Thursday, May 12, 2011


I am headed up to NW Maine for the annual canoe trip.  Updates will be automated for the next week or so.

New thread.


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Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

T-Bird update. They are letting her come home today. I will pick her up after work tonight, can't get there until about 8:15.

wvgal_dana said...

That is good news about Thelma !! ( :

wvgal_dana said...

Men moving around on the ground at Sidney.

wvgal_dana said...

Another vehicle pulling up

wvgal_dana said...

Someone is walking closer towards the tree.

JudyEddy said...

the facebook peeps says a truck also backed up under the tree put a picture on fb

JudyEddy said...

Its so sad seeing him struggle

Kay said...

SHARON, fantastic news ! Thelma is coming home ! Yeah !

WVgal Dana, I read somewhere that fishing line can be found in many bird nests. They run across it and see it as something that can be easily woven in.

The Sidney drama is about to unfold ! Can't believe the adult is staying on that branch close by. The NBG adults always left as soon as the trucks arrived and circled high above. Oops, it just took flight.

wvgal_dana said...

Judy E where do I get them on facebook?

paula eagleholic said...

You can see Flyer better at 9 spot now at Sidney nest

Costume Lady said...

I read that the fishing line may have been brought in with a salmon that a parent fed to eaglets:(

Kay said...

WANDA, that makes sense, too !

JudyEddy said...

Hancock Wildlife Cam Page

If you join the page make sure you disable the email EDIT SETTING after they accept you other wise you get a crap load I'm sure you probably can just view also The other page is

I think the first is like a blog for them

Costume Lady said...

I saw an eaglet, earlier, at about the 6 position, trying to pull the string from his entanglement:( Broke my heart. Don't be angry with humans for this...I have fished since I was 8 years old, and know how easy it is to get a snag or a BIG FISH and lose your fishing line...nothing you can do about it:(

wvgal_dana said...

Crane should be there in an hour

Kay said...

Shadow of adult eagle overhead keeps crossing the nest. Highly agitated, I'd say.

Kay said...

Right you are, WANDA, it may be considered "caused by a human", but not deliberate, that's for sure ! Still glad they are responding. There must have been many off camera nests that have suffered such a thing. Sad.

wvgal_dana said...

Saying 5:30pm our time

paula eagleholic said...

Gotta go pick up my car, it's fixed...have fun watching Sidney rescue! Hope it goes well.

Kay said...

LOL, I kept thinking I heard the beep beep of a back up signal at the nest. It was my time telling me it is time to run cold water over my hard boiled eggs. Duh !

paula eagleholic said...

BTW, I haven't received a reply about the cam....


paula eagleholic said...

and Whoo hoo for Tbird, Sharon!

Kay said...

My timer that is.

Wow, the sun almost straight up above is making it very difficult to see the eaglets, especially with that dirty lens.

JudyEddy said...

form their main page at the site

JudyEddy said...

that funny they got the van stuck in the mud

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,
Checking in after doing some computer updates. They took a while!

Prayers for Lolly's Joseph! Please let us know how he's doing!

Very happy to hear that Thelma can come home, Sharon! Fantastic news!

Praying that they are able to help that eaglet that's tangled in the fishing line!

Making a small amount of progress getting the house cleaned up. Need to keep busy at it. Will check back in later, probably after dinner.

Margy, forgot to mention before how sorry I am for your "indoor rain" from upstairs! :o[ Hope the situation gets fixed very soon!

Will BBL....

JudyEddy said...

only 890 watching now I thought would be more

wvgal_dana said...

Laying out long mats

wvgal_dana said...

Every time I log into the chat on the Hancock page. Where the video is. It only lets me one chat then I have to sign in again ggrrrr

wvgal_dana said...

I give up won't chat just watch online.

JudyEddy said...

the tree looks greener from the ground compared from the camera view They said it is a dead tree or dying tree

JudyEddy said...

one of the parents is on top in the tree looking down I wonder if they know they are there to help I can't wait for the cam lens to be cleaned

JudyEddy said...

1400 views now

JudyEddy said...

I have to head on out to Angies BBL

Kay said...

Amazing parenting. In spite of worrisome activity on the ground Mom or Dad came to feed Flyer. He didn't get anything at the last feeding almost 2 hours ago.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Okay, I am at the ER. I have a lump/bump above my ear that was the size of a small pea for years and yesterday started hurting and now is the size of a nickel or maybe even a quarter. Couldn't stand it anymore so I came to get it checked.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Wonder if the blog will self destruct at 2000 comments? Lol

Kay said...

