Friday, August 15, 2008


New thread.


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MITS said...


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Thanks Mits and Steve!

Red said...

Thanks Steve. Thanks MITS for the heads up.

MITS said...

somebody go get Norma, she is still on the other thread....going for more coffee

magpie said...

That's okay RED - that makes you One of a Kind...


paula eagleholic said...


MITS said...

and to go with the coffee.....DONUTS:)

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Now, I can remember having the black and white TV and we (the kids) were the remote control. My grandmother got the first color TV, big floor model, neatest invention since the wheel (we were still the remote control). And Paula, those shows aren't old, are they? If they are, then I am and I refuse to get old! :)

MITS said...

PAULA.....our favs, chocolate frosted cake....yummy

normabyrd said...

GOOD MORNING STEVEN!!----Thanks HELEN 'noted star of tv fame'---for the update!!!--

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' RED EAGLE!----I remember the first color TV----World series baseball games----restaurants in Charleston had them in all their windows!!----(Red Sox Fan)

glo said...

Good morning everyone.
Norma So good to see you. I hope you got to see the video from the Eagle Release I got to watch oh 5 days or so ago. Its on the For the love of Eagles Blog. We surely did miss you.

Speaking of catching up on things left undone its time for me to go trim and mow. This computer progrma is messign with my life LOL

magpie said...

Remember to WEAR RED today if you can, for the military...

xo TTFN xo

normabyrd said...

HEY DANA!!---There is a PACE of DONKEYS this morning---The beautiful black one is there too!!-----(asked about you)

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' GLO!---Good to be back---I have been trying to catch up!!---Yes GLO!---I saw the video!---It is beautiful!!----The computer really does mess with one's time!!-----BUT ISN'T IT GREAT!!----ho!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Eagle in our nest again!

MITS said...

EAGLE ALERT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

NatureNut said...

TGIF Everybody!!!
Red, I remember sitting on the living room floor next to big console radio for Lone Ranger!!Think weekends had Smilin' Ed McConnell and his Buster Brown(shoes)Gang--"plunk your majic twanger Froggy!!" Folks would listen to Amos & Andy & Jack Benny.

NatureNut said...

That's enough of that! Must be true about long term memory---I couldn't remember if I took my 1st thing thyroid pill! (took a 1/2 to be sure!!)
Gotta get to work if I can remember which place I go today!HO

Friday, August 15, 2008 10:33:00 AM

MITS said...

tha one stick looks like a firecracker

normabyrd said...

MAGPIE!!----Thanks for reminding me to wear RED!---Still in PJS!----you are so COOL----I used to have a friend like you!!---He remembered everything---Would sit in class & replay any TV show--movie--sports game, etc.----& knew all the old timers---

MITS said...


MITS said...

LIB has his eye to the sky

MITS said...

just one now

normabyrd said...

NATURENUT---I can't remember my name half the time---But I can remember everything that happened 100 years ago!!----even what I had to eat!! ho!

NatureNut said...

TWO in the nest!!!

MITS said...

so nice to see them

normabyrd said...


BELLE & LIBERTY standing so close together in our nest!!!----Maybe they are going to start moving furniture again!!-----

I am so HAPPY---I feel GIDDY!!--- ho!

Costume Lady said...

Did I ever choose the right time to get on here!!! Two Love Birds in our nest!

MITS said...

would sooooo love to be at the nest now

Mema Jo said...

Good Red Friday Morning! Good to see all of you here and THANK YOU Sharon for the pics of our beloved eagle couple! Even a picture gives me goosebumps seeing them in the nest together!

paula eagleholic said...

Kewl, adult in our nest!!

Mema Jo said...

Whoa! Was on the phone with Germany & didn't realize Our Eagle was in Our Nest!

MITS said...


paula eagleholic said...

Mits, did you stop and get donuts??

MITS said...

yes, Paula in Cambridge, on my way down last night

Costume Lady said... are not alone in remembering when there was no TV. Loved to sit on the floor with my best friend and listen to the children's programs on the radio. Do you rember when the public tried to make a color TV out of a black and white? They would put that red, yellow, blue and green plastic over the screen...looked lousy.

Mema Jo said...

Do you think the kids are now out on their own?

MITS said...

well the Tesoro juvie came all the way up from FLA, so they could be anywhere...

floralgirl said...

