Thursday, May 12, 2011


I am headed up to NW Maine for the annual canoe trip.  Updates will be automated for the next week or so.

New thread.


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JudyEddy said...

HOD I just emailed it to you AI is on BBL LM engaged

JudyEddy said...

HODA I LEFT YOUR A off sorry

Hoda said...

Thank You JudyE...It is very helpful, I will print it and keep it next to my computer...

JudyEddy said...

Truder Alert

JudyEddy said...

Truder Alert

JudyEddy said...

Truder Alert

JudyEddy said...

poof I got pic and quick video

JudyEddy said...

i think that is so funny that it repeats I had clicked it thinking it wasn't going and wow again minute man gone

magpie said...

Well IN and OUT
See Truder made it through the day ok

magpie said...

Good Dana !!
That should be the Daisy Fleabane ☺

sorry I can't blog and watch and work on the vent :(

magpie said...

Right on, Hoda....
those kinds of days....are not oonly stellar but Celestial xoxox ♥

magpie said...

You said it best, Hoda...

Judie said...

Shirley, hard to believe only a few days more than two weeks. I can understand wanting to walk out without having to return to "move out." I never keep more in my office than can be packed up in 30 minutes. So happy you are taking the night off to relax and regroup. Enjoy.

Lynn, can't wait to find out how Liesl did with training. Bet she is a super quick study.

Jo, sorry about the power. I'll turn the night light on extra early tonight.

Lolly, glad Laurel will be in a new school. I think it would be most rewarding to help the less affluent achieve their potential.

Megan, nothing to say but sorry about all the rain.

Speaking of which, rain and thunder and lightening here so will close down for a little while. BBL

stronghunter said...

Okay, Hunter had music class today. They watched a Michael Jackson video and the teacher explained that Michael meant to grab his belt and misplaced his hand and grabbed his crotch.


wvgal_dana said...

That teacher should be fired for (1)lieing (2) leaning kids astray (3) for impressionating someone that is suppose to be a leader and I can go on and on !!!!

wvgal_dana said...

Judges think Haley won the first song. 2 more songs each to go???

stronghunter said...

Had some hail here awhile ago. Will called, and it seems he had more hail than we did.

stronghunter said...

Dana, I thought she was pretty creative. I could not have pulled that one off. Hunter believed her.

JudyEddy said...

I guess the crane is on the property to help the eagle they are just waiting for some kind of mat to come I guess ground is wet and it will help stabilize it That was on the face book fan page I posted earlier I also sent you all a thing to them through face book They had a name change and people were bumped off they had over 200 and now have 62 so if you were on it you need to go click again Ok commercial almost over BBL

paula eagleholic said...

I am LOL at that music teacher's explanation!!

Nugz got to chase the ball tonight...and now he's full of it!

Gotta go find some food!

Finally got my tomato plants in tonight too.

Thanks for the Truder report.

Hoda, sounds like a scrumptious day!

stronghunter said...

Judie, I am afraid I will not be able to pack up all of my stuff in 30 minutes, but I do not have 10 bookcases. Prayers for Laurel.

At one time, I had several cabinets of stuff. Even had my own cleaning equipment--a broom and a dustpan--because we had a lot of janitorial issues that year.

Sometimes I made students clean up after themselves when they came clomping in with muddy shoes or something.

Then, at the end of the year they told us that we had to take all of our personal things home because they did not know where we would be the next year.

I had to work so hard throwing stuff away and hauling stuff home that I decided that I would not keep so much stuff at school ever again. But I have stuff in file cabinets and some posters, really nice laminated ones that I bought in the last couple of years.

Cleaned out most of a file cabinet today.

One file cabinet is mine. Picked it up at WalMart when they told me I could not take one I was using the year I had an office instead of a classroom.

stronghunter said...

Lolly, Rus and Kathryn's kindergarten teacher had a red bathtub in the classroom. Students sat in it to read. She said her husband had a time moving that in for her.

And one of my friends brought in a sofa for a ninth grade classroom. Students who did well got the privilege of sitting on the sofa.

stronghunter said...

Kathryn is trying to get Hunter to help her figure out which MJ video they saw.

stronghunter said...

Lightning at the nest?

stronghunter said...

Well, I think Hunter is in bed now. I hope so.

hedgie said...

Been catching up since got home at 8....ate while I read, watching Idol....
Liesl enjoyed class.....trainer was SO happy to mmet her and gave me and hug and kiss and told the rest of the class my sad story with Mai. There are 4 other dogs in this class!! All bigger than Liesl, but only one that is a small horse! She is worn out....she ate while I did, and now is dozing at my feet. Will take her out again shortly and then to bed she goes.

I think another storm is coming....hear thunder and wind is picking up....temp falling--down to 57°.

stronghunter said...

Hi Lynn,

I am so happy that things are working out for you with Liesl.

hedgie said...

Hoda, sounds like a perfect day where you are!!

Lynne, birdies are looking good! Love the blue showing.

stronghunter said...

We had a bunny in the yard munching on clover before the hail came. We could see the blossoms going slowly into its mouth as it chomped on the stems.

Hunter got some pictures.

stronghunter said...

