Thursday, June 05, 2008


The DC TV station meteorologists are calling the storms that roared through this region yesterday the most widespread and vicious that they have ever seen. Tornado warnings were widespread, and huge areas of Northern Virginia and Maryland and parts of WV are without power. Where I live there is no power anywhere, despite little visible damage.

So, yesterday, as I was driving out about 4:00 pm, I did see our first fledgling, perched at the top of a sycamore about three hundred yards to the southeast of the the nest tree. Have not gotten any reports this AM, other than the second fledge occurring less than an hour ago.

Here is the link to that event, thanks Glo.


Costume Lady said...


magpie said...

Baby looks bigger than the Parent.
Thanks Steve and Everyone.

glo said...

Thanks for new thread Steve and info on our Fledge from yesterday being seen after the storm. Lib and Belle will get it to be near the nest and up in there for a nice big fish soon.

magpie said...

Go Glo! You're IT !

Mema Jo said...

Thanks Steve for the new thread & especially the report. Perhaps at lunch you will see 2 fledglings up in the nest tree!


Sent out email through Momsters so that everyone knows of our excitement

Mema Jo said...

Thank you GLO for the video!!!

wvgal_dana said...

Thank You Steven for the information and the new thread.

Great video he put the link to and thank you Glo for catching Middy #2's fledge.

Mema Jo said...

I am having a belly laugh at the video. Tiny's reaction to the
fledge is worth a million dollars!
lol Loved It!

glo said...

I am so glad to hear there are at least 3 videos out there for this second fledge. Now as long as cam co-operates we can catch Tiny and have a complete set of fledge memories for this clutch. Many of us waited 2 years for this to happen again and we certainly remember all the excitement being felt right now for those who are enjoying these special moments for the first time. Its so awesome and once again look at the parenting skills. Are they Johnny on the spot or what.

Congrat Lib and Belle you two are awesome to enjoy!!!

wvgal_dana said...


Costume Lady said...

Tiny is really getting loud and rowdy!

Mema Jo said...

Adult & Tiny having a party!!

wvgal_dana said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mema Jo said...

Looks as though BWE & BWO cams are down.

Mema Jo said...

I don't know how much SPUNK Tiny has but he/she is making me very nervous up there at the noon position.

OK Now I can relax - Tiny is eating!

movin said...

Thanks, Glo. Hahaha. Did you see the look on No. 3's face when his brother took off??

"What, your gone too?"



glo said...

Parent is giving life Lessons again we do need that aggression teaching bUT they know how much he needs and are right there making him work a little for it without competition except a little from them

I am off for coffee and dog treats

wvgal_dana said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mema Jo said...

I am headed out - need some regular blood work done. I guess I am up and circulating ok now! lol


I am so very happy about having a new great-granddaughter Just wish they weren't in Germany! Thankful for Web Cams!

normabyrd said...

THANKS STEVE & GLO!!---#3 thoughts----(are you nuts?)---Now she is thinking---(mine--mine--all mine---IT'S ABOUT TIME)!!!!

normabyrd said...

ANY NEWS FROM MEGAN?---how can we help her?

magpie said...

Loon off the eggs in Minnesota

wvgal_dana said...

It truly was a look on Tiny's face with his brother flying off. Bringing his head back like "what you leaving too....well".

Someone on this thread has a new great-granddaughter......wonder who it is???

normabyrd said...

Has anyone told "THREE" that she has to stay until 'FLAG DAY'----Does she know that!!---She is COOL!!!

wvgal_dana said...

Is that a piece of fish Tiny is pulling on?

magpie said...

MEMO JO: You need a Baby Elizabeth Cam ! Congratulations, what great news!

Anne-Marie said...

Just checking in I see #2 has taken off. wow. I will check video whenI get to work. Its a beautiful day. tomorrow is payday which means I will be very busy so I had better get everything done that I can today. I will be reading.
Have a day full of smiles. Anne

normabyrd said...








and the list will go on........

Mema Jo said...

Jenny just called after contacting her insurance co about damage to trees and garden. No house damage thank goodness. But the agent is issuing her a check to cover clearing out the downed trees.
I must call Megan & see that she knows this

Then I'll go to the lab...

