc. will render them anemic which will ultimately cause them to die. Some will get mange. Most will starve, be hit by cars, or get wounds that will become infected that will kill them. Colonies where feline aids or feline leukemia are present in some will eventually affect most who will eventually die from those diseases. High potential for rabies exposure, too.

Lynne2 said...

and not only do they kill birds, but they raid trash, poop and pee all over the's a bad situation. I can understand to a point why people feed feral colonies, but they are not open to discussion about how they are making a bad situation worse. Very sad.

Lynne2 said...

Here is a good website for learning birdsongs...

Bird songs

It has a pretty good list!

Lolly said...

Hi all, just read back enough to know the kitten did not make it. Sorry Megan.

We are here. Got here and set up around 3:30. We have been sitting out in our chairs reading. Now getting ready to grill steaks and corn on the cob. Decided to just relax and enjoy the afternoon. Watching two Lemurs in their cage and a herd of cattle. Nice in the shade.

Need to go set the picnic table and rub the steaks.

Lynne2 said...

Glad you're having fun Lolly!

Lynne2 said...

A vet that I used to work for has contacted me about a part time position. I'm hoping that I can work there and with Dr Baker as well! Going to see him Wed. It's only 2 miles from here~

Lynne2 said...

Megan, where is your vulture? still around?

JudyEddy said...

I wonder if they will show up being its raining??

Lynne2 said...

all right bird people...can anyone really tell the difference between the song of a Robin and that of a Scarlet Tanager? They sound SO much alike!

JudyEddy said...

I forgot to say that my previous avatars and this one is the same sunset I loved the way it looked three different colors and I got a pelican flying in pic to hard to see

hedgie said...

Paula, I , too, heard the 6 weeks--possibly more----before some flooded areas will be down. And some, like where they opened those spillways, they said it could be months---and then they'll return to toal devastation and un-farmable land.

Lolly said...

Lynne, hope that part time job works out, that you can successfully work the two part time jobs.☺

Yes, after the work this weekend, it is fun to be doing nothing. Tomorrow we will go into town, then visit a few wineries, and in the evening go see the bats. They are here! They started arriving last month...a little earlier than usual.

Lynne2 said...

wow, do you think you'll be able to get pictures of the bats?

Lynne2 said...

many prayers for those poor folks....what a mess.

Hoda said...

Lynne 2 thanks for the bird songs link. I emailed it to a few friends and family...

Costume Lady said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Judie said...

Seems this has been another busy day for the momsters.

Been a very slow day for me. Have a cold that has me exhausted, without taste, sneezing, and coughing. Been in bed most of today and still need sleep.

Would try to catch up but know I can't. Dinner was seriously tiring so I am headed to bed.

The night light is set for automatic at 11:00pm. Restful sleep for all.

Lolly said...

Will try to get a picture but they are coming out when it is starting to get dark and you can not take flash pictures. They say to watch for red tail hawks. The hawks like to catch bats. Wild, huh?

Lolly said...

Steaks are smelling good. Need to make a salad.

Hoda said...

Very beautiful hues of colour with browns and pinks and greens...stunning rather!

Hoda said...

The colour hues are in the nest of course...
Lolly have a GREAT supper it sounds like a good meal and in good surroundings. Enjoy your trip.

hedgie said...

Lolly, what are lemurs doing in a cage in an RV campsite???
Dinner sounds great!

Lynne---YIPPEE!!!! Hope you get the job! Lots of luck!!

hedgie said...

Did you hear about the kayaker bumping into the loon nest??? This article contains a link to video:

JudyEddy said...

I love the way the nest looks slivery

JudyEddy said...

that is a cool video

NatureNut said...

Lynn, agree! What are lemurs doing there w/Lolly & Jack? Sounds like a nice place to be!

Lynne, good for you~~hope you can take the job!

JudyEddy said...

OK off to watch the boob tube BBL

paula eagleholic said...

Lynne, good luck on the job!

Wanda, uh, it's a free picture.

paula eagleholic said...

Took Nugz for a short walk! He did well...hoping to continue them.

paula eagleholic said...

I'm sure that wasn't an easy decision to flood all that land and homes...feel so sorry for the folks down that way.

hedgie said...


hedgie said...

Judie, feel better FAST!!!

