Monday, March 28, 2011


New week thread.


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wvgal_dana said...

Thank you Steve for the Monday thread. Have a good day ( :
I'll go get the others.

Costume Lady said...

My live feed has been going for 53 minutes...whoo hoo!! Hadn't noticed til you mentioned it:)

Costume Lady said...

Thanks Dana for the WAKE UP CALL;)

Costume Lady said...

Told Gene, last night that I'd go shopping with him, today...don't feel like it now. Should I go, even though I don't feel like it?

Heather said...

Good morning! So the intruder and Belle have a routine going now? So sad that there haven't been any more sightings of Liberty. Is it possible that he'd stay in the area even though he's been "displaced"?

Red said...

Good morning everyone. There'll be no more nest visits till a little after noon nest time. Thats when I take my nap. But I'll hang around just in case. Someday I'll get to see them live. lol
Have a wonderful day. ☺

hedgie said...

DanaWV, glad the doggie made it's way home! Good timing that you had the goodies to share.

Andy, your yard must be a real aviary---didn't realize that the hawks were nesting in your ficus again! Neat!

Wanda---I read the Mitford sister sent them to me....IF I still have them and she doesn't want them back, I'll give them to you! WIll check when I go down to basement----two big bookcases there!

Kay, that is a lovely poem!!! Did you write it??

Loretta, that woman was really rude....shame om her for treating our friend like that! If her headache was so bad, she should have stayed home! Hope if she acted that way with the scouts that the troop leader put her in her place!

Wanda---you may be right about Judie and Sherlock!!!! Never thought of that!

LOL, Red----just SAY you are leaving, and then don't!!!

Wanda, I'm sure Gene will understand if you don't feel up to going shopping!

wvgal_dana said...

Good Morning

Heather welcome back. Good to have you here. ( :

Red you still like to be the "funny guy" stay that way!!

Hedgie-Lynn Glad you used WVDana it really helps in posting. That way people know which "Dana" you mean. Yep that little guy was a tiny dog anyhow. Is he ever skinny. I was saving the stuff. Was going to take it to Hampshire County but in prayers God kept saying hold onto it. So I was glad when they brought Cooper doggie around yesterday for me to see him. I was glad God saved the stuff to help those nice young guys out.

wvgal_dana said...

Wanda your welcome for that wake up but due to many Dana's on here.I'm now called in comments
WVDana ( :

hedgie said...

Stork cams have 2 eggs in one and FOUR in the other!!!!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Good morning my eagle budlets! I am still at Sissy's. She is still fighting nausea this morning, not sure what that is all about but. . . Hopefully today that will calm down. Had a great visit with Andrew, Kelsey and friends yesterday.

wvgal_dana said...

Sharon prayers for Sissy to get over that nausea. Tell her I said hi. Plus prayers for her recovery.

Sharon could it be any medication they are giving her making her have the nausea?

hedgie said...

Duh....should have said stork nests!

hedgie said...

Shar---try some hot tea with a little ginger in it...that might ease Sissy's nausea. Just hope she's not vomiting---can imagine how that would hurt at this point!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

I think this surgery inhibits the vomiting process, you lose the capability. I can't after my gastric bypass either.

Costume Lady said...

GG used to give me hot ginger tea for cramps...worked very well. Or maybe it was a TEA & SYMPATHY thing going on?:) She was a wonderful, caring mother and now I am trying to be a caring daughter. Lord, let it be so.

Lynn, Mitford Series was one of
GG's favorite books when she was still reading. She stopped when she had her mini stroke. I would like her to start reading again and she may, if she had something that she REALLY enjoys. I know what reading did for her, before...she couldn't wait to sit down with her book or climb into bed and read until she fell asleep:)

T-Bird said...

Wanda, go ahead and go.

T-Bird said...

I sure want to know if Lib is safe.

Lolly said...

Good morning!

Kay, nice to start the day with a lovely poem. Thank you!

Sharon, so sorry Sissy is having this problem. She is supposed to get well fast!!

Paula, I stopped at 14.23. Were you going to ask if they could stop this 14 minute limitation? Won't hurt to ask and I would appreciate it.

Lolly said...

Wanda, you are doing great with GG. You are a fantastic daughter!!

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

Just a quick visit. My students are watching a movie right now. Later, we go to the library for research.

I see that Belle and our intruder have been in the nest already this morning.

See you later.

Costume Lady said...

LOL, Thelma Lou...getting ready right now! I have had to say NO so many times because I was too busy, or knee was barking at me, but laundry will wait and I will bark right back at my knee;)!

Costume Lady said...

Oh, yes, know he would understand, but you can say NO, only so many times;)

Lolly said...

I am now off to read the paper, but I will be watching the nest and be back very shortly.