Bright flash at the nest. You all are having some lightning up there.

hedgie said...

Lots of lightening at nest---Christie says storm is wicked moving into CharlesTown from Berryville area.

Lolly said...

Still watching Idol.

Lynn, so happy for you and Liesl!

stronghunter said...

It seems that it is fortunate that Kathryn's friend's son is being cared for at the hospital. There may be some brain problems. They are concerned that he has had a loss of time. They are talking about brain shrinkage.

I do not know anything about this kind of problem.

stronghunter said...

I have usually watched Idol, but did not this season. Too much going on around here, and Kathryn likes Survivor.

stronghunter said...

Still very bright flashes at the nest.

JudyEddy said...

Commercial If anyone of you choose to stay with the group I added you to its the Hancock one you can adjust your email by changing sitting and don't get any email at all They keep posted about the eagle in trouble now at Sidney

I did not know that it would automatically add you I thought it was like a suggested page thingy Sorry I won't send any more out Didn't me to upset any one BBL back to AI

Hoda said...

Judy E I could not open the cheat notes document and I am wondering if you could send it again in a different format?

For those who are having bad weather I will send you some energy and thought of better weather to come your way. I know what it is like to not see blue skies or the sun...believe you me I live in a valley where the weather gets trapped for the winter months and we get what we call valley fog that hangs around for days and weeks on end.Seriously though, on the internet I watched some of the weather patterns in the east and the south and I feel guilty for having spoken of the weather here today but I wanted to share with you all.May it come your way soon.Hang in there everyone.

For all the teachers good luck with the count down and HOW SWEET IT IS to be retiring...

Liesl came home form her lessons and is doing well HURRAH!!! I had a big smile on that news and also on NUGz running and frolicking around today...WAY TO GO NUGZ.

stronghunter said...

Not upset at all, Judy.

Whoa! More lightning at the nest. Very intense.

hedgie said...

WOW---catch that lightening and wind at the nest!

hedgie said...

Like daylight without the color! SPOOKY, actually.

stronghunter said...

I think we are about to split again. Hard to keep count and my brain is tired.

hedgie said...

JudyE---how do I stop those email notices???? My inbox had at least a dozen since I got home.

Hoda said...

JudyE it was not a problem with the Hancock site, I adjusted it to notification from friends only and it is working OK...thanks for being considerate and for making sure we all stay informed...glad they are thinking of the crane and the carpet and may it all go well for the eaglet in Sidney.

stronghunter said...

Oh my, I am getting the e-mail notices too.

stronghunter said...

Okay, I have reset it, too. I will see what happens.

Hoda said...

hedgie, on your face book page on the left hand side you will see the name of the Hancock site, a yellow shade of beige is the colour behind the name. Click on the x that shows beside it and it will give you the option to adjust it to friends only is what I chose. There are other choices. I just did it and it worked OK for me.

stronghunter said...

Think I just got wax. Do I really want it?

stronghunter said...

And, we have split yet again.

magpie said...

Love the Red Bathtub tale, AND the sofa, Shirley, and everything else you have shared with us about school things

I know someone posted about PammySue's grandma being ill, Lynn, I think that was you,
Prayers for her, and PammySue
also for Loretta and Thelma and Judie, and all the other fine people and pets and wildlie that we keep in our prayers

Good Liesl report, Lynn ☺
And Go Nugz ! ☺

magpie said...

Wow another SPLIT

I am caught up on posts, good to know what is going on in our Eagle Corners...
Hope Jo has gotten power back on by now !

stronghunter said...

Hi Margy,

Good to see you on here. Glad you enjoyed the stories.

stronghunter said...

Yes, I hope Jo has power by now. I have read most of the posts, but I am afraid I do not always get to read everything.

Lynne2 said...

Glad Liesl and you had fun tonight Lynn!

Hoda, don't apologize for talking about your lovely weather...ours is coming!

Meanwhile, there are storms around us firing up....

Going to head to bed, early day at work tomorrow! Good night and prayers for all!

stronghunter said...

I must head up to bed also. I really should have graded tonight, but I am tired and my brain is weary.

magpie said...

Absolutely, Shirley, always !

wish I could stay and talk and say good things about all the good things, and offer encouragement where it is needed, well I guess I just did sort of, but would like to be more personal....
Know that I Care...

It's time to start making for the pillows....
upstairs bathroom water leak is going to translate into my bathroom ceiling being torn apart,
messy job coming up, glad someone else will be taking care of that
and good thing I am on dayshift and not nights for this

Good Night dear Eagle Pals
God Bless This Nest, and
God Bless Us, Every One

xoxo ♥

hedgie said...

Shirley.....sorry, but I have trouble with a teacher who would even show that video to start with and then to turn around and out and out lie about what he did. SO WRONG! That's even worse than Janet's wardrobe "malfuntion"---at least it was bleeped out in replays.

magpie said...

what's Wildlie?
I meant to type Wildlife !

And I must ask Dana who Kargy is


hedgie said...

That was the Eagle Cam Addicts, Judy? Did what you to see if it works!! TY.

magpie said...

oh sorry, speaking of Dana,
here's one for DanaMo:

Great picture of your son, and congratulations on tonight's event ! Bravo !

stronghunter said...