Oh man, I have no donuts here...I am going to substitute chocolate chip cookies...

Mema Jo said...

Enjoy your cookie(s) & donut(s)
Like that butterfly

Headed out - will return this afternoon hour!


normabyrd said...

I don't think our EAGLETS will return----do you all?----These didn't leave for a few days & then return---then leave again----SPUNKY stayed forever!---AND WASN'T IT SAD---WHEN HE LEFT!!---
(still have her in my heart)

MITS said...

NORMA, I would be surprised to see them....think they are long gone:)

normabyrd said...

SISSY---LOOK who has a FROSTY!---When he is eating one of those icesicles----he gets so quiet & only his tongue moves!!---The 'LITTLE PRINCE' has one leg propped up!!

Red said...

It was good to see both adults this morning but I think the kids have gone off on thier own now

For Megan

MITS said...

he has been working on that frosty for about 30 minutes or more

normabyrd said...

No new updates at the ATLANTA ZOO------if fact---can't see BUTA BUTA either!!----

normabyrd said...

WHOA--RED!---you have a tiny mean streak----ho!----

normabyrd said...

HELEN---What's the temp at the beach?---we are still at 62°----but I think the sun is coming out as I type!!---WOW!---

MITS said...

good one, Red;)

MITS said...

man, did he enjoy that ice pop:)

paula eagleholic said...

Poor folks eating donuts and chocolate chip cookies...stuck here with the darn cheese crackers!


MITS said...

73 here, Norma

Costume Lady said...

Those are my favorites, RED.
Chocolate with chocolate icing.
Thank you...those have no calories.

floralgirl said...

Ah! Thank you Red!! that's just enough for me..sorry you guys..

MITS said...

hey, what about sharing, Megan:)?

floralgirl said...

UH... ok - you all can split one...

MITS said...

roflmbo.....what a gal;)

normabyrd said...

ATLANTA ZOO -- Beautiful BUTA BUTA is sitting inside the window attempting to eat her 88 lbs. of bamboo!!!---Just like TAI!---she has her back to the window!!---Lots of tiny tots peeking in at her!!!

hedgie said...

Good Fri. afternoon, eagle buddies.
Chrissy, what is Raspberry Pavlova?? Sounds yummy, whatever it is!
Jim, what's up with the oatmeal diet??? You are an experimenter, huh??
Red, where's my donuts?
Yes, Margie, a small article in Herald said 2 died.
Nest looks like it has additional detritus of some kind...maybe more "skulls"!!?? glad you are back! Love hearing you laugh.
Wonder what Lolly is up to?
Thanks for virus alert, Wanda!

hedgie said...

You know, gang, that if we ate as much as we talk about food, plus sitting at the 'puter as much as we do, we would all be as big as houses!!!! LOL.

MITS said...

Norma, 88 lbs, seems awfully high.

A giant panda’s digestive system is more similar to that of a carnivore than an herbivore, and so much of what is eaten is passed as waste. To make up for the inefficient digestion, a panda needs to consume a comparatively large amount of food—from 20 to 40 pounds of bamboo each day—to get all its nutrients. To obtain this much food means that a panda must spend 10 to 16 hours a day foraging and eating. The rest of its time is spent mostly sleeping and resting.

MITS said...

hmmmm, maybe I'm a small condo, Lynn;)

hedgie said...

No, Mits, you look fine to me!
They really did say on one of the panda shows that 80# is a days-worth of bamboo intake!!
Gotta go watch my eBay item go off, and, speaking of food, get some lunch.

MITS said...

that has to be in the wild then, Lynn....captive giants get supplements to their bamboo diet...

MITS said...

got some stuff to do...BBL

movin said...

From the earlier thread:

No, Red, you are not the only one.

I also recall a whole life of radio punctuated by an occasional Saturday movie.

We kids were in to science and science fiction; so every time we would get a chance, like on a camping trip when we were trying to get to sleep, we would be speculating on whether there would ever be something like radio that broadcast pictures........

I think Flash Gordon or one of those movies had shown theoretical televisions from time to time.

One other entertainment for little kids, which I forgot about, was trading comic books. I always had a box of perhaps 20-30 comic books, and whenever a friend would come over, we would go through the boxes and trade for ones we hadn't read yet.



normabyrd said...