Cool here again this morning. 51, and an over night low of 49. Had to bring my Ti plant into the house.

Lolly said...

Amazing that Gene likes shopping. What does he want to shop for? Jack can not stand to go shopping, though he will go grocery shopping with me.

wvgal_dana said...

Good Morning Thelma, Shirley, and Wanda.

Heading out for doctors appt.

Costume Lady said...

Gene loves to shop because he has been in the grocery business since he was 14 years old. He does most of the shopping for GG's groceries and I shop for her personal needs. We will do both today.

IrisF said...

Good Morning to Everyone!!! It's a beautiful day today!

(finally got a decent nights sleep)

Kay, loved the poem!!!Thanks!

Hubby said I need to do some updates to my computer, so I may not be around much today...we'll see how long it takes to do them.

Have a blessed day, I'll catch up later! Love you!

paula eagleholic said...

Nest Update Mar 28

Truder and Belle visit, T arrives at 6.26 followed by B at 6.30, they Depart at 6.33, quiet visit

Costume Lady said...

Neighbor just came to the door, telling Gene she has been broken into and robbed once again...makes about 3 times...there he goes to help her search her house for intruders. Hmmmm?

IrisF said...

Delphia, I'm thinking about you and praying for good news today...

paula eagleholic said...

We don't know if Lib will remain near, if he will try to take back the nest, or if this will be our new couple. We are just watching and waiting.

movin said...


GooD MornING,
EveryOnE ! !


We have a fairly moderately decent day coming to us today in So Cal.

How's everyone and everything back there??

C(°Ù¿°)D Jim

floralgirl said...

Went by the nest about 15 minutes ago, no sighting of any eagles anywhere:( Did see a pileated woodpecker and a large red tailed hawk.
Have a great day everybody!

hedgie said...

Oh, dear, Wanda.....hope Gene took his gun with him! Why is this neighbor getting robbed so many times??? Poor security? Or does somebody "inside" her circle know something?? Haven't heard a call on the scanner---but not paying real close attention, either.

Gee, Shar, didn't know that those surgeries prevented miserable that could be!


hedgie said...

Wanda, I looked and I don't still have the Mitford books---guess I did send them back to sis.
At Food Lion, there is a freestanding rack of some really great spirtual books.....novel-type but religious overtones. They are good.

paula eagleholic said...

Kay got kicked out of the blog and can't get back on....

Costume Lady said...

Gene came back in...robbery took place over the weekend...she was away visiting her son. Robber climbed up her TV antennae and broke out a window. Stole flat screen TV and jewlrey...don't know what else. Police took fingerprints. She is in an A Frame cabin type house and way back off the road. She needs a Trail Cam!

paula eagleholic said...

Thanks, Megan for the report!

Mema Jo said...

Good Morni9ng! Thanks Steve for the fresh thread. Megan thanks for reporting your sightings - Going back to read early morning comments.


Lolly said...

Oh, that is rough, Wanda. Have you ever been broken into? Knock on wood...we are in a wonderful developement. Not much stolen over the 38 years we have been here.

Lolly said...

Every 14 minutes having to remember to refresh. Grrrrrr!

Lolly said...

Should just let it go....eagles are not coming 'til after lunch. Isn't that when Red is taking his nap. LOL

GrannieKay said...

Good Morning girls. Hope everyone is OK. Cold and rainy here in SC. I got all excited a bit ago seeing a Robin gathering up sticks and taking them to the tree right in front of my patio but shucks. . . I flew off. :*(

I was checking on the nest a bit ago and see someone had a video of Jesabel and Turdbird from this AM.
They are looking rather kissy kissy to me. See what you think when you have time.

Linda said...

Good Morning!

I see many of you are late to bed and early to rise. Not the case with me!! I'm a SLEEPER!! Love that 9-10 hours of sleep!! LOL

Paula: As always, thanks for the updates and videos. You're awesome

Iris: Prayers go out to you and your family in the loss of your cousin.

Sharon: Prayers to Sissy for her recovery and nausea. I hope it passes soon.

Lynn: Those photo shots in Cape Coral, FL are really neat to see as it definitely shows an eagle close to maturity (4yrs?).

Wanda: You probably won't miss anything in the cam if you go shopping for a couple hours, but the blog is a WHOLE different story! LOL

Kay: Enjoyed the poem! Thanks

Such a great group here!

Mema Jo said...

