Tuesday, June 24, 2008


Fresh thread.


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normabyrd said...

MORNING STEVE!---Thanks for the new thread---will call the crew over---"LIVE" IS GOOD!---ENJOY THE GLORIOUS DAY!!

Costume Lady said...


normabyrd said...

GOOD MORNING EAGLE BUDDIES!!---Oh--I think this is going to be a SPECTACULAR DAY!!----SUN is shining---BIRDS are singing---FLOWERS are blooming!!----It's a COOL 63° here in WV---"HOME OF LIBERTY & BELLE----PLUS 3 FREE-LOADING MOUNTAINEERS"!!---(is that better MAGPIE)----FLAMINGO EGGS are hatching...All is right in the WORLD on the GLORIOUS JUNE MORNING!!!----Lets's all LIVE---LOVE---& BE HAPPY!!---

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' WANDA!!----I think it's such a GREAT am to SLEEP in!!---!---Isn't it TRULY a wonderful day to be alive!!---(think i might be getting carried away)--- ho!!---or my coffee is too strong!---

ceil said...

Good morning Wanda and Norma,
One in nest.

ceil said...

Good update on Buddy on other page and one of the Tesoro eaglets being in VA

Costume Lady said...

Yes, Norma, it is a wonderful morning to sleep in. I just woke up and am having my coffee, trying to get awake.
We hoed weeds in my Mom's garden yesterday and that must be why I slept so long. THE OLD GREY MARE AIN'T WHAT SHE USED TO BE!! LOL

normabyrd said...

WANDA---How is your knee now??---Hope all your pain is gone!!---Bet you are a happy camper now!!---

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Good morning all you beautiful people. Thanks for the new thread Steve, we appreciate you!!

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Hope all has a great day today!! Weather is great here, not too hot, just right!!

normabyrd said...

WANDA---The old grey mare ain't what she used to be!!!-------SHE'S BETTER!!!!!!!!

Costume Lady said...

GOOD MORNING CEIL, I missed our visitor.
NORMA, the knee feels great. I hoed weeds and the knee held up better than my BACK! LOL

ceil said...

I'm off to work have a good day everyone.

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

The birds are busy out here on my deck this morning. Hummingbirds buzzing each other!! Loving it.

Costume Lady said...

Thanks, Norma, I needed that. LOL

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' CEIL & BEV!!---Yep!---It's a beautiful day!!!-----Thanks CEIL----for info on BUDDY!---

Costume Lady said...

I love those little hummers. I planted a few Trumpet (or humming bird) Vines around our back yard for them (and us) to enjoy. Love to see them in the flowers instead of the feeders. More natural.

normabyrd said...

Don't work too hard today CEIL!!!
ho!---Did you read there was snow in the OREGON nest yesterday!!!---

normabyrd said...

I love watching humming birds too---I bet that is awesome to see the hummers in the trumpet flower!!!--

normabyrd said...

SCOTTISH OSPREY is eating this am ----while CHICK sleeps----sound is so clear--- can hear the OSPREY pull the food from the bone!!!---

normabyrd said...

The 'LITTLE PRINCE' is taking a bamboo break---up close to the window---watching all the 'girls' go by---ho!---We can see feet go by!!---He usually ignores his public!!---ho!----He is aware that he has top billing!!---LOVE 'EM!!

MITS said...


MITS said...

I'm still reading last night's posts and e-mails...BBL

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Good morning everyone!

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' HELEN & BLUEFIELD SHARON!!----What's the latest from the little camper?----Do you think she is running the show yet!!---I bet she is having FUN!!---She likes people & they like her!---If you write---I said hello!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Normabyrd, I just called the camp and Mattie was actually standing right there. So, I got to talk to her. Said she was having fun, went swimming yesterday. I asked her if she is sleeping good and she said yes. So, I reckon it is all good at Camp Pocahontas!

MITS said...

that is really the name of the camp/??????

MITS said...

Finney's nest still down;(

MITS said...

Chimney Swift nest is down

normabyrd said...

HELEN----Have you never heard of POCAHONTAS?--We have a POCAHONTAS CO. TOO!!

normabyrd said...

SHARON!---That's GREAT!---I figured she would love the camp life!!!---She is a special kid--isn't she??

MITS said...

yes, Norma I have, just thought it funny that every camp seems to be named that

MITS said...

