Friday, June 27, 2008


Fresh Friday thread.


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Costume Lady said...


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Good morning everyone! Thanks Steve!

Costume Lady said...

Are you on a Hiatus from work?
Sissy sure does miss you. Wish I had a sister to miss.

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Thanks Steve!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

No hiatus, Wanda. Brought my computer/job with me!

Costume Lady said...

Sharon, is your LF up? I keep trying mine and can't get it. It was fine last night.

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

my live feed is up and working okay so far this morning, Wanda.

Costume Lady said...

WOW, Sharon, how neat that you can do that.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Live feed looking good this morning but I had mine up all night! I do have a neat job! :)

Costume Lady said...

I NEVER get RP to come up on the first try....have to try 3 or 4 times before it works.

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Parent and baby in the nest. Looks like breakfast.

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

all 3 babies

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Lib brought in food and the 3 freeloaders came in one right after the other!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

One took the fish and flew off!

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

they look like they are expecting breakfast but I don't think it has arrived yet.

normabyrd said...

GOOD MORNING EAGLE BUDDIES!!---Thanks STEVE!---"LIVE" is GOOD!---WOW!!---It is going to be a 'HOT ONE' today!!---Birds are singing & flowers are blooming---ENJOY this BEAUTIFUL -- SUNNY--JUNE DAY!!!---with scattered showers this afternoon!!---temp is 68° here in WV---"HOME OF BELLE & LIBERTY---PLUS 3 FREE-LOADER MOUNTAINEERS"----What more could one ask for!!---Such JOY to watch them fly in for R&R!!----REMEMBER---TGIF---LIFE IS ALWAYS GOOD ON FRIDAY!---(according to SUZANNE)--

normabyrd said...

CONGRATS!!! WANDA----our #1 EAGLE MOM today & every day!!!---MORNIN' WANDA--& the BLUEFIELD GALS---BEV & SHARON!!!---

normabyrd said...

Can't tell if our 'visiting kids' are chewing or just a bit too warm!!----Would guess the latter!!-

normabyrd said...

Some of the PINK FLAMINGOS are still sitting on the nest---see one EGG!---haven't see any CHICKS this am!---

normabyrd said...

PA has 1 TURKEY this am!!---Looks as if they have seeded again!

normabyrd said...


Lolly said...

Good morning all! NORMA, just saw a flamingo chick! So cute with little chubby legs!

Can not believe I am on so early. However, we are headed out shortly to mow.

No good breakfast this morning. Going to put it off 'til tomorrow.

Lolly said...

Just checked out the hummers. Reminds me of the Rocky Mts. We used to put out feeders and we would get so many hummingbirds. You could hold the bottle in your hand and they would come drink. Then they said no more feeding the birds. Did not want to attract bears. Again.....BUMMER! But then I don't want bears in my camp site!

Lolly said...

Off to grab a bite of cereal...then off to mow. Have a great day everyone! BBL

normabyrd said...

PA PERGRINE FALCONS----The ledge is MT this am---But there are pics of the red--green & silver banded females---one of male!!!---They have been hanging out on this HUGE FORMUM BLDG.---close by--don't seem to mind the sounds of traffic!!!

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' LOLLY!---So refreshing to hear from you----It's probably too warm here too---to enjoy your Fri. breakfast!---ho!----Now that's a BUMMER!---Wishing you a FUN DAY mowing!!

normabyrd said...

BEVE!---I think they finally have a pic of the 'LITTLE PRINCE' asleep in the rock area!!!---lazy little imp this am!---STILL LOVE 'EM!

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Blogger cop got me normabyrd. Been watching both bears all morning, begging to get outside.

deb said...


normabyrd said...

I JUST SAW A NEST OF HOBBIES!!!----(honest)----windy & noisy site--

deb said...

We are down to one adult and one juvie. oops, now just the juvie.

deb said...

Good morning, everyone. Another cloudy day here, rain later today.

normabyrd said...

Just missed the EAGLETS---I have MT NEST!----BEVE---I had a hard time finding the 'LITTLE PRINCE'!!!

Costume Lady said...

I just now got my RP up and running and there is one very sleepy eaglet in the nest.

Costume Lady said...

Sorry, I must have scared him away.

paula eagleholic said...

Wow, 2 adults!

Saw the earlier action this morning, all 3 fighting over that tasty fish.

wvgal_dana said...