What do you know about a shrinking brain, Lynn?

stronghunter said...

In someone 14 years old?

paula eagleholic said...

Wow, just saw that lightening at the nest.

finally got to see a little bit of idol

Hoda, please don't feel guilty, enjoy hearing about your weather!

hedgie said...

Hoda, don't feel bad! We envy you that lovely day! Those of us here in nestville are alos in a valley....the northern end of the Shenandoah Valley......these storms often bounce back and forth between the moutains....but guess since our mountains are not real high ones, there are good downdrafts, so fog usually dissipates fairly quickly.

paula eagleholic said...

Wacky screen now!

Lynn, so happy for you and Leisl!

DanaMO, congrats to your son! You must be so proud of him!

hedgie said...

Cam is kerflooey......wonder if it got struck by lightening---or if power is out at NCTC.....???

stronghunter said...

Oh, yeah. Lots of pretty colors and lines now.

Kay said...

LYNN, "Liesl enjoyed class"--sweet ! Good pics of the open house--especially like the one of you and Kathy at the registration table.

LYNNE2 and LYNN, BirdOpoly is an okay game, though Seth isn't the most avid board game player. You buy birds and then begin to buy nests and trees for them. The bird cards are colorful and there are details on each on the flip side. It's an 8 to adult game and probably would work best with kids 8 to 12 years if age. Good learning tool !

JUDIE, sorry the code in yore node is hanging on. There never seems to be much you can do, but wait em' out. Delightful avatar !

WANDA, a kit ! Neat ! Catching your excitement just by reading your post.

Two big sighs of relief, one for the report on THELMA and the other because LORETTA has no broken bones ! Wahoo !

DANAMO, great pic of the graduate ! Congrats to Aric and his proud parents ! ☺

I know I missed some things in skimming, but will say a prayer to cover all in need as I head for bed. The SSCC opening rolls around very early in the morning now !

Hugs and wishes for sweet dreams for all ! ♥L♥I♥B♥E♥R♥T♥Y !

stronghunter said...

DanaMo--Congratulations to the graduate! I meant to say something earlier. I should have a pic of my graduate soon.

stronghunter said...

I really must go to bed. I shall see you tomorrow.

stronghunter said...

Gotta turn off the nest cam. That flashing image is bugging me.

Lolly said...

Watched Idol, now going to shower and get comfy. We head home in the morning. Sigh.... Love this life but Annie and yard need us at home.

Also, Joseph have soccer games this weekend.

Have been skipping a lot on the blog. Hope I am not missing earth shattering news!!!!!

(((Hugs))) for all!

Sweet dreams and prayers for all God's creatures!

JudyEddy said...

Hoda I saved mine to my desktop and opened that way Help anyone out there has it that can send it to her????? Gonna head to bed Looks like the lightening is almost over at the nest Everyone stay safe!!
God Bless this Nest and all whom watch it Healing prayers for those in need
Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."

JudyEddy said...

My cam was frozen Duh wow psychedelic color Cool Dude

Hoda said...

Thanks Judy E I will save it to my desk top...the adventure of computers and I keep being in wonder...Good night to you and thank you again.

hedgie said...

Shirley, I had a microwave (the very first one we ever had at home---HUGE!) at work as well as a small fridge/freezer......I left them behind! No need for them and will Bill and Frank already retired, no one to move them out for me anyway.

paula eagleholic said...

Still rumbles of thunder here, cam is still cattywampus, will try to send an email to NCTC in the morning.

Gotta hit the hay, I'm beat.

(((Hugs for all ♥)))

floralgirl said...

Wow that was one wicked storm that just passed by here and at the nest. Finally quiet now, such a long wet day. This rain is getting old...
Lolly, Facebook updates their app a lot to fix glitches, etc. So, just remember, if you have issues posting pics, always go see if there's an update, and that usually fixes the problem.
Night all:)

hedgie said...

A shrinking brain in a 14 y.o., Shirley??? Don't know!!! Let me see if there's a technical term!

hedgie said...

Nothing on a cursery search. They say the brain shrinks in ALzheimer's....and that alcoholics have brain shrinkage......what is the situation you are referring to??

NatureNut said...

Evening Everyone! Awoke from Panda nap in time to see Idol. They're all good--should pick all 3!
Congrats to DanaMo's son. Great picture!
Hope some of you are not getting pelted too badly~~~saw news where earlier in Leesburg there was lots of hail. Mentioned Fredericksburg,VA & N. MD too. We've only had some short stretches of rain. Hope it stops raining in Margy's bathroom!
Congrats to Lynn & Liesl for a good time!
Well, it's almost time to see some cams across the pond!Recently checked the Sea Eagles in Estonia & L. Forum posts say they have not done a clutch this year :>( Black Stork cam wouldn't open--maybe too busy.
Getting boring in loungechair, but the most comfortable place. So, if I don't return, thx so much for all the well wishes & have
Pleasant Feather Dreams ;>)

hedgie said...

