Thursday, May 12, 2011


I am headed up to NW Maine for the annual canoe trip.  Updates will be automated for the next week or so.

New thread.


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paula eagleholic said...

There she went off to the right...pretty take off

hedgie said...

Judie, sorry you couldn't taste dinner! Judy can't laugh without coughing, and Shirley is having a hard time keeping her head in an upright position. Wow----we're all falling apart!

JudyEddy said...

Ok there I go laughing again Getting old sucks
Hey i think I have some one else living here I see a old lady sometime on passing the mirror That's what my mom would always say
I think of Whoopi commercial at times like these

hedgie said...

DanaMo, I think it was JudyE who posted the interactive weather....let me see if I still have it.

paula eagleholic said...

Wanda, tell them EVERYTHING is prepared in the church kitchen.

JudyEddy said...

I posted the weather a few post ago

JudyEddy said...

8 35 is the time with weather link

hedgie said...

If this isn't it, it's close--
Interactive map

Hoda said...

I am glad I saw them in the nest tonight and I get tense when I see him opening his beak before the beaking thing seems aggressive to me, yet Belle handles it well and beaks right back...

Lynne2 said...

hey Lynn, if yo get TVLand All in the Family is on with the character you couldn't remember....the Lorenzo's

hedgie said...

Wow.....Mike's casket was beautiful----Jethro does nice sad, tho'....and what???? Who's Tony gonna be investigating "next" season??!!!

NatureNut said...

Dear Ms. Nurse Lynn, I fell on my knee (the bad one) in the woods this evening after work. DUH. Thank goodness I was wearing jeans as I may have hit stick w/ pointy piece.Dr. was gone when I drove past his office.
Anyway, should you use heat, cold or nothing on swollen joints? I took 1/2 habby pill at 6PM. It helped for about 1/2 hour.
Thx, you can send me a bill!

NatureNut said...

Lynn, checked Web MD & they saw bruising should have cool compress. It' not purple or anything, just very swollen.
Guess I should get it up in loungechair, too!
BBL--add me to the falling apart list ! ☺

Lynne2 said...

OH LORETTA!!! We have a rule about NO MORE FALLING!!! sorry that happened. I use ice. Or rather RICE...Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation, for swelling in my knee. Hope it feels better very soon!

stronghunter said...

Oh, Loretta! Please take care of yourself. Sorry you fell.

I am heading upstairs for a good night's sleep. I will see you tomorrow.

Supposed to play bridge tomorrow night, but I have gotten a sub. Too much going on this week.

hedgie said...

Supposedly there was a tornado touchdown in Maugansville area, DanaMo and Megan. I suppose Ch. 25 might have something, but Ch. 9 is soliciting for photos!

Hoda said...

Dog Dropped by Eagle Survives

This is getting much attention in Canadian papers, I thought I would share..

hedgie said...

Loretta----ICE!!!!! Most definitely ICE for a contusion! So sorry you had to fall...what is up with Momsters and Dadsters?? Hope it's not too painful! Any swelling? Is it mushy? If so, sinceit is your bad knee...see dr. tomorrow. You may need to have it drained....

Hoda said...

No I still have not gotten how to do the copy and paste with the instructions sent to me by Lynn...
Sorry I will practice some more...
The older dog was picked up by an egale they figure because of the claw marks it weighed eight pounds and was dropped in a seniors centre. They are now treating it and giving it dental care.

hedgie said...

I just saw that on FB, Hoda! A miracle.....poor little dog.

hedgie said...

Seems strange to see tht Vancouver is considered Sunshine Coast---seems too farth north! LOL!

Stevie Nicks on DWTS.....she's been around for a LONG time!

paula eagleholic said...

I lost the cam for a few minutes, but got it back up, it was pouring there a couple of minutes ago.

paula eagleholic said...

Shirley, sorry but I am LOL at you falling asleep during the meeting!

JudyEddy said...

Good night one and all
God Bless this Nest
and all whom watch it
Healing prayers for those who need them

paula eagleholic said...

That's a lucky dog, Hoda!

JudyEddy said...

BAD new on a nest Eaglet In trouble

Hoda said...

hedgie, it is true the sunshine coast is north and it does get periods of rain yet I also know it to be one of the most beautiful areas in the world with extensive hiking trails. I spent part of my summer there once watching the sea lions and oh how they made me laugh. They liked to climb on a rock and they are HUGE and it took them quite a bit of effort to get there and then they sun bathe themselves only to get antoher sea lion push them over at the point where they are most relaxed.It happened so regularly but they always seemed surprised that it happened to them!!!LOL

You are right Paula this is one lucky dog...from what our papers also say they raised four thousand dollars to pay for the dental bills.

Hoda said...

Thanks Judy E for the video on the Victoria Eaglet. I hope it works out OK for it...

Linda said...

Just stoppin' in for a minute to say Hi to my Eagle Pals and let you know you're in my thoughts and prayers!

WV Dana - Praying for a happy update that your neighbor's cat comes home safely!

Wanda - Another successful soup kitchen day!! And hats off to the Chef, today!!

Hoda - That poor little poodle!! Maybe it was a good thing that he will now be adopted by a family that wants him. It's a cute picture, that is for sure.

Lynne - Hope you're feeling better.

Judie - Praying that tomorrow you feel like a different person than today. So sorry to hear you're suffering so.

Judy - Hoping that your cold and cough goes away, too! Colds are no fun.

Robyn - I was so excited to see your post!! I didn't know you were in some sort of class or school. Good Luck, Girl!

Lolly - Glad you're enjoying your trip with whoever you're with!!

Lori - Hope you're enjoying Orlando! At least it shouldn't be too awful hot there, yet!