HELEN!----I thought you had read my message to SISSY the other day-------I was telling her about these PLANET EARTH cards I found ---(made by american greetings)---One is this huge COOL PANDA BIRTHDAY CARD!----inside on the left it says (quote) "A Giant panda eats up to 88 lbs of bamboo a day. Wow, that's a lot of food!"----(end of quote)! These cards are great!!

movin said...

Has anyone heard anything about Buddy since 8/4??



MITS said...

yes, Norma, I saw your post.

hedgie said...

No, Jim, no new updates on Buddy since the 4th.

Red said...

There was a video clip, recorded on Aug 5th, of Buddy in his cage singing like a song bird

movin said...

I don't know how much bamboo the Panda eats a day, but I know it's a lot.

For what it's worth, Wikipedia has another number.

"The average Giant Panda eats as much as 9 to 14 kg (20 to 30 pounds) of bamboo shoots a day."


movin said...

Thanks, Red. I saw that clip.

He did sound like a songbird in places, and he was turning his head practically upside down and all different angles, which is probably from trying to get a glimpse of the world through those slats in the cage.


magpie said...

Hate to be a pest....but I love to be a pest about this: Can someone send me Sharon's picture of the Eagle Couple? How nice of them to make a couple of appearances already today.....maybe they are thinking TGIF too - "let's spend some time at the old home place...(without the kids...) "


wvgal_dana said...

Afternoon Eagle Buddies ( :

Loretta loved the hummingbird pics

Norma read about the donkeys thanks (just checked there are still donkeys out)

MITS said...

I have read alot about wikipedia, and never use it for source of info, some is correct and some way off

normabyrd said...

HEY! MAGPIE---Bet you are right---They didn't seem to hang around the home nest much when the "MOUNTAINEERS" were home! ho!

normabyrd said...

AFTERNOON DANA!!---Haven't seen you for a while---Love to tease you about the donkeys!!----Hope you are feeling well----Did I read you have been going swimming?

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I sent them to you just now, Magpie!

normabyrd said...

JIM---Hope you hung on to those old comic books----They bring big bucks these days!!!

wvgal_dana said...

No Norma I want to. The closest indoor pool I could do my exercising in. Won't charge for the pool only they have all the machines included in the price to bump the cost up. Even 2 of my doctors wrote them. Oh well it's in Gods hands. He provide a pool if HE wants me there. ( :

MITS said...

well so much for getting my car washed....just looked out window and it is raining....

wvgal_dana said...

Norma I have alot of times just been lurking. Truly have missed your endearing comments. You are such a joy and a sparkle in my life. ( :

wvgal_dana said...

More donkeys (almost typed monkeys) lol are moving around Norma. The black on is at the feeding rail.

normabyrd said...

DANA---just got back from the bank-----Wish I knew someone who had an indoor pool!----Do they have a Y in Martinsburg?---Will keep you in my thoughts----pray something works out for you KID!!---Stay COOL!

wvgal_dana said...

Water looks cold in Finland

wvgal_dana said...

Oh I'm okay Norma just thought it would be nice to do the exercising in the pool.

I'm cool hee hee

MITS said...

Friday, August 15
Lun Lun continues to spend almost all of her time sleeping. She is eating very little bamboo, fruit or biscuits. She refused to participate in an ultrasound session yesterday, which is typical when she reaches this stage. It’s also unfortunate because closer to the end of her possible pregnancy is when we are more likely to be able to see a developing fetus. So now there is no schedule for ultrasound sessions. The keepers will simply inform the vet staff whenever Lun Lun is awake and seems like she might be willing to participate.


magpie said...

SHARON: You're a DOLL - thank you thank you...what a beautiful couple we have in Belle and Liberty !

DANA - Maybe us "senior citizens" should approach that exercise facility and see if we can get a better deal...if it's the one I'm thinking of, it's about 1/2 mile from where I live.....


magpie said...



wvgal_dana said...

I was just at San Deigo Zoo cam watching the 2 pandas enjoying the birthday cake. It is a video 1 year old is a riot lol

Thanks Mits for update on Atlanta.

magpie said...

Ha - Monkeys versus Donkeys, that would have worked out GREAT in the SCRABBLE game that was going around....

Can someone order up some clear skies so I can see the FIVE PLANETS out at the same time tonight?


wvgal_dana said...

Magpie I had to re-read your comment. I read it as "five plants" Oh I crack myself up sometimes at the stupid and funny things I do. ( :

wvgal_dana said...

