Sunday, August 10, 2008


New thread. Beautiful weather here.


paula eagleholic said...

Good Morning!

Hope everyone is enjoying this beautiful summer day!

MITS said...

Thanks, Paula and Steve:)

paula eagleholic said...

I slept off to get some coffee.

paula eagleholic said...

Morning, Mits. Did Jubby and Son make it to the Skins game last night?

T-Bird said...

no eagles, huh?

T-Bird said...

headed to Bedford-talk to you fine folk later

paula eagleholic said...

Nary a one, TBird.

Like your new Buddy pic :)

MITS said...

No Paula.....Son is a Skins fan....Father-in-law is a Buffalo hubby is Ravens fan....thought the might try to make the game, but party didn't break up til after 7, and son was beat

MITS said...

haven't seen any trip back

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Good morning again everybody. My sister informed me this morning that it is National Lazy Day so I think I might celebrate that all day!

NatureNut said...

Good Sunday Morning Everyone!!!
Skins WON, Michael Phelps of Baltimore got another Gold medal, and the 41 year old swimmer Mom got a medal too!!!
Last night saw one osprey juvie in the Finney nest. It was about 10 AM their time.
Where's our eagles!!!
Put butterflies, Shorty & Swallow on blogspot last night. Enjoy--will finally try to work on hummers.

MITS said...

osprey back in Finneys' nest

NatureNut said...

BIG turkeys at PA Pix

NatureNut said...

Just checked Finney--Juvie having big fish dinner. Wonder if parent brought that?

paula eagleholic said...

The sea eagle was back at Finny's nest yesterday...

movin said...


It's a sunny 67° this morning; 85° high today in So Cal.

Enjoy your summer Sunday.



movin said...

Paula, do you have a blog for Finny's nestcam??

I don't see anything about the eagle returning yesterday on the site.

On the last full day of the injured chick's life, there was a family get-together on the nest, and that's the last I have seen of the mother or the largest (female) juvenile.

Has anyone else seen either the mother or the oldest juvey since?? Do you think they migrated already??

I haven't seen the father either, but he's been feeding the middle juvey, and the male is always the last to migrate.



paula eagleholic said...

Jim, I read it on the Puleston Site. There are also links in the post to some pictures.

And after re-reading the post...the eagle was on the nest on Thursday, not yesterday.


movin said...

Thanks, Paula. I never would have looked there.



movin said...

Interesting to see how similar the White-tailed Eagle and our B E's are.

It looks like a largish female to me; and I agree with one of the bloggers: I don't see how the youngest Osprey chick survived the first attack.



paula eagleholic said...

Poor thing probably would have starved to death. Hard to hear about, but better he served nature in some way.

paula eagleholic said...

Gonna go rustle up some breakfast...

carolinabeachmom said...

GOOD MID DAY TO ALL EAGLE MOMSTERS AND DADSTERS!!!! Just got back from mass and breakfast out, and just thought I'd check in on you all and Mei. (She is sleepping like a baby! Did someone say baby! Wrong baby wordd! :)) I already have the Olympics on, hubby left for VFT meeting in Ahoskie and I am going to take EE Sissy's advice and not do a thing all day today. My son and husband are both out of the house, so the day is mine to do nothing. :) Hope you all have a super day. Going to check my email.

Mema Jo said...

Just returned from Mass and finished eating some lunch.
Glad to hear I don't even need an excuse to do nothing much today as it is National Lazzzzzzzzzzzy Day!

Mema Jo said...

Early evening hour at the Finny 2008 nest and there is a chick in it.
I was hoping they had all vacated the area with the sea eagle around.
Chick is watching something flying around... flinching every now & then.

Mema Jo said...

Good! He flew out of the nest at Finny 2008.

Mema Jo said...

At Finny 2008
Female adult & chick in nest
eating something...

NatureNut said...

Adult w/juvie at Finland nest.

NatureNut said...

Sorry Jo, didn't read Comments!
You just said that!
Need more coffee---been going thru hummer pics--lots of good ones from prev. yrs--don't know what to post yet!

paula eagleholic said...

Watching these young small men lifting 350+ lbs....amazing!

carolinabeachmom said...

Boy am I tired out. :) Just got done signing my son up for 6 month temporary health insurance so he is covered until he gets his final job and is covered. Hopefully it will be in October when they get to Greenville, NC. I can rest now that I know he is covered.

carolinabeachmom said...

I hate to hear that the juvie in Finney's nest and parent are still around too Jo. Not with that Sea Eagle still there. We don't want anymore mishaps.

carolinabeachmom said...