Tai is sleeping on his grate, and Mei is sleeping outside her den

normabyrd said...

MEGAN must be working awfully hard!----She used to check in every am----haven't seen her on here lately!!----HAPPY! she has this GREAT WEATHER!!!

MITS said...


LOL, think this message arrived before I hit send on the other one. I
just took the test, and I'm a Bluefin Tuna. And I see from the results
below, I just fall in with the rest of the crowd! But hey, we Tuna's are
pretty magnificant fish!

MITS said...


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Yes, it is Camp Pocahontas and it is in North Tazewell, VA. She is a special girl! This is the longest time she and I have been apart since Mommy died. She has had a fear that I was going to be next but thank God, time is healing that! I think this is harder on me than her! :)

normabyrd said...

HELEN---It has been said that she roamed in our hills!!!----As did another famous INDIAN--CORNSTALK!!---Bet you haven't heard of him?---When I was in school---lots of kids from NJ & PA area---used to tease & make fun at those names!!---ho!

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

These pandas are so funny. They just drop whereever they are and nap. Never seen anything so relaxed no matter where they are. Wouldn't it be great to be like that?

normabyrd said...

HELEN---I have been checking that site & didn't see those CHICKS earlier!!!---ADORABLE----think that one was hatched yesterday???

MITS said...


normabyrd said...

BEV---Have you checked any of the earlier pics of TAI---when he was young!!----There isn't a word that can describe how AWESOME he is & was then!!---Little 'devil'--he was into every thing!!!---

MITS said...

NORMA, I have been watching 2 since this past weekend, don't know when they hatched

paula eagleholic said...

Morning, all!

normabyrd said...

When HELEN began working at the ZOO---she told us so much about the pandas!!----Maybe ATLANTA or NZOO will have a new PANDA??????

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

no, normabyrd, I haven't seen those. I am so in love with him, though.

normabyrd said...

I'll never forget yesterday watching the new FLAMINGO chick--seemed to have lost MAMMA---Then found her & sat on her foot!!!---that was a real 'FUZZY'!---

MITS said...

don't forget Memphis, but I think I read she went past her season of opportunity

normabyrd said...

BEVERLY!---You must get in line!!! ho!

MITS said...

they are easy to love:), but a very dangerous animal

MITS said...

I have a shift on his 3rd birthday, should be a wild and crazy day

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' PAULA!!---Hey!---that's one COOL doggie!!----

deb said...

Good morning, everyone. The chimney swift nest is up. There are two sites now, but only the first one is working right now.

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

I don't know how you all keep up with all these cameras. I drive myself crazy trying to. Am sticking to the bears and eagles for now. :)

MITS said...

container ship going by Finland over the water cam

indiana nesting eagles dave said...

Good Morning to everyone; I am
one proud eagle-dad.I went to check
on the eagles yesterday and found
all three over at the watershed in
trees watching mom and dad fish
and bring it to them.They can fly
pretty good and land ok also.I
went to the nest tree to see what
i would find on the ground,I did
find some prey remains such as
carp remains.With all the rain and
flooding there was about 4 feet of
water under the tree two weeks
and i guess most of the remains
got washed away.

Indiana Nesting Eagles----Dave

Costume Lady said...

Good Morning, Dave...do your eagles sit at school desks like ours do? (inside joke)

deb said...

That's exciting, Dave. I am so glad they are doing well and survived your weather.

indiana nesting eagles dave said...

P.S. I have posted more photos
in my eagles 2008,and my indiana

Indiana Nesting Eagles----Dave

MITS said...

yes, Dave, ours are A+ students, but, Pearl gets a lot of detentions, due to her pecking.

Costume Lady said...

I guess we all want something new to look at now that our babies aren't babies anymore....a baby panda would be WONDERFUL! I loved watching ZZ grow up. Stopped watching her a long time ago. Every time I would tune into that website, they were showing another panda.

MITS said...

Mostly sunny. Highs in the mid 80s...except highs in the upper 70s at the higher elevations. Northwest winds 10 to 15 mph.
» ZIP Code Detail
Mostly clear. Lows in the mid 50s. West winds 5 to 10 mph.
Mostly sunny. Highs in the upper 80s. West winds 5 to 10 mph.
» ZIP Code Detail
Wednesday Night
Partly cloudy. Lows in the lower 60s. Southwest winds 5 to 10 mph.