Have husbands cousin coming anytime. I will have to go and take her where to pick up her U-Haul at. Husband will keep butt parked on couch lol

movin said...

No, Norma, the comic books became just another box of stuff I didn't use anymore and went into the trash.

The copies that bring the big money are very pristine, and believe me, our comics after being read by a dozen kids were anything but pristine.

I've thought about the possibility of big money if I sold them before, but after you see what the collectors are looking for, there's no way.


wvgal_dana said...


normabyrd said...


normabyrd said...

I know that feeling all too well JIM!----My Mother threw everything away!!!---

MITS said...

"when in doubt, throw it out"

magpie said...

Thanks, Norma:

Two nights ago, Venus and Saturn would have been just about on top of each other, with Mercury slightly to the lower right, and Mars a little more to the upper right, all four of them low on the Western Horizon 30 mins after sunset, and Jupiter big and bright over to the East, South East. Now, two nights later, things will be changed up a little. Good clear vision of the Western Horizon without any trees or obstacles will be required, they won't be out long....Venus will be the brightest of the Western Four...and they will all set like the sun does...just a little later than old Sol.

We'll see it all looks that your Order has been Placed, I have confidence I will see something! Thank You !

Panda Nap time for me...TTFN...

magpie said...

Ha Ha Mits, that's much better than how I operate, when in doubt: KEEP IT! Is it any wonder I feel like I am losing my grip sometimes... ? ? ?

"THIS IS THE BABY" - I just keep repeating that over and over again, I Love It !

z z z z z

movin said...

I couldn't find the basic info on Pandas on the SD site, so I looked them up in Encarta Encyclopedia:

"Did You Know...

Giant pandas eat about 18 kg (40 lb) of bamboo a day."


magpie said...

Regarding the Five Planets, Make the MARS MORE TO THE UPPER LEFT - it might look a little more orangey than the others...

xo zz xo

MITS said...

the info, I posted at 12:30p.m., today, was obtained from the Smithsonian National Zoo website

MITS said...

got to run...TTUL:)

paula eagleholic said...

Ok, I didn't get any of those donuts...but I am eating chocolate cheescake, on a chocolate crust, topped with white chocolate chips!

paula eagleholic said...

I'll try and check out those planets tonight, Magpie

MITS said...

ok you win, PAULA:):):):)

Mema Jo said...

Paula - sounds like you hit pay dirt with that dessert!!

floralgirl said...

Yeah- you win, Paula.....

Mema Jo said...

Paula at Open House - aren't you & Red in a bake off with your cheese cake competition?
You both may wish to bring at least 2 so that all the Momsters be judges!

paula eagleholic said...

I'm up to the challenge!

How about you Red??

Red said...

You're on if I come. Not sure of that yet. But I'm not bringing two. lol

magpie said...

I'm on for helping to judge !!!!

xo Great Friday Evening Everyone...

normabyrd said...

WHOA KIDS!!----The 88 lbs. of bamboo---I was trying to be funny!----I was teasing SISSY!---I guess I wasn't very funny---forgive me!!!

Mema Jo said...

Norma I believed you! lol
It made for some good conversation and had the momsters/dadsters using their brains! That is Good!

Mema Jo said...

Well, we will settle for you and 1 cheescake! How's that?

Mema Jo said...

Dinner is ready........


paula eagleholic said...

Looks like the BC cove cam finally went kaput!

paula eagleholic said...

Gotta go rustle up something for dinner as well...bbl

Red said...

I'm outta here for now too.

deb said...

I am home and off to mow. We quit early today, all osprey up and flying just fine. Sneezy is doing ok, they will keep him at the Raptor Center until Monday. They think all his problems are stress related, Jane doesn't think she will release him, but is waiting on the final report.

Red said...

Just in case I can't make it in October and someone wants to make the my cheesecake for me, here's the recipe.