Kay, I think you can sleep in tomorrow....JudyE, too....don't think you will have your morning coffee klatsch! We may not have cam until next week----IF then if it was hit by lightening!

Hoda said...

Judy E I hope you read this when you catch up on the blog after a restful sleep. I have my cheat notes on my desk top, I had to down load a new program and it is OK now I saw it. My name is not on the list but I go by Hoda which is my name and therefore no mystery, THANK YOU VERY MUCH.

hedgie said...

Hoda, I will send you the Cheat Sheet tomorrow when I turn on the PC if you send me your email address. Just click on my profile and then on Email ! Since I don't have you on it, you must have joined us after I made it!

hedgie said...

Oh, okay, Hoda....I see that you got it to open! Good! If you want to be added to the Christmas Address list or the birthday greetings list, please send me the info via email!

hedgie said...

Wow---see the hail in Leesburg.....very small pellets but PILES of it!

hedgie said...

Well, gang, I am going to say goodnight. THunder gettig very close so I better shut down. See you in the morning....hoping that it will be sunny and pretty!

Prayers for all ailing, hurting, or in need in any way. Praying that Thelma continues to improve.
Hope that broken bones and bruised ones mend, infections heal, colds GO AWAY, nerves are soothed, and hearts are mended if needed. Love all y'all!

Judie said...

Had hoped to catch up but you all have been seriously exceeding the speed limit tonight.

Jo, glad you had a good time whatever you did.

I think the Hancock guy was going up in a crane to remove the fishing line from the eaglet.

Shirley, when you wake up, I'm glad you went to sleep early. I think you needed some rest.

Lowreeda, please take care.

Margy, so sorry about the bathroom leak. Any idea about repairs? Assume landlord person will take care of, yes?

Cannot keep my eyes open to read the most recent posts. Will be back tomorrow.

Night light is on and wishing restful sleep for all.

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,
Dropping in after a VERY busy day here. The City had some tree trimmers in the neighborhood today, and they came to the door early this morning. Needed to trim one of our huge trees in the back yard so it wouldn't touch power lines. They were in and out of the yard most of the day. Emma was scared of their big truck out front, and leery of those guys. She spent the entire morning glued to my lap!

It rained here again this morning, too. Sun came out this afternoon, but it stayed cool. Breezy, and the wind was cold.

Please say some prayers for my classmate, Evelyn. Her 30-year-old nephew was found dead in his apartment, and had been there for 3 weeks! She is, understandably, a wreck. No word on how he died yet.

Costume Lady said...

Who is Bommy? Never heard that name before???
LYNN...if you are still interested in a Trail Cam, the one that we have is on sale again BIG TIME!
Original price $179.00, we got ours on sale for $150.00....Sale price NOW $80.00.


Ms Bookworm said...

There are lots of people to pray for today! Judie, Thelma & Sharon, Loretta (SO glad nothing is broken!), WV Dana (Sorry! It's your RIGHT eye!), Hercules the cat, Pam Haines's Grandma, Nugz,et al.

Thank you for your prayers for our daughter and her family. Please continue! Thanks in advance.

Congratulations to DanaMo's Aric!

Lynn, glad Liesl liked her obedience class!

Shirley, only 17 days!!! YAY!!!!!

Well, getting tired, so will call it a day. My prayers have included everyone here, and all creatures.
Making sure the porch light is on.
Turning on both security systems. Sleep tight! I will talk to you tomorrow. God bless, and goodnight!
Love all of you! :o]

Mema Jo said...

Hello - I am too late to say anything but Good Night.
Power was down a few hours this morning. Some road construction is what I think was the reason.
It was an Alexis evening..
I will make a good effort to get on here tomorrow.
Incidentally - Bommy is Claryce
and she has been a lurker for the past 3 years - So very glad she is joining in on the blog...
Happy Belated Birthday Claryce

Mema Jo said...

Good Night and prayers for so many needing help ... Hugs to all

DanaMo said...

Cam is hoo. Where is everyone?

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

Trying to get a reasonably early start this morning.

On the music teacher. No, I do not think I would have done what she did, but am trying not to judge a fellow teacher too harshly. We all make mistakes.

Kathryn explained to Hunter that MJ was a very talented dancer and singer and that he was grabbing his crotch, which was inappropriate and that he did some very strange things in his life. I thought she covered the subject well.

I looked up "shrinking brain," and saw things about Alzheimer's disease and alcoholism, neither of which makes sense with a 14-year-old.

Prayers for all who need them. I wish everyone a good day.

stronghunter said...

Wanda, at first I thought you were selling your trail cam, but see that you are talking about the same cam at the store.

stronghunter said...

I think I have seen Bommie's name on here before. Glad to know her real name. Hi, Claryce!

stronghunter said...

Sad meows from George, who is shut in the laundry room to keep him from the dog food. Must take care of George and get on with may day. I will return later on.

floralgirl said...

Today's nest weather-Patchy fog in the morning. Showers likely in the morning... then showers with a chance of thunderstorms in the afternoon. Highs around 70. Northwest winds around 5 mph. Chance of rain 80 percent.

magpie said...