MITS said...


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Many thanks to our ever faithful Preaching Meteorologist!

indiana nesting eagles dave said...

I have some property that i can
get to the water and have a good
view of all there learning.

Indiana Dave

MITS said...


Summer has arrived with a vengence here in Memphis! The moderate temps of spring that allowed YaYa and LeLe to be outside everyday are gone and now they spend a majority of the time in their climate controlled dayrooms. YaYa once again saw the typical giant panda breeding season come and go and has yet to go in to season. She is definately a mysterious young lady.

LeLe meanwhile has continued with his schedule of eating, eating, eating, which has allowed him to get up to 250 pounds. This is a new milestone for him and is the most he has weighed to date. They are both in good health and never fail to delight their keepers and the public.

MITS said...


MITS said...

Off to do a dolphin check

deb said...

We have an eaglet!

Costume Lady said...

Helen, I'll bet DAVE thinks we're CRAZY!

Costume Lady said...

WEEEELL, if it walks like a duck, talks like a duck......

indiana nesting eagles dave said...

Costume lady; There is a little
of that in us all,I just love it

Indiana dave

movin said...


I recently arose, but I am of the opinion that I should begin the day with a strong cup of coffee, rather than attempting to record scintillating comments within the pages of this compendium...

Back later, dudes and dudettes.



MITS said...

Wanda, I think he does probably think that...but that's ok, we are happy:)

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

omg Jim, you have a mouthful of $50.00 words this morning. :)

MITS said...

gorilla on the cam at the zoo.

hedgie said...

Pandas Evacuated From Quake-Hit Area
Posted: 2008-06-24 07:32:07
Filed Under: World News
BEIJING (June 24) - Pandas living in an earthquake-hit part of southwestern China have been evacuated to temporary shelters due to the continuing threat of landslides and other hazards, a forestry bureau report said Tuesday.

The May 12 Sichuan province quake caused severe damage in the Wolong Nature Reserve, and the report said pandas from its Hetaoping Research and Conservation Center will have to stay elsewhere until the center is rebuilt.

MITS said...

roflmbo...he sure does, get out the dictionary...

MITS said...

beautiful close up of sloth bear at the zoo

hedgie said...

For the first time ever since I've been on this site I just got a pop-up! Has anyone else had this happen?

deb said...

I've never had one.

deb said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
MITS said...

never had a pop-up here either.

Mema Jo said...

Good Late Morning ... I was here before 10 this am but then got side tracked with emails & some cams. I think all of you have been behaving
lol Well we'll see what transpires after Jim gets his coffee!

Headed out to lunch
Be back early afternoon

paula eagleholic said...

2 in the nest

paula eagleholic said...

BTW, that's Tiny in the nest eating!

normabyrd said...

HEY INDIANA DAVE!!!!----Remember!!!
LIFE IS GOOD!!----Those EAGLETS of yours will keep coming back to the nest --- for FOOD!!!

we have 2 there now!

deb said...

What kind of bird is in the finney over water nest??

deb said...

Now you can see it better, before it was just the back. black head brown body, black wings.

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' MOVIN' JIM!----'DUDETTE'---that doesn't sound like a complement to me!---ho!

normabyrd said...

BWO---2 in nest!

deb said...

It's gone, I think it was one of those birds in the other cam, but it was big. I have pictures.

MITS said...

Deb, it might have been a jackdaw...send me a pic, please.

normabyrd said...


deb said...

Picture is on the way, I couldn't remember what they were called. I am pretty sure that is what it was.

MITS said...

it may have been on of the young ones that fledged

Costume Lady said...

DEB, it is what it is.

Costume Lady said...

I think DAVE really understands our craziness. He would have to have a sense of humor to be on this blog. Glad he joined us and shares his great and interesting photos.

Costume Lady said...

LYNN, what did your Pop-Up say?

movin said...

Hi again, folks.

Checked the Norfolk site, didn't find fresh news of Buddy.

Checked IWS... no updates as yet today.

Check SD Zoo ... They have some interesting blog news on China too w/a different slant from Mits' story. And I took a peek at 4-5 interesting video clips I had gotten behind on.

Now I see we have two eaglets in our nest...I'll have to see if the Live Feed is up....



movin said...

Hahahaha. I checked the Live Feed. Wasn't working. Came back to the 30 sec. cam, and both eaglets had flown therefrom.