Worlds Greatest Cheesecake

(Cookie Mixture)

1 cup sifted all purpose flour
¼ cup sugar
1 teaspoon grated lemon rind
¼ teaspoon vanilla
½ cup soft butter
1 egg yolk

(Cheese Filling)

5 8-ounce packages of soft
cream cheese
13/4 cups granulated sugar
¼ teaspoon vanilla
½ teaspoon grated orange rind
1 cup sour cream
3 tablespoons flour
¼ teaspoon salt
½ teaspoon grated lemon rind
5 medium eggs and 2 yolks
¼ cup heavy cream

Mix flour, sugar and lemon rind. With pastry blender or 2 knives, cut in butter, vanilla and 1 egg yolk. Shape into ball; wrap in waxed paper. Refrigerate 1 hour. Heat oven to 400. Roll out 1/3 of dough between floured pieces of waxed paper or pastry cloth into 9 ½ in. circle. Place on bottom of 9 x 3 inch spring form pan. Trim to fit. Bake at 400 until golden brown. Grease side of pan. Fit over base and roll rest of dough into 15 by 4 inch rectangle. Cut in half and line side of pan, patching if necessary.

Increase oven to 500. Mix cheese in mixer until fluffy. Combine sugar with vanilla, orange rind, flour, salt and lemon rind. Slowly add to cheese, beating until smooth. Add eggs and 2 yolks, one at a time, beating after each addition. Stir in cream. Turn into lined pan. Bake at 500 12 minutes or until dough is golden. Reduce oven temperature to 200. Bake 1 hour. Cool on rack. Remove side of pan. Refrigerate until cool. Cover with ¼ inch layer of sour cream to serve. Yield 12-14.

hedgie said...

A panda in one of the China preserves gave birth to twins! Names not known yet, but the newscaster said we could call them Butterstick 1 and 2! LOL.

MITS said...

yes, Lynn, Comcast News had a video of the 2 cubs:)

Costume Lady said...

RED, that receipe sounds wonderful, but I think we would all rather you baked it and brought it with you in October. I don't bake. The last time I baked, it was a RUM CAKE for my hubby's B'Day and I ate all the rum that dripped off the cake and do believe I was tipsy!
Gotta admire a man who bakes!

Costume Lady said...

MARGY...if you are on here, check out my "Wild and Wonderful", Catty is now a chrysalis. Posted a few photos of him.

paula eagleholic said...

She is probably looking for the planets..I couldn't see them

Mema Jo said...

Norma did it! She ordered the clear sky and WOW! look at that moon!
Margie will be able to see those planets tonight I bet.

Mema Jo said...

I usually look in the wrong direction
I guess I am not a star gazer
I can find the big & little dippers and Orion (I think that is his name)

Mema Jo said...

Wanda the pictures are really good

You're becoming a nature photographer

Going to be great to see your pics in about 14 days when we have a

MITS said...

Wanda, I have never in my life seen this process....I'm still a city girl at heart. Not into gardening, but love gardens and butterflys and birds

MITS said...

Going to get comfy.....TTUT, GOOD NIGHT EVERYONE

magpie said...

WANDA - and Others...

Howdy - Norma ordered up the perfect sky...but I couldn't get far enough on the OTHER SIDE of the Eastern Panhandle mountains to get a low enough horizon...think they are THAT LOW you would have to be at Key West to see them! But looks we all did see the BIG MOON, and of course, Jupiter, the next brightest thing West of it...

Maybe, another time.

WANDA: CATTY LOOKS WONDERFUL! I still think it is best that GeeGee was the recipient, but I am touched that you named it Margy's CATTY....

MEMA, MITS, and CEIL - I made it to the last Mass at Saint James, it was nice, incense, music and all that...

Time for Chow! xo Later xo

magpie said...

PS: Did you know there is a Kraft Brand, cheesecake-flavored cream cheese spread? It's kinda hard to find, Weis Market in Martinsburg has it I's pretty good....
A feeble substitute for the REAL THING that we will all be salivating for in October, though..

paula eagleholic said...

Phelps just won the 100 fly by .001 second!!

Mema Jo said...





magpie said...

It's a wonder I didn't wreck driving WEST, just after sunset, scanning the skies for those planets! I went to a spot out in Arden...but like I said, I needed to be on the OTHER SIDE of the mountains, sooner....Sigh...

magpie said...

Check out the skyline in Finney's nest - Whoa!

MITS said...

HE IS AMAZING......NBC has given their permission for the fans at Ravens stadium to stay and watch Phelps on the big stadium screen after the pre-season game tomorrow night

Costume Lady said...