Loretta - So sorry you fell. You should know no more falls are allowed!! Ice it well!! Praying it isn't swollen in the morning after resting and elevating it overnight.

Sharon - Continued Prayers for your packing and that Thelma gets to the bottom of things in the hospital. I hope things will be looking up soon!


Shirley - Glad you turned in early tonight. Don't want you falling asleep with your kids in clase. Lord knows what type of prank they would play on you!! I'm glad you didn't drool, as Judy said!! Must have been one boring meeting!! Your heart isn't in it anymore!! Yay!!

Lynn - Liverwurst and Onion?? Yuk!!

I'll be heading to bed in a minute or two, but wanted to say God Bless and Prayers for all before I head upstairs! ♥♥♥

Lolly said...

Just got my orders....have just 3 minutes, then join Jack by the fire! :)

We went to see the bats. There are an estimated 3 million in this colony....we saw them! The best part was seeing at least 2 red tail hawks circling and catching bats.

Saw lots of deer going and some coming back in the dark.

Gotta is going.


Linda said...

That poor eaglet in Vancouver!! I hope it can still move around and eat until it either releases itself again or gets some help.

Those kids were so cute. That little girl wanting her grandfather to fly a plane and get her up there to help the eaglet.....too cute.

Night all.... Sweet Dreams ♥♥♥

paula eagleholic said...

Oh Lolly, that sounds pretty cool! Enjoy the fire!

Hoda said...

It sounds great Lolly, keep enjoying and thnaks for the updates

NatureNut said...

Hi gang. Finally did what I should have long ago---cold compress, pillow under leg, another 1/2 habby pill---hurts like He&#. If Dr. isn't there tomorrow, I'm going to ER!!!! The eagles made me do it!!

How weird that an eagle picked up that poor dog!Looks like a happy ending.
Want to tell WV Dana, saying special prayer for neighbor's cat. I hope it comes home soon!Did he have a collar? Since he's friendly, maybe someone took him in. I guess it's mailbox stuffing time.
Prayers for all in need~~
Pleasant Feather Dreams ;>)

hedgie said...

Jo and Wanda---can you imagine....$7800 for ONE night???

hedgie said...

Oh, my, tornado DID touch down in on Ch. 9.

Mema Jo said...

One hour

I did get to see Good Wife
The other 2 I'll watch on tape tomorrow

Dinner was great - especially the
friends of old......

hedgie said...

Loretta, not sounding good.....Er for sure if necessary. :(

Linda, glad you stopped in....since it looks like Robyn is gone, I'll let you know that she is working on her Master's!!!

Hoda, Bev lives up in Vancouver's been a long winter and slow spring! She was telling us a couple of days ago that there is still s now in the lower mountains!

JudyE, the Sidney nest is the one I posted about yesterday.....They even considered having someone rapell from a chopper, but were too afraid that the rotor wash would cause trouble.

magpie said...

It's raining like mad again here in Martinsburg :(

Hello and probably Good many of you already

Loretta, daggone it, you have an Eagle Knee ! Hope everything will be okay...maybe you will need to take some days off ?

hedgie said...

Jo, did they honor you in some way? Where was the dinnner?

Oh, Linda----don't knock wurst and onion until you try it!!! With mustard, of course!!

magpie said...

Sure hope Megan and Russ were able to do something enjoyable today/tonight..
I had to laugh
she told Russ
It's been 24 years but it feels like a million... guess that could be a good thing ☺
Thinking of you Megan, hope all is well

Mema Jo said...

Lynn - other then verbal acknowledgement and picture taking there wasn't any other events. Great meal and state officers were there for the 70th anniversary of
Frederick Business & Professional
Women's Club. They alsol had the
2011-2012 Officers installed.
Most of us retired members were there. Was enjoyable.

Mema Jo said...

I am going to say

Good Night To All Of You
Prayers will be said for all of you
Hugs are for all of you

All of you are my dear friends


JudyEddy said...

This was on facebook taken from the Sidney forum A solution to help the eaglet
I was shutting down and ran across this on face book OK nighty nite

magpie said...

More new prayer needs today, for Andrea's daughter and family....
and Loretta's knee boo-boo,
and the continued prayers for Thelma, Sharon, Judie, Kathryn's friend's young troubled son,
and everyone here who has a need or knows someone that does

Glad Soup Kitchen went well, Wanda...
and that you had a lot of family time today, Jo

I care about what everyone has said, but I didn't leave enough time or energy to say too much about things

Full Flower Moon is stuck behind the clouds :(

so on that note, Good Night, (( hugs♥ ))
hope Sleep is Sweet and Restorative
God Bless This Nest, and
God Bless Us, Every One

xoxo ♥

magpie said...

Holy Smokes another SPLIT coming up !

magpie said...

This is about time for baby deer to be born
keep an eye out for those spotted fawns ☺

Lolly said...

Just read back! Loweeeeeeda!!!! You broke one of our main rules......NO MORE FALLING!!! Oh, I do hope it is not too terribly bad! (((Hugs)))

We are in for the evening. Going to read for a while.

Bought another pot! It is huge! Going to use it to replace an old washtub that I have periwinkles growing in....year after year!

Also, bought a great little purse today. I like little bags to hold phone, camera, and $. This one is leather and oh, so cute! When site seeing do not like to carry around a large bag.

The bats were really great. Last time we saw them a little closer but this was a great place and loved the hawks.

Went to two wineries and plan to do two more tomorrow.

Night all! (((Hugs)))

Hoda said...

Hedgie, what is Bev's name on this chat...

Our weather speaks of THREE DAYS OF SUN!!!!!!! HURRAH!!!!! Starting tomorrow

Lolly said...