Here's another fish, everyone gets in on the act now! Beautiful !

Kay said...

OMG, Sharon ! Glad you're getting it looked at ! Keep us posted as we are praying it's something simple with a quick remedy.

movin said...

Well, Good Day

to You All.

A lot of computer software worries, and I found one of those strange remote-robotic things on here last night.
It probably cam in a weird e.mail I recall opening to see what it was, and it took over an account (administrator), which I had to setup when it was new, but which I never used. It was setup to do mass mailings (60000 at a time)

Never thought one of those things would use my computer for that kind of activity. Anyway, I destroyed as much of it as I could, and I'm deleting and reloading FireFox and AOL now. Hope it works; I'd really like to get out of doing all that with Windows at this time.

Hope you are having a better day.

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

hedgie said...

Oh, when I referred to what Dave said, it was the interview from last evening that I heard him.
Still can't get cam.....Mits and Ceil are watching, and say there is now a vehicle under the tree. Activity was to start at 5 our time.

Kay said...

LYNN, I'm just easily 'cornfused' !
A lot of people walking around near a truck or maybe two now. Can't figure out why you can't get the cam. I even shut down and went for a new feed when the timed out and wouldn't refresh. I got right back on. Back up signal at nest site right now---not my timer ;o).

movin said...

How long is Steve going to be on vacation??

This thread could go over 3000 before next week. Hahahaha.

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

He thinks it is an inflamed sebaceous cyst. Going to do an incision and drainage on it.

hedgie said...

Thanks for that last link, JudyE---I can get it----sure wish I could get the cam.

WONDERFUL to hear that Thelma is going home! And then REALLY home come Sat!! Amen! Love and hugs for T-bird and Sharon!

hedgie said...

ALmost 2000 watching the ground feed, JudyE!

Kay said...

Good SHARON, that should make it allll better ! Sweet relief !

JIM, I think Steve is due back today or tomorrow. Won't he be surprised to see his auto set was messed up by outside forces ?

hedgie said...

Andy, nice to see you this time of day!!! Hope you haven't worked TOO hard today!

Judie----any word on the game yet?
Only one brief sprinkle here today. Sun has been out most of the day! Amazing----forgot what it felt like!!

Costume Lady said...

I think Lynn got the honor of posting #2000...need to get something special for her...think on it!:)

hedgie said...

Oh, Sharon, I've had them before---under my arms! Very painful!
Be brave! Usually don't numb well due to the infection!

I hope Hoda and Bev are watching this! I wonder how close they live to where the nest is??

Costume Lady said...

There is Mom or Dad...watching the workers/rescuers below.

movin said...

Phoebe's baby is perched on the side of the nest as though it might fly anytime.

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

Costume Lady said...

These rescuers are giving me goosebumps...they are all heros!

Costume Lady said...

Jim, we are watching a rescue at the Sidney Nest (Canada)

Kay said...

WANDA, do you think Bev n' Hoda have hotties for this task, like the guys at our nest and NBG ? We'll soon know !

movin said...

Er;;. drr upi s;; ;syrt/

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

Kay said...

JIM, that's easy for you to say !

Costume Lady said...

Kay, I'm sure they do...hope they point them out to us;)

Costume Lady said...

Mom or Dad are at the top of the tree and their HACKLES are showing...upset!

Costume Lady said...

JIM...say what???

paula eagleholic said...

Sharon, it will feel much better after that!

Costume Lady said...


JudyEddy said...

I'm at my daughter watching the rescue tooo cool for school

paula eagleholic said...

Oh, I got on Sidney, hit the pause/play button after it said it couldn't connect....

paula eagleholic said...

whew, and we thought our buzz was bad...

JudyEddy said...

for the 2000 she should get all three of the prizes why a blue screen on no

JudyEddy said...

2592 viewers now refresing some reason got blue screen

Lynne2 said...

Hi all....I'm watching the rescue. Just got home about 45 mins ago. Haven't read back, so I hope all is well with everyone. Trying to fix dinner, feed dogs, etc so I'll be really multitasking!

Costume Lady said...

Just think about what these people are doing...maybe 10-15 people working to free this eaglet of the fishing line tangled arount it's legs. Human beings at their finest!
Bless them! Prayers that they are all safe and successful.

hedgie said...

Jim, so sorry about all of your trouble....sounds like an awful thing to deal with...60,000???? Oh my.... :(

So glad that I can at least watch this from the ground. Amazing! Over 2700 viewers now on ground cam.

paula eagleholic said...