Margy, I have had a time with GeeGee and the caterpillar. I brought it to her house last Friday and told her I would leave it on the front steps and you would stop by and pick it up. Well, when you suggested that she keep it, I brought it inside and told her it was too much for you to care for right now and that she was to keep it and watch it's process. Well, she couldn't get it in her head that it was hers and she kept putting it back out on the steps for Margaret to pick up. Each day when I go to visit, Catty is sitting back out on the steps. LOL Yesterday, she remembered and kept it inside. This morning she watched him do his chrysalizing while she had her morning coffee. She couldn't wait to tell me. So, yes, it was a good thing for her to have him.

hedgie said...

Wow, Finney's is beautiful...all that pink in the sky! And what, it' dawn, right? 7 hrs. difference?

Costume Lady said...

Finny's skyline is beautiful and eerie at the same time.

magpie said...

Yes, HEDGIE- seven hours...
WANDA - that is a very sweet story.
and Yay - Michael Phelps!
What an amazing young man. Can you just IMAGINE how proud his family is....

Nice to "see" everyone...

Tummy is grumbling...think it's time to eat what I hope I am not burning on the skillet...

xo Back in a Bit... xo

floralgirl said...

Oh, watching a caterpillar turn into a chrysalis then emerge as a butterfly is the most amazing thing to see. I have a cage full of monarchs and a few swallowtail caterpillars right now.

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Hey, probably missed everyone. We are at the lake. Andrew had my internet card at band camp, so I just got it back tonight. Been missing ya'll. See I missed our beautiful couple in the nest. I did see em this morning though. Hope the babies are okay out in the big world on their own. :(

Costume Lady said...

Yes, it is an amazing thing to see, Megan. I am going out tomorrow to get my Mom some more caterpillars for her to "raise".

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

I did get the eagle cam up, that is a good thing. This internet card is not the fastest thing in the world, but hey, I am connected. Ain't technology just something. And ya'll were talking about no TV. We sure have come a long way~.

floralgirl said...

Off to sleep- nite all- 5 am comes mighty early...


Mema Jo said...

You enjoy your weekend up there at the lake.
WHOOPS I hear the National Anthem

Must Stand BRB

I'm Back

Mema Jo said...

I don't have to hit the floor at 5am
but it seems to have been a long day.

Good Night Everyone
Peace to you & yours
Prayers for all being said and

Wake Up Mason

hedgie said...

Goodnight fowl friends! Pleasant dreams. Hope the early birds get a look at our adults tomorrow!
Prayers for all.

magpie said...

SISSY - How is Tom's Mother getting along? Been thinking about her and you guys...

Good Night those heading for the feather pillows...

I love when the National Anthem plays at these Olympics; last night enjoyed watching one little female winner singing the last few lines, The Home of the Brave, and the Land of the, Free...


magpie said...

Fnney's has, I think...TWO chicks...

magpie said...

Well, maybe not...or maybe not, anymore...still too dark to tell if that is an adult or a chick..
Chick I think....
Now, will the Ravens show up....?

paula eagleholic said...

Gnite, all!

Costume Lady said...


magpie said...

One chick at Finney's, one adult at Ferry Boat Finney's....been awhile since I saw one there...well darn it, it was there when I started, and gone now...

magpie said...

Night Paula - I did my shopping, just now !


movin said...


hAVE a good weekend.



T-Bird said...

I think there is an eagle sleeping in the nest.?

T-Bird said...

good saturday morning you fine eagle folk :)

T-Bird said...

K-it's saturday morning, I don't have to be at work, I want to see some eagle action-Belle and Liberty show me what you got-right-can I hear some noise from the eagle momsters and dadsters in the finest eagleland in the universe. Okay so it's game day, I'm in the mood for a Redskins game.

T-Bird said...

We (Sharon, Mattie and Justin) are also going to see a Billy Currington and Heartland concert in Salem, Va. today-hope you all make a special day.

T-Bird said...

Sharon and Justin were suppose to be helping me watch the nest while I took the dogs out but no what do I find when I get back? Two beautiful mountaineer!!! :)

Costume Lady said...

Wow!! Two BEAUTIES in our nest.

T-Bird said...

good morning Wanda

Costume Lady said...

Oh, is game day. I completely forgot. It's going to be interesting with Bret Favre on the Jets team.

T-Bird said...

good morning Sharon :)

Costume Lady said...

ALL GONE...I'm so happy I got on here when I did. It is a FIX isn't it?

Costume Lady said...

I think you are going to have a beautiful day for the concert. ENJOY!