Good Friday Morning Friends ( :

Going to read comments

normabyrd said...

Temp is climbing here today---74°---but it is so humid!!!

Bad am here!!---I have a cedar shake house---- & 2 'wood-peckers'(NOT A GOOD THING) have been driving me nuts!!!----I have used everything---FINALLY found one of those silver things some one had given me to put in my car window!!---YIPEEEEEEEEEE!---Working so far!!----They should NOT be doing this---they did it some last year!----House is at least 35 yrs old!! (i was only 5 when my husband & i built it)--ho!
& I have a BRIDGE to sell you!!!

normabyrd said...


wvgal_dana said...

I'm still looking for the nest of "hobbies" Norma ( :

MITS said...

GOOD MORNING AGAIN going to catch up on posts and e-mail

wvgal_dana said...

Norma a "hobbie" almost looks like our pigeons ove here.

normabyrd said...

LISA has posted some info on the sadness at the LOCH GARTEN site---written in re: all the school age children that have been watching the site!!----It is hard for adults too!!

Red said...

Norma, you might try a plastic Owl to keep woodpeckers away. Just put up somewhere close and they will stay away. Not sure where to buy one though.

normabyrd said...

DANA---I just posted what on the SITE!!----They are interesting to read about---aren't they it?----

NatureNut said...

Good Morning Everyone in Eagleland!My view of nest has been MT. Gotta get out to work at Chelsea, the farmhouse office.
Just put a pic on of something we saw there Wed. 1st fawn sighting.
See ya later ;>]

normabyrd said...

Thanks RED EAGLE!!---I think I may do that!!----I understand there is a wild-bird mart --- where I can order them!!---I appreciate your suggestion!!!

Costume Lady said...

I wanted to get Gene to take the FISH TEST last night, but I couldn't find the link that takes you to it. Does anyone still have it?

Costume Lady said...

HEDGIE...Your after FACIAL photo has been posted. I think you will like the results.

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' NATURENUT!!---Tomorrow is your BIG DAY!----HELEN told us yesterday that she has been invited to replace LISA!!---THAT SHOULD BE A FUN DAY---ALONG WITH SUZANNE & BOB!!---Have FUN!!---BOB promises to send photos!!---

normabyrd said...

WANDA---Last time I checked there were still some online!!!

deb said...

I can't get the link to post on here. Wanda, check your mail.

normabyrd said...

CHIMNEY SWIFT is in (or on) the nest!!---Their nests are so fascinating!!--now that I have found out how they make them!----TRULY WORKS OF ART!!

wvgal_dana said...

Morning Red and Nature glad you joined us ( :

MITS said...

Norma, I'm not sure what you are talking about????

wvgal_dana said...

Are you able to get it from what Deb sent to you Wanda?

Norma it says they are like our falcons over here the "hobbie".

Red said...

The link to the Fish test is:

Sorry but I don't know how to make this link clickable, so just copy and paste. By the way, I'm an Atlantic Cod.

NatureNut said...

Just checking in quickly-----Wow, so glad Helen will be coming Sat! Quite a drive ,tho, for you.Hooray, Hooray!

normabyrd said...

WOW WANDA!!---Just checked LYNNE'S PIC after her facial!!!---I knew she was GORGEOUS!!!----I just didn't realize she was a nurse!!---

MITS said...

Loretta, I have no idea where Norma got that info, I am at the beach for several more weeks....

normabyrd said...

HELEN---I thought I read yesterday that you said you were going to go to band the CHICKS with BOB & NATURENUT---because LISA couldn't go!!---I thought I said that SUZANNE was going too!!

Capt. Eagle said...

Hello ladies. I took Iris's fish test and I have joined the majority...I AM A BLUE FIN TUNA.


deb said...

I know how the confusion happened. Norma, Helen posted a comment for Suzanne yesterday. Suzanne said that Lisa couldn't make it.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...


normabyrd said...

OMG HELEN!!---I didn't think I was drunk!---READ---yesterday---11:57 am!!!!!-----Did I misread!---I scanned the blog yesterday when I came back home!!---HELP!!---TRULY SORRY IF I DID!!---I thought it was a COOL THING!!

MITS said...

Thanks, Deb, I just posted what Suzanne had sent to me. I never said I was replacing Lisa, would love to be there, but not gonna be.

normabyrd said...

