Monday, August 25, 2008


New week thread.


Costume Lady said...


Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Good morning Wanda. Welcome back Steve. Hope you had a good vacation!

Costume Lady said...

I didn't get up early enough to see our Royal Couple, but Butterfly Mama sent me two photos of them. I have to laugh at the irony of this situation: Karla up and about at 6am....when she was still living at home, I would have been up and SHE would still have been asleep. What a turn of events life brings. Anyway....THANK YOU, KARLA!

normabyrd said...

STEVEN!!!----WELCOME BACK TO WONDERFUL WILD WEST VIRGINIA!!!---We have MISSED you!!---Hope you all had a wonderful week!!!---you deserved "2" weeks at least for putting up with this crew!!!!!

Costume Lady said...

Good Morning Sissy and Norma... Sissy, I think you got to see the Eagle Pair, didn't you....did you, Norma?

NatureNut said...

Hi Sissy & Wanda. Thx Steve for new thread---guess it's back to salt mines---but then again it's got to be a great job!!
Sissy, we did say HI to the pandas, but they were too sleepy to care.
Wanda, love your catties to butterflies! So exciting.Haven't seen any parsley in Park garden this year, so we may not have caterpillars that need rescuing in the Fall.

Costume Lady said...

I wonder if the NCTC people plan to give us back our "Almost Live Feed"....sure would be nice. AHEEEMMM!!

normabyrd said...

SISSY----The 'LITTLE PRINCE' is eating his bamboo with both hands!!
ADORABLE little IMP!!!!

Costume Lady said...

Thanks, Loretta...I feel like a little girl again when I bring these little fellas home and watch them change. I never get tired of watching them. My Mom enjoys it as much as I do...trying to find her another one to raise and release.

normabyrd said...

WANDA---I was up early--6:30--but I need the computer person!!---So I checked in after the EAGLES had gotten tired of waiting for STEVE!---ho!

normabyrd said...

HEY NATURENUT!!----you missed all of my months of begging STEVE for his job---PROMISED I WOULD PAY HIM TO DO HIS JOB!!----ho!---He just kept on working---"paid me no mind"!!!! So when I grow up --- I want to have STEVE'S job!!----ho!

normabyrd said...

WONDER if INDIANA DAVE is enjoying his retirment????----Probably!!! ho!----I bet he is a 'happy camper'!!!

normabyrd said...

JO---I only see 4 BURROWING OWLS now!!----Maybe more will come out later!!!

magpie said...

Just hopping on before bedtime, see I missed the Royal Couple, thanks for the photo Sharon.

Sea Eagle at FerryBoat Finney's, and Chick in the other Finney's nest.

Good Day to Everyone...

"See You Later..."

xo z z z z z

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

He is sleeping on his grate now Norma. Mei ain't giving up the birthing den, is she? Yeah, I got to see the Royal Couple this morning, such a great way to start the day, Wanda!

movin said...


It's going to be a great week.



normabyrd said...

MORNIN' MARGY!----Will see you after your 'beauty nap'!!---naps put zip in your walk & sparkle in your eyes!!--- WHOA!---You are already a 'bundle of sunshine'!!!!

Mema Jo said...

Good Morning! My pc is sluggish also. It must be the weather!

So glad our Royal Couple showed this am & thanks Sharon for the pictures.

Deb is out this am doing the power point presentation with Jane. Her pictures are really great - glad we got to see her & friends!

Norma you said it all when you told Loretta that she & her daughter looks like sisters!

Wanda your Catty pics are so good!
They tell it all! I have only had Praying Mantis explode out of a cocoon in my house when the kids were young. lol

Must walk out and get my newspaper - BRB

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Looks like Tian is taking a dip in the pool.

normabyrd said...

No update in ATLANTA!!----Little BUTA BUTA is rolled up in a ball---sleeping on the floor of the playroom!!!!!--'bless her little heart'!

Mema Jo said...

Both sea eagles are in the nest at Finny over the Water.......

Finney is in his nest. I think Jim is right in saying that this osprey should soon migrate. Have not seen the adults recently...

Only one osprey up in the CT nest

normabyrd said...

Haven't referred to LIBERTY & BELLE as the ROYAL COUPLE since they had the 3 MOUNTAINEERS!!----WOW!!!-----Time flies!!----(when you are having fun)!----believe me "WE ARE HAVING FUN"!!!!!--

movin said...

They have a new "Google Update" on the whereabouts of the two migrating Osprey eyasses.

Does anyone know if there is a link for us viewers to see the map? So far it kinda looks like they're waiting for the 'bloggeteer' to report back to the public.



NatureNut said...