We are getting thunder storms here now, so guess I'll get off for the time being and do NOTHING!!! :)

floralgirl said...

Well, what the #@*@- I did not get the memo that this was national lazy day.....

NatureNut said...

Panda cam 2--guess it's Tai playing w/toys. Just put as green plastic crate on his head!!Funny boy!

movin said...

Bai Yun and ZZ are playing and rasslin in the shade.



Mema Jo said...

Panda Cam2 Focusing on Mei in the birthing den.. Tai is over on Cam1 in his den. (I think I am correct)
I am not so sure what Mei's actions are all about.. Too much bamboo ..
I just wish she would come up from under it all with a cub in her paws!

Mema Jo said...

Panda cams just did a total reverse

Mei is back on one

Mema Jo said...

Mei has gotten up out of her corner and is lying belly down on her bed.

I think Mei was told it is
National Lazy Day - Do nothing day!

Mema Jo said...

Taking a break


T-Bird said...

Evening all-on a break, lurking or otherwise.
Me and Buddy made it safe back to Bedford. (Is that the right Bev-she always helps me with my english and sharon helps me with my spelling-well they both have to do that.) What would I do without 'em!!!!

T-Bird said...

thanks paula on the pic of buddy-and thanks mits on the word about making it safe to bedford.

T-Bird said...

I'm hoping to see some eagles tonight and I don't mean the Philadelphia Eagles-they play tonight and all good Redskin's fans hope they loose!! :)

T-Bird said...

Little chatter today so I guess the lazy day was true for the blog too. I'm off for a bit-getting in the shower.

paula eagleholic said...

Nice thunder bumper here now....we really need it!

paula eagleholic said...

And more on Finney's nest...I found the article in english that I saw the other day in Dutch.


glo said...

Hi everyone. I am enjoying the Olympics this afternoon. It was a very busy end of the week for me But an absolutley awesome Sunday I have been to an Eagle Release. I am still absolutley Flying High!!!!

Secretly I am glad I didn't know it was Lazy Day and I should lounge around ...Thank God for small favors LOL

paula eagleholic said...

Kewl Glo. Bet that was pretty awesome!

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Good afternoon all! Hope everyone has had a great national Lazy Day!!

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Still no panda cubs and no eagles. Bummer. Had an hour and a half to make up for work, so I am knocking that out while my wonderful spouse is taking a nap.

glo said...

Paula I may never come back down ...I am flying high for sure. It could be the ice coffee I got on the way back home too though LOL.

hedgie said...

Good evening all!
Glo, I bet that was very exciting...did you get pics??
I've been lazing...went to my daughters to spend time in her new pool! Thankfully, storms missed us. Very relaxing, and fun watching the kids do their thing! Saw 9 vultures hovering way above us...circling...must have been something dead thought they were coming after us. LOL!

hedgie said...

Well, now that my din-din has had a chance to settle, guess I better finish cleaning up the kitchen! BBIALW.

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Wow Glo! That must have been so exciting. I would be flying high too!!

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Bless Mei's little heart. She just looks like she feels so unnecessary.

magpie said...

GLO - Sounds perfectly wonderful, so happy for you....

NATURE NUT: Enjoyed the new Swallowtail pictures.

PAULA - The Article and pictures tells it all, some very interesting facts on the numbers of nesting pairs...that's QUITE A POPULATION over there...Thanks for all the information. Tough Stough.


magpie said...

Sounds like you have had a good day...hope your 90-minutes of work goes fast.....
Sounds like a NICE DREAM you had last night...


Lolly said...

OMG....I am glad I have not been on a lot recently. Finney's nest! I would have panicked if I had seen that.

Lazy day today. Went to church and have been glued to the TV this afternoon watching the olympics.

It is presently down to 99. Have not been outside today. Cool front coming though. Chance of rain. Boy do we need it!

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Right Magpie!! If only it would come true. Thanks so much for all the prayers. They work such miracles, don't they?

magpie said...

Sissy - "Way Past Awesome" -


glo said...

Yes Hedgie Have eagle...have bet Have pictures. I am working on it for the FeedBlitz. Will be tomorrow more than likely. Got this olympic thing going on right now too.

magpie said...

Sissy - trying to send you an email..has come back failed twice..trying again...Is it me, or my deodorant ?

Ha Ha..

That doesn't make any sense at all does it ????

hedgie said...

Helen, hope you weren't planning to head out for the shore today!!

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Mei's little but is justa twitchin'!! What does that mean?

hedgie said...