MITS said...

Jim, refresh my memory, what was my slant on the China news, don't remember what I posted?

deb said...

Now there is one back.

deb said...

Suzanne thinks it is a hooded crow, very similar to jackdaw in looks.

MITS said...

yep, she is probably correct, can never distinguish between those two

hedgie said...

Just checked back after checking lots of cams! Pop-up was some kind of Hollywood gossip thing w/ about 4 pics and teaser-lines on it. Who knows...maybe AOL overrode blog site!

normabyrd said...

GERMAN STORK juvies are alone in the nest!!---Handsome birds!!--They both look about the same size now!!

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' LYNNE---Understand we are looking forward to more humid hot weather this weekend!!---LOVE GOOD NEWS!!---ho!---This is my kind of weather!!

normabyrd said...

WHOA MOVIN'JIM!---There was a new update of BUDDY this am!!----Maybe you should get up a little earlier???----ho!

hedgie said...

Hi Norma!
I don't mind the heat one bit....as long as the AC works! LOL. We missed the storms last evening, but understand Charles Town and Shepherdstown got some. What about you?

normabyrd said...

We just got some high winds yesterday-----SUNDAY---WE had high winds--HAIL & RAIN!---HAIL worried me---I prayed NCTC wouldn't get it!!----

wvgal_dana said...

Good Afternoon Friends ( :
Wow quite a list if I was to list everyone.

Heading over to other thread to see the Update on Buddy and Tesoro.

MITS said...

DANA take Jim with you, he was looking for an update;)on Buddy

normabyrd said...

JIM is probably right!!---This am CEIL read & I too--read it---But I think JIM may have read it yesterday!!!

deb said...

The update on Buddy didn't have a date, I wouldn't have seen it if they hadn't mentioned it on the Norfolk forum. I check there every once in awhile, they have sources that keep them up to date.

Here is a new piece of info:

In re: web-traffic. Our web-traffic has been on a gradual increase … up to 2500 to 3000 unique visitors per month by March/April.

In May, we had almost 7500 visitors.

Thus far in June … not quite 12,000 visitors.

That doesn't sound gradual to me!

deb said...

Oops, left out that they are talking about the rehab center Buddy is in.

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Mits, is that Tai dancing like Stevie Wonder at the door wanting out?

normabyrd said...

I have a friend whose Grandson is quite interested in EAGLES & other wild life---(EAGLES are #1 on his list)--I have made copies of all the updates on BUDDY & given them to her grandson!!---That why I was keeping up with BUDDY!!----

ps---i was just giving JIM a hard time!--- ho!---

Lolly said...

Good morning!!! Whoops! Good afternoon. Sitting here laughing at Mits' "Take Jim with you" comment.

It is hot here and they say the humidity is going up. Yuck!

Looks like the flamingo cam has been changed, so do not know if baby is in nest or not.

Have not decided what to do today. Got hot and sweaty yesterday, think I will go to the nursery and see what kind of plants I can buy. Earlier purchased some sun impatiens, so far they have been wonderful! I mean really great!!

I do wish all of you a wonderful day!

Lolly said...

Oh, now I see the baby....still down in the ditch. Poor lil guy!

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

juvie been hanging out for a minute in the nest. anyone know which one it is?

normabyrd said...

The ATLANTA PANDA---MEI--is asleep on the upper log of the day bed!!----She is ADORABLE!!-----****CHECK THE PANDA UPDATE & you will see the staff---with LUN LUN on her back--stomach has been shaved---checking the ultra sound, etc.---

MITS said...

Lolly, I saw some of those sun inpatients last week at Home Depot, but I settled for the hot pink vinca for my flowers this year on the balcony, only get 2 pots, one for dining table and one for cocktail table, our condo is a beautiful blue and yellow, and so is my outdoor furniture, so the hot pick looks good, and I think they are going to be low maintenance plants...got some of the globes to water them when I am back home

MITS said...

if it is the Ray Charles dance Sissy, it is Mei Xiang, one of the cam operators calls it the Mei Mambo.

normabyrd said...


magpie said...

Good Day - It certainly isn't morning anymore! Lots of news to catch up on...At least I can still see one child in the nest. That's a good way to start things out.