Sounds like the boom is going up!

Costume Lady said...

Both parents at the nest area at this time, calling out their displeasure at what is going on!

paula eagleholic said...

How did you get the ground cam?

Hoda said...

I am here and so grateful for the commentary as I can not get the camera up. I came in from the sun day to see it but no cigar!!! I appreciate the commentary from you all on the goings on in Sidney.
Nelson is in the interior of BC so I am at least seven hours away from the nest...I get frustrated with the Hancock webcams because often times I can not get them to come up.

I am glad Thelma is better and prayers to all those who are still not well.

Paula thank you for letting us NCTC kow about our camera feed and then for updating us that you have not yet heard from them. They are busy and I am sure with all the other things they deal with they will get to it as soon as they can. I do not think the camera itself is fried, I think we simply have a disconnect...we lost the reception, like used to happen on the old TVs in the fifties.

Hurrah we did not self distruct on the two thousand count and I am beginning to think this could go on forever!!!

I need to head out doors again as there are some clouds rolling in and we might not get our third sunny day tomorrow. They are so rare here it seems, but it also gets hot here a few days over the summer so that is good. Talk to you all later.

Thanks for the Sidney updates.Bev would be closer to the site than I am...

hedgie said...

Dave reminds me of Lynn Rogers---true naturists!

JudyEddy said...

My daughter is mad at me because I'm on this Last week she called me a geek

Hoda said...

I tried Sidney Cam one more time and they tell me service is temporarily unavailable as they reached capacity...the important thing is that they are helping the eaglet. Keep your comments coming it makes for a good record...

hedgie said...

Thought I would try Paula's tip for the nest it says service unavailable...maybe due to volume....refreshing...

JudyEddy said...

almost 3000 viewers WOW

hedgie said...

Don't forget tonight is 2 hours of The Mentalist, for thos ewho watch. Patrick comes face-to-face with Red John!

JudyEddy said...

boom is down what up must be prepositioning it

JudyEddy said...

when I turned on the cam it took about 3 min to come on was a white screen instead of the reg one

hedgie said...

Still no luck with tree cams.

hedgie said...

Still no luck with tree cams.

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...

one of the adults is still on the limb above nest

JudyEddy said...

keep trying it took me a while to get on

paula eagleholic said...

Anyone have a link for the ground cam...

Costume Lady said...

They are lowering the boom...don't know why??

JudyEddy said...

why do they put the boom up and then down 3232 views

JudyEddy said...

its so hard to here what they are saying and me being deaf in one ear isn't helping

Daivid is going up

paula eagleholic said...

Nevermind, found it myself

JudyEddy said...

good thing thinking of a pet carrier in case he is hurt

Costume Lady said...

Rescuer going up with a pet carrier, just in case the eaglet needs some additioal help.

JudyEddy said...

I can't believe that David is going up with his bad knee he had said he was waiting for a knee replacement I guess he feels they are his babies

NatureNut said...

YaY!! See we crossed 2000!
Cams are still out. I checked Decorah & cam is so close you can only see parts of birds!!Mom was preening her tail!

Altho I said earlier that it was partly sunny, many times lately when I go out, my deck chairs are wet--have paper towels, will travel.

JudyEddy said...

Boom going up YEAH

Costume Lady said...

Boom going up again...hope this is the last time!

JudyEddy said...

they are going to hood something on the end of the boom hook for david I guess to reach

JudyEddy said...

adult still in tree hard to beleive didn't fly away

JudyEddy said...

its a basket like a hot air baloon basket

hedgie said...

Jim, I don't know when Steve is due back.....even if he gets home over the weekend, if he doesn't check we MAY be stuck until Monday!

Costume Lady said...

Really protective Mom or Dad...hope it doesn't try to attack the rescuers!

hedgie said...

So it looks like they are going to udse a basket to lift Dave up, huh??

JudyEddy said...

Dumb me kept visualizing David hanging from HOOK HA

JudyEddy said...

I wonder why the camera crew isn't closer

Costume Lady said...

It is muddy up in Sidney, just as it is here in our area...Nestville:)

JudyEddy said...

getting ready to get in basket

JudyEddy said...

safety harness good thinking

hedgie said...

AHA---must have OSHA up there, too! Safety harneses!!!

Costume Lady said...

KAY, haven't seen any HOTTIES yet;)

JudyEddy said...

hook bbeing put on basket

hedgie said...

3700 viewers on ground cam.

paula eagleholic said...