Thanks for that info link, Paula. Sad but true....Darwin's "survival of the fittest" theory is alive and well.

magpie said...


hedgie said...

Margy, me, too! How were your days with the grandson? Fun, fun, fun, I'm sure.
Realized today while at daughters that my SIL's scanner gets a lot more stuff than mine does...he says I just need to take it back into Radio Shack and they will reprogram it! So I guess a trip to the mall is in the cards sometime this week...argh!!! I hate the mall!!

magpie said...

HEDGIE: those scanners have so many channels! Tactical fire ground channels, paging channels, several different police ones...Good Luck with it, and I hope they do it for free....
I have an old bearcat scanner with crystals, totally obsolete now! It was fun while it lasted...
* * * *
Time with the Grandson, was perfect, thanks for the inquiries from all...


MITS said...

Hello all, back from movies and dinner....saw The Dark was way to long......yes Lynn was very glad I was not heading back to the beach today...think the bridge is still closed down...I have zoo tomorrow and Wednesday...

magpie said...

Good Evening All...headed in for a Panda Nap soon...back in to work at midnight tonight..

Doesn't OUR nest look a little 'Scooped and Bowled" ?
Almost looks like a new Nest Cup being formed !

Take Care, and Prayers

Costume Lady said...

Good Evening Everyone....
I read the report that Paula linked us with about Finny's siblings. I don't think that they have ever given us a report like that before. Very interesting.

Margy, GeeGee has gotten hooked on Catty! She told me everything that she has seen him do. She is babysitting him very well. It will be about 5 days before he is ready to chrysalize himself. She will enjoy seeing that happen.

Helen, other than being too long, was the Dark Knight a good movie?
I'm thinking that if the movie is good, the costumes will be in demand this Halloween.

hedgie said...

Margy, I had a Bearcat w/ crystals about 30 years ago!! Yes, RS does it for free on their products! And it isn't even manual...they just plug it into something that does it automatically in less than five minutes!
Okay, Mits, when you get to the zoo tomorrow, you are going to have to have a talk w/ Mei!!! Tell her to stop killing us w/ suspense!! Please?

hedgie said...

Aa of 7, the semi was still in the water, Helen....and span still closed. They hope to re-open one lane sometime tonight.

hedgie said...

Sweet panda nap, Margy. Have a good shift. I'll have my ears on!

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Parent in the nest!!!

magpie said...

adult in the nest !!!!

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Looks like she/he is getting ready to leave.

MITS said...

well, it must be great for pre-teens, just for the special effects....Heath Legder as the Joker was was just a different type of Batman movie than I guess I am used to.....I'll do my best to talk to Mei....but she has a mind of her own

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

What a treat this evening, poof, gone.

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Well, I certainly feel blessed this evening. Mits, I have heard that Dark Knight is pretty intense. I think Heath Ledger's performance and death make it more intense. I haven't seen it yet but I want to. Will probably wait on the video.

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Well, I am going to try to do some maintenance on my computer, clean up the hard drive, defrag, all that fun stuff. See ya'll after while.

MITS said...

Well it is not anymore intense than some other had a rambling plot...I just could not keep of with who was who....

MITS said...


deb said...

Hi everyone, I am home again. Too much to do here lately. I went to SF on Friday afternoon, got back this morning and just was lazy for awhile, then headed over for the next osprey release. Today 6 chicks were released and two had flown by the time I left. I am looking forward to a night of Olympics and relaxation. I am downloading pictures, not sure when I will look at them.

Jim, I will slow down the slideshow this time!

magpie said...

Well ya' know, I really WAS headed for bed, just took "one last look" at the nest, plus my sister in Massachusetts called..pure Eagle luck to see that Parent...


Good Night all, for real. "See You" sometime tomorrow.


Mema Jo said...

PA woods is full of raccoons tonight

I've been watching & enjoying the Olympic events this evening.

Wow Glo! Spectacular day for you!
Can't wait to see your pictures of the release.

Thanks Deb if you will give us a couple more seconds on your slideshow

floralgirl said...

Don't forget...COUNTDOWN TO THE PERSEIDS: The annual Perseid meteor shower peaks on Tuesday, August 12th. The best time to look is during the dark hours before dawn on Tuesday morning when forecasters expect 50 to 100 meteors per hour.

paula eagleholic said...

I missed our adults!

Deb - was wondering where you went! Thought you were spending the weekend with the osprey!

deb said...

Night everyone. Not even 10 o'clock and I am off to bed.

paula eagleholic said...

Gnite, all!

hedgie said...

Good night, fowl friends! Maybe Miss Norma or Miss Dana will greet us in the morning! Is Ceil MIA, too?? Peace.