Does anyone know if the flamingo chick that seemed to have gotten stepped on yesterday afternoon...get situated okay?
It's the one that was struggling so go get up the dirt mound then seemed to get caught in a little squabble between two adults? Sorry if I have missed this update...Lolly - is the same one you are talking about on just prior post?

HO NORMA! I like Freeloading Mountaineers....that's rich. Enjoy your lunch. Fix me some and blog it over, please.

PAULA: I like your Eagle Crossing Avatar!

magpie said...

Turkeys at PA PixController


Go Toms....

Lolly said...

Mits.....ahhhh, blue and yellow, my favorite color. My bedroom is blue and yellow!!!

The sun impatiens are just fabulous. They have been in constant bloom. Already have lots of vinca or periwinkles as I call them.

Yes, Magpie, the one is the ditch, now on the left of the screen, I think that is the one from yesterday. Did you get my email?

magpie said...

I wonder if there are BLOGGEERS at the Finney Nest: I bet they are giving their techs a tougher time than we have given John and Steve when ours had problems...hope they get it fixed, that is a great site.

paula eagleholic said...

I think that's Pearl or Middy hanging out in our nest!

Have fun shopping, LOlly. I love to go look at plants.

Lolly said...

Love your sun, Paula. I am going to have to change mine!

magpie said...

LOLLY - Yes, got your email, and sent one in reply.
And I hope little dirt-ditch chick is gonna make it up that slope today!
Paula - just enjoyed Eagle Crossing avatar and now Sun is great too..you are so talented....it will be years before I figure out how to do that..

magpie said...

Just took a quick tour.
West End chicks look frisky


Turkeys still scratching in Pa.

White storks just got a meal! They are voracious.

And I have too many cams up...can't type..think I am gonna get blogger copped....

magpie said...

Looks like our Freeloader is approaching the launch pad....

magpie said...

Forget the launch pad comment, he's sunning himself.

MITS: I saw the most beautiful cloud formations last night while I was out bird-watching. Could tell there were storms somewhere, but no rain, just some thunder and great cloud action where I was at. Wish you could have been there to identify them for me: Cumulo-nimbus, some, great big puffy white ones, it was great!

magpie said...

HEDGIE (Lynn) - I joked yesterday about getting a pop-up which said "Get Back to Work..." - other than that, just got blogger-policed like everyone else yesterday.
But it is time to get some work done. Got a short midnight shift midnight to seven tonight...so eventually I'll have to work in a nap.
Good Afternoon to All !

MITS said...

I love seeing cloud formations, Margy, we had a small storm last night, love seeing it roll out to sea....get some rest....going to pool for awhile, catch you all later.

paula eagleholic said...

Nest is MT!

Anyone else notice the waterfinder stick is gone?!

paula eagleholic said...

Adult in the nest with a fish!!

paula eagleholic said...

Eaglet in the nest...hopefully with the fish!!

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Jo, that was hilarious. My husband is going to love that one, about the sex of the birds!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I guess they had to use it to find water??

paula eagleholic said...

Yup, eaglet eating :)

paula eagleholic said...

2 mountaineers

paula eagleholic said...

Looks like one is moving in for the steal!

paula eagleholic said...

Hmmm, looks like the steal was successful!

magpie said...

They seem to behaving peacefully.
Sure are getting big aren't they?

wvgal_dana said...

almost panda nap time

NatureNut said...

Hi Gang---sneaking in.
Glad to know Eagle Dad Dave has seen all his family!Nobody here has seen ours--but they have a huge territory. Maybe could see some from a boat on the river.
Could see 2 juvies on this nest awhile ago. Paula mentioned the divining rod was missing. Maybe it went the way of the Woobie!!
I didn't know Helen ran a hospital ward! (1:21)Perhaps her Jubby helps!
Don't mind me, I'm getting PM punchy!!

magpie said...

Here's an aside: I was reading through some past blogs, and found some from Chrissy back when she was talking about Black Pudding. Back on Late May. Will be great to see that name and those posts soon again.

MEGAN: We are asking about you, how are you doing?


paula eagleholic said...

Awww, 2 sibs hanging out in the nest

magpie said...

A third one would be nice, but I wonder if that would spoil the "atmosphere..."

hedgie said...

Marg--no wonder you were late joining us...up late, then slept in to try to get back on your nightowl schedule, huh?? You sure seem to get alot of OT! Hope your shift is quiet--I'll have my ears on!

magpie said...