Now I am ready to start..
KayIM Beautiful poem Thanks
DanaWV I am so thankful you were there for Cooper.
Iris I am happy you had a good
night's rest - For some reason so did I. I prayed for Joyce's family
DanaMo You were right that I just wanted you to view NCTC sight.
Lori You sure do have a lot of company in the morning since everyone realizes that you can set your watch from B & T's visits.
Red You can tell a little white lie about leaving & then stick around to see these eagles - but I know that we retirees do have a set Nap Schedule that can't be changed.
Wanda I guess your shopping trip has been interrupted by someone Up There because He knew you really didn't want to go shopping today.
Hello T-Bird and BEagle and Shirley and Heather
Floralgirl So good of you to give us reports at the nest & of the weather.
I can't believe that I am imitating Andy's style of writing a book. I usually never do this "name" game but
there is more to continue......

Lolly said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lolly said...

Where is Lynne this morning? Have missed her!

Lolly said...

DanaMo, never had eggs in the classroom however we always did silk worms. Always wanted to do a garden spider, too, but never did. (I can hear Lynn, cringing!)

hedgie said...

Good that Kay got back in the door!

Watching the video....sure like this side by side window stuff!

Wanda, maybe it's time for your neighbor to get a security system installed. If she's back off the road, sounds like someone knew she was goingt o be away. If the perp climbed the antenna tower to break awindow, guess ot was a real "second-story" job!

Red said...

Lolly and GrannyKay, I don't think the visit you are showing happened this morning. The visit this morning was very short .

Lolly said...

Off to eat breakfast and then walk. Good day here....I am now down below my weight when we left on our trip last fall. Going to diet for one more month and get way below. Like to loose one more size. LOL Jack was looking at pictures last night from 2005 trip to Italy. He told me I now look younger. Isn't that sweet?! Love my jubby!

Lolly said...

My bad, Red, if that is the case. Want someone who watched this morning to tell me if it was or was not. I will remove my post.

Lolly said...

I'm outta here!


hedgie said...

At 5:49 on that video, didn't it look like the stupid light came ON?????? I'm wondering if it has a timer that is inncorrectly set.....
All of this nestorating makes you think that they might be prepping again, doesn't it?

Mema Jo said...

I think that Newmouse1's video was from 3/27 per her comment of
This time the two eagles "play nice" and both dig up the burial site. Previously, Belle would dig and swat the other eagle. Some see the buried egg, others not. The other eagle has a clear cross as the spot. Some think there are two "other" eagles, one with a non-cross spot.
It was very interesting and I thank you GrannyKay for bringing it over & Lolly for the link.
It was very interesting - I could see that egg deep down.

hedgie said...

Hey, Diann (PA-Nana)---32 yrs. ago today was 3-Mile Island.

Mema Jo said...

I saw the light come on also Hedgie.
That sure was interesting - I wonder if a biologist has watched it...

GrannieKay said...

I kind of thought a couple time that I saw the egg but after looking really hard, with glasses on and magnifying glass I really think it was just a reflection off his foot. I was holding my breath the whole time. I wish we knew more about Lib.

I added my favorite picture of my babies to my profile so hope it shows when I send this. Allay (brown) was 6 in January and Jose (blond) will be 6 in July and they are totally spoiled rotten. Life would be very dull without them.

Mema Jo said...

It was 7:45pm EST yesterday for that video. Need to read back on older
thread but really don't have time to
investigate and I appreciate that I
got to see it.. Thanks again

Mema Jo said...

Geula you are our queen no matter what # you come in on. Please reassure us that you are in a safe zone
and that the conflict isn't as close to you as it was last time. Prayers for you safety.

Mema Jo said...

Allay and Jose look to be very good companions GrannyKay

GrannieKay said...

I apologize if that is a old video. Maybe I misunderstood what I read or the person who posted the link had misinformation. Seems to be a lot of that lately out there.

Anyways I have to brave the world today. BBL

paula eagleholic said...

The video was from last night, not this morning.

paula eagleholic said...

I was KAY IM that got kicked off...after she posted the poem

Mema Jo said...

Sharon I thought you were already back in Bedford. You are really
special with your sisterly love ♥
Someone else suggested it could be Bev's meds -
Hedgie Did you start the wood stove up. It is really really cold
out today and no sun.
Paula - Thanks for updates..
Need to go back to emails....

Kay said...

Paula, has anyone told you you're brilliant lately ? I followed your instructions for clearing browser history and Eureka ! Thank you sooo much !

Glad so many of you liked the poem and enjoyed your comments on it. No, Hedgie, I didn't write it---wish I had that kind of talent. I found and saved it long ago, ran across it yesterday and thought it perfect for us.

Thanks to DanaMo for explaining the little trash can to me ! I have a feeling I'm going to learn a lot from you experts.

Kay said...

But, wait, why doesn't everyone have a trash can at the end of their messages ?????

Linda said...

I agree! Maybe we should put Paula on the payroll!!

Wait, do we have any money??

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

KayIM, The trash can is so you can delete your own comments, not anybody else's.

Red said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Red said...

And I just used my trash can. I made a mistaken comment and so just erased it so I wouldn't look like a fool.