Sharon....are you lurking? Any change this evening? More prayers for our dear Thelma.

hedgie said...

Paula, good that Nugz is up to walking.
What's a free picture?

JudyEddy said...

Scott mentioned on facebook page that if you could guess how many pictures he has taken in the past two years you could win the picture posted there or a choice of something else He posted some beautiful pictures on there

JudyEddy said...

Judie must have passed on her cold to this Judy three days now Angie and Jordyn sort of have it also At least we're keeping it in the family LOL commercial over tv calls

Lolly said...

Ohhh, my tummy is too full!

We are at an RV campground that is right next to a rich man's private property. He has exotic cattle, miniature donkeys and yes, a cage for lemurs. While we were eating they started calling out. The park here also has two longhorns, one is named Klementine and the other Klarabelle. Going to go feed them when we are finished cleaning up. Klarabelle is pg, due next month!

stronghunter said...

Good evening--

Nineteen days to go until retirement.

So very tired tonight.

Kathryn has gone to Richmond with one of her friends whose child is hospitalized down there.

Happened very suddenly, and I do not know more. Kathryn went out to pick up medication for Luna and called me to say she was on the way to Richmond and would I take care of Hunter.

Just feeling tired and discouraged now. It has been a hard day.

I see that the blog is still hanging in there. That is very good.

Sorry the little kitty did not make it. Kathryn's Lucky was rescued from being a feral cat when he was a tiny kitten. He has been a fine pet. Sometimes it works out.

Watching DWTS tonight. Cannot make myself grade more papers.

stronghunter said...

You all are so organized about finding were you left off on the blog. I just kind of back up until I find a trash can, or until I find stuff I remember reading.

Lynne2 said...

Prayers for Kathryn's friend's son Shirley, sure hope he's going to be OK.

I'm heading for my pillow, early day tomorrow! Good night my friends, and prayers for you all!

JudyEddy said...

thzt is why I checked the email to me box you read in order or as they come in

magpie said...

Back up until you find a trash can, that is pretty novel, Shirley
So sorry to hear of Kathryn's friend's emergency, sure there is comfort with Kathryn being present
and also sorry to hear, of your discoraging day (( hugs ♥ ))

A Scarlet Tanager sounds like a "robin with a sore throat" - that's what some of the bird books say - and you know, that's pretty accurate...

once you hear them a few times, you will get attuned to its sound..the tanager, then you will drive yourself crazy trying to find it !
They do tend to perch pretty high at times, sometimes on a reasonably "bare" branch - then they sometimes circle around from tree to tree to tree
Good Luck on that Part-Time Job Prospect!

Hello Eagle Pals, rained buckets and buckets here in Martinsburg

Costume Lady said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
magpie said...

darn it did I miss you Lynne?


Sorry to hear of the kitty at Megan's place...valiant effort, Megan

I saw several box turtles perilously close to the roadways today :(
hope they all made it to their destinations

Sounds like a great vacation, Lolly, thanks for checking in..

and Sharon...
sure hope the improvement continues with T, praying for that...

magpie said...

glad to read that Nugz is getting some enjoyable walking time with you Paula

magpie said...

James's test today was for Math, tomorrow Reading and Language Arts, Wednesday, Social Studies, and Thursday, Science
He said sometimes the other students were talking a little too much and it distracted him
AND the school got all screwed up on his schedule and he could not go get his packed lunch (and a good one it was) but had to go to the lunch line, from which he ate practically nothing
But his spirits are good
Thanks Again! for the well-wishes

Lolly said...

Just posted a picture on fb of me feeding Klarabelle and Klementine. LOL When we left they were looking at us like "What, that is all we get?"

Scott said...

Evening everyone...fantastic 52 fans already on OUR Facebook page, that is awesome for only a couple of days!!! Thanks everyone...

JudyEddy said...

Good night one and all See ya in the am.
God Bless the Nest and all whom watch Healing prayer for those in need.

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."

stronghunter said...

I found a box turtle in the middle of the street today and just could not stand it, so I parked my car and picked it up and put it in the grass.