COSTUME LADY: I said I would repost this from prior shift; this is from last night late after you went beddy-bye.

"WANDA - You, are a Gem!! If you do another poop shoot facial on yourself, it should turn you into a DIAMOND!"

Thanks So Much! I like the rejuvenation, and the pink mocassins!

magpie said...

I believe one has flown the coop.

hedgie said...

Got e-mail from Chrissy. Her tests were all okay--still being treated for a bad case of bronchitis. Frank's bleeding was from diverticulitis.

magpie said...

Well, forget that, I can't see straight. Need another poop shoot facial for my EYES !

hedgie said...

Vicki also missing lately...just a couple of posts late Sun. Hope all is well with her, as well as Megan!

magpie said...

HI HEDGIE: Well, I am on my days "off" sort of, I was off last night but was out late watching my birdie friends...and the lightning show, then had to scrub the tick-repellent spray off and check for them too...and YOU KNOW how long it takes to catch up on all the Blogs... and go around the world cam-hopping, reading up on BUDDY and checking fish totals! So I just crashed and stayed in bed for quite some time!
Wanna go to Swinging Bridge bird-watching some time? We can try to collect all the Berkeley County girls, you, Wanda, and anyone else that might want to go along...it's worth it just for the Cedar Waxwings!

magpie said...


magpie said...


magpie said...

REALLY, it was there ! Just disappears as soon as the cam refreshes.

magpie said...

I miss Vicky too!! And everyone else when we don't hear from them. Hope she is taking some cool hikes with her Eagle Stick!

magpie said...

NORMA: That must be SOME LUNCH you are having !! Hee Hee...
Just missin' ya, Gal.

magpie said...

And all of us...

I have a "kiddie cam" right out my back window! There is a Day Care Center just behind...and when those little squealies get to playing, it is musical. Yesterday I watched a little lad examining his belly button for quite some time!

Carol_in_WV said...

Hi, eagle lovers. Just now had some time to get on here and get caught-up from yesterday afternoon. I want to "Thank" those of you who sent me birthday greetings and cards after my "Thanks" yesterday afternoon. It's a gorgeous day up here on this mountain. Blue sky, white clouds, a light breeze and pleasant temperature. Magpie - Remus is OK. He only gets upset at thunderstorms and gun shots. We had a brief shower last evening - but no thunder - so he was happy.

magpie said...

GREAT NEWS, Carol. Whereabouts are your mountains, if you don't mind my asking...

magpie said...

DOUBLE E-Sharon: Did Mattie take some field glasses with her? I bet she is learning all kinds of cool nature things. Wonder what kind of "treats" she will bring home to her Aunties.....and I hope hope hope they are making s'mores while there!

Carol_in_WV said...

Magpie: In Wild and Wonderful - specifically, Pendleton County - home of Spruce Knob (highest point in WV) and Seneca Rocks and the most beautiful scenery on the east coast. I work in an office on top of a ridge. We can see Spruce Knob and the wind turbines at Mount Storm (UGH!). Where are you located?

hedgie said...

Yes, Magpie, I'm game for some Swingin' at the Bridge! Wouldn't it be neat to get the group together? I know you were late getting back lasst evening....and you were bloggin' late, too! Something tells me that you still haven't gotten settled into the biorhythms of 1st shift yet! And then they stick you w/ a 3rd again!

magpie said...

CAROL: Oh, Pendleton County, be still my heart !! I have been to both Grant and Pendleton for some EMS things over the years, Echo Park, for example, and saw those beautiful Seneca Rocks, and went to Spruce Knob once to the lake...I'm glad to hear this.
I'm in Berkeley County, middle of the three "way-Eastern" panhandle counties...we have some nice heights here, but nothing like what you have...it is a beautiful county with lots of streams and things, but we are becoming very very "developed" - with few serene places going untouched. Where I bird watch, that has some pristine land left, some nice farms and things too. "Jones Spring" is the common name for the little area I go to. Thanks for the info. xo

magpie said...

HEDGIE, you are right. I am not used to things yet....but all in all I am pretty happy right now to be on dayshift. A seven-hour stint will be a "cake walk" after all the twelves I did on night shift.
We'll put our heads together on a jaunt to Swinging Bridge. xo

magpie said...

...watching our Free-loading Mountaineers is making me very very drowsy.....

Mema Jo said...

All of you blog faster then I can read and keep up with you.