WHOA!!---I wouldn't make that up!!----SORRY---FOREVER!!---I thought you were not going to be on today--you would be cleaning your house so you could go tomorrow, etc.---THOUGHT IT WAS WONDERFUL THAT YOU COULD GO IN LISA'S PLACE!!---Maybe I should turn in my 'BROWNIE BADGE'---

MITS said...

This was the e-mail I received, signed by Suz
All have a nice weekend. I'm taking tomorrow off to do my Saturday stuff
(and nap), so I will be half way alert on Saturday for the Osprey

Lisa cannot go, she has to work this weekend, so I'm sorry I'm not going
to finally get to meet her. But I believe Bob Quinn is still going, and
Loretta (NatureNut) is going, and I have no earthly idea who else is
going to be there. In any case, Momsters will be represented!

Should be a great time, and a good learning experience.

Have a great weekend, all. I'll take pics and send them around. Can't
put them on Momsters anymore, bummer.


MITS said...

I really wish I could go, Norma.

MITS said...

No worries, Norma:)

MITS said...

Sorry if I confused you.

MITS said...

So RED is a cod, and Gene, is a bluefin TUNA......YIPPEE, TUNAS:)

normabyrd said...

"FROM MITS......

promise never to read that site when it says the 'above'.........

MITS said...

IF you had read the post just above it,would have made alot of sense then, had been posting when blogger cop got me, and was trying to recall what I wanted to post.

normabyrd said...

CEIL----I don't see any snow this am at the OREGON NEST---But I do see 'frost' maybe!!---Hope you are feeling better!!!!

Capt. Eagle said...

Helen, I also thought you were going to the Banding, but reread and realized you were giving us Suz's message.

NORMA...make a quick phone call...MAYBE YOU CAN GO!

normabyrd said...

CONGRATS!! CAPT.---You are a 'BLUE TUNA'!!----I am a 'HAMMERHEAD SHARK'---& I kinda feel that way most of the time!!!---

normabyrd said...

I have asked this before---Does anyone know if BEAUTIFUL FLOWER GIRL is on vacation?!!---She used to be one of the early birds!!!--miss seeing her & her flowers!!

normabyrd said...

CAPT. ---COOL BUS!!---

Costume Lady said...

Sorry, forgot take Capt. Eagle off of here.

Costume Lady said...

Norma, Meggy was on here a bit last night. Busy cutting flowers.

MITS said...

Norma, she was on the other night, and on the blog this a.m.

Costume Lady said...

Got Capt. Eagles RV avatar from Helen's e-mail. It is really cool; when it is working properly, 3 people run out of it and the awning goes out and they start grilling. When I have more time, I will see if I can make it do that on here.

wvgal_dana said...

Contragulations Red for being "a atlantic COD" welcome welcome we need more CODS.....( :

wvgal_dana said...

Just saw Toucan's on the webcam

normabyrd said...

WHOA----It's is going to be ONE HOT "LONG" SUMMER---if CNN keeps airing every speech -- MCCAIN or OBAMA make!!!-----

normabyrd said...

Thanks WANDA & HELEN!!---I worry about her---she works so hard!!--but doesn't she raise such BEAUTIFUL FLOWERS!!

Costume Lady said...

HELEN, SOMEONE FOUND YOU AFTER YOU DISAPPEARED OFF THE BALCONY. Go see who found you and don't forget to use the 4th FACIAL.

floralgirl said...

Flower girl does not take vacations!!! I have been cutting flowers since 5:45 and then I watered the gh.. and made some bacon and eggs for me and hubby... I am in the garden a lot now- June is almost over and I am frantically trying to get everything planted and mulched and don't have a lot of free time and when I do I am too tired to do anything but sleep...

MITS said...


floralgirl said...

Wow- is that jubby?? he must have had a facial too.

MITS said...

I saw you here early this a.m., Megan

MITS said...

I can't get on the panda cam:(

floralgirl said...

Yes, I have witnesses, I was here. But now I'm gone again- off to make some bouquets for mkt tomorrow- gonna work in the nice cool basement- hiding from the sun for a while..ta..ta.. OH Cap't Eagle I love your new avatar!!

deb said...

That is a really good one, Wanda.

deb said...

I lost my RP.

normabyrd said...