I put in on the opposite side from the way it was heading and hoped it was okay with that. I can just imagine it saying, "#@*%%$!! I was halfway across and that @$%&*@# woman put me back over here!"

magpie said...

need to go get mail, and unpack and repack the car..tomorrow is garden plant transplant day ☺

Hoping that Judie kicks butt out of that cold, Pronto !
And that any and all with ailments, aches and pains...
feel better in the morning also

Will check back before bedtime
xoxo Love to all ♥

Mema Jo said...

Good to hear from you Lolly and know that all is well..
Lynne I am rooting for you with a new part time position..
Paula it is so good that Nugz is getting along so normally..
Judie I hope the rest gets you all better..
Shirley I wouldn't want to be grading -- Just let that retirement come on!!

Mema Jo said...

FB is so slow but the video of little Faith entitled 'How to make mulch' is outstanding! It makes you just want to pick her up and cuddle her. She is a determined little bear girl....
You may get to see it under the
Bear reports for this date.

Mema Jo said...

Sharon please know that my prayers are being offered up for Thelma and for you and Bev and Mattie.
Well prayers are really for the
whole Bluefield family.((hugs)) ♥

Mema Jo said...

Between Lolly as to what the cows said and Shirley as to what the turtle said - I am getting some
chuckles! Thanks gals.

stronghunter said...

Oh my, there should not be talking during a test. I hope James does not have to deal with that again.

I am sure it can be hard to control, but kids do need quiet when they are testing.

magpie said...

Okay got wet doing those chores in teh rain, but it was worth it...because I got something besides junk mail for a change ☺
I did my best to try to understand what was going on in the group of 5 students and one teacher, sounds almost like it was a read-along test and then mark answers...but James is a little hard to understand about that kind of thing sometimes, I encouraged him to talk to the teacher privately in the morning if he can

magpie said...

Good Evening Jo...Good to See You

magpie said...

I am going to sign off now...have an earlier start to my workday Tuesday...
and I just got a book in the mail I really want to look at ! and a couple of emails to attend to...

So, Good Night dear Eagle Pals
Prayers for our Special Ones tonight, including Thelma and Nugz, and Kathryn's friend's child with sudden illness ...

God Bless This Nest, and
God Bless Us, Every One

xox ♥

paula eagleholic said...


Shirley, sometimes I look for my last post too.

hedgie said...

Shirely, prayers for Kathryn's friend's child.
Yippee...19 days---light at the end of such a long tunnel!
Why are you feeling overwhelmed? Prayers for you, too!

That's a generous offer from Scott....hard to even imagine how many clicks of his camera in two years!

JudyE, sorry your cold is still being a bear.

Lolly, can't wait for more pics!

stronghunter said...

Just some challenging classes this semester, Margy.

Long story.

Then I let Hunter get under my skin. That little rascal is a handful.

And just general tiredness.

stronghunter said...

Sorry, I was responding to Lynn, not Margy. Not making too much sense tonight.

stronghunter said...

Thanks for the prayers for the child. I do not even know if it is a boy or girl. I have been to their house once. I think there are three children.

Kathryn is an excellent support person. I am sure that is why her friend called on her.

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Gang,
Back to say goodnight. Had lots of errands to run today, and lots of housework to do. Got all the errands done; the housework, not so much.
Tomorrow is another day!

Prayers continue for Thelma and for Nugz and Judie. Lynne, hope you can get the part-time job! It would be great if it would mesh with the job with Dr. Baker! BTW, thanks for the link to the bird songs! :o]

Megan, so sorry about the kitten. I'm sure you did everything possible for it, though.

Well, even after the extra sleep I got this morning, I'm still tired! Think I will veg in TV land for just a bit, then hit the hay. Prayers for all those in need (didn't forget Shirley's Kathryn's friend and her youngster!), and all creatures.

Judie, thanks for setting the night light. Hope you sleep well, and feel better tomorrow! I'm making sure the porch light is on. Enabling both security systems. (Dana WV, how are you?) Sleep soundly, everyone, and I will talk to you tomorrow. God bless, and goodnight! Love all of you! :o]

Ms Bookworm said...

Saying some prayers for you, too! Sorry you had a rough day. Hope tomorrow is ever so much better!

stronghunter said...

Thanks, Andy. I am going to head upstairs now. Kathryn is still out. I will turn on the light for her.

NatureNut said...