Good Morning, Eagle Pals

Thanks for the weather report, Megan
I'll be watching for the word "Sunny" to show up one of these days

magpie said...

and that Full Flower Moon...never got to see it :(
It will be "waning gibbous" when we see it these parts

floralgirl said...

Yeah, I know Margy, hate when I don't get a glimpse of the full moon. Waited a whole month to see it.

magpie said...

No cam, little chatter...
sure we are missing our normal morning chatter this morning...

could very well be because of the awful weather in the last few days, but the cams have been holding up nicely for the most part...

Yes, Judie...landlord will take care of everyting with the leak and water damage to bathroom water on the floor this morning...trying to remove most of my "stuff" so the guy can work and I don't have debris all over my things

Great Wanda, about the fox kit...that is so neat ! What you have been waiting and waiting for !

magpie said...

Lolly and Jack
Happy Trails as you return to your roost today...

Kay said...

Good Morning SHIRLEY, DANA, and MEGAN ! Overslept, but looks like no harm, no foul, no camera !

SHIRLEY, sounds like Kathryn did a good job of explaining MJ to Hunter. Wonder how many of his classmates families had to have that conversation last night ? I'm sure the teacher meant well, but...

magpie said...

"copy that" Megan,
especially THIS one with THIS Name and the DATE it was going full !!

I have TWO teeny tiny little sweet peas ! and more blooms

magpie said...

by the way
"copy that" is another way to say
10-4 in radio talk

Good Morning Kay !
I love the description of BirdOPoly sounds like great fun !

And I agree, Kathryn did a great job of explaining Michael Jackson to Hunter

magpie said...

prayers for your friend Evelyn on the tragic loss of her nephew....
so very sad

Kay said...

MARGY, hello ! One by one we're all showing up. Hoping LORI gets a chance to check in today, too.

Yikes, sorry you have to go through a major repair due to problems upstairs. Did they let the bathtub run over ?

No chance of seeing that beautiful moon here either. We may get a few rays of sunshine today and then no more until Sat/Sun..

magpie said...

guess I better get into gear here...

will be like Judie and exceed the speed limit trying to keep up on posts during the work day

Thanks in advance Paula for making the notification to the officials about the cams...

Prayers offered for all the many needs for people and pets here...

Best Wishes for a Good, Safe, Healthy day
xoxo ♥

magpie said...

I think it is a leak from the bathtub plumbing in the unit above me
has happened before...

Kay said...

MARGY, have a good day and that goes for DANA, MEGAN AND SHIRLEY, too !

Heading out for newspapers, e-mail..

Safe travels, LOLLY N' JACK ! ANDY, prayers for your classmate in the sad loss of her nephew.

Will check back later to see if LORI got a chance to check in.

JUDYE, hope you enjoyed a sleep in, too and that you and Jordyn will have a lot of fun today !

JudyEddy said...

Good Morning one and all Was so nice to sleep in and cam is down so sad Got to get ready to get Jordyn LM through out the day Looks like nothing to lurk at huh BBL

paula eagleholic said...

Morning, all!

Sent email about live feed being down, still cam is down too.

Beginning to feel like groundhog day with Megan's forecast...hasn't changed in a week, LOL

stronghunter said...

With all of the lightning last night, it is no wonder the cam is down. That was something.

Have a good day, everyone. I will check in when I can.

Lori O. said...

gLORIous morning everyone - Shirley, Kay, Paula, Megan, Margy, Judy, Dana!

Bummer that the cams are down. Weather here has been so fabulous - sorry you're still dealing with the rain - big UGH!

Lori O. said...

Having big computer (wireless) problems here this morning. I read some of the blog from my phone lasat night - I'm with LOLLY on that - it's not easy!

So HAPPY to hear that THELMA is doing better. An understanding of her disease is paramount to her feeling more control and med changes will probably do a world of good since they were not working all that well for her anyway.
Best to you too SHARON!

I miss you all so much not being able to just jump online and see what's happening with everyone.

KAY - ((( BIG HUG )))

Ahhh - I can't make my 7 hearts for Liberty on this laptop.

magpie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
magpie said...

t work and I can't check my birthday list from here ...

whoo boy post a correction soon if someone needs to do that

Please and Thanks !

Costume Lady said...


LORI'S birthday is the 29th. Close, Margy, but no cigar:)

Costume Lady said...

It is 64° here in Nestville, no sun, grass is VERY wet and more rain on the way, as Megan said. I will never get the grass mowed...looks like abandoned property here:(

magpie said...

OK Wanda...THANKS !

well, maybe I should trash can my early birthday greetings, hold down on the confusion !
So, I will !


Costume Lady said...

Lynn, Gene is going to GANDER MOUNTAIN to get another Trail Cam to put in the Eagle Express...if we ever get to travel again. If we had had one when we heard that COUGER out west, me might have picked it up on the Trail Cam. It would be so neat to see what goes on in the night when we are traveling! Anyway, if you want him to pick one up for you, give me a shout:)

Costume Lady said...

Looks like everyone is having breakfast or gone back to bed...I guess I will get some breakfast and toss some clothes in the washer.

magpie said...

Let us know what's on the menu Wanda !!
I'm having coffee yogurt and brownies for breakfast !!