Red said...

And I need lots of help there. lol

Kay said...

Sharon, are you saying none of you can see the trash can at the end of my messages, only me ?

I see, Red ! Well, you know what I mean. ;o)

Thank you both for helping me. Is there a Blogging for Dummies book I can buy ?

Mema Jo said...

We all have our own Trash Cans and
we can only see/use our own.

Yeah Red - what did you trash! lol

Mema Jo said...

No KayIM You have to ask questions because at one time we were the dummies and now we all qualify as dummies! lol

Kay said...

Thanks Mema Jo ! It finaly sunk in. I've spent so much time on the computer snafu this morning, guess it's time to do something else to justify my existence. See you all a little later......

Red said...

I worked at a computer help desk and I still learn things. Usually someone here can answer your questions though.

Geula said...

Hi all! I'm fine, far away from any "action". I'd be perfectly willing to come to the nest area and hold off any nasty people who want to disturb the nest or the farmer's property! All I need is a plane ticket and a little package of money.

Linda said...

Just popped over to the NBG cam and noticed Mom or Dad is feeding the eaglets.

One isn't interested and is just laying there. Does that happen sometimes? Maybe just not hungry?

Lolly said...

Okay, I deleted my post with the video as I stated it was from this morning and did not want to mislead. It is a good video, though.

I bet there is a book Blogging for Dummies, those books cover every other subject in the world. LOL

Have finished my walking for this morning and now to tackle a few house keeping chores. Another "too cool" for me day to work outside. Hmmmm??? What can of trouble can I get into indoors?

hedgie said...

Oh, no---SNOW in forecast for Weds. night.....ugh!

JudyEddy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Geula said...

Once, many many years ago, one of the ladies in a SHE group I wrote to had a they all chipped in and sent Zy the farmer half way across the country to help her recover her house. Maybe it was a myth but I like to think that it was true!

LOLOL! I'll be waiting for my package of money to arrive in about 2 weeks! How do I make a smiley? ;-))

Lolly said...

Prayer request! We have a chance of rain tomorrow. Please let it rain! It is getting really scary and I dread what this summer will be like. And, to think I was whining last year about my bog. I just want a normal spring, that is all I ask!

JudyEddy said...

Home during lunch to check the email to me box Wow did we have beneficial rain a hair under 2" and some storm that work me up in the middle of night Hope everyone has a good day off to work I go Yuk I want to retire Maybe one day

Lolly said...

LOL Is this a scam, Geula? ☺

Lolly said...

"work" you in the middle of the night? Careful Judy! LOL You make a typo around here and you live with it forever!

Geula said...

Yes, it's a scam! I'm a scammer and a troll too! but I'm nice and I love eagles and bunnies and donkeys and pandas, so that makes me a nice scammer and troll!

Linda said...

Never mind. I see the third eaglet at NBG finally getting into the feeding action.

Am in invisible today?? LOL

Linda said...

Maybe I should be, because I'd better get back to work!! ☺

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

So we can trust scammer and troll with the name of Geula but none else. I think I can handle that.

hedgie said...

Lolly, Lynne2 is working today. And yes, I cringed when you mentioned a Boris!

Okay, both Kay's definitely here now!
Trash can: remember when Judie lost hers?? Don't remember what that was all about! She also couldn't change her profile pic! Gave me her password and I was able to fix that for her.

Lolly, congrats on your weight re-loss! You done good, kid! Just don't go too far down! I agree that you do look younger!

DanaMo said...

Lunch break. Candled the eggs this morning. Saw some signs of development. I was hoping for more. I have 15 eggs, 8 look promising, a couple of them look definite. Fingers crossed. Recess duty calls :(

Red said...

OK. Get you watching hats on. I'm leaving to take my noontime nap.
Catch you later.

Geula said...

OH! Hi PA- Lynn!you're NOT invisible! I see you...

hedgie said...

Your dogs are so cute, Granniekay!

Hey Jim and Red.....glad you are both perkin' today!!

Linda said...

Thanks Geula,

I chimed in to say good morning earlier and asked a question about eaglet feedings, and no responses. Thought I wasn't logged in right!!

Lots going on! I understand that, for sure!

Lolly said...

LOL Every blog should have it's very own lovable scammer and troll and ours is Geula.

Mema Jo said...

Lolly - you're too fast for me...
I wish that you still had the video of
3/27 at 7:45 pm. It had a lot of
action in it - especially about that egg cup.

Lolly said...

Uh Oh PA Lynn! Did not mean to ignore your question! Whoops!

Lolly said...

Tell you what, Jo. I repost the video and put the correct info on it. How would that do?

hedgie said...

Geula, do you still have family in New York??

Linda said...

No problem, Lolly!