Hoda, are you talking about Sissy, Eagle Eye's Sissy?

Lolly said...

Sissy's name is Beverly.

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,
Dropping in to say goodnight. Haven't been able to really catch up here, but did skim through.

Loretta, sounds like you pulled the same stunt my Hubby did a week and a half ago! Definitely ice on for 30 min., ice off for 30 min., compression with an ace bandage, and elevate to above your heart. See your Dr., or go to the E.R. Need to get X-rayed to make sure nothing is broken.
Prayers that it will feel better tomorrow!

Shirley, must admit that I had to chuckle at your nap during the meeting story! Don't worry about it. Lots of meetings are that boring!
Prayers continue for your daughter's friend's teenager.

Still praying that WV Dana's neighbors are able to find their cat!

Prayers for Judie and JudyE--hope you both feel better tomorrow! I agree. Colds are just nasty!

Prayers for WV Dana's left eye that's bothering her!

Sharon, prayers for angels to help you with your packing, and prayers for Thelma!

Praying that the eaglet at Sydney will get loose and be OK!

Well, I know I've probably forgotten to mention something, so will just pray for everyone here.

Hoda said...

Good night all. God keep you and bless you.I'll check in tomorrow.

Ms Bookworm said...

Getting pretty sleepy, so think I'll call it a night. Judie has the night light set to go on automatically. I'm checking to be sure the porch light is on. Enabling both security systems. Sleep well, everyone, and I will talk to you tomorrow.

God bless, and goodnight! Love all of you! :o]

Hoda said...

I do not know Lolly, Hedgie said that Bev lives in Vancouver and this is in the same Province where I live, so I wanted to know ...Eagle eyed Sissy you say...this could be helpful, this blog draws so many from so far away really...Great welcome here...

Ms Bookworm said...

Oh, hi, Hoda!
Missed seeing your post while I was writing mine! Sleep tight!

hedgie said...

Cute, JudyE.....must be from a kid!

Lolly, so glad you are having a great vacation!

Forgot to tell y'all....I had the biggest gobbler today I have even seen. He had to have been three feet tall.....and his beard was probably about a foot long! Wish he had opened up and strutted, but he was just interested in corn! Hope he comes back when there aren't raindrops covering the windows!

Margy, hope you rest well.
Jo, good that you had such a good time.

I am bringing up the rear.....prayers for ALL who need th em, especially Thelma and Loretta tonight. Andrea, hope things are looking up for your family, too. Judie and Judy----kick those colds!
And special thoughts and concerns for some others, too.
Love you all!

Lolly said...

No, Hoda...Sissy (Beverly) lives in WV. The other Beverly blogs as Bev and she lives up your way.

paula eagleholic said...

Hitting the hay

(((hugs for all ♥)))

Judie said...

#&%@$*& stubbed my toe in the dark trying to get to the computer to turn the night light on.

Sound asleep after dinner. Now wide awake, of course.

JudyE hope you feel better soon.

Lowreeda, listen to Andy. Ice on ice off elevate and an xray to make sure no hairline fracture. Hope hubby feels better. Say hi!

Gobbler? As in turkey or turkey vulture? I think I might be a bit nervous.

Anyway, I'll close the door softly as I leave and the night light is now on.

Costume Lady said...

My turn to say good night...I am trying to read through blog, but keep doing face plants.


PA Nana said...

Sorry I didn't catch up sooner but after Terrific Tuesday TV and local news it's just late.

It's late too, but happy anniversary to Megan & Mr. Sure hope you get some dry weather soon.

I saw my first eagle in the "wild" in 2010 when I was sitting in the Eagle Express at the NCTC nest visit. Was a wonderful site to behold.

Lynne, best wishes on the possible job. You're a great candidate and I hope you get it!

Well, I'm the latenik so I'll close the blog for tonight with prayers for all needs, wants and good health to all our momsters & dadsters.

Goodnight and God bless!

Kay said...

LORI, good morning to you in the Sunshine State ! ☼☼☼

And good morning to all Early Birds ! Not sure how much Lori will or will not be with us. There was some question about when she'd have computer access. So, I'm opening the SSCC and hoping the coffee and confections are to your liking !

floralgirl said...

Pouring rain again here and at the nest.

Kay said...

Happy ♫♪Birthday♪♫ Bommy !!

We can pick up on LYNN's post of 11:46 for the morning prayer list. Thank you LYNN !

Yesterday WANDA said: "I do enjoy the early morning commentary from the Cyber Cafe group...great camaraderie."

Thank you, WANDA, that's a high compliment and I know it makes us all glow to hear it !!!

Kay said...

MEGAN, good morning ! That's not good news about the rain. Bet we won't get a visit in with Belle and Truder today either. They did pay a call to the evening group yesterday so we know they are still aok.

Kay said...

It's still rainy and cool in Columbus, too.:( Columbus teachers have an "in service day", so about 10 I'll pick Seth and Malcolm up. We plan to play Bird-Opoly, a game he received recently. Have any of you played this version of Monopoly ? At noon we'll run to Noodle's and pick some lunch up to bring home. We♥Noodle's ! So, in spite of cloudy skies ☼ will reign in my home !!!

floralgirl said...

Morning Kay:)
it is still pouring here and at the nest, very heavy rain.

Kay said...

MEGAN, have you ever seen such a rainy May ? What happened to April showers bring May flowers ? This is certainly the rainiest May here since I returned in 07'--I haven't even unearthed my Spring and Summer clothing yet.

Kay said...

Daylight has dawned at the nest, but with the rain ♫♪I Gotta Feeling♪♪♫ our friends will stay huddled under a piney or leafy umbrella.

Kay said...