Thx Jo & Norma for the sister remark. We used to be told that years ago, but I'd need a facelift to match daughter better now!!She got the nice rounded frame not from me. I could probably weigh 200 lbs & still have scrawny bones!Why can't we get the xtra lbs where we want them???
Norma, I know you want Steve's job!!!And Sissy wants to be a panda!!What a relaxing life they have!!I guess to catch them awake, you've got to watch cam.
Sloth bears were out and about & then they fed them dried food thru a vacuum hose that goes into fake termite mounds in their enclosure! I spent last night looking up names of small mammals--maybe can get pics on sonn.

normabyrd said...

I watched a "WONDERFUL---WONDERFUL SHOW" yesterday on A/P----"GROWING UP BABOONS"!!---They raised the infant baboons that were orphaned by death of parent, etc.---so tiny -- so human like---babies became attached to a worker--(most college students, who were staying a year)--who kept them--feed them--sleep with them, etc.---The workers also fell in love with the little cuties!!--became so attached ---They wished they could take them home to USA or where ever the lived----The baboons were so loving with their adopted siblings too!!-----It was really a heart breaker!!----such tiny adorable loving little things!!---They were forever kissing -- getting near their sisters & brothers!!!----MUST SEE!

normabyrd said...

I bet BLUEFIELD SHARON is dancing in the street----SCHOOL started today!!----You GO GIRL!!!

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

OMG!!! Is anyone looking at Buta? That is a hilarious pose. Don't know why she don't fall off that log.

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' MOVIN'JIM!----Sorry---I can't help you!!!---Bet DEB can when she gets back!!

Hey are you doing the 'rain dance'???----We NEED IT BAD!!---

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Norma, school doesn't start till tomorrow. Today is Meet the Teacher day, at 4 pm this afternoon.

paula eagleholic said...

Welcome Back, Steve. Hope you had a nice week off.

Morning, all!

normabyrd said...

GOLLY SISSY!----She has slept that way before & up between the forks of the poles!!!!----She is a RIOT!!----needs a play mate--maybe????

Costume Lady said...

I just went for a walk in the Marsh with Loretta, loved it. I saw a patch of Milk Weed in the butterfly garden and I'll bet there was a caterpillar or two on them.
Something that I forgot to mention (some of you probably already know this), if you look on the chrysalis in my photos, you will see what appears to be a golden necklace around the top. That is why the butterfly is called MONARCH, as in Royal Jewels.

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' PAULA!!---Need to check my good morning----Since you couldn't find a baby to kiss---I ask you to "KISS A DEMOCRAT TODAY"!---ho!-----Lots of them in MD?----ho!!!!

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

She makes it look so comfortable! (Wish I was a panda.)

normabyrd said...

DANA!---Have missed you this am!!---Earlier there were a 'herd' of DONKEYS!!----now I see two--(2)!!
They miss you!!

normabyrd said...

SISSY----I wouldn't mind being a PANDA!---Because GOD made them so beautiful---just as they are!!---

paula eagleholic said...

I would guess our live feed is down for the season...

paula eagleholic said...

Norma - c'mon over and give 'em some smooches...

paula eagleholic said...

Awesome sea eagle at finney over the water...and osprey at finney's, too

movin said...

They just switched the cam to Bai and ZZ, who are both in the bamboo eating mode, although ZZ seems to be playing more than anything.



normabyrd said...

MOVIN' JIM!---Check SD!!---Isn't that little ZZ??---She is ADORABLE---but looks so large!!

Lolly said...

HELLO EVERYONE!!! I am baaackkk!!Survived "Camp Hawkwood" with the two boys! We had sooo much fun. We went to see Deep Sea at Omni (our Imax), we went to Fossil Rim, a drive through wild animal park. (Fed a giraffe by hand when he stuck his head in the window.)Rode the express train to Dallas and back and fed the pigeons in the park. Went swimming, played in the rain, and did some arts and crafts. Remember braiding plastic strips into key chains? When we returned the boys to their parents, the four of us had matching t-shirts. "I survived camp Hawkwood, Summer 2008"

Now I gotta clean house! Let it go all week.

Did I miss anything all week?

Your friend, Boobie Frickentush, nickname "Dipsy" LOL

PS Also, I have learned as much as I love puzzles, I take way longer than average to work them.??

movin said...

Talk to you all later, have a good day.

Got to take care of business.



Costume Lady said...

Lolly, good to have you back on here. Sounds like you and the boys had a great time. (Grandma's know how to have fun. LOL) I think everyone is taking a panda nap. They will be here later.

NatureNut said...