Logging off...gotta go mow...later

hedgie said...

Hard hat---good idea!

hedgie said...

Woman going up, too??!!

JudyEddy said...

Who has dibbs on a hottie

Costume Lady said...

Too many people around the rescue area!!

JudyEddy said...

UP UP and away to help the eaglet

JudyEddy said...

clapping clapping

hedgie said...

Up, up and away!

Kay said...

WANDA, I know ! I"m keeping my eyes peeled !!! I came for the eagles, but I'm stickin' around for the hotties. ;o)

Kay said...

Wow, this is an amazing operation !

JudyEddy said...

4000 views still not as many as the Decorah nest but a lot

JudyEddy said...

I don't know if I want to watch after they said itcould come down

JudyEddy said...

three adults flying

JudyEddy said...

I hope they don't forget to clean the lens I didn't see any windex and paper towls

JudyEddy said...

YEHA yeah glad they got her

NatureNut said...

Been looking at Sidney Nest 2. Is that where the troubled eaglet lives? Very blurry but finally saw one or ywo eaglets moving in the nest & some moving shadows at bottom of pic.

JudyEddy said...

If they cleaned the cam its still smeared or are they going back in to do it cam is else wehre on tree

JudyEddy said...

spell check oops yep that what they are doing it looks like

JudyEddy said...

yeah we can see

Costume Lady said...

Wonderful rescue, but not as exciting as watching our NU or NBG'S JULIAN:)
Eaglet is in the pet carrier, heading down to the ground area...don't know if they will return him or not.
Taking the fishing line off now, I believe and going up to put him back into the nest! Hooray!!!

Kay said...

WANDA, they don't look like hotties, but they do look like heroes !!!!!

Costume Lady said...

Beatiful shot of parent at top of the tree, watching over the the cameras, now:)

Costume Lady said...


Kay said...

♫♪♫Praise God From Whom All Blessings Flow♪♫♫ !

Costume Lady said...

Black screen now. Going to eat my supper/dinner. Good viewing this event with all of you♥

NatureNut said...

3 scruffy looking chicks all in nest!

Hoda said...

Amen Kay IM

JudyEddy said...

signing off before my daughter disowns me BBL no LM here so sad Ha ha

hedgie said...

That was very successful! Hurray for Dave and all of the folks involved!!! Great job!!

stronghunter said...


I have been reading over the comments about the rescue operation. I guess they are finishing up now.

I have been busy at school setting up stuff for my substitute.

stronghunter said...

I must be watching a re-run of the eaglet rescue.

stronghunter said...

Lots of eagle calls.

wvgal_dana said...

Watched all of it ... great sorry Paula if I had looked at blog. I would have put the link on for you.

3 eaglets all in the nest just the way it should be.

Way to go crane company and all the workers putting down mats. Hope they get the crane out safely.

Lolly said...

Hi all! We got home around 2:30 and immediately unloaded, started laundry and cleaned the trailer inside and out. Also, Jack went and picked up Annie. We had the clean sheets back on the bed and the trailer back to its' home by 5. Broke a speed record! Rain tonight and all day tomorrow predicted.

Joseph's x-rays came back negative. Back strain is the diagnosis. They were looking for the muscle to have separated from the bone. Thank goodness it was negative! Thanks for the prayers!

See you had an exciting afternoon watching Sidney. Sorry I missed it. We did have a great trip. Very relaxing.

Now to read back some on the blog.

wvgal_dana said...

Sharon I hope it feels better after they drain it.

Looks like a storm coming probably have to get off.

American Idol coming on at 8pm. I love Scotty but I think he'll go home tonight. Sure hope I am wrong.

stronghunter said...

Hi Dana and Lolly,

They just did a replay of the rescue, Lolly. I got to see it. I got home late tonight because I was setting up for my sub tomorrow.

Fortunately, I got Ellen this time. She will take good care of everything. I called and asked her to come in for me.

At Sidney--

They have cleaned the camera, so we can get a really good look at those eaglets now.

Whoa, a poop shoot. I thought maybe that one was going to mess up the cam again.

Adult at the nest. Eaglet is panting. I wonder if that is from excitement or heat.

wvgal_dana said...

Wish parent would fly in with some food. Would like to see a feeding before I go.

The chick that had the fishing line. Is the one in the back laying down.

stronghunter said...

Okay, thanks Dana. I did not know which one it was.

wvgal_dana said...

Parent sitting on nest

paula eagleholic said...