Iknow how wonderful you all are!

Mema Jo said...

Whoops - seems like most are taking their lunch hour....... I better take


Mema Jo said...

That would do just fine!
Others need a chance to see it....

Lolly said...

Video of Turd Bird and Jezzabelle Sunday, March 27

How is that, Jo? ☺

hedgie said...

Geula, nice story if it's true!!
Okay, rain dance for TX Lolly and a stop-rain dance for FL Judy....sure hope I don't get them mixed up!!!

Lolly said...

You better not get them mixed up! Grrrrrr! LOL

Lolly said...

I really need to get busy, but if Red is napping.......we will have a visit!

Maybe he lied and is lurking. Shhh! Do not talk about him! ☺

hedgie said...

EJ in Scottish cam 2.

Jo, house got SO hot yesterday I let fire go out. May rebuild this afternoon. Getting ready to hit the file cabinet so will have stuff to burn, so might as well rather than just moving the stuff to another location, huh?!

hedgie said...

Wanda---are you still here??? ou don't want "holey" clothes for the closet, do you? Bagging up the Mai-ruined jeans and sweatshirts.

hedgie said...


If you have time on your hands, you can always click on our names and go to our Blogs and see lots of cool pics, videos, etc.!! Most of have at least one blog!

PammySue said...

Hello everybody. I have been trying to catch up, but I must admit that sometimes I just skim.

Iris, I am sorry about your cousin, but she is now at peace.

DanaWV, very cool pillow, and a great story about the dog finding his way back home. So there is always hope. :)

Sharon, I hope your sister starts feeling better soon. I have also heard that ginger does calm the stomach. That is why ginger ale is supposed to be good for that.

Wanda, I can't believe your neighbor has been robbed 3 times. I have heard that some crooks wait for the insurance to replace everything they stole and then they go back and steal it all over again. Scumbags.

Delphia is also in my thoughts. I hope you get good news in your results.

hedgie said...

Hi, Pammie.......Wishing Delphia would check in...but it IS three hours earlier there, so.....will try to be patient.

GrannieKay said...

Well, managed to get my running around done between rain storms. Yea!
I hate it when I get rained on and have to pour me back into my mold. I always get to much on the bottom. ;)

DanaMo said...

Lunch break. Candled the eggs this morning.

DanaMo, what kind of eggs are you hatching? I use to hatch dozens of Chinese Silky Chickens along with McCaws, African Greys and you name it. Keep enough moisture in there or they get egg bound. That inner lining is like shrink wrap and then they can't break out.

Gotta go find a place to stuff all the goodies I brought home. LOL

PammySue said...

Hi, Lynn. :)

Grannie Kay, your dogs are so cute! And I'm glad they are spoiled. ;)

Mema Jo said...

Pam- Are the remark made on NCTC Eagle Cam & NCTC Eagle Group coming into each other? Like merging over...
Referring to the commenting from
JudyE. She really keeps good notes.

PammySue said...

Mema Jo, I think Judy is posting on both pages. I am still trying to change the name to NCTC EagleCam Fans, but Facebook will not let me. I am doing research about what type of page would be the best to have.
I have not deleted the original page because I would like to move the pictures from there over to the new page.
Sorry, I know it is a confusing situation. I just want to make sure of what I am doing before I go changing things again.

hedgie said...

Hope you can view this!
Birds, Birds, Birds

PammySue said...

Lynn, those photos were beautiful. Thanks.

Leona said...

@hedgie I did see it and that picture of the young eagle has that same spot on it's head "Dirty feathers".

Linda said...

Beautiful picturs of birds!!

I agree, Leona, how it was neat to see the eagle with the "dirty" feathers on his head. Looks familiar!!

Robyn said...

Finally got thru posts after many calls made today.

I wonder if this is going to be our new couple next season unless intruder has his way and starts it sooner yet Belle doesn't look like she is ready for another clutch

Does anyone know of a good dentist in the martinsburg area? I have been going to the same dentist in hagerstown 13 years now but I haven't been happy with them for the last few years and I feel they care more about making money then the patient.

hedgie said... what you said about pouring yourself into the mold! LOL!!! Excellent.

DanaMo teaches kinders and they are trying to hatch chicken eggs, thus the candling today!

Liz said...

Did someone say that Turd Bird looked ruffled and unkept at this mornings appearance? If so, does anyone have a pic or video of that? I'd like to see it.

PammySue said...

Robyn, I have not been there myself, but a friend recommended the Hancock Dental Center to me because I have been looking for a dentist. 304-264-9227. My friend does not have dental insurance, so they let her make payments. She said the dentist was very gentle and nice.

NatureNut said...