JUDYE, Yesterday I went through your blogs again, enjoying seeing your family, your home, your friends enjoying holidays, vacations and nature ! You have an impressive collection of Eagle items and love your Eagle-T's ! Are you known as the Eagle Lady in your neighborhood ? ☺

Your home at Christmas time is really something to see !!!!

Kay said...

There is MARGY's white thing flapping in front of the cam in the lower left corner again. I think she decided it was a big leaf. Lots of cam interference rith now, looks like the rain is very, very heavy !

Kay said...

Right now, that is !

JudyEddy said...

GOOD Morning one and all YUK to your rain. And yes I am know at the eagle lady I have eagles statues in my yard also Two have been stolen also that just makes me mad to think about it. was nice seeing our resident eagles last got a video of it on facebook also
and that big leaf has scared me several times But now I am use to it

JudyEddy said...

Hey HODA do you have a cheat sheet??? to refer to peeps names on them ??

DanaMo said...

Good morning everyone.

I don't think I have ever seen an eagle in the wild :(. I plan to visit Shepherdstown a lot once school is out and hopefully I will see Truder or Belle as my first.

JudyEddy said...

I was playing with google and looking for sunrise and sunset for the nest and found a neat link this is the months calendar


Kay said...

COLOR arrives

JudyEddy said...

darn it the actual calendar isn't showing only the link to set it Oh well you get the idea

DanaMo said...

Rough weather here in Hagerstown last night. Apparently we had a tornado touch down not far from me. I didn't even know it, except that Lynn (Hedgie) had posted it here that it was in my area! Geez...

Kay said...

DANA, good morning ! I've not seen an Eagle in the wild yet either. There is a nest in it's second year just a few miles north of me at a Metro Park. The kids went out last Spring to observe from a platform near by, but I was unable to go. There is a push to get a cam installed there by next nesting season. Sure hope that happens ! Parks and Rec has put out very little info on the eagle pair this year. I think they were overwhelmed with the response last year.

Kay said...

DANA, oooooh, too close for comfort ! Hope no one was hurt !

We do have some regal eagles to observe at the Columbus "Jack Hannaland" Zoo. It's a well done natural habitat, but there are fences and food is hand delivered, of course.

JudyEddy said...

I probably won't be home for lunch today We sat outside under the tree yesterday and just enjoyed the cooler weather watched the wildlife that lives and plays in the retention pond in Walmart parking lot Haven't seen the alligator in a while I think they keep taking them out of the pond because of the idiots that keep feeding them Really a shame I use to love seeing them on a daily baisis. Today looks like the last day suppose to get 90 tomorow and the rest of the week

floralgirl said...

Morning again:) NO, Kay, this is the rainiest May I have ever seen. We have had almost 5+ inches of rain just since Sunday. Way too much at one time.
possible tornado in Hagerstown

JudyEddy said...

I'm signing off now See ya after work or maybe lunch still undecided will have to see when I get to work

Kay said...

MEGAN, thanks for the tornado link. So glad there were no injuries or casualities !

JUDYE, don't blame you for staying at work when there is such a lovely place to enjoy. Who want's to be cooped up inside when the weather is nice ? HAGD !

Kay said...

Special prayers for Gabby Giffords as she goes into surgery today for skull repair. I'm a little surprised it's being done with hubby Kelly in outer space. It must be considered very low risk. She represents the AZ district I grew up in. Though she is much younger than I her families business, El Campo Tires, was a major business in Tucson when I was growing up there. God Bless her today !

DanaMo said...

WOW not good! Thanks for the link.
Pouring down rain right now. Geez...I really don't want to go to school today. I wonder if I could just play movies all day! We could have a snuggle up and watch movie day! Probably won't go over very well with parents or the principal!

Lori O. said...

Good Morning Kay, Megan,Dana, Judy & all! Margy, if you're there, hello.

Just popping in - should be calmer tomorrow. I miss & love you all. Had withdrawls last night not having computer with me.

Prayers for
Thelma and Sharon.
I hope everyone else is well.

Big HUG Kay ((♥♥♥♥♥♥♥))

Kay said...

LORI, so happy to "see" you and to get my hug before my usual 7 a.m. exit time !!!! Looking forward to your having more time tomorrow, but it's good to know you're safe n' sound in Orlando.

Kay said...

MARGY, missed you this morning. Hope all is well and swell with you !

This is Mama Kay, going in to LM and wishing all a very good day. Keep those tootsies dry !!!!

♥♥♥♥♥♥♥'s for LIBERTY !!!!

magpie said...

Oboy late morning here for me...
but late enough,and early enough to See Morning GLori
Hope your Florida visit is great, Lori...a working vacation...☺

Good Morning Lori, and all Eagle Pals....

somehow, I slept through two alarms, and walked into a bathroom with water on the floor and two wet rugs, from an upstairs leak :(

BUT - highlight of the day:
I have the most precious Sweet Pea now on my Burpeana Early Sweet Pea plant from Megan's Market!

And another cutting of Claremont Lettuce, also from Megan !

magpie said...

It's the cutest little Pea...

With that, now it's already time to get ready for work

Best Wishes for a Good Day, Every One

maybe I will "see" you from work
Happy Birthday Bommy ! Hope this is your Best Birthday Ever...
xoxo ♥ ☺

Hope you can come visit us here today !!

ttfn xox ♥

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

DanaMo--Movies? I was thinking the same thing. I think maybe I can pull it off. But I do not have the same students all day. And the movies are curriculum related.

Gulliver's Travels for the seniors and Of Mice and Men for the Juniors. I will be collecti ng junior research papers tomorrow and Monday, so I really must finish the senior papers.

stronghunter said...