FLOWER GIRL!!-----GOOD MORNING!!---GREAT to know you are alive & 'kickin'---instead of lolling around on some beach & being waited upon---ho!----

wvgal_dana said...

Good Morning Megan ( :

A cool basement sounds good for you to work in...

wvgal_dana said...

Wanda are you going for crab legs tonight???

floralgirl said...

Oh Norma, I only wish.. I can't even get anyone to wait on me here... off to work, try not to watch too many of those political speeches, you'll lose your mind...

normabyrd said...

So did I DEB!!---

Costume Lady said... will have a FACIAL waiting on you when you get home!

MITS said...

I can only get on panda cam, thru the asian trail page, Mei is sleeping and Tai is eating a sweet potato

Costume Lady said...

DANA, Crab Legs for sure!!

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

mits, i can get on one of the panda cams but not both of them.

wvgal_dana said...

Aw that Helens sexy "jabby" in that pic with her lol

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

the bees have taken over the hummer feeder again.

MITS said...

Sissy, go down the page and click on the sloth bear, then under the cam you have all the other asian trail animals including the pandas, I can get on both from there

normabyrd said...

HELEN---I had trouble this am & now getting to see the 'LITTLE PRINCE'----Now I can see both!!---I am guessing TAI is inside---but I am always wrong!!!

MITS said...

never mind, can only get on cam1, on both sites....going to e-mail my guy

MITS said...

I'm having trouble too.

Mema Jo said...

Good Morning! I am most always the last to join but this morning the electricity went off early morning hour. I had no clue what time it really was when I got out of bed. No Storm - Just POOF! OFF!
Wanda - I think you could go ahead and start writing your book entitled "Eagle Facials For Friends"!

MITS said...

keepers are in the sloth bear exhibit, this is the time they are supposed to be doing a demo, but I bet Bala (cub) has destroyed something again.

normabyrd said...

BUTA BUTA is in the PLAY ROOM---Going in & out through her BAMBOO!!---She will probably climb to the top & go to sleep!!---That seems to be her favorite thing!!!

Mema Jo said...

Thank you DEB for the pic of Lib & Belle in the nest alone this morning.
Brings back the feeling of when they first start getting the nest ready for a new season.

Mema Jo said...

I think we have an adult eagle on the BWO platform.

hedgie said...

Good late morning all!
Oh no-o-o...a facial! I can use it, but I'm just not to sure of this yucky kind. Wanda, please make it a miracle do-over!

MITS said...

Yes, Jo, love just seeing the 2 of them together

Mema Jo said...

Nope! I think it is the osprey
Can't see any white tail feathers...

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Tom has gone to get our Mattie!!! Yeah! This has been a lonely ole place without her!!

Costume Lady said...

OK, Megan, your FACIAL is finished. IT IS YOU!

Mema Jo said...

Hedgie Your facial has already been documented in Wanda's Wishes blog. Beautiful make over!!!

MITS said...

awww, cute, Megan....yes, Jo don't see a white tail

hedgie said...

Wanda...Thanks and thanks again! Never looked so good! Bet I'd have gotten thrown out of work if I had shown up looking like that!!

paula eagleholic said...

Tuna! Tuna!

movin said...


It's going to be a beautiful, sunny 80° in So Cal today ... just as soon as that "June Gloom" burns away.



Mema Jo said...

Now that is our
Beautiful Flower Child - Megan!

Remember Megan -
daisies never tell

hedgie said...

I finally took the test and I'm a Blue Fin Tuna, too!

MITS said...


wvgal_dana said...

Good Morning & Afternoon Jo ( :

Hope if they haven't someone updates the fish list ( :

Jim you need to take the fish test and let us know

Mema Jo said...

Not certain where Iris has been the last couple of threads BUT we need to thank her Big Time for the Fish Excitement & Fun she has given us!!!

movin said...

So where's the fish test link??



Costume Lady said...

Yes, Jo, whoda thunk it! LOL

floralgirl said...

I have got to stop eating daisies..

MITS said...

Jim, do you get Momster mail, it would have been on that from Iris.

deb said...

Red posted link at 10:17, i tried to make a blue one and it wouldn't let me.

Costume Lady said...

Jim, check your e-mail for Fish Test.

deb said...

Adult eagle at BWE,

deb said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mema Jo said...