Hello everyone. Checking in--slept late, reading some! I watched the Utube video posted this AM & it was posted there 3-27 after 7 PM, I believe. Date, time under the screen.It must be from Sunday.Not to matter----looking too friendly. Belle didn't beat him up! TEAM LIBERTY!
wANTED TO GET A HAIRCUT THIS AFTERNOON, BUT fUBBY WANTS CORNED BEEF TONIGHT, SO i'LL HAVE TO START VOOKING AROUND 3 pm! ☺ ! so sorry, capslock keeps getting hit w/ this smaller keyboard!

Linda said...

Wasn't there a problem with an intruder a few years back at the NBG site? I believe I read that the next year the original pair were back together even though it looked as in an intruding male was trying to court or mate with the original female.

Hopefully that will be the case here with Belle and Liberty!

Robyn said...

Thanks Pammy, I have insurance thru the NYPD but becase I am out of state they only give me an allowance and I pay the difference which is still cheaper then paying 100% but can also be costly for specific work. If I went ot NYC dentists it would be free...

I started watching EJ in Loch Garten and fell in love, she is so adorable!

Mema Jo said...

Birds Birds Birds - what an assortment

Our intruder and all eagles around 4-5 yrs old - Those dark marks on the head
really make them look very old... &
scroungy. Our Liberty was older and was sooooooooo handsome!

Mema Jo said...

Red Nap time is over cause the eagles are not coming in for lunch or
afternoon siesta

Mema Jo said...

I am going to go and do somethings to make me look like a retired homemaker!
But I think I forgot what to

paula eagleholic said...


I don't think anyone said that Truder was unkempt during the visit this morning, but he is in person, it's easier to see then. Don't know of any video from this morning.

Mema Jo said...

I'm getting silly and that is the
trigger for me to BBL

Liz said...

Paula, ok, it was on OC that I read about the unkeptness of Turd Bird. I don't usually read what they have to say.

paula eagleholic said...

Just got an email from Chrissy!

Hi Folks,,,

I'm flying high right now folks,,,

Jst to let you know our magnificent World Record Holder had come home,,,,

Date 28th March 2011

Time 12.10.p, our time lunchtime,,,,

L:ooking the worst for wear rather tatty and hungry,, but she made it folks,,,,

She has since been and had a good feed of a Blue Trout [ stole it from Butterstone Loch ] and has had a bath and a good old preen,,, now she is looking like her old self again,,,

Can you all hear me screaming from where you all are folks !!!!!!

much love

paula eagleholic said...

Chrissy is referring to Isla at Loch of the Lowes

Linda said...

Every 12-14 minutes I try to remember to refresh, so I can keep up with our empty nest.

Sometimes I forget to turn down my sound and that stupid Ford 150 commercial starts and scares the bejeezes out of me. Not to mention the fact that my husband can probably hear it and he'll know I'm cheating and not working? LOL ☺☺☺

stronghunter said...

Yay, Chrissy! So happy to learn that our lady has returned.

Robyn said...

Paula thank you SO MUCH for posting that, my mom I am sure will start tearing the moment she sees or I tell her first.

She is a HUGE Isla fan and was so hoping she would return.

hedgie said...

BREAKING NEWS!!!!!!!!!!!
from Chrissy-ISLA HAS RETURNED~!!!!! she came in around noon their time!!!!! A little ratty, but she made it!!
I'm mixed up now.....can anyone verify which cam is which? I thought 1 was Isla's nest, 2 was EJ' I'm not sure! Could not get #1 to open, and was seeing who I thought was EJ on #2----but maybe it is Isla's....HELP!!!

Robyn said...




Mema Jo said...

I can't get #1 to open - #2 cam opens and I thought that was EJ

Robyn said...

For some reason the cam isn't showing today but it was last night

Mema Jo said...

If server can't connect it means everyone is wanting to sign into it.
I'll wait until later.
I liked the format last year that had
the update comments right there at the cam.

Robyn said...

I get a blank spot where cam should be and it states, this text will be replaced

Mema Jo said...

It is less than a miracle that this old bird made her way back home - it is
fantastic - She is so loved worldwide Love that Isla !

stronghunter said...

Ilsa is amazing. Such good news.

hedgie said...

NBG was very messy for breakfast and another one for lunch! They had a graphic warning on FB---I didn't look!

Robyn, I go to Briarwood Dental Center (used to be Bonifant/Brookreson). Have been going there for over 30 yrs. and have never been treated badly! And I HATE DENTISTS!!!

Robyn said...

I just set Tori up with new dentist, she didn't like the one we go to. This one is a female Dr. Rodia, I hope this works out and it is thru her ins.

GrannieKay said...

Do you have any idea how old Ilsa is?
Has her mate arrived yet. I've never watched them before so am looking forward to this season.

Red said...

I'm back from my nap. Guess it didn't work today. The magic is over. :-)

hedgie said...