Happy birthday, Bommy!!

stronghunter said...

Gee, I did not think I would get such a response to my falling asleep in the meeting!

I tried very hard to look like I was in deep concentration, but I expect I did not fool anyone. I do hope I did not snore. I am really not too worried about it one way or the other.

hedgie said...

Morning all!

Hoda, the Bev up your way blpgs as Bev, like Lolly said. She sends an occassional Momster mail but is very busy with the new preemie grandchild her daughter had----as in spending time at hospital or doing chores for her daughter so that she can be at hospital.

Judie, Judie, Judie....poor toe.....what are we gonna with you??!

Loretta, how's the knee this morning??? Are you up yet??

LOL, it's a REAL turkey here! Megan has the TV!!

hedgie said...

Kay, sounds like a fun day for you and Seth. Never heard of BirdOpoly.

JudyE----cool links to save and refer to---thanks!!

hedgie said...


Oh, Margy---so sorry you have a mess to deal with. Christie doesm too---sewer back-up at her house. :( UGH!

Hey, Lori! How's Orlando???

Kay, interesting that you are acquainted with the Gifford family business! Heard about her surgery---good that they can close up her skull now.

hedgie said...

Tom Selleck is on the CBS morning show!

DanaMo----you need to get a weather alert radio! With so much bad stuff around here anymore, it pays to be prepared!

floralgirl said...

No tv here, it's a black vulture, much prettier. His wing is hurt, I saw him fly off a log this morning, and one wing seems to be injured. But that's the first time I've seen it try to fly, so maybe it can heal. I hope so, he seems very lonely, he walks around the yard all day like a big chicken. And the mockingbirds are having fits that it is here in their territory.

floralgirl said...

Organic Management of Brown Marmorated Stink Bug website

Judie said...

Good brief early morning to everyone.

Megan, I do wish I could wave a magic no-more-rain wand to help you. I surely would if I could.

Feeling marginally better this morning. Sleep was fitful with coughing. Sides are sore. Going to get the paper and head back to bed.

Shirley and DanaMo, I use lots of videos and movies for my class. It one thing to talk about criminals but much more effective to see interviews and police video, etc. Makes the "I don't want to talk" days so easy.

Paula, I checked Decorah this morning and all three eaglets were there with a parent. ♫♫ Mine eyes are dim, I cannot see ♫♫

Margy, so sorry you woke up late and to a watering hole in your bathroom. Hope the leak can be quickly repaired - as in today.

Glo, really like the pictures. Best of luck in the contest.

Lori, enjoy Orlando. Been watching the Anthony jury selection. Amazed at how many potential jurors in that area claim they watch no news -- hmmm.

KayIM, with you on your positive thoughts for Congresswoman Giffords. Her shooting incident was an assignment for my class -- how can we minimize the numbers of these types of crimes.

Hope no one had a serious damage in the Hagerstown area.

Okay, need to get back to bed. This cold has just sapped every bit of my already limited energy.


stronghunter said...

Movies work wonderfully for English classes. We have had occasional administrators who have said that we should show only parts of movies. Maybe that would work for some classes, but for most of the things we do in English, students would not be too happy if we got them engaged in a movie, then stopped it.

Depends on the course. I always figured that it somewhat makes up for all of the research papers we have to read.

hedgie said...

Whoops, Megan...sorry. Glad it's not an ugly TV!!! Hope he mends okay.....I'm sure he IS lonely. :(

Judie, maybe it's time for a dr. visit???? Please feel better! How's the toe???

Sun has been in and out here this morning.....can't believe how drowned everything is!

Lolly said...

Good morning! My chef has breakfast almost ready. ☺ Live is good!

Judie, so sorry about your cold and cough. Nothing worse than sides hurting from coughing! YUK!

30% chance of rain today, but all is well at the moment. Going to take it easy shopping then do a little tasting this afternoon.☺ Heading home in the morning. It has been a nice relaxing week.

Lolly said...

Forgot to mention that yesterday the miniature donkeys came up to the fence and fed them. They are so cute! They are just a few feet tall and just precious! You would love them!

Megan, so sorry about all the rain. Life is just not just! Maybe a drainage ditch to Texas would work out!

Lolly said...

Chef has prepared eggs, bacon, grits and biscuits. There goes several pounds back on the hips. LOL Not really...going to walk after breakfast!

Lolly said...

Need to go!


Costume Lady said...

One of my wishes has come true...we saw a KIT this morning, right outside our patio window. He was checking to see if any food was left (all gone). Rushed out to get the card out of the trail cam, but the little fella must not have stayed in front of the cam long enough to be picked up by it:(:(!
I have never seen a baby fox in the wild before..felt like a child at the zoo for the first time:)

Costume Lady said...

Pulling together a Trail Cam video/slideshow for later. I love doing that and setting it to music.
Cmpletely takes mind mind off of anything worrisome:)

paula eagleholic said...

Oh Wanda, that is really neat! Glad you got to see the kit!

Costume Lady said...

Paula, the kit was adorable...looked like a stuffed toy:) When he saw us looking at him, he ran as fast as his little legs would carry him:)

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Good morning everybody. I just talked to T-Bird and she is finally feeling hopeful. They are changing up a lot of her meds, taking off some altogether and explaining her disease process so she is getting a better understanding of it. Thanks for all your thoughts and prayers. They are looking at Monday for her discharge, don't want her to be put in the stress of the moving process. I told her she paid them to do that. LOL. Thanks everyone for your thoughts and prayers. They are working.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Oohh, comment 1666! :)

stronghunter said...

So good to hear that things are better for Thelma now, Sharon.

Judie said...

Back again.

