Thursday, June 05, 2008

Thursday PM

Looks like an eagle (eaglet?) at 10:00 to the nest. Our poor little guy misses his siblings...


Costume Lady said...

Hello again, Steve. We are missing the 2 eaglets also. Hope to see them Saturday!

Costume Lady said...

STEVE, that looks like the same spot that Pearl flew to yesterday. It must be a comfortable spot. What on earth are we going to do when they are all gone?

MITS said...

thanks, Steve and Wanda..

Costume Lady said...

I am fairly new to the eagles. This is my first year watching them hatch, grow and fledge. I wonder if Belle and Lib will start another clutch or is this it until next season?

deb said...

It is the same tree, isn't it, Wanda?

Here comes round two of the storm, but no lightening, so I will stay on. This one has hail, so I hope it stays away from me.

Costume Lady said...

There you are Helen. I thought everyone had left and gone down to the nest!

MITS said...

Life will go on:)

Costume Lady said...

Yes, DEB, it is the same tree.

Steve Chase said...

This is it until next year.

Costume Lady said...


normabyrd said...

STEVE---I just said that #3 is not only LONELY----She is TOO WARM too!---temp here is 92°!!!!

Remember last time--MR. BIG was back in 2 days!!!

Thanks for the new thread!!!

Costume Lady said...

Well, Helen, I guess life does go on. Maybe I will get something done around here. My house misses me and my children miss me. I got the cutest email from my oldest daughter after telling her yesterday that Pearl had fledged:

Dear Pearl,

Please fly away and return my mother to ME ... you have had her attention long enough, I need her back now.

Thank you,
Denise Millholland

Costume Lady said...

I don't think I will tell her that Middy fledged today. LOL

I hear Thunder...Hope it is not a storm brewing.

Costume Lady said...

JO, when you get back, CHECK YOUR EMAIL.

Costume Lady said...

Norma, it is only 84° here. I hope that is all the warmer it gets. I need to mow.

MITS said...

that is cute, Wanda.....but the eagles have always come in second to me after the pandas, and now I'm hooked on osprey and falcons and so many other cams, that this just gives me more time for the other things I love to watch:)

hedgie said...

You obviously have a very loving daughter!!

indiana nesting eagles dave said...

Hi normabyrd; It will be a little
while yet before they take off from
the nest,but they have been doing
some small lift off and with three
in the nest they take turns.After
yesterdays strong storm i will go
and check on them in about 30 min.
I will let you know how they are

Indiana Nesting Eagles----Dave

Mema Jo said...

I got my email Wanda! You are the bestest
We will take you up on your offer to feed us lunch over at the nest!!
How gracious you and Capt Gene are!!
Email has been sent to all those coming to the nest visit - you may get some offers of dessert or other things being brought!
Thank you again

glo said...

Looks like Tiny is looking right in that direction too. Yep I think we know the location of one of the fledglings. Thanks Steve for photo and new thread.

Lolly said...

Oh, dear!!! Just checked on the loon site. Apparently they are having trouble there with eagles, other loons, and crows. Gee whiz!!! Can't people and birds get along?!!!!

glo said...

Wanda Thanks for sharing your prescious. Print it off you will want it around while you miss the eagles even though you are enjoying your family.

Costume Lady said...

Lolly, I don't know if you watched this site last season, but the same thing happened then. The eagles attacked or disturbed the Loons and the cold water got on the eggs and only one survived. But, oh, what a cutie she was. We named her LuLu.

Lolly said...

No, this is my first year. I'm a newbie! LOL

Costume Lady said...

Glo, my daughters are the ones that insisted I get a computer and bought me one for Christmas a few years ago. THEY ASKED FOR IT! They both agree that they created a Monster. LOL

Costume Lady said...

Ok, Lolly, I am nearly a Newbie. I have sooo much to learn and I love learning. All of this watching and talking his broadened my horizons so much.

Costume Lady said...

Tiny is really thinking about taki ng off.

Lolly said...

Wanda, you are going to have to get a laptop for traveling. My sister and her hubby have one to take in their RV. Last summer they went to Alaska and kept in touch.

Costume Lady said...

I think he sees a sibling (maybe being fed).

glo said...

Do you suppose eaglet number 3 hears the thunder and doesn't really want to ride out naotehr storm up there. Just a thought bUT it will be fine, has had some very recent experience.

Lolly said...

He is definitely getting restless.

glo said...

Wanda You have mail

wvgal_dana said...

Oh I hope if there is a storm coming. It isn't like the one Spunky had to ride out....poor Tiny.

Wanda they will return some to the nest after fledging. I know we waited and waited and watched. Were so happy to see the 3 back for only a while though.

Liberty and Belle stick around. No more eaglets until next season though.

Lolly said...

Looks sunny there.

Lolly said...

Going to rest. BBL

paula eagleholic said...

Another new thread with video!!

hedgie said...


That's MoMster, not monster!!!

wvgal_dana said...

Like Paula said


2/19/25 AM Routine

632 am Scout arrives and patiently waits for Bella to move from the egg bowl, she does and Switch to Scout. 634 Bella exits the nest He does...