Lolly is back from camp!!Was it out of town, or day camp? Sounds like fun!I remember a couple years of braiding gimp into lanyards & bracelets. Could even do them in bed after lights out! I want to go to camp. Could hardly get fubby (Frank) to pick up child from hotel in DC. He wanted her to take a cab!!! He softened up tho. I'm gonna have to take trips myself if I'm allowed out of the hood!!Maybe I could borrow Norma's plumber, AC man, or comandeer a 'puter geek for us!

NatureNut said...

Wanda, I didn't know how monarch got it's name, but I think they have the most beautiful chrysalis!
Tye gold spots look metallic. They must eat some minerals! LOL

Lolly said...

Loretta....we did not actually go to camp. We kept the boys a full week as school is starting and Laurel was back at work at in-service. We called it Camp Hawkwood for fun, and filled the week with lots of fun things to do. We had a ball! Laurel really enjoyed it as well. LOL Good Mommy's deserve a break now and then!

paula eagleholic said...

An employee came into work this morning and told us about this little black bear cub that climbed his neighbors tree this morning. They think the Mama bear was hit by a car this morning.

Bear Cub Story & Video

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Lolly, what fun that sounds like!! I used to have an aunt with a great imagination who made summer days so fun for us. We would have scavenger hunts for penny candy, she never did seem old to me.

Lolly said...

LOL That reminds me.....I said something about being old....Jacob (3) said, "'re not old, you're new!"

That's me....64 years NEW!

NatureNut said...

What a wonderful camp, Lolly!
Paula, hope you get news at 11 on that adorable bear.What wonderful DNR people they are!

Mema Jo said...

Good Afternoon all.
Area where the bear cub has climbed a tree is very residential. He is probably quite scared - His Mom could have been hit and headed back to the wooded area - strange no one has reported seeing her. Or just maybe the cub is out on his first
adventurous outing! You know - He is

Mema Jo said...

Lolly - Welcome back! Hope your garden is doing well. Jacob nailed you good with that compliment!
I guess all those years of Kindergarten experience paid off - especially since you had more then one participant for a whole week!
I would also think that your daughter thinks of you & hubby as the best parents in the world!
Makes you feel good when you can be helpful to your own.

Mema Jo said...

School buses are rolling in our county. My Germany gal started 1st grade over there today. Her mom sent me pictures and then called to say Samantha was really tired out! Well that won't last long, I know!
I was in NY on her 1st day of Pre-K and then again for K in NY I got to go to her school.. From here on out I guess it will be photos and web cams! That's ok - she is in my Heart!

Mema Jo said...

Grandson starts high school this year
Daughter said it was a tear-jerker having to walk pass the crayons and not get any! lol

Mema Jo said...

Going to break away
Will keep my eyes and ears on the
Bear news....


Lolly said...

Hi Jo! The yard and garden is doing great. We had a break in the weather last week and even got some wonderful rain. A great rain, that soaked in. Everything is looking green. Yea! Hopefully, no more 100 degree days, but I'm not holding my breath.

Poor little bear! Keep us posted. I just can not imagine living in an area with bears! Though one morning driving to school a large wild cat of some kind crossed my path.

floralgirl said...

The bear story has been updated, there is a couple of videos of the bear, cick on the link Paula provided and it'n on the right by bear pic under multimedia. That bear is soooo cute...

paula eagleholic said...

Bear Update - 4:53pm...bear climbed down the tree and is on his way...somewhere! He was sooooo cute!!

Mema Jo said...

The Bear Facts....

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Thanks Mema Jo. You know that poor little bear was scared to death. Hope it finds it's way home. Will they make sure it doesn't go to another residential neighborhood, ya reckon? Maybe try to herd it out of town or something.

paula eagleholic said...

I'm not sure what's happening with the baby bear now....Channel 4 news showed him in a cage! And this after DNR said they would let him be...maybe they thought he would get hurt, or Mama would be coming to find him...he was walking through people's backyards after he climbed down....maybe I'll get the scoop in the morning from my co-worker.

Off for dinner and dog walking....BBL

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Saw your post Paula. I figured they would have to do something to keep it from being right back in the same soup.

Mema Jo said...

Gambrill State Park is a little ways up above those apts. I was hoping they could cage him at least to head him into the right direction. His curiosity would probably have taken him into the Mall!

MITS said...

awww what a Monday update from Atlanta on Lun Lun

MITS said...

talked to Ceil this afternoon, they are at the Cape, and celebrating Mary Margaret's Birthday today.....dummy me should have flown up there this week to be with them....duh!!!

Mema Jo said...

Never too late to hop a jet!

MITS said...

I can't believe it never occurred to me, I try to keep hubby's itinerary current in my mind and he is out of town most of this week so it would have been perfect

Mema Jo said...