Time to say goodnight and prayers for Thelma, all the Bluefield gang, Kathryn's friend's child, Nugz & all who need some~~~
Pleasant Feather Dreams ;>)

Lolly said...

We sat out around our "campfire" and enjoyed our wine. The campfire is Jack's fake gas fire, the only kind of fire allowed. We really enjoyed it. Now going to read for a while before nodding off.

Nite all! Sweet dreams!

News said it was the "flower" full moon. Really pretty! (((Hugs)))

hedgie said...

Time for me to wrap it up here, too, Loretta.

Extra-earnest prayers for our Thelma, and they continue for our under-the-weather momsters. I think our Dadsters are all okay---assuming that Bob has recovered from his tumble.

See you all tomorrow! Thanks for being in my life!!

paula eagleholic said...

((Hugs to all♥))

Mema Jo said...

Good night everyone
Prayers for all our family and friends in need
Hugs for all ((hugs))

Robyn said...

Hi all, hope everyone has been doing well and those who haven't I hope you get better.

Hedgie, try the fried pickles at Dubbies a little up the road from Penn Liquors

Megan sorry about the kitten

Shirley I hope they find what is ailing the child.

over 1000 posts I couldn't get thru all of them before the sun rose.

Lori O. said...

Hope I can remember all I've just read. CRS, so doubtful!

LYNN - Fried pickles! I'll take your word, and PAULA's that they're good.

LORETTA - thanks for the story about your friend's parents in Mississippi. It puts a personal face on the story for me.

FERAL CATS - I've found the organization Alley Cat Allies to be very informative. They helped me to TNR (Trap Neuter Release) Batman who now has his left ear "tipped", or surgically snipped flat off at the tip, so he can be easily ID'd as having been neutered. Since then Batman lives inside and outside, and thinks he owns the deck. He's been a healthy, normal cat who doesn't like humans to touch him though he can rub on your ankles. He's also the loudest cat in the house.

PAULA & NUGZ - a short walk! Go Nugz!

MEGAN - So sorry about the kitten. Been there recently.

SHIRLEY - Let me be the first on this Tuesday morning to say you've made it to 18 days until retirement! Sorry about your bad day. Trash Can "searching" is pretty funny. :)

JUDIE - Think one of your students gave you the cold? UGH! Get well wishes my friend.

OK, work and Orlando are calling my name. I packed until late so it will be a long day. Hope I can sleep on the plane.

SHARON & THELMA - didn't forget you. Special prayers and hoping all will be better for you very soon.

KAY, DANA, JUDY E, MEGAN, MARGY, I'll see you later this morning at the SSCC. Take your umbrella. :)

Lori O. said...

GLO - I love your kind and tender heart and empathize with the pain it can bring. I'll do my best to alert you to sensitive info.
Please know that you're admired for your ability to be so kind AND your ability to softly speak your mind.

floralgirl said...

Heavy rains here and at the nest again now. Sigh..... There's a lot of rain headed at us, and it is really pouring right now.

Lori O. said...

MEGAN - so sorry about the rain's effect on your flowers, and allergy sufferers with the rain making it the worst pollen remembered.
Can you go back to sleep and fuh-get-about it?

Lori O. said...

If it keep raining like it is, we probably won't get a visit at the nest. Thanks for the heads up, Megan.

floralgirl said...

Yep, Lori that's what I thought, they may not visit this morning. And I am in bed, but the rain is so loud it woke me up.
So, Good morning :)

Kay said...

Good Morning Lori and Megan ! Nest still dark, sound of rain, thunder in the distance or maybe just the wind. Belle and Truder should be huddled under a leafy umbrella.

Kay said...

Playing a little catch up---

Robyn, so good to see you checking in ! Hope the studies are going well and that you get more time to spend with us soon.

Lynne2, my fingers are crossed in hopes that 2nd job comes through !

Kay said...

Had a great dinner with daughter and family last night. Highlight ! Seth gave me a plushy stuffed eagle, now dubbed Liberty. He's watching me from a perch just above the computer. So cute !

Lori O. said...

Morning KAY! Oh yes, the eagle. How cute! Little Lib should be your avatar someday.

I'm not holding my breath for a visit, but we can always hope.

Kay said...

I think Megan rolled over for some more zzzzz's and Lori must be very busy. Daylight at the nest, but probably too rainy for a visit.