I am wondering, maybe some are having power problems or water problems ....

Hoping everyone is okay....

Lolly said...

Wanda, Gander Mt??? Need to go look. Jack said to ask you!

hedgie said...

Darn blogger cop! Lost my comment!

Morning all!

Andy, so sorry about your friend's nephew. Bad enough to cope with the death, but to add the 3 weeks interval is truly a nightmare.
Prayers for sure.

I SAW THE MOON LAST NIGHT!! Was up at 2:30 and saw a beam in the sunroom...went out on deck and could see the bright, cold moon between the clouds. Of course this morning dawned dank and gloomy.

Wanda----where is the trail cam on sale?? Online or at Dick's, or where???!!!! Great price!!
Will do it!!

Shirley, so glad that Kathryn handled the MJ thing so well. She did the right thing. Did Hunter ask why the teacher lied???

Lolly said...

Good morning! We are getting ready to eat a bite of breakfast and then head out.

Was reading about all the lightning you were seeing on the cam last night....went to picture! Got there too late!

Wanda, I will go to Gander Mt. and check the cams. That sounds like a great price. We really would like one on the pond.

hedgie said...

No one's b-day today, Margy!!

hedgie said...

YES, WANDA----have Gene get me one, too, PLEASE!!!!! I'll send you the $$$$$!!! PLEASE & THANKS!!

hedgie said...

Lolly, Gander Mountain is a HUGE sporting goods chain back here!

Lolly said...

Gander Mt. is here too, though there is not one close to us. Will look on line.

Lolly said...

Is this the cam you have, Wanda?

Gander Mt. Cam

Lolly said...

I am off now. Time to pack up and head out. Sob! Will get home in about 4 hours and then have the job of unloading and cleaning. Want to get it done this afternoon. Storms are possible after that.

Then mowing tomorrow if not storming.

Have a great day!

wvgal_dana said...

WOW Good Morning what a storm..

Prayers for those that need them adding PammySue. So glad to hear Thelma is getting better ( :

Poor Mom had to call the police this morning. Margy you have probably seen her bench she had in the yard. Someone stole the top last night. Been there 20 years. Why can't people leave other people alone plus their stuff. grrrr

stronghunter said...

I don't think Hunter asked any questions about why the teacher said what she did. He just looked surprised.

magpie said...

that's rotten Dana.....
sorry to hear of it, very few problems ever reported in the subd she lives in...

if someone steals my Megan Plants....I'll be getting one of those trail cams that the girls are talking about !!!

magpie said...

time to get back to work,
needed to check on my pals

xoxo Back Later xoxox

Judie said...

Good morning!

Before I get to the catching up part, I want to share an email issue. I received two emails this week containing links that were serious viruses. Both were from trusted law enforcement people. So, continue to use caution. Also, verizon yahoo has begun to ask for a security process that I suspected was a hacker attempt. When I tried to respond to an email from Lynn, it told me I had to type a series of squiqqly letters/numbers that are all cursive. If I did not, the screen would freeze and I would have to shut down and start over. Turns out that is a legitimate security measure. Just thought I would share.

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,
Mighty sorry to see that the cam is down this morning. Wonder if the lightning yesterday had anything to do with it.

Nice day here so far; no rain yet. Hope the sun comes out later. Think the expected high is about 70 today. Need to prune a few patio plants and deadhead some flowers. Guess the gardeners are going to skip this week, since they haven't been able to work in the rain.

Have a lot of things on my "to do" list today, so think I'd better get some coffee and get busy!

WV Dana, sure hope your Mom gets her bench back! What is WRONG with some people, anyway?! Prayers for that situation, for sure!

Praying and hoping that those who are under the weather or injured feel better today! I'm going into lurk mode. Will check in later. HAGD! :o]

Judie said...

Okay, now for the catching up.

Andy, so sorry abu9t Evelyn's son's death. Devastating under any circumstances. Continued positive thoughts for your daughter and her family. Hope that situation is improving.

Jo, wondered about Alexis time. Bet you had fun.

Shirley, missed what actualy happened but don't know of any condition that involves a shrinking brain in a teenager. Also missed the part about MJ and the teacher that lied. I'm sure Kathryn handled the situation with grace under fire.

Margy, glad you don't have to pay for any repairs. Nice part of renting. Still inconvenient. Love sweet peas. Have a quiet day at work.

Cold is not as severe this morning. Now have the deep cough and congestion typical for me as the last phase of a cold.

May try to get to a GW baseball game this afternoon if not canceled due to rain. Haven't left the house for a week -- cabin fever.


hedgie said...

Lolly---sent you a text message----that IS the right cam!! Gene is getting me one today!

Judie, glad you are feeling better! A ballgame would be good if the weather cooperates! Fingers crossed!

How very strange about the email situation! Never had anything like that happen. Scary.

I AM having trouble with my PC---tried to download McAfee which had lapsed.....MS won't let me download it....gotta spend time with tech help to see what's going on. ARGH!

Jury selection and voir dire continues, so no plea deal. NO indication of what yesterday was all about. Baez there and questioning, so obviously conjecture that he was fired or quit were also incorrect.

stronghunter said...