Sidney cam so nice and clear! Parent is back...awesome...glad chick is OK and didn't have to be removed.

wvgal_dana said...

Closing down

Prayers for those that need them

Sharon thinking of you

paula eagleholic said...

So the parent stayed on the tree top almost the whole time or the whole time from what you could tell.

paula eagleholic said...

Sounds seems better too.

paula eagleholic said...

got myself a shower while mowing, LOL...wasn't gonna quit...rain felt pretty good.

NatureNut said...

Thank you Sharon for good news on Thelma!!!!Hang tuff on cyst---had them,too. You'll be happy when it's gone!

Idol on, so BBL

paula eagleholic said...

cool, watching the replay at nice they have it on the site.

hedgie said...

We had a dry storm during Jeopardy! Noise but no rain! I can handle that!!

Bill stopped in....he worked cleaning out two empty stores in the shopping center today, preparing for a new tenant. Found two old prints from the former video store---One of Patrick Swayze and Demi Moore from Ghost, and Harrison Ford and Sean Connery from one of the Indiana Jones movies! He brought them to me along with a whole box of CD's that he never listens to!

Lynne2 said...

Hi again! I need to ask for your prayers. Steve was let go from his job today. He was told by his boss just as he was clocking out this evening, and no reason was given. His boss only kept going on about how he (the boss) is in trouble for something he didn't do. Steve has an exemplary work history with this company. In fact, a few months ago, he gave his notice, and the district manager came down from PA to talk him into staying.

In a way, it's a blessing. The place has been very poorly run for some time, with a skeleton crew, and Steve has been very stressed both physically and mentally. When the "big" boss came down to talk to him, he assured Steve that things were in the works to resolve the problems. It never happened. They did not offer him more money to stay, and he didn't ask for a raise either, so he was staying on the word that things would be improving.

God has a plan. But before it takes place, things are about to go from bad to worse for us for a little while. We need all the prayers we can get!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

I am at the hospital now to get Thelma. I made it thru my thing ok but it is hurting pretty bad now.

Hoda said...

Lynne 2 God's love and blessings keep you and Steve. It is a shock to lose a job and yes indeed we never know what is exactly going on when they do not give a reason like in Steve's situation. Hold on tight and hang in there and this you will be able to pass through and come out the other side with a sense of wellness. God Bless you and Keep you both.

hedgie said...

Oh, Lynne, this is absolutely cruel and unusual punishment. Not one bit fair. I am SO sorry that you all are having to go through this....tears from here. Prayers definitely going up. Even if things have been stressful, maybe Steve should call that big boss in PA and talk to him.....can't hurt....and it might help! Please have him do that. Just can't believe this.....

hedgie said...

Whew! Scotty is safe!!!

hedgie said...

And Lauren is safe. Haley looked truly shocked.

Lynne2 said...

Thanks Hoda!

Lynn, that guy has been relocated to another position in the company as of 2 weeks ago. There is a new guy that took over and he hasn't even been to this warehouse yet.

And Steve got let go for reasons unknown, Meanwhile, a new driver who just passed his 90 probation period, has missed 9 working days, had an accident, has been driving on a SUSPENDED LICENSE for God knows how long before he was caught about a week or so ago, and has missed 2 days more since then supposedly for "classes" to get his license back (he's off the trucks and in the warehouse until he gets it back) still has a job. Meanwhile, he didn't show up for work yesterday OR call out! He didn't come in today either, again, for "classes" but today he called. As Steve is the lead in the warehouse, he asked his boss what he was to do about this guy and he was told, nothing. ??????????

stronghunter said...

Oh, Lynne, that is really tough. I will say prayers for you.

Something odd is going on there. I wonder if Steve's boss is in a lot of trouble himself. I have a feeling that more is about to happen. I would tell Steve to network around.

stronghunter said...


Lynne2 said...

Thanks Shirley. Yep, I think his (former) boss is on the chopping block. He handle Steve's "letting go" totally unprofessionally. Steve is in a state of shock.

Lolly said...

Oh, Lynne!!!! ((((Big Hugs))) and lots of prayer for you and Steve. Definitely hope that something really good comes of this. Just know that you have all of us to lean on, rant, rave, cry....we are here for you.

stronghunter said...

I think Kathryn is talking to her friend, the mother of the boy who was taken to the hospital.

Kathryn told me something this evening that I find just unbelievable.

Her friend got a phone call last night in the middle of the night because another boy in the hospital, a boy who has had aggression problems and who has attacked another patient previously, got to her son and beat him up. Her son has a broken nose.