That looks like the Lord Blackwater!
He finished up the season with flying colors even though at the beginning he was just learning his responsibilities. Lady Blackwater taught him well!

Mema Jo said...

Mits - thanks for the update from Loraine at Kent concerning Star & Spirit being around all the time.

I am staying inside today -
That heat takes my breath away & Lord knows I don't have any extra to give!

Mema Jo said...

I was wondering why Paula hadn't been on too much today BUT it is the last Friday of the month of JUNE! Time goes too fast for me.

I have a grandson whose b-day is today & he turns 14. He is one handsome loving kid!
Must tell you also that on Tues 24th, Sophia Kathryn (love her name) turned into a terrific two! She was already a terrible two at the age of one! lol

wvgal_dana said...

I've already sent the test to Jim this morning. Before I wrote the comment should have told him then to check his mail ooopppsss

wvgal_dana said...


MITS said...

yes, Dana, she is:):):)

movin said...

Would you believe that inside I am an Atlantic Cod?

There are many choices that could have gone another way, so I'll try it again later.

Thanks for the link, Dana, and those who emailed it to me.



movin said...

I don't know if it's been commented upon, but there are two interesting reports on both Catalina and Santa Cruz Islands this week.

Does anyone need a link to them?



MITS said...

DANA, Crab Legs for sure!!

Friday, June 27, 2008 11:27:00 AM

Mema Jo said...

Dana - Jim is a COD
He has joined your group!

movin said...

Bai and ZZ are both on top of the table rock structure now.



Mema Jo said...

Time to find some lunch


MITS said...


Red said...

Where are the results of the fish test posted.

hedgie said...

Gotta go pick up the dog from the Ark Animal Hospital. She had surgery yesterday afternoon. SYL (see you later)!

wvgal_dana said...

Great Jim stay a COD that is in our group oh boy oh boy

Now someone send around all the new results please

Got to go cards are calling .....dana come playyyyyyyy lol

movin said...

Bai and ZZ are rasslin in the grass.



NatureNut said...

Sneaking in at work.....
So sorry Helen isn't coming to PRP, BUT according to Wanda's picture, she is having Way More Fun at the beach!!!!
I wonder if Jubby is there!?
tee hee

I'll have to take the Fish Test at home--this 'puter won't open it.(I'll prob end up a carp!!)

Carol_in_WV said...

Hi, eagle lovers! It's a beautiful day up here on this mountain - not as warm or humid as in the valley. I forgot to tell you all earlier this week that I am an Atlantic Cod. Seems like there are a lot of us! I saw an osprey flying over the river on my way home last evening. I have not seen the numbers of eagles or ospreys that I saw last year. I'm curious why - but will never know.

Lolly said...

Good afternoooooonnnnn!!!!! Yard is mowed, edged, blown, etc. Planted some new ground cover, watered a little and now I am through!!! And, clean!! Wahoo!

Okay, if that is a "jubby" in the picture I am giving my last facial to Jack!! Wahoooo!!! What a great idea!!

And, I do have to say
Wahoo!!!! Two more Blue Fins!!!! Welcome Lynn and Capt. Blue Fins Rule!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Just wanted to report that my Mattie is home from church camp. Got to talk to her a minute but can't wait to get home and hug that youngun! I have really missed her.

Mema Jo said...

I bet Mattie has stories galore for you to hear about her camp!

Or she may just want to sleep for a day or two!


Mema Jo said...


Our baby Katelyn was born this morning in Boise at 6:05am. Delivered by her daddy Rick. Weighed 8lb, 22 inches long. We are thrilled to welcome her to our family . She is #8 for her proud Nana.


Anne Marie said.................
I am not going home. I am leaving right from work for Oregon for the weekend. Please put it on the blog. That would be so nice. hugs. ( I do travel a bit dont I? I will spend next weekend in Idaho)

hedgie said...

Welcome home, Mattie! We know you've been missed.

Congrats, Anne Marie. You almost have a team! Safe travels.

MITS said...

Pandas are playing with the burlap bags, with the hay in them, and then they look for a surprise

Mema Jo said...


Red said...

Puro Hummingbird feeder has been taken over by bees looks like.

Lolly said...

98 here now. So glad I worked in the yard this morning. What we need now is rain! We had the most wonderful wet summer last year. Looks like a scorcher this year. Not good for the yard, not good for my mood.

Red said...