Interesting comments from my students...we are working on satire and I mentioned The Simpsons and South Park. Some kids are right in there with those programs, but some think they are vulgar and disgusting. Interesting points of view.

I will use Dr. Seuss as an in-depth example. Going to play it safe with the "Butter Battle Book."

stronghunter said...

I have not been keeping up with the jury selection and impending trial. My life has been too full of other things recently. Trying to stay somewhat updated on here.

TV is usually turned off at dinnertime so that Hunter can do homework and we can have dinner together, so I do not usually see news. That is okay, really.

stronghunter said...

Glad that the cold is better, Judie.

Hoda said...

Thanks Paula for letting NCTC know of the camera...I hope it is a fixable situation...

Hoda said...

Oh Dear CBS reports the first death in the Mississipi flooding. Condolences to his family.

Costume Lady said...

Lolly, hope you check in soon. That is the Trail Cam that you saw on line...order it soon! I'm hoping the store has some left by the time Gene gets there. It is in Winchester, where our daughters live. Only 25-30 miles, but a lot can be sold in a store in 30-45 minutes!

Costume Lady said...

My Goodness...we are nearing 2000 comments/posts!

hedgie said...

Wanda, I texted Lolly and told her she had the right cam! I sure hope they have some when Gene gets there!

Costume Lady said...

Lynn, just called Gene at Gander Mountain and he has already purchased 2 Trail Cams...they have 6 left! Wahoo!

Costume Lady said...

Lynn, I emailed Lolly and suggested she order on line. Maybe I should have asked her if she wanted Gene to get her one.

wvgal_dana said...

Sounds like your getting a trail cam Hedgie-Lynn ( :

wvgal_dana said...

I'm looking for a cruise out of Baltimore to Bahamas???

JudyEddy said...

all tree eaglets are eating at Sidney so hard to see the one cam poop David was saying if they go up they might clean it I hope so.

Kay said...

SHIRLEY, kudoes to you and Kathryn for establishing a TV free dinner time. When my kids were youngun's we always sat down for dinner together, no TV, no phone calls taken. Some of the most precious times were the sharing of each persons day over dinner ! The three kids have the same rule at each of their homes. The only hold out is we haven't been able to convince SIL here in Columbus that phone callers can leave a msg and wait for a call back ! He's so nearly perfect in every other way I forgive him this lapse in judgement.;o)

Congrats new Trail Cam owners and on your second one, WANDA. I had such a cam on my place in Bullhead City, AZ, more for a lookout for human preditors than anything. My husband had a mobile locksmith business with lots of money tied up in his stepvan workshop as well as supplies in the garage. Not many critters in that hostile desert environment, but we did catch a coatimundi (western kin to the raccoon)scrambling over the wall and through the yard one night.

Lolly said...

Need prayer for Joseph. His back is hurting and he is nauseous. Dr is doing xrays.

wvgal_dana said...

You got the prayer for Joseph Lolly

wvgal_dana said...

I like that Kay IM that is what we did dinner together and it mean't a lot.

stronghunter said...

Prayers for Joseph, Lolly.

stronghunter said...

Keep us posted, Lolly.

Kay said...

LORI, so happy to see you got a chance to let us know all is well with you, except for those annoying "technical difficulties". I have come to detest that phrase !

You went to Florida just in time to avoid a horrible weather week ! Hope all is well back at the homefront in MD ! {{{{{LORI}}}}, right back at cha' ! With any luck at all we early birds will reunite tomorrow at the SSCC. I will be sipping my coffee from my new Eaglet Momster mug !

Thanks to PAULA for getting my order of Momster goods here so quickly ! Newbies, if you haven't yet ordered any of the items, I can assure you the quality is excellent. You won't be disappointed !

Kay said...

Prayers for LOLLY's Joseph ! Keep us posted, please !

WVDANA, good luck with those cruise plans ! Sounds wonderful !

LYNN, do you and Liesl have homework ? How often will she go to Obedience School and for how long ?

Hoda said...

Prayers for Joseph and healing Lolly. Are you home yet from your camping trip?

Kay said...

And another thing, Momsters and Dadsters, please remember the profits on the Momster goods goes toward the camera and what it takes to keep it going. Something we're keenly aware of at this very moment !

hedgie said...

WhooHoo, Wanda!!! So excited! Hope I'm smart enought to figure out how to use it!!! Thank you to you and the Captain!!

JudyE---Dave said he WOULD clean the lens. It's almost 11 there...or 10 if they aren't on DST....I get the stupid cam to play. L:( Wonder when they are going to start?

Shirley and KayIM----my family (when I was a kid and when my kids were growing up) had the same rules. No TV, phone calls...and dinner was at the table!!! Hate that it didn't carry over to Carolyn's young family. :( I even get upset w hen I have everyone in here for a holiday meal and one of the SIL's (or Bill when he was here) would turn on TV before it was clean-up time!

hedgie said...

Oh, dear, Lolly.....prayers for sure for Joseph. Any idea what is going on? Where in his back is the pain?? Possibly a kidney infection???
Oh, and tell Laurel congrats on her new assignment!