Forgot earlier and I apologize: Happy Birthday, Bommy. Hope the day is extra special for you.

Shirley, I agree. Showed a video of a trial. Verdict guilty. Killer swallowed a cyanide tablet in court. Class time running out. Stopped the video. Students: WHAT HAPPENED? Well, you can't take just a little cyanide. Thought it was obvious. Guess not.

Wanda, so cool about the kit. We have a fox but never seen a baby with it. I would be overjoyed. So happy you had that experience. Look forward to the trail cam pictures.

Lolly, have a nice day and a safe trip home.

Dr. not necessary yet. Cold usually takes me about two weeks as I get older. Feeling some better.

Raining again here with some sunshine. Oh, there was a beautiful rainbow behind Pete's Pond this morning.

Back to watching Anthony trial jury selection.


Lolly said...

My tummy is full now. Guess I should refer to my chef as my jhef!

How cool is that, Wanda! Now, hopefully sometime you will get a picture of him for us all to see.

Sharon, so glad for the good news on Thelma. Bless her!

Judie said...

Good news, Sharon. Keeping positive thoughts for our T-Bird. Don't forget to give her a momster hug.

Judie said...

Had a thought before returning to the trial that I might find an appropriate avatar.

hedgie said...

Tornado warning nearby in Morgan Co......headed for basement.

hedgie said...

Berkeley Co., now, too.

Lolly said...

Love your avatar, Judie! Many a times we have wished for an umbrella over the NCTC nest.

I am off to start my day!

Have a great one!

Costume Lady said...

SHARON, there are so many meds out there to correct the problems that Thelma is having, but she should be reminded that she will have to be patient because it does take time to get exactly what she needs and the dosage. She may feel, at times, that she will never get well, but tell her that I promise her that she WILL! She has to do her part and be patient and BELIEVE! Our prayers will be with her as long as she needs them♥

Prayers for you too, Sharon, I know you have a lot of responsibility on you with the move and the concern over Thelma's health issues. Love to you both♥♥

stronghunter said...

Now is the time for students to ask if they can come see me and do missed work. Hmmm. . . . and some of them need a mathematical miracle. I have one student with an average of 9%.

stronghunter said...

Cute avatar, Judie.

Costume Lady said...


movin said...





C(°ٿ°)D Jim

Judie said...

See, the umbrella protected Berkeley and Morgan counties from the tornado. Yippee


Lynne2 said...

THANK GOD I AM HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!

PANIC PANIC PANIC when I got home from babysitting next door.....the computer was DEAD. Power button just blinking on and off and NOTHING happening. UGH. Called father of the children, he said take battery out for 5 minutes. I worked. I don't know why, but it did!

GOOD MORNING!! I thought we could use a little sunshine today!

Lynne2 said...

from Pam on FB...her Granny needs our prayers too.

Pam Haines
Grandma has been in the hospital since Sunday night. Her pancreas is acting up again. Poor Grandma. :(

hedgie said...

Jo's power is out.....she is hoping it will be restored this afternoon. All is well otherwise!!

hedgie said...

So sorry to hear about Pam's Grammie.....prayers for her....she is quite elderly.

SO wonderful to hear that Thelma is responding to treatment. Lots of love and hugs heading her way along with some for Sharon, too.

Wanda, So glad you saw the big would you say he is? Hope you get a pic soon!
I've never seen one here---just adults.

Lynne2 said...

Judie, sorry your cold still has you down. But I love your avatar!!

Hoping Loretta has been able to get to a Dr today.

Glad to hear Thelma is feeling better!

Wanda, how exciting you saw a a fox kit!! Hope you can get it on the Trail Cam too!

Lolly, sounds like you are having a very YUMMY trip! Were you able to get pictures at all of the bats?

DanaMO....never seen an eagle in the wild??? TAKE THEE TO SHEPHERDSTOWN ASAP! and please as Lynn says, get a Weather Radio!

Jo, I've enjoyed the pics on FB of Christine's graduation and Jenny's party! Such great things to celebrate!

Kay, glad you were able to step in and open th SSCC in Lori's absence to day! Hope she's having fun in Orlando, and hope you Seth and Malcom have fun playing BirdOpoly! Sounds like something I would want to play!

Hope Hoda has sun today as predicted!

Andy, hope things are OK with your daughter and family. Saying prayers!!

Hope you enjoy your "lunch nature outing" Judy!

Lynn, good plan moving to the basement. Can't believe there has already been tornado warnings today.

paula eagleholic said...

Good news, Sharon! Thank you for keeping us updated! (((Hugs for Tbird)))

paula eagleholic said...

I thought DanaMo at least got to see our eagles from afar during one of her visits...

stronghunter said...

My first eagle in the wild sighting--at a CCHS graduation several years ago, we saw an eagle flying over the football field.

Lynne2 said...


Severe TStorm Watch

Lynne2 said...

River Flood Warning for:
Allegany (Potomac River at Paw Paw)
Frederick (Potomac River at Point of Rocks)
Montgomery (Potomac River near Washington DC (Little Falls))
Washington (Potomac River at Harpers Ferry)
Washington (Potomac River at Williamsport)
< p=""><>

hedgie said...

More storms on and off....getting tired of shutting down....

Did you hear...??? There may be a plea agreement in the works for Casey Anthony......which would sure save time and money of a trial....however, it will also take the death penalty off the table....and then we will support her for 60 yrs. while she gets all of the perks of being in the system.....all I can say is it better be life without parole.

hedgie said...

I've gotten lots of pics up on the AAWV FB page of Sunday's activities. Still have more to add when folks send them. See if this works for you to take a look:

AAWV pics

hedgie said...