Mema Jo said...

Good Night Everyone
Peace to you & yours
Prayers for everyone being said

magpie said...

MEGAN - Thanks for the, I plan to sleep most of the day, then stay up for an hour or two after midnight, then get back up around 4 - nothing like a good meteor shower - the skies are perfect tonight, hope we get the same Monday night/Tuesday morning!

Time to head out to work soon.
Sleep tight, everyone!

magpie said...

Wow, just noticed, Megan, another new avatar!

NatureNut said...

Guess most everyone is hitting the hay...but I can give this info on Mon. also--just finished posting 5 sets of hummingbird pictures.
Paula, thx for links for Finland osprey info---really told what we thought---"let's see what nature does".
Glo, how exciting for you---can't wait to see your & Deb's pics!!
Nighty-night--gonna watch Olympics

Costume Lady said...

Olympics has been wonderful tonight. So glad USA beat out the French! (swimming)


NatureNut said...

Osprey in Finney nest-sure looks like adult.

movin said...

I'm looking at Finny's nest now, and it looks like an adult to me too.

"I think" it's the female. I haven't seen her for about 4 or 5 days.

And now the middle chick, which has been on the nest for most of those days, is nowhere in sight. Maybe she's off with the other adult learning to fish, which she needs before she migrates.

I recall seeing the oldest one bring in her own fish at least once.

Now I see the mother, I'm wondering if the oldest chick migrated yet. Hard to tell what they're doing off-camera.



movin said...

Just as I went back to Finny's after posting, the younger juvey reappeared on the nest next to her mother.

I thought they had had 2 females and a male chick from the "banding info", but now that I see the younger chick next to the adult female, I think the count must have been 1 female, 2 male eyasses.

It sure looks smaller, but the banding data showed the wing length to be even longer than the female???



movin said...

Both Osprey are intently watching something behind the camera, so they're looking almost directly at us.

They are looking fierce and calling loudly too from time to time...maybe the eagle.



movin said...

You might have read about an injured falcon in Brisbane. They have news and a series of pictures of the recovering male ... not from Frodo or Frieda's territory.



News on injured Peregrine

movin said...


Great week coming up.



T-Bird said...

good morning

T-Bird said...

no eagles yet-mei sleeping with her ball

T-Bird said...

I'm sorry Mei is sleeping with her two balls. :) Hope everyone makes a good monday.

T-Bird said...

eagle in the nest

MITS said...


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Good morning!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

What do you do at the zoo today Mits?

glo said...

Quiet morning here. Maybe they have extended it to Lazy Day Weekend and its a 3 day celebration LOL. I am off for coffee and dog treats. Then into work for a few. and then fun on the computer with Ruffles.

paula eagleholic said...

Morning, all.
Almost feels like fall this morning.

Costume Lady said...

Glo....Ruffles does have a sweet face..gotta love him.

Costume Lady said...

It is a beautiful morning, Paula.
We were in the garden this morning and caught an elusive groundhog that has been eating my beans all Summer long. He will have his next meal in groundhog heaven! That makes it a beautiful morning to me.

Costume Lady said...

That is a GOOD THING isn't it Megan?

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Oh no Wanda, couldn't he be relocated or something. Did it have to be the death penalty?

paula eagleholic said...

Guess the early bird catches the eagle....way to go Tbird!

Costume Lady said...

Sorry, Sissy, the only thing we relocate is turtles.

Costume Lady said...

T-bird sure has been getting rewarded for her early-morning rising.

magpie said...

Good Late Morning everyone,
DEB - enjoyed the new slide slow,
LORETTA - the hummingbird photos are great, love "Spike" and "Baby Boy"
There's a chick at Finney's, and
Sturgis is a ghost town!
Going to sleep now, hope to get enough nap to stay up late and watch the meteors..
Thelma: I see you and Buddy worked your "magic" again.

Hope everyone has a Good Day...


Costume Lady said...

Photos posted on "Wild and Wonderful"

And where are you Norma??

magpie said...

P S -

magpie said...

COSTUME LADY: Catty is getting great care and attention at Gee-Gee's, glad things worked out the way they did..going to see your pics next and dream of butterfly baby...


magpie said...

Two chicks at Finney's -

Great Photos Wanda !

magpie said...

Or, maybe chick and adult?...

magpie said...

Now just the chick.
Good Night...z z z

deb said...


2/20/25 PM bird

1203 PM NN Scout comes to the nest with a load of bedding again. He seemed to leave with something in his talons. He has a beak full of bedd...