T-Bird said...

there not gone Wanda-Liberty was at 12 o'clock

T-Bird said...

We will thanks Wanda

Costume Lady said...

Lib is back??

Costume Lady said...

Thelma, I am not awake yet...I just crawled out of bed. Need new glasses or cupa coffee. LOL

Costume Lady said...

I wish Steve would let us know if anyone is working on the Live Feed for us. Sure do miss it (even though it was messed up often).

glo said...

Well now isn't this a beautiful way to start any day. If ya get to get up really early on a Sat morning then an eagle alert is definitely the way to do it. Thanks for the heads up early morning photo Sharon it told me to open the cam while I am getting ready for work.

Have a great day all. We are off to a beautiufl start.

T-Bird said...

That is just what me and Sharon were saying Wanda. Great minds think alike, huh?! :) Going to eat my brkst. Justin fixed for me. later

glo said...

Not sure if the live feed was paid for thru July or August. :( but our nest just got emptied.

T-Bird said...

Yes Wanda the Favre Redskins thing will make for some excitement!!!

Costume Lady said...

I just noticed that the Pop-Up cam is a few seconds ahead of the main one.

glo said...

And no doubt there would be an extra fee for Reggae concerts LOL. Ok off to coffee and dog treats and then to work.

Costume Lady said...

The Live Feed has been a real disappointment hasn't it, GLO?

Costume Lady said...


Costume Lady said...

That music coming from the nest was a HOOT!!

floralgirl said...

I'm late, I'm late..for a very important time to say HELLO-goodbye..I'm late, I'm late, I'm late!!

magpie said...

.. I see I missed the Eagle Couple again...Isn't it GREAT that they seem to be making more frequent appearances....

Good Saturday Morning to Everyone, sorry I missed the Early Risers...


magpie said...

The Hobby Chick is picking up some beautiful feather colors now, he is such a Ball of Fluff! I think he just watched a plane flying past...getting some flying ideas maybe....

magpie said...

It looks like Loch Lowes is doing some replay from this seasons's activity, bird and chick in the nest and two unhatched eggs...I figure this is a replay, sure caught me by surprise when I opened it up ....http://www.

Big Fish and Little Baby..

magpie said...

It's pretty crazy, though, just switched back to current site, now back to baby and Mom...and baby is peeping its head off..

It's a Replay all right...

magpie said...

Well it's back to real time at Lowe's so whatever was going on was fun while it lasted....

Time to get some boring stuff done..


normabyrd said...

GOOD MORNING EAGLE BUDDIES!!!----MEGAN---I was late--I was late--for a very important nest date!!---BUMMER!!------A FOGGY--COOL am--temp 56° --expecting another beautiful sunny day in WONDERFUL WILD WEST VIRGINIA!!---"HOME OF LIBERTY & BELLE---PARENTS OF THE 3SOARING MOUNTAINEERS"----MAGPIE -- what a MOON!!!---AWESOME!!----enjoy this 'September' weather on this GLORIOUS day!!--- LIVE---LOVE----DANCE--& GIVE THANKS!---WE ARE TRULY BLESSED!!-----STEVEN---"LIVE" IS GOOD TOO!!!----(we love you!)

ceil said...

Good morning everyone. Norma I was late also. I did see one the other morning. Wish live feed was up. A good morning to all the Saturday early birds Jim, Wanda, Thelma, magpie Megan and Glo. Gorgeous Saturday enjoy

normabyrd said...


T-BIRD--BRETT FAVRE is right up there with DAVID BECKMAN!!!!! WOW!

MITS said...

GOOD MORNING, MY SISTER AND EVERYONE...Sunny and 67 here at the beach:)

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' CEIL!!----I had problems with the blog this am----Someone or somehow----my good am words just disappeared!!---ho!---doesn't that make you feel like crying??!--(i'm not a fighter--i am a crier)

MITS said...

Norma, I'm usually not a fighter, but when it comes to the puter.....I don't want this machine beating me, so I fight back:)

ceil said...

Good morning sister dear. Norma I am having computer problems. Need a new one and just don't want to go through all that stuff.

normabyrd said...


«Oldest ‹Older   1 – 200 of 274   Newer› Newest»

2/20/25 PM bird

1203 PM NN Scout comes to the nest with a load of bedding again. He seemed to leave with something in his talons. He has a beak full of bedd...