Thanks, Robyn! In the back of my mind I knew Loch Garten came in there somewhere! Got it now! Of course, it is dark over there, so won't see much....their night light is bad, too!
Still getting unavailable on LoL cams.

GrannyKay.....I think it's been 25+ yrs. that Isla has been returning and producing a clutch!

Mema Jo said...

Trying to find out for you the age of Isla and the # of eggs of successful fledgings.

I am reading the blog for Cam 1 & 2
Jonathan said they have had visits but
can't ID due to no band on leg. So I'm
missing something from Chrissy's email.

Mema Jo said...

Hedgie - Robyn Read some of the blog
on the Loch of Lowes

GrannieKay said...

OMG! The poor old girl! I think we should take up a collection so she can retire. LOL

Mema Jo said...

Loch Of Lowes Blog

Robyn said...

OH NO! I hope it was her, I texted mom and told her Isla returned she will be so very disappointed if not true :(

She would like to see her to return though she is optimistic she also knows the 3000 mile flight may be too much for her...

Mema Jo said...

There is an osprey on Cam 1
Too dark - no light on cam 2

hedgie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
GrannieKay said...

Estimated age: 25 years (the average lifespan of an osprey is 8 years)
Number of eggs lain in her lifetime: 58
Number of chicks fledged from her nest: 46
Estimated number of miles traveled in her lifetime: 120,000 miles (3000 miles x 2 (from West Africa to Perthshire and back again) every year for approximately the last 20 years)

Mema Jo said...

Isla is the oldest known breeding osprey in the UK.
Isla doesn't have a leg ring...

Mema Jo said...

The 'Lady' is spectacular

hedgie said...

Thanks, GrannyKay--I was confusing age with her breeding time! Knew 25 was in there somewhere!

My delete----I had repeated Jo's info.

Well, I'll bow to Chrissy's judgment at this point---I think she and this bird were related in another life!!! Just such a shame that she isn't banded (or ringed as they say over there!).

NatureNut said...

Trust Chrissy w/her Isla ID!!! HOORAY!!! She has been watching her for more years than Peter Ferns who's there & they ID her by markings on her head.
Written June, 2010, she had returned to that nest for 20 consecutive years (21 now) and I believe fledged 46 juvies. So that would make her about 25 or 26 years old

Mema Jo said...

Your right Hedgie that Chrissy is over there and we'll go hope what she is saying is correct but I would like to read it as a positive ID from their blog.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

I am thinking that Chrissy would recognize Isla like I would Andrew! :-)

I can't reply to Eaglet Momsters mail from here cause my jetbroadband doesn't work for outgoing mail if I am away from home. There has been so much stuff I have wanted to reply to. Maybe, I will send someone an email and they can cut and paste and reply for me when I need to? :)

Mema Jo said...

Headed for the Kitchen
With our blog open & in sight......

NatureNut said...

Thx, Granny K! You got it on there before me. It's unbelievable. I hope this season is not too dramatic!

hedgie said...

88° in the sunroom, Jo....spilling into the living room. Too hot to start a fire! Feels like I need the A/C!

Linda said...

Wow! I'm excited and I don't know why?? LOL

Being a newbie I had to wait for a number of posts to figure out who Isla was and what was going on!!!

hedgie said...

Okay, Sharon...I'll do that for you!

Robyn said...

Mom agrees she said if anyone knows Isla it is Chrissy

GrannieKay said...

I'm grateful to ya'all for mentioning this and being able to watch it all from the very start. If that is a picturs of Isla, She is a beautiful girl. I always did love it when my boy's (parrots) would fluff. Made them look so sweet.

Say did you all know that birds have the same kind of belly buttons that puppies and kitties have? Inside the egg is very much like a womb and there is a cord from what looks like a clump of fat inside the egg to the belly of the developing chick. Normally the cord breaks when the egg hatches but I have had to hand deliver a couple chicks so the cords were still intact. It was fascinating.

Lolly said...

Just taking a peek in and then back to doing things. LOL

Wow! I am so excited for Chrissy. I do hope she was correct. It is time for that girl to have good news!

Lolly said...

Just a little while ago Jack found a Cedar Waxwing nestled in amongst mint in a flower bed. Anyway, we discussed what to do. His first inclination was to pick it up and put it in a bush. Then wait and see, but wanted it off the ground where Annie would get it. He went to pick it up and it flew! So, now we do not know if it was sick or what. They are such beautiful birds, but up close like we! Simply gorgeous!

stronghunter said...


I am about to head out to a meeting at another school building. I hope I will be able to jump back in later this evening, but I will not be home until later than usual this evening.

I am still thinking about whether or not I can retire at the end of this school year. This meeting is a retirement seminar.

Lolly said...