Kay, yes...Liesl and I have homework! Two times a day. Already completed one session! Body massage (of course, she gets many of those everyday since she's so little and like being in my lap!), practicing "sit" and "watch me". She's getting the hang!

Dana, a cruise? Really? For you and your Mom??? COOL!!!! Here you go:
Balt. cruises Take your pick!

hedgie said...

Oops---meant to say I CAN'T get Sidney cam to play.

wvgal_dana said...

Casey Anthony sure has enough legal
representation at her desk


Hoda said...

hedgie, we are on DST in British it is 11:13 AM PDT right now... I can not get the Sidney Cam up either.

Judie said...

Lolly, healing prayer for Joseph. Please let us know as soon as you can.

Judie said...

Well, here I am all cleaned up and rain is just pouring. Suspect the GW game will be rained out. Oh well, if so, I'm still feeling cleaner than before and that always helps me when I'm sick.

Dana, cruise away. How nice that would be.

Dinner with my family was dinner with family.


Kay said...

I got the Sidney Cam up with no problem. Parent sitting on upper branch raising occasional Cain. Strange background noises---equipment being moved into place ???

Kay said...

Sidney eaglet at center tree trunk flapping wings occasionally, squawking now and then. Trapped eaglet at bottom right corner moves a bit now and then. Adult eagle sounding off again and making no move to go to the nest.

Kay said...

Adult just flew off to right, squawking all the way. Are any of you following on the ground commentary by Dave or others ?

Kay said...

Small bird prancing around the eaglets and along the rails. Eaglets rousing up a bit over that ! Wait a minute, eaglet I thought was trapped is not. Is it the eaglet near the trunk or am I watching the wrong site ?????

Kay said...

Nope he moves up front, too. Is there a third eaglet trapped there ?

paula eagleholic said...

Kay and Shirley, we had the no phone or TV rule when I was growing up, and did the same with my kids.

Keep us posted, Lolly.

Lynn, a trail cam, what fun!

Gotta check on Sidney nest!

paula eagleholic said...

Where is the on the ground commentary, Kay?

Kay said...

I don't know Paula, but both JudyE and Lynn quoted a Dave earlier---saying they'd clean the lense on the close up cam while up there. I though maybe they are getting him through another site. Did you bring the cams up with no problem ?

NatureNut said...

Happy New TH!!! If we chat a little more, can break the 2000 mark!
Partly sunny day here! How's that, Margy???
I can't imagine how Judie survived all those months w/broken ankle!It is so frustrating with lack of mobility. There are a few things I want to work on w/'puter, but can't really stretch out leg too well. Also, pain pills make you dopey so you might end up in ER again! This too will pass! ☺
Didn't read all of today's & need to check cam & email!

paula eagleholic said...

Oh, David from Hancock made those comments yesterday or so.

Kay said...

Is the dark blob at the 9 spot on close up cam the third and trapped eaglet perhaps ?

paula eagleholic said...

They had an interview with him...from a TV station I think, or on the live feed, I found it on FB.

Kay said...

Oh, LORETTA, I feel your pain ! This would be difficult for anyone, but even more so for someone so active. Hang in there !

paula eagleholic said...

The Hancock forum said they are supposed to be there at 2 today

paula eagleholic said...

Flyer is supposed to be at the 9 position, laying down, guess he's the gray blob

Kay said...

Okay, so that's still 2 more hours there, thanks Paula ! Guess those strange sounds are just the wind. Strange that the adults are staying away so long. And her is one now. Immediately begins to feed the two active chicks.

paula eagleholic said...

Key, I see Flyer now! He is on top the branches at the 9 spot, he is not the blob.

Kay said...

I'm going to hand around to see if the one at 9 gets some food after the other two are satisfied. Flyer just began to stir, must be aware it's lunch time !

paula eagleholic said...

OK, he's not on top the branches but snugged into them, he is facing 9

Kay said...

Okay, yes, I see what you mean, Paula ! Too bad he's almost off camera.

Kay said...

He's doing some grooming now. So far no move toward him with food, even thought the others are clearly full and no longer interested. Maybe Flyer was well fed earlier ??

wvgal_dana said...

Yes it was in an interview that he had with a lady. Where he said that the chicks have pooped on the lense. So when they go up today they will be cleaning the lense.

He told the woman "man" caused this problem so that is why they are intervening.

Kay said...

I'm going to back off the commentary, but leave the cam up and hope it doesn't time out on me. The rescue is two or three hours off apparently. BBL

stronghunter said...

Time to get ready for my sub tomorrow. Looking forward to seeing Susan's graduation.

stronghunter said...

I am glad they are intervening. It would be awful to watch the poor thing suffer because they did nothing. Do we know how the string got into the nest?

JudyEddy said...

there is a interview with David posted on the face book page Hancock Wildlife Fans You can see people in truck on ground now they said the mat is there

wvgal_dana said...

Yes that is what they are saying and showing a big truck is at the tree.

JudyEddy said...

David referred to the rescue as an international rescue since Canada and USA are involved. Love it!!!!

Lolly said...

We are about home!

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