It still can be - tomorrow is only Tuesday..... lots of days left in the week. It does run into Labor Day Holiday - but don't think that means there are crowds....

MITS said...

they are headed back home on Friday

Mema Jo said...

Free ride home - Hubby pick you up in Bethesda and then go back to the ocean.....

Mema Jo said...

If you were meant to have gone
I guess you would already be gone! Right?

WOW The after dinner party of Burrowing Owls is in progress. All
10 of them! Better take a pic for Norma.

Mema Jo said...

Update from Loraine on Kent Nest

Mema Jo said...

Going to see if anything on TV other then politics!

MITS said...

some other time, it just would have been nice to see my nephew, and his girlfriend, he lives so far away, that I rarely see him.

MITS said...

well, I always have something to watch on the Food Channel or HGTV, and re-runs of CSI on Spike TV

MITS said...

Not to mention Discovery Health

MITS said...

Finally an Update from ATLANTA

Monday, August 25

Good evening from panda night watch. I am writing this update Sunday evening, to be posted for all to read on Monday, as I am working the 2pm to 10pm shift both days. I would also like to say Happy 11th Birthday to Lun Lun. She is spending the night before her birthday mostly sleeping. Her latest progestins profile shows that they continue to drop, but have not yet reached baseline. She has gotten up once to eat a small amount of biscuits, bamboo, and bananas, but that’s all. We have also seen a little bit of nest building behaviors from her. She has started to pull her bamboo into her nest box. Though she seems to be eating more of it then building with it, we do consider this nest building. She has also been chewing on and pawing at the nest box itself off and on for a few minutes. We will just have to wait and see if she has a reason to build a nest.

One thing I have really enjoyed seeing while working the night shift is the many ways a panda sleeps. Lun Lun shifts her position many times during the night. At some points she is hunched over in a little panda ball, while others she is completely sprawled out. She also likes to change location within the den through out the night. On the other hand, Yang Yang and Mei Lan seem to sleep in the same position most of the night. Depending on which den they are in they seem to each have chosen a favorite spot.
Kate Roca
Carnivore Keeper I

deb said...

Hi, everyone. It has been a long day, up and out the door at 6:20, back for carpet cleaning. Then back to Yankton to help impress the boss lady from Pierre. I think we did good. She seemed pretty happy with everything and was really interested in having educational birds at the campgrounds next summer.

Poor Gabby can't catch a break. Someone or something spooked him and he tore off his tail feather protection. He broke quite a few tail feathers again. I think he is destined to go back to Idaho. I am secretly glad he won't be released this year. I don't think he would have survived the big, bad world.

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Oh Deb, that is such a shame about Gabby. But, maybe you are right, maybe this is a God thing for him.

Well, I am calling it a night.

WAKE UP MASON!!! We are waiting to meet you!

Good night my friends. Sleep tight, see you in the morning light.

paula eagleholic said...

Awww, poor Gabby. What is the long term prognosis, Deb. I heard osprey don't do well in captivity.

deb said...

Jane has an educational Osprey, Paula, but I will ask that question tomorrow. Maybe if they are together they will do okay? She plans on taking him home and bringing him back next year to release him, but a lot can happen in a year. He is responding well to the medication and is getting stronger every day, eating on his own with a healthy appetite.

paula eagleholic said...

Thanks, Deb. It may have been that they don't do well being rehabbed from an injury....I guess I'm thinking of the poor little osprey that broke her legs....Sherry.

MITS said...

GOOD NIGHT EVERYONE...watching a really good CSI movie on SPIKE TV have never seen it before....thank God for cable

deb said...

I will give you an update tomorrow night, Paula. I knew that once I held him, i would get attached and now I have held him 4 times.

Costume Lady said...


deb said...

Night everyone.


Mema Jo said...

Good Night Everyone
Peace to you & yours
Prayers for all needs being said

Wake Up Mason - You missed out on
a Monday!! Come on back to friends &

movin said...

Good night, everybody...

Now I've got the computer problems ... or maybe the browser.

Shut everything down, including the modem; waited a couple of minutes; started modem to the point where the lights were in running form; restarted computer.

It all seems to be working again. [:~D]



floralgirl said...

Well, shoot..I can't open the cam page again...

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Good morning, Eagle Friends!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Good morning. Can't open the cam page either!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

We probably have eagles in the nest! :(

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

What a treat to see Mei and Tian wrestling this morning! I told Sharon I won't get nothin' done today for watching them.

floralgirl said...

new thread...........

2/20/25 PM bird

1203 PM NN Scout comes to the nest with a load of bedding again. He seemed to leave with something in his talons. He has a beak full of bedd...