IrisF said...

Hey, I missed another one!!! need to learn how to get up earlier...
God Speed to our two fledgers!!!!

Congratulations Jo on new baby Elizabeth!!!


And THANK YOU to Glo for that wonderful Video... what would we do without you lady???

Safe travel for Vicky tomorrow!

Prayers for a good report for Sharon and safe travel too!

Dean and I are leaving today for Michigan for Granddaughter Gillian's Graduation from high school... Have a great visit on Saturday. Wish I could be two places at once!
Love, Hugs, and Prayers, Iris

Costume Lady said...


wvgal_dana said...

Good Morning Anne ( :

Video is a good one...catch reaction of Tiny. lol

wvgal_dana said...

Good Morning Iris ( : safe trip for you also to granddaughters graduation.
You will be miss Saturday. Take good Care lady.

deb said...

Darn, I missed the fledge.

Good morning, everyone. The sun is out today! It seems like it has been awhile since that has happened.

Happy Birthday, Thelma. Good Luck, Sharon. Congrats, Jo. Megan, I hope that you are all okay and the damage isn't too bad.

Costume Lady said...

HEY, about a report on your baby robins. Did they fledge safely? BTW, I have a granddaughtr named Jillian also. Just spelled differently.

wvgal_dana said...

Sorry Jo about Jenny's trees and garden. Glad insurance will send check to help with the clean up. Good your calling Megan to let her know....maybe (I pray) her insurance will help also.

I know it can't replace all the work she has done though.

wvgal_dana said...

Good Morning Deb ( : Did you catch the video?

IrisF said...

Megan, I forgot to say so sorry about your damage...Hope your flowers didn't get hit too much and it was mainly the tree. Hate to lose a tree too, but you know what I am trying to say!! Too much extra work I'm sure...Prayers for you too!

normabyrd said...

We had REALLY BAD weather yesterday afternoon too!!---I was caught in the food market---terrible rains--coming from all directions---lighting hit flag pole outside---electric was off & on!---if you were checking out & electric went out --had to redo, etc.---Store folks were taking out carts to the car for us-(can you believe that---Had about 3 trees blow down---But nothing like MEGAN!!

Costume Lady said...

Good Morniing Deb, when you view the video of Middy's fledge, catch the look on Tiny's face. Priceless!

IrisF said...

Robins fledges successfully, all four of them... Dean got some photos - including one of the babies 2 days after fledge... I promise I will get the pictures out after the graduation!..
Thanks for your good thoughts folks. I lurk a lot, but I love you all, you are so very special!

Robyn said...

Congrats Jo, hopefully time will move fast for them to all be back home.

Good morning all

We leave for OC tomorrow morning

Robyn said...

thanks for the videos :)

deb said...

I got to see the video, I watched it about three times! Poor Tiny all alone.

wvgal_dana said...

Good Morning Robyn ( :

Heading for OC huh....have a nice time. I guess we won't see you Saturday. Will miss you .....but have fun!!

Mema Jo said...


Still without power but hubby went to get a generator - No house damage & gh ok - So many downed wires that she just knows when power company comes they may ruin her flower gardens getting them out of there -
she is calling insurance company also

Megan was outside doing clean up
She is such a strong person - I know we all love that gal!

She is not going to market on SAT and will be with us! She does have surplus flowers and will be at market on Sunday!
She thanks us for thinking of her!
I told her about the 2nd fledge.

IrisF said...

Dana, I think I saw Littley drag a fish over to his perch! I hope that is what he/she is eating!

Jenny, sorry to hear about your yard/garden damage too, but glad insurance is covering some of the costs!

And, thanks Jo for sending the message to Momsters email... I was downloading while waiting for the cam to open and saw your message!!

Take lots of pictures on Saturday everyone.

I think that fish is stuck on our babies talon...hmmmm now how does this work???

NatureNut said...

Another Eggciting Day!Thank you Steve for spotting report of yesterday!!
Happy Birthday Thelma, & Happy New Grandchild to Jo.

BBL Dr. Dracula wants blood..

Robyn said...

It is suppose to be very HOT this weekend and humid. I hope everyone stays cool.