Here in Columbus, lots of rain, too, temps went from 80 on Sunday to high 40's yesterday. A/C one day, furnace the next. Boo-hiss !

magpie said...

Good Morning Eagle Pals...and a rainy one for sure it is.
Sure wouldn't want Jo to think I am not paying attention to all her hard work each month to bring important events to the forefront, so ....

Happy Anniversary Megan, to you and your Husband ♥ ♥
....Despite the rain, I hope it is a Great Day for the Two of You .. and best wishes for many many more,
and maybe just maybe, the skies will clear tonight for the Full Flower Moon ☼

Kay said...

Good idea on "Little Lib" becoming my avatar. Will see if SIL can take a pic for that purpose. I have a couple of cameras and, of course, the cell phone. It won't surprise you that I don't know how to use any of them. :( Another thing that was Stan's baliwick and not mine.

Kay said...

Good morning, Margy ! So in hopes that James can talk to the teacher before the tests today. None of the kids need the distraction caused by talkative classmates !

Happy Anniversary to Megan and Russ ! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ !!!!!!!

magpie said...

Sounds like a neat little gift, Kay, the Eagle: Liberty...hope to see him on here as your avatar

and Good Morning to Lori,
Safe Travel Wishes, Lori
hope it's not raining in Orlando !
You might fly right over the nest, maybe? on your way South ...

JudyE might be around soon, so Good Morning in advance to her, and any and all Eagle Pals in all our Eagle Corners ☺

Lori O. said...

KAY - I totally understand lack of cell phone understanding! But for cameras there are many great "point and shoot" digital cameras these days.
I just did a feature on committing to goals and new hobbies being a scientifically proven key determinant to happiness. So, grab a camera and set your sights on learning how to use it. We can work on learning cell phones together!

magpie said...

thanks Kay, me too...about James and the testing

"Lucky Lumbering Looney Looly Lolly," she mentioned seeing the Full Flower Moon last night...
7:09 am our time, it truly "goes full" but who's haggling !

magpie said...

Neat, Lori
Ha Ha, yesterday while listening to Blue Grass music, I was trying to develop my own little beep-bop do-wop to go with it...
I guess that could be a new hobby!

JudyEddy said...

Gooood Morning Looks like no morning visit with your rain same as last night So how is everyone one??? It gonna be another nice cool day but won't last long suppose to climb back to 90 by the end of the week YUK!!!

magpie said...

computer moving pretty slow for me this morning, need to sneak away for morning prayers....
I also kind of doubt the eagles will land on that wet nest, but maybe an egret or a flamingo!

Best wishes for a Good, Safe, Healthy and Happy Day

xoxox ♥ ☺

Lori O. said...

Thanks MARGY. You are so smart about birds! Geez. Loved your explanation to Lynne about Taninger vs Oriole (?) songs or calls. Think I know more about horses and plants than birds. :)

Kay said...

Hey, Judy, good to "see" you ! As I recall the trouble with 90 degrees in Florida is that the humidity is usually about 90, too ! Having been raised in Tucson I never did get used to that in my Tarpon Springs era.

Kay said...

Lori, I know I should get the cameras out and start learning how to use them. All the kids take pics at family occasions and I've just been lazy. My sister was a master photographer like Glo, but I missed out on that creative gene !

Kay said...

I'm not aware of box turtle migrations or feral cat proliferation here. Maybe because I'm too near city streets. However, I live in a wooded area about a block away from a major river and see deer almost every day. The woods they enjoy would be a haven for cats, I'd think.


JudyEddy said...

This was on the news a lady from a airplane took a picture of the shuttle while she was in plane the pilot announced to the passangers to look out the window and she grabbed her camera and took pictures This is toooo cool Love the clouds under it

floralgirl said...

Thank you all:)
Not raining here currently, latest patch is staying on the other side of the river.

Kay said...

Any "The View" watchers out there ? The ladies are going to have a field day with Hot Topics today. Big news about the Maria and Arnold break up, Donald "I don't do a comb over" Trump bowing out of running for Prez, the French VIP being held in NYC.....

Kay said...

Spectacular photographs, Judy ! Thanks for sharing !

JudyEddy said...

HAGD off to work I go

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7 2 24 no shiw

 No eagle this morning only a few beautiful orbs