SO much interference on satellite....if not actual storm, then leaves/limbs are so weighted down that maybe they are blocking signal. ARGH!

hedgie said...

Wow, real whine of a plane going over the nest.....air must be just right for the transmission of it like that.

DanaMo said...

My graduate. :) We had a "farewell mass" yesterday. It was a beautiful celebration. Graduation in not until next weekend (Memorial Day) so for Aric I've changed my avatar for the week.

Lynne2 said...

here we go....Tornado Warning in NE Baltimore County

Lynne2 said...

great picture DanaMO

hedgie said...

Wonderful pic, DanaMo!

Lynne....where do you shelter?? Be safe.

Lynne2 said...

no worries here Lynn, it's north of us, heading in the other direction.

NatureNut said...

Wow! What a nice even number! 1700!

Quick med rerport---reg. Dr. doesn't work on Weds. anymore! So, Fubby took me to S. MD ER. They needed X-rays anyway, so probably the best place to go. Nothing broken, no torn ligaments--contusion which is deep bruise. Got new ace bandage, crutches (they can be dangerous!), pain pills. Stay off for couple days, elevate, ice pack or cold compress.
(don't hike off the paths!!)
Gonna take another pill, & probably Konk out.
Carry on in Eagleland,BBL ☺

Judie said...

Terrific pictures, Lynn and an even more terrific program.

Handsome graduate, DanaMo. Know you're proud.

Good report Lowreeda that nothing is broken or otherwise seriously impaired. Snooze peacefully -- oh, and don't get too well too fast -- you're good for a little pampering.

Lynn, been watching jury selection and proceedings were a surprise to me. Lots of speculation. While a breakdown among the defense attorneys is possible, I don't think Bias would be unprofessional to the point of not returning to court. I suspect a plea or, alternatively, a major development related to her parents. Her demeanor as she entered and left court after lunch seemed defeated and resigned. Maybe she caved after three years of pressure.

Okay, back to doing some recovery.

DanaMo said...

Thanks everyone. Wish I could chat, but I will check in, in the morning. Aric and I are off to dinner where he is going to receive scholarship money! Very excited. So we are headed to Frederick to Musket Ridge Golf course.

Stay safe. Best wishes for a great evening!

hedgie said...

Oh, DanaMO, that is truly wonderful! Enjoy!

Lynne, glad storm passed you!

Loretta, so glad no serious damage! You were doing everything right....but be careful with those crutches----they can be deadly!
I hate armpits and wrists/hands got SO sore after just a few days that I begged for a walking cast---and got it!

Judie...can't wait for morning to see what happens with the proceedings!!

stronghunter said...

Time to go home. I got a sub to play bridge for me tonight so I could relax/catch up on some things.

Seventeen days!!!

stronghunter said...

I am trying to get rid of/throw away things as I go along. I so want to walk out of here on the 13th of June and not have to come back to finish up something.

stronghunter said...

Heading home. See you later!!

hedgie said...

Liesl and I will be leaving soon for our first obedience class! Will be nice to see the instructor again....and she was one of the wonderful references who helped me get Liesl! Our Lynne is another one!!
More severe weather in many locations.....Geesh----what a strange weather pattern.

Lynne2 said...

Hope you have fun Lynn! Can't wait to hear how she does! And do be careful, you aren't kidding about the crazy weather patter. THere are things popping up all over.

hedgie said...

Yippee, Shirley----17 days is doable! But don't blame you at all for trying to clean out ahead of time. I did it all in a week----and never set foot back in the plant!

Gonna shut 'er down now. See you all a bit later tonight! Have a good one. Listen to weather alerts and be safe, wherever you are!

JudyEddy said...

check out the interview with someone at the sidney nest They are waiting for it to dry up to get a crane in there SIDNEY UPDATE

JudyEddy said...

I like it that they want to intervene a man made problem to be fixed by man

Lynne2 said...

Hi Judy, did you get your nature lunch break today?

JudyEddy said...

Yep and it was so nice I think it helped dry up my head cold no sniffles Vit D is the best I didnt know that that was David Hancock on the interview until they said it at the end of the thing

Lolly said...

Okay, now a little ticked! When I get on my iphone and press facebook, it does not go to facebook. Can not load pictures taken today. More than a little irritated.

We went to Natural Bridge Caverns today. It was beautiful! We thoroughly enjoyed the trip, about an hour away from Fredericksburg.

Lolly said...

Forgot to tell you. Laurel called. Her request to transfer has come through. She is happy and scared at the same time. She will still be in the same district, still teaching reading at a Middle school but going from an affluent neighborhood to one with many more lower kids. However, she knows and likes the principal, is friends with the assistant principal. It is closer to home and is the school Joseph and Jacob will eventually go. Looks like we will be helping her to move. She has 10 bookcases in her room. Yikes! You just might slip in a prayer or two for her.☺

Lolly said...

Going to go sit outside and read for a while.


JudyEddy said...

WOW sounds like she has own personal library May be she can start loaning them out LOL

JudyEddy said...

I heard loud thunder at the nest a little bit ago looks like it is just drizzling there now How long is the rain suppose to last tonight

JudyEddy said...

Steve said he would be gone a week or so and that was last Thrusday I wonder when he will return??

BBL gonna try to do something even if it is wrong

Lolly said...

Have not read much of the blog but did just see your question, Lynne, about the bats. I took pictures but you really can not see them. They flew out of the tunnel and stayed low in the trees. Off in the distance though, we could see a "cloud" of them. Truly awesome!It was even hard to see the bats without binoculars, but with the binoculars it was unbelievable how thick they were coming out of the tunnel.

Lolly said...

Judy, Laurel is a 6th grade reading teacher. You might not like her books. LOL

Lolly said...