Wahhhhhhh! I wanna bear cub!!! Look at the den. Two cubs alone and playing. The look like two little stuffed animals, only for real! LOL

Costume Lady said...

Sharon, I would be happy to blog on your behalf!

Lolly said...

Oh, Shirley, do hope you can swing it! Retirement is great!

Mema Jo said...

Shirley Take real good notes!
It just might be that time.. No
more papers to grade over the weekends.

Lolly said...

When a teacher retires she gets her life back. As a teacher I left home at 7 and left school at 6. When I got home I was too tired for anything.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Thanks Lynn and Wanda. I can blog, just can't reply to Eaglet Momsters email.

Lolly said...

Laurel leaves home at 7 and gets home around 4, but then she has papers to grade.

Lolly said...

Sharon, when are you going home? How is Bev this afternoon?

Linda said...

Hi Lolly,

We had about 20 Cedar Waxwings fly in and eat all ther berries off our crab apple tree right in front of our kitchen table for about two days.

You're right they are gorgeous!

Costume Lady said...

Lolly, that is an excellent way to describe get your life back. I just didn't know how we would manage without one of us working, but, if your frugal, it can be done and it is well worth. I have enjoyed these last 10 years more than any in my life!

hedgie said...

Love cedar waxwings, Lolly! Cool that you got an up-close view!

Sharon, checking my email to see if you send a cut&paste message!!

WV sUSAn says that that Y7 is 11 and is banded.....sure hope he makes it back okay....males lag behind by a week or two.

hedgie said...

Oh, Shirley, that would be so wonderful!! Know how much Suzanne is looking forward to it....she is down to only 206 working days! I'm doing the countdown for her!!
Right----you DO get your life back!
I had planned to take early retirement and do something totally unrelated to nursing....illness got in the way and forced the issue even earlier, but it's worked out well! And it only put me out 6 months earlier than planned in the long run, is good!

hedgie said...

Loretta, have you read through the book yet? I forgot to call Jonathan, but wrote myself a note to do it first thing in the morning!! Hope I can figure out how to make an international call!

JudyEddy said...

Yikes **Hedgie rain dance not working It is pouring still and sideways we have big bands of rain moving in and I tried to look at rain gauge looks to be another 2" since lunch and no letting up in sight It is rumbling and lighting My road out front looks like a river raining so hard hasn't had time to drain

** Lolly I guess I get a B for miss spelling the word Oh well I don't like perfect anyway LOL

Now its time to start reading

Kay said...

Hedgie, thanks for your suggestion to Newbies. I'm taking your advice and enjoying learning more about you interesting people ! Love your avatar and "birds, birds, birds" is magnifcent.

PA Nana said...

Hi everyone. Won't even try to address anyone individually.

I think I've caught up today but now will have to break for supper.

Today's anniversary of TMI brings back bad memories. We live within the 5-10 mile radius of the plant and it was scary.

Supper's ready ... bbl

JudyEddy said...

Rain Rain go away the RAYS and the YANKEEs want to PLAY Game for tonight was rained or should I say stormed out Its in the dome thats odd I wonder if power loss being its in the Dome Watching news then back to reading OK I was right power outage airplanes delayed all kinds of stuff over the rain so far looks like 4-5" and more comin I need a boat Ha Oh that was not a good boom thunder Boom Boom Pow Pow in Pinellas Park Bye again

Robyn said...

Who is that in cam 1 at LoL, at 12 or 1 position...

hedgie said...

JudyE---turn off puter if it's storming!!!

Diann, know that you have stories to tell about TMI.....mine is that GM security had to make sure they had our home phone numbers in case we were needed for evacuees.

NatureNut said...

Back again---checked Dunkeld, Cam 1opened, showed a dark pic of part of back & tail of as bird, but not moving!!! Checked blog & there is a comment title in margin that Peter Ferns of LOtL confirmed it is "Lady". Can't get into it, keeps saying my user name must be all lower case & it is!!! You can still read comments tho & check what indiviual members have written.
Lynn, I haven't read all the text of LOtL book yet---lots of poems & Chrissy wrote many. Fubby just asked operator when we considered calling SWT.

hedgie said...

Robyn---I can't see that it's an osprey----looks like a mini-mothman!!

Robyn said...

LOL Lynn, just read naturenuts post regarding Lady, I love all these birds but if I get involved with all these cams again nothing will get done around here.

I am running out to foodlion to get some stuff I can also use the break lol

Good thing next few days will have me and Tori out of home, follow up from tori's strep throat, pre-op wednesday for her in Winchester,not exactly fun reasons to head out but out we will be...

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2/20/25 PM bird

1203 PM NN Scout comes to the nest with a load of bedding again. He seemed to leave with something in his talons. He has a beak full of bedd...