I will be at the open house in October Dana

Tori and I are looking forward to chillin on the beach, I am sure the water is going to be cold.

Mema Jo said...

Hi Robyn Enjoy the weekend in OC - For Tori there are LAX tournaments being held - Grandson will be there playing his heart out -
Look for the goldie with the golden hair!!! Catonsville team..

Talk to you upon your return......

Lolly said...

Good morning! Well, of course, I missed the launch!! Love the video!! Thanks Glo! The reaction by Tiny is priceless!!!

Congratulations Jo, on the new G granddaughter Elizableth! Maybe some day my grandsons will give me a g granddaughter!

Still waiting to hear more from Megan. My heart goes out to her!!!

normabyrd said...

PA FLACONS!---ADULTS down at pole!!---Couldn't see the CHICKS---then one by one here they come walking slow---out of the hatch box!!-----CHECK the TALONS on those birds!!---Looks like they are wearing 'feet cuffs'!--ho!

Mema Jo said...


Dr. Dracula wants my blood too

deb said...

Thank you, Jo, for keeping us informed on everyone. Megan, wish I could come and help you clean up. I bet if you tell the linemen that you make a living off the flowers they would take better care not to harm them too much.

normabyrd said...

DEB--how was weather in SD?

normabyrd said...

WONDERFUL---WONDERFUL NEWS from MEGAN----Looking forward to seeing you FLOWER GIRL!!----STAY COOL!

paula eagleholic said...

Thanks Steve for the report on our first Fledging. So glad to know he is safe!

It will be exciting to see them return to the nest!

wvgal_dana said...

Thanks for update Jo on Megan. Power line people "DONT DAMAGE MEGANS GARDEN!!!!".

Good Morning Nature and Lolly ( :

Lolly are you feeling any better?

wvgal_dana said...

Tiny must see an eaglet or parent. Yes parent now in nest

paula eagleholic said...

Parent back in nest w/ food. Tiny's gonna be too stuffed to fledge for awhile!!

wvgal_dana said...

Paula I think he is full lol not trying to get food from parent. I love the touching of beaks when parent came in. It was one of those awwww moments. ( :

Lolly said...

No, not really. I am a mess! You know I am sick when Jack is out doing the yard all by himself!!

glo said...

I have just posted a longer version of the fledge with the pre and post activites. Its only a couple of mins though. Will be on the FeedBlitz tonight as well.

Longer version of this morning's fledge

paula eagleholic said...

Anyone else's RP down??

wvgal_dana said...

My live feed went down. Did anyone else loose it?

glo said...

My live feed is down :(

paula eagleholic said...

I'll send an email

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Live feed is gone. :(

wvgal_dana said...

Sharon did Thelma see her Happy Birthday Wishes?

wvgal_dana said...

Oh come on live feed. I don't think Tiny is going. Refresh shows him at launch pad. No no no don't go yet!!!!

Lolly said...

My live feed is down. Went down while I was watching Glo's latest video. Great job!

normabyrd said...

#3 is looking over at PARENT---I think she is wondering!!---Why MOM is sitting so close to her!!---WOW! our little EAGLET is not lacking attention!!----Think she is ENJOYING this togetherness???

wvgal_dana said...

If Suzanne was here she would be refreshing the 30 second cam like crazy lol Miss her...

wvgal_dana said...

Norma do you still have the live feed???

T-Bird said...

Thank you all for my birthday wishes!!

indiana nesting eagles dave said...

Hey glo that is a great video,i
watched it several times.

Indiana Nesting Eagles----Dave

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Live feed is back up.

glo said...

I surely hope tiny waits a couple of days. I think he/she actually has more tail feathers than Spunky did at fledge BUT I don't think he /she has the spunk yet. Needs more snatch practice with Mom and Dad. I surely hope he/she waits til Sat and gives you all a tremendous show. Get chills just typing it.

paula eagleholic said...

RP back on!!

deb said...

Paula, I just discovered your robin pictures, they are great! I love the last one.

normabyrd said...

No DANA---I don't!!---I MISS SUZANNE TOO!!!!!

normabyrd said...

GLO---I told her---she has to stay until FLAG DAY!!----How long did MR. BIG stay away before he checked back in to the home place?

glo said...