Off to read.......

floralgirl said...

It has been raining, and often pouring all day here and at the nest. Raining right now.
Lolly, usually when my Facebook app won't work on my phone it's because it needs to update. I don't know what kind of phone you have, but on my iPhone I just go to the apps icon and see if there's an update for Facebook, once I update it will let me post pics again.

floralgirl said...

Oh whoops, you said you had an iPhone. Missed that somehow. Open your app store and see if there is a new Facebook update.

JudyEddy said...

another update on the Sidney nest
another update

paula eagleholic said...

It's not raining here, so I am headed out to mow!

wvgal_dana said...

JidyE thanks for the update for the Sidney chick.

Hi everyone went to help Mom today. Them steps are a killer. Came home it was thunder so I took a nap.

Hope everyone is doing good.
Need to see about Thelma.

White cat not found yet please say a prayer. thank you

wvgal_dana said...

Thanks Andy but it is the right eye but God knew that. ( :

Lynne2 said...

HELP ME!!!! Can someone send me the link for Birdsongs that I posted the other day???

Lynne2 said...

Shirley, hope you are safe, looks like a bad storm you're having there.

Lolly said...

Thanks, Megan! Trying it now.

magpie said...

Hello Eagle Pals
Wonder how the NCTC Eagles spent their overnight, and day...
dodging the bad weather I guess

Lolly, sound like you are really having a nice time, I enjoyed reading about the bats and the hawks
and the donkeys
and your breakfast !

Great avatars, Judie and Lynne

Wonderful to hear T-Bird is doing better,
Wanda, loved your post to Sharon about all that ♥

what a weather day...sure glad we did not get those tornados were were being warned about

magpie said...

I have to backtrack and find your link about birdsongs, might take me a little bit

hear Red-Bellied W-P near our nest now

Lolly said...

Hi Margy! We are having a good time. Spending a lot of time just sitting and reading. Sometimes on trips we do not do enough of that.

My jhef is now cooking dinner...Papas Con Juevos. I think I am spoiled!

Lynne2 said...

I tried back tracking too...can't find it!! UGH, and I thought I saved it to favs but DID NOT. Duh....

I appreciate you checking for me!

wvgal_dana said...

Hedgie-Lynn it looks like they really had a wonderful Opening for AAWW and others.

Pictures were really great thank you for posting.

Prayers for all JudyE, Judie, Loretta, Thelma and all connected with Thelma. Andy prayers I think for a friend.

My friend "thanking God" is safe. Tornado was 1 mile down the road from her.

magpie said...

It's here Lynne:

Bird Jam Bird Songs

it was a late Monday afternoon post

wvgal_dana said...

WOW Hoda What a story about peanut the dog being dropped by the eagle. She seems to have already gone through a lot in life as it is.

wvgal_dana said...

I looked out my window and seen the paper box pole that they were suppose to remove 3 weeks ago.

I went out with the ground being so wet out it came very easily.

Now they can pick it up off my ramp lol

wvgal_dana said...

Do they know the exact name of the disease that Thelma has?

Hoda said...

Hello everyone, I went through the blog and am very pleased to have read it.

Judy E I do not have cheat notes for people's names but my email address is part of my face book page if you have it would you send it to me please?

Lynne 2 I am glad magpie gave you the bird song connection I still have it saved as I forwarded it to family and to the SUN...OH GRACIOUS ME not only is there sun the skies are blue with NO CLOUDS in sight...sandle weather and capri pants with a top and NO NEED for a jacket...OH BLISSFUL short sleeved top and there is a slight breeze to make it a perfect day. It speaks of the same tomorrow. I left the flat at eight in the morning and got in just a little while ago...heavenly, saw an osprey had a good yoga practice and spent as much time as I can outdoors...I feel deep profound GRATITUDE to be alive...

Lynne2 said...


Lolly, wow, would love to see bats like that one day!

I just put the latest baby BB pic in the BB part of my blog....they are 13 days old today. Friday will be the last day I can safely look at them without worry of frightening them into fledging too soon. They well go sometime between Saturday and Monday most likely.

Lynne2 said...

Hoda, sounds like you had the BEST day today! Glad you were able to get out and enjoy!

wvgal_dana said...

I like how they feel at Sidney.

Since Flyer's the eaglet situation is caused by man. Then man should intervene....THUMBS UP!!! for them over there.

magpie said...

Sounds wonderful, Hoda, Good for You...sounds like a stellar day ! Very exhilarating post..

You're welcome Lynne...
and Thank You !

working on a girly repair of a heating and cooling vent in the bathroom and trying to watch NCTC nest

wvgal_dana said...

American Idol on tonight. They go to their home towns.

Lolly said...

Dinner is finished. Jhef did a great job! Going to watch Idol now.

Megan, thank you!!!! That worked!

Be back after Idol!

magpie said...

I saw my first Bald Eagle in the wild in Fredericksburg VA about 15 years some resorty place on a lake was that neat

and then not again, until the spring of 2006 at NCTC as a lone bird-watcher who got lucky and was allowed in to walk and birdwatch...
and officially as a Momster on June 7, 2008 ☺

wvgal_dana said...

Kargy the 9th picture showing the white flowers. On your wildflower blog. I have in my yard now. It is so beautiful. The mowing guy thought it was a regular plant I planted. It is gorgeous!!

wvgal_dana said...

I wish they would NOT allow a plea agreement for we get to spend out money keeping her grrrrrr

Hoda said...

magpie, days like today and I know the Almight is showing HIS Mercy and His Compassion...

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6 28 24 scout ovetnite

 What we were guaranteed to have an eagle on the nest this morning he was stayed all night in the nest he left and came back for just a litt...