We had the dry year last year. I got so I hated to mow the yard cause it was so dusty. This year is better so far.

Carol_in_WV said...

I hate to mow. Luckily I don't live somewhere that has regulations about mowing. I have only mowed twice this year - and only in a small portion of my yard - the part where I walk. I have found out that after the grass gets to a certain height, it just stops growing! Now the long grass doesn't even look as lush as it did a few weeks ago - so even tho it is long - it isn't dense looking. One day last summer, I was mowing my back yard and I said to myself - "the only time I go in the back yard is to mow it - this is crazy!". Not mowing also saves gas. Mowers are one of the most inefficient gas engines. So, I'm helping the environment. Right? ;-)

MITS said...


The Maryland Zoo in Baltimore has a new polar bear.
The 11-year-old female named Anoki is on a breeding loan from the Albuquerque Biological Park in New Mexico.

She was flown to Baltimore by Federal Express and was accompanied on the flight by a veterinarian and the zoo's mammal collection and conservation manager.

Zoo officials say she will spend the next 30 days in standard quarantine before she will be on display for the public.

The zoo has two other polar bears, a male named Magnet and a female named Alaska.

MITS said...

Carol, all I can say is you are looking that you live where you live....most suburbs would not tolerate it, because it would breed rodents.

deb said...

Juvie at BWE.

Carol_in_WV said...

I know, Helen. No "Neighborhood Associations" here. Maybe that's why our state motto is "Mountaineers are always free"! My 3 cats take care of any rodents (& probably snakes too).

Carol_in_WV said...

Time to go home. Have a nice weekend! It's gonna be a hot one here in the East.

MITS said...

take care, Carol:)

MITS said...

off to fix, some dinner.

magpie said...

I see a visiting child....


I'm just getting on...has it been there long ?

magpie said...

And the Wood Ducks at CamClickers are brilliant in their golden hues...Momma is off the nest right now....

magpie said...

Pretty close to the launch pad...anyone have live feed?

Mema Jo said...

Hi Magpie
I just signed on also
Good of our visitor to wait for us

Mema Jo said...

no live feed - I just tried

Mema Jo said...

We had a good half hour of steady rain downpour.
Any over your way.... Eaglet looks a
little wet but the nest doesn't look it.

Mema Jo said...

Getting my after-dinner cup of coffee


Mema Jo said...

I'm back & Juvie still in nest
I think he/she is checking for nestovers...

MITS said...

think live feed went down sometime this a.m.

Mema Jo said...


I hit the refresh & he/she was
a goner.........

paula eagleholic said...

Howdy Folks.

TGIF Night!

MITS said...

now you see it, now you don't

Mema Jo said...

Helen - did you go down to the beach today? We had a short rain downpour but didn't do zilch for the high temp & humidity. It is Friday - do you have company coming in.
Any update on Ceil's travel?

Are we going to Baltimore to see the
new Polar Bear and to see that little

Mema Jo said...

Hello Paula! Kick your shoes off and relax!

paula eagleholic said...

I did send Steve an email - re live feed down...

paula eagleholic said...

I'm trying Jo, I'm trying.

magpie said...

Well,...slipped off to the Ladies Room and chicklet left while I was at it...

I suspect another visit...maybe with food...wishful thinking....

DEB - that early morning pic of Mr and Mrs. was a "bute" Thanks!

MITS said...

Didn't go to beach today, Jo. Had to go food shopping. Hubby will come in early tomorrow a.m., storms dissipated before they got here, warm and humid. Haven't heard from Ceil today. I would love to see that baby, and the new polar bear....D.C. does not have polar bears.

MITS said...

those dogs won't let her relax....:)

magpie said...

Looks like two chicks at WildWatch Osprey - I can't enlarge it...any ideas - think there is two?

magpie said...

Congrats on New Life in Boise for Anne-Marie!

And Welcome Home Mattie !

magpie said...

Black-Chinned Hummingbird cam is opened up again..might mean a new clutch is developing...

magpie said...

I really only see on little head at WildWatch Osrpey now....

MITS said...

I'm still leaning towards one, Margy

«Oldest ‹Older   1 – 200 of 288   Newer› Newest»

2/19/25 AM Routine

632 am Scout arrives and patiently waits for Bella to move from the egg bowl, she does and Switch to Scout. 634 Bella exits the nest He does...