I think I would be calling a lawyer. I cannot believe the hospital would allow this to happen.

Lolly said...

Scotty and Lauren are the top two!!! Wahooo!!!

Lynne2 said...

Thanks Lolly, something good WILL come of this!

SHIRLEY....OMG!!! That is HORRIBLE! Big trouble for the hospital no doubt. I just pray the friend's son is able to cope with this....poor little guy.

stronghunter said...

Oh, American Idol!! Okay.

stronghunter said...

I do not know how they house kids in a hospital situation like that, but you would think there are cameras and lots of supervision. And locked doors where necessary.

stronghunter said...

I think they are about ready to release the boy. They sent him from the psychiatric unit over to the medical unit to be treated for his injuries.

I do not know what to think.

Lynne2 said...

Lolly, how is Joseph?

Just now trying to read back....

stronghunter said...

These are not wealthy people, but I would still advise her to seek legal advice.

Lynne2 said...

Margy, hope they got your dang leak from upstairs fixed!

I just read Thelma is coming home....YAY YAY YAY!!

Lynne2 said...

Margy, hope they got your dang leak from upstairs fixed!

I just read Thelma is coming home....YAY YAY YAY!!

Hoda said...

Lynne 2 Something is up at that company and if their track record would say do nothing for the driver with so many red flags then that tells me their standards are slipping. Of course Steve is in shock especially since he has high standard and an excellent work record...he has got the experience and the know the company not willing to pay for that anymore? They gave no reason for his letting him go, it tells me they have their own story that needs is not about Steve, it is about them not living up to standards...I would talk to the transferred boss to get an idea as to the bigger picture and also options...

I am sorry about the little boy in the hospital who got beat up!!! My first response was WHAT!!! A hospital is supposed to be a safe place and he did not need that nor deserve that...Oh MY!!!

Lynne2 said...

you would think so Shirley. I'll bet the hospital legal team will be contacting the poor boy's family regarding the incident.

Lolly said...

Joseph's x rays came back negative. They were looking to see if muscle had detached from bone, but all is okay. They have diagnosed back strain. They checked for many things!

Lynne2 said...

No Hoda, they are not. His company is WORLDWIDE operation with a fairly new CEO. It seems the stockholders are happy, while the employees are suffering. It's been crazy, all that has gone on in the past few months.....

stronghunter said...

Oh goodness, I have to get my things ready to leave here early in the morning for Susan's graduation ceremony. We need to get out of here by 6:00 or 6:30 AM.

Had a nice conversation with Ellen about my classes for tomorrow. She has taught the material before, so she will be just fine.

Lynne2 said...

Thank goodness Lolly! Hope he's not in too much pain.

paula eagleholic said...

Wow, can't believe that Lynne. It must be a sign. I wouldn't go back....and damn I know how tough this makes things for you two.

And Shirley, unbelievable....

Lynne2 said...

Have fun tomorrow Shirley!!! Tell Susan congrats!!!

Lynne2 said...

Thanks Paula. His boss didn't even remember to ask Steve for his key!!! Can you imagine! Steve was just about halfway home when he realized he still had it and he said he wasn't going to turn around and go back in rush hour traffic to return it!

Lynne2 said...

I haven't gotten to any news about how Nugz is doing Paula....hope he's doing OK!

stronghunter said...

Thank you, Lynne. You all take care. I really think this might be a turning point towards something better for Steve. It is no fun to work in a troubled company.

Lynne2 said...

OK, what the heck is going on down there in the WV/Va mountains??? Sharon has a lump, Sissy is sick to her stomach...first Thelma...GOOD LORD HAVE MERCY!!

stronghunter said...

I would not worry too much about the danged key, to tell you the truth.

stronghunter said...

Extra prayers for the Thelma/Sissy/Sharon bunch. Know they are a tough bunch, but golly.

Lolly said...

Joseph's big soccer tournament is this weekend. He can not play. When Joey told the doctor they would keep him home the doctor wanted to hug him! He says he has to argue with parents all the time. This was the team he was asked to be on.

Lynne2 said...

yeah, I got a place for that key.....LOL!

Lolly said...

Yes, the southern delegation is falling apart!

stronghunter said...

There will be plenty more soccer tournaments for Joseph. I am sure you know this, Lolly. No child should play hurt.

Lynne2 said...

I can't find anything on Loretta's knee...How are you doing Loretta?

I must have missed some posts....a friend of Andy's daughter has lost their son??? Oh how sad. Prayers for the family Andy.

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6/16/24 no one