I am watching 2 of our juvies in our nest - recess time I think

magpie said...

MEMA JO: Maybe that is why we were getting blogger-copped yesterday. Is it beautiful in Middletown today ?

Mema Jo said...

Yes It has been beautiful all day here in the valley.

Mema Jo said...

Thinking about Glo now - being in AZ with family - especially Elia!

Mema Jo said...


paula eagleholic said...

Looks like Pearl and Tiny. Middy must be in detention! :)

Carol_in_WV said...

Magpie - I know where Berkley County is, but I don't get to that part of the state very often. Have been to Shepherdstown and to the nest 3 times and spent a weekend at the Berkley Springs State Park Lodge with some friends from DC a year or so ago. Not much "development" here - except for the threat of Wind Turbine farms.

paula eagleholic said...

Attention eagle watchers****

Real Player is now on!!

MITS said...

Carol, The latest news is that the state of DELAWARE will be letting them build wind turbines 12 miles off the coast of Rehoboth Beach....

Mema Jo said...

I guess I am behind the times ..
Didn't realize that the LIVE FEED

Oh Well!! I wish it had been up for one of us to see who moved the
water stick! Mysterious !!

Mema Jo said...

lol Paula We both must have tried it around the same time....

Got some static on mine...

I think they are waiting for Din Din.

Carol_in_WV said...

I hadn't heard that yet, Helen. I'm afraid that they are going to be everywhere. The sad thing is that they are not as great as many people think they are - but I won't go into that now. Hey - since I mentioned my dog, Remus, earlier - I changed my picture from the American Kestrel to a Norwegian Elkhound, which is what he is. This is not his picture, but looks exactly like him.

MITS said...

PAULA, you could get a job at K-Mart....

MITS said...

they just approved it yesterday, sure they will be here in the couple of years, just concerns me about the bird population

MITS said...

what a cute dog....Carol

MITS said...

Just got an e-mail, from Ceil, been wondering where she was, she has acute tonsillitis....get better soon Ceil

Carol_in_WV said...

Yes, Helen - bird kill is a problem with the turbines. On land - other concerns are bat kill, widlife leaving the area near them, clearing of ridgetops, building of roads, disturbance of undergrouns water, rainwater run-off, construction of transmission lines from the turbines, electrical sub-stations near the turbines, additional coal- or gas-fired electrical generating plants to keep the electricity flowing when the wind isn't blowing, lights on them at night, the noise they make and the strobe effect from the blades. Also - they use electricity to keep the blades going around when the wind gets below 8 mph and to heat the blades in the winter so that ice doesn't form on them. And here is the fact that blows my mind: all electric companies generate 20% to 25% more electricity than they predict that they will need, in case of emergencies. The small amount of electricity produced by thousands of turbines will go into that "extra' electricity and will be wasted if not used! That's why I oppose them. (Sorry, but I get wound-up when I start talking about them!)

MITS said...

okie-dokie, Carol, calm down....they make it sound like it is the best thing since sliced bread, but guess where they will not put them.....off of CAPE COD.

paula eagleholic said...

Hope you feel better Ceil!

paula eagleholic said...

Hee Hee

Carol_in_WV said...

Helen - I'm slowly calming down. :-) There are several reasons why folks think they are great: They don't emit carbon dioxide (but, one scientist estimated that it would take 20 years for each turbine to wipe out the carbon footprint created by manufacturing them, transporting them and placing them on the mountain tops). People don't know the real facts about them. The companies putting them up get gigantic tax breaks to put them up. Then, there is the whole "Green Credits" thing which I don't fully understand - but which I'm sure somebody is getting rich off of. And, people don't realize that they will do almost nothing to get us off oil.

MITS said...

CAROL, go to WBOC.COM for the story, I don't have your e-mail address

MITS said...

I have your e-mail adress somewhere, must be in my greeting card list

paula eagleholic said...

They are watching something...

See ya later!

MITS said...

great they are stealing air bags from cars down here....

MITS said...

I think when the cam goes wacko, it is one of them landing close to the cam.

Lolly said...

Paula....do you change your hair style as often as you change your picture? LOL I liked the sun...it really stood out. It this your 3rd or 4th today?

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2/19/25 AM Routine

632 am Scout arrives and patiently waits for Bella to move from the egg bowl, she does and Switch to Scout. 634 Bella exits the nest He does...