Big Boy was 2 days Norma

normabyrd said...

DEB!!---JUST SAW SD APPROVE SITE--on CNN!!---Did you vote!!---Mentioned there were hard feelings?

wvgal_dana said...

Hi Good Morning Thelma and Dave ( :

Someone has a Birthday today
I wonder who it is lol

paula eagleholic said...

Lib and Belle in the nest!!

paula eagleholic said...

And a turtle shell right in the middle

wvgal_dana said...

Thanks John or Steven for getting the live feed back for us.

deb said...

Norma, the refinery will be closer to Vermillion than any other town, but we weren't allowed to vote. Only Union Co. got to vote and I am in Clay Co.

hedgie said...

Way to go, #2! Tiny sure looked bewildered! Thanks, glo, for video for us late-sters!
Congrats, Jo, on new ggd.
Happy Birthday, Thelma.
In 48 hrs. I'll get to meet many of you great people--can't wait!

wvgal_dana said...

If you cut and paste this all on one line of course there is a video that Herald Mail has on of the mess from the storm

normabyrd said...

LOLLY--I hope you start feeling better soon!!----There is nothing more uncomfortable than having an eye hurting---Take care!!!!

normabyrd said...

DEB!--WOW!----SD has been in the news lately!---

normabyrd said...

Thanks GLO!!---I thought it was longer!----I do remember the parents seem to be wanting them all to leave after awhile!!---ho!---Hope these check back in---

deb said...

Will Belle and/or Lib spend more time with Tiny now that he is alone? They have been in 3 times already this morning.

normabyrd said...

SCOTLAND MOM & CHICK are enjoying the sunshine!!!

MITS said...


deb said...

Yes, you are on!!

MITS said...

GOOD MORNING EVERYONE, GOT ALOT OF READING AND CATCHING UP TO the good news about the to go read the posts from ysterday and this a.m., wicked weather yesterday, the schools in my county are all closed due to power outages...BBL

normabyrd said...

The STORK is so lovely sitting in the nest with her 2 little storks!!---She seems to be nodding off & #2 is sleep--but #1 stork is sitting up straight!!!---Aren't their feathers beautiful!!!

normabyrd said...


paula eagleholic said...

Deb - There is more room in the nest now!! And only one attacking eaglet instead of three, LOL :):)

wvgal_dana said...

As straight up standing as Tiny is doing in front of parent. It almost looks like parent is having a talking with Tiny. Telling him about fledging and what happens after that lol almost like a soldier at attention

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' HELEN!---I just supposed you were baby sitting M&M!!----I haven't been out---but our temp is 84°----

wvgal_dana said...

Yea Mits made it in!!! Good Morning Mits ( :

normabyrd said...

DANA!!---Has #3 "THREE" saluted yet!!----Isn't she cute!!---

normabyrd said...

HELEN most of our county schools have been closed due to the drinking water----which was caused by the flooding last week!!---

normabyrd said...

HEY!---INDIANA DAVE----How are your EAGLETS?----When do you think they might be thinking about "SOARING"---!!---aren't they fun to watch!!!

normabyrd said...

I can see a BURROWING OWL at KENT!!

MITS said...

babysitting duty next 2 Mondays, cable was out due to power outages

wvgal_dana said...

Norma I do believe there was a "salute" lol

normabyrd said...

DEB---Checked in the CO SITE!---EAGLE CAM is broken----but there seems to be several FALCONS between the two nests!!---each nest has a (clump of white fuzz)!

wvgal_dana said...


glo said...

I think the parent is there t calm Tiny down a bit. I don't think the parent wants a fledge today either. Has more teaching to do. Also I am sure other parent is with one or both f fledges etc. Maybe having a parent int he nest also helps encourage a return for the other 2.

normabyrd said...

ATLANTA NEWS!!---MEI is asleep in the playroom!!!----LUN LUN'S appetite has increased AND they think that might be a sign she is pregnant---BUT then they might not know until a couple of weeks before 0R when she goes into labor!!!! ho!

Costume Lady said...

Got this message from NBG:
Log on today at 1:00 p.m. for a live Web chat with Stephen A. Living,
wildlife biologist with the Virginia Department of Game and Inland
Fisheries. Steve will give us a wrap-up of the 2008 nesting season at
Norfolk Botanical Garden and answer your questions about wildlife and

paula eagleholic said...

Happy Biiirthday to Yooouuu!!
Happy Biiirthday to Yooouuu!!
Happy Biiirthday Dear Thelma!!
Happy Biiirthday to Yooouuu!!

How cool is it to have an eaglet fledge on your Birthday!!

Costume Lady said...

Steven is the one who told us that the Night Lighting was as good as it was going to get.

paula eagleholic said...

I don't think Lib or Belle has any control over when the eaglets fledge. They fledge when they are ready to fledge.

glo said...

Must be that Nature...Nurture thing

paula eagleholic said...

I don't discount that they may enourage's a matter of physically being ready.

paula eagleholic said...

Looks like parent flew to a branch above the nest

paula eagleholic said...

Sounds like parent and fledglings nearby

normabyrd said...

The EAGLETS have been in the nest for a while & they need to STRENGTHEN THEIR TALONS and PERCHING ABILITY---before they fledge!-----They are practicing this by setting on the edge of the nest!!!

Unknown said...

Question? I have been obsessed with the eagles this year. I don't post very often, but definitely active in keeping up on things....who can take part in actually visiting the NCTC for the open house?

normabyrd said...

DEB!---Hope that might answer part of your question---as to when they fledge!!-----Bad weather headed your way!!---Hope not!!

normabyrd said...

CHRISTIE---OPEN HOUSE is held in OCTOBER----It is open to everyone!!!--It is well worth the visit!!!---IT IS A WONDERFUL DAY---Watch they will post the date!!

wvgal_dana said...


wvgal_dana said...

Christie what area are you from?

Unknown said...

oh okay........I saw somebody say everyone would get to meet each other in 48 hrs so I had myself thinking it was this weekend or something.......sorry!!!! I really want to come when they have it!

MITS said...

Annual NCTC Open House
Wildife, Nature, and Conservation for Families
October 18, 2008 from 10-4 pm

Unknown said...

Thanks guys!!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Christie, you are more than welcome to come this weekend. Is that when you were talking about?

Unknown said...

Well....I was confused- I don't even know what is going on this weekend, lol. I just saw someone write about getting to meet everyone in 48 hrs so I thought maybe it was the open house! I wanted to make sure I didn't miss it!

MITS said...

Please join us on Saturday, if you can, we try to make a trip to the nest beside the open house, last year think we met in July

Unknown said...

Oh, okay. I'm sorry, I sign on at work every now and then to check on things and sometimes come in the middle of conversations and get mixed up! I can't use real player here at work either because I work at a government building and a few months ago a virus infected like 10 computers and it came in through real player.......soooo needless to say, they removed real player from all the computers :( I have my Aunt and Uncle's wedding reception this Saturday at 3 so I don't know if that overlaps...I need to get better about chatting w/you guys for sure because you guys are all so nice!!

deb said...

Norma, just thunder storms, nothing serious, I don't think. I did have to turn on the lights and the dogs are not happy.

paula eagleholic said...

Parent in nest w/ food!

deb said...

I guess I am in Severe thunderstorm warning, no wonder it is so dark. It is raining so hard I don't have Dish TV, so turned on my weather radio. Good thing you are watching out for me!

paula eagleholic said...

Parent gone

Out for a couple of hours...

normabyrd said...


hedgie said...

Tiny is not happy! Parent brought in food but didn't share. I think he really wants to go, but is still a bit too scared to try! He's sure been flapping and scanning the area! If the breeze picks up, he may go accidently!

Costume Lady said...

COME ON OVER AND JOIN ME....***********************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************

normabyrd said...

I think #3 "THREE" is not only LONELY---I think she is HOT!!---no shade----It's about 90°!!!---

normabyrd said...

BWO & BWE are MT!!---They had a terrible storm yesterday---but are working now!!

movin said...

lOOKS like male Osprey with fresh fish on the BWO box now.


paula eagleholic said...




2/19/25 AM Routine

632 am Scout arrives and patiently waits for Bella to move from the egg bowl, she does and Switch to Scout. 634 